Instructions on how to build functional test MIDlets
This file gives instructions on how to use the build.xml files for MIDlet suite
compilation and packing.
* Get a local copy of the directory containing the UI FuTe MIDlets from the
version control system. Get the whole structure, because the xml files in the
root will be needed.
* Apache Ant installed. It is used for compiling the MIDlet source files and
packing the classes and resources into MIDlet packages.
* Environment variable JAVA_HOME value is set to the path where JDK is
* Sun Java Wireless Toolkit for CLDC (WTK) installed to "C:\WTK". The location
is defined in the file "properties.xml":
o <property name="wtk.home" value="C:/WTK"/>
* Java public api classes jar file "java_public_api.jar" should be copied to WTK
lib directory, in sub directory "ext". The file can be found i.e. in the SDK
package. You can use also some other jar/zip package that contains the needed
classes, it is used only for compiling the MIDlets. The location of the file is
defined in the file "properties.xml":
o <property name="java_public_api" value="${wtk.home}/lib/ext/java_public_api.jar"/>
* Antenna library file should be copied to WTK lib directory, in sub directory
"ext". It can be found from the Internet: The
location of the file is defined in the file "properties.xml":
o <taskdef resource="" classpath="${wtk.home}/lib/ext/antenna-bin-1.0.2.jar"/>
Building & packing MIDlets
Building the MIDlets can be done in the MIDlet project directory itself, or in
some of the parent directories. If it is done in the MIDlet project directory,
only that MIDlet will be built. If it is done in the root of the UI FuTe
MIDlets, then all of them will be built.
The default action for Ant is "pack". It will compile and create the MIDlet
packages. Compilation is done by using either one of these commands:
ant pack
If you want to clean the build directories, it can be done with command:
ant clean
The compiled classes and MIDlets are stored in a directory named "build" to the
MIDlet suite project directory.