author hgs
Fri, 15 Oct 2010 12:29:39 +0300
changeset 80 d6dafc5d983f
permissions -rw-r--r--


# This runs LCDUI MTs and takes coverage measurements.

# Start Xephyr and metacity window manager inside it
Xephyr -ac -screen 1024x768x24 -dpi 96 -br -reset -terminate -host-cursor 2> /dev/null :2 &
sleep 3
DISPLAY=:2 xterm -geometry 0x0 -hold -iconic &
DISPLAY=:2 metacity &
DISPLAY=:2 setxkbmap fi &
sleep 3

# Once the environment is set up, run the tests
DISPLAY=:2 java -Djava.library.path=../../eswt_qt/ emmarun -r txt,html -ix javax.microedition*,* -cp ../../eswt_qt/nokiatests/junit-