author hgs
Fri, 15 Oct 2010 12:29:39 +0300
changeset 80 d6dafc5d983f
parent 57 59b3b4473dc8
permissions -rw-r--r--

* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
package javax.microedition.lcdui;

import java.util.Enumeration;

import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.*;

 * Structure which represents Control stored in Form Row.
final class LayoutObject

     * Control which is represented by this LayoutObject.
    private Control control;

     * If control is Composite (for example if Item has label), then
     * commandControl will contain composite's child that will receive events.
     * Otherwise commandControl will be same as control.
    private Control commandControl;
    private Item owningItem;
    private boolean commandsActivated;

    private int x;
    private int y;
    private int width;
    private int height;

    private EswtItemCommandListener eswtItemCommandListener =
        new EswtItemCommandListener();

    // index of the row current LayoutObject belongs to
    private int layoutRowIdx;

     * Constructor.
     * @param owningItem - Item which this LayoutObject corresponds to
     * @param control - Control for that LayoutObject
    LayoutObject(Item owningItem, Control control)
        this.owningItem = owningItem;

     * Set the Control for that LayoutObject.
     * @param newControl Control to set
    private void setControl(final Control newControl)
        ESWTUIThreadRunner.syncExec(new Runnable()
            public void run()
                control = newControl;
                Control temp = eswtGetCommandControl(control);
                commandControl = (temp != null ? temp : control);

                Enumeration e = owningItem.getCommands().elements();
                Command cmd = null;
                    cmd = (Command) e.nextElement();

     * Gets Control which should be used with commands.<br>
     * This might be LayoutObject's control or one of its children in case of
     * Button. Button should be handled separately here because of MSK.
     * @param ctrl Control of this LayoutObject.
     * @return Control.
    Control eswtGetCommandControl(Control ctrl)
        Control ret = null;

        //If the Control is focusable add the commands to the same.
        if((ctrl instanceof CaptionedControl) || (ctrl instanceof Button) 
			|| (ctrl.isFocusControl()))
            return ctrl;

        if(ctrl instanceof Composite)
            Control[] children = ((Composite) ctrl).getChildren();
            for(int i = 0; i < children.length; i++)
                ret = eswtGetCommandControl(children[i]);
                if(ret != null)

        return ret;

     * Dispose LayoutObject.
    void dispose()
        ESWTUIThreadRunner.syncExec(new Runnable()
            public void run()
            	owningItem = null;
                control = null;
                commandControl = null;

     * Returns the Item's vertical layout.
    int getVerticalLayout()
        return Item.getVerticalLayout(owningItem.getLayout());

     * Get Control of the layoutObject.
     * @return control
    Control getControl()
        return control;

     * Get Item to which the LayoutObjecy belongs.
     * @return owning Item
    Item getOwningItem()
        return owningItem;

     * Set location of the LayoutObject and the control.
     * @param xCoord x coordinate
     * @param yCoord y coordinate
    void eswtSetLocation(int xCoord, int yCoord)
        x = xCoord;
        y = yCoord;
        control.setLocation(xCoord, yCoord);

     * Update LayoutObject width and height.
    void eswtUpdateSize()
        Rectangle bounds = control.getBounds();
        width = bounds.width;
        height = bounds.height;

     * Get x Coordinate of LayoutObject,
     * @return xCoordinate of LayoutObject.
    int getX()
        return x;

     * Get y Coordinate of LayoutObject,
     * @return yCoordinate of LayoutObject.
    int getY()
        return y;

     * Get width of LayoutObject.
     * @return width of a control
    int getWidth()
        return width;

     * Get width of LayoutObject.
     * @return width of a control
    int getHeight()
        return height;

     * Sets the row index of the Row where this LayoutObject is placed.
     * @param row Row index.
    void setRowIdx(int row)
        layoutRowIdx = row;

     * Returns row index where this LayoutObject is placed.
     * @return Index of the row.
    int getRowIdx()
        return layoutRowIdx;

    boolean contains(int xCoord, int yCoord)
        return (y <= yCoord && yCoord <= y + height
                && x <= xCoord && xCoord <= x + width);

     * Returns if this LayoutObject is below the other.
    boolean isBelow(LayoutObject other)
        if(other != null)
            return (this.getRowIdx() > other.getRowIdx());
        return true;

     * Returns if this LayoutObject is above the other.
    boolean isAbove(LayoutObject other)
        if(other != null)
            return (this.getRowIdx() < other.getRowIdx());
        return true;

     * Returns the horizontal middle of the LayoutObject.
     * @return x horizontal coordinate of the middle of LayoutObject.
    private int getXMiddle()
        return (x + width / 2);

     * Returns the vertical middle of the LayoutObject.
     * @return y vertical coordinate of the middle of LayoutObject.
    private int getYMiddle()
        return (y + height / 2);

     * Returns the horizontal distance between the middle of the LayoutObjects.
     * The method is used to find next focusable item.
     * @param other another LayoutObject
     * @return positive distance between the middles
    int distanceTo(LayoutObject other)
        if(other != null)
            int xd = Math.abs(getXMiddle() - other.getXMiddle());
            int yd = Math.abs(getYMiddle() - other.getYMiddle());
            return (int) Math.sqrt(xd * xd + yd * yd);
            return Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1;

     * Activates commands associated with owning item.
    void eswtAddSelectionListenerForCommands()
        // Logger.method(this, "eswtAddSelectionListenerForCommands");
        commandsActivated = true;

        // Add new control to commands in owning item:
        Enumeration e = owningItem.getCommands().elements();
        Command cmd = null;
            cmd = (Command) e.nextElement();
        // Add SelectionListener to Button control.
        // Listener is activated when command mapped to MSK is clicked.
        if(commandControl instanceof Button && !commandControl.isDisposed())
            ((Button) commandControl)

     * DeActivates commands associated with owning item.
    void eswtRemoveSelectionListenerForCommands()
        // Logger.method(this, "eswtRemoveSelectionListenerForCommands");
        commandsActivated = false;

        // Add new control to commands in owning item:
        Enumeration e = owningItem.getCommands().elements();
        Command cmd = null;
            cmd = (Command) e.nextElement();
        // Remove SelectionListener from Button control.
        // Listener is activated when command mapped to MSK is clicked.
        if(commandControl instanceof Button && !commandControl.isDisposed())
            ((Button) commandControl)

     * Adds command to the owning item.
     * @param command The command to be added.
    void addCommand(final Command command)
        ESWTUIThreadRunner.syncExec(new Runnable()
            public void run()

     * eSWT callback to add a Command.
    void eswtAddCommand(Command command)
        //Logger.method(this, "eswtAddCommand", command);
        if(command != null && commandControl != null)
                                       (command == owningItem.getDefaultCommand()));

     * Removes command from the owning item.
     * @param command The command to be removed.
    void removeCommand(final Command command)
        ESWTUIThreadRunner.syncExec(new Runnable()
            public void run()

     * eSWT callback to remove a Command.
    private void eswtRemoveCommand(Command command)
        //Logger.method(this, "eswtRemoveCommand", command);
        if(command != null && commandControl != null)

     * Inner class which receives SelectionEvents from eSWT and convert and
     * forwards those events to LCDUI Item's ItemCommandListener.
    class EswtItemCommandListener implements SelectionListener

        public void widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent e)

         * Executed by eSWT when event occurs. This method will then call
         * Item's ItemCommandListener if event source matches with the
         * Commands added to the Item.
        public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent event)
            // Go through all Commands added to owning item:
            Enumeration e = owningItem.getCommands().elements();
            Command cmd = null;
                cmd = (Command) e.nextElement();
                // get eSWT Command of this Control from Command and compare
                // it to the widget which launched the event:
                if(cmd.getESWTCommand(commandControl) == event.widget)

                // Handle MSK:
                Command mskCmd = owningItem.getMSKCommand();
                if(mskCmd != null && cmd == mskCmd)
                    if(commandControl == event.widget)

    public String toString()
        return owningItem + " [line:" + layoutRowIdx + "]";
