author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Tue, 06 Jul 2010 14:10:26 +0300
changeset 48 e0d6e9bd3ca7
parent 21 2a9601315dfc
child 28 93cfe064caa0
child 41 6918cb13caa7
child 44 0105bdca6f9c
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: v2.2.3 Kit: 2010127

# Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description: 

<project name="Properties">

  This file contains common properties for each build.xml file.
  It assumes that before using the properties target ""
  is run.

  <!--The environment properties -->
  <property environment="env"/>

  <!--The root of the source files -->
  <property name="java.src.root" location="${ant.file.Properties}/../../"/>

  <!--The used bytecode version -->
  <property name="javac.source" value="1.3"/>
  <property name="" value="1.3"/>

  <!--Set the component.dir -->
  <property name="component.dir" value="${}"/>

  <!--Search import file="${platform.utilities.xml.file} in utilities.xml file
      for reason why this property is defined"/> -->
  <property name="platform.utilities.xml.file" value="utilities.fake.xml"/>

  <!--The cldc/cdc class file locations -->
  <property name="bootclasspath.cldc" location="${java.src.root}/inc/"/>
  <property name="bootclasspath.cdc"  location="${java.src.root}/inc/"/>
  <property name="bootclasspath.fp"   location="${java.src.root}/inc/"/>
  <!--NOTE!!! Properties defined below can be used only inside a target-->

  <!--Set the properties with S60 specific values-->
  <target name="" if="target.s60">

	<condition property=""
      <equals arg1="${target.cfg}" arg2="debug"/>

    <!-- Set internal epoc root -->
	<condition property="epocroot"
      <isset property="env.EPOCROOT"/>

    <!--Location of eswt.jar. This is not needed in S60 Avkon, 
        but needed in S60 Qt. -->
    <property name="eswt.jar" value=":${java.src.root}/javauis/bin/eswt.jar"/>

    <!--The root for the java compile time outputs-->
    <property name="compile.result.root" 
    <!--The root file where the jarfiles are put that are used to build against-->
    <property name="jar.destination.root" 
    <!--JAVA_HOME for JAPT & JAR2JXE -->

    <!-- Set executable ending for Java platform tools -->
	<condition property="" 
      <os family="windows"/>
    <!--The utility file containing platform specific fetures-->
    <property name="dyn.platform.utilities.xml.file" value="utilities.s60.xml"/>

    <!--The default directory for cldc based s60 java code-->
    <property name="javasrc.platform.specific" value="../javasrc.s60"/>

    <!--The default directory for cdc based s60 java code-->
    <property name="javasrc.platform.specific.cdc" value="../javasrc.s60.cdc"/>

    <!--The java resource root -->
    <property name="java.res.root" 

    <!--The java captain datacage -->
    <property name="java.captain.datacage" 

    <!--The extension directory of the VM. -->
    <property name="" 

    <!--The directory for entitys to be set to bootclass path. This is the location 
        where the jar and/or odc files goes to -->
    <property name="" 


  <!--Set the properties with linux specific values-->
  <target name="" if="target.linux">
    <!--The root for the java compile time outputs-->
    <property name="compile.result.root" 
    <!--Location of eswt.jar. This is needed in compile time in Linux-->
    <property name="eswt.jar" value=":${java.src.root}/javauis/bin/eswt.jar"/>

    <!--The root file where the interface jarfiles are put -->
    <property name="jar.destination.root" 

    <!--The utility file containing platform specific fetures-->
    <property name="dyn.platform.utilities.xml.file" value="utilities.linux.xml"/>

    <!--The default directory for cldc based linux java code-->
    <property name="javasrc.platform.specific" value="../javasrc.linux"/>

    <!--The default directory for cdc based linux java code-->
    <property name="javasrc.platform.specific.cdc" value="../javasrc.linux.cdc"/>

    <!--The java resource root -->
    <property name="java.res.root" 

    <!--The java captain datacage -->
    <property name="java.captain.datacage" 

    <!--The extension directory of the VM. -->
    <property name="" location="${env.JAVA_BIN_ROOT}/jsr/classes/common"/>

    <!--The directory for entitys to be set to bootclass path. This is the location 
        where the jar and/or odc files goes to -->
    <property name="" 


  <!-- Set target.s60 or target.linux -->
  <target name="" depends=",">
	<condition property="target.s60">
      <equals arg1="${target.type}" arg2="s60"/>
	<condition property="target.linux">	
      <equals arg1="${target.type}" arg2="linux"/>

  <!-- Get implicit target.type (s60 or linux) -->
  <target name="" unless="target.type">
	<condition property="target.type" value="s60">
      <os family="windows"/>
	<condition property="target.type" value="linux">
	  <os family="unix"/>

  <!-- Get explicit target type from variable "target.buildenv" -->
  <target name="" if="env.BUILDENV">
	<condition property="target.type" value="s60">  
	  <equals arg1="${env.BUILDENV}" arg2="symbian"/>
	<condition property="target.type" value="linux">  
	  <equals arg1="${env.BUILDENV}" arg2="linux"/>


  <!--Set default value for target.platform -->
  <target name="" unless="target.platform">
    <condition property="target.platform"
      <isset property="target.s60" />

  <!--Set default value for target.cfg -->
  <target name="" unless="target.cfg">
    <property name="target.cfg" value="debug"/>

  <!--Set default value for bootclasspath -->
  <target name="define.bootclasspath" unless="bootclasspath">
    <property name="bootclasspath" value="${bootclasspath.cldc}"/>

  <!--Set default value for java.src.paths -->
  <target name="define.javasrc.path" unless="java.src.paths">
    <property name="java.src.paths" value="../javasrc"/>

  <!--Set default value for jar.filename -->
  <target name="define.jar.filename" unless="jar.filename">
    <property name="jar.filename" value="${}.jar"/>

  <!--Set default value for -->
  <target name="" unless="">
    <property name="" value="${}"/>

  <!--Set default value for -->
  <target name="" unless="">
    <property name="" value="${}"/>

  <!--Set default value for bootclasspath.second -->
  <target name="define.bootclasspath.second" unless="bootclasspath.second">
    <property name="bootclasspath.second" value="${bootclasspath.cdc}"/>

  <!--Set default value for bootclasspath.second -->
  <target name="" unless="java.src.second.paths">
    <property name="java.src.second.paths" value="../javasrc.cdc"/>

  <!--Target for making component specific initalizations depending on
      the values of dynamic properties (e.g. Target platform).
      The default implementation of this target is empty and the component 
      should override this if it provides public APIs -->
  <target name="">

  <!--Initilize the dynamic properties -->
  <target name="" depends=",

    <!--The directory where the component specific compile results are put to -->
    <property name="component.root.dir" location="${compile.result.root}/${component.dir}"/>

    <!--The directory where the component specific classes are put to -->
    <property name="classes.dir" location="${component.root.dir}/classes"/>

    <!--The directory where the component specific classes (1) are put to -->
    <property name="classes.first.dir" location="${classes.dir}/first"/>

    <!--The directory where the component specific classes (2) are put to -->
    <property name="classes.second.dir" location="${classes.dir}/second"/>
    <!--The directory where the component specific classes are collected to -->
    <property name="classes.collection.dir" location="${classes.dir}/collection"/>

    <!--The directory where the temporary javah header files are put to -->
    <property name="temp.javah.dir" location="${component.root.dir}/temp.javah"/>

    <!--The directory where the compile time javah header files are put to -->
    <!--property name="javah.dir" location="${component.root.dir}/inc.javah"/-->
    <property name="javah.dir" location="${compile.result.root}/inc.javah"/>

    <!--The jar file containing all the internal API class files-->
    <property name="platform.api.jar" location="${jar.destination.root}/java_platform_api.jar"/>

    <!--The jar file containing all the public API class files-->
    <property name="public.api.jar" location="${jar.destination.root}/java_public_api.jar"/>

    <!--The jar file containing all the cldc based class files-->
    <property name="impl.cldc.jar" location="${jar.destination.root}/java_impl_cldc.jar"/>

    <!--The jar file containing all the cldc based class files-->
    <property name="impl.cdc.jar" location="${jar.destination.root}/java_impl_cdc.jar"/>

    <!--The jar file containing all the localization files-->
    <property name="resource.jar" location="${}/resources.jar"/>

    <!--The jar file containing all the cldc based class files and cldc classes itself
        This is for signature testing -->
    <property name="signature.jar" location="${jar.destination.root}/java_signature_test.jar"/>
    <!--Property for setting the javadebug for java compilation-->
	<condition property="javac.debug.on"
      <equals arg1="${target.cfg}" arg2="debug"/>
    <!--Does the directory containing platform specific cldc based code exist -->
    <available file="${javasrc.platform.specific}" property="javasrc.platform.specific.present"/>

    <!--Does the directory containing platform specific cdc based code exist -->
    <available file="${javasrc.platform.specific.cdc}" property="javasrc.platform.specific.cdc.present"/>
