changeset 15 13ae750350c9
parent 0 522cd55cc3d7
child 17 0f22fb80ebba
--- a/basiclocationinfodisplay/blid/engine/inc/CBlidLocation.h	Tue Feb 02 00:16:03 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,496 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  Provides access to Blid location.
-#include <e32base.h>
-#include <lbspositioninfo.h>
-#include <lbs.h>
-#include <lbssatellite.h>
-#include "MBlidLocation.h"
-#include "CBlidEng.h"
-class CBlidModuleinfoObserver;
-*  A Blid engine API for blid application.
-*  Provides access to blid location.
-*  This class implements the MBlidLocation interface provided by this dll.
-class CBlidLocation : public CActive, public MBlidLocation
-    {
-    public:  // Constructors and destructor
-        /**
-         * Two-phased constructor.
-         * @param aServer RPositionServer variable
-         */
-        static CBlidLocation* NewL( RPositionServer& aServer, CBlidEng& aEngine );
-        /**
-         * Destructor.
-         */
-        virtual ~CBlidLocation();
-        void TimerCallBackL();
-    private:
-        /**
-         * C++ default constructor.
-         * @param aServer RPosition variable
-         */
-        CBlidLocation( RPositionServer& aServer,CBlidEng& aEngine );
-        /**
-         * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
-         */
-        void ConstructL();
-    private: // From MBlidLocation
-        //Current view Id needed to set the update options accordingly.
-        void SetObserver(MBlidEngObserver& aObserver, TInt aViewId);
-        void RemoveModelObserver();
-        void InitialLocationRequestL( const TDesC& aSrvName );
-        TPosition& GetCurrentPosition();
-        TCourse& GetCourse();
-        void CancelRequest();
-        void StopRequesting();
-        void StartRequesting();
-        TBool IsOnline();
-        TBool SatelliteCapability();
-        TReal SpeedAverage();
-        TInt GetPositionInfoStatus() ;
-        TReal MaxSpeed();
-        void ResetMaxSpeed();
-        void ResetAvgSpeed();
-        void GetModuleInfoStatus(TPositionModuleStatusBase& aPosModuleStatus);
-        void GetNumOfSatellitesL(TInt& anumSatellites);
-        TReal32 GetHeading();
-        void CalculateCourse();        
-        TBool WasGPSAvailableOnTripStop();
-        TBool CheckIfWaitingGPSData();
-        TInt GetRegisteredViewId();
-        void GetModuleInfoNotificationL();
-        void SetNavigationStart( TBool aNavigationStart );
-        void ResetOdometerValue();
-        TBool IsSatCapablePsyAvailable();
-        TInt NumberOfSatellitesVisible();
-        TBool IsSatellitesUsed( TInt aIndex );
-        TInt GetSatelliteSignalStrength( TInt aIndex );
-        TInt GetSatelliteNo( TInt aIndex );
-    private: // From CActive
-        void RunL();
-        void DoCancel();
-        TInt RunError(TInt aError);
-        CPeriodic *iTimer;
-    private: //New functions
-        // Indicates the connection status to GPS device
-        enum TDeviceConStatus
-            {
-            EDeviceConnected,
-            EDeviceNotFound,
-            EDeviceUnderConnection
-            };
-        /**
-         * Update request interval time
-         * @param aIntervalTime time in microseconds
-         */
-        void UpdateIntervalL( const TInt aIntervalTime );
-        /**
-         * Sets the update options based 
-         * on the view and its conditions
-         */
-        void SetUpdateOptions();
-        /**
-         * Check if satellite information is available
-         * @return TBool, ETrue if is capability and EFalse if not
-         */
-        TBool IsSatelliteCapabilityL();  
-        /**
-         * Calculates all the data for current trip
-         *
-         */
-        void UpdateTripData();  
-        /**
-         * Calculate trip time
-         * 
-         */
-        void CalculateTripTimeL( );
-        /**
-         * Calculate total time
-         * 
-         */
-        void CalculateTotalTimeL( ); 
-        /**
-         * Gets the trip time
-         */        
-        void GetTripTime(  TTimeIntervalSeconds& aTime );  
-        /**
-         * Gets the total view time 
-         */
-        void GetTotalTime( TTimeIntervalSeconds& aTime );  
-        /**
-         * Check to see if any distance
-         * is travelled
-         */
-        TBool IsTripDistanceTravelled(); 
-        /**
-         * Check to see if any distance
-         * is travelled
-         */
-        TBool IsTotalDistanceTravelled(); 
-        /**
-         * Gets the trip
-         * distance
-         */
-        void GetTripDistance( TReal32& aDistance ); 
-        /**
-         * Gets the total distance
-         */
-        void GetTotalDistance( TReal32& aDistance ); 
-        /**
-         * Set the trip start variable
-         */
-        void SetTripStartL() ;
-        /**
-         * Return the iIsTripStart variable
-         */
-        TBool HasTripStarted() ;
-        /**
-         * Set the trip stop variable
-         */
-        void SetTripStop() ;
-        /**
-         * Return the iIsTripNotStart variable
-         */
-        TBool HasTripNotStarted() ;
-    	/**
-    	 * All the display for the current trip are
-    	 * reset
-    	 */
-        void ResetTrip();
-        /**
-    	 * Resets only the trip 
-    	 *
-    	 */
-        void SetTripResumeL();
-        /**
-         * Set the trip clear variable
-         */
-        void SetTripClear( ) ;
-        /**
-         * Return the iIsTripClear variable
-         */
-        TBool IsTripCleared( ) ;
-        /**
-         * To set the iIsTripClear variable to false
-         */
-        void ResetTripClear();
-        /**
-         * Function to check if trip
-         * is stopped and is reset
-         */
-        TBool IsTripReset();
-        /**
-         * Function to check if GPS
-         * device is paired 
-         */
-        TInt CheckGPSAvailability();
-        /**
-         * Function to check if GPS
-         * data is available. i.e 
-         * if satellites are visible
-         */
-        TBool IsGPSDataAvailable();
-        /**
-         * Trip meter function to get the
-         * average speed in the trip
-         */
-        TReal32 GetTripAverageSpeed();
-        /**
-         * Trip meter function to get the
-         * maximum speed in the trip
-         */
-        TReal32 GetTripMaxSpeed();
-        /**
-         * Trip meter function to determine
-         * if GPS data was lost when trip was running
-         */
-        TBool WasGPSDataLost();
-        /**
-         * Set function for trip meter GPS data
-         * availability
-         */
-        void SetGPSDataAvailability(TBool aAvailability);
-        /**
-         * Function to get the current update
-         * interval set
-         */
-        void GetCurrentUpdateInterval(TInt& aInterval);
-        /**
-         * Function to check if GPS data is awaited.
-         * Returns true if connection to the GPS device is 
-         * being established or if connection is being established
-         * and some satellites are visible but fix not available
-         */
-        TBool WaitingGPSData();
-        /**
-         * Function to get the current PSY status
-         * @return TBool, ETrue if is connected and EFalse if not
-         */        
-        TBool IsGPSDeviceConnected();
-		TInt GetSatelliteData( TUint aIndex, TSatelliteData& aSatelliteData); 
-		void SortSatelliteDataL();       
-    private: // Data
-        /// Ref: Observer interface to Blid application engine
-        MBlidEngObserver* iObserver;
-        ///  RPositioner
-        RPositioner iPositioner;
-        ///  TPosition
-        TPosition iPosition;
-        ///  TCource
-        TCourse iCourse;
-        ///  TPositionCourseInfo
-        TPositionSatelliteInfo iPositionInfo;
-        /// Ref: iServer
-        RPositionServer& iServer;
-        ///  Update interval time
-        TBool iUpdateInterval;
-        ///  Start and stop requesting
-        TBool iRequesting;
-        ///  Online / Offline mode
-        TBool iOnlineMode;
-        ///  Capable of returning satellite information
-        TBool iSatelliteCapability;
-        /// TReal variable
-        TReal iSpeedAverage;
-        /// TReal variable
-        TReal iMaxSpeed;
-        /// TReal array
-        RArray<TReal> iSpeedArray;
-        /// TInt variable 
-        TInt iCount;
-        /// Bearing variable
-        TInt iBearing;
-        /// Is bearing data available
-        TBool iIsBearing;
-        /// Is Heading data available
-        TBool iIsHeading;
-        /// distance variable
-        TReal32 iDistance;
-        /// Is Distance data available
-        TBool iIsDistanceTravelled;
-        /// Is Distance data available
-        TBool iIsDistance;
-        /// duration variable
-        TTime iDuration;
-        /// duration in seconds
-        TReal64 iDurationInSeconds;
-         /// duration in seconds
-        TReal64 iTotalDurationInSeconds;
-        /// Speed variable
-        TReal iSpeed;
-        /// Is speed data available
-        TBool iIsSpeed;
-        /// Distance travelled variable
-        TReal32 iDistanceTravelled;
-        ///Total Distance travelled variable
-        TReal32 iTotalDistanceTravelled;
-        /// Trip time variable
-        TTime iTripTime;
-        /// Trip time variable
-        TTime iTotalTime;
-        /// Own: A pointer to TLocale object
-        TLocale* iLocale;
-        /// Holds the previously recorded position
-        TPosition iPrevPosition; 
-        /// Holds the previous position for course calculations
-        TPosition iPrevCoursePosition;
-        /// Holds the time at which trip meter was started
-        TTime iInitTripTime;
-         /// Is Trip Started available
-        TBool iIsTripStart;
-		/// Is Trip Not Started available
-        TBool iIsTripNotStart;
-        /// Holds the time at which trip meter has started
-        TTime iInitViewTime;
-        /// Holds the trip meter timing
-        TTimeIntervalSeconds iTripInterval;
-        /// Holds the total time
-        TTimeIntervalSeconds iTotalInterval;
-        /// Is speed data available
-        TBool iIsTripClear;
-        /// Holds the time when Trip has stopped
-        TTime iStoppedTime;
-        // Boolean to determine if trip has been reset       
-        TBool iIsTripReset;
-        /// Request status from Location FW
-        TRequestStatus iPosStatus;
-        /// Holds the heading angle
-        TReal32 iHeading;
-        /// Boolean to detrmine if GPS data is available
-        TBool iGPSDataAvailable;
-        /// Boolean to determine if GPS data was available when
-        /// trip meter was stopped
-        TBool iWasGPSDataAvailableOnTripStop;
-        // Average speed of the trip
-        TReal32 iTripAverageSpeed;
-        // Maximum speed in the trip
-        TReal32 iTripMaxSpeed;
-        // Boolean to determine if GPS data was lost when
-        // trip meter was running
-        TBool iTripGPSDataLost;
-        // Id of the view registered by the
-        // SetObserver API
-        TInt iRegisteredViewId;
-        // Pointer to the engine. Needed to 
-        // get pointer to the router
-        CBlidEng& iEngine;
-        // Value of the current
-        // update interval set
-        TInt iCurrentUpdateInterval;
-        /// Boolean to detrmine if variable iPrevPosition 
-        /// was updated to hold the appropriate previous position
-        TBool iIsPreviousPositionUpdated;
-        /// Boolean to determine if the system is waiting for GPS data
-        TBool iWaitingGpsData;
-        // Boolean to determine if the first update has been received or not
-        TBool iUpdateReceived;
-        TUint iModuleCount;
-        RArray<TPositionModuleInfo> iModuleInfoArray;
-    	CBlidModuleinfoObserver*	iModuleInfoObserv;
-    #ifdef _DEBUG
-    private:
-        // for testing
-        friend class T_CBLIDLOCATION;
-    #endif
-        //Variable holds the PSY status.
-        TDeviceConStatus iDeviceStatus;
-        TTime            iLastGoodFixTime;
-    	RArray<TSatelliteData> iSortedSatData;        
-    };
-#endif      // CBLIDLOCATION_H
-// End of File