changeset 15 13ae750350c9
parent 0 522cd55cc3d7
child 17 0f22fb80ebba
--- a/landmarksui/uicontrols/inc/clmkmapnavigationinterface.h	Tue Feb 02 00:16:03 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,330 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:    LandmarksUi Content File -    Application's interface class to Map and Navigation use cases
-#include <AiwCommon.h>
-#include <e32std.h>
-#include <EPos_Landmarks.h>
-#include <AknProgressDialog.h>
-#include "mlmkdbsearchutilsobserver.h"
-#include "CLmkAppSelectorImplBase.h"
-#include "MLmkMapAndNavigationObServer.h"
-class CPosLandmark;
-class CAiwServiceHandler;
-class CLmkDbSearchUtils;
-class CAknWaitDialog;
-class CPosLandmarkDatabase;
-* The class CLmkMapNavigationInterface contains the implemenation
-* for all the uses cases of Map and Navigation. It is a singleton class
-class CLmkMapNavigationInterface : public CBase,
-								   public MAiwNotifyCallback,
-								   public MLmkDbSearchUtilsObserver,
-								   public MProgressDialogCallback
-	{
-	public:
-	    // Enum for view type
-		enum EViewType
-			{
-			EByLmkView, 	// For landmark view
-			EByCategoryView // For category view
-			};
-	public: // Constructors and destructor
-		/**
-        * Symbian 1st phase static constructor.
-        *
-        * @param aViewType the view type (By Landmark or by category)
-        */
-        IMPORT_C static CLmkMapNavigationInterface* NewL( CPosLandmarkDatabase& aDb );
-        /**
-        * Destructor.
-        */
-       IMPORT_C ~CLmkMapNavigationInterface();
-	public: // from MAiwNotifyCallback
-		/**
-		* The callback function for the get landmark from map use case
-		* This function gets a callback once the user selects a location
-		* from map to save as a landmark.
-		*/
-		IMPORT_C TInt HandleNotifyL( TInt aCmdId,
-						            TInt aEventId,
-						            CAiwGenericParamList &aEventParamList,
-						            const CAiwGenericParamList &aInParamList );
-	public: // from MProgressDialogCallback
-		/**
-		* Callback function for Progress dialog when ok to exit
-		* the operation.
-		*/
-		void DialogDismissedL( TInt aButtonId );
-    public: // New methods for Map & Navigation use cases
-    	/**
-    	* Shows the provided landmarks on map
-    	*
-    	* @param aArray pointer array of landmarks which are to be displayed on map
-    	*
-    	* @param aCommand command id for show on map
-    	* @param aViewType
-    	*/
-    	IMPORT_C void ShowLandmarksOnMapL( RPointerArray<CPosLandmark> &aArray,
-    									   TInt aCommand,
-    									   EViewType aViewType );
-    	/**
-    	* Shows all the landmarks of a category on Map. The function searches
-    	* Landmaks database through db search utils to get the landmaks in the
-    	* category and then displays the map. While the search is being done a
-    	* progress note is displayed.
-    	*
-    	* @param aCategoryId item id of the category whose landmarks need
-    	*					 to be displayed on map
-    	* @param aViewType
-    	*
-    	*/
-    	IMPORT_C void ShowCategoryOnMapL( TPosLmItemId aCategoryId,
-    									  TInt aCommand,
-    									  EViewType aViewType  );
-    	/**
-    	* Displays map to allow navigation to the provided landmark
-    	*
-    	* @param aLandmark the Landmark to navigate to
-    	* @param aCommand is the command id in the menu pane
-    	*/
-    	IMPORT_C void NavigateToLandmarkL( CPosLandmark* aLandmark, TInt aCommand );
-    	/**
-    	* This method is called for the get landmarks from map use case. The method
-    	* sends the appropriate aiw command to get landmarks from map. Once user
-    	* selects the opsition on map, a landmarks editor dialog will be displayed,
-    	* populated with the appropriate position data of the position selected.
-    	*
-    	* @param aCommand menu command id for getting location from map
-    	*/
-    	IMPORT_C void GetLandmarkFromMapL( TInt aCommand );
-    	/**
-    	* This method is called for the get landmarks from map for saving a category.
-    	* Once user selects the opsition on map, a landmarks editor dialog will be displayed,
-    	* populated with the appropriate position data of the position selected.
-    	*
-    	* @param aCommand menu command id for getting location from map
-    	* @param aCategoryId is the category in which the landmark needs to be saved
-    	*/
-    	IMPORT_C void GetLandmarkFromMapForCategoryL( TInt aCommand, TPosLmItemId aCategoryId );
-    	/**
-    	* Method returns the service command of the provided menu command.This
-    	* function needs to be invoked in the HandleCommandL function when a
-    	* menu option is selected. If the function returns anythin other than
-    	* KAiwCommandNone then it is implied that some interest has been attached
-    	* to the menu command and is a AIW operation.
-    	*
-    	* @param aCommand the command id for which the checks need to be made
-    	*
-    	* @return service id if valid, KAiwCmdNone otherwise
-    	*/
-    	IMPORT_C TInt GetServiceCmdByMenuCmd( TInt aCommand );
-    	/**
-    	* Method used to attach menu interest to AIW. If it is required to attach
-    	* interest to any menu pane / command then it is require to invoke this
-    	* function with the required menu pane with the required interest. The
-    	* interest is an AIW interest that is defined in the resource file.
-    	*
-    	* @param aMenuPane is the id of the menu pane from the resource file
-    	* 		 to which the interest needs to be attached
-    	*
-    	* @param aInterest is the id of the interest from the resource file
-    	*/
-    	IMPORT_C void AttachAIWInterestL( TInt aMenuPane, TInt aInterest );
-    	/**
-    	* Method used to attach menu panes which are specific to Map and Navigation.
-    	* This function bascially handles the dimming of menu commands in menu panes
-    	* and needs to be invoked in function "DynInitMenuPaneL" providing it with the
-    	* resource id, menu pane and the base command, which is the command enum from
-    	* which all Map and Navigation menu id's are declared (basically the offset).
-    	*
-    	* @param aResourceId resource id of the selected item
-    	*
-    	* @param aMenuPane is the pointer of the menu pane to which the submenu
-    	*        will be attached
-    	*
-    	* @param aBaseCommand is the base command for map & navigation menu items
-    	*
-    	* @return ETrue if sub menu pane needs to be attached and will cascade the
-    	*         sub menu, EFalse otherwise
-    	*/
-    	IMPORT_C TBool HandleMenuOperationL( TInt aResourceId, CEikMenuPane *aMenuPane, TInt aBaseCommand );
-    	/**
-    	* Method used to attach/edit menu panes. AVKON forms create
-    	* its own menu panes due to which it is required to attach this to AIW's
-    	* menu pane. In such cases this helper function can be used
-    	*
-    	* @param aResourceId resource id of the selected item
-    	*
-    	* @param aMenuPane is the pointer of the menu pane to which the submenu
-    	*        will be attached
-    	*/
-    	IMPORT_C void AttachMenuPaneL( CEikMenuPane *aMenuPane, TInt aResourceId, TInt aBaseCommand );
-    	/**
-    	* Detaches a particualr interest from the service handler.
-    	*
-    	* @param aMenuResourceId is the menu id
-    	* @param aInterestResourceId is the resource id of the interest
-    	*/
-    	IMPORT_C void DetachInterestL( TInt aMenuResourceId, TInt aInterestresourceId );
-    	/**
-    	* Sets the observer. It is called when map & navigation finishes
-    	* any request related to landmark.
-    	* @param aObserver is of type MLmkMapAndNavigationObserver
-    	*/
-    	IMPORT_C void SetObserver(MLmkMapAndNavigationObserver* aObserver);
-    	/**
-    	* Decreases the reference count, if it becomes zero, detroys self
-    	*/
-    	IMPORT_C void Release();
-    public: // From CLmkDbSearchUtilsObserver
-        /**
-        * This is the callback function for the asynchronus search notification.
-        * This is used for the "Show category on map" use case. This function is
-        * the callaback to get all landmark id's under a particualre category.
-        *
-        * @param aArray is the array of the landmarks id's associated with the
-        *				particular category
-        */
-    	void HandleCategorySearchNotifyL( RArray<TPosLmItemId> aArray );
-    	/**
-    	* This is from CLmkDbSearchUtilsObserver for landmarks search
-    	* This search is not used and will have a dummy block
-    	*/
-    	void HandleLmkSearchNotifyL();
-    private:
-    	/**
-        * C++ default constructor.
-        */
-        CLmkMapNavigationInterface( CPosLandmarkDatabase& aDb );
-        /**
-        * Symbian 2nd phase constructor.
-        *
-        * @param aViewType the view type (By Landmark or by category)
-        */
-        void ConstructL();
-    private: // Private functions
-    	/**
-    	* This function is the santity check for the incomming landmarks for all
-    	* use cases. The function does all the error checks and also does the
-    	* error notification to the user through error notes and dialogs.
-    	*
-    	* @param aArray is the array of landmarks on which the checks need to made
-    	*/
-    	TBool CheckAndDisplayIfLandmarksEmptyL( RPointerArray<CPosLandmark> &aArray );
-    	/**
-    	* Methods saves the Landmark from the Get Landmarks from Map use case.
-    	* This function opens an editor dialog to and populates it with the
-    	* position information of the chosen landamark.
-    	*
-    	* @param aLandmark the landmark to be saved
-    	*/
-    	void SaveLandmarkL( CPosLandmark& aLandmark );
-    	/**
-    	* This method is used to check if the supplied landmark has any valid
-    	* coordinates or address. If either Latitude or Longitude are Nan and if
-    	* none of the address fields have any valid entyr then the method returns
-    	* ETrue otherwise returns EFalse.
-    	*
-    	* @param aLandmark is the landmark on which the check needs to be made
-    	* @return ETrue if Landmark does not have any coordinates or address,
-    	*               EFalse otherwise
-    	*/
-    	TBool IsLandmarkDataEmptyL( CPosLandmark& aLandmark );
-    private: // Data
-    	// Owns : Pointer to AIW service handler to send service commands
-    	CAiwServiceHandler* iAiwServiceHandler;
-    	// Owns : Generic parameter input list
-    	CAiwGenericParamList*   iInList;
-    	// Owns : Generic parameter output list
-        CAiwGenericParamList*   iOutList;
-        // Describes if view type is by Landmark view or by Category view
-        EViewType iViewType;
-        // Owns: Pointer to landmark search util
-        CLmkDbSearchUtils* iSearchUtil;
-        // Menu command for showing category on map
-        TInt iCategoryCommand;
-        //Owns: Category name, for by category view, to display in error notes
-        HBufC* iCategoryName;
-        // Category id to which the select from Map use case needs to save to
-        TPosLmItemId iCategoryId;
-        //Owns : processing wait note
-        CAknWaitDialog* iWaitNote;
-        // Array of Landmarks required for show category on use case
-        RPointerArray<CPosLandmark> iLandmarkArray;
-        //Ref:open handle to landmark database
-        CPosLandmarkDatabase& iDb;
-        //Ref
-        MLmkMapAndNavigationObserver* iObserver;
-        // Ref
-        CEikonEnv*              iEnv;
-        TInt iRefCnt;
-	};
-// End of file