changeset 15 13ae750350c9
parent 0 522cd55cc3d7
child 17 0f22fb80ebba
--- a/locationlandmarksrefappfors60/Data/LmRefApp.rss	Tue Feb 02 00:16:03 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,788 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  Defines the resources used by the Landmark Reference App.
-#include <eikon.rh>
-#include <avkon.rh>
-#include <avkon.rsg>
-#include <avkon.mbg>
-#include <EIKCTL.rsg>
-#include <appinfo.rh>
-#include "LmRefApp.hrh"
-#include "LmRefApp.rls"
-#include <lmrefapp.mbg>
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//    Define the resource file signature
-//    This resource should be empty.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//    Define the title of the app
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE TBUF { buf="LmRefApp"; }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//    Define default application info.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    {
-    status_pane = r_lmrefapp_status_pane;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//  Add a new resource definition
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE LOCALISABLE_APP_INFO r_lmrefapp_localisable_app_info
-    {
-    short_caption = qtn_lmrefapp_title;
-    caption_and_icon =
-            {
-            caption = qtn_lmrefapp_title;
-            number_of_icons = 1;
-            icon_file =  "\\resource\\apps\\lmrefappfors60_icon.mif";
-            };
-	view_list = {};
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//    Define the application icon.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE CONTEXT_PANE r_lmrefapp_app_icon
-    {
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//    r_lmrefapp_status_pane
-//    define the default appearance of the status pane
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE STATUS_PANE_APP_MODEL r_lmrefapp_status_pane
-    {
-    panes =
-        {
-        SPANE_PANE
-            {
-            id = EEikStatusPaneUidContext;
-            type=EAknCtContextPane;
-            resource = r_lmrefapp_app_icon;
-            },
-        SPANE_PANE
-            {
-            id = EEikStatusPaneUidNavi;
-            type = EAknCtNaviPane;
-            resource = r_lmrefapp_navi_decorator;
-            }
-        };
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//    r_lmrefapp_navi_decorator
-//    define the navigation decorator on the status pane
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE NAVI_DECORATOR r_lmrefapp_navi_decorator
-    {
-    type = ENaviDecoratorControlTabGroup;
-    control = TAB_GROUP
-        {
-        tab_width = EAknTabWidthWithTwoLongTabs;
-        active = 0;
-        tabs =
-            {
-            TAB
-                {
-                id = ELandmarksNameTab;
-                txt = qtn_lmrefapp_view;
-                },
-            TAB
-                {
-                id = ELandmarksCategoriesTab;
-                txt = qtn_lmrefapp_categories_view;
-                }
-            };
-        };
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//    r_lmrefapp_view
-//    Define the landmarks view
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE AVKON_VIEW r_lmrefapp_view
-    {
-    menubar = r_lmrefapp_menubar;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//   r_lmrefapp_menubar
-//   Define the menu bar of the landmarks view
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE MENU_BAR r_lmrefapp_menubar
-    {
-    titles =
-        {
-        MENU_TITLE
-            {
-            menu_pane = r_lmrefapp_menu;
-            }
-        };
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//   r_lmrefapp_menu
-//   Define the menu pane of the landmarks view
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE MENU_PANE r_lmrefapp_menu
-    {
-    items =
-        {
-        MENU_ITEM
-            {
-            command = ELandmarksOpen;
-            txt = qtn_lmrefapp_open_item;
-            },
-        MENU_ITEM
-            {
-            txt = qtn_lmrefapp_new_lm_item;
-            cascade = r_lmrefapp_add_sub_menu;
-            },
-        MENU_ITEM
-            {
-            command = ELandmarksDelete;
-            txt = qtn_lmrefapp_delete_item;
-            },
-        MENU_ITEM
-            {
-            command = EAknSoftkeyExit;
-            txt = qtn_lmrefapp_exit_item;
-            }
-        };
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//   r_lmrefapp_add_sub_menu
-//   Define the add sub menu pane of the landmarks view
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE MENU_PANE r_lmrefapp_add_sub_menu
-    {
-    items =
-        {
-        MENU_ITEM
-            {
-            command = ELandmarksAddCurrent;
-            txt = qtn_lmrefapp_add_current_item;
-            },
-        MENU_ITEM
-            {
-            command = ELandmarksAddBlank;
-            txt = qtn_lmrefapp_add_blank_item;
-            }
-        };
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//    r_lmrefapp_categories_view
-//    Define the categories view
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE AVKON_VIEW r_lmrefapp_categories_view
-    {
-    menubar = r_lmrefapp_categories_menubar;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//   r_lmrefapp_categories_menubar
-//   Define the menu bar of the categories view
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE MENU_BAR r_lmrefapp_categories_menubar
-    {
-    titles =
-        {
-        MENU_TITLE
-            {
-            menu_pane = r_lmrefapp_categories_menu;
-            }
-        };
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//   r_lmrefapp_categories_menu
-//   Define the categories menu pane
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE MENU_PANE r_lmrefapp_categories_menu
-    {
-    items =
-        {
-        MENU_ITEM
-            {
-            command = ELandmarksAddCategory;
-            txt = qtn_lmrefapp_new_cat_item;
-            },
-        MENU_ITEM
-            {
-            command = ELandmarksRename;
-            txt = qtn_lmrefapp_rename_item;
-            },
-        MENU_ITEM
-            {
-            command = ELandmarksDelete;
-            txt = qtn_lmrefapp_delete_item;
-            },
-        MENU_ITEM
-            {
-            command = EAknSoftkeyExit;
-            txt = qtn_lmrefapp_exit_item;
-            }
-        };
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//    r_lmrefapp_info_view
-//    Define the landmark info view
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE AVKON_VIEW r_lmrefapp_info_view
-    {
-    cba = r_lmrefapp_info_view_cba;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//   r_lmrefapp_info_view_cba
-//   CBA for the landmark info view
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE CBA r_lmrefapp_info_view_cba
-    {
-    buttons =
-        {
-        CBA_BUTTON
-            {
-            id = EAknSoftkeyEdit;
-            txt = qtn_lmrefapp_edit;
-            },
-        CBA_BUTTON
-            {
-            id = EAknSoftkeyBack;
-            txt = qtn_lmrefapp_back;
-            }
-        };
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//   r_lmrefapp_edit_menu_bar
-//   Define the menu bar of the edit dialog
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE MENU_BAR r_lmrefapp_edit_menu_bar
-    {
-    titles =
-        {
-        MENU_TITLE
-            {
-            menu_pane = r_lmrefapp_edit_menu_pane;
-            }
-        };
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//   r_lmrefapp_edit_menu_pane
-//   Define the menu pane of the edit dialog
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE MENU_PANE r_lmrefapp_edit_menu_pane
-    {
-    items =
-        {
-        MENU_ITEM
-            {
-            command = ELandmarksEditCategories;
-            txt = qtn_lmrefapp_edit_cat_item;
-            },
-        MENU_ITEM
-            {
-            command = ELandmarksUpdateToCurrentLocation;
-            txt = qtn_lmrefapp_current_loc;
-            },
-        MENU_ITEM
-            {
-            command = ELandmarksResetCoordinates;
-            txt = qtn_lmrefapp_reset_coords;
-            }
-        };
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//    r_lmrefapp_edit_categories_dialog
-//    Dialog containing a list box for selecting categories for a landmark
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE DIALOG r_lmrefapp_edit_categories_dialog
-    {
-    flags = EAknDialogMarkableList;
-    items =
-        {
-        DLG_LINE
-            {
-            type = EAknCtSingleListBox;
-            id = ESelectionListControl;
-            control = LISTBOX
-                {
-                flags = EAknListBoxMarkableList | EAknListBoxLoopScrolling;
-                };
-            }
-        };
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//    r_lmrefapp_edit_dialog
-//    Dialog containing a form for editing landmarks fields
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE DIALOG r_lmrefapp_edit_dialog
-    {
-    flags = EAknDialogGenericFullScreen;
-    items = {};
-    form = r_lmrefapp_edit_form;
-    }
-//    r_lmrefapp_edit_form
-//    Form containg the landmark fields for editing.
-RESOURCE FORM r_lmrefapp_edit_form
-    {
-    flags = EEikFormUseDoubleSpacedFormat | EEikFormEditModeOnly;
-    items =
-        {
-            {
-            line = r_lmrefapp_field_name;
-            },
-            {
-            line = r_lmrefapp_field_description;
-            },
-            {
-            line = r_lmrefapp_field_category;
-            },
-            {
-            line = r_lmrefapp_field_latitude;
-            },
-            {
-            line = r_lmrefapp_field_longitude;
-            },
-            {
-            line = r_lmrefapp_field_altitude;
-            },
-            {
-            line = r_lmrefapp_field_hor_acc;
-            },
-            {
-            line = r_lmrefapp_field_ver_acc;
-            },
-            {
-            line = r_lmrefapp_field_radius;
-            },
-            {
-            line = r_lmrefapp_field_street;
-            },
-            {
-            line = r_lmrefapp_field_postal;
-            },
-            {
-            line = r_lmrefapp_field_city;
-            },
-            {
-            line = r_lmrefapp_field_country;
-            }
-        };
-    }
-RESOURCE DLG_LINE r_lmrefapp_field_name
-    {
-    type = EEikCtEdwin;
-    prompt = qtn_lmrefapp_name;
-    id = ELandmarkNameField;
-    control = EDWIN
-        {
-        flags = EEikEdwinNoAutoSelection;
-        maxlength = KEditorMaxWidth;
-        };
-    }
-RESOURCE DLG_LINE r_lmrefapp_field_description
-    {
-    type = EEikCtEdwin;
-    prompt = qtn_lmrefapp_description;
-    id = ELandmarkDescField;
-    control = EDWIN
-        {
-        flags = EEikEdwinNoAutoSelection;
-        maxlength = KDescMaxWidth;
-        };
-    }
-RESOURCE DLG_LINE r_lmrefapp_field_category
-    {
-    type = EEikCtEdwin;
-    prompt = qtn_lmrefapp_categories;
-    id = ELandmarkCategoryField;
-    control = EDWIN
-        {
-        flags = EEikEdwinNoHorizScrolling | EEikEdwinResizable |
-            EEikEdwinNoAutoSelection | EEikEdwinReadOnly;
-        maxlength = KDescMaxWidth;
-        };
-    }
-//  The float editors below cannot use type = EEikCtFlPtEd and
-//  control = FLPTED since we allow NaN in our range.
-RESOURCE DLG_LINE r_lmrefapp_field_latitude
-    {
-    type = EAknCtLocationEditor;
-    prompt = qtn_lmrefapp_latitude;
-    id = ELandmarkLatitudeField;
-    control = LATITUDE_EDITOR
-        {
-        flags = ELocationEdFlagLatitude;
-        latlongresourceid = R_EIK_LATITUDE_AND_LONGITUDE;
-        };
-    }
-RESOURCE DLG_LINE r_lmrefapp_field_longitude
-    {
-    type = EAknCtLocationEditor;
-    prompt = qtn_lmrefapp_longitude;
-    id = ELandmarkLongitudeField;
-    control = LONGITUDE_EDITOR
-        {
-        flags = ELocationEdFlagLongitude;
-        latlongresourceid = R_EIK_LATITUDE_AND_LONGITUDE;
-        };
-    }
-RESOURCE DLG_LINE r_lmrefapp_field_altitude
-    {
-    type = EEikCtEdwin;
-    prompt = qtn_lmrefapp_altitude;
-    id = ELandmarkAltitudeField;
-    control = EDWIN
-        {
-        flags = EEikEdwinNoAutoSelection;
-        maxlength = KEditorMaxWidth;
-        allowed_input_modes = EAknEditorNumericInputMode;
-        avkon_flags = EAknEditorFlagFixedCase |
-            EAknEditorFlagSupressShiftMenu;
-        default_input_mode = EAknEditorNumericInputMode;
-        numeric_keymap = EAknEditorConverterNumberModeKeymap;
-        };
-    }
-RESOURCE DLG_LINE r_lmrefapp_field_hor_acc
-    {
-    type = EEikCtEdwin;
-    prompt = qtn_lmrefapp_hor_acc;
-    id = ELandmarkHorAccField;
-    control = EDWIN
-        {
-        flags = EEikEdwinNoAutoSelection;
-        maxlength = KEditorMaxWidth;
-        allowed_input_modes = EAknEditorNumericInputMode;
-        avkon_flags = EAknEditorFlagFixedCase |
-            EAknEditorFlagSupressShiftMenu;
-        default_input_mode = EAknEditorNumericInputMode;
-        numeric_keymap = EAknEditorConverterNumberModeKeymap;
-        };
-    }
-RESOURCE DLG_LINE r_lmrefapp_field_ver_acc
-    {
-    type = EEikCtEdwin;
-    prompt = qtn_lmrefapp_ver_acc;
-    id = ELandmarkVerAccField;
-    control = EDWIN
-        {
-        flags = EEikEdwinNoAutoSelection;
-        maxlength = KEditorMaxWidth;
-        allowed_input_modes = EAknEditorNumericInputMode;
-        avkon_flags = EAknEditorFlagFixedCase |
-            EAknEditorFlagSupressShiftMenu;
-        default_input_mode = EAknEditorNumericInputMode;
-        numeric_keymap = EAknEditorConverterNumberModeKeymap;
-        };
-    }
-RESOURCE DLG_LINE r_lmrefapp_field_radius
-    {
-    type = EEikCtEdwin;
-    prompt = qtn_lmrefapp_radius;
-    id = ELandmarkRadiusField;
-    control = EDWIN
-        {
-        flags = EEikEdwinNoAutoSelection;
-        maxlength = KEditorMaxWidth;
-        allowed_input_modes = EAknEditorNumericInputMode;
-        avkon_flags = EAknEditorFlagFixedCase |
-            EAknEditorFlagSupressShiftMenu;
-        default_input_mode = EAknEditorNumericInputMode;
-        numeric_keymap = EAknEditorConverterNumberModeKeymap;
-        };
-    }
-RESOURCE DLG_LINE r_lmrefapp_field_street
-    {
-    type = EEikCtEdwin;
-    prompt = qtn_lmrefapp_street;
-    id = ELandmarkStreetField;
-    control = EDWIN
-        {
-        flags = EEikEdwinNoAutoSelection;
-        maxlength = KEditorMaxWidth;
-        };
-    }
-RESOURCE DLG_LINE r_lmrefapp_field_postal
-    {
-    type = EEikCtEdwin;
-    prompt = qtn_lmrefapp_postal;
-    id = ELandmarkPostalField;
-    control = EDWIN
-        {
-        flags = EEikEdwinNoAutoSelection;
-        maxlength = KEditorMaxWidth;
-        default_input_mode = EAknEditorNumericInputMode;
-        };
-    }
-RESOURCE DLG_LINE r_lmrefapp_field_city
-    {
-    type = EEikCtEdwin;
-    prompt = qtn_lmrefapp_city;
-    id = ELandmarkCityField;
-    control = EDWIN
-        {
-        flags = EEikEdwinNoAutoSelection;
-        maxlength = KEditorMaxWidth;
-        };
-    }
-RESOURCE DLG_LINE r_lmrefapp_field_country
-    {
-    type = EEikCtEdwin;
-    prompt = qtn_lmrefapp_country;
-    id = ELandmarkCountryField;
-    control = EDWIN
-        {
-        flags = EEikEdwinNoAutoSelection;
-        maxlength = KEditorMaxWidth;
-        };
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//    r_lmrefapp_init_db_progress_dialog
-//    Dialog for displaying a progress dialog when initializing the database
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE DIALOG r_lmrefapp_init_db_progress_dialog
-    {
-    flags = EAknProgressNoteFlags;
-    items =
-        {
-        DLG_LINE
-            {
-            type = EAknCtNote;
-            id = ELandmarksInitDbProgressDialog;
-            control = AVKON_NOTE
-                {
-                layout = EProgressLayout;
-                singular_label = qtn_lmrefapp_initializing;
-                };
-            }
-        };
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//    r_lmrefapp_acquire_location_wait_note
-//    Dialog for displaying a wait note when acquiring a location
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE DIALOG r_lmrefapp_acquire_location_wait_note
-    {
-    flags = EAknWaitNoteFlags | EEikDialogFlagWait;
-    items =
-        {
-        DLG_LINE
-            {
-            type = EAknCtNote;
-            id = ELandmarksAcquireLocationWaitNote;
-            control = AVKON_NOTE
-                {
-                layout = EWaitLayout;
-                singular_label = qtn_lmrefapp_acquiring_loc;
-                animation = R_QGN_GRAF_WAIT_BAR_ANIM;
-                };
-            }
-        };
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//    r_lmrefapp_general_query
-//    Dialog for displaying a general query
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE DIALOG r_lmrefapp_general_query
-    {
-    flags = EGeneralQueryFlags;
-    buttons = R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_YES_NO;
-    items =
-        {
-        DLG_LINE
-            {
-            type = EAknCtQuery;
-            id = ELandmarksGeneralQuery;
-            control = AVKON_CONFIRMATION_QUERY
-                {
-                layout = EConfirmationQueryLayout;
-                };
-            }
-        };
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//    r_lmrefapp_rename_query
-//    Dialog for displaying a text editor
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE DIALOG r_lmrefapp_rename_query
-    {
-    flags = EGeneralQueryFlags;
-    items =
-        {
-        DLG_LINE
-            {
-            type = EAknCtQuery;
-            id = ELandmarksRenameQuery;
-            control = AVKON_DATA_QUERY
-                {
-                layout = EDataLayout;
-                control = EDWIN
-                    {
-                    };
-                };
-            }
-        };
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//    r_lmrefapp_???_label
-//    Field labels for info view and edit dialog
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_lmname_label { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_name; }
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_description_label { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_description; }
-//RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_category_label { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_category; }
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_categories_label { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_categories; }
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_lat_label { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_latitude; }
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_lon_label { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_longitude; }
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_alt_label { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_altitude; }
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_hor_acc_label { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_hor_acc; }
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_ver_acc_label { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_ver_acc; }
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_radius_label { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_radius; }
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_street_label { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_street; }
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_postal_label { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_postal; }
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_city_label { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_city; }
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_country_label { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_country; }
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_lmname_label_short { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_name_short; }
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_description_label_short { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_description_short; }
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_category_label_short { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_category_short; }
-//RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_categories_label_short { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_categories_short; }
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_lat_label_short { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_latitude_short; }
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_lon_label_short { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_longitude_short; }
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_alt_label_short { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_altitude_short; }
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_hor_acc_label_short { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_hor_acc_short; }
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_ver_acc_label_short { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_ver_acc_short; }
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_radius_label_short { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_radius_short; }
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_street_label_short { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_street_short; }
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_postal_label_short { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_postal_short; }
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_city_label_short { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_city_short; }
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_country_label_short { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_country_short; }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//    Various strings
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_app_title { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_title; }
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_latitude_error { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_latitude_error; }
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_longitude_error { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_longitude_error; }
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_altitude_error { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_altitude_error; }
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_hor_acc_error { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_hor_acc_error; }
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_ver_acc_error { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_ver_acc_error; }
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_radius_error { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_radius_error; }
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_lat_long_error { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_lat_long_error; }
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_alt_lat_long_error { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_alt_lat_long_error; }
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_hacc_lat_long_error { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_hacc_lat_long_error; }
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_vacc_alt_error { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_vacc_alt_error; }
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_acquiring_loc { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_acquiring_loc; }
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_delete_category { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_delete_category; }
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_new_category { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_new_category; }
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_category_name { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_category_name; }
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_undefined_category { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_undefined_category; }
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_delete_landmark { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_delete_landmark; }
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_edit_cat_title { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_edit_cat_title; }
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_acquiring_loc_error { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_acquiring_loc_error; }
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_empty_landmark_name_error { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_empty_landmark_error; }
-RESOURCE TBUF r_lmrefapp_last_location_used_info { buf = qtn_lmrefapp_last_location_used_info; }