changeset 30 96df3ab41000
parent 20 cd10d5b85554
child 31 8db05346071b
--- a/locationpickerservice/src/locationpickerdatamanager_p.cpp	Fri Jun 11 13:33:47 2010 +0300
+++ b/locationpickerservice/src/locationpickerdatamanager_p.cpp	Wed Jun 23 18:07:15 2010 +0300
@@ -23,10 +23,6 @@
 #include <QFile>
 #include "locationpickerdatamanager_p.h"
-//constant value used
-const int ASPECTRATIOWIDTH (4);
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // LocationPickerDataManagerPrivate::LocationPickerDataManagerPrivate()
@@ -84,10 +80,11 @@
         case ELocationPickerCollectionListContent:
-                 populateCollections();
+                 QList<int> aCount;
+                 mDb->getCount(aCount, aCollectionId);
+                 populateCollections(aCount);
+                 return true;
-             break;
         case ELocationPickerCollectionContent:
                  QList<QLookupItem> itemArray;
@@ -122,41 +119,60 @@
         if( !aItemArray[i].mIsDuplicate )
             lmAddressLine1 = aItemArray[i].mName;
-            if( lmAddressLine1.isEmpty() )
-                lmAddressLine1 = KSpace;
             bool addressEmtpy = true; // used to check if address line 2 is empty
             if( !aItemArray[i].mStreet.isEmpty() )
-                lmAddressLine2 = aItemArray[i].mStreet;
-                addressEmtpy = EFalse;
+                if( lmAddressLine1.isEmpty() )
+                {
+                    lmAddressLine1 = aItemArray[i].mStreet;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    lmAddressLine2 = aItemArray[i].mStreet;
+                    addressEmtpy = EFalse;
+            	  }
             if( !aItemArray[i].mCity.isEmpty() )
-                if( !addressEmtpy )
+                if( lmAddressLine1.isEmpty() )
-                    lmAddressLine2 = lmAddressLine2 + KSeparator;
-                    lmAddressLine2 = lmAddressLine2 + KSpace;
-                    lmAddressLine2 = lmAddressLine2 + aItemArray[i].mCity;
+                    lmAddressLine1 = aItemArray[i].mCity;
-                    lmAddressLine2 = aItemArray[i].mCity;
-                    addressEmtpy = EFalse;
+                    if( !addressEmtpy )
+                    {
+                        lmAddressLine2 = lmAddressLine2 + KSeparator;
+                        lmAddressLine2 = lmAddressLine2 + KSpace;
+                        lmAddressLine2 = lmAddressLine2 + aItemArray[i].mCity;
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        lmAddressLine2 = aItemArray[i].mCity;
+                        addressEmtpy = EFalse;
+                    }
             if( !aItemArray[i].mState.isEmpty() )
-                if( !addressEmtpy )
+                if( lmAddressLine1.isEmpty() )
-                    lmAddressLine2 = lmAddressLine2 + KSeparator;
-                    lmAddressLine2 = lmAddressLine2 + KSpace;
-                    lmAddressLine2 = lmAddressLine2 + aItemArray[i].mState;
+                    lmAddressLine1 = aItemArray[i].mState;
-                    lmAddressLine2 = aItemArray[i].mState;
-                    addressEmtpy = EFalse;
+                    if( !addressEmtpy )
+                    {
+                        lmAddressLine2 = lmAddressLine2 + KSeparator;
+                        lmAddressLine2 = lmAddressLine2 + KSpace;
+                        lmAddressLine2 = lmAddressLine2 + aItemArray[i].mState;
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        lmAddressLine2 = aItemArray[i].mState;
+                        addressEmtpy = EFalse;
+                    }
             if( !aItemArray[i].mCountry.isEmpty() )
@@ -176,70 +192,56 @@
             // set icons based on contact address type
             QVariantList icons;
-            HbIcon adressTypeIcon;
-        bool adressIconPresent = false;
-        if( aItemArray[i].mSourceType == ESourceContactsHome )
-        {
-            adressTypeIcon = HbIcon(KContactHomeIcon);
-            adressIconPresent = true;
-        }
-        else if( aItemArray[i].mSourceType == ESourceContactsWork )
-        {
-            adressTypeIcon =HbIcon(KContactWorkIcon);
-            adressIconPresent = true;
-        }
-        else if( aItemArray[i].mSourceType == ESourceContactsPref )
-        {
-            adressTypeIcon =HbIcon(KContactPrefIcon);
-            adressIconPresent = true;
-        }
-        // create a list item and set to model
-        QStringList addressData;
-        //create model for grid view in landscape mode
-        if( mOrientation == Qt::Horizontal && ( mViewType == ELocationPickerCollectionContent || 
-                mViewType == ELocationPickerContent ) )
-        {   
-            addressData.clear();
-            HbIcon landscapeIcon;
-            if( QFile::exists( aItemArray[i].mMapTilePath ) )
+            QString adressType;
+            bool adressIconPresent = false;
+            if( aItemArray[i].mSourceType == ESourceContactsHome )
+            {
+                adressType = KContactHomeIcon;
+                adressIconPresent = true;
+            }
+            else if( aItemArray[i].mSourceType == ESourceContactsWork )
+            {
+                adressType = KContactWorkIcon;
+                adressIconPresent = true;
+            }
+            else if( aItemArray[i].mSourceType == ESourceContactsPref )
-                //draw maptile Icon
-                QPainter painter;
-                QPixmap sourcePixmap;
-                sourcePixmap = QPixmap( QString(aItemArray[i].mMapTilePath) );
-                int mapHeight = (sourcePixmap.height()/ASPECTRATIOHEIGHT)*ASPECTRATIOHEIGHT;
-                int mapWidth = mapHeight*ASPECTRATIOWIDTH/ASPECTRATIOHEIGHT;
-                QPixmap mapPixmap(mapWidth, mapHeight);
-                painter.begin( &mapPixmap );
-                painter.drawPixmap( 0,0,sourcePixmap,(((sourcePixmap.width()-mapWidth))/2),
-                        ((sourcePixmap.height()-mapHeight)/2),mapWidth,mapHeight );
-                painter.end();
-                if(adressIconPresent)
+                adressType = KContactPrefIcon;
+                adressIconPresent = true;
+            }
+            // create a list item and set to model
+            QStringList addressData;
+            //create model for grid view in landscape mode
+            if( mOrientation == Qt::Horizontal && ( mViewType == ELocationPickerCollectionContent || 
+                mViewType == ELocationPickerContent ) )
+            {   
+                addressData.clear();
+                QString landscapeIconPath;
+                if( QFile::exists( aItemArray[i].mMapTilePath ) )
+                { 
+                    //draw maptile Icon            
+                    landscapeIconPath = QString( QString( aItemArray[i].mMapTilePath ) );
+                }
+                else
-                //draw the adressType Icon over mapTile Icon
-                QPixmap adressTypePixmap = adressTypeIcon.pixmap();
-                painter.begin( &mapPixmap );
-                painter.drawPixmap( (mapPixmap.width()-adressTypePixmap.width()),0,adressTypePixmap );
-                painter.end();
+                    //draw dummy icon
+                    landscapeIconPath = QString("");
-                QIcon landscape( mapPixmap );
-                landscapeIcon = HbIcon( landscape );
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                //draw dummy icon
-                landscapeIcon = HbIcon( KDummyImage );
-            }
-                icons<<landscapeIcon;
+                icons<<landscapeIconPath;
                 QStandardItem *modelItem = new QStandardItem();
-                addressData << lmAddressLine1;
+                lmAddressLine1 = lmAddressLine1.append(KSeparator);
+                lmAddressLine1 = lmAddressLine1.append(KSpace);
+                QString landMark = lmAddressLine1.append(lmAddressLine2);
+                addressData <<landMark;
                 modelItem->setData(QVariant(addressData), Qt::DisplayRole);
                 modelItem->setData( icons[0], Qt::DecorationRole );
                 modelItem->setData( aItemArray[i].mId, Qt::UserRole );
+                modelItem->setData(adressType,Qt::UserRole+1);
                 mModel->appendRow( modelItem );
@@ -247,11 +249,11 @@
                 //create model for list view in potrait mode
                 HbIcon potraitIcon( KDummyImage );
-            icons<<potraitIcon;
-            if(adressIconPresent)
-            {
-                icons<<adressTypeIcon;
-            }
+                icons<<potraitIcon;
+                if(adressIconPresent)
+                {
+                    icons<<adressType;
+                }
                 QStandardItem *modelItem = new QStandardItem();
                 addressData << lmAddressLine1 << lmAddressLine2;
                 modelItem->setData(QVariant(addressData), Qt::DisplayRole);
@@ -259,8 +261,8 @@
                 modelItem->setData( aItemArray[i].mId, Qt::UserRole );
                 mModel->appendRow( modelItem );
-        }
-    }
+         }
+   }
     return true;
@@ -269,26 +271,55 @@
 // LocationPickerDataManagerPrivate::populateCollections()
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void LocationPickerDataManagerPrivate::populateCollections()
+void LocationPickerDataManagerPrivate::populateCollections(QList<int>& aCount)
     // add contact collection
     QStandardItem *modelItemContact = new QStandardItem();
+    int conNum = aCount.value(0);
+    QString contactCollectionNum;
+    contactCollectionNum.setNum(conNum);
+    contactCollectionNum.append(" items");
     QString contactCollectionName( hbTrId("txt_lint_list_contact_addresses") );
-    modelItemContact->setData( QVariant( contactCollectionName ), Qt::DisplayRole );
+    if( mOrientation  == Qt::Vertical)
+    {
+        QStringList contact = (QStringList()<<contactCollectionName<<contactCollectionNum);
+        modelItemContact->setData( QVariant( contact ), Qt::DisplayRole );
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        QString contact =  contactCollectionName.append(contactCollectionNum);
+        modelItemContact->setData( QVariant( contact ), Qt::DisplayRole );
+    }
     modelItemContact->setData( HbIcon ( KCollectionsContacts ), Qt::DecorationRole );
     modelItemContact->setData( ESourceLandmarksContactsCat, Qt::UserRole );
     mModel->appendRow( modelItemContact );
+    //txt_lint_list_calender_addresses
+    int calNum = aCount.value(1);
+    QString calendarCollectionNum;
+    calendarCollectionNum.setNum(calNum);
+    calendarCollectionNum.append(" items");
+    QString calendarCollectionName( hbTrId("txt_lint_list_calendar_event_locations") );
+    QStringList calender = (QStringList()<<calendarCollectionName<<calendarCollectionNum);
     QStandardItem *modelItemCalendar = new QStandardItem();
-    QString calendarCollectionName( hbTrId("txt_lint_list_calendar_event_locations") );
-    modelItemCalendar->setData( QVariant( calendarCollectionName ), Qt::DisplayRole );
+    modelItemCalendar->setData( QVariant( calender ), Qt::DisplayRole );
     modelItemCalendar->setData( HbIcon ( KCollectionsCalendar ), Qt::DecorationRole );
     modelItemCalendar->setData( ESourceLandmarksCalendarCat, Qt::UserRole );
     mModel->appendRow( modelItemCalendar );
+    //txt_lint_list_places_addresses
+    int placNum = aCount.value(2);
+    QString placesCollectionNum;
+    placesCollectionNum.setNum(placNum);
+    placesCollectionNum.append(" items");
+    QString placesCollectionName( hbTrId("txt_lint_list_places") );
+    QStringList places = (QStringList()<<placesCollectionName<<placesCollectionNum);
     QStandardItem *modelItemPlaces = new QStandardItem();
-    QString placesCollectionName( hbTrId("txt_lint_list_places") );
-    modelItemPlaces->setData( QVariant( placesCollectionName ), Qt::DisplayRole );
+    modelItemPlaces->setData( QVariant( places ), Qt::DisplayRole );
     modelItemPlaces->setData( HbIcon (KCollectionsPlaces), Qt::DecorationRole );
     modelItemPlaces->setData( ESourceLandmarks, Qt::UserRole );
     mModel->appendRow( modelItemPlaces );