* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Client Provider for Events Handler Server
#include <e32base.h>
#include <bacline.h> // CCommandLineArguments
#include "evthandler.h"
#include "evthandlerclientserver.h"
#include "evthandlerclient.h"
#include "evthandlerserverconsts.h"
#include "evtdebug.h"
#include "evtmgmtuiengine.h"
#include "evtevent.h"
#include "evteventmanager.h"
_LIT( KEventId,"%d");
_LIT(KEvtHandler,"Handler Ui Panic");
static const TInt KSchedulerCreate = 1;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// void EvtHandlerStartup::HandleEventL()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void EvtHandlerStartup::HandleEventL()
EVTUIDEBUG("+ EvtHandlerStartup::HandleEventL()");
TBuf<KEvtCommandMessageLength> cmdArg;
TBuf<KEventIdLength> eventId;
TEvtConsoleAction evtAction = EEvtActionNone;
TEvtEventId evtId = 0;
TInt action=0;
TBool isValidEventId = EFalse;
// create and install the active scheduler we need
CActiveScheduler* scheduler=new(ELeave) CActiveScheduler;
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(scheduler!=NULL,User::Panic(KEvtHandler, KSchedulerCreate));
while( ETrue )
//Create CommandLine Arguments and read it.
CCommandLineArguments* args = CCommandLineArguments::NewLC();
// check for valid argument count
TInt cnt = args->Count();
TPtrC cmdPrt1( args->Arg( 0 ) );
if( cnt == 2 ) // 2 - Process name, Console Action:Event Id
TPtrC cmdPrt( args->Arg( 1 ) ); // read first argument - Console Action:Event Id
cmdArg.Copy( cmdPrt );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( args );
// Check for valid arguments
if( cmdArg.Length() <= 0 )
// Extract the Action for Event
TLex lex( cmdArg );
TInt errorCode = lex.Val( action );
if( errorCode != KErrNone)
// Get the meaningful Action.
evtAction = static_cast<TEvtConsoleAction>(action);
// Increment the Delimiter
// Extract the Id of Event
errorCode = lex.Val( evtId, EDecimal );
if( errorCode != KErrNone)
// Format the Event Id buffer
eventId.Format( KEventId, evtId );
// Set the Valid Event Id flag as True
isValidEventId = ETrue;
if ( isValidEventId )
EVTUIDEBUG1("EvtHandlerStartup::HandleEventL - Event Id %S",&eventId);
// Create an engine instance to handle the requested actions.
CEvtMgmtUiEngine* engine = CEvtMgmtUiEngine::NewLC();
switch( evtAction )
case EEvtActionFired:
// Calculate the Accuracy of the Fired Event
TEvtFireAccuracy accuracy = engine->CalculateFiredAccuracyL( evtId );
// Launch the Server to handle the fired event
REvtHandlerSession popupClient;
CleanupClosePushL( popupClient );
User::LeaveIfError( popupClient.Connect() );
popupClient.SendEventId( eventId, accuracy );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( ); // popupClient
case EEvtActionChangeState:
// Handle the Change State
engine->HandleFiredTriggerStateL( evtId );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( ); // engine
// Delete active scheduler
EVTUIDEBUG("- EvtHandlerStartup::HandleEventL()");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TInt EvtHandlerServerStartup::StartEvtHandlerServer()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt EvtHandlerStartup::StartEvtHandler()
EVTUIDEBUG("+ EvtHandlerStartup::StartEvtHandler()");
CTrapCleanup* cleanupStack = CTrapCleanup::New();
TInt ret = KErrNoMemory;
if ( cleanupStack )
TRAP(ret, HandleEventL());
delete cleanupStack;
EVTUIDEBUG("- EvtHandlerStartup::StartEvtHandler()");
return ret;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TInt E32Main
// Server process entry-point
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt E32Main()
EVTUIDEBUG("+ E32Main()");
return EvtHandlerStartup::StartEvtHandler();
// End of File