* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Database manager implementation for location picker and
* maptile service.
#include <EPos_CPosLandmark.h>
#include <EPos_CPosLandmarkCategory.h>
#include <EPos_CPosLmTextCriteria.h>
#include <EPos_CPosLandmarkSearch.h>
#include <EPos_CPosLmDatabaseManager.h>
#include <EPos_CPosLmNearestCriteria.h>
#include <lbsposition.h>
//#include <mylocations.rsg>
#include <barsread.h>
#include <barsc.h>
#include <locationservicedefines.h>
#include "mylocationsdatabasemanager.h"
#include "mylocationlogger.h"
#include "mylocationsdefines.h"
// separator
_LIT( KSeparator, ",");
// space
_LIT( KSpace, " ");
// QString separator
const QString KQStringSeparator = ",";
// QString space
const QString KQStringSpace = " ";
// Used to set nearest landmarks search distance criteria
const TUint32 KSearchCriteriaDistance = 100;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMyLocationsDatabaseManager::ConstructL()
// 2nd phase constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMyLocationsDatabaseManager::ConstructL()
__TRACE_CALLSTACK;//Open and intialize Landmark DB
iLandmarkDb = CPosLandmarkDatabase::OpenL();
// create landmarks lookup database.
iLandmarksLookupDb = CLookupDatabase::NewL(KLandmarksLookupDatabaseName);
User::LeaveIfError( iLandmarksLookupDb->Open() );
iLocationAppLookupDb = new LocationDataLookupDb();
if( !iLocationAppLookupDb->open() )
User::Leave( KErrUnknown );
// Create category manager for landmarks
iLandmarksCatManager = CPosLmCategoryManager::NewL(*iLandmarkDb);
// open file session
// Add contacts and calendar categories
iLmContactsCatId = AddMylocationsCategoryL(KContactsCategory);
iLmCalendarCatId = AddMylocationsCategoryL( KCalendarCategory );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMyLocationsDatabaseManager::CMyLocationsDatabaseManager()
// Default constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMyLocationsDatabaseManager::CMyLocationsDatabaseManager() : iLandmarkDb( NULL ),
iLmContactsCatId( 0 ), iLandmarksLookupDb( NULL ),
iLocationAppLookupDb( NULL ),
iLandmarksCatManager( NULL )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMyLocationsDatabaseManager::_CMyLocationsDatabaseManager()
// Destructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
__TRACE_CALLSTACK;// delete member variables.
if (iLandmarksLookupDb)
delete iLandmarksLookupDb;
if (iLocationAppLookupDb)
delete iLocationAppLookupDb;
delete iLandmarksCatManager;
delete iLandmarkDb;
// close the file session
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMyLocationsDatabaseManager::AddMylocationsCategoryL()
// Adds the category to the mylocations and landmarks database..
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint32 CMyLocationsDatabaseManager::AddMylocationsCategoryL( const TDesC& aCategoryName )
__TRACE_CALLSTACK;//Open the resource file
TPosLmItemId catId = 0;
//create category
CPosLandmarkCategory *category = CPosLandmarkCategory::NewL();
category->SetCategoryNameL( aCategoryName );
// Add category to landmarks database
TRAPD ( error, ( catId = iLandmarksCatManager->AddCategoryL( *category ) ) );
if (error == KErrNone || error == KErrAlreadyExists)
catId = iLandmarksCatManager->GetCategoryL( aCategoryName );
return catId;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMyLocationsDatabaseManager::UpdateDatabaseL()
// Updates the location into the landmark database and lookup table. Based on
// the entry source type and the entry change type the updation can be
// addition/modification/deletion.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMyLocationsDatabaseManager::UpdateDatabaseL(CPosLandmark* aLandmark,
const TUint32 aUid, const TUint32 aSourceType, const TEntryChangeType aChangeType)
__TRACE_CALLSTACK;//open the lookup database
switch (aChangeType)
// if the entry is added
case EEntryAdded:
// Handle this entry in the lookup table and update landmarks db.
HandleEntryAdditionL(aLandmark, aUid, aSourceType);
// if the entry is modified
case EEntryModified:
// Handle this entry in the lookup table and update landmarks db.
HandleEntryModificationL(aLandmark, aUid, aSourceType);
// if the entry is deleted
case EEntryDeleted:
// Handle this entry in the lookup table and update landmarks db.
HandleEntryDeletionL(aUid, aSourceType);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMyLocationsDatabaseManager::CheckIfDuplicateExistsL()
// Checks if this landmark is already present in database. If present returns the landmark id, else 0
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TPosLmItemId CMyLocationsDatabaseManager::CheckIfDuplicateExistsL(
const CPosLandmark* aLandmark)
__TRACE_CALLSTACK;// Stores the found duplicate landmark's id.
TPosLmItemId retId = 0;
// Initially filter only the landmarks which are nearer to the current landmark.
// Then we can make a duplicate check on each of the found landmarks.
// create a search object.
CPosLandmarkSearch* search = CPosLandmarkSearch::NewL(
TBuf<KMaxAddressLength> lmAddress1;
GetLandmarkFullAddress( lmAddress1, aLandmark );
QString str1 = QString( (QChar*)lmAddress1.Ptr(), lmAddress1.Length());
// create nearest search criteria object
TLocality position( TCoordinate( 0, 0), 0 );
aLandmark->GetPosition( position );
CPosLmNearestCriteria* nearestCriteria =
TCoordinate( position.Latitude(), position.Longitude() ) );
nearestCriteria->SetMaxDistance( KSearchCriteriaDistance );
// Start the search and execute it at once.
ExecuteAndDeleteLD( search->StartLandmarkSearchL( *nearestCriteria ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( nearestCriteria );
// Retrieve an iterator to access the matching landmarks.
CPosLmItemIterator* iter = search->MatchIteratorL();
// Iterate the search matches.
TPosLmItemId lmId;
while( ( lmId = iter->NextL() ) != KPosLmNullItemId )
CPosLandmark* lm = iLandmarkDb->ReadLandmarkLC( lmId );
TBuf<KMaxAddressLength> lmAddress2;
GetLandmarkFullAddress( lmAddress2, lm );
QString str2 = QString( (QChar*)lmAddress2.Ptr(), lmAddress2.Length());
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( lm );
if( str1 == str2 )
retId = lmId;
return retId;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMyLocationsDatabaseManager::CompareLandmarks()
// Compares two landmarks. Only the text fields, landmark name, street, city, state country and
// postal code are compared.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CMyLocationsDatabaseManager::CompareLandmarks(
const CPosLandmark* aLandmark1, const CPosLandmark* aLandmark2 )
TBuf<KMaxAddressLength> lmAddress1;
GetLandmarkFullAddress( lmAddress1, aLandmark1 );
QString str1 = QString( (QChar*)lmAddress1.Ptr(), lmAddress1.Length());
TBuf<KMaxAddressLength> lmAddress2;
GetLandmarkFullAddress( lmAddress2, aLandmark2 );
QString str2 = QString( (QChar*)lmAddress2.Ptr(), lmAddress2.Length());
if( str1 == str2 )
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMyLocationsDatabaseManager::HandleEntryAdditionL()
// Handles the entry addition in lookup table and landmarks db
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMyLocationsDatabaseManager::HandleEntryAdditionL(CPosLandmark* aLandmark,
const TUint32 aUid, const TUint32 aSourceType)
// Create a lookup item
QLookupItem lookupItem;
lookupItem.mSourceUid = aUid;
lookupItem.mSourceType = aSourceType;
lookupItem.mDestId = 0;
lookupItem.mIconType = QLookupItem::EIconTypeDefault;
lookupItem.mIsDuplicate = 0;
lookupItem.mIconPath = "";
lookupItem.mMapTilePath = "";
//fill address into lookup item.
FillLookupItemAddressDetails( aLandmark, lookupItem );
if ( aSourceType == ESourceLandmarks )
// Logic: check if the entry is already present in lookupdb.
// If present, it means the landmark corresponds to a contact/calendar. So ignore it.
// If not present, it means the landmark is created directly into the landmarks db. So add
// it in lookupdb as well.
// check if the entry is already present in lookup db.
QList<QLookupItem> itemArray;
iLocationAppLookupDb->findEntriesByLandmarkId( aUid, itemArray );
if( itemArray.count() )
lookupItem.mDestId = aUid;
iLocationAppLookupDb->createEntry( lookupItem );
TPosLmItemId catId;
if( aSourceType == ESourceCalendar )
// category id to calendar
catId = iLmCalendarCatId;
// remove landmark name, which is basically contact's name.
aLandmark->SetLandmarkNameL( KNullDesC );
// category id to contacts
catId = iLmContactsCatId;
// check if this landmark is already present in database
TPosLmItemId dupLmId = CheckIfDuplicateExistsL( aLandmark );
if ( dupLmId )
// landmark already present in db. get the details
CPosLandmark* dupLandmark = iLandmarkDb->ReadLandmarkLC(dupLmId);
if( dupLandmark )
// add category.
dupLandmark->AddCategoryL( catId );
// update the landmark object in the db
iLandmarkDb->UpdateLandmarkL( *dupLandmark );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dupLandmark );
// point the lookup item's landmark uid to the existing landmark.
lookupItem.mDestId = dupLmId;
if( aSourceType == ESourceCalendar )
// set duplicate flag to true. only if it is calendar entry.
// for contacts duplicate doesnot hold good as the location name is the contact name.
// set duplicate only if there are calendar entries already pointing to this landmark.
if( IsDuplicateEntry( dupLmId ) )
lookupItem.mIsDuplicate = 1;
else // it is a new entry, so add into the database
// add category.
aLandmark->AddCategoryL( catId );
// add the landmark into the db.
// point the lookup item's landmark uid to the newly created landmark in the db.
lookupItem.mDestId = iLandmarkDb->AddLandmarkL( *aLandmark );
// create the entry in the lookup table.
iLocationAppLookupDb->createEntry( lookupItem );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMyLocationsDatabaseManager::HandleEntryModificationL()
// Handles the entry modification in the lookup table and landmarks db.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMyLocationsDatabaseManager::HandleEntryModificationL(
CPosLandmark* aLandmark, const TUint32 aUid, const TUint32 aSourceType )
if ( aSourceType == ESourceLandmarks )
HandleLandmarkModificationL( aLandmark, aUid );
QLookupItem lookupItem;
lookupItem.mSourceUid = aUid;
lookupItem.mSourceType = aSourceType;
lookupItem.mIconType = QLookupItem::EIconTypeDefault;
// Behavior: If an entry is modified,
// If this entry is not present in lookup table. add the entry and update the landmarks db.
// If this entry is already present in lookup table, check if the location info is modified or not.
// If the location info is modified, delete the landmark from db and add the new landmark
// into the db.
// Before deletion make sure that the landmark is not being refered by other lookup entries.
// find the entry in the lookup table.
if ( iLocationAppLookupDb->findEntryBySourceIdAndType( lookupItem ) )
//fill address into lookup item.
FillLookupItemAddressDetails( aLandmark, lookupItem );
QString locationName = lookupItem.mName;
TPosLmItemId catId;
if( aSourceType == ESourceCalendar )
catId = iLmCalendarCatId;
// remove landmark name, which is basically contact's name.
aLandmark->SetLandmarkNameL( KNullDesC );
// category id to contacts
catId = iLmContactsCatId;
// check if the location info is modified by comparing the new landmark with the existing landmark
CPosLandmark* existingLandmark = NULL;
TRAPD( error, ( existingLandmark =
CheckAndReadLandmarkL( iLandmarkDb, lookupItem.mDestId ) ) );
CleanupStack::PushL( existingLandmark );
if ( error == KErrNotFound )
// Landmarks item deleted. So delete corresponding lookup entries.
QList<QLookupItem> itemArray;
iLocationAppLookupDb->findEntriesByLandmarkId( lookupItem.mDestId, itemArray );
for ( int i = 0; i < itemArray.count(); i++)
iLocationAppLookupDb->deleteEntryBySourceIdAndType( itemArray[i] );
// Add the entry into the lookup table and update landmarks db.
HandleEntryAdditionL( aLandmark, aUid, aSourceType );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( existingLandmark );
if ( !CompareLandmarks( existingLandmark, aLandmark ) )
// landmarks are not same, means location information is modified.
// Check if the new landmark is already in db.
TPosLmItemId dupLmId = CheckIfDuplicateExistsL( aLandmark );
if ( dupLmId )
// landmark already present in db. get the details
CPosLandmark* dupLandmark = iLandmarkDb->ReadLandmarkLC( dupLmId );
if ( dupLandmark )
// add category.
dupLandmark->AddCategoryL( catId );
// update the landmark object in the db
iLandmarkDb->UpdateLandmarkL( *dupLandmark );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( dupLandmark );
// update the lookup item to refer to the newly created landmark.
lookupItem.mDestId = dupLmId;
if( aSourceType == ESourceCalendar )
// for contacts duplicate doesnot hold good as the location name is the contact name.
if( !lookupItem.mIsDuplicate )
// if current lookup item duplicate property is 0, then remove next corresponding
// calendar lookup entry duplicate property.
// this is required because the current entry will be pointing to a new landmark.
UnsetDuplicateNextCalEntry( existingLandmark->LandmarkId() );
// set duplicate only if there are calendar entries already pointing to this landmark.
if( IsDuplicateEntry( dupLmId ) )
lookupItem.mIsDuplicate = 1;
iLocationAppLookupDb->updateEntryBySourceIdAndType( lookupItem );
// landmark not already present in db.
// Create a new entry in the db
aLandmark->AddCategoryL( catId );
lookupItem.mDestId = iLandmarkDb->AddLandmarkL( *aLandmark );
if( aSourceType == ESourceCalendar )
// for contacts duplicate doesnot hold good as the location name is the contact name.
if( !lookupItem.mIsDuplicate )
// if current lookup item duplicate property is 0, then remove next corresponding
// calendar lookup entry duplicate property.
// this is required because the current entry will be pointing to a new landmark.
UnsetDuplicateNextCalEntry( existingLandmark->LandmarkId() );
lookupItem.mIsDuplicate = 0;
// update the lookup table
iLocationAppLookupDb->updateEntryBySourceIdAndType( lookupItem );
// landmarks are same, means location not modified. So return.
if( aSourceType == ESourceContactsPref
|| aSourceType == ESourceContactsWork
|| aSourceType == ESourceContactsHome
// in case of contacts, there is a chance that contact name is modified.
// so update the lookup database entry with that name.
lookupItem.mName = locationName;
iLocationAppLookupDb->updateEntryBySourceIdAndType( lookupItem );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( existingLandmark );
// delete the existing landmark only if it not being refered by other lookup entries.
// Check if any other entries are refering this landmark.
QList<QLookupItem> itemArray;
existingLandmark->LandmarkId(), itemArray );
if ( itemArray.count() )
// There are other lookup entries refering this landmark. So do not delete the landmark
// If none of these lookup item's source type is current source type, disassociate 'catId' category
// from this landmark.
TInt i = 0;
while ( i < itemArray.count() )
if( aSourceType == ESourceCalendar )
if ( itemArray[i].mSourceType == aSourceType )
// a lookup item exists which is from calendar, so 'catId' is still valid.
// a lookup item exists which is from contacts, so 'catId' is still valid.
if ( i == itemArray.count() )
// no lookup items from current source type exists refering this landmark.
// so disassociate 'catId' from this landmark
existingLandmark->RemoveCategory( catId );
iLandmarkDb->UpdateLandmarkL( *existingLandmark );
// no other lookup entry is refering this landmark.
// delete the landmark.
iLandmarkDb->RemoveLandmarkL( existingLandmark->LandmarkId() );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( existingLandmark );
else // entry not present in lookup table
// Add the entry into the lookup table and update landmarks db.
HandleEntryAdditionL( aLandmark, aUid, aSourceType );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMyLocationsDatabaseManager::HandleEntryDeletionL()
// Handles the entry deletion in lookup table and landmarks db.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMyLocationsDatabaseManager::HandleEntryDeletionL(const TUint32 aUid,
const TUint32 aSourceType)
QLookupItem lookupItem;
lookupItem.mSourceUid = aUid;
lookupItem.mSourceType = aSourceType;
// Behavior: if an entry is deleted, delete the corresponding entries from
// both lookup table and iLandmarkDb.
// Before deleting the entry from iLandmarkDb, make sure that this entry is not being refered by
// other entries of the lookup table. If it is being refered by other entries in lookup table, then
// do not delete the landmark.
if ( !iLocationAppLookupDb->findEntryBySourceIdAndType( lookupItem ) )
if( aSourceType == ESourceLandmarks )
lookupItem.mDestId = aUid;
// Find the corresponding landmark uid
// delete the lookup entry.
iLocationAppLookupDb->deleteEntryBySourceIdAndType( lookupItem );
// Check if any other entries are refering this landmark.
QList<QLookupItem> itemArray;
iLocationAppLookupDb->findEntriesByLandmarkId( lookupItem.mDestId, itemArray );
if ( itemArray.count() )
if( aSourceType == ESourceLandmarks )
CPosLandmark* lm = NULL;
for( int i = 0; i < itemArray.count(); i++ )
if( itemArray[i].mSourceType == ESourceCalendar )
// add landmark entry since a calendar item is present with this location.
if( !lm )
lm = CreateLandmarkItemLC( itemArray[i] );
lm->AddCategoryL( iLmCalendarCatId );
// add landmark entry since a contact item is present with this location.
if( !lm )
QString tempStr = itemArray[i].mName;
itemArray[i].mName = "";
lm = CreateLandmarkItemLC( itemArray[i] );
itemArray[i].mName = tempStr;
lm->AddCategoryL( iLmCalendarCatId );
lookupItem.mDestId = iLandmarkDb->AddLandmarkL( *lm );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( lm );
bool dupUnset = false;
for( int i=0; i<itemArray.count(); i++ )
itemArray[i].mDestId = lookupItem.mDestId;
if( itemArray[i].mSourceType == ESourceCalendar && dupUnset == false )
dupUnset = true;
itemArray[i].mIsDuplicate = 0;
iLocationAppLookupDb->updateEntryById( itemArray[i] );
// There are other lookup entries refering this landmark. So do not delete the landmark
// If none of these lookup item's source type is current source type, disassociate current source category
// from this landmark.
TInt i = 0;
while ( i < itemArray.count() )
if( aSourceType == ESourceCalendar )
if( itemArray[i].mSourceType == aSourceType )
if( lookupItem.mIsDuplicate == 0 )
itemArray[i].mIsDuplicate = 0;
iLocationAppLookupDb->updateEntryById( itemArray[i] );
// a lookup item exists which is from calendar, so 'iLmCalendarCatId' is still valid.
else if ( itemArray[i].mSourceType == ESourceContactsPref
|| itemArray[i].mSourceType == ESourceContactsWork
|| itemArray[i].mSourceType == ESourceContactsHome)
// a lookup item exists which is from contacts, so 'iLmContactsCatId' is still valid.
if ( i == itemArray.count() )
// no lookup items from current source type exists refering this landmark.
// so disassociate current source category from this landmark
CPosLandmark* landmark = iLandmarkDb->ReadLandmarkLC( lookupItem.mDestId );
if( aSourceType == ESourceCalendar )
landmark->RemoveCategory( iLmCalendarCatId );
landmark->RemoveCategory( iLmContactsCatId );
iLandmarkDb->UpdateLandmarkL( *landmark );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( landmark );
// no other lookup entry is refering this landmark.
// delete the landmark.
if ( aSourceType != ESourceLandmarks )
iLandmarkDb->RemoveLandmarkL( lookupItem.mDestId );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMyLocationsDatabaseManager::HandleLandmarkModificationL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMyLocationsDatabaseManager::HandleLandmarkModificationL(
CPosLandmark* aLandmark, const TUint32 aUid )
// logic: if a landmark is modified,
// first update the corresponding landmark lookup entry if present, else create a new entry.
// Check for any contact/calendar entries refering this landmark entry,
// if exists, create a new landmark entry with that location details and update all those
// lookup entry's destid with the newly created landmark id.
QLookupItem lookupItem;
lookupItem.mSourceUid = aUid;
lookupItem.mSourceType = ESourceLandmarks;
lookupItem.mIconType = QLookupItem::EIconTypeDefault;
bool found = iLocationAppLookupDb->findEntryBySourceIdAndType( lookupItem );
//fill address into lookup item.
FillLookupItemAddressDetails( aLandmark, lookupItem );
lookupItem.mDestId = aUid;
lookupItem.mIsDuplicate = 0;
lookupItem.mIconType = QLookupItem::EIconTypeDefault;
lookupItem.mIconPath = "";
lookupItem.mMapTilePath = "";
// update entry in lookup table.
if ( found )
iLocationAppLookupDb->updateEntryById( lookupItem );
iLocationAppLookupDb->createEntry( lookupItem );
QList<QLookupItem> itemArray;
iLocationAppLookupDb->findEntriesByLandmarkId( lookupItem.mDestId, itemArray );
if( itemArray.count() == 1 )
//only one entry ie the entry corresponding to landmark db is present.
CPosLandmark* lm = NULL;
for( int i = 0; i < itemArray.count(); i++ )
if( itemArray[i].mSourceType != ESourceLandmarks )
if( itemArray[i].mSourceType == ESourceCalendar )
// add landmark entry since a calendar item is present with this location.
if( !lm )
lm = CreateLandmarkItemLC( itemArray[i] );
lm->AddCategoryL( iLmCalendarCatId );
// add landmark entry since a calendar item is present with this location.
if( !lm )
QString tempStr = itemArray[i].mName;
itemArray[i].mName = "";
lm = CreateLandmarkItemLC( itemArray[i] );
itemArray[i].mName = tempStr;
lm->AddCategoryL( iLmCalendarCatId );
// add the entry to landmarks db
quint32 newDestId = iLandmarkDb->AddLandmarkL( *lm );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( lm );
bool calDuplicateUnset = false;
// update all the lookup entries with new landmark id
for( int i = 0; i < itemArray.count(); i++ )
if( itemArray[i].mSourceType != ESourceLandmarks )
itemArray[i].mDestId = newDestId;
if( itemArray[i].mSourceType == ESourceCalendar )
if( !calDuplicateUnset )
itemArray[i].mIsDuplicate = 0;
calDuplicateUnset = true;
itemArray[i].mIsDuplicate = 1;
iLocationAppLookupDb->updateEntryById( itemArray[i] );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMyLocationsDatabaseManager::GetLandmarkFullAddress()
// Gets the comma separated full address of the given landmark.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMyLocationsDatabaseManager::GetLandmarkFullAddress(
TBuf<KMaxAddressLength>& aLandmarkAddress,
const CPosLandmark* aLandmark)
TPtrC tempStr;
TInt retStatus;
TBool addressEmtpy = ETrue;
retStatus = aLandmark->GetPositionField(EPositionFieldStreet, tempStr);
if (retStatus == KErrNone && tempStr.Length())
addressEmtpy = EFalse;
retStatus = aLandmark->GetPositionField(EPositionFieldCity, tempStr);
if (retStatus == KErrNone && tempStr.Length())
if (!addressEmtpy)
addressEmtpy = EFalse;
retStatus = aLandmark->GetPositionField(EPositionFieldState, tempStr);
if (retStatus == KErrNone && tempStr.Length())
if (!addressEmtpy)
addressEmtpy = EFalse;
retStatus = aLandmark->GetPositionField(EPositionFieldCountry, tempStr);
if (retStatus == KErrNone && tempStr.Length())
if (!addressEmtpy)
addressEmtpy = EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMyLocationsDatabaseManager::CheckAndReadLandmarkL()
// Checks if given landmark id is found in the database and returns the read landmark.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CPosLandmark* CMyLocationsDatabaseManager::CheckAndReadLandmarkL(
CPosLandmarkDatabase* aDb, const TUint32 aLmId)
CPosLandmark* lm = aDb->ReadLandmarkLC(aLmId);
return lm;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMyLocationsDatabaseManager::FillLookupItemAddressDetails()
// Creates a new category in Mylocations Db and adds a corresponding entry in
// mylocations lookup table.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMyLocationsDatabaseManager::FillLookupItemAddressDetails( CPosLandmark* aLandmark, QLookupItem& aLookupItem )
__TRACE_CALLSTACK;// Read the category.
// fill geo-coordinates
TLocality position;
aLandmark->GetPosition( position );
aLookupItem.mLatitude = position.Latitude();
aLookupItem.mLongitude = position.Longitude();
TPtrC tempStr;
TInt retStatus;
// Copy landmark name in address 1
retStatus = aLandmark->GetLandmarkName( tempStr );
aLookupItem.mName = "";
if( retStatus == KErrNone && tempStr.Length() > 0 )
aLookupItem.mName = QString( (QChar*)tempStr.Ptr(), tempStr.Length() );
// get street
aLookupItem.mStreet = "";
retStatus = aLandmark->GetPositionField( EPositionFieldStreet, tempStr );
if( retStatus == KErrNone && tempStr.Length() )
aLookupItem.mStreet = QString( (QChar*)tempStr.Ptr(), tempStr.Length());
// get postal code
aLookupItem.mPostalCode = "";
retStatus = aLandmark->GetPositionField( EPositionFieldPostalCode, tempStr );
if( retStatus == KErrNone && tempStr.Length() )
aLookupItem.mPostalCode = QString( (QChar*)tempStr.Ptr(), tempStr.Length());
// get city
aLookupItem.mCity = "";
retStatus = aLandmark->GetPositionField( EPositionFieldCity, tempStr );
if( retStatus == KErrNone && tempStr.Length() )
aLookupItem.mCity = QString( (QChar*)tempStr.Ptr(), tempStr.Length());
// get State
aLookupItem.mState = "";
retStatus = aLandmark->GetPositionField( EPositionFieldState, tempStr );
if( retStatus == KErrNone && tempStr.Length() )
aLookupItem.mState = QString( (QChar*)tempStr.Ptr(), tempStr.Length());
// get country
aLookupItem.mCountry = "";
retStatus = aLandmark->GetPositionField( EPositionFieldCountry, tempStr );
if( retStatus == KErrNone && tempStr.Length() )
aLookupItem.mCountry = QString( (QChar*)tempStr.Ptr(), tempStr.Length());
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMyLocationsDatabaseManager::UnsetDuplicateNextCalEntry()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMyLocationsDatabaseManager::UnsetDuplicateNextCalEntry( quint32 aLandmarkId )
// get next duplicate item
QList<QLookupItem> itemArray;
iLocationAppLookupDb->findEntriesByLandmarkId( aLandmarkId, itemArray );
for ( int i = 0; i < itemArray.count(); i++)
if( itemArray[i].mSourceType == ESourceCalendar )
itemArray[i].mIsDuplicate = 0;
iLocationAppLookupDb->updateEntryById( itemArray[i] );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMyLocationsDatabaseManager::IsDuplicateEntry()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CMyLocationsDatabaseManager::IsDuplicateEntry( quint32 aLandmarkId )
// get next duplicate item
QList<QLookupItem> itemArray;
iLocationAppLookupDb->findEntriesByLandmarkId( aLandmarkId, itemArray );
for ( int i = 0; i < itemArray.count(); i++)
if( itemArray[i].mSourceType == ESourceCalendar ||
itemArray[i].mSourceType == ESourceLandmarks )
return true;
return false;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMyLocationsDatabaseManager::CreateLandmarkItemLC()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CPosLandmark* CMyLocationsDatabaseManager::CreateLandmarkItemLC( const QLookupItem &aLookupItem )
__TRACE_CALLSTACK;//return value
CPosLandmark *landmark = NULL;
TLocality loc( TCoordinate( aLookupItem.mLatitude, aLookupItem.mLongitude ), 0 );
landmark = CPosLandmark::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( landmark );
// Fill the location details into the landmark object
landmark->SetPositionL( loc );
// Set the landmark name as contact name
TBuf<KBufSize> text( aLookupItem.mName.utf16() );
TRAP_IGNORE( landmark->SetLandmarkNameL( text ) );
text.Copy( aLookupItem.mStreet.utf16() );
landmark->SetPositionFieldL( EPositionFieldStreet, text );
// Set the City
text.Copy( aLookupItem.mCity.utf16() );
landmark->SetPositionFieldL( EPositionFieldCity, text );
// Set the state/region
text.Copy( aLookupItem.mState.utf16() );
landmark->SetPositionFieldL( EPositionFieldState, text );
// Set the Postal code
text.Copy( aLookupItem.mPostalCode.utf16() );
landmark->SetPositionFieldL( EPositionFieldPostalCode, text );
// Set the country
text.Copy( aLookupItem.mCountry.utf16() );
landmark->SetPositionFieldL( EPositionFieldCountry, text );
return landmark;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CMyLocationsDatabaseManager::UpdateMapTilePath()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CMyLocationsDatabaseManager::UpdateMapTilePath( TUint32 aSourceId, TUint32 aSourceType,
TFileName aFilePath )
QString filePath = QString( (QChar*)aFilePath.Ptr(), aFilePath.Length() );
iLocationAppLookupDb->updateMaptileBySourceIdAndType( aSourceId, aSourceType, filePath );
// End of file