author William Roberts <>
Mon, 08 Mar 2010 21:43:16 +0000
changeset 5 d07e89e49c6f
parent 0 522cd55cc3d7
permissions -rw-r--r--
Create CompilerCompatibility branch

* Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Blid application Tripmeter view's control class definition.


#include <alf/alfcontrol.h>


class MBlidLocation;
class MBlidRouter;
class MBlidSettings;
class MKeyProcessor;
class CAlfEnv;
class CBlidEng;
class CAknNavigationDecorator;
class CAknTabGroup;
class CEikStatusPane;
class CBlidBaseView;
class CAlfImageVisual;
class CAlfTextVisual;
class CAlfAnchorLayout;
class CAlfDeckLayout;
class CAlfCurvePathLayout;
class CRepository;
class CAlfTextStyle;
class CAlfFrameBrush;
class CAlfImageLoaderUtil;
class CAlfTexture;

  @class CHtkTripMeterControl
  @discussion HUITK-based control that displays the text "Hello World".
class CHtkTripMeterControl : public CAlfControl
		  @function NewL
		  @discussion Create a CHtkTripMeterControl object, which will draw itself to aRect
		  @param aRect the rectangle this view will be drawn to
		  @result a pointer to the created instance of CHtkTripMeterControl
	    static CHtkTripMeterControl* NewL(CAlfEnv& aEnv,
		    							MKeyProcessor& aKeyProcessor,
                                        MObjectProvider* aParent,
		                                const TRect& aRect,
                                        MBlidLocation* aLocation,
                                        MBlidRouter* aRouter,
                                        CBlidEng& aEngine,
                                        CBlidBaseView& aView);

		  @function ~CHtkTripMeterControl
		  @discussion Destroy the object and release all memory objects

		  @function CHtkTripMeterControl
		  @discussion Perform the first phase of two phase construction 
	    CHtkTripMeterControl(CAlfEnv& aEnv,
	    					MKeyProcessor& aKeyProcessor,
                            MBlidRouter& aRouter,
                            CBlidBaseView& aView,
                            CBlidEng& aEngine );

		  @function ConstructL
		  @discussion  Perform the second phase construction of a CHtkTripMeterControl object
		void ConstructL(CAlfEnv& aEnv,
						const TRect& aRect,
                        MBlidLocation* aLocation,
                        CBlidEng& aEngine );
	public:	    //from CAlfControl
         * Handle key event
		TBool OfferEventL( const TAlfEvent& aEvent );
         * Process command
		void ProcessCommandL(TInt aCommand);
    public: // New functions
         * Update the display, called whenever a position update is received
        void UpdateL();
         * Retruns ETrue if trip is started
	    TBool HasTripStarted();
         * Checks if GPS Data was lost
	    TBool WasGPSDataLost();
         * Sets GPS Data availability
	    void SetGPSDataAvailability(TBool aAvailability);

         * Make title
         * @param aResourceText resource to create title
        void MakeTitleL( TInt aResourceText );
         * Returns Navigation decorator
		CAknNavigationDecorator* GetNiviDecorator( );

         * Create CAknNavigationDecorator, ownership passed to caller.
         * @param aDefaultNaviPane, ETrue if default, EFalse if tabgroup
        void CreateNaviPaneL( TBool aDefaultNaviPane );

         * Activate navigation decorator.
         * Method can called if tab needs to be refreshed.
         * @param aNaviDecorator    navigation decorator
         * @param aTabId            activated tabulator id             
        void ActivateTabL( CAknNavigationDecorator& aNaviDecorator, 
                            TInt aTabId );
         * Saves the odometer value
		void SaveOdometerValue();
         * Reset Odometer Distance
		void ResetOdometerDistanceL( );
         * Change trip focus
		void ChangeTripFocus( TBool aSTripDimmed );
         * Rechange trip focus
		void ReChangeTripFocus( );
         * Update layout
		void UpdateLayoutL( );
         * Displays info popup
		void DisplayInfoPopUpMsgL();
         * Add new tabs to tabgroup
         * @param aTabGroup
        void AddTabsL(CAknTabGroup& aTabGroup);
         * Appui's status pane getter
         * @return Statuspane pointer
        CEikStatusPane* StatusPane();
         * Creates the trip visuals
        void CreateTripVisualsL( );
         * Returns tripmeter value as descriptor
		void TripmeterFormatL( TDes& aTripmeterString );
         * Returns total trip time as descriptor
		void TotalTimeFormat( TDes& aTotalTimeString );
         * Returns odometer value as descriptor
		void OdometerFormat( TDes& aOdometerString );
         * Returns current trip time as descriptor
		void TripTimeFormat( TDes& aTripTimeString );
         * Set the value of tripmeter
		void SetTRipMeterValueL( );
         * Set the value of odometer
		void SetOdoMeterValueL( );
         * Set the trip time
		void SetTripTimeL( );
         * Set the trip speed
		void SetTripSpeed( );
         * Create speed visuals
		void CreateSpeedVisualsL();
         * Rotates the speed dial
		void RotateSpeedDialL( int aThetaPrevious, int aThetaFinal );
         * Ceates the speeed format
		void CreateSpeedFormatsL();
         * Change the speedmeter scale
		void ChangeSpeedometerScaleL();
         * Formats the odometer distance
		void FormatOdometerDistance( TReal aLastodometerValue );
         * Launches device not available note
		void LaunchDeviceNotAvlNoteL();
         * Displays the current signal strength
		void DisplaySatelliteSignalStrength( TInt aSatCount );
         * Launches info query dialog
		void LaunchInfoQueryDlgL();		
         * Update visual image
        void UpdateVisualImage();
         * Create Popup visuals
        void CreatePopUpVisualL();
         * Create all signal textures
		void CreateSignalTexturesL();
         * Create popup image tesxture
		void CreatePopupImgTextureL();		 
         * Called when timer is expired
        static TInt Tick(TAny* aObject); // functions for TCallBack protocol
         * Calculate the Layout Rects
        void CalculateRects();
         * Set Anchors for Visuals
        void SetAnchors();
        /// Ref: aRouter
        MBlidRouter& iRouter;
        MBlidLocation* iLocation;

        /// Own: Decorator class for navigation pane controls.
        CAknNavigationDecorator* iDecoratedTabGroup;        

        /// Reference to the view to handle resource change
        CBlidBaseView& iView;
        /// Reference to the engine
        CBlidEng& iEngine;
		//Own: Layout for all the visuals.
		CAlfAnchorLayout* iTripLayout;
		CAlfEnv& iEnv;
		CAlfImageVisual* iTripDeckVisual;
		CAlfImageVisual* iOdoDeckVisual;
		CAlfImageVisual* iBigTripVisual;
		CAlfDeckLayout* iTripDistLayout;
		CAlfDeckLayout* iOdoLayout;
		CAlfImageVisual* iTripDialVisual;
		CAlfImageVisual* iTripTimeVisual;
		//CAlfDeckLayout* iTripTimeLayout;
		CAlfDeckLayout* iBigTripDecLayout;
    	/// Ref: A pointer to MBlidSettings model
        MBlidSettings* iSettingsModel;
        HBufC* iDurationFormatLong;
        HBufC* iSpeedFormatKmph;
        HBufC* iSpeedFormatMph;
        HBufC* iDataBlank;
        HBufC* iTripDistance;
        HBufC* iOdometerDistance;
		//CAlfCurvePathLayout* iSpeedCurve;
		//CAlfDeckLayout* iMileLayout;
		CAlfTextVisual* iMileVisual[9];
		TInt iSpeedCount;
		TReal32 iPrevSpeed;
		TInt iMaxScale;
		TInt iPrevAngle;
		TInt iNextAngle;
		CAlfAnchorLayout* iPointerLayout;
		CAlfTextVisual* iTripMeter;
		CAlfTextVisual* iOdoMeter;
		CAlfTextVisual* iTriptime;
		CAlfTextVisual* iSpeedFormatVisual;
		TReal32 iCurrSpeed;
		TBool iIsLessThanInitial;
		CRepository* iRepository;
		TReal iLastodometerValue;
		TReal iOdoValueToStore;
		CAlfTextStyle* iStyle1;
		CAlfAnchorLayout* iPopUpLayout;
		CAlfTextVisual* iPopUpMsg;
		CAlfImageVisual* iPopImage;
		TBool isSatelliteInfoLaunch;
		CAlfDeckLayout* iPopupDeck;
		CAlfFrameBrush* iFrameBrush;
		CAlfImageVisual* iImageVisual;
	    CPeriodic* iPeriodic; // periodic timer active object
        TInt iDisplayIcon;    // Current svg animation icon
	    RPointerArray<CAlfTexture> iPopupTextures;
	    RPointerArray<CAlfTexture> iSignalTextures;
	    CAlfTexture* iPopupImgTexture;	    	    
		HBufC*	iImagePath;
		TBool iSTripDimmed;
		CAlfAnchorLayout* iPopUpAnchor;
		TRect iBigTripRect;
		TRect iTripDialRect;
		TRect iTripDeckRect;
		TRect iTripMeterRect;
		TRect iOdoDeckRect;
		TRect iOdoMeterRect;
		TRect iSpeedFormatRect;
		TRect iTripTimeRect;
		TRect iClockImageRect;
		TRect iValueRect1;
		TRect iValueRect2;
		TRect iValueRect3;
		TRect iValueRect4;
		TRect iValueRect5;
		TRect iValueRect6;
		TRect iValueRect7;
		TRect iValueRect8;
		TRect iValueRect9;		
		TRect iSignalStrengthRect;												
		TBool isDeviceUnavailableDisplayed;											
		TBool iIsDownPressed;										;