changeset 79 2981cb3aa489
equal deleted inserted replaced
25:84d9eb65b26f 79:2981cb3aa489
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  
    15 *     Main view of the Mce.
    16 *
    17 */
    23 #include <eikclbd.h>
    24 #include <msvuids.h>
    25 #include <AknQueryDialog.h> // CAknQueryDialog
    26 #include <StringLoader.h>   // StringLoader
    27 #include <aknlists.h>
    28 #include <akntitle.h>       // CAknTitlePane
    29 #include <SenduiMtmUids.h>  // mtm uids
    30 #include <eikmenub.h>
    31 #include <msvids.h>
    32 #include <featmgr.h>
    33 #include <schemehandler.h>
    34 #include <ConeResLoader.h>
    35 #include <apgcli.h>
    36 #include <msvstd.hrh>
    38 #include <mce.rsg>
    39 #include "mceui.h"
    40 #include "MceSessionHolder.h"
    41 #include "MceBitmapResolver.h"
    42 #include "MceMainViewListContainer.h"
    43 #include "MceMainViewEmptyListContainer.h"
    44 #include "MceMainViewListView.h"
    45 #include "MceMainViewListItemArray.h"
    46 #include "MceCommands.hrh"
    47 #include "McePanic.h"
    49 #include <bldvariant.hrh>
    51 #include <MNcnInternalNotification.h>
    52 #include <NcnNotificationDefs.h>
    53 #include "MceListItem.h"
    54 #include "MceIds.hrh"
    55 #include "MceIds.h"
    56 #include <ImumInternalApi.h>
    57 #include <ImumInHealthServices.h>
    58 #include <muiumsvuiserviceutilitiesinternal.h>
    59 #include <MessagingDomainCRKeys.h>
    60 #include <miutset.h>
    61 #include <mtudreg.h>
    62 #include <muiuflags.h>
    63 #include <ImumInternalApi.h>
    64 #include <muiulock.h>
    65 #include <messaginginternalcrkeys.h>
    66 #include <aknnotedialog.h>
    68 // CONSTANTS
    69 const TInt   KMceWriteMessageAddIndex = 0;
    70 // Add 'Write message' to the first
    71 const TInt   KMceNoRemotemailboxesAddIndex = 3;
    72 // Add 'No mailboxes' right after 'Documents'
    73 const TInt   KMceShowMail = 1;
    74 // Mce is activated from new contacts note for mail
    75 const TInt KMceShowAudioMessage = 3;
    76 // Mce is activated from new contacts note for audio message
    77 #define KMessagingCentreMessageViewUid TVwsViewId( TUid::Uid( KMceApplicationUidValue ),TUid::Uid( KMceMessageListViewIdValue ) )
    78 // Mail technology type
    79 const TUid KMailTechnologyTypeUid = { 0x10001671 };
    80 // The position of the middle soft key
    81 const TInt KMSKPosition = 3;
    84 // ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
    86 CMceMainViewListView* CMceMainViewListView::NewL(
    87     CMsvSessionPtr aSession,
    88     CMceSessionHolder& aSessionHolder,
    89     CMceBitmapResolver& aBitmapResolver )
    90     {
    91     MCELOGGER_ENTERFN("CMceMainViewListView::NewL()");
    92     CMceMainViewListView* self = new (ELeave) CMceMainViewListView(
    93         aSession, aSessionHolder, aBitmapResolver );
    94     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    95     self->ConstructL();
    96     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    97     MCELOGGER_LEAVEFN("CMceMainViewListView::NewL()");
    98     return self;
    99     }
   101 CMceMainViewListView::CMceMainViewListView(
   102     CMsvSessionPtr aSession,
   103     CMceSessionHolder& aSessionHolder,
   104     CMceBitmapResolver& aBitmapResolver )
   105     :
   106 /*    CMceMainViewListView(
   107         aSession,
   108         KMsvRootIndexEntryIdValue,
   109         aSessionHolder, aBitmapResolver ),*/
   110     iSession( aSession ),
   111     iSessionHolder( aSessionHolder ),
   112     iBitmapResolver( aBitmapResolver ),
   113     iSelectedIndex( KErrNotFound ),
   114     iTopItemIndex( 0 ),
   115     iSelectionFolderId( KMsvNullIndexEntryId ), 
   116     iEmailClientIntegration(EFalse),
   117     iSelectableEmail(EFalse),
   118     iEmailFramework(EFalse),
   119     iFlick(EFalse)
   120     {
   121     iSessionHolder.AddClient();
   122     }
   124 CMceMainViewListView::~CMceMainViewListView()
   125     {
   127     if ( iEmptyListContainer )
   128         {
   129         AppUi()->RemoveFromStack(iEmptyListContainer);
   130         delete iEmptyListContainer;
   131         iEmptyListContainer = NULL;
   132         }
   134     if (iMsgListContainer)
   135         {
   136         CAknDoubleLargeStyleListBox* listBox = REINTERPRET_CAST( CAknDoubleLargeStyleListBox*,
   137             iMsgListContainer->ListBox() );
   139         listBox->ItemDrawer()->ColumnData()
   140             ->SetIconArray( NULL );
   141         // prevent icon array to be destroyed by column data
   142         if ( iListViewFlags.MceFlag( EMceUiFlagsContainerAddedToStack ) )
   143             {
   144             AppUi()->RemoveFromStack(iMsgListContainer);
   145             iListViewFlags.ClearMceFlag( EMceUiFlagsContainerAddedToStack );
   146             }
   147         }
   148     delete iMsgListContainer;
   150     delete iFolderEntry;
   151     // iSession->RemoveObserver( *this ) is called in HandleSessionEventL()
   152 	delete iAiwServiceHandler;
   154     iSessionHolder.RemoveClient();
   156     }
   158 void CMceMainViewListView::ConstructL()
   159     {
   160     iMceUi = STATIC_CAST( CMceUi*, AppUi() );
   161     FeatureManager::InitializeLibL();
   162     if ( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdEmailMceIntegration ) )
   163         {
   164         iEmailClientIntegration = ETrue;
   165         CRepository* repository = NULL;
   166         TRAPD( ret, repository = CRepository::NewL(
   167                                  KCRUidSelectableDefaultEmailSettings ) );
   169         if ( ret == KErrNone )
   170             {
   171             TInt err = repository->Get( KIntegratedEmailAppMtmPluginId,
   172                        iMtmPluginId );
   173             if ( err != KErrNone )
   174                 {
   175                 iMtmPluginId = 0;
   176                 }
   177             }
   178         delete repository;
   179         }
   181     if ( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdSelectableEmail ) )
   182         {
   183         iSelectableEmail = ETrue;
   184         }
   185     if ( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdFfEmailFramework ) )
   186         {
   187         iEmailFramework = ETrue;
   188         }
   189     FeatureManager::UnInitializeLib();
   191     BaseConstructL( R_MCE_MAIN_VIEW );
   192 //    CMceMainViewListView::ConstructL( EMceListTypeMainView );
   193     iMsgListContainer = CMceMainViewListContainer::NewL(
   194         ClientRect(),
   195         KMsvRootIndexEntryIdValue,
   196         EMceListTypeMainView );
   197     iMsgListContainer->SetMopParent( this );
   198     }
   200 // ----------------------------------------------------
   201 // CMceMainViewListView::Id
   202 // ----------------------------------------------------
   203 TUid CMceMainViewListView::Id() const
   204     {
   205     return KMceMainViewListViewId;
   206     }
   208 // ----------------------------------------------------
   209 // CMceMainViewListView::DoActivateL
   210 // ----------------------------------------------------
   211 void CMceMainViewListView::DoActivateL(
   212     const TVwsViewId& /*aPrevViewId*/,
   213     TUid aCustomMessageId,
   214     const TDesC8& /*aCustomMessage*/)
   215     {
   216     MCELOGGER_ENTERFN("CMceMainViewListView::DoActivateL");   
   218     if ( aCustomMessageId.iUid == KMceHideInBackground )
   219     	{
   220         iSelectedIndex = KMceWriteMessageAddIndex;
   221         ConstructMainViewL();
   222         iMceUi->SetCustomControl(0); // Enable bring-to-foreground on view activation
   223     	}   
   225     iDrawListbox = ETrue;
   226     iPerformOperationAfterMsgStart = KErrNone;
   228     iMceUi->SetMceViewActive( EMceMainViewActive );
   229     iMceUi->SetMainViewActivatedFlag( );
   230     if ( !iMsvSessionReady )
   231         {
   232         if ( !iEmptyListContainer  )
   233             {
   234             iEmptyListContainer = CMceMainViewEmptyListContainer::NewL( ClientRect() );
   235             AppUi()->AddToStackL(*this,iEmptyListContainer);
   236             MCELOGGER_WRITE_TIMESTAMP("Main view: Empty container activated at ");
   237             CEikStatusPane* sp = StatusPane();
   238             sp->DrawNow();
   239             }
   240         if ( aCustomMessageId.iUid == KMceShowMail )
   241             {
   242             iPerformOperationAfterMsgStart = KMceShowMail;
   243             }
   244     	else if ( aCustomMessageId.iUid == KMceShowAudioMessage )
   245     	    {
   246             iPerformOperationAfterMsgStart = KMceShowAudioMessage;
   247     	    }
   248         MCELOGGER_LEAVEFN("CMceMainViewListView::DoActivateL2");   
   249         return;
   250         }
   252     TMsvId mailboxId = NULL; // the first mailbox id, in which there is unread mail
   253     TInt mailboxCount = 0; // the count of mailboxes, in which there are unread mail  
   255     if ( iMceUi->IsEditorOpen() )
   256         {
   257         // something is embedded in mce, wait for that to be closed
   258         iMceUi->CloseEditorApp();
   259         }
   261     if ( aCustomMessageId.iUid == KMceShowMail )
   262         {
   263         MCELOGGER_WRITE("CMceMainViewListView::DoActivateL ClearDontExitOnNextOperationComplete");
   264         iMceUi->SetDontExitOnNextOperationComplete();
   266         mailboxCount = MailboxWithUnreadMessagesL( mailboxId );
   267         MCELOGGER_WRITE_FORMAT("CMceMainViewListView::DoActivateL mailboxCount %d", mailboxCount);   
   268         MCELOGGER_WRITE_FORMAT("CMceMainViewListView::DoActivateL mailboxId 0x%x", mailboxId );   
   270         if ( mailboxId && mailboxCount == 1 )
   271             {
   272             //activate remote folder view using mailboxId
   273             ActivateViewL ( KMessagingCentreMessageViewUid, TUid::Uid( mailboxId ),KNullDesC8() );           
   274             MCELOGGER_LEAVEFN("CMceMainViewListView::DoActivateL3");   
   275             return;
   276             }        
   277         }
   278 	else if ( aCustomMessageId.iUid == KMceShowAudioMessage )
   279         {
   280         //activate remote folder view using inboxId
   281         ActivateViewL ( KMessagingCentreMessageViewUid, TUid::Uid( KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryIdValue ),KNullDesC8() );      
   282         MCELOGGER_LEAVEFN("CMceMainViewListView::DoActivateL4");   
   283         return;
   284         }
   286     if ( iMsvSessionReady )
   287         {
   288         if ( iEmptyListContainer )
   289             {
   290             AppUi()->RemoveFromStack(iEmptyListContainer);
   291             delete iEmptyListContainer;
   292             iEmptyListContainer = NULL;
   293             MCELOGGER_WRITE_TIMESTAMP("Main view: Empty container deleted at ");
   294             }
   295         CreateContainerAndActivateL();
   296         //folders navi
   297         iMceUi->RemoveFolderTabs();
   299         iMceUi->RemoveTabs();
   300         SetSpecialMSKButtonL(R_MCE_MSK_BUTTON_OPEN);
   301         }
   302 /*    else if ( !iEmptyListContainer  )
   303         {
   304         iEmptyListContainer = CMceMainViewEmptyListContainer::NewL( ClientRect() );
   305         AppUi()->AddToStackL(*this,iEmptyListContainer);
   306         MCELOGGER_WRITE_TIMESTAMP("Main view: Empty container activated at ");
   307         }*/
   308     iMceUi->SetMceViewActive( EMceMainViewActive );
   310     if ( mailboxId && mailboxCount > 1 )
   311         {
   312         // launched from outside:
   313         // in several mailboxes unread mail, activate the first mailbox
   314         TInt mailboxIndex =  iMsgListContainer->ItemIndex( mailboxId );
   315         iMsgListContainer->ListBox()->SetCurrentItemIndex( mailboxIndex );
   316         iMsgListContainer->ListBox()->DrawDeferred();        
   317         }
   319     iMceUi->ToPhoneMemoryQueryL( iMsvSessionReady );
   320     MCELOGGER_LEAVEFN("CMceMainViewListView::DoActivateL1");   
   322     }
   324 // ----------------------------------------------------
   325 // CMceMainViewListView::CreateContainerAndActivateL
   326 // ----------------------------------------------------
   327 void CMceMainViewListView::CreateContainerAndActivateL()
   328     {
   329     MCELOGGER_ENTERFN("CreateContainerAndActivateL()");
   330     if ( iMsgListContainer )
   331         {
   332         iMsgListContainer->CreateListItemsL( iSession, iBitmapResolver );
   333         iMsgListContainer->ListItems()->SetListItemArrayObserver( this );
   334         ResetBitmapsL();
   335         iMsgListContainer->SetMskL();
   336         TInt defaultview = KMceConversationview;
   337         defaultview =    GetMceDefaultViewL();
   338         if(defaultview != KErrNotFound)
   339             {
   340             iMsgListContainer->ListItems()->SetDefaultViewSettings(defaultview);
   341             }
   342         }
   343     if ( !iDrawListbox )
   344         {
   345         return;
   346         }
   350     CAknDoubleLargeStyleListBox* listBox = REINTERPRET_CAST( CAknDoubleLargeStyleListBox*,
   351         iMsgListContainer->ListBox() );
   353     listBox->CreateScrollBarFrameL( ETrue );
   354     listBox->ScrollBarFrame()->SetScrollBarVisibilityL(
   355         CEikScrollBarFrame::EOff, CEikScrollBarFrame::EAuto );
   357     listBox->ItemDrawer()->ColumnData()
   358         ->SetIconArray( iBitmapResolver.IconArray() );
   359     iMsgListContainer->SetRect(ClientRect());
   360     // Handle the layout switch iMceUi->TitlePaneL()
   361     if ( iMceUi->ResourceChangeCalled() )
   362         {
   363         iMsgListContainer->HandleResourceChange( KEikDynamicLayoutVariantSwitch );
   364         iMceUi->ResetResourceChange();
   365         }
   366     listBox->SetListBoxObserver(this);
   367  	//To observe scrollbar events
   368     listBox->ScrollBarFrame()->SetScrollBarFrameObserver( this );
   369     iMsgListContainer->ActivateL();
   370     if ( !iListViewFlags.MceFlag( EMceUiFlagsContainerAddedToStack ) )
   371         {
   372         AppUi()->AddToStackL(*this,iMsgListContainer);
   373         iListViewFlags.SetMceFlag( EMceUiFlagsContainerAddedToStack );
   374         }
   376     if ( iEmptyListContainer )
   377         {
   378         AppUi()->RemoveFromStack(iEmptyListContainer);
   379         delete iEmptyListContainer;
   380         iEmptyListContainer = NULL;
   381         }
   383     listBox->SetTopItemIndex( iTopItemIndex );
   384     if ( iSelectionFolderId > KMsvRootIndexEntryId )
   385         {
   386         TInt index = iMsgListContainer->ItemIndex( iSelectionFolderId );
   387         if ( index > KErrNotFound )
   388             {
   389             listBox->SetCurrentItemIndex( index );
   390             listBox->UpdateScrollBarsL();
   391             }
   392         iSelectionFolderId = KMsvNullIndexEntryId;
   393         }
   394     else if ( iSelectedIndex >= 0 )
   395         {
   396         listBox->SetCurrentItemIndex( iSelectedIndex );
   397         listBox->UpdateScrollBarsL();
   398         }
   399     listBox->DrawNow();
   401     // Fetch pointer to the default title pane control
   403     CAknTitlePane* title=iMceUi->TitlePaneL();
   404     HBufC* text = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_MCE_MAIN_VIEW_TITLE, iEikonEnv );
   405     title->SetTextL( *text );
   406     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // text
   408     iMceViewActivated = ETrue;
   409     MCELOGGER_LEAVEFN("CreateContainerAndActivateL()");
   410     MCELOGGER_WRITE_TIMESTAMP("Main view activated at ");
   411     }
   414 // ----------------------------------------------------
   415 // CMceMainViewListView::DoDeactivate
   416 // ----------------------------------------------------
   417 void CMceMainViewListView::DoDeactivate()
   418     {
   419     if ( iEmptyListContainer )
   420         {
   421         AppUi()->RemoveFromStack(iEmptyListContainer);
   422         delete iEmptyListContainer;
   423         iEmptyListContainer = NULL;
   424         }
   426     if ( iMsgListContainer )
   427         {
   428         iSelectedIndex = iMsgListContainer->CurrentItemIndex();
   429         iTopItemIndex = iMsgListContainer->ListBox()->TopItemIndex();
   430         if ( iListViewFlags.MceFlag( EMceUiFlagsContainerAddedToStack ) )
   431             {
   432             AppUi()->RemoveFromStack(iMsgListContainer);
   433             iListViewFlags.ClearMceFlag( EMceUiFlagsContainerAddedToStack );
   434             }
   435         }
   436     iMceViewActivated = EFalse;
   437     }
   439 // ----------------------------------------------------
   440 // CMceMainViewListView::HandleListBoxEventL
   441 // ----------------------------------------------------
   442 void CMceMainViewListView::HandleListBoxEventL(
   443     CEikListBox* /*aListBox*/,
   444     TListBoxEvent aEventType )
   445     {
   446     switch(aEventType)
   447         {
   448         case EEventEnterKeyPressed:
   449         case EEventItemSingleClicked:
   450             ChangeViewL();
   451         break;
   452         case EEventItemDraggingActioned:
   453             if ( iMsgListContainer )
   454                 {
   455                 iMsgListContainer->SetMskL();                
   456                 }
   457         break;
   458         case EEventPanningStarted:
   459         case EEventFlickStarted:
   460             iFlick = ETrue;
   461             break;        
   462         case EEventPanningStopped:
   463         case EEventFlickStopped:
   464             iFlick = EFalse;
   465             break;
   466         default:
   467         break;
   469         }
   470     }
   472 // ----------------------------------------------------
   473 // CMceMainViewListView::HandleCommandL
   474 // ----------------------------------------------------
   475 void CMceMainViewListView::HandleCommandL( TInt aCommand )
   476     {
   477     MCELOGGER_WRITE_FORMAT("CMceMainViewListView::HandleCommandL: aCommand: %d", aCommand);
   478     if ( !iMceViewActivated )
   479         {
   480         return;
   481         }
   483     switch (aCommand)
   484         {
   485         case EAknSoftkeyExit:
   486             iMceUi->HandleCommandL( EEikCmdExit );
   487             break;
   488         case EAknCmdOpen:
   489         case EMceCmdSelect:
   490             ChangeViewL();
   491             break;
   492         case EMceCmdConnect:
   493             {
   494             iFolderEntry->SetEntryL(KMsvRootIndexEntryIdValue);
   496             const TMsvEntry entry = iFolderEntry->ChildDataL( iMsgListContainer->CurrentItemId() );
   497             if ( entry.iType.iUid == KUidMsvServiceEntryValue )
   498                 {
   499                 iMceUi->GoOnlineL( entry.Id() );
   500                 }
   501             }
   502             break;
   503         case EMceCmdCloseConnection:
   504             {
   505             iMceUi->CloseConnectionWithListQueryL();
   506             }
   507             break;
   508         case EAknCmdHideInBackground:
   509             break;
   510         case EMceDefaultConversationsView:
   511             if ( SetMceDefaultViewL(KMceConversationview) )
   512                 {
   513                 ShowConfirmationNoteL(R_DEFAULTVIEW_CONVERSATION_SELECTED);  
   514                 }
   515              break;
   517         case EMceDefaultInboxView:     
   518             if ( SetMceDefaultViewL(KMceInboxView) )
   519                 {
   520                 ShowConfirmationNoteL(R_DEFAULTVIEW_INBOX_SELECTED);
   521                 }
   522              break;
   523         case EMceCmdSettings:
   524 		    {
   525 		    if (( iEmailClientIntegration )&&(!iEmailFramework))
   526 		        {
   527 		        // these have to be updated here because when a mailbox setup wizard is launched
   528 		        // from MCE Settings dialog this view's DoDeactivate will not be entered (because of 
   529 		        // CAknInputBlock used used in wizard launching).
   530 		        iSelectedIndex = iMsgListContainer->CurrentItemIndex();
   531 		        iTopItemIndex = iMsgListContainer->ListBox()->TopItemIndex();
   533 		        }
   534                         iMceUi->HandleCommandL( aCommand );
   535                         break;
   537 		    }
   538         default:
   539         	if ( iAiwServiceHandler && FeatureManager::FeatureSupported(KFeatureIdSyncMlDsEmail) &&
   540         		 KAiwCmdSynchronize ==  iAiwServiceHandler->ServiceCmdByMenuCmd(aCommand) )
   541         		{
   542         		TInt appId = EGenericParamMessageItemEMail;
   543 				const TMceListItem& tempItem = iMsgListContainer->CurrentItemListItem();
   544 				TMsvEntry entry;
   545 				TRAP_IGNORE( iMceUi->GetEntryL(tempItem.iMsvId,entry) );
   546         		CAiwGenericParamList* list = AiwSyncParamListLC( appId, entry.iDetails );
   547 				iAiwServiceHandler->ExecuteMenuCmdL(aCommand, *list,
   548 												iAiwServiceHandler->OutParamListL());
   549 				CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(list);
   550         		}
   551 			else
   552 				{
   553 				iMceUi->HandleCommandL( aCommand );
   554 				}
   555             break;
   556         }
   557     MCELOGGER_LEAVEFN("CMceMainViewListView::HandleCommandL()");
   558     }
   560 // ----------------------------------------------------
   561 // CMceMainViewListView::ProcessCommandL
   562 // ----------------------------------------------------
   563 void CMceMainViewListView::ProcessCommandL(TInt aCommand)
   564     {
   565     MCELOGGER_ENTERFN("CMceMainViewListView::ProcessCommandL");
   566     if ( !iMceUi->IsEditorOpen() && !iEmptyListContainer )
   567         {
   568         CAknView::ProcessCommandL( aCommand );
   569         }
   570 #ifdef _DEBUG
   571     else
   572         {
   573         MCELOGGER_WRITE("CMceMainViewListView::ProcessCommandL: Editor is open so don't call CAknView::ProcessCommandL");
   574         }
   575 #endif
   576     MCELOGGER_LEAVEFN("CMceMainViewListView::ProcessCommandL");
   577     }
   579 // ----------------------------------------------------
   580 // CMceMainViewListView::ChangeViewL
   581 // ----------------------------------------------------
   582 void CMceMainViewListView::ChangeViewL()
   583     {
   584     if ( iMceUi->IsEditorOpen() )
   585         {
   586         MCELOGGER_WRITE("CMceMainViewListView::ChangeViewL: do nothing because already editing one");
   587         return;
   588         }
   589     const TMceListItem& tempItem = iMsgListContainer->CurrentItemListItem();
   590     if ( !tempItem.iExtraItem )
   591         {
   592         TMsvId service;
   593         TMsvEntry child;
   594         User::LeaveIfError( iSession->GetEntry( tempItem.iMsvId, service, child ) );
   595         __ASSERT_DEBUG( (child.iType == KUidMsvFolderEntry || child.iType == KUidMsvServiceEntry), Panic( EMceMainViewCannotChangeView ) );
   596         if ( child.iType == KUidMsvFolderEntry )
   597             {
   598             iMceUi->OpenFolderViewL( child.Id() );
   599             iMceUi->ShowTabsL( child.Id() );
   600             }
   601         else // if ( child.iType == KUidMsvServiceEntry )
   602             {
   603             if ( iMceUi->IsSyncronizingL( child ) )
   604                 {
   605                 //cannot open during suncML mail syncronizing
   606                 return;
   607                 } 
   608             // Explanation: This part of code will launch Custom email application for 
   609             // configured mtm plugin. For the other accounts behavior will not change.
   611             // If MTM plugin ID matches the one in the repository we'll let Mtm plugin
   612             // launch the mailbox view
   613             if ( ( iEmailClientIntegration && (!iEmailFramework)) && ( iMtmPluginId != 0 ) &&
   614                     ( child.iMtm.iUid == iMtmPluginId ) )
   615                 {
   616                 iMceUi->OpenMtmMailboxViewL( child );
   617                 }
   618             else
   619                 {
   620                 iMceUi->OpenRemoteMailboxViewL( child.Id() );
   621                 }
   622             }
   624         }
   625     else if ( tempItem.iMsvId == KMceWriteMessageId )
   626         {
   627         iMceUi->LaunchUniEditorL();        
   628         }
   629     else if ( tempItem.iMsvId == KMceNoMailboxesListId )
   630         {
   631         CMuiuLock* repositoryLock = CMuiuLock::NewL( KCRUidMuiuVariation );
   632         CleanupStack::PushL( repositoryLock );
   633         TInt err = repositoryLock->Reserve();
   634         if ( !err )
   635             {
   636 			if ( iEmailClientIntegration )
   637 			    {
   638 			    // LAUNCH S60 wizard (with confirmation query)
   639 			    CAknQueryDialog* confDialog = CAknQueryDialog::NewL();
   640 			    if ( confDialog->ExecuteLD( R_MCE_CREATE_MBOX_CONFIRMATION ) )
   641 			        {
   642 			        iMceUi->CreateNewAccountL( KSenduiMtmSmtpUid,
   643 			                KMsvNullIndexEntryId );
   644 			        }
   645 	            // Release repository
   646         		repositoryLock->Release();
   647         		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( repositoryLock );
   648 			    return;
   649 			    } // iEmailClientIntegration
   650         CImumInternalApi* emailApiPtr = 
   651             iMsgListContainer->ListItems()->GetEmailApi();
   653         //Deny creating new mail account if TARM is active.
   654         if( !emailApiPtr->IsEmailFeatureSupportedL( 
   655             CImumInternalApi::EMailLockedSettings, R_QTN_SELEC_PROTECTED_SETTING ) )
   656             {
   657             CAknQueryDialog* confDialog = CAknQueryDialog::NewL();
   658             if ( confDialog->ExecuteLD( R_MCE_CREATE_MBOX_CONFIRMATION ) )
   659                 {
   660                 iMceUi->CreateNewAccountL( KSenduiMtmSmtpUid, KMsvNullIndexEntryId );
   661                 }            
   662                 }
   663             }
   664         else
   665             {
   666             // Show information note: General Settings has opened settings
   667             CAknNoteDialog* dlg = new (ELeave) CAknNoteDialog(
   668                 CAknNoteDialog::ENoTone, CAknNoteDialog::ELongTimeout);
   669             dlg->ExecuteLD(R_MCE_NOTE_SETTINGS_OPEN_GS);
   670             }
   672         // Release repository
   673         repositoryLock->Release();
   674         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( repositoryLock );
   677         }
   678     else if ( tempItem.iMsvId == KMceDeliveryReportsId )
   679         {
   680         iSelectedIndex = iMsgListContainer->CurrentItemIndex();
   681         iTopItemIndex = iMsgListContainer->ListBox()->TopItemIndex();
   682         iSelectionFolderId = KMsvNullIndexEntryId;
   683         iMceUi->ActivateLocalViewL( KMceDeliveryReportViewId );
   684         iMceUi->ShowTabsL( 0, ETrue );
   685         // first parameter ignored when opening delivery reports view
   686         }
   687     else
   688         {
   689         StartAppL( tempItem.iMsvId );
   690         }
   691     }
   694 // ----------------------------------------------------
   695 // CMceMainViewListView::StartAppL
   696 // ----------------------------------------------------
   697 void CMceMainViewListView::StartAppL( TInt aCommandId )
   698     {
   699     HBufC* commandText = iMsgListContainer->ListItems()->ExtraItemCommandLC( aCommandId );
   700     TPtr tempText = commandText->Des();
   701     if ( tempText.Length() )
   702         {
   703         TLex lex( tempText );
   704         TUid uid;
   705         uid.iUid = 0;
   706         if ( lex.Val( uid.iUid ) == KErrNone && uid.iUid != 0 )
   707             {
   708             RWsSession wsServer;
   709             User::LeaveIfError( wsServer.Connect() );
   710             CleanupClosePushL( wsServer );
   711             TApaTaskList taskList( wsServer );
   712             TApaTask task(taskList.FindApp( uid ));
   713             if ( task.Exists() )
   714                 {
   715                 task.BringToForeground();   
   716                 }
   717             else
   718                 {
   719                 TApaAppInfo appInfo;
   720                 TApaAppCapabilityBuf capabilityBuf;
   721                 RApaLsSession lsSession;
   722                 User::LeaveIfError( lsSession.Connect() );
   723                 CleanupClosePushL( lsSession );
   724                 User::LeaveIfError(lsSession.GetAppInfo(appInfo, uid ));
   725                 User::LeaveIfError(lsSession.GetAppCapability(capabilityBuf, uid ));
   726                 TApaAppCapability& caps = capabilityBuf();
   728                 TFileName appName = appInfo.iFullName;
   729                 CApaCommandLine* cmdLine = CApaCommandLine::NewLC();
   730                 cmdLine->SetExecutableNameL(appName);
   732                 if (caps.iLaunchInBackground)
   733                     {
   734                     cmdLine->SetCommandL(EApaCommandBackground);
   735                     }
   736                 else
   737                     {
   738                     cmdLine->SetCommandL(EApaCommandRun);
   739                     }
   741                 User::LeaveIfError(lsSession.StartApp(*cmdLine));
   743                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(cmdLine);
   744                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // lsSession   
   745                 } // else
   746             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // wsServer   
   747             }
   748         else
   749             {
   750             CSchemeHandler* handler = CSchemeHandler::NewL( tempText );
   751             CleanupStack::PushL( handler );
   752             handler->HandleUrlStandaloneL();
   753             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( handler );
   754             }
   755         }
   756     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( commandText );
   757     }
   760 // ----------------------------------------------------
   761 // CMceMainViewListView::DynInitMenuPaneL
   762 // ----------------------------------------------------
   763 void CMceMainViewListView::DynInitMenuPaneL(
   764     TInt aResourceId,
   765     CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane )
   766     {
   767     if ( !iMceViewActivated )
   768         {
   769         return;
   770         }
   772 	if ( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported(KFeatureIdSyncMlDsEmail) )
   773 		{		
   774 		if ( !iAiwServiceHandler )
   775 		    {
   776 		    iAiwServiceHandler = CAiwServiceHandler::NewL();
   777 		    }
   778 		if ( !iListViewFlags.MceFlag(EMceUiFlagsMainViewAiwCreated) )
   779 		    {
   780 		    iAiwServiceHandler->AttachMenuL( R_MCE_MAIN_VIEW_MENU, R_AIWMCE_INTEREST ); // execute this only once
   781 		    iListViewFlags.SetMceFlag(EMceUiFlagsMainViewAiwCreated);
   782 		    }
   783 		if (iAiwServiceHandler->HandleSubmenuL(*aMenuPane))
   784 			{
   785 			return;
   786 			}
   787 		}
   789     const TMceListItem& tempItem = iMsgListContainer->CurrentItemListItem();
   790     if ( aResourceId == R_MCE_MAIN_VIEW_MENU  &&
   791         tempItem.iExtraItem && tempItem.iMsvId == KMceWriteMessageId )
   792         {
   793         aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EAknCmdOpen, ETrue );
   794         }
   796     if ( aResourceId == R_MCE_MAIN_VIEW_MENU )
   797     	{
   798     	aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EMceCmdAiwPlaceholder, ETrue );
   799     	if ( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported(KFeatureIdSyncMlDsEmail) )
   800     		{
   801     		TMsvEntry entry;
   802     		TRAP_IGNORE( iMceUi->GetEntryL(tempItem.iMsvId,entry) );
   803     		if ( entry.iMtm == KSenduiMtmSyncMLEmailUid )
   804     			{
   805     			// Focused item is a syncML mailbox, show the SyncML AIW plugin menu
   806     			aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EMceCmdAiwPlaceholder, EFalse );
   807 				iAiwServiceHandler->InitializeMenuPaneL( *aMenuPane, aResourceId,
   808 				EMceCmdFirstSyncmlAiwCommand, iAiwServiceHandler->InParamListL());
   809     			}
   810     		}
   811     	}
   812     if ( aResourceId == R_MCE_DEFAULT_VIEW_SUBMENU )
   813        {
   814        TInt defaultview = KErrGeneral;
   815        defaultview = GetMceDefaultViewL();
   816        if(defaultview == KMceInboxView )
   817            {
   818            aMenuPane->SetItemButtonState( EMceDefaultInboxView,
   819                     EEikMenuItemSymbolOn );
   820            }
   821        else if(defaultview == KMceConversationview )
   822            {
   823            aMenuPane->SetItemButtonState( EMceDefaultConversationsView,
   824                     EEikMenuItemSymbolOn );
   825            }
   826        }
   828     iMceUi->DynInitMenuPaneL( aResourceId, aMenuPane );
   829     }
   832 // ----------------------------------------------------
   833 // CMceMainViewListView::HandleSessionEventL
   834 // ----------------------------------------------------
   835 void CMceMainViewListView::HandleSessionEventL(
   836     TMsvSessionEvent aEvent, TAny* aArg1, TAny* aArg2, TAny* aArg3)
   837     {
   838     MCELOGGER_WRITE_TIMESTAMP("CMceMainViewListView::HandleSessionEventL() start");
   839     switch (aEvent)
   840         {
   841     case EMsvEntriesChanged:
   842     case EMsvEntriesCreated:
   843     case EMsvEntriesDeleted:
   844         {
   845         TMsvId changedFolderId = (*(TMsvId*) (aArg2));
   846         if ( iMsgListContainer &&
   847              changedFolderId == KMsvRootIndexEntryIdValue
   848            )
   849             {
   850             // something changed to root, update main view list, if
   851             // the mailbox creation is not ongoing
   852             if ( !(iMceUi->MailboxCreationOn()) )
   853                 {
   854                 iMsgListContainer->ListItems()->HandleSessionEventL( aEvent, aArg1, aArg2, aArg3 );
   855 		        iMsgListContainer->ListBox()->DrawDeferred();        
   856                 }
   857             }
   858 		// Coverty fix, Forward NULL
   859         if ( iMsgListContainer )
   860            {
   861            CheckMainViewBitmapL( changedFolderId );
   862            }
   863         break;
   864         }
   866     case EMsvEntriesMoved:
   867         {
   868         TMsvId changedFolderId = (*(TMsvId*) (aArg2));
   869         CheckMainViewBitmapL( changedFolderId );
   870         changedFolderId = (*(TMsvId*) (aArg3));
   871         CheckMainViewBitmapL( changedFolderId );
   872         break;
   873         }
   875     case EMsvCloseSession:
   876         {        
   877         iMsgListContainer->ListItems()->HandleSessionEventL( aEvent, aArg1, aArg2, aArg3 );
   878         iSession->RemoveObserver( *this );        
   879         }
   880         break;
   882     default:
   883         break;
   884         }
   885 //    CMceMainViewListView::HandleSessionEventL( aEvent, aArg1, aArg2, aArg3 );
   886     MCELOGGER_WRITE_TIMESTAMP("CMceMainViewListView::HandleSessionEventL() end");
   888     }
   890 // ----------------------------------------------------
   891 // CMceMainViewListView::SetSelectedFolderId
   892 // ----------------------------------------------------
   893 void CMceMainViewListView::SetSelectedFolderId( TMsvId aFolderId )
   894     {
   895     iSelectionFolderId = aFolderId;
   896     iSelectedIndex = KErrNotFound;
   897     }
   899 // ----------------------------------------------------
   900 // CMceMainViewListView::SetDeliveryReportsSelected
   901 // ----------------------------------------------------
   902 void CMceMainViewListView::SetDeliveryReportsSelected( )
   903     {
   904     iSelectionFolderId = KMsvNullIndexEntryId;
   905     iSelectedIndex = iMsgListContainer->ListItems()->ExtraItemIndex( KMceDeliveryReportsListIdValue );
   906     // delivery reports always last!
   907     }
   909 // ----------------------------------------------------
   910 // CMceMainViewListView::HandleMsgServerStartupL
   911 // ----------------------------------------------------
   912 void CMceMainViewListView::HandleMsgServerStartupL()
   913     {
   914     iSession->AddObserverL( *this );
   915     iMsvSessionReady = ETrue;
   916     delete iFolderEntry;
   917     iFolderEntry = NULL;
   918     iFolderEntry = CMsvEntry::NewL(
   919         *iSession,
   920         KMsvRootIndexEntryIdValue,
   921         TMsvSelectionOrdering(
   922             KMsvGroupByStandardFolders, EMsvSortByDateReverse) );
   924     CreateContainerAndActivateL();
   926     TMsvId mailboxId = NULL; // the first mailbox id, in which there is unread mail
   927     TInt mailboxCount = 0; // the count of mailboxes, in which there are unread mail  
   929     if ( iPerformOperationAfterMsgStart == KMceShowMail )
   930         {
   931         iPerformOperationAfterMsgStart = 0;        
   932         mailboxCount = MailboxWithUnreadMessagesL( mailboxId );
   934         if ( mailboxId )
   935             {
   936              if ( mailboxCount == 1 )
   937                 {
   938                 //activate remote folder view using mailboxId
   939                 ActivateViewL ( KMessagingCentreMessageViewUid, TUid::Uid( mailboxId ),KNullDesC8() );           
   940                 }
   941             else if ( mailboxCount > 1 )
   942                 {
   943                 // launched from outside:
   944                 // in several mailboxes unread mail, activate the first mailbox
   945                 TInt mailboxIndex =  iMsgListContainer->ItemIndex( mailboxId );
   946                 iMsgListContainer->ListBox()->SetCurrentItemIndex( mailboxIndex );
   947                 iMsgListContainer->ListBox()->DrawDeferred();        
   948                 }
   949             }
   950         }
   951 	else if ( iPerformOperationAfterMsgStart ==  KMceShowAudioMessage )
   952         {
   953         iPerformOperationAfterMsgStart = 0;        
   954         //activate remote folder view using inboxId
   955         ActivateViewL ( KMessagingCentreMessageViewUid, TUid::Uid( KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryIdValue ),KNullDesC8() );      
   956         }
   957     }
   960 // ----------------------------------------------------
   961 // CMceMainViewListView::ConstructMainViewL
   962 // resets main view and constructs it again
   963 // ----------------------------------------------------
   964 void CMceMainViewListView::ConstructMainViewL()
   965     {    
   966     TInt origIndex = iMsgListContainer->CurrentItemIndex();
   967     TInt origCount = iMsgListContainer->ListItems()->Count();    
   968     TMsvId folderid =  iMsgListContainer->CurrentItemId();
   970     CMceMainViewListItemArray* listArray = iMsgListContainer->ListItems();
   971     listArray->Reset();
   972     listArray->ConstructMainViewL();
   974     TInt newIndex = KMceWriteMessageAddIndex;
   975     if ( origIndex == ( origCount - 1))
   976         {
   977         //delivery reports
   978         newIndex = listArray->Count() - 1;
   979         }
   980     else if ( origIndex == KMceWriteMessageAddIndex )
   981         {
   982         //new message
   983         newIndex = KMceWriteMessageAddIndex;
   984         }  
   985     else
   986         {
   987         //base folders and remote mailboxes
   988         newIndex = iMsgListContainer->ItemIndex( folderid );
   989         if ( newIndex < KMceWriteMessageAddIndex || newIndex > 
   990             ( listArray->Count() - 1 ) )
   991             {
   992             newIndex = KMceNoRemotemailboxesAddIndex;
   993             }
   994         }
   995     iMsgListContainer->ListBox()->SetCurrentItemIndex( newIndex );
   996     }
   998 // ----------------------------------------------------
   999 // CMceMainViewListView::CheckMainViewBitmapL
  1000 // ----------------------------------------------------
  1001 void CMceMainViewListView::CheckMainViewBitmapL( TMsvId aChangedFolderId ) const
  1002     {
  1003     TMsvId service;
  1004     TMsvEntry child;
  1005     if ( iSession->GetEntry( aChangedFolderId, service, child ) == KErrNone )
  1006         {
  1007         TInt changedIndex = KErrNotFound;
  1008         if ( child.iMtm == KSenduiMtmImap4Uid )
  1009             {
  1010             changedIndex = iMsgListContainer->ItemIndex( service );
  1011             }
  1012         else if ( child.iMtm == KUidMsvLocalServiceMtm )
  1013             {
  1014             if ( child.Parent() == KMceDocumentsEntryId )
  1015                 {
  1016                 changedIndex = iMsgListContainer->ItemIndex( KMceDocumentsEntryId );
  1017                 }
  1018             else
  1019                 {
  1020                 changedIndex = iMsgListContainer->ItemIndex( child.Id() );
  1021                 }
  1022             }
  1023         else
  1024             {
  1025             changedIndex = iMsgListContainer->ItemIndex( aChangedFolderId );
  1026             }
  1028         if ( changedIndex != KErrNotFound )
  1029             {
  1030             CMceMainViewListItemArray* array = static_cast<CMceMainViewListItemArray*>(iMsgListContainer->ListItems());
  1031             array->ResetIconIndexL( changedIndex );
  1032             }
  1033         }
  1034     }
  1036 // ----------------------------------------------------
  1037 // CMceMainViewListView::ResetBitmaps
  1038 // ----------------------------------------------------
  1039 void CMceMainViewListView::ResetBitmapsL( ) const
  1040     {
  1041     CMceMainViewListItemArray* array = static_cast<CMceMainViewListItemArray*>(iMsgListContainer->ListItems());
  1042     array->StartListUpdateL();
  1043     }
  1045 // ----------------------------------------------------
  1046 // CMceMainViewListView::SetSpecialMSKButtonL
  1047 // ----------------------------------------------------
  1048 void CMceMainViewListView::SetSpecialMSKButtonL(TInt aResourceId)
  1049     { 
  1050     if ( iDrawListbox )
  1051         {
  1052         CEikButtonGroupContainer* cba = Cba();
  1053         cba->SetCommandL( KMSKPosition, aResourceId );
  1054         cba->DrawDeferred();
  1055         }
  1056     }
  1058 // ----------------------------------------------------
  1059 // CMceMainViewListView::MailboxWithUnreadMessagesL
  1060 // ----------------------------------------------------
  1061 TInt CMceMainViewListView::MailboxWithUnreadMessagesL( TMsvId& aFirstMailboxId )
  1062     {
  1063     TInt mailboxCount = 0;
  1064     aFirstMailboxId = 0;
  1066     // launched from outside:
  1067     // check mailboxes, also syncml mailboxes
  1068     iFolderEntry->SetEntryL( KMsvRootIndexEntryIdValue );
  1069     CMsvEntrySelection* sel=iFolderEntry->ChildrenWithTypeL( KUidMsvServiceEntry );
  1071     CleanupStack::PushL( sel );
  1072     const TMsvEntry* tentry=NULL;
  1073     TBool read = EFalse;
  1075     for ( TInt cc = 0; cc < sel->Count(); cc++ )
  1076         {
  1077         tentry=&( iFolderEntry->ChildDataL( (*sel)[cc] ) );
  1078         if ( iMceUi->CheckTechnologyTypeFromMtm( KMailTechnologyTypeUid, tentry->iMtm ) )
  1079             {
  1080             TInt messageCount = 0;
  1081             TInt unreadCount = 0;
  1082             read = iBitmapResolver.HasUnreadMessagesL( tentry->Id(), messageCount, unreadCount );
  1083             if ( read )
  1084                 {
  1085                 mailboxCount++; 
  1086                 if ( !aFirstMailboxId )
  1087                     {                      
  1088                     aFirstMailboxId = tentry->Id();
  1089                     }
  1090                 }                
  1091             }
  1092         }
  1094     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( sel );
  1095     return mailboxCount;
  1096     }
  1098 // ----------------------------------------------------
  1099 // CMceMainViewListView::MceListItemArrayChangedL
  1100 // ----------------------------------------------------
  1101 void CMceMainViewListView::MceListItemArrayChangedL()
  1102     {
  1103     if ( iMceViewActivated && iMsgListContainer )
  1104         {
  1105         CAknDoubleLargeStyleListBox* listBox = REINTERPRET_CAST( CAknDoubleLargeStyleListBox*,
  1106             iMsgListContainer->ListBox() );
  1107         if ( listBox )
  1108             {
  1109             listBox->DrawDeferred();
  1110             }
  1111         }
  1112     }
  1114 // ----------------------------------------------------
  1115 // CMceMainViewListView::MceListItemArrayFlickEvent
  1116 // ----------------------------------------------------
  1117 TBool CMceMainViewListView::MceListItemArrayFlickEvent()
  1118     {
  1119     return iFlick;
  1120     }
  1122 // ----------------------------------------------------
  1123 // CMceMainViewListView::AiwSyncParamListLC
  1124 // ----------------------------------------------------
  1125 CAiwGenericParamList* CMceMainViewListView::AiwSyncParamListLC(TInt /*aId*/, const TDesC& aText)
  1126     {
  1127 	TAiwVariant variant;
  1128     variant.Set(KNullDesC);
  1129 	TAiwGenericParam param(EGenericParamMessageItemEMail, variant);
  1131 	TAiwVariant variant2;
  1132     variant2.Set(aText);
  1133 	TAiwGenericParam param2(EGenericParamMessageItemMbox, variant2);
  1135 	CAiwGenericParamList* list = CAiwGenericParamList::NewLC();
  1136 	list->AppendL(param);
  1137 	list->AppendL(param2);
  1139 	return list;
  1140     }
  1142 // ----------------------------------------------------
  1143 // CMceMainViewListView::ListContainer
  1144 // ----------------------------------------------------
  1145 CMceMainViewListContainer* CMceMainViewListView::ListContainer() const
  1146     {
  1147     return iMsgListContainer;
  1148     }
  1150 // ----------------------------------------------------
  1151 // CMceMainViewListView::HandleClientRectChange
  1152 // ----------------------------------------------------
  1153 void CMceMainViewListView::HandleClientRectChange()
  1154     {
  1155     if (iMsgListContainer)
  1156         {
  1157         iMsgListContainer->SetRect(ClientRect());
  1158         }
  1159     }
  1161 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1162 // CConversationListView::ShowInformationNoteL
  1163 // Shows a note to the user if the default view selection was successful
  1164 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1165 //
  1166 void CMceMainViewListView::ShowConfirmationNoteL(TInt aResourceID)
  1167     {
  1168     HBufC* prompt = NULL;           
  1169     prompt = StringLoader::LoadLC( aResourceID, iCoeEnv );             
  1170     CAknQueryDialog* dlg = CAknQueryDialog::NewL();
  1171     dlg->ExecuteLD( R_MCE_OK_EMPTY_CONFIRMATION, prompt->Des() );          
  1172     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( prompt );   
  1173     }
  1175 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1176 // CMceMainViewListView::SetMceDefaultViewL
  1177 // Sets the central repository for the default view activation when 
  1178 // a new message arrives
  1179 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1180 //
  1181 TBool CMceMainViewListView::SetMceDefaultViewL(TBool aVal)
  1182     {
  1183     CRepository* repository = NULL;
  1184     TRAPD( ret, repository = CRepository::NewL(KCRUidMuiuSettings) );
  1185     if ( ret == KErrNone )
  1186        {
  1187        CleanupStack::PushL( repository );
  1188        repository->Set(KMuiuMceDefaultView,aVal);
  1189        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( repository );
  1190       if(iMsgListContainer)
  1191           {
  1192           iMsgListContainer->ListItems()->SetDefaultViewSettings(aVal);
  1193           iMsgListContainer->ListBox()->DrawDeferred();  
  1194           }
  1195        return ETrue;
  1196        }
  1197     else
  1198         {
  1199         return EFalse;
  1200         }
  1201     }
  1202 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1203 // CMceMainViewListView::GetMceDefaultViewL
  1204 // Get the central repository value of the current default view 
  1205 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1206 //
  1207 TInt CMceMainViewListView::GetMceDefaultViewL()
  1208     {
  1209     CRepository* repository = NULL;
  1210     TInt keyvalue;
  1211     TRAPD( ret, repository = CRepository::NewL(KCRUidMuiuSettings) );
  1212     if ( ret == KErrNone )
  1213        {
  1214        CleanupStack::PushL( repository );
  1215        repository->Get(KMuiuMceDefaultView,keyvalue);
  1216        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( repository );
  1217        return keyvalue;
  1218        }
  1219     else
  1220        {
  1221        return KErrNotFound;
  1222        }
  1223     }
  1224 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1225 // CMceMainViewListView::HandleScrollEventL
  1226 // To take old bitmapindex for list items When 
  1227 // stylus is down on scroll bar thumb and dragged
  1228 // Calculate new bitmapindex when scrollbar thumb drag is stopped
  1229 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1230 //
  1231 void CMceMainViewListView::HandleScrollEventL(CEikScrollBar* aScrollBar,
  1232         TEikScrollEvent aEventType)
  1233     {
  1234     switch (aEventType)
  1235         {
  1236         case EEikScrollThumbDragVert:
  1237             iFlick = ETrue;
  1238             break;
  1239         case EEikScrollThumbReleaseVert:
  1240             iFlick = EFalse;
  1241             break;
  1242         default:
  1243             break;
  1244         }
  1245     CAknDoubleLargeStyleListBox* listBox =
  1246             REINTERPRET_CAST( CAknDoubleLargeStyleListBox*,
  1247                     iMsgListContainer->ListBox() );
  1248     listBox->HandleScrollEventL( aScrollBar, aEventType );
  1249     }
  1250 //  End of File