changeset 79 2981cb3aa489
parent 0 72b543305e3a
equal deleted inserted replaced
25:84d9eb65b26f 79:2981cb3aa489
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  
    15 *     Service Centres dialog for Sms.
    16 *
    17 */
    22 #include <eikmenup.h>                   // CEikMenuPane
    23 #include <akntitle.h>                   // CAknTitlePane
    24 #include <SMUM.rsg>                     // resource identifiers
    25 #include <smutset.h>                    // CSmsSettings
    26 #include <AknQueryDialog.h>             // CAknQueryDialog
    27 #include <StringLoader.h>               // StringLoader
    28 #include <aknlists.h>
    29 #include <aknPopup.h>
    30 #include <eiklbx.h>                     // EOwnedExternally
    31 #include <hlplch.h>                     // For HlpLauncher
    32 #include <bldvariant.hrh>
    33 #include <csxhelp/mce.hlp.hrh>
    34 #include <centralrepository.h> 
    35 #include <AvkonInternalCRKeys.h>  		// KAknMiddleSoftkeyEnabled
    36 #include <aknenv.h>                     // AppShutter
    37 // locals
    38 #include "SMSU.HRH"                     // resource header
    39 #include "SMSETDLG.H"                   // TSmumSCNameInfo, TSmsSettingSCNames, CSmumSCArray
    40 #include "SmumServiceCentreItemDialog.h"// CSmumAddEditServiceCentreDialog
    41 #include "SmumSettingsDialogGSM.h"         // KStringLength
    42 #include "SmumServiceCentresDialog.h"   // CSmumServiceCentresDialog
    43 #include "smsui.pan"                    // panics
    44 #include "SmumUtil.h"                   // SmumUtil
    46 //For logging
    47 #include "SmumLogging.h"
    53 // CONSTANTS
    54 const TInt KNameListGranularity = 8;
    55 const TInt KSmumSCArray = 4;
    57 // ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
    59 // C++ constructor can NOT contain any code, that
    60 // might leave.
    61 //
    62 CSmumServiceCentresDialog::CSmumServiceCentresDialog(
    63     CSmsSettings& aSettings, TInt& aExitCode, TBool aHelpFeatureSupported, TBool aSimSCsOnly )
    64         : iSettings ( aSettings ),
    65           iExitCode ( aExitCode ),
    66           iHelpFeatureSupported ( aHelpFeatureSupported ),
    67           iSimSCsOnly( aSimSCsOnly ),
    68           iIdle (NULL)
    69     {
    70     }
    72 // Destructor
    73 CSmumServiceCentresDialog::~CSmumServiceCentresDialog()
    74     {
    75     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN(" CSmumServiceCentresDialog::~CSmumServiceCentresDialog");
    76     if ( iListBox )
    77         {
    78         iListBox->SetScrollBarFrame( NULL, CEikListBox::EOwnedExternally );
    79         }
    80     delete iPreviousTitleText;
    81     delete iSCAddressesList;
    82     delete iIdle;
    83     // iListBox, iSettings(reference), iTitlePane are
    84     // plain pointers to objects owned by other classes which take
    85     // care also about deletion.
    86     SMUMLOGGER_LEAVEFN(" CSmumServiceCentresDialog::~CSmumServiceCentresDialog");
    87     }
    89 // ----------------------------------------------------
    90 // CSmumServiceCentresDialog::NewL
    91 //
    92 // ----------------------------------------------------
    93 CSmumServiceCentresDialog* CSmumServiceCentresDialog::NewL(
    94     CSmsSettings& aSettings,
    95     TInt& aExitCode,
    96     TInt aMenuTitleResourceId,
    97     TBool aHelpFeatureSupported,
    98     TBool aSimSCsOnly )
    99     {
   100     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN(" CSmumServiceCentresDialog::NewL");
   101     CSmumServiceCentresDialog* self = 
   102         new ( ELeave ) CSmumServiceCentresDialog( 
   103         	aSettings, aExitCode, aHelpFeatureSupported, aSimSCsOnly );
   104     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   105     self->ConstructL( aMenuTitleResourceId );
   106     CleanupStack::Pop(); // self
   107     SMUMLOGGER_LEAVEFN(" CSmumServiceCentresDialog::NewL");
   108     return self;
   109     }
   111 // ----------------------------------------------------
   112 // CSmumServiceCentresDialog::ConstructL
   113 //
   114 // ----------------------------------------------------
   115 void CSmumServiceCentresDialog::ConstructL( TInt aMenuTitleResourceId )
   116     {
   117     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN(" CSmumServiceCentresDialog::ConstructL");
   118     // Creating the listbox-list for service centres
   119     iSCAddressesList = CSmumSCArray::NewL( KNameListGranularity );
   120     TInt serviceCentres = 0;
   121     // read Service centres from SmsSettings
   122     serviceCentres = iSettings.ServiceCenterCount();
   123     for ( TInt loop=0; loop < serviceCentres; loop++ )
   124         {
   125         TSmumSCNameInfo scAddress(iSettings.GetServiceCenter( loop ).Name(),
   126                                    iSettings.GetServiceCenter( loop ).Address());
   127         iSCAddressesList->AppendL( scAddress );
   128         }
   129     CAknDialog::ConstructL( aMenuTitleResourceId );
   130     CRepository* cenRep = NULL;
   131 	TRAPD(err, cenRep = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidAvkon ));
   132 	if (!err)
   133 		{
   134 		err = cenRep->Get( KAknMiddleSoftkeyEnabled, iMSKEnabledInPlatform );
   135 		delete cenRep;
   136 	    }
   137     SMUMLOGGER_LEAVEFN(" CSmumServiceCentresDialog::ConstructL");
   138     }
   140 // ----------------------------------------------------
   141 // CSmumServiceCentresDialog::OkToExitL
   142 //
   143 // ----------------------------------------------------
   144 TInt CSmumServiceCentresDialog::OkToExitL( TInt aButtonId )
   145     {
   146     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN(" CSmumServiceCentresDialog::OkToExitL");
   147     TInt returnValue;
   149     switch( aButtonId )
   150         {
   151         case ESmsSettingsChoiceMenuOpen:
   152 	        {
   153 	        ProcessCommandL( aButtonId );
   154 	        returnValue = EFalse; // Cannot exit, since MSK was pressed
   155 	        }     
   156 	        break;
   157         // system / menu exit
   158         case EAknSoftkeyCancel:
   159             {
   160             if ( iExitCode != ESmumSmsSettingsMenuExit &&
   161                 iExitCode != ESmumSmsSettingsSystemExit )
   162                 {
   163                 // system exit
   164                 iExitCode = ESmumSmsSettingsSystemExit;
   165                 }
   166             TRAP_IGNORE( ClosingServiceCentresDialogL() );// to be sure of not leaving and exiting
   167             returnValue = ETrue;
   168             }
   169             break;
   170         case EAknSoftkeyBack:
   171             {
   172             iExitCode = ESmumSmsSettingsBack;
   173             ClosingServiceCentresDialogL();
   174             returnValue = ETrue;
   175             }
   176             break;
   177         default :
   178             returnValue = CAknDialog::OkToExitL( aButtonId );
   179             break;
   180         }
   181     SMUMLOGGER_LEAVEFN(" CSmumServiceCentresDialog::OkToExitL");
   182     return returnValue;
   183     }
   185 // ----------------------------------------------------
   186 // CSmumServiceCentresDialog::HandleListBoxEventL
   187 //
   188 // ----------------------------------------------------
   189 void CSmumServiceCentresDialog::HandleListBoxEventL(
   190     CEikListBox* /*aListBox*/, 
   191     TListBoxEvent aEventType )
   192     {
   193     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN(" CSmumServiceCentresDialog::HandleListBoxEventL");
   194     switch ( aEventType )
   195         {
   196         case EEventEnterKeyPressed:
   197         case EEventItemSingleClicked:
   198             //for touch input
   199             if ( iSCAddressesList->Count())
   200                 {
   201                 EditServiceCentreL();
   202                 }
   203             else
   204                 {
   205                 AddServiceCentreL();
   206                 }            
   207             break;
   208         default :
   209             // panic?
   210             break;
   211         }
   212     SMUMLOGGER_LEAVEFN(" CSmumServiceCentresDialog::HandleListBoxEventL");
   213     }
   215 // ----------------------------------------------------
   216 // CSmumServiceCentresDialog::ProcessCommandL
   217 //
   218 // ----------------------------------------------------
   219 void CSmumServiceCentresDialog::ProcessCommandL( TInt aCommandId )
   220     {
   221     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN(" CSmumServiceCentresDialog::ProcessCommandL");
   222     CAknDialog::ProcessCommandL( aCommandId ) ;
   223     switch ( aCommandId )
   224         {
   225         case ESmsSettingsChoiceMenuEdit:
   226         case ESmsSettingsChoiceMenuOpen:
   227         if ( iSCAddressesList->Count())
   228                 {
   229                 EditServiceCentreL();
   230                 }
   231             else
   232                 {
   233                 AddServiceCentreL();
   234                 }            
   235             break;
   236         case ESmsSettingsChoiceMenuNew:
   237             AddServiceCentreL();
   238             break;
   239         case ESmsSettingsChoiceMenuDelete:
   240             DeleteServiceCentreL();
   241             break;
   242         case EAknCmdHelp:            
   243             LaunchHelpL();            
   244             break;
   245         case ESmsSettingsChoiceMenuExit:
   246             {
   247             iExitCode = ESmumSmsSettingsMenuExit;
   248             TryExitL( EAknSoftkeyCancel );
   249             }
   250             break;
   251         default :
   252             // panic
   253             break ;
   254         }
   255     SMUMLOGGER_LEAVEFN(" CSmumServiceCentresDialog::ProcessCommandL");
   256     }
   258 // ----------------------------------------------------
   259 // CSmumServiceCentresDialog::OfferKeyEventL
   260 //
   261 // ----------------------------------------------------
   262 TKeyResponse CSmumServiceCentresDialog::OfferKeyEventL(
   263     const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
   264     TEventCode aType )
   265     {
   267     TKeyResponse returnValue = CAknDialog::OfferKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aType );
   268    	if( aType == EEventKeyUp )
   269 		{
   270 		UpdateButtonVisibility();
   271 		}
   272     if ( aType == EEventKey )
   273         {
   274         if ( aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyBackspace 
   275             && iListBox->CurrentItemIndex() != KErrNotFound )
   276             {
   277             ProcessCommandL( ESmsSettingsChoiceMenuDelete );
   278             returnValue = EKeyWasConsumed;
   279             }
   280         }
   282     return returnValue;
   283     }
   285 // ----------------------------------------------------
   286 // CSmumServiceCentresDialog::PreLayoutDynInitL
   287 //
   288 // ----------------------------------------------------
   289 void CSmumServiceCentresDialog::PreLayoutDynInitL()
   290     {
   291     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN(" CSmumServiceCentresDialog::PreLayoutDynInitL");
   292     // Initialising listbox
   293     iListBox = STATIC_CAST( CEikTextListBox*, Control( ESmsSCListId ));
   294     iListBox->SetListBoxObserver( this );
   295     CTextListBoxModel* model=iListBox->Model();
   296     model->SetItemTextArray( iSCAddressesList );
   297     model->SetOwnershipType( ELbmDoesNotOwnItemArray );
   299     // Get "no centres"-text from resources and save it to listbox-model
   300     HBufC* string = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_QTN_MCE_SETTINGS_SMS_NO_SC, iCoeEnv );
   301     iListBox->View()->SetListEmptyTextL( *string );
   303     // Setting scrollbar-indicators on
   304     iListBox->CreateScrollBarFrameL( ETrue );
   305     iListBox->ScrollBarFrame()->SetScrollBarVisibilityL(
   306         CEikScrollBarFrame::EOff, CEikScrollBarFrame::EAuto );
   308     // Fetch pointer to titlepane
   309     CEikStatusPane *sp = ( STATIC_CAST(
   310         CAknAppUi*,( CEikonEnv::Static()->EikAppUi())))->StatusPane();
   311     iTitlePane = STATIC_CAST(
   312         CAknTitlePane*,sp->ControlL( TUid::Uid( EEikStatusPaneUidTitle )));
   314     // Take old titlepane text safe
   315     iPreviousTitleText = ( *iTitlePane->Text()).Alloc();
   317     // Read new titletext and set it
   318     HBufC* text = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_QTN_MCE_SETTINGS_SMS_TITLE_SC, iCoeEnv );
   319     iTitlePane->SetTextL( *text );
   320     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // text, string
   322     //Check need for MSK visibility
   323 	UpdateButtonVisibility();
   324     SMUMLOGGER_LEAVEFN(" CSmumServiceCentresDialog::PreLayoutDynInitL");
   325     }
   327 // ----------------------------------------------------
   328 // CSmumServiceCentresDialog::ClosingServiceCentresDialogL
   329 //
   330 // ----------------------------------------------------
   331 void CSmumServiceCentresDialog::ClosingServiceCentresDialogL() const
   332     {
   333     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN(" CSmumServiceCentresDialog::ClosingServiceCentresDialogL");
   334     // Replace title with old title text
   335     if ( iExitCode == ESmumSmsSettingsBack )
   336         {
   337         // Replace title with old title text
   338         iTitlePane->SetTextL( *iPreviousTitleText );
   339         }
   341     // Create sc list
   342     TInt loop = 0;
   343     TInt serviceCentres = 0;
   344     TInt scInUse = 0;
   345     serviceCentres = iSettings.ServiceCenterCount();
   346     scInUse = iSettings.DefaultServiceCenter();
   347     for ( loop = 0; loop < serviceCentres; loop++ )
   348         {
   349         iSettings.RemoveServiceCenter(0);
   350         }
   352     // Then add centres from the list to SmsSettings
   353     TInt count = iSCAddressesList->Count();
   354     for ( loop = 0; loop < count; loop++ )
   355         {
   356         iSettings.AddServiceCenterL(
   357             iSCAddressesList->SCNameInfo(loop).Name(), 
   358             iSCAddressesList->SCNameInfo(loop).Address());
   359         }
   361     // Set default SC
   362     if ( scInUse >= 0 )
   363         {
   364         iSettings.SetDefaultServiceCenter( scInUse );
   365         }
   366     SMUMLOGGER_LEAVEFN(" CSmumServiceCentresDialog::ClosingServiceCentresDialogL");
   367     }
   369 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   370 // CSmumServiceCentresDialog::DynInitMenuPaneL
   371 //
   372 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   373 void CSmumServiceCentresDialog::DynInitMenuPaneL(
   374     TInt aMenuId, 
   375     CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane)
   376     {
   377     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN(" CSmumServiceCentresDialog::DynInitMenuPaneL");
   378     switch ( aMenuId )
   379         {
   381             if ( !iSCAddressesList->Count() )
   382                 {
   383                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ESmsSettingsChoiceMenuDelete, ETrue );
   384                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ESmsSettingsChoiceMenuEdit, ETrue );
   385                 }
   386             if( iMSKEnabledInPlatform) //if MSK enabled
   387             	{
   388             	aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ESmsSettingsChoiceMenuEdit, ETrue );
   389             	}
   390             else
   391             	{
   392             	aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ESmsSettingsChoiceMenuOpen, ETrue );
   393                 }
   394 			if ( iSimSCsOnly ) // Only Sim SC's variation is on
   395                 {
   396                 // ESmsSettingsChoiceMenuEdit must be preserved so
   397                 // that user can check the SMSC number
   398 	            aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ESmsSettingsChoiceMenuDelete, ETrue );    	
   399                 aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ESmsSettingsChoiceMenuNew, ETrue );
   400                 }                
   401             // Help handling
   402             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EAknCmdHelp, !iHelpFeatureSupported );
   403             break;
   404         default :
   405             // panic
   406             break;
   407         }
   408     SMUMLOGGER_LEAVEFN(" CSmumServiceCentresDialog::DynInitMenuPaneL");
   409     }
   411 // ----------------------------------------------------
   412 // CSmumServiceCentresDialog::AddServiceCentreL
   413 //
   414 // ----------------------------------------------------
   415 void CSmumServiceCentresDialog::AddServiceCentreL()
   416     {
   417     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN(" CSmumServiceCentresDialog::AddServiceCentreL");
   418     TBuf<KSmumStringLength> name;
   419     TBuf<KSmumStringLength> number;
   421     TInt originalSCamount = iSCAddressesList->Count();
   423     // Launch dialog for adding service centre
   424     TInt exitCode = ESmumSmsSettingsInitialvalue;
   425     CSmumAddEditServiceCentreDialog* scItemDialog = 
   426         new ( ELeave ) CSmumAddEditServiceCentreDialog(
   427             name, number, exitCode, iHelpFeatureSupported, iSCAddressesList );
   428     CleanupStack::PushL( scItemDialog );
   429     scItemDialog->ConstructL( R_SMS_SERVICECENTRE_ITEM_CHOICE_MENUBAR );
   430     CleanupStack::Pop(); // scItemDialog
   431     scItemDialog->ExecuteLD( R_ADD_EDIT_SERVICECENTRES );
   433     // Update Sc array & listbox if values ok (in anycase)
   434     if ( name.Size() && number.Size())
   435         {
   436         TSmumSCNameInfo scAddress( name, number );
   437         iSCAddressesList->AppendL( scAddress );
   438         iSettings.AddServiceCenterL( name, number );
   439         }
   441     if ( exitCode == ESmumSmsSettingsMenuExit ||
   442          exitCode == ESmumSmsSettingsSystemExit )
   443         {// Exiting...
   444         iExitCode = exitCode;
   445         DoDelayedExitL( 0 );
   446         }
   447     else
   448         {// not exiting, let's take care of drawing
   449         if ( iSCAddressesList->Count() > originalSCamount )
   450             { // added service centres
   451             iListBox->HandleItemAdditionL();
   452             iListBox->SetCurrentItemIndex( iSCAddressesList->Count() - 1 );
   453             }
   454         iListBox->DrawNow();
   455         }
   456     SMUMLOGGER_LEAVEFN(" CSmumServiceCentresDialog::AddServiceCentreL");
   457     }
   459 // ----------------------------------------------------
   460 // CSmumServiceCentresDialog::EditServiceCentreL
   461 //
   462 // ----------------------------------------------------
   463 void CSmumServiceCentresDialog::EditServiceCentreL()
   464     {
   465     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN(" CSmumServiceCentresDialog::EditServiceCentreL");
   466     const TInt index = iListBox->CurrentItemIndex();
   467     __ASSERT_DEBUG( index >= 0 , Panic( ESmsetdlgInvalidIndex ));
   469     TSmumSCNameInfo& tempSCName = iSCAddressesList->SCNameInfo( index );
   471     TBuf<KSmumStringLength> name = tempSCName.Name();
   472     TBuf<KSmumStringLength> number = tempSCName.Address();
   474     // Launch dialog for editing sc values
   475     TInt exitCode = ESmumSmsSettingsInitialvalue;
   476     CSmumAddEditServiceCentreDialog* scItemDialog = 
   477         new ( ELeave ) CSmumAddEditServiceCentreDialog(
   478         name, number, exitCode, iHelpFeatureSupported, iSCAddressesList, iSimSCsOnly );
   479     CleanupStack::PushL( scItemDialog );
   480     scItemDialog->ConstructL( R_SMS_SERVICECENTRE_ITEM_CHOICE_MENUBAR );
   481     CleanupStack::Pop(); // scItemDialog
   482     scItemDialog->ExecuteLD( R_ADD_EDIT_SERVICECENTRES );
   484     // Update scaddresseslist
   485     if ( name.Size() && number.Size()) 
   486         {
   487         // A valid entry
   488         TSmumSCNameInfo scAddress( name, number );
   489         iSCAddressesList->InsertL( index, scAddress );
   490         iSCAddressesList->Delete( index + 1 ); // delete old one            
   491         }
   492     else
   493         {
   494         // An invalid entry, delete
   495         iSCAddressesList->Delete( index );
   496         iListBox->HandleItemRemovalL();
   497         iSettings.RemoveServiceCenter( index );
   498         // Handle focus
   499         TInt numberOfItems = iListBox->Model()->NumberOfItems();
   500         if ( index + 1 > numberOfItems && index )
   501             {
   502             iListBox->SetCurrentItemIndex( index - 1 );
   503             }
   504         else if ( index + 1 <= numberOfItems && index )
   505             {
   506             iListBox->SetCurrentItemIndex( index );
   507             }
   508         }
   510     if ( exitCode == ESmumSmsSettingsMenuExit ||
   511          exitCode == ESmumSmsSettingsSystemExit )
   512         {// Exiting...
   513         iExitCode = exitCode;
   514         DoDelayedExitL( 0 );
   515         }
   516     else
   517         {// not exiting, let's take care of drawing
   518         iListBox->SetCurrentItemIndex(index);
   519         iListBox->HandleItemAdditionL();
   520         iListBox->DrawNow();
   521         }
   522     SMUMLOGGER_LEAVEFN(" CSmumServiceCentresDialog::EditServiceCentreL");
   523     }
   525 // ----------------------------------------------------
   526 // CSmumServiceCentresDialog::DeleteServiceCentreL
   527 //
   528 // ----------------------------------------------------
   529 void CSmumServiceCentresDialog::DeleteServiceCentreL()
   530     {
   531     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN(" CSmumServiceCentresDialog::DeleteServiceCentreL");
   532     TInt index = iListBox->CurrentItemIndex();
   533     __ASSERT_DEBUG( index >= 0 , Panic( ESmsetdlgInvalidIndex ));
   535 	if ( iSimSCsOnly ) // Only Sim SC's variation is on
   536 	    {
   537 	    // No delete/edit operations are allowed
   538 		SmumUtil::ShowInformationNoteL( R_QTN_SMS_EMAIL_SETT_CANNOT_CHANGE );
   539 		return;
   540 	    }
   541     // Text for deletion queries
   542     HBufC* scName = iSCAddressesList->SCNameInfo( index ).Name().AllocLC();
   543     TInt scDeletionValue;
   544     HBufC* wholeConfTextInQuery = NULL;
   545     TInt scInUseIndex = 0; 
   546     TInt amountOfSCs = 0;
   547     scInUseIndex = iSettings.DefaultServiceCenter();
   548     amountOfSCs = iSettings.ServiceCenterCount();
   549     // Last Service Centre?
   550     if ( ESmumScLastOne == amountOfSCs )
   551         {
   552         wholeConfTextInQuery = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_QTN_MCE_SETTINGS_SMS_QUEST_DEL, iCoeEnv );
   553         scDeletionValue = ESmumScLastOne;
   554         }
   555     // Service Centre in use?
   556     else if (scInUseIndex == index)
   557         {
   558         wholeConfTextInQuery = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_QTN_MCE_SETTINGS_SMS_QUEST_D, iCoeEnv );
   559         scDeletionValue = ESmumScInUse;
   560         }
   561     // Are you sure to delete?
   562     else
   563         {
   564         wholeConfTextInQuery = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_SMUM_DELETE_CONFIRMATION_COMMON, *scName, iCoeEnv );
   565         scDeletionValue = ESmumScNormalDelete;
   566         }
   568     CAknQueryDialog* dlg = CAknQueryDialog::NewL();
   569     // delete sc?
   570     if ( dlg->ExecuteLD( R_DELETE_SC_QUERY, *wholeConfTextInQuery ))
   571         { // yes
   572         // Delete sc from list & sc array
   573         iSCAddressesList->Delete( index );
   574         iSettings.RemoveServiceCenter( index );
   575         amountOfSCs = amountOfSCs - 1;
   576         iListBox->HandleItemRemovalL();
   578         switch ( scDeletionValue )
   579             {
   580             case ESmumScNormalDelete :
   581                 { // Normal deletion, handle Default SC if necessary
   582                 if ( index < scInUseIndex )
   583                     {
   584                     iSettings.SetDefaultServiceCenter( scInUseIndex - 1 );
   585                     } 
   586                 }
   587                 break;
   588             case ESmumScInUse :
   589                 { // Sc in use, launch list query for the user to select new one
   590                 if ( amountOfSCs > 1 )
   591                     {
   592                     LaunchScInUseListQueryL();
   593                     }
   594                 }
   595                 break;
   596             case ESmumScLastOne : 
   597             default :
   598                 break;
   599             }
   601         TInt indexToHighlight = index < iListBox->Model()->NumberOfItems() ?
   602                                    index : iListBox->Model()->NumberOfItems() - 1;                
   603         // Set focus after deletion if we have Service Centres
   604         if ( amountOfSCs >= 1 )
   605             {
   606             iListBox->SetCurrentItemIndex(
   607                   indexToHighlight >= 1 ? indexToHighlight : 0 );
   608             }
   609         }
   610     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // scName, wholeConfTextInQuery
   611     UpdateButtonVisibility();
   612     iListBox->DrawNow();
   613     SMUMLOGGER_LEAVEFN(" CSmumServiceCentresDialog::DeleteServiceCentreL - LAST");
   614     }
   616 // ----------------------------------------------------
   617 // CSmumServiceCentresDialog::LaunchScInUseListQuery
   618 //
   619 // ----------------------------------------------------
   620 void CSmumServiceCentresDialog::LaunchScInUseListQueryL()
   621     {    
   622     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN(" CSmumServiceCentresDialog::LaunchScInUseListQueryL");
   623     // Initialise listbox
   624     CAknSinglePopupMenuStyleListBox* list = 
   625         new(ELeave) CAknSinglePopupMenuStyleListBox;
   626     CleanupStack::PushL( list );
   627     CAknPopupList* popupList = CAknPopupList::NewL( 
   628         list, R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_OK_EMPTY );
   629     CleanupStack::PushL( popupList );	
   630     list->ConstructL( popupList, CEikListBox::ELeftDownInViewRect );
   631     // Add scroll indicators
   632     list->CreateScrollBarFrameL( ETrue );
   633     list->ScrollBarFrame()->SetScrollBarVisibilityL( 
   634         CEikScrollBarFrame::EOff, CEikScrollBarFrame::EAuto );
   636     // Create array and add recipient's numbers to it
   637     CDesCArrayFlat* items = new ( ELeave ) CDesCArrayFlat( KSmumSCArray );
   638     CleanupStack::PushL( items );
   640     TInt amountOfSCs = iSCAddressesList->Count();
   641     for ( TInt loop = 0 ; loop < amountOfSCs; loop++ )
   642         {
   643         items->AppendL( iSCAddressesList->SCNameInfo( loop ).Name());
   644         }
   646     // Give array to listbox model
   647     CTextListBoxModel* model = list->Model();
   648     model->SetItemTextArray( items );
   649     model->SetOwnershipType(ELbmOwnsItemArray);
   650     CleanupStack::Pop();// items - listbox model now owns this
   652     // Load txt to show in title
   653     HBufC* text = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_QTN_MCE_SETTINGS_SMS_LIST_SC, iCoeEnv );
   654     popupList->SetTitleL( *text );
   655     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // text
   657     // Launch popuplist and update choice
   658     TInt choice = KErrNotFound;
   659     CleanupStack::Pop();			//popupList
   660     if ( popupList->ExecuteLD() )
   661         {
   662         choice = list->CurrentItemIndex();
   663         }
   665     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();	// list
   667     // Take user's choice to use
   668     if ( choice != KErrNotFound )
   669         {
   670         iSettings.SetDefaultServiceCenter( choice );
   671         }
   672     SMUMLOGGER_LEAVEFN(" CSmumServiceCentresDialog::LaunchScInUseListQueryL");
   673     }
   675 // ----------------------------------------------------
   676 // CSmumServiceCentresDialog::LaunchHelpL
   677 // launch help using context
   678 //
   679 // ----------------------------------------------------
   680 void CSmumServiceCentresDialog::LaunchHelpL()
   681     {
   682     if ( iHelpFeatureSupported )
   683         {
   684         CCoeAppUi* editorAppUi = STATIC_CAST(CCoeAppUi*, ControlEnv()->AppUi());
   685         CArrayFix<TCoeHelpContext>* helpContext = editorAppUi->AppHelpContextL();
   686         HlpLauncher::LaunchHelpApplicationL( iEikonEnv->WsSession(), helpContext );
   687         }
   688     }
   691 // ----------------------------------------------------
   692 // CSmumServiceCentresDialog::GetHelpContext
   693 // returns helpcontext as aContext
   694 //
   695 // ----------------------------------------------------
   696 void CSmumServiceCentresDialog::GetHelpContext
   697         (TCoeHelpContext& aContext) const
   698     {    
   699     const TUid KUidMce ={0x100058C5};      
   700     aContext.iMajor = KUidMce;
   701     aContext.iContext = KSMS_HLP_SETTINGS_SCENTRES; 
   702     }
   704 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   705 // CSmumServiceCentresDialog::UpdateButtonVisibility
   706 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   707 //
   708 void CSmumServiceCentresDialog::UpdateButtonVisibility()
   709     {
   710     if ( ButtonGroupContainer().ControlOrNull( ESmsSettingsChoiceMenuOpen ) )
   711         {
   712         //Check need for MSK visibility
   713 	    if( iListBox->CurrentItemIndex() > -1 )
   714 	    	{
   715 	    	ButtonGroupContainer().MakeCommandVisible( ESmsSettingsChoiceMenuOpen, ETrue );
   716 	    	}
   717 	    else
   718 	    	{//no need to show
   719 	    	ButtonGroupContainer().MakeCommandVisible( ESmsSettingsChoiceMenuOpen, EFalse );
   720 	       	}
   721         }
   722     }
   724 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   725 // CSmumServiceCentresDialog::DoDelayedExitL
   726 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   727 void CSmumServiceCentresDialog::DoDelayedExitL( const TInt aDelay )
   728     {
   729     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN(" CSmumServiceCentresDialog::DoDelayedExitL");
   730     delete iIdle;
   731     iIdle = 0;
   732     iIdle = CPeriodic::NewL( EPriorityNormal - 1 );
   733     iIdle->Start(   aDelay,
   734                     aDelay,
   735                     TCallBack( DelayedExit, this ) );
   736     SMUMLOGGER_LEAVEFN(" CSmumServiceCentresDialog::DoDelayedExitL");
   737     }
   739 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   740 // CSmumServiceCentresDialog::DelayedExit
   741 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   742 TInt CSmumServiceCentresDialog::DelayedExit( TAny* aThis )
   743     {
   744     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN(" CSmumServiceCentresDialog::DelayedExit");
   745     CSmumServiceCentresDialog* settings = static_cast<CSmumServiceCentresDialog*>( aThis );
   746     TRAP_IGNORE( settings->ClosingServiceCentresDialogL() ); // to be sure of not leaving and exiting
   747     CAknEnv::RunAppShutter( );
   748     SMUMLOGGER_LEAVEFN(" CSmumServiceCentresDialog::DelayedExit");
   749     return KErrNone;
   750     }
   753 //  End of File  