changeset 0 72b543305e3a
child 34 84197e66a4bd
child 57 ebe688cedc25
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:72b543305e3a
     1 // Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    15 //
    17 #include "MIUTMSG.H"
    18 #include "MIUTCONV.H"
    19 #include "MIUT_ERR.H"
    20 #include "CIMPLAINBODYTEXT.H"
    22 #include "cimmessagepart.h" 
    23 #include "cimconvertcharconv.h"
    24 #include "miut_errconsts.h"
    25 #endif
    26 #include <cmsvplainbodytext.h>
    28 /**
    29 NewL Factory method.
    30 @param	aEmailMessage.   The CImEmailMessage refernce corresponding to the message whose body text is being processed.
    31 @param	aMsvEntry.		 The CMsvEntry correspoding to the message being processed.
    32 @param  aEntryType.		 The TImEmailEntryType for the message.
    33 @param	aChunkLength.	 The length of the chunk that will be stored/restored in a single operation.
    34 @param  aWriteMode.		 Indicates whether CMsvStore needs to be opened in Read/Write mode.
    35 						 ETrue indicates Write mode.
    36 						 EFalse indicates Read mode.
    37 @return CImPlainBodyText.Pointer to CImPlainBodyText.
    38 */	
    39 CImPlainBodyText* CImPlainBodyText::NewL(CImEmailMessage& aEmailMessage, CMsvEntry& aMsvEntry, CImEmailMessage::TImEmailEntryType aEntryType, TInt aChunkLength, TBool aWriteMode)
    40 	{
    41 	CImPlainBodyText* self = new (ELeave) CImPlainBodyText(aEmailMessage, aMsvEntry);
    42 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    43 	self->ConstructL(aChunkLength, aEntryType, aWriteMode);
    44 	CleanupStack::Pop();
    45 	return self;
    46 	}
    48 /**
    49 Constructor
    50 @param	aEmailMessage. The CImEmailMessage refernce corresponding to the message whose body text is 
    51 @param	aMsvEntry.	   The CMsvEntry correspoding to the message being processed.
    52 @return None.
    53 */
    54 CImPlainBodyText::CImPlainBodyText(CImEmailMessage& aEmailMessage, CMsvEntry& aMsvEntry)
    55 : CMsgActive(EPriorityNormal), iEmailMessage(aEmailMessage), iMsvEntry(aMsvEntry)
    56 	{
    57 	}
    59 /**
    60 The 2nd Phase construction.
    61 */	
    62 void CImPlainBodyText::ConstructL(TInt aChunkLength, CImEmailMessage::TImEmailEntryType aEntryType, TBool aWriteMode)
    63 	{
    64 	iMessageId = iMsvEntry.EntryId();
    65 	RArray<TMsvId> textIdArray;
    66 	CleanupClosePushL (textIdArray);
    67 	iEmailMessage.GetBodyTextEntryIdL(iMessageId, aEntryType);	
    69 	// A message may contain more than one text part.
    70 	TInt count = iEmailMessage.Selection().Count();
    71 	for(TInt i=0;i<count;++i)
    72 		{
    73 		textIdArray.Append(iEmailMessage.Selection().At(i));
    74 		}
    76 	TUint charset = 0; // Will contain the charset when GetCharacterSetL returns.
    77 	TBool override = EFalse; // Will be set to ETrue if the existing charset was overidden.
    78 	iEmailMessage.GetCharacterSetL(iMessageId,charset,override);	
    80 	if(aWriteMode)
    81 		{
    82 		RFs& fileSvrSession = iMsvEntry.Session().FileSession();
    84 		CCnvCharacterSetConverter* characterConverter = CCnvCharacterSetConverter::NewL();
    85 		CleanupStack::PushL(characterConverter);
    87 		CImConvertCharconv* charConv = CImConvertCharconv::NewL(*characterConverter, fileSvrSession);
    88 		CleanupStack::PushL(charConv);
    90 		TUint defaultCharset = charConv->DefaultCharset();
    91 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2,characterConverter); // charConv, characterConverter
    93 		iMsvEntry.SetEntryL(textIdArray[0]);
    94 		iStore = iMsvEntry.EditStoreL();
    95 		// Body text is stored in MailStore as 16 bit so set iIs8Bit to EFalse.
    96 		iPlainTextArray.Append(iStore->InitialisePlainBodyTextForWriteL(EFalse, charset, defaultCharset));	
    97 		}	
    98 	else
    99 		{
   100 		TInt textIdCount = textIdArray.Count();
   101 		for(TInt i=0; i<textIdCount; ++i)
   102 			{
   103 			// Pointing to the text entry.
   104 			iMsvEntry.SetEntryL(textIdArray[i]);	
   105 			CMsvStore* store = iMsvEntry.ReadStoreL();
   106 			CleanupStack::PushL(store);
   108 			iPlainTextArray.Append( store->InitialisePlainBodyTextForReadL(aChunkLength));
   109 			// if the existing charset was overidden by calling CImEmailMessage::SetCharacterSetL
   110 			if(override)
   111 				{
   112 				iPlainTextArray[i]->SetCharacterSetL(charset);
   113 				}
   114 			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(store);
   115 			store = NULL;
   116 			}
   117 		}
   118 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&textIdArray);
   119 	CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
   120 	}
   122 /**
   123 Destructor
   124 */
   125 EXPORT_C CImPlainBodyText::~CImPlainBodyText()
   126 	{
   127 	delete iStoreMessagePart;
   128 	iPlainTextArray.ResetAndDestroy();
   129 	iPlainTextArray.Close();	
   130 	delete iStore;
   131 	}
   133 /**
   134 Store the plain body text part in chunks.
   135 @param aChunk. 				The 8 bit chunk that is to be stored.
   136 @param aStatus. 			The TRequestStatus parameter for this request.
   137 @leave KErrAccessDenied.	If CMsvStore was opened in Read mode or
   138 							If CommitL is already called.
   139 @leave Other 				Standard system-wide error codes.
   140 @return void.
   141 */
   142 EXPORT_C void CImPlainBodyText::StoreChunkL(const TDesC8& aChunk, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
   143 	{
   144 	iPlainTextArray[0]->StoreChunkL(aChunk, aStatus);
   145 	}
   148 /**
   149 Store the plain body text part in chunks,synchronous version.
   150 @param aChunk. 				The 8 bit chunk that is to be stored.
   151 @leave KErrAccessDenied.	If CMsvStore was opened in Read mode or
   152 							If CommitL is already called.
   153 @leave Other 				Standard system-wide error codes.
   154 @return void.
   155 */
   156 EXPORT_C void CImPlainBodyText::StoreChunkL(const TDesC8& aChunk)
   157 	{
   158 	iPlainTextArray[0]->StoreChunkL(aChunk);
   159 	}
   161 /**
   162 Store the body part in chunks(16 bit version).
   163 @param aChunk 			 The 16 bit chunk that is to be stored.
   164 @param aStatus	 		 The TRequestStatus parameter for this request.
   165 @leave KErrNotSupported  If the 8-bit storage was enabled.
   166 @leave KErrAccessDenied  If CMsvStore was opened in Read mode or
   167 						 IfCommitL is already called.
   168 @leave Other 			 Standard system-wide error codes.
   169 @return void
   170 */
   171 EXPORT_C void CImPlainBodyText::StoreChunkL(const TDesC16& aChunk, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
   172 	{
   173 	iPlainTextArray[0]->StoreChunkL(aChunk, aStatus);
   174 	}
   176 /**
   177 Store the body part in chunks(16 bit synchronous version).
   178 @param aChunk 			 The 16 bit chunk that is to be stored.
   179 @leave KErrNotSupported  If the 8-bit storage was enabled.						 
   180 @leave KErrAccessDenied  If CMsvStore was opened in Read mode or
   181 						 If CommitL is already called.
   182 @leave Other 			 Standard system-wide error codes.
   183 @return void
   184 */
   185 EXPORT_C void CImPlainBodyText::StoreChunkL(const TDesC16& aChunk)
   186 	{
   187 	iPlainTextArray[0]->StoreChunkL(aChunk);
   188 	}
   192 /**
   193 Converts and stores the CRichText contents to a plain text.
   194 @param aRichText 		 The CRichText object that will be stored as plain body text.
   195 @leave KErrNotSupported  If the 8-bit storage was enabled.
   196 @leave KErrAccessDenied  If CMsvStore was opened in Read mode or
   197 						 If CommitL is already called.
   198 @leave Other 			 Standard system-wide error codes.
   199 @return void.
   200 */
   201 EXPORT_C void CImPlainBodyText::StoreRichTextAsPlainTextL(CRichText& aRichText)
   202 	{
   203 	iPlainTextArray[0]->StoreRichTextAsPlainTextL(aRichText);
   204 	}
   206 /**
   207 Retrieve the next chunk of the plain body text.
   208 @param aChunk 			 The output parameter contains the requested chunk.
   209 @param aStatus.			 The TRequestStatus for this request.
   210 @leave KErrAccessDenied  If CMsvStore was opened in Write mode.
   211 @leave KErrNotSupported  If 16-bit storage is enabled.
   212 @leave KErrUnderflow 	 If aChunk MaxLength is less than iChunkMaxLength.
   213 @leave Other 				Standard system-wide error codes.
   214 @return void
   215 */
   216 EXPORT_C void CImPlainBodyText::NextChunkL(TDes8& aChunk, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
   217 	{
   218 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iChunkRetrievalState == EIdleState, gPanic(EImcmNonIdleRetrievalState));
   219 	iChunkRetrievalState = ENextChunk8Bit;
   221 	iChunk8 = &aChunk;
   222 	iChunk16 = NULL;	
   223 	iPlainTextArray[iIndex]->NextChunkL(aChunk, iStatus);
   224 	SetActive();
   225 	Queue(aStatus);
   226 	}
   228 /**
   229 Retrieve the next chunk of the plain body text.
   230 @param aChunk 			 The output parameter contains the requested chunk.
   231 @leave KErrNotSupported  If CMsvStore was opened in Write mode.
   232 @leave KErrNotSupported  If 16-bit storage is enabled.
   233 @leave KErrUnderflow	 If aChunk MaxLength is less than iChunkMaxLength.
   234 @leave Other 			 Standard system-wide error codes.
   235 @return void
   236 */
   237 EXPORT_C void CImPlainBodyText::NextChunkL(TDes8& aChunk)
   238 	{
   239 	iPlainTextArray[iIndex]->NextChunkL(aChunk);
   240 	// If there is more than one text part for the message move to next text part.
   241 	if(aChunk.Length() == 0 && iIndex + 1 < iPlainTextArray.Count())
   242 		{
   243 		iPlainTextArray[++iIndex]->NextChunkL(aChunk);
   244 		}
   245 	}
   249 /**
   250 Restore the plain body text into chunks.
   251 @param aChunk  			The output parameter contains the requested chunk on completion.
   252 @param aStatus 			The TRequestStatus parameter for this request.
   253 @leave KErrNotSupported If CMsvStore was opened in Write mode.
   254 @leave KErrUnderflow	If aChunk MaxLength is less than iChunkMaxLength.
   255 @leave Other 			Standard system-wide error codes.
   256 @return void
   257 */
   258 EXPORT_C void CImPlainBodyText::NextChunkL(TDes16& aChunk, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
   259 	{
   260 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iChunkRetrievalState == EIdleState, gPanic(EImcmNonIdleRetrievalState));
   261 	iChunkRetrievalState = ENextChunk16Bit;
   263 	iChunk16 = &aChunk;
   264 	iChunk8 = NULL;
   265 	iPlainTextArray[iIndex]->NextChunkL(aChunk, iStatus);
   266 	SetActive();
   267 	Queue(aStatus);
   268 	}
   270 /**
   271 Restores the plain body text into chunks.
   272 @param aChunk  			 The output parameter contains the requested chunk on completion.
   273 @leave KErrNotSupported  If CMsvStore was opened in Write mode.
   274 @leave KErrUnderflow	 If aChunk MaxLength is less than iChunkMaxLength.
   275 @leave Other 			 Standard system-wide error codes.
   276 @return void
   277 */
   278 EXPORT_C void CImPlainBodyText::NextChunkL(TDes16& aChunk)
   279 	{
   280 	iPlainTextArray[iIndex]->NextChunkL(aChunk);
   281 	// If there is more than one text part for the message move to next text part.
   282 	if(aChunk.Length() == 0 && iIndex + 1 < iPlainTextArray.Count())
   283 		{
   284 		iPlainTextArray[++iIndex]->NextChunkL(aChunk);
   285 		}
   286 	}
   288 /**
   289 Retrieve the next chunk of the plain body text.
   290 @param aChunk 			 The output parameter contains the requested chunk.
   291 @leave KErrNotSupported  If CMsvStore was opened in Write mode.
   292 @leave KErrNotSupported  If 16-bit storage is enabled.
   293 @leave KErrUnderflow	 If aChunk MaxLength is less than iChunkMaxLength.
   294 @leave Other 			 Standard system-wide error codes.
   295 @return void
   296 */
   297 EXPORT_C void CImPlainBodyText::PreviousChunkL(TDes8& aChunk, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
   298 	{
   299 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iChunkRetrievalState == EIdleState, gPanic(EImcmNonIdleRetrievalState));
   300 	iChunkRetrievalState = EPreviousChunk8Bit;
   302 	iChunk8 = &aChunk;
   303 	iChunk16 = NULL;	
   304 	iPlainTextArray[iIndex]->PreviousChunkL(aChunk, iStatus);
   305 	SetActive();
   306 	Queue(aStatus);
   307 	}
   310 /**
   311 Retrieve the next chunk of the plain body text.
   312 @param aChunk 			 The output parameter contains the requested chunk.
   313 @leave KErrNotSupported  If CMsvStore was opened in Write mode.
   314 @leave KErrNotSupported  If 16-bit storage is enabled.
   315 @leave KErrUnderflow	 If aChunk MaxLength is less than iChunkMaxLength.
   316 @leave Other 			 Standard system-wide error codes.
   317 @return void
   318 */
   319 EXPORT_C void CImPlainBodyText::PreviousChunkL(TDes8& aChunk)
   320 	{
   321 	iPlainTextArray[iIndex]->PreviousChunkL(aChunk);
   322 	// If message had more than one text part move to previous text part.
   323 	if(aChunk.Length() == 0 && iIndex - 1 >= 0)
   324 		{
   325 		iPlainTextArray[--iIndex]->PreviousChunkL(aChunk);
   326 		}
   327 	}	
   329 /**
   330 Restore the plain body text into chunks.
   331 @param aChunk            The output parameter contains the requested chunk on completion.
   332 @param aStatus	         The TRequestStatus parameter for this request.
   333 @leave KErrNotSupported  If CMsvStore was opened in Write mode.
   334 @leave KErrUnderflow	 If aChunk MaxLength is less than iChunkMaxLength.
   335 @leave Other 			 Standard system-wide error codes.
   336 @return void
   337 */
   338 EXPORT_C void CImPlainBodyText::PreviousChunkL(TDes16& aChunk, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
   339 	{
   340 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iChunkRetrievalState == EIdleState, gPanic(EImcmNonIdleRetrievalState));
   341 	iChunkRetrievalState = EPreviousChunk16Bit;
   343 	iChunk16 = &aChunk;
   344 	iChunk8 = NULL;
   345 	iPlainTextArray[iIndex]->PreviousChunkL(aChunk, iStatus);
   346 	SetActive();
   347 	Queue(aStatus);
   348 	}
   350 /**
   351 Restore the plain body text into chunks.
   352 @param aChunk            The output parameter contains the requested chunk on completion.
   353 @leave KErrNotSupported  If CMsvStore was opened in Write mode.
   354 @leave KErrUnderflow	 If aChunk MaxLength is less than iChunkMaxLength.
   355 @leave Other 			 Standard system-wide error codes.
   356 @return void
   357 */
   358 EXPORT_C void CImPlainBodyText::PreviousChunkL(TDes16& aChunk)
   359 	{
   360 	iPlainTextArray[iIndex]->PreviousChunkL(aChunk);
   361 	// If message had more than one text part move to previous text part.
   362 	if(aChunk.Length() == 0 && iIndex - 1 >= 0)
   363 		{
   364 		iPlainTextArray[--iIndex]->PreviousChunkL(aChunk);
   365 		}
   366 	}	
   370 void CImPlainBodyText::DoRunL()
   371 	{
   372 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iChunkRetrievalState != EIdleState, gPanic(EImcmIdleRetrievalState));
   374 	TBool callComplete = ETrue;
   375 	switch(iChunkRetrievalState)
   376 		{
   377 		// DoRunL is called as a result to a call to 8-bit asynchronous NextChunkL.
   378 		case ENextChunk8Bit:
   379 			{ 
   380 			// Check if there are more than one body text part.
   381 			if(iChunk8->Length() == 0 && iIndex + 1 < iPlainTextArray.Count())
   382 				{
   383 				iPlainTextArray[++iIndex]->NextChunkL(*iChunk8, iStatus);
   384 				SetActive();
   385 				callComplete = EFalse;
   386 				}
   387 			break;
   388 			}
   389 		case ENextChunk16Bit:
   390 			{
   391 			// Check if there are more than one body text part
   392 			if(iChunk16->Length() == 0 && iIndex + 1 < iPlainTextArray.Count())
   393 				{
   394 				iPlainTextArray[iIndex]->NextChunkL(*iChunk16, iStatus);
   395 				SetActive();
   396 				callComplete = EFalse;
   397 				}
   398 			break;	
   399 			}
   401 		case EPreviousChunk8Bit:
   402 			{
   403 			// DoRunL is called as a result to a call to 8-bit asynchronous PreviousChunkL.
   404 			if(iChunk8->Length() == 0 && iIndex - 1 >= 0)
   405 				{
   406 				iPlainTextArray[--iIndex]->NextChunkL(*iChunk8, iStatus);
   407 				SetActive();
   408 				callComplete = EFalse;
   409 				}
   410 			break;	
   411 			}
   412 		case EPreviousChunk16Bit:
   413 			{
   414 			if(iChunk16->Length() == 0 && iIndex - 1 >= 0)
   415 				{
   416 				iPlainTextArray[--iIndex]->PreviousChunkL(*iChunk16, iStatus);
   417 				SetActive();
   418 				callComplete = EFalse;
   419 				}
   420 			break;	
   421 			}
   422 		default:
   423 			{
   424 			__ASSERT_DEBUG(iChunkRetrievalState != EIdleState, gPanic(EImcmIdleRetrievalState));
   425 			break;
   426 			}
   428 		}
   429 	if(callComplete)	
   430 		{
   431 		Complete(iStatus.Int());
   432 		iChunkRetrievalState = EIdleState;
   433 		}
   434 	}
   436 /**
   437 Commits the email message after it has been completed.
   438 @param aStatus      The  TRequestStatus parameter for this request.
   439 @return void
   440 */
   441 EXPORT_C void CImPlainBodyText::CommitL(TRequestStatus& aStatus)
   442 	{
   443 	iPlainTextArray[0]->CommitL();
   444 	delete iStore;
   445 	iStore = NULL;
   446 	iStoreMessagePart = CImStoreMessagePart::StorePlainBodyTextL(aStatus, iMsvEntry, iMessageId);
   447 	}
   450 /**
   451 Commits the email message after it has been completed along with mime header for this message.
   452 @param aStatus      The TRequestStatus parameter for this request.
   453 @param aMimeHeader  The CMimeHeader for this message.
   454 @return void
   455 */
   456 EXPORT_C void CImPlainBodyText::CommitL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, CImMimeHeader& aMimeHeader)
   457 	{
   458 	// Commit the file.This will close the plainbody text file.
   459 	iPlainTextArray[0]->CommitL();
   460 	delete iStore;
   461 	iStore = NULL;
   462 	iStoreMessagePart = CImStoreMessagePart::StorePlainBodyTextL(aStatus, iMsvEntry, iMessageId, aMimeHeader);
   463 	}
   465 /**
   466 Cancels the relavent CMsvPlainBodyText object
   467 */	
   468 void CImPlainBodyText::DoCancel()
   469 	{
   470 	iPlainTextArray[iIndex]->Cancel();
   471 	}