changeset 0 72b543305e3a
child 76 60a8a215b0ec
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:72b543305e3a
     1 // Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Implementation file for class CImStmpSession -- representing
    15 // a connection to a remote SMTP server.
    16 // 
    17 //
    19 #include <miutpars.h>           // TImMessageField
    20 #include <imcvsend.h>			// CImSendConvert
    21 #include <logwrap.h>
    22 #include <logwraplimits.h>
    24 #include "SMTS.H"
    25 #include "IMSM.H"				// CImSmtpSession
    26 #include "IMSMSEND.H"			// CImSmtpFile
    27 #include "SMTSUTIL.H"			// forward declarations for utility fns
    28 #include <imutcon.h>
    29 #include "mobilitytestmtmapi.h"
    31 const TInt KSmtpAuthCodeSuccessful=235;
    32 const TInt KSmtpAuthCodeFailed=535;
    33 const TInt KSmtpUnableToAuthAtPresent=435;
    34 const TInt KSmtpAuthCodeReadyResponse=334;
    35 const TInt KSmtpBadParameter=501;
    37 /**
    38 Factory constructor
    40 @param aServerEntry Server entry
    41 @param aSettings SMTP settings
    42 @param aServ Socket server
    43 @param aConnect Network connection
    44 @return Constructed class
    45 */
    46 CImSmtpSession* CImSmtpSession::NewL(CMsvServerEntry& aServerEntry, CSmtpSettings& aSettings, RSocketServ& aServ, CImConnect& aConnect, TMsvId aServiceId)
    47 	{
    48 	CImSmtpSession* self = new (ELeave) CImSmtpSession(aServerEntry, aSettings, aServiceId);
    49 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    50 	self->ConstructL(aServ, aConnect);
    51 	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    52 	return self;
    53 	}
    55 /**
    56 Connect the session to the server
    58 @param aClientStatus Client status to be completed
    59 */
    60 void CImSmtpSession::ConnectL(TRequestStatus& aClientStatus)
    61 	{
    62 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(!iSocketIsConnected, gPanic(EImsmSocketAlreadyConnected));
    64 	if (!iSocketIsConnected)
    65 		{
    66 		if(iSettings.SecureSockets())
    67 			iThisSession = ESecureSession;		 // if the user has chosen to use TLS then we have to use ESMTP+TLS
    68 		else if(iSettings.SMTPAuth())
    69 			iThisSession = EEnhancedSmtpSession; // if the user has chosen to use AUTH, when we have to use ESMTP
    70 		else
    71 			iThisSession = ESmtpSession;		 // use SMTP session for now
    73 		iCompleted = KErrNone;
    74 		iState = EConnectingToSmtp;		// Initialise to 1st state of state machine
    75 		DoStateL();						// Here we go...
    76 		Queue(aClientStatus);		
    77 		}
    78 	else
    79 		{
    80 		// Nothing to do so just complete the caller
    81 		RequestComplete(aClientStatus, KErrNone);
    82 		}
    83 	}
    85 /**
    86 Send all the emails to the server
    88 @param aSendFiles Files to send
    89 @param aClientStatus Client status to be completed
    90 */
    91 void CImSmtpSession::SendFilesL(CMsgImOutboxSend& aSendFiles, TRequestStatus& aClientStatus)
    92 	{
    93 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iSocketIsConnected, gPanic(EImsmSocketNotConnected1));
    95 	TInt error = aSendFiles.NextFile();
    96 	if (iSocketIsConnected &&  error == KErrNone)
    97 		{
    98 		iSendFiles = &aSendFiles;
    99 		iState = ESendingImail;
   100 		DoStateL();
   101 		Queue(aClientStatus);
   102 		}
   103 	else if(error == KErrNotFound)
   104 		{
   105 		// Nothing to do so just complete the caller
   106 		RequestComplete(aClientStatus, KErrNotFound);
   107 		}
   108 	else
   109 		{
   110 		// Nothing to do so just complete the caller
   111 		RequestComplete(aClientStatus, KErrNone);
   112 		}
   113 	}
   115 /**
   116 Quit from the server
   118 @param aClientStatus Client status to be completed
   119 */
   120 void CImSmtpSession::QuitL(TRequestStatus& aClientStatus)
   121 	{
   122 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iSocketIsConnected, gPanic(EImsmSocketNotConnected2));
   124 	if (iSocketIsConnected)
   125 		{
   126 		iState = EClosingSmtp;
   127 		DoStateL();
   128 		Queue(aClientStatus);
   129 		}
   130 	else
   131 		{
   132 		// Nothing to do so just complete the caller
   133 		RequestComplete(aClientStatus, KErrNone);
   134 		}
   135 	}
   137 /**
   138 Constructor
   140 @param aServerEntry Server entry
   141 @param aSettings SMTP settings
   142 */
   143 CImSmtpSession::CImSmtpSession(CMsvServerEntry& aServerEntry, CSmtpSettings& aSettings, TMsvId aServiceId)
   144 			  :	CMsgActive(KImSmtpSessionPriority),
   145 			    iServerEntry(aServerEntry),
   146 				iSettings(aSettings),
   147 				iServiceId(aServiceId),
   148 				iCurrentAuthProfile(CSmtpAuthMechanismHelper::EUndefined) // always start with undefined
   149 	{
   150 	__DECLARE_NAME(_S("CImSmtpSession"));
   151 	}
   153 /**
   154 Second phase constructor
   156 @param aServ Socket server
   157 @param aConnect Network connection
   158 */
   159 void CImSmtpSession::ConstructL(RSocketServ& aServ, CImConnect& aConnect)
   160 	{
   161 	iSocket = CImTextServerSession::NewL(aServ, aConnect);
   162 	//if log fails, ignore the error and continue.
   163 	TRAP_IGNORE(iLogMessage = CImLogMessage::NewL(iServerEntry.FileSession()));
   164 	CActiveScheduler::Add(this);					// Add SmtpSession to scheduler's queue
   165 	}
   167 /**
   168 Destructor
   169 */
   170 CImSmtpSession::~CImSmtpSession()
   171 	{
   172 	Cancel();
   173 	if (iSocketIsConnected)
   174 		{
   175 		iSocket->Disconnect();
   176 		}
   177 	delete iSmtpFile;			// should be dead already
   178 	delete iSocket;
   179 	delete iSmtpAuthHelper;
   180 	delete iLogMessage;
   181 	}
   183 //
   184 //  CreateFormattedAddressL()
   185 //
   186 //  Creates a new HDesC* containing the concateneatd alias and address strings
   187 //
   188 HBufC* CImSmtpSession::CreateFormattedAddressLC(const TDesC& aString, const TDesC& aAlias)
   189     {
   190     TImMessageField msgField;
   192     //  Make a buffer..
   193     TInt strLen     = aString.Length();
   194     TInt aliasLen   = aAlias.Length();
   196     HBufC* outString = HBufC::NewLC(strLen+aliasLen+5);
   197     HBufC* buffer = HBufC::NewL(strLen);
   199     *buffer = msgField.GetValidInternetEmailAddressFromString(aString);
   201 	if (aliasLen)
   202         {
   203 		outString->Des().Format(KSmtpEmailAddressAndAliasFmtStr,&aAlias,buffer);
   204         }
   205     else
   206         {
   207         *outString = *buffer;	        // just copy email address; as there's no alias to be added
   208         }
   210 	delete buffer;
   211     return outString;
   212     }
   215 TImImailFileProgress CImSmtpSession::FileProgress()
   216 	{
   217 	// Return info about how much of message has been sent so far
   218 	TImImailFileProgress progress;
   220 	if (iSmtpFile && (iState==ESendingImail))
   221 		{
   222 		// get progress from CImSmtpFile object as it is doing the work at the moment
   223         iSmtpFile->GetProgress(progress);
   225 		// If there is more than 1 message being sent(ie when sending to BCC's), then
   226 		// update the Progress to take account of the Total Num of Messages sent
   227 		if (iNumMsgsToSend > 1)
   228 			{
   229 			// Calc the Total number of Bytes to send
   230 			TInt fileByteSize = iSmtpFile->BytesToSend();
   231 			TInt bytesSentBefore = (iNumMsgsSent-1)*fileByteSize;  // iNumMsgsSent-1, as this msg is not yet complete
   232 			TInt totalBytesSent = bytesSentBefore + progress.iBytesSent;
   234 			// Update the Progress
   235 			progress.iBytesToSend = iTotalBytesToSend;
   236 			progress.iBytesSent = totalBytesSent;
   237 			}
   238 		}
   239 	else
   240 		{
   241 		progress.iSessionState = EClosingSmtp;
   242 		progress.iBytesSent = 0;
   243 		progress.iBytesToSend = 0;
   244 		}
   245 	return progress;
   246 	}
   249 void CImSmtpSession::SendFileL()
   250 	{
   251 	// Start the 'file mailer' object
   252 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(!iSmtpFile,gPanic(EImsmSmtpFileObjectAlreadyExists));
   253 	// log the info of the message to be sent
   254 	if (iLogMessage)
   255 		iLogMessage->Reset();
   256 	//  Update the header info for this message..
   257 	CImHeader* header = CImHeader::NewLC();
   258 	CMsvStore* store = iServerEntry.EditStoreL();
   259 	CleanupStack::PushL(store);
   260 	header->RestoreL(*store);
   262 	TBool isBccRcpt = EFalse;
   263 	CDesCArray* rcptArray = NULL;
   264 	TBool sendBccNow = iToRcptHeaderUpdated;
   266 	if(!iToRcptHeaderUpdated)
   267 		{
   268 		//  Set the new info...
   269 		//set from address
   270 		HBufC* formatedAddress = CreateFormattedAddressLC(iSettings.EmailAddress(), iSettings.EmailAlias());//Format the address fields
   271 		header->SetFromL(*formatedAddress);
   272 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(formatedAddress);
   273 		formatedAddress = NULL;
   275 		// set ReceiptAddress if one exists in the settings
   276 		if( header->ReceiptAddress().Length() == 0 && iSettings.ReceiptAddress().Length() > 0 )
   277 			{
   278 			formatedAddress=CreateFormattedAddressLC(iSettings.ReceiptAddress(),iSettings.EmailAlias());//Format the address fields
   279 			header->SetReceiptAddressL(*formatedAddress);
   280 			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(formatedAddress);
   281 			formatedAddress = NULL;
   282 			}
   284 		if(header->ToRecipients().Count()==0 && header->CcRecipients().Count()==0)
   285 			{
   286 			sendBccNow=ETrue;
   287 			}
   289 		// ReplyToAddress
   290 		if ((header->ReplyTo().Length() == 0 || header->ReplyTo() == iSettings.ReplyToAddress()) &&
   291 		    (iSettings.ReplyToAddress().Length() > 0))
   292 			{
   293 			formatedAddress= CreateFormattedAddressLC(iSettings.ReplyToAddress(),iSettings.EmailAlias());//Format the address fields
   294 			header->SetReplyToL(*formatedAddress);
   295 			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(formatedAddress);
   296 			formatedAddress = NULL;
   297 			}
   299 		//make a copy of 'Bcc' recipients then remove from Msg header
   300 		rcptArray= &(header->BccRecipients());
   301 		if (iSettings.SendCopyToSelf()==ESendCopyAsBccRecipient)
   302 			{
   303 			if ( header->ReceiptAddress().Length() )
   304 				rcptArray->AppendL(header->ReceiptAddress());
   305 			else if ( header->ReplyTo().Length() )
   306 				rcptArray->AppendL(header->ReplyTo());
   307 			}
   309 		if(rcptArray->Count() > 0)
   310 			{
   311 			iBccRcptFound=ETrue; // 'Bcc' recipients exists
   312 			iBccRcptIndex=0;	  //reset the counter
   313 			iFinishedWithBccRcpts=EFalse;
   315 			iSendFiles->ResetBccRcptArrayL();
   317 			TInt numberRcpts = rcptArray->Count();
   318 			if(numberRcpts)
   319 			{
   320 			iSendFiles->BccRcptArray().AppendL((*rcptArray)[0]);
   321 			CDesCArray& tempArr = iSendFiles->BccRcptArray();
   322 			for(TInt counter=1; counter<numberRcpts; counter++)
   323 				{
   324 				TInt aPos = 0;
   325 				tempArr.Find((*rcptArray)[counter],aPos,ECmpFolded16);			
   326 				if(aPos > 0)	
   327 				iSendFiles->BccRcptArray().AppendL((*rcptArray)[counter]);
   328 				}
   329 				}
   330 			rcptArray->Reset();
   331 			}
   333 		iToRcptHeaderUpdated=ETrue;
   334 		isBccRcpt=EFalse;
   335 		}
   337 	// Reset the number of Sent Messages, if all previous messages have been sent
   338 	if (iNumMsgsSent >= iNumMsgsToSend)
   339 		{
   340 		iNumMsgsSent = 0;
   341 		}
   343 	// Calc the num of messages we're sending. If there is a To or CC,
   344 	// recipient then there will be a message sent
   345 	if(header->ToRecipients().Count()>0 || header->CcRecipients().Count()>0)
   346 		iNumMsgsToSend = 1;
   347 	else
   348 		iNumMsgsToSend = 0;
   350 	// If there are BCC recipients, then we will be sending a message to each
   351 	if (iBccRcptFound)
   352 		iNumMsgsToSend += iSendFiles->BccRcptArray().Count();
   354 	// Make sure there are recipients to send to.
   355 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iNumMsgsToSend,gPanic(EImsmZeroRecipientsInMessage));
   357 	// sending Msg to 'Bcc' recipients so update header
   358 	if (sendBccNow && iBccRcptFound)
   359 		{
   360 		rcptArray= &(header->BccRecipients());
   361 		rcptArray->Reset();
   362 		header->BccRecipients().AppendL(iSendFiles->BccRcptArray()[iBccRcptIndex]);
   364 		++iBccRcptIndex;//for the next recipient
   365 		if(iBccRcptIndex < iSendFiles->BccRcptArray().Count())
   366 			iFinishedWithBccRcpts=EFalse;
   367 		else
   368 			iFinishedWithBccRcpts=ETrue;
   370 		isBccRcpt=ETrue;
   371 		}
   373 	header->StoreL(*store);
   374 	store->CommitL();
   375 	if (iLogMessage)
   376 		{
   377 		iLogMessage->LogEvent().SetEventType(KLogMailEventTypeUid);
   378 		if ((header->ToRecipients().Count()
   379  			+ header->CcRecipients().Count()
   380  			+ header->BccRecipients().Count()) > 1)
   381  		// If there are multiple recipients then set the recipient to 'multiple'
   382  			{
   383  			TBuf<KLogMaxSharedStringLength> multipleRecipientsString;
   384  			iLogMessage->GetString(multipleRecipientsString, R_LOG_REMOTE_MULTIPLE);
   385  			iLogMessage->LogEvent().SetRemoteParty(multipleRecipientsString);
   386  			}
   387  		else
   388  		// If there is only one recipient then set the recipient name
   389  			{
   390 			if (header->ToRecipients().Count())
   391 				iLogMessage->LogEvent().SetRemoteParty(header->ToRecipients()[0]);
   393 			else if (header->CcRecipients().Count())
   394 				iLogMessage->LogEvent().SetRemoteParty(header->CcRecipients()[0]);
   396 			else if (header->BccRecipients().Count())
   397 				iLogMessage->LogEvent().SetRemoteParty(header->BccRecipients()[0]);
   398 			}
   400 		iLogMessage->LogEvent().SetSubject(header->Subject());
   402 		TBuf<KLogMaxSharedStringLength> outString;
   403 		iLogMessage->GetString(outString, R_LOG_DIR_OUT);
   404 		iLogMessage->LogEvent().SetDirection(outString);
   406 		iLogMessage->LogEvent().SetLink(iServerEntry.Entry().Id());
   407 		}
   409 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, header);
   411 	iTimeNow.UniversalTime();	// Set time/date of sending this message file
   412 	if (iLogMessage)
   413 		iLogMessage->LogEvent().SetTime(iTimeNow);
   414 	TRAPD(error,iSmtpFile = CImSmtpFile::NewL(	*iSocket,
   415                                                 iServerEntry,
   416 												iTimeNow,
   417 												iSmtpBuffer,
   418 												iSettings,
   419 												isBccRcpt)); // Create the file mailing object
   421 	if(error == KErrNone)
   422 		{
   423 		// If this is the first message to send, then calc the total bytes to send
   424 		if (iNumMsgsSent == 0)
   425 			{
   426 			iTotalBytesToSend =  iSmtpFile->TotalMsgSizeL() * iNumMsgsToSend;
   427 			}
   429 		// Tell the file how many bytes it will be sending.  This is just a
   430 		// rough estimate for progress
   431 		iSmtpFile->SetBytesToSend(iTotalBytesToSend/iNumMsgsToSend);
   433 		// Increment the number of messages sent
   434 		++iNumMsgsSent;
   436 		iSmtpFile->StartL(iStatus);		// start sending the message
   437 		MOBILITY_TEST_MTM_STATE(iServiceId, KMobilityTestMtmStateSmtpSendFile);
   438 		}
   439 	else
   440 		{
   441 		iCompleted=error;
   442 		RequestComplete(iStatus,0-error);	// Failed to create File object, but don't want to stop session prematurely, so negate error code
   443 		}
   444 	}
   446 void CImSmtpSession::DoCancel()
   447 	{
   448 	if (iSmtpFile)
   449 		{
   450 		iSmtpFile->Cancel();	//which calls iSocket->Cancel()
   451 		delete iSmtpFile;		// this is expected to be deleted
   452 		iSmtpFile=NULL;
   453 		}
   454 	else if (iSocket)
   455 		{
   456 		iSocket->Cancel();
   457 		}
   459 	if (iLogMessage)
   460 		{
   461 		iLogMessage->Cancel();
   462 		}
   463 	CMsgActive::DoCancel();		// this MUST be the last statement in this function
   464 	}
   467 void CImSmtpSession::DoRunL()
   468 	{
   469 	// Received a KErrNone signal completing last pending asynchronous operation.
   470 	// So now decide what to do next...
   472 	delete iSmtpFile;			// delete mailing object; (new one created later if need to mail another message)
   473 	iSmtpFile=NULL;
   475 	if (iStatus.Int() != KErrNone && iState!=ELogDataEvent)
   476 		{
   477 		iCompleted=iStatus.Int();	// retain any non-zero completion code for future reference when DoComplete() is called
   478 		}
   480 	iState = NextStateL();
   482 	if (!iOperationComplete)
   483 		{
   484 		if (iSmtpMultiLineResponse)
   485 			{
   486 			// Don't change state, just read next line of multi-line
   487 			// response from remote SMTP server...
   488 			iSmtpLastMultiLineResponse=EFalse;
   489 			iSocket->QueueReceiveNextTextLine(iStatus);
   490 			SetActive();
   491 			}
   492 		else
   493 			{
   494 			DoStateL();		// move to state that was chosen by this function
   495 			}
   496 		}
   497 	else
   498 		{
   499 		iOperationComplete = EFalse;
   500 		}
   501 	}
   505 void CImSmtpSession::DoComplete(TInt& aStatus)
   506 	{
   507 	if (aStatus==KErrDisconnected && iState==EClosingSmtp)
   508 		{
   509 		// ignore sudden disconnect if in closing state
   510 		aStatus = KErrNone;
   511 		}
   513 	if (iCompleted && aStatus==KErrNone)		// last non-zero error in aStatus takes preference over older error stored in iCompleted
   514 		{
   515 		aStatus = iCompleted;
   516 		}
   518 	if (aStatus>KErrNone)
   519 		{
   520 		switch (aStatus)
   521 			{
   522 			case ESmtpMailboxNoAccess:
   523 			case ESmtpMailboxName:
   524 			case ESmtpTransactionFailed:
   525 				aStatus=KSmtpLoginRefused;
   526 				break;
   527 			case -KSmtpBadMailFromAddress:
   528 			case -KSmtpBadRcptToAddress:
   529 			case -KSmtpNoMailFromErr:
   530 			case -KSmtpLoginRefused:
   531 				// Negate the status because it was negated earlier so that it wouldn't be fatal
   532 				aStatus = -aStatus;
   533 				break;
   534 			default:
   535 				aStatus=KSmtpUnknownErr;
   536 			}
   537 		}
   538 	}
   541 TInt CImSmtpSession::NextStateL()
   542 // this returns the next state according to the current state and the response text received from the server
   543 // if the text has not been accepted by the server, then we close our session with it, i.e. return EClosingSmtp.
   544 	{
   545 	switch(iState)
   546 		{
   547 		case EConnectingToSmtp:
   548 			return EWaitingForReply;
   550 		case EWaitingForReply:
   551 			return NextStateFromWaitingForReply();
   553 		case EAuthorisingSmtp:
   554 			return NextStateFromAuthorisingSmtpL();
   556 		case ESendingStarttls:
   557 			return NextStateFromSendStarttls();
   559 		case ESettingSecurity:
   560 			return NextStateFromSettingSecurityL();
   562 		case ESendingImail:
   563 			if (iBccRcptFound && !iFinishedWithBccRcpts)
   564 				{
   565 				return ESendingImail;
   566 				}
   567 			else
   568 				{
   569 				// 'Bcc' recipients are dealt with at this point
   570 				iSendFiles->SetLastMessageStatusL(iTimeNow,(TSmtpSessionError)iStatus.Int());
   571 				// ... which unlocks the server entry (except the first time)
   573 				// now move on to the next Email message
   574 				iToRcptHeaderUpdated=EFalse; // for the new msg
   575 				iBccRcptFound=EFalse;
   576 				iFinishedWithBccRcpts=ETrue;
   577 				return ELogDataEvent;
   578 				}
   580 		case ELogDataEvent:
   581 			return NextStateFromNextFile();
   583 		case EClosingSmtp:
   584 			{
   585 			iOperationComplete = ETrue;
   586 			return iState;
   587 			}
   589 		case EAuthInProgress:
   590 			// for SMTP auth, call specific function, to stop cluttering up this one
   591 			return NextStateFromAuthInProgressL();
   593 		case EResetSmtp:
   594 			return NextStateFromResetSmtp();
   596 		default:
   597 			return iState;
   598 		}
   599 	}
   601 TInt CImSmtpSession::NextStateFromWaitingForReply()
   602 	{
   603 	if (CommandAccepted())
   604 		{
   605 		if (!iEsmtpSpokenHere)
   606 			{
   607 			iEsmtpSpokenHere = (iSmtpBuffer.Match(KEsmtpMatchString) != KErrNotFound);
   608 			if (iEsmtpSpokenHere && iThisSession == ESmtpSession)
   609 				iThisSession = EEnhancedSmtpSession;
   610 			}
   612 		if (iSmtpMultiLineResponse)
   613 			{
   614 			// If this is not last reply of a mullti-line response... request next
   615 			// line and don't change state
   616 			return EWaitingForReply;
   617 			}
   618 		return EAuthorisingSmtp;
   619 		}
   620 	else
   621 		{
   622 		// SMTP server didn't return "220" to "HELO" command, so quit session
   623 		// without sending any Emails.
   624 		return  EClosingSmtp;
   625 		}
   626 	}
   628 TInt CImSmtpSession::NextStateFromAuthorisingSmtpL()
   629 	{
   630 	if (CommandAccepted())
   631 		{
   632 		UpdateAuthorisingInfo();
   634 		if (iSmtpMultiLineResponse)
   635 			{
   636 			// If this is not last reply of a mullti-line response... request next
   637 			// line and don't change state.
   638 			return EAuthorisingSmtp;
   639 			}
   641 		if (iThisSession==ESecureSession)
   642 			{
   643 			if(iStartTlsAcceptedHere)
   644 				{
   645 				return ESendingStarttls;
   646 				}
   647 			else
   648 				{
   649 				// The SMTP server doesn't support TLS.
   650 				// Save the error and close down the session.
   651 				iCompleted = KErrSmtpTLSNegotiateFailed;
   652 				return EClosingSmtp;
   653 				}
   654 			}
   655 		else if (iThisSession==EEnhancedSmtpSession)
   656 			{
   657 			if (iSettings.SMTPAuth() && SelectNextSMTPAuthProfileL())
   658 				{
   659 				// if possible, perform SMTP AUTH
   660 				return EAuthInProgress;
   661 				}
   663 			iOperationComplete = ETrue;
   664 			return iState;
   665 			}
   666 		else
   667 			{
   668 			__ASSERT_DEBUG(iThisSession==ESmtpSession, gPanic(EImsmBadSessionState));
   669 			iOperationComplete = ETrue;
   670 			return iState;
   671 			}
   672 		}
   673 	else
   674 		{
   675 		// EHLO or HELO rejected by server
   676 		if( iSettings.SecureSockets() )
   677 			{
   678 			// Cannot continue if we're trying for secure?
   679 			iCompleted = KErrSmtpTLSNegotiateFailed;
   680 			return EClosingSmtp;
   681 			}
   682 		else if((iLastSmtpCode == KSmtpBadParameter) && (iRetryAuthWithHostname==EFalse))
   683 			{
   684 			// The server did not like the supplied IP parameter, reset and retry with a named
   685 			// string as paramter using the same EHLO or HELO command if it hasn't already been
   686 			// attempted
   687 			iRetryAuthWithHostname = ETrue;
   688 			iCompleted = KErrNone;
   689 			return EResetSmtp;
   690 			}
   691 		else if(iThisSession==EEnhancedSmtpSession)
   692 			{
   693 			// EHLO has failed, reset and retry with HELO
   694 			iCompleted = KErrNone;
   695 			iRetryAuthWithHostname = EFalse;
   696 			iThisSession = ESmtpSession;
   697 			return EResetSmtp;
   698 			}
   699 		else
   700 			{
   701 			// Every attempt has failed, iCompleted has been set with an appropriate
   702 			// error code in the CommandAccepted() call, so simply close the smtp session
   703 			return EClosingSmtp;
   704 			}
   705 		}
   706 	}
   708 TInt CImSmtpSession::NextStateFromSendStarttls()
   709 	{
   710 	if (CommandAccepted() && iSmtpMultiLineResponse)
   711 		{
   712 		// If this is not last reply of a mullti-line response... request next
   713 		// line and don't change state
   714 		return ESendingStarttls;
   715 		}
   717 	if(iCompleted)
   718 		return EClosingSmtp;
   719 	else
   720 		return ESettingSecurity;
   721 	}
   723 TInt CImSmtpSession::NextStateFromSettingSecurityL()
   724 	{
   725 	if ( CommandAccepted() )
   726 		{
   727 		UpdateAuthorisingInfo();
   729 		if (iSmtpMultiLineResponse)
   730 			{
   731 			// If this is not last reply of a mullti-line response... request next
   732 			// line and don't change state
   733 			return ESettingSecurity;
   734 			}
   735 		}
   737 	if(iCompleted)
   738 		return EClosingSmtp;
   740 	if (iSettings.SMTPAuth() && SelectNextSMTPAuthProfileL())
   741 		return EAuthInProgress;
   742 	else
   743 		{
   744 		iOperationComplete = ETrue;
   745 		return iState;
   746 		}
   747 	}
   749 TInt CImSmtpSession::NextStateFromAuthInProgressL()
   750 	{
   751 	TInt smtpCode=ESmtpNoReturnCode;
   752 	TBool commandAccepted=GetCurrentTextLine();
   753 	if (commandAccepted)
   754 		{
   755 		// parse out SMTP code from text response
   756 		smtpCode=SmtpResponseCode(iSmtpBuffer,iSmtpMultiLineResponse,iSmtpLastMultiLineResponse);
   757 		if (iSmtpMultiLineResponse)
   758 			{
   759 			// Check for response code 535
   760 			if (smtpCode == KSmtpAuthCodeFailed)
   761 				{
   762 				User::Leave(KSmtpLoginRefused);
   763 				}
   764 			iSmtpAuthHelper->SetLastServerMessageL(iSmtpBuffer,iSmtpMultiLineResponse);
   765 			return iState;
   766 			}
   767 		if(smtpCode==KSmtpAuthCodeSuccessful || smtpCode==KSmtpAuthCodeFailed || smtpCode==KSmtpUnableToAuthAtPresent)
   768 			{
   769 			//if KSmtpAuthCodeSuccessful then SmtpAuth concluded - move onto next state.
   770 			//if KSmtpAuthCodeFailed then SmtpAuth failed, but try to send anyway
   771 			iOperationComplete = ETrue;
   772 			return iState;
   773 			}
   774 		else if(smtpCode==ESmtpParamNotImplemented)
   775 			{
   776 			// this mechanism not recognised by the server.
   777 			delete iSmtpAuthHelper;
   778 			iSmtpAuthHelper=NULL;
   779 			if (SelectNextSMTPAuthProfileL())
   780 				{
   781 				return EAuthInProgress;
   782 				}
   783 			else
   784 				{
   785 				// all AUTH attempts fail, try to send anyway
   786 				iOperationComplete = ETrue;
   787 				return iState;
   788 				}
   789 			}
   790 		else if(smtpCode==KSmtpAuthCodeReadyResponse)
   791 			{
   792 			iSmtpAuthHelper->SetLastServerMessageL(iSmtpBuffer,iSmtpMultiLineResponse);
   793 			return EAuthInProgress;
   794 			}
   795 			// if here, we will execute default error case, unless someone adds
   796 			// a clause not resulting in a "return" statement
   797 		}
   798 	// default error case
   799 	iCompleted=SmtpSessionError(smtpCode);
   800 	return EClosingSmtp;
   802 	}
   804 TInt CImSmtpSession::NextStateFromResetSmtp()
   805 	{
   806 	if( CommandAccepted() )
   807 		{
   808 		if (iSmtpMultiLineResponse)
   809 			{
   810 			// If this is not last reply of a mullti-line response... request next
   811 			// line and don't change state
   812 			return EResetSmtp;
   813 			}
   814 		// The reset was accepted - send the HELO command.
   815 		return EAuthorisingSmtp;
   816 		}
   818 	// The reset was not accepted - didn't get a 2xx response. Might as
   819 	// well end the SMTP session.
   820 	return EClosingSmtp;
   821 	}
   823 void CImSmtpSession::DoStateL()
   824 // performs the operation required by iState
   825     {
   826     switch (iState)
   827         {
   828 		case EConnectingToSmtp:
   829 			iEsmtpSpokenHere = EFalse;
   830 			i8BitMimeAcceptedHere = EFalse;
   831 			iSizeAcceptedHere = EFalse;
   832 			iStartTlsAcceptedHere = EFalse;
   833 			if(iSettings.SSLWrapper())
   834 				{
   835 				// Open secure socket on port 465 for SMTP session
   836 				iSocket->SSLQueueConnectL(iStatus, iSettings.ServerAddress(), iSettings.Port(), iSettings.IapPrefs(), iSettings.TlsSslDomain());
   837 				}
   838 			else
   839 				{
   840 				// Open socket on port 25 for SMTP session
   841 				iSocket->QueueConnectL(iStatus, iSettings.ServerAddress(), iSettings.Port(), iSettings.IapPrefs(), iSettings.TlsSslDomain());
   842 				}
   844 			MOBILITY_TEST_MTM_STATE(iServiceId, KMobilityTestMtmStateSmtpConnectingToSmtp);
   845 			break;
   847 		case EWaitingForReply:
   848 			iSocketIsConnected=ETrue;
   849 			iSocket->QueueReceiveNextTextLine(iStatus);
   850 			MOBILITY_TEST_MTM_STATE(iServiceId, KMobilityTestMtmStateSmtpWaitingForReply);
   851 			break;
   853 		case EAuthorisingSmtp:
   854 			{
   855 			TBuf8<KImskIPAddressLen> address;
   856 			GetIpAddress(address);
   858 			if(iRetryAuthWithHostname)
   859 				{
   860 				// Try sending a text string hostname instead of IP address
   861 				_LIT(KDefaultNameString, "localhost");
   862 				address.Copy(KDefaultNameString);
   863 				}
   865 			if (iThisSession!=ESmtpSession)
   866 				iSmtpBuffer.Format(KSmtpEhloCommand,&address);
   867 			else
   868 				iSmtpBuffer.Format(KSmtpHeloCommand,&address);
   870 			iSocket->SendQueueReceive(iStatus, iSmtpBuffer);
   871 			MOBILITY_TEST_MTM_STATE(iServiceId, KMobilityTestMtmStateSmtpAuthorisingSmtp);
   872 			break;
   873 			}
   874 		case EAuthInProgress:
   875 			{
   876 			iSmtpAuthHelper->GetNextClientMessageL(iSmtpBuffer);
   877 			iSocket->SendQueueReceive(iStatus, iSmtpBuffer);
   878 			MOBILITY_TEST_MTM_STATE(iServiceId, KMobilityTestMtmStateSmtpAuthInProgress);
   879 			break;
   880 			}
   881 		case ESendingStarttls:
   882 			{
   883 			// User has chosen to use Tls - send the STARTTLS cmd.
   884 			iSocket->SetSSLTLSResponseL(KSmtpTlsResponse);
   885 			iSocket->SendQueueReceive(iStatus, KSmtpStartTlsCommand());
   886 			MOBILITY_TEST_MTM_STATE(iServiceId, KMobilityTestMtmStateSmtpSendingStartTls);
   887 			break;
   888 			}
   889 		case ESettingSecurity:
   890 			{
   891 			// Reset the Auth profiles and flags.
   892 			i8BitMimeAcceptedHere	= EFalse;
   893 			iSizeAcceptedHere		= EFalse;
   894 			iStartTlsAcceptedHere	= EFalse;
   895 			iSupportedAuthProfiles	= ENone;
   897 			//  Set Security, send a NOOP
   898 			//	and then queues asynch read request for a response
   899 			//	from the remote SMTP server.
   900 			TBuf8<KImskIPAddressLen> address;
   901 			GetIpAddress(address);
   903 			iSmtpBuffer.Format(KSmtpEhloCommand, &address);
   904 			iSocket->SendQueueReceive(iStatus,iSmtpBuffer);
   905 			MOBILITY_TEST_MTM_STATE(iServiceId, KMobilityTestMtmStateSmtpSettingSecurity);
   906 			break;
   907 			}
   908 		case ESendingImail:	// send one Imail message
   909  			SendFileL();
   910 			break;
   912 		case ELogDataEvent:
   913 			{
   914 			if (iLogMessage)
   915 				{
   916 				const TInt logError = iServerEntry.Entry().iError;
   917 				if (logError == KErrNone)
   918 					{
   919 					TBuf<KLogMaxStatusLength> status;
   920 					if (iLogMessage->GetString(status, R_LOG_DEL_SENT) == KErrNone)
   921 						iLogMessage->LogEvent().SetStatus(status);
   922 					}
   923 				iLogMessage->Start(logError, iStatus);
   924 				}
   925 			else
   926 				{
   927 				TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
   928 				User::RequestComplete(status, KErrNone);
   929 				}
   930 			break;
   931 			}
   932 		case EResetSmtp:
   933 			iSocket->SendQueueReceive(iStatus, KSmtpResetCommand());
   934 			MOBILITY_TEST_MTM_STATE(iServiceId, KMobilityTestMtmStateSmtpResetSmtp);
   935 			break;
   937 		case EClosingSmtp:	//finished running - end SMTP session
   938 			iSocket->SendQueueReceive(iStatus, KSmtpQuitCommand());
   939 			MOBILITY_TEST_MTM_STATE(iServiceId, KMobilityTestMtmStateSmtpClosingSmtp);
   940 			break;
   942 		default:     // Unknown state
   943 			gPanic(EImsmBadSessionState);
   944 			break;
   945         }
   946  	SetActive();
   947     }
   950 TInt CImSmtpSession::SmtpSessionError(const TInt aSmtpErrorCode)
   951 	{
   952 	// This function is called when no socket/memory error occurred whilst completing
   953 	// last state, but the remote SMTP server did not return the expected 3 digit
   954 	// completion code.
   955 	// Select an appropriate error code determined from the current state of CImSmtpSession.
   956 	switch (iState)
   957 		{
   958 		case EAuthorisingSmtp:
   959 			if (aSmtpErrorCode==ESmtpSyntaxError)
   960 				return (KSmtpLoginRefused);
   961 			break;
   963 		case EWaitingForReply:
   964 			// assume that ANY failure in this state means I have been refused connection to SMTP server
   965 			return (KSmtpLoginRefused);
   967 		case ESendingStarttls:
   968 		case ESettingSecurity:
   969 		case EConnectingToSmtp:
   970 		case ESendingImail:
   971 		case EResetSmtp:
   972 		case EClosingSmtp:
   973 			break;
   975 		case EAuthInProgress:
   976 			if (aSmtpErrorCode==KSmtpAuthCodeFailed || aSmtpErrorCode==KSmtpUnableToAuthAtPresent)
   977 				return (KSmtpLoginRefused);
   978 			break;
   980 		default:     // Unknown state
   981 			gPanic(EImsmBadSessionState);
   982 			break;
   983         }
   985 	return IdentifySmtpError(aSmtpErrorCode);
   986 	}
   988 TBool CImSmtpSession::GetCurrentTextLine()
   989 	{
   990 	TInt result=iSocket->GetCurrentTextLine(iSmtpBuffer);
   991 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(result==ECRLFTerminated,gPanic(EImsmBadSmtpBuffer));
   993 	if(result==ECRLFTerminated)
   994 		return ETrue;
   995 	else
   996 		return EFalse;
   997 	}
   999 void CImSmtpSession::GetIpAddress(TDes8& aAddress)
  1000 /** Gets the local IP address from the socket without any trailing scope identifiers
  1001 @param aAddress Buffer in which the IP address of the socket will be returned */
  1002 	{
  1003     aAddress.Copy(iSocket->LocalName());
  1005     // Remove the %nn scope identifier if present Eg. x.x.x.x.x.x%1 becomes x.x.x.x.x.x
  1006 	//  This only occurs with IPv6 and was a requirement of multi-homing.
  1007 	TInt pos = aAddress.Locate(TChar('%'));
  1008 	if (pos>0)
  1009 		{
  1010 		aAddress.SetLength(pos);
  1011 		}
  1012 	}
  1014 /*
  1015 From knowledge of the last profile used, and the profiles available, select a next profile
  1016 to try, create the helper class
  1017 otherwise return false
  1018 */
  1019 TBool CImSmtpSession::SelectNextSMTPAuthProfileL()
  1020 	{
  1021 	CSmtpAuthMechanismHelper::TSmtpAuthProfileFlag nextProfile=NextSMTPAuthProfile(iCurrentAuthProfile);
  1022 	while (!(nextProfile&iSupportedAuthProfiles) && nextProfile!=CSmtpAuthMechanismHelper::ENoProfile)	// while "nextProfile" is not supported
  1023 																				// and there are profiles to try
  1024 		nextProfile=NextSMTPAuthProfile(nextProfile); // try the next one
  1025 	iCurrentAuthProfile=nextProfile;
  1026 	if (iCurrentAuthProfile==CSmtpAuthMechanismHelper::ENoProfile)  // run out of profiles to try
  1027 		return EFalse;
  1028 	else
  1029 		{
  1030 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(!iSmtpAuthHelper, gPanic(EImsmSmtpAuthHelperAlreadyExists));
  1031 		iSmtpAuthHelper=CreateSMTPAuthHelperL(iCurrentAuthProfile,iSettings);
  1032 		return ETrue;
  1033 		}
  1034 	}
  1036 // Get the value of the connecting IAP from CImTextServerSession
  1037 //  Returns the value of the currently connecting IAP or a system-wide error code.
  1038 TInt CImSmtpSession::GetConnectionIAP()
  1039 	{
  1040 	TUint32 iap;
  1041 	TInt err = iSocket->GetIAPValue(iap);
  1042 	if (err == KErrNone)
  1043 		{
  1044 		return iap;
  1045 		}
  1046 	else
  1047 		{
  1048 		return err;
  1049 		}
  1050 	}
  1052 CSmtpAuthMechanismHelper::TSmtpAuthProfileFlag  CImSmtpSession::NextSMTPAuthProfile(CSmtpAuthMechanismHelper::TSmtpAuthProfileFlag aPreviousProfile)
  1053 	{
  1054 	// we try the following profiles in this order, CRAM-MD5, LOGIN, PLAIN
  1055 	switch(aPreviousProfile)
  1056 		{
  1057 		case CSmtpAuthMechanismHelper::EUndefined:
  1058 			return CSmtpAuthMechanismHelper::ECramMD5;
  1060 		case CSmtpAuthMechanismHelper::ECramMD5:
  1061 			return CSmtpAuthMechanismHelper::ELogin;
  1063 		case CSmtpAuthMechanismHelper::ELogin:
  1064 			return CSmtpAuthMechanismHelper::EPlain;
  1066 		case CSmtpAuthMechanismHelper::EPlain:
  1067 			return CSmtpAuthMechanismHelper::ENoProfile;
  1069 		default:
  1070 			gPanic(EImsmBadSmtpAuthProfile1);
  1071 		}
  1072 	return CSmtpAuthMechanismHelper::ENoProfile;
  1073 	}
  1075 TInt CImSmtpSession::NextStateFromNextFile()
  1076 	{
  1077 	if (iSendFiles->NextFile() == KErrNone)
  1078 		{
  1079 		return ESendingImail;
  1080 		}
  1081 	else
  1082 		{
  1083 		iOperationComplete = ETrue;
  1084 		return iState;
  1085 		}
  1086 	}
  1088 TBool CImSmtpSession::CommandAccepted()
  1089 	{
  1090 	iLastSmtpCode = ESmtpNoReturnCode;
  1091 	TBool commandAccepted = GetCurrentTextLine();
  1092 	if (commandAccepted)
  1093 		{
  1094 		iLastSmtpCode = SmtpResponseCode(iSmtpBuffer, iSmtpMultiLineResponse, iSmtpLastMultiLineResponse);   // parse out SMTP code from text response
  1096 		commandAccepted = LastSmtpCommandAccepted(iLastSmtpCode, 2);      // was response accepted by remote server?
  1097 		}
  1099 	if (!commandAccepted)
  1100 		{
  1101 		// overrride completion code with suitable error number
  1102 		iCompleted = SmtpSessionError(iLastSmtpCode);
  1103 		}
  1104 	return commandAccepted;
  1105 	}
  1107 void CImSmtpSession::UpdateAuthorisingInfo()
  1108 	{
  1109 	if (!i8BitMimeAcceptedHere)
  1110 		{
  1111 		// i.e. don't do test again if flag is already set
  1112 		i8BitMimeAcceptedHere = (iSmtpBuffer.Match(K8BitMimeMatchString) != KErrNotFound);
  1113 		}
  1114 	if (!iSizeAcceptedHere)
  1115 		{
  1116 		iSizeAcceptedHere = (iSmtpBuffer.Match(KSizeMatchString) != KErrNotFound);
  1117 		// ESMTP: V1.1 parse string to extract max message size from string here...
  1118 		}
  1119 	if (!iStartTlsAcceptedHere)
  1120 		{
  1121 		iStartTlsAcceptedHere = (iSmtpBuffer.Match(KStartTlsMatchString) != KErrNotFound);
  1122 		}
  1123 	//Support added for Domino server.
  1124 	if (iSmtpBuffer.Match(KAuthMatchString) != KErrNotFound || 
  1125     				iSmtpBuffer.Match(KAuthDominoMatchString) != KErrNotFound) 
  1126 		{
  1127 		// check for each supported profile
  1128 		if (iSmtpBuffer.Match(KAuthPlainMatchString) != KErrNotFound)
  1129 			iSupportedAuthProfiles|=CSmtpAuthMechanismHelper::EPlain;
  1130 		if (iSmtpBuffer.Match(KAuthLoginMatchString) != KErrNotFound)
  1131 			iSupportedAuthProfiles|=CSmtpAuthMechanismHelper::ELogin;
  1132 		if (iSmtpBuffer.Match(KAuthCramMD5MatchString) != KErrNotFound)
  1133 			iSupportedAuthProfiles|=CSmtpAuthMechanismHelper::ECramMD5;
  1134    		// Special case for Domino servers tagging "=" after "AUTH" 
  1135    		if (iSmtpBuffer.Match(KAuthDominoPlainMatchString) != KErrNotFound) 
  1136        		iSupportedAuthProfiles|=CSmtpAuthMechanismHelper::EPlain; 
  1137    		if (iSmtpBuffer.Match(KAuthDominoLoginMatchString) != KErrNotFound) 
  1138        		iSupportedAuthProfiles|=CSmtpAuthMechanismHelper::ELogin; 
  1139    		if (iSmtpBuffer.Match(KAuthDominoCramMD5MatchString) != KErrNotFound) 
  1140    			iSupportedAuthProfiles|=CSmtpAuthMechanismHelper::ECramMD5;
  1142  		}
  1143 	}