changeset 0 72b543305e3a
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:72b543305e3a
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: MmsMtmDeliveryPopup implementation
    15 *
    16 */
    22 #include <aknmessagequerydialog.h>
    23 #include <MmsUi.rsg>
    24 #include <eikenv.h>
    26 #include <commonphoneparser.h>
    27 #include "CMsgDeliveryItem.h"
    28 #include "MmsMtmDeliveryPopup.h"
    29 #include "MmsMtmUi.h"           //  ConvertUtcToLocalTime()
    32 // CONSTANTS
    33 _LIT( KLineWrap, "\n" );
    34 _LIT( KOpen, "<");
    35 _LIT( KClose, ">");
    36 _LIT( KComma, ",");
    37 _LIT (KSpace, " ");
    39 // MACROS
    47 // ==================== LOCAL FUNCTIONS ====================
    50 // ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
    54 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    55 // CMsgInfoDeliveryStatusPopup::CMsgInfoDeliveryStatusPopup
    56 // C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
    57 // might leave.
    58 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    59 //
    60 CMsgInfoDeliveryStatusPopup::CMsgInfoDeliveryStatusPopup()
    61     {
    62     }
    64 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    65 // CMsgInfoDeliveryStatusPopup::ConstructL
    66 // Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
    67 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    68 //
    69 void CMsgInfoDeliveryStatusPopup::ConstructL()
    70     {
    71     }
    73 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    74 // CMsgInfoDeliveryStatusPopup::~CMsgInfoDeliveryStatusPopup
    75 // Destructor
    76 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    77 // 
    78 CMsgInfoDeliveryStatusPopup::~CMsgInfoDeliveryStatusPopup()
    79     {
    80     if (iDataArray)
    81         {
    82         iDataArray->ResetAndDestroy();  
    83         delete iDataArray;
    84         }
    86     delete iFailedText;
    87     delete iPendingText;
    88     delete iDeliveredText;
    89     delete iReadText;
    90     delete iUnavailableText;
    91     delete iText;
    92     }
    94 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    95 // CMsgInfoDeliveryStatusPopup::NewL
    96 // Two-phased constructor.
    97 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    98 //
    99 CMsgInfoDeliveryStatusPopup* CMsgInfoDeliveryStatusPopup::NewL(/* CFileManagerItemProperties& aProperties */)
   100     {
   101     CMsgInfoDeliveryStatusPopup* self = new( ELeave ) CMsgInfoDeliveryStatusPopup( /*aProperties */);
   103     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   104     self->ConstructL();
   105     CleanupStack::Pop();
   107     return self;
   108     }
   110 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   111 //  CMsgInfoDeliveryStatusPopup::ExecuteL
   112 //  Gathers the data and lauches the dialog
   113 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   114 // 
   115 TInt CMsgInfoDeliveryStatusPopup::ExecuteL()
   116     {
   117     HBufC* headerText = CEikonEnv::Static()->AllocReadResourceLC(R_MMS_DELIVERY_STATUS_HEADER);
   118     ParseTextL();
   120     CAknMessageQueryDialog* dialog = CAknMessageQueryDialog::NewL(*iText); 
   121     dialog->SetHeaderTextL(*headerText);
   123     TInt answer = dialog->ExecuteLD(R_PROPERTIES_MESSAGE_QUERY);
   124     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   126     return answer;
   127 }
   129 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   130 //CMsgInfoDeliveryStatusPopup::SetDataArray
   131 // Sets data array containing CMsgDeliveryItem's
   132 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   133 // 
   134 void CMsgInfoDeliveryStatusPopup::SetDataArray(CArrayPtrFlat< CMsgDeliveryItem >* aArray)
   135     {
   136     iDataArray = aArray;
   137     }
   139 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   140 //CMsgInfoDeliveryStatusPopup::ParseText
   141 // Loops through the msg items in data array and adds their contents to the strings
   142 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   143 //
   144 void CMsgInfoDeliveryStatusPopup::ParseTextL()
   145     {
   146     TInt itemCount(iDataArray->Count());
   147     TInt deliveredCount(0);
   148     TInt readCount(0);
   149     TInt failedCount(0);
   150     TInt pendingCount(0);
   151     TInt unavailableCount(0);
   153     for (TInt i = 0; i < itemCount; i++)
   154         {
   155         CMsgDeliveryItem* item = iDataArray->At(i);
   156         TInt status = item->GetStatus();
   158         // TODO This section can be used to test read status on the emulator 
   159         // until read reports are supported in the real world
   160 /*        if (    item
   161             &&      item->GetNumber( ) == _L("04544187897") 
   162                 ||  item->GetNumber( ) == _L("+3584544187897" ) )
   163             {
   164             status = CMsgDeliveryItem::ERead ;
   165             }
   166         if (    item
   167             &&      item->GetNumber( ) == _L("04544187898") 
   168                 ||  item->GetNumber( ) == _L("+3584544187898" ) )
   169             {
   170             status = CMsgDeliveryItem::ERead ;
   171             }
   172         if (    item
   173             &&      item->GetNumber( ) == _L("0408200523") 
   174                 ||  item->GetNumber( ) == _L("+358408200523" ) )
   175             {
   176             status = CMsgDeliveryItem::EDelivered ;
   177             }
   178         if (    item
   179             &&      item->GetNumber( ) == _L("0408200524") 
   180                 ||  item->GetNumber( ) == _L("+358408200524" ) )
   181             {
   182             status = CMsgDeliveryItem::EDelivered ;
   183             }
   184 */        
   185         switch (status)
   186             {
   187             case CMsgDeliveryItem::EPending:
   188                 iPendingSize += ParseStringL(item, NULL);
   189                 pendingCount++;
   190                 break;
   191             case CMsgDeliveryItem::EFailed:
   192                 iFailedSize += ParseStringL(item, NULL);
   193                 failedCount++;
   194                 break;
   195             case CMsgDeliveryItem::EDelivered:
   196                 iDeliveredSize += ParseStringL(item, NULL);
   197                 deliveredCount++;
   198                 break;
   199             case CMsgDeliveryItem::ERead:
   200                 iReadSize += ParseStringL(item, NULL);
   201                 readCount++;
   202                 break;
   203             default: // for ENone (unavailable)
   204                 iUnavailableSize += ParseStringL(item, NULL);
   205                 unavailableCount++;
   206                 break;
   207             }
   208         }
   210     CalculateLabelSizesL(failedCount, pendingCount,  deliveredCount, readCount, unavailableCount);    
   211     iMessageSize += iPendingSize;
   212     iMessageSize += iFailedSize;
   213     iMessageSize += iDeliveredSize;
   214     iMessageSize += iReadSize;
   215     iMessageSize += iUnavailableSize;
   217     TDesC linewrapDes(KLineWrap);
   218     iMessageSize +=  2* linewrapDes.Length(); // because there's two linewraps at the bottom    
   220     iFailedText = HBufC::NewL(iFailedSize);
   221     iPendingText = HBufC::NewL(iPendingSize);
   222     iDeliveredText = HBufC::NewL(iDeliveredSize);
   223     iReadText = HBufC::NewL(iReadSize);
   224     iUnavailableText = HBufC::NewL(iUnavailableSize);
   226     iText = HBufC::NewL(iMessageSize);    
   227     pendingCount = 0;
   228     failedCount = 0;
   229     deliveredCount = 0;
   230     readCount = 0;
   231     unavailableCount = 0;
   233     for (TInt i = 0; i < itemCount; i++)
   234         {
   235         CMsgDeliveryItem* item = iDataArray->At(i);
   236         TInt status = item->GetStatus();
   238         // TODO This section can be used to test read status on the emulator 
   239         // until read reports are supported in the real world
   240 /*        if (    item
   241             &&      item->GetNumber( ) == _L("04544187897") 
   242                 ||  item->GetNumber( ) == _L("+3584544187897" ) )
   243             {
   244             status = CMsgDeliveryItem::ERead ;
   245             }
   246         if (    item
   247             &&      item->GetNumber( ) == _L("04544187898") 
   248                 ||  item->GetNumber( ) == _L("+3584544187898" ) )
   249             {
   250             status = CMsgDeliveryItem::ERead ;
   251             }
   252         if (    item
   253             &&      item->GetNumber( ) == _L("0408200523") 
   254                 ||  item->GetNumber( ) == _L("+358408200523" ) )
   255             {
   256             status = CMsgDeliveryItem::EDelivered ;
   257             }
   258         if (    item
   259             &&      item->GetNumber( ) == _L("0408200524") 
   260                 ||  item->GetNumber( ) == _L("+358408200524" ) )
   261             {
   262             status = CMsgDeliveryItem::EDelivered ;
   263             }
   264 */        
   266         switch (status)
   267             {
   268             case CMsgDeliveryItem::EPending:
   269                 {
   270                 TPtr str = iPendingText->Des();
   271                 ParseStringL(item, &str);
   272                 pendingCount++;
   273                 break;
   274                 }
   275             case CMsgDeliveryItem::EFailed:
   276                 {
   277                 TPtr str = iFailedText->Des();
   278                 ParseStringL(item, &str );
   279                 failedCount++;
   280                 break;
   281                 }
   282             case CMsgDeliveryItem::EDelivered:
   283                 {
   284                 TPtr str = iDeliveredText->Des();
   285                 ParseStringL(item, &str );
   286                 deliveredCount++;
   287                 break;
   288                 }
   289             case CMsgDeliveryItem::ERead:
   290                 {
   291                 TPtr str = iReadText->Des();
   292                 ParseStringL(item, &str );
   293                 readCount++;
   294                 break;
   295                 }
   296             default: // for ENone (unavailable)
   297                 {
   298                 TPtr str = iUnavailableText->Des();
   299                 ParseStringL(item, &str );
   300                 unavailableCount++;
   301                 break;
   302                 }
   303             }
   304         }
   306     // add the 
   307     AddLabelsL(failedCount, pendingCount,  deliveredCount, readCount, unavailableCount);	
   309     // add the parsed strings to their places and
   310     // insert line breaks in between if necessary
   311     if ( failedCount > 0 )
   312         {
   313          iText->Des().Append(*iFailedText); 
   314         }
   315     TInt countsSoFar = failedCount;
   316     if ( pendingCount > 0 )
   317         {
   318         if ( countsSoFar > 0 ) // if theres text before this, add a line break
   319             {
   320             iText->Des().Append(KLineWrap);
   321             iText->Des().Append(KLineWrap);
   322             }
   323         iText->Des().Append(*iPendingText);
   324         } 
   325     countsSoFar += pendingCount;
   326     if ( deliveredCount > 0 )
   327         {
   328         if ( countsSoFar > 0 ) // if theres text before this, add a line break
   329             {
   330             iText->Des().Append(KLineWrap);
   331             iText->Des().Append(KLineWrap);
   332             }
   333         iText->Des().Append(*iDeliveredText);
   334         }
   335     countsSoFar += deliveredCount;
   336     if ( readCount > 0 )
   337         {
   338         if ( countsSoFar > 0 ) // if theres text before this, add a line break
   339             {
   340             iText->Des().Append(KLineWrap);
   341             iText->Des().Append(KLineWrap);
   342             }
   343         iText->Des().Append(*iReadText);
   344         }
   345     countsSoFar += readCount;
   346     if ( unavailableCount > 0 )
   347         {
   348         if ( countsSoFar > 0 ) // if theres text before this, add a line break
   349             {
   350             iText->Des().Append(KLineWrap);
   351             iText->Des().Append(KLineWrap);
   352             }
   353         iText->Des().Append(*iUnavailableText);
   354         }
   355     }
   356 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   357 // CMsgInfoDeliveryStatusPopup::AddLabels
   358 // Adds the labels ("failed", "pending", "delivered", "read", "unavailable") 
   359 // in front of the each string.
   360 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   361 //	
   362 void CMsgInfoDeliveryStatusPopup::AddLabelsL(   TInt aFailed, 
   363                                                 TInt aPending,  
   364                                                 TInt aDelivered, 
   365                                                 TInt aRead, 
   366                                                 TInt aUnavailable )
   367     {
   368     TInt resourceId( 0 );
   369     if (aFailed > 0)
   370         {   
   371         if ( aFailed > 1 )
   372             {
   373             resourceId = R_MMS_DELIVERY_STATUS_FAILED_PLURAL;
   374             }
   375         else
   376             {
   377             resourceId = R_MMS_DELIVERY_STATUS_FAILED;
   378             }
   379         HBufC* failedText = CEikonEnv::Static()->AllocReadResourceLC( resourceId );
   380         iFailedText->Des().Insert( 0, *failedText );
   381         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   382         }
   384     if (aPending > 0)
   385         {
   386         if ( aPending > 1 )
   387             {
   388             resourceId = R_MMS_DELIVERY_STATUS_PENDING_PLURAL;
   389             }
   390         else
   391             {
   392             resourceId = R_MMS_DELIVERY_STATUS_PENDING;
   393             }
   394         HBufC* pendingText = CEikonEnv::Static()->AllocReadResourceLC( resourceId );
   395         iPendingText->Des().Insert( 0, *pendingText );
   396         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   397         }
   399     if (aDelivered > 0)
   400         {
   401         if ( aDelivered > 1 )
   402             {
   403             resourceId = R_MMS_DELIVERY_STATUS_DELIVERED_PLURAL;
   404             }
   405         else
   406             {
   407             resourceId = R_MMS_DELIVERY_STATUS_DELIVERED;
   408             }
   409         HBufC* deliveredText = CEikonEnv::Static()->AllocReadResourceLC( resourceId );
   410         iDeliveredText->Des().Insert( 0, *deliveredText );
   411         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   412         }
   414     if (aRead > 0)
   415         {
   416         if ( aRead > 1 )
   417             {
   418             resourceId = R_MMS_DELIVERY_STATUS_READ_PLURAL;
   419             }
   420         else
   421             {
   422             resourceId = R_MMS_DELIVERY_STATUS_READ;
   423             }
   424         HBufC* readText = CEikonEnv::Static()->AllocReadResourceLC( resourceId );
   425         iReadText->Des().Insert( 0, *readText );
   426         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   427         }
   429     if (aUnavailable > 0)
   430         {
   431         if ( aUnavailable > 1 )
   432             {
   433             resourceId = R_MMS_DELIVERY_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE_PLURAL;
   434             }
   435         else
   436             {
   437             resourceId = R_MMS_DELIVERY_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE;
   438             }
   439         HBufC* unavailableText = CEikonEnv::Static()->AllocReadResourceLC( resourceId );
   440         iUnavailableText->Des().Insert( 0, *unavailableText );
   441         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   442         }
   443     }
   445 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   446 // CMsgInfoDeliveryStatusPopup::CalculateLabelSizesL
   447 // Calculate the labels' lengths and add them to string sizes for allocation
   448 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   449 //
   450 void CMsgInfoDeliveryStatusPopup::CalculateLabelSizesL(  TInt aFailed, 
   451                                                         TInt aPending,  
   452                                                         TInt aDelivered,
   453                                                         TInt aRead,
   454                                                         TInt aUnavailable )
   455     {
   456     TInt resourceId( 0 );
   457     if ( aFailed > 0 )
   458         {
   459         if ( aFailed > 1 )
   460             {
   461             resourceId = R_MMS_DELIVERY_STATUS_FAILED_PLURAL;
   462             }
   463         else
   464             {
   465             resourceId = R_MMS_DELIVERY_STATUS_FAILED;
   466             }
   467         HBufC* failedText = CEikonEnv::Static()->AllocReadResourceLC( resourceId );
   468         iFailedSize += failedText->Length();
   469         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   470         }
   472     if ( aPending > 0 )
   473         {
   474         if ( aPending > 1 )
   475             {
   476             resourceId = R_MMS_DELIVERY_STATUS_PENDING_PLURAL;
   477             }
   478         else
   479             {
   480             resourceId = R_MMS_DELIVERY_STATUS_PENDING;
   481             }
   482         HBufC* pendingText = CEikonEnv::Static()->AllocReadResourceLC( resourceId );
   483         iPendingSize += pendingText->Length();
   484         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   485         }
   487     if ( aDelivered > 0 )
   488         {
   489         if ( aDelivered > 1 )
   490             {
   491             resourceId = R_MMS_DELIVERY_STATUS_DELIVERED_PLURAL;
   492             }
   493         else
   494             {
   495             resourceId = R_MMS_DELIVERY_STATUS_DELIVERED;
   496             }
   497         HBufC* deliveredText = CEikonEnv::Static()->AllocReadResourceLC( resourceId );
   498         iDeliveredSize += deliveredText->Length();
   499         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   500         }
   502     if ( aRead > 0 )
   503         {
   504         if ( aRead > 1 )
   505             {
   506             resourceId = R_MMS_DELIVERY_STATUS_READ_PLURAL;
   507             }
   508         else
   509             {
   510             resourceId = R_MMS_DELIVERY_STATUS_READ;
   511             }
   512         HBufC* readText = CEikonEnv::Static()->AllocReadResourceLC( resourceId );
   513         iReadSize += readText->Length();
   514         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   515         }
   517     if ( aUnavailable > 0 )
   518         {
   519         if ( aUnavailable > 1 )
   520             {
   521             resourceId = R_MMS_DELIVERY_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE_PLURAL;
   522             }
   523         else
   524             {
   525             resourceId = R_MMS_DELIVERY_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE;
   526             }
   527         HBufC* unavailableText = CEikonEnv::Static()->AllocReadResourceLC( resourceId );
   528         iUnavailableSize += unavailableText->Length();
   529         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   530         }
   531     }
   533  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   534 // CMsgInfoDeliveryStatusPopup::ParseStringL
   535 // Parse data from delivery item into the strings and return the length of
   536 // the current items string. Give aDest as NULL and it only counts the length.
   537 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   538 //   
   539 TInt CMsgInfoDeliveryStatusPopup::ParseStringL(CMsgDeliveryItem* aItem, TPtr* aDest)
   540     {
   541 	// Check for NULL. If NULL, return zero length
   542     if (!aItem)
   543     {
   544         return 0;
   545     }
   547     TInt size(0);
   549     TDesC commaDes(KComma);
   550     TDesC spaceDes(KSpace);
   551     TDesC openDes(KOpen);
   552     TDesC closeDes(KClose);
   553     TDesC linewrapDes(KLineWrap);
   555     // 1) linefeed
   556     if (aDest) // just calculating the length, aDest is NULL so DONT use it
   557         {
   558         aDest->Append(KLineWrap); 
   559         }
   560     size += linewrapDes.Length();
   562     // 2) time & date    
   563     if ( aItem->GetStatus() != CMsgDeliveryItem::ENone )
   564         {    
   565         TTime date = aItem->GetTime();  // message time
   566         CMmsMtmUi::ConvertUtcToLocalTime( date );
   567         TDateTime messageTime = date.DateTime();
   569         if (MessageSentToday(messageTime)) // event happened today, use the time string
   570             {
   571             HBufC* timeFormat =
   572             CEikonEnv::Static()->AllocReadResourceLC(R_QTN_TIME_USUAL_WITH_ZERO);//from avkon resources
   573             TBuf<32> timeString;
   574             date.FormatL(timeString, *timeFormat);
   575             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();//timeFormat
   576             if (aDest) // just calculating the length, aDest is NULL so DONT use it
   577                 {
   578                 AknTextUtils::DisplayTextLanguageSpecificNumberConversion( timeString );
   579                 aDest->Append(timeString);    
   580                 }
   581             size += timeString.Length();    
   582             }
   584         else // event was not today, so use the date string
   585             {
   586             HBufC* dateFormat =
   587             CEikonEnv::Static()->AllocReadResourceLC(R_QTN_DATE_USUAL_WITH_ZERO);//from avkonresources
   588             TBuf<32> dateString;
   589             date.FormatL(dateString, *dateFormat);
   590             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();//dateFormat
   591             if (aDest) // just calculating the length, aDest is NULL so DONT use it
   592                 {
   593                 AknTextUtils::DisplayTextLanguageSpecificNumberConversion( dateString );
   594                 aDest->Append(dateString);
   595                 }
   596             size +=dateString.Length();      
   597             }
   598         if ( aDest ) // just calculating the length, aDest is NULL so DONT use it
   599             {
   600             aDest->Append(KComma);
   601             aDest->Append(KSpace);
   602             }
   603         size += commaDes.Length();
   604         size += spaceDes.Length();
   605         }
   607     // 3: ", <recipient alias>"
   608     TDesC &recip = aItem->GetRecipient();
   609     if ( aDest ) // just calculating the length, aDest is NULL so DONT use it
   610         {
   611         if ( CommonPhoneParser::IsValidPhoneNumber( recip, CommonPhoneParser::ESMSNumber ) )
   612             {
   613             HBufC* tempBuf = recip.AllocLC();
   614             TPtr number = tempBuf->Des();
   615             AknTextUtils::DisplayTextLanguageSpecificNumberConversion( number );
   616             aDest->Append(number);
   617             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempBuf );    
   618             }
   619         else
   620             {
   621             aDest->Append(recip);
   622             }
   623         }
   624     size += recip.Length(); 
   626     TDesC &temp = aItem->GetNumber();
   627     if ( temp.Length() > 0 )
   628         {
   629         HBufC* tempBuf = temp.AllocLC();
   630         TPtr number = tempBuf->Des();
   632         // 4: phone number. Value may be same as recipient for messages sent to
   633         // is not alias found ( set in the mms engine )
   634         if (    number.Length() > 0 
   635              && number.CompareF( recip ) )
   636             {
   637             AknTextUtils::DisplayTextLanguageSpecificNumberConversion( number );
   638             if (aDest) // just calculating the length, aDest is NULL so DONT use it
   639                 {  
   640                 aDest->Append(KLineWrap);
   641                 aDest->Append(KOpen);
   642                 aDest->Append(number); // FIXME , internationalisointi
   643                 aDest->Append(KClose);
   644                 }
   646             size += linewrapDes.Length(); 
   647             size += openDes.Length();
   648             size += number.Length();  
   649             size += closeDes.Length();     
   650             }
   651         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempBuf );    
   652         }
   653     // 5: No copy. Causes some extra characters to allocate, because
   654     // line feeds are appended only after paragraph change
   655     size += linewrapDes.Length(); 
   657     return size;    
   658     }
   660  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   661 // CMsgInfoDeliveryStatusPopup::MessageSentToday
   662 // Check whether the msg is sent today.
   663 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   664 //
   665 TBool CMsgInfoDeliveryStatusPopup::MessageSentToday(const TDateTime& messageTime)
   666     {
   667     TBool sentToday(EFalse); // return value 
   668     // current date and time
   669     TTime time;
   670     time.UniversalTime();  // current time
   671     CMmsMtmUi::ConvertUtcToLocalTime( time );
   672     TDateTime currentTime = time.DateTime();
   675     TInt currentYear(currentTime.Year());
   676     TInt currentMonth(currentTime.Month());
   677     TInt currentDay(currentTime.Day());
   680     TInt messageYear(messageTime.Year());
   681     TInt messageMonth(messageTime.Month());
   682     TInt messageDay(messageTime.Day());
   684     if (messageYear == currentYear) // the year is current, check month
   685         {
   686         if (messageMonth == currentMonth) // the month is current, check day
   687             {
   688             if (messageDay == currentDay) // the year, month and the day are the same as current, so message was sent today
   689                 {
   690                 sentToday = ETrue;
   691                 }
   692             }
   693         }
   695     return sentToday;
   696     }
   697 // End of file