changeset 0 72b543305e3a
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:72b543305e3a
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  
    15 *     An active object class which takes care of reading the possible new
    16 *     service centres from SIM and adds them to pda-side Sms Settings.
    17 *
    18 */
    23 #include <mtuireg.h>    // for CMtmUiRegistry
    24 #include <etelmm.h>
    25 #include <mmlist.h>
    26 #include <smutset.h>    //CSmsSettings
    27 #include <exterror.h>   // KErrGsmSMSSimBusy
    28 #include <csmsaccount.h>
    29 #include <centralrepository.h>
    30 #include <messagingvariant.hrh>
    31 #include <messaginginternalcrkeys.h>    // Keys
    33 #include "SmumStartUpMonitor.h"
    34 #include "SmumUtil.h"   // SmumUtil
    35 #include "MsgSimSCNumberDetector.h"
    36 #include "SmumLogging.h"
    37 #include "smsui.pan"    // for panics
    39 // CONSTANTS
    40 const TInt KMaxNameLength = 60;
    41 const TInt KSmumGranularity = 4;
    42 const TInt KSmumRetryCount = 20;
    43 const TInt KSmumRetryDelay = 5000000; // 5 secs
    44 const TInt KSmumSMSPid = 50;
    45 // ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
    47 /*
    48 * Symbian OS 2 phase construction and initialization. Note that operation that is returned is already active.
    49 * A client will be notified via aClientStatus when the operation terminates.
    50 */
    51 EXPORT_C CMsgSimOperation* CMsgSimOperation::NewL( TRequestStatus& aClientStatus )
    52     {
    53     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN("CMsgSimOperation::NewL")
    55     CMsgSimOperation* self = new ( ELeave ) CMsgSimOperation( aClientStatus );
    56     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    57     self->ConstructL();
    58     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    59     SMUMLOGGER_LEAVEFN("CMsgSimOperation::NewL")
    61     return self;
    62     }
    64 // C++ constructor which initializes the active object with a default priority and adds it to the active scheduler.
    65 // C++ constructor can NOT contain any code, that
    66 // might leave.
    67 CMsgSimOperation::CMsgSimOperation( TRequestStatus& aStatus, TInt aPriority )
    68 : CActive( aPriority ), iClientStatus( &aStatus ), iRetryCount( 0 )
    69     {
    70     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN("CMsgSimOperation::CMsgSimOperation")
    71     CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
    72     SMUMLOGGER_LEAVEFN("CMsgSimOperation::CMsgSimOperation")
    73     }
    75 // Symbian OS default constructor can leave.
    76 void CMsgSimOperation::ConstructL()
    77     {
    78     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN("CMsgSimOperation::ConstructL")
    80     // initialise
    81     iMsvSession = CMsvSession::OpenSyncL( *this ); // have to be sync; actual active object is started right after this, not in HandleSessionEventL
    82     iClientRegistry = CClientMtmRegistry::NewL( *iMsvSession );   // get client mtm registry
    83     iSmsClientMtm = STATIC_CAST( CSmsClientMtm*, iClientRegistry->NewMtmL( KUidMsgTypeSMS ));  // get smcm object
    85     SMUMLOGGER_WRITE("ConstructL - Basic initialising ok, next connecting to Shared Data")
    86 	// Start the System state monitor
    87 	iStartupMonitor = CSmumStartUpMonitor::NewL( this );
    88 	// Client status can be set pending only if we don't leave
    89     *iClientStatus = KRequestPending;  // activate the active object
    90     // StartL() is called when iStartupMonitor ActiveObject completes
    91     //Check is sms servicecenter fetched in every boot
    92 	iCheckSimScAlways = ( SmumUtil::CheckVariationFlagsL( KCRUidMuiuVariation, KMuiuSmsFeatures ) & 
    93 			  KSmsFeatureIdCheckSimAlways );
    94     SMUMLOGGER_LEAVEFN("CMsgSimOperation::ConstructL")
    95     }
    97 // C++ virtual destructor
    98 CMsgSimOperation::~CMsgSimOperation()
    99     {
   100     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN("CMsgSimOperation::~CMsgSimOperation")
   102     Cancel(); // make sure that this object is not left on the active scheduler.
   103     delete iSimOperation;  
   104     delete iSmsClientMtm;
   105     delete iClientRegistry;
   106     delete iMsvSession;
   107 	delete iStartupMonitor;
   108     iStartupMonitor = NULL;
   109     iClientStatus = NULL;
   111     SMUMLOGGER_LEAVEFN("CMsgSimOperation::~CMsgSimOperation")
   112     }
   114 // ----------------------------------------------------
   115 // CMsgSimOperation::StartL
   116 // This function issues request and activates the object
   117 //
   118 // ----------------------------------------------------
   119 void CMsgSimOperation::StartL()
   120     {
   121     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN("CMsgSimOperation::StartL")
   122     // Retry is used to define the times ReadSimParamsL() is called
   123     iRetryCount++;
   124     SMUMLOGGER_WRITE_FORMAT("StartL - iRetryCount :%d", iRetryCount)
   126     SMUMLOGGER_WRITE("StartL - BootState ok, proceed with SMSC fetch")
   127     // start the real sim reading operation
   128     iSimOperation = iSmsClientMtm->ReadSimParamsL( iStatus );
   129     SetActive();
   131     SMUMLOGGER_LEAVEFN("CMsgSimOperation::StartL")
   132     }
   134 // ----------------------------------------------------
   135 // CMsgSimOperation::CompleteRequest
   136 //
   137 // ----------------------------------------------------
   138 void CMsgSimOperation::CompleteRequest( TInt aValue )
   139     {
   140     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN("CMsgSimOperation::CompleteRequest")
   142     __ASSERT_DEBUG( !IsActive(), Panic( ESimOperationPanicRequestAlreadyActive ));
   143     TRequestStatus* myRequestStatus = &iStatus;
   144     User::RequestComplete( myRequestStatus, aValue );
   145     if( !IsActive() )
   146         {
   147         SetActive();
   148         }
   150     SMUMLOGGER_LEAVEFN("CMsgSimOperation::CompleteRequest")
   151     }
   153 // ----------------------------------------------------
   154 // CMsgSimOperation::CompleteClientRequest
   155 //
   156 // ----------------------------------------------------
   157 void CMsgSimOperation::CompleteClientRequest( TInt aValue )
   158     {
   159     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN("CMsgSimOperation::CompleteClientRequest")
   161     TBool haveClientRequestStatus = HaveClientRequestStatus();
   162     __ASSERT_DEBUG( haveClientRequestStatus, Panic( ESimOperationPanicClientsRequestAlreadyCompleted ));
   163     // So that we don't attempt to complete the clients request again in the future
   164     if ( haveClientRequestStatus )
   165         {
   166         User::RequestComplete( iClientStatus, aValue );
   167         iClientStatus = NULL;
   168         }
   170     SMUMLOGGER_LEAVEFN("CMsgSimOperation::CompleteClientRequest")
   171     }
   173 // ----------------------------------------------------
   174 // CMsgSimOperation::HaveClientRequestStatus
   175 //
   176 // ----------------------------------------------------
   177 TBool CMsgSimOperation::HaveClientRequestStatus() const
   178     {
   179     SMUMLOGGER_WRITE("CMsgSimOperation::HaveClientRequestStatus")
   180     return (iClientStatus != NULL);
   181     }
   183 // ----------------------------------------------------
   184 // CMsgSimOperation::Panic
   185 //
   186 // ----------------------------------------------------
   187 void CMsgSimOperation::Panic(TSimOperationPanic aPanic)
   188     {
   189     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN("CMsgSimOperation::Panic")
   191     _LIT(KSimOpPanicCategory, "SIMOP");
   192     SMUMLOGGER_WRITE_FORMAT("Panic - Panic :%d", aPanic)
   193     User::Panic(KSimOpPanicCategory, aPanic);
   195     SMUMLOGGER_LEAVEFN("CMsgSimOperation::Panic")
   196     }
   198 // ----------------------------------------------------
   199 // CMsgSimOperation::RunL
   200 // Active object RunL method is called when the request (sim params reading operation) has been completed
   201 //
   202 // ----------------------------------------------------
   203 void CMsgSimOperation::RunL()
   204     {
   205     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN("CMsgSimOperation::RunL")
   207     TInt error = iStatus.Int();
   208     SMUMLOGGER_WRITE_FORMAT("RunL - 1st error check :%d", error)
   209     if ( error == KErrNone ) 
   210         { // continue if sim reading operation completed ok
   211         TRAP( error, DoRunL());
   212         }
   214     SMUMLOGGER_WRITE_FORMAT("RunL - 2nd error check :%d", error)
   215     // if problems with above; retry 
   216     TInt maxRetryCount = KSmumRetryCount;
   217     if ( error == KErrTimedOut )
   218         {
   219         maxRetryCount = KSmumRetryCount/10; // no use to retry many times if timed out already
   220         }
   221     if ( error != KErrNone /*KErrGsmSMSSimBusy*/ && iRetryCount <= maxRetryCount )
   222         { 
   223         SMUMLOGGER_WRITE("RunL - Retrying")
   224         // first cancel the current simOp if still ongoing
   225         if ( iSimOperation )
   226             {
   227             SMUMLOGGER_WRITE("RunL - Deleting SIM operation")
   228             iSimOperation->Cancel();
   229             delete iSimOperation;
   230             iSimOperation = NULL;
   231             }
   232         // wait a bit and actual retry
   233         User::After( KSmumRetryDelay );
   234         StartL();
   235         return;
   236         }
   238     // Once the 'real' operation has completed, we inform the
   239     // client of the result
   240     if  ( HaveClientRequestStatus() )
   241         {
   242         SMUMLOGGER_WRITE("RunL - Completing client request")
   243         CompleteClientRequest( error );
   244         }
   246     SMUMLOGGER_LEAVEFN("CMsgSimOperation::RunL")
   247     }
   249 // ----------------------------------------------------
   250 // CCMsgSimOperation::DoRunL
   251 //
   252 // ----------------------------------------------------
   253 void CMsgSimOperation::DoRunL()
   254     {
   255     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN("CMsgSimOperation::DoRunL")
   257     TIntBuf progressBuf;
   258     progressBuf.Copy( iSimOperation->ProgressL());
   259     TInt error = progressBuf();
   260     SMUMLOGGER_WRITE_FORMAT("DoRunL - Error check :%d", error)
   262     if ( error == KErrNone )  // check operation status
   263         {
   264         CMobilePhoneSmspList* centersList = iSimOperation->ServiceCentersLC();
   265         TInt count = centersList->Enumerate(); // How many centre numbers are there on the SIM card?
   266         SMUMLOGGER_WRITE_FORMAT("DoRunL - Amount of SIM SMSCs :%d", count )
   267         TBool emailFeatureSupported = SmumUtil::CheckEmailOverSmsSupportL();
   268 		TBool emailEntryFound( EFalse );
   270 	    // Check the service centre situation even if there are no service centres on SIM!
   271 	    // If there are none, and only usage of service centre SIMs is allowed, all must
   272 	    // be removed and the SMS service will be disabled.
   274         TInt numSCAddresses( 0 );
   275         iSmsClientMtm->SwitchCurrentEntryL( iSmsClientMtm->ServiceId() ); // load SMS settings
   276         CMsvEntry& service = iSmsClientMtm->Entry();
   277         // load settings
   278         CSmsSettings* smsSettings = CSmsSettings::NewLC();
   279         CSmsAccount* smsAccount = CSmsAccount::NewLC();
   280     	smsAccount->LoadSettingsL( *smsSettings );
   281         TBool newDefault = EFalse;
   282         TInt newDefaultIndex = -1;
   284 		// Check if Only Sim SC's variation is on
   285 		if ( SmumUtil::CheckVariationFlagsL( KCRUidMuiuVariation, KMuiuSmsFeatures ) & 
   286 			 KSmsFeatureIdSimServiceCentresOnly )
   287 			{
   288 			// Remove all old SMSC's
   289 			SMUMLOGGER_WRITE("DoRunL - Only Sim SC's - Deleting old ones->" )			
   290 	        numSCAddresses = smsSettings->ServiceCenterCount();
   291 	        SMUMLOGGER_WRITE_FORMAT("DoRunL - Amount of old SMSC's: #%d", numSCAddresses )
   292 	        for ( TInt j = numSCAddresses; j > 0; j-- )
   293 	            {
   294 	            smsSettings->RemoveServiceCenter( j - 1 );
   295 	            }
   296 	        #ifdef _DEBUG		
   297 			numSCAddresses = smsSettings->ServiceCenterCount();
   298 			SMUMLOGGER_WRITE_FORMAT("DoRunL - Amount of SMSC's now: #%d", numSCAddresses )
   299 			#endif // _DEBUG		
   300 			}
   302         SMUMLOGGER_WRITE("DoRunL - Ready for looping SMSCs")
   303         for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )    // add all centres from sim to sms settings
   304             {
   305             SMUMLOGGER_WRITE_FORMAT("DoRunL - SMSC #%d", i)
   306             RMobileSmsMessaging::TMobileSmspEntryV1 entry;
   307             entry = centersList->GetEntryL( i );
   308             TBool duplicateFound = EFalse;
   310             SMUMLOGGER_WRITE_FORMAT("DoRunL - SMSC Name: %S", &entry.iText ); 
   311             SMUMLOGGER_WRITE_FORMAT("DoRunL - SMSC Address: %S", &entry.iServiceCentre.iTelNumber );
   312             // If empty tel number field, don't add
   313             if ( entry.iServiceCentre.iTelNumber == KNullDesC )
   314                 {
   315                 SMUMLOGGER_WRITE_FORMAT("DoRunL - No number in SMSC #%d", i)
   316                 continue;
   317                 }
   318             //Check is number already in cenrep
   319             //Get default SC from phone settings for later use
   320             TBuf<TGsmSmsTelNumberMaxLen> defaultSmsCenterNb;;            
   321             TInt defaultSCIndex = smsSettings->DefaultServiceCenter();
   322             if ( defaultSCIndex > -1 )
   323                 {
   324                 defaultSmsCenterNb = smsSettings->GetServiceCenter( defaultSCIndex ).Address(); 
   325                 }    
   326             if ( iCheckSimScAlways && i == 0 )
   327                 {
   328                 //Check is number already in cenrep
   329                 TBuf<TGsmSmsTelNumberMaxLen> previousSmsCenterNb;
   330                 CRepository* cenRepSession = CRepository::NewLC( KCRUidSmum );
   331                 cenRepSession->Get( KSmumPreviousSimSmscNumber, previousSmsCenterNb );
   333                 //Check was there different SMSC in cenrep and default SMSC in settings. 
   334                 if ( entry.iServiceCentre.iTelNumber == previousSmsCenterNb &&
   335                     entry.iServiceCentre.iTelNumber == defaultSmsCenterNb &&
   336                     smsSettings->ServiceCenterCount() != 0 )
   337                     {
   338                     SMUMLOGGER_WRITE_FORMAT("DoRunL - number #%d already in cenrep/settings", i)
   339                     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cenRepSession );
   340                     continue;
   341                     }
   342                 else 
   343                     {
   344                     SMUMLOGGER_WRITE_FORMAT("DoRunL - number #%d not in cenrep/settings", i)
   345                     cenRepSession->Set( KSmumPreviousSimSmscNumber, entry.iServiceCentre.iTelNumber );
   346                     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cenRepSession );
   347                     }                
   348                 }
   349 			SMUMLOGGER_WRITE_FORMAT("DoRunL - Entry ProtocolId #%d", entry.iProtocolId)
   350             // Check for Email settings
   351             if ( emailFeatureSupported 
   352                  && KSmumSMSPid == entry.iProtocolId
   353                  && !emailEntryFound ) // We'll take the first
   354                 {
   355                 SMUMLOGGER_WRITE_FORMAT("DoRunL - Email over sms entry #%d", i)
   356                 SmumUtil::WriteEmailOverSmsSettingsL( 
   357                     entry.iServiceCentre.iTelNumber,
   358                     entry.iDestination.iTelNumber,
   359                     ETrue );
   360                 emailEntryFound = ETrue;
   361                 }
   362             else
   363             	{
   364                 // check if this SC is already in Sms settings
   365                 numSCAddresses = smsSettings->ServiceCenterCount();
   366                 for ( TInt j = 0; j < numSCAddresses; j++ )
   367                     {
   368                     if ( entry.iServiceCentre.iTelNumber == 
   369                         smsSettings->GetServiceCenter( j ).Address() )
   370                         {
   371                         SMUMLOGGER_WRITE_FORMAT("DoRunL - Duplicate. SMSC #%d", i)
   372                         SMUMLOGGER_WRITE_FORMAT("DoRunL -    of Sms Settings SMSC #%d", j)
   374                         duplicateFound = ETrue;
   375                         if ( i == 0 )   // first smsc in the sim but it has a duplicate already
   376                             {
   377                             newDefault = ETrue;
   378                             newDefaultIndex = j;
   379                             }
   380                         break;
   381                         }
   382                     }
   384                 SMUMLOGGER_WRITE_FORMAT("DoRunL - After dupe-check : newDefaultIndex :%d", newDefaultIndex)
   386                 // this is not a duplicate, find a name and add it to Sms settings
   387                 if ( !duplicateFound )
   388                     {
   390                     if(i==0)    // first smsc in the sim and has no duplicates
   391                         {
   392                         newDefault=ETrue;
   393                         newDefaultIndex = smsSettings->ServiceCenterCount();
   394                         }
   396                     SMUMLOGGER_WRITE_FORMAT("DoRunL - Not a dupe : newDefaultIndex :%d", newDefaultIndex)
   398                     TBuf<KMaxNameLength> name;
   399                     name = entry.iText;
   401                     if ( name == KNullDesC )
   402                         {
   403                         SMUMLOGGER_WRITE( "DoRunL - SMSC has no name" )
   404                         // read Service centres from SmsSettings
   405                         TInt serviceCentres = 0;
   406                         serviceCentres = smsSettings->ServiceCenterCount();
   407                         SMUMLOGGER_WRITE_FORMAT(
   408                             "DoRunL - Amount of Sms Settings SMSCs :%d", 
   409                             serviceCentres )
   411                         CDesCArrayFlat* nameArray = 
   412                             new ( ELeave ) CDesCArrayFlat( KSmumGranularity );
   413                         CleanupStack::PushL( nameArray );
   415                         for ( TInt loop = 0 ; loop < serviceCentres; loop++ )
   416                             {
   417                             nameArray->AppendL( 
   418                                 smsSettings->GetServiceCenter( loop ).Name() );
   419                             }
   420                         SmumUtil::FindDefaultNameForSCL( name, ETrue, nameArray );
   421                         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();// nameArray
   422                         }
   423                     smsSettings->AddServiceCenterL( 
   424                         name, entry.iServiceCentre.iTelNumber );
   425                     SMUMLOGGER_WRITE("DoRunL - New SMSC added")
   426                 	}
   427                 }
   428             }
   429         // set default SC
   430         if(newDefault)  // the default has changed
   431             {
   432             smsSettings->SetDefaultServiceCenter( newDefaultIndex );
   433             SMUMLOGGER_WRITE_FORMAT("DoRunL - New default SMSC :%d", newDefaultIndex)
   434             }
   435         // save settings
   436         smsAccount->SaveSettingsL( *smsSettings );
   437         SMUMLOGGER_WRITE("DoRunL - Saved")
   438     #ifdef _DEBUG
   439         TMsvEntry entry = service.Entry();
   440         entry.iDate.HomeTime();
   441         service.ChangeL( entry );
   442         SMUMLOGGER_WRITE("DoRunL - Entry changed")
   443     #endif
   444         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // msvStore, smsSettings
   446         if ( emailFeatureSupported && !emailEntryFound )
   447             {
   448             SMUMLOGGER_WRITE("DoRunL - Empty Email settings")
   449             HBufC* emptyStr = NULL;
   450             emptyStr = KNullDesC().AllocLC();
   451             SmumUtil::WriteEmailOverSmsSettingsL( 
   452                         emptyStr->Des(),
   453                         emptyStr->Des(),
   454                         ETrue );
   455             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();  // emptyStr
   456             }
   457         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();  // centersList
   458         }
   459     SMUMLOGGER_LEAVEFN("CMsgSimOperation::DoRunL")
   460     }
   462 // ----------------------------------------------------
   463 // CMsgSimOperation::RunError
   464 // Called when AO RunL leaves. Handle the leave and return
   465 //
   466 // ----------------------------------------------------
   468 TInt CMsgSimOperation::RunError( TInt )
   469     {
   470     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN("CMsgSimOperation::RunError")
   471     DoCancel();
   472     SMUMLOGGER_LEAVEFN("CMsgSimOperation::RunError")
   473     return KErrNone;
   474     }
   476 // ----------------------------------------------------
   477 // CMsgSimOperation::DoCancel
   478 // called by active object's Cancel method
   479 //
   480 // ----------------------------------------------------
   481 void CMsgSimOperation::DoCancel()
   482     {
   483     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN("CMsgSimOperation::DoCancel")
   485     if ( iSimOperation )  // if the real Sim reading operation was started:
   486         {
   487         iSimOperation->Cancel();    // cancel it
   488         }
   490     // We don't need to complete our own request status as this function will never
   491     // be called if our own request status has already been completed previously.
   492     // 
   493     // We do need to complete the client's request status however.
   494     if  (iClientStatus)
   495         {
   496         CompleteClientRequest(KErrCancel);
   497         }
   499     SMUMLOGGER_LEAVEFN("CMsgSimOperation::DoCancel")
   500     }
   503 // ----------------------------------------------------
   504 // CMsgSimOperation::HandleSessionEventL
   505 // called when there is a Msv session event. 
   506 //
   507 // ----------------------------------------------------
   508 void CMsgSimOperation::HandleSessionEventL(
   509     TMsvSessionEvent aEvent, 
   510     TAny* /*aArg1*/, 
   511     TAny* /*aArg2*/, 
   512     TAny* /*aArg3*/) 
   513     {
   514     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN("CMsgSimOperation::HandleSessionEventL")
   515     SMUMLOGGER_WRITE_FORMAT("HandleSessionEventL - TMsvSessionEvent :%d", aEvent)
   517     // problem case handling
   518     if ( aEvent == EMsvServerFailedToStart )
   519         {
   520         // also if we couldn't start up the msv server, we simulate that the request has completed
   521         CompleteRequest( KErrNotReady ); 
   522         }
   523     else if (( aEvent == EMsvServerTerminated ) || ( aEvent == EMsvCloseSession ))
   524         {
   525         // be polite to the Messaging Server and close the session
   526         Cancel();
   527         CompleteRequest( KErrNotReady ); 
   529         delete iSimOperation;  // These objects must be deleted first
   530         iSimOperation = NULL;       // as they can't exist without a MsvSession
   531         delete iSmsClientMtm;
   532         iSmsClientMtm = NULL;
   533         delete iClientRegistry;
   534         iClientRegistry = NULL;
   535         delete iMsvSession;
   536         iMsvSession = NULL;
   537         iClientStatus = NULL;
   538         }
   540     SMUMLOGGER_LEAVEFN("CMsgSimOperation::HandleSessionEventL")
   541     }
   543 // ----------------------------------------------------
   544 // CMsgSimOperation::HandleStartupReadyL
   545 // Handles events from startup state observer
   546 // 
   547 // ----------------------------------------------------
   548 //
   549 void CMsgSimOperation::HandleStartupReadyL()
   550     {
   551 	SMUMLOGGER_WRITE( "BootState Ready" )
   552 	// Boot ready, start the real SimOperation
   553 	StartL();
   554     }
   555 //  End of File