changeset 0 72b543305e3a
child 17 caea42e26caa
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:72b543305e3a
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: SMSI.CPP*
    15 */
    20 // Standard includes
    22 #include <mtmuidsdef.hrh>
    23 #endif
    24 #include <mtmdef.h>     // MTM specific definitions for constants
    25 #include <eikon.rsg>    // Standard resources
    26 // Messaging includes
    27 #include <msvuids.h>    // Msv UIDs
    28 // Specific includes
    29 #include <MtmExtendedCapabilities.hrh>
    30 #include <SMUM.rsg>                     // for resource IDs
    31 #include <muiu.mbg>                     // bitmaps
    32 #include <avkon.rsg>                    // for resource IDs
    33 #include <StringLoader.h>               // stringloader
    34 #include "SMSI.H"                       
    35 #include "SMSU.HRH"                     // for KMtmUiFunctionSimDialog
    36 #include "smsui.pan"                    // for panics
    38 #include <AknUtils.h>
    39 #include <AknsUtils.h>
    40 #include <AknsConstants.h>//skinned icon ids
    41 #include <data_caging_path_literals.hrh>
    43 #include <csmsaccount.h>
    44 #include <centralrepository.h>
    45 #include <messaginginternalcrkeys.h>
    46 #include <smutset.h>                    // CSmsSettings
    49 //For logging
    50 #include "SmumLogging.h"
    53 const TInt KSmsViewerUid = 0x100058bd;
    54 const TInt KSmsiNumberOfZoomStates = 2; // Nothing to do with zoomstates, picture + mask = 2
    55 //const TUid KUidMsgTypeSMS = {0x1000102C};// already defined in <smut.h>
    56 const TInt KTBuf80Length=80;
    57 // Impossible for the next two figures to be accurate - sizes of messages
    58 // etc. depend greatly on the encoding/compression used on the message
    59 // Approximated to be 30 submessages long default 7 bit encoded sms.
    60 // Note : Rarely or newer used
    61 const TInt KSmsiMaxTotalMsgSize = 153 * 30;  
    63 _LIT(KSmsiResourceFile, "SMUM");
    64 // Correct path is added to literal when it is used.
    65 _LIT(KBitmapFile, "muiu.MBM");
    69 // Factory constructor function
    70 CSmsMtmUiData* CSmsMtmUiData::NewL( CRegisteredMtmDll& aRegisteredDll )
    71     {
    72     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN("CSmsMtmUiData::NewL");
    73     CSmsMtmUiData* smsmtmuidata=new ( ELeave ) CSmsMtmUiData( aRegisteredDll );
    74     CleanupStack::PushL( smsmtmuidata );
    75     smsmtmuidata->ConstructL();
    76     CleanupStack::Pop();
    77     SMUMLOGGER_LEAVEFN("CSmsMtmUiData::NewL");
    78     return smsmtmuidata;
    79     }
    81 // C++ constructor can NOT contain any code, that
    82 // might leave.
    83 CSmsMtmUiData::CSmsMtmUiData( CRegisteredMtmDll& aRegisteredDll ):
    84     CBaseMtmUiData( aRegisteredDll )
    85     {
    86     }
    88 // Symbian OS default constructor can leave.
    89 void CSmsMtmUiData::ConstructL()
    90     {
    91     CBaseMtmUiData::ConstructL();
    92     //Initalize SMS Settings for the first time
    93     TInt timeStamp = 0;
    94     CSmsSettings* serviceSettings = CSmsSettings::NewL();
    95     CleanupStack::PushL( serviceSettings );
    96     CSmsAccount* smsAccount = CSmsAccount::NewLC();
    97     CRepository* cenRepSession = CRepository::NewLC( KCRUidSmum );
    99     if ( cenRepSession->Get( KSmumShowSMSCTimeStamp, timeStamp ) != KErrNone )
   100         {
   101         //In case of any error,set the default value to 0, so that device timestamp is used
   102         timeStamp = 0;
   103         SMUMLOGGER_WRITE("CSmsMtmUiData::ConstructL: cenRep get error");
   104         }
   105     SMUMLOGGER_WRITE_FORMAT("CSmsMtmUiData::ConstructL: cenRep timesatmp value:%d", timeStamp);
   106     smsAccount->LoadSettingsL( *serviceSettings );
   107     serviceSettings->SetUseServiceCenterTimeStampForDate(timeStamp);
   109     TRAPD( err, smsAccount->SaveSettingsL( *serviceSettings ) );
   110     if( err != KErrNone)
   111         {
   112         SMUMLOGGER_WRITE_FORMAT("CSmsMtmUiData::ConstructL: Settings saving error status: %d", err);
   113         }
   114     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 3, serviceSettings ); // serviceSettings, smsAccount, cenRepSession
   115     }
   117 // Destructor
   118 CSmsMtmUiData::~CSmsMtmUiData()
   119     {
   120     }
   122 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   123 // CSmsMtmUiData::ContextIcon
   124 //
   125 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   126 const CBaseMtmUiData::CBitmapArray& CSmsMtmUiData::ContextIcon(
   127     const TMsvEntry& aContext, 
   128     TInt /*aStateFlags*/ ) const
   129     {
   130     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN("CSmsMtmUiData::ContextIcon");
   131     __ASSERT_DEBUG(aContext.iMtm==KUidMsgTypeSMS, Panic(ESmsiWrongMtm));
   132     __ASSERT_DEBUG(aContext.iType.iUid!=KUidMsvFolderEntryValue, Panic(ESmsiFoldersNotSupported));
   133     __ASSERT_DEBUG(aContext.iType.iUid!=KUidMsvAttachmentEntryValue, Panic(ESmsiNoIconForAttachment));
   135     //    Return the set of icons appropriate to the current context
   136     TInt bmpIndex; 
   137     if (aContext.iBioType!=0)
   138         {
   139         bmpIndex = aContext.Unread() ? 
   140             EMbmMuiuQgn_prop_mce_smart_unread : EMbmMuiuQgn_prop_mce_smart_read;
   141         }
   142     else
   143         {
   144         bmpIndex = aContext.Unread() ? 
   145             EMbmMuiuQgn_prop_mce_sms_unread : EMbmMuiuQgn_prop_mce_sms_read;
   146         }
   148     SMUMLOGGER_LEAVEFN("CSmsMtmUiData::ContextIcon");
   150     return *iIconArrays->At(( bmpIndex - EMbmMuiuQgn_prop_mce_sms_read ) / KSmsiNumberOfZoomStates );
   151     }
   153 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   154 // CSmsMtmUiData::OperationSupportedL
   155 //
   156 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   157 TInt CSmsMtmUiData::OperationSupportedL( TInt aOperationId, const TMsvEntry& aContext ) const
   158     {
   159     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN("CSmsMtmUiData::OperationSupportedL");
   160     //    SMS mtm client only has two functions which may be of use to the user
   161     //    NB as this implies, there are other functions.
   162     switch (aOperationId)
   163         {
   164         case KMtmUiFunctionSimDialog:
   165             return NULL;
   166         case KMtmUiFunctionMessageInfo:
   167             if (aContext.iType==KUidMsvMessageEntry)
   168                 {
   169                 return NULL;
   170                 }
   171             break;
   172         default:
   173             break;
   174         }
   176     SMUMLOGGER_LEAVEFN("CSmsMtmUiData::OperationSupportedL");
   177     return R_EIK_TBUF_NOT_AVAILABLE;
   178     }
   180 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   181 // CSmsMtmUiData::QueryCapability
   182 //
   183 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   184 TInt CSmsMtmUiData::QueryCapability( TUid aFunctionId, TInt& aResponse ) const
   185     {
   186     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN("CSmsMtmUiData::QueryCapability");
   187     TInt retVal = KErrNone;
   188     switch ( aFunctionId.iUid )
   189         {
   190         case KUidMsvMtmUiQueryMessagingInitialisation:
   191             aResponse = ETrue;
   192             break;
   194         case KUidMtmQuerySupportsBioMsgValue:   // Supports sending of Bio messages
   195             aResponse = ETrue;
   196             break;
   198         case KUidMtmQueryMaxBodySizeValue:
   199             aResponse = KSmsiMaxTotalMsgSize;        //    See notes at the definition
   200             break;
   202         case KUidMtmQueryMaxTotalMsgSizeValue:
   203             aResponse = KSmsiMaxTotalMsgSize;        //    See notes at the definition
   204             break;
   205         case KUidMtmQuerySupportedBodyValue:
   206             aResponse = KMtm7BitBody | KMtm8BitBody | KMtm16BitBody;
   207             break;
   209         case KUidMsvMtmQueryViewerUidValue:
   210             aResponse = KSmsViewerUid;
   211             break;
   213         case KMtmUiFunctionMessageInfo: 
   214             aResponse = KErrNone;
   215             break;
   217         case KUidMtmQueryCanSendMsgValue:        
   218         case KUidMtmQueryCanReceiveMsgValue:
   219             break;
   221         default:
   222             retVal=KErrNotSupported;
   223             break;
   224         }
   225     SMUMLOGGER_LEAVEFN("CSmsMtmUiData::QueryCapability");
   226     return retVal;
   227     }
   229 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   230 // CSmsMtmUiData::PopulateArraysL
   231 //
   232 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   233 void CSmsMtmUiData::PopulateArraysL()
   234     {
   235     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN("CSmsMtmUiData::PopulateArraysL");
   236     // Read additional functions
   237     ReadFunctionsFromResourceFileL( R_SMSI_FUNCTION_ARRAY );
   238     CreateSkinnedBitmapsL( KSmsiNumberOfZoomStates );
   239     SMUMLOGGER_LEAVEFN("CSmsMtmUiData::PopulateArraysL");
   240     }
   242 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   243 // CSmsMtmUiData::GetResourceFileName
   244 //
   245 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   246 void CSmsMtmUiData::GetResourceFileName( TFileName& aFileName ) const
   247     {
   248     aFileName = KSmsiResourceFile;
   249     }
   251 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   252 // CSmsMtmUiData::CanCreateEntryL
   253 //
   254 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   255 TBool CSmsMtmUiData::CanCreateEntryL(
   256     const TMsvEntry& aParent, 
   257     TMsvEntry& aNewEntry, 
   258     TInt& aReasonResourceId ) const
   259     {
   260     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN("CSmsMtmUiData::CanCreateEntryL");
   261     __ASSERT_DEBUG( aNewEntry.iMtm == KUidMsgTypeSMS, Panic( ESmsiWrongMtm ));
   263     //    We can create an entry if it is a message under the local service
   264     if( aNewEntry.iType == KUidMsvMessageEntry && 
   265         aNewEntry.iMtm == KUidMsgTypeSMS && 
   266         aParent.iType == KUidMsvFolderEntry )
   267         {
   268         aReasonResourceId = NULL;
   269         return ETrue;
   270         }
   272     aReasonResourceId = R_EIK_TBUF_NOT_AVAILABLE;
   273     SMUMLOGGER_LEAVEFN("CSmsMtmUiData::CanCreateEntryL");
   274     return EFalse;
   275     }
   277 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   278 // CSmsMtmUiData::CanDeleteServiceL
   279 //
   280 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   281 TBool CSmsMtmUiData::CanDeleteServiceL(
   282     const TMsvEntry& /*aService*/, 
   283     TInt& aReasonResourceId ) const
   284     {
   285     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN("CSmsMtmUiData::CanDeleteServiceL");
   286     // these CanXXX functions not used in Series 60, except 
   287     // CanCreateEntryL, CanReplyToEntryL, CanForwardEntryL and 
   288     // CanUnDeleteFromEntryL 
   289     aReasonResourceId = R_EIK_TBUF_NOT_AVAILABLE;
   290     SMUMLOGGER_LEAVEFN("CSmsMtmUiData::CanDeleteServiceL");
   291     return EFalse;
   292     }
   294 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   295 // CSmsMtmUiData::CanReplyToEntryL
   296 //
   297 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   298 TBool CSmsMtmUiData::CanReplyToEntryL(
   299     const TMsvEntry& aContext,
   300     TInt& aReasonResourceId ) const
   301     {
   302     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN("CSmsMtmUiData::CanReplyToEntryL");
   303     __ASSERT_DEBUG( aContext.iMtm == KUidMsgTypeSMS, Panic( ESmsiWrongMtm ));
   304     if ( aContext.iMtm == KUidMsgTypeSMS
   305         && aContext.iType == KUidMsvMessageEntry
   306         && aContext.ReadOnly()
   307         && !aContext.iBioType )
   308         {
   309         return ETrue;
   310         }
   311     else
   312         {
   313         aReasonResourceId = R_EIK_TBUF_NOT_AVAILABLE;
   314         return EFalse;
   315         }
   316     }
   319 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   320 // CSmsMtmUiData::CanForwardEntryL
   321 //
   322 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   323 TBool CSmsMtmUiData::CanForwardEntryL(
   324     const TMsvEntry& aContext,
   325     TInt& aReasonResourceId ) const
   326     {
   327     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN("CSmsMtmUiData::CanForwardEntryL");
   328     __ASSERT_DEBUG( aContext.iMtm == KUidMsgTypeSMS, Panic( ESmsiWrongMtm ));
   329     if ( aContext.iMtm == KUidMsgTypeSMS
   330         && aContext.iType == KUidMsvMessageEntry
   331         && aContext.ReadOnly()
   332         && !aContext.iBioType )
   333         {
   334         return ETrue;
   335         }
   336     else
   337         {
   338         aReasonResourceId = R_EIK_TBUF_NOT_AVAILABLE;
   339         return EFalse;
   340         }
   341     }
   343 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   344 // CSmsMtmUiData::CanEditEntryL
   345 //
   346 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   347 TBool CSmsMtmUiData::CanEditEntryL(
   348     const TMsvEntry& /*aContext*/,
   349     TInt& aReasonResourceId ) const
   350     {
   351     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN(" CSmsMtmUiData::CanEditEntryL");
   352     // these CanXXX functions not used in Series 60, except 
   353     // CanCreateEntryL, CanReplyToEntryL, CanForwardEntryL and 
   354     // CanUnDeleteFromEntryL 
   355     aReasonResourceId = R_EIK_TBUF_NOT_AVAILABLE;
   356     return EFalse;
   357     }
   359 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   360 // CSmsMtmUiData::CanViewEntryL
   361 //
   362 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   363 TBool CSmsMtmUiData::CanViewEntryL(
   364     const TMsvEntry& /*aContext*/,
   365     TInt& aReasonResourceId ) const
   366     {
   367     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN(" CSmsMtmUiData::CanViewEntryL");
   368     // these CanXXX functions not used in Series 60, except 
   369     // CanCreateEntryL, CanReplyToEntryL, CanForwardEntryL and 
   370     // CanUnDeleteFromEntryL 
   371     aReasonResourceId = R_EIK_TBUF_NOT_AVAILABLE;
   372     return EFalse;
   373     }
   375 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   376 // CSmsMtmUiData::CanOpenEntryL
   377 //
   378 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   379 TBool CSmsMtmUiData::CanOpenEntryL(
   380     const TMsvEntry& /*aContext*/,
   381     TInt& aReasonResourceId ) const
   382     {
   383     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN(" CSmsMtmUiData::CanOpenEntryL");
   384     // these CanXXX functions not used in Series 60, except 
   385     // CanCreateEntryL, CanReplyToEntryL, CanForwardEntryL and 
   386     // CanUnDeleteFromEntryL 
   387     aReasonResourceId = R_EIK_TBUF_NOT_AVAILABLE;
   388     return EFalse;
   389     }
   391 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   392 // CSmsMtmUiData::CanCloseEntryL
   393 //
   394 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   395 TBool CSmsMtmUiData::CanCloseEntryL(
   396     const TMsvEntry& /*aContext*/,
   397     TInt& aReasonResourceId ) const
   398     {
   399     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN(" CSmsMtmUiData::CanCloseEntryL");
   400     // these CanXXX functions not used in Series 60, except 
   401     // CanCreateEntryL, CanReplyToEntryL, CanForwardEntryL and 
   402     // CanUnDeleteFromEntryL 
   403     aReasonResourceId = R_EIK_TBUF_NOT_AVAILABLE;
   404     return EFalse;
   405     }
   407 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   408 // CSmsMtmUiData::CanDeleteFromEntryL
   409 //
   410 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   411 TBool CSmsMtmUiData::CanDeleteFromEntryL(
   412     const TMsvEntry& /*aContext*/, 
   413     TInt& aReasonResourceId ) const
   414     {
   415     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN(" CSmsMtmUiData::CanDeleteFromEntryL");
   416     // these CanXXX functions not used in Series 60, except 
   417     // CanCreateEntryL, CanReplyToEntryL, CanForwardEntryL and 
   418     // CanUnDeleteFromEntryL 
   419     aReasonResourceId = R_EIK_TBUF_NOT_AVAILABLE;
   420     return EFalse;
   421     }
   423 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   424 // CSmsMtmUiData::CanCopyMoveToEntryL
   425 //
   426 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   427 TBool CSmsMtmUiData::CanCopyMoveToEntryL(
   428     const TMsvEntry& /*aContext*/, 
   429     TInt& aReasonResourceId ) const
   430     {
   431     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN(" CSmsMtmUiData::CanCopyMoveToEntryL");
   432     // these CanXXX functions not used in Series 60, except 
   433     // CanCreateEntryL, CanReplyToEntryL, CanForwardEntryL and 
   434     // CanUnDeleteFromEntryL 
   435     aReasonResourceId = R_EIK_TBUF_NOT_AVAILABLE;
   436     return EFalse;
   437     }
   439 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   440 // CSmsMtmUiData::CanCopyMoveFromEntryL
   441 //
   442 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   443 TBool CSmsMtmUiData::CanCopyMoveFromEntryL(
   444     const TMsvEntry& /*aContext*/, 
   445     TInt& aReasonResourceId ) const
   446     {
   447     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN(" CSmsMtmUiData::CanCopyMoveFromEntryL");
   448     // these CanXXX functions not used in Series 60, except 
   449     // CanCreateEntryL, CanReplyToEntryL, CanForwardEntryL and 
   450     // CanUnDeleteFromEntryL 
   451     aReasonResourceId = R_EIK_TBUF_NOT_AVAILABLE;
   452     return EFalse;
   453     }
   455 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   456 // CSmsMtmUiData::CanCancelL
   457 //
   458 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   459 TBool CSmsMtmUiData::CanCancelL(
   460     const TMsvEntry& /*aContext*/, 
   461     TInt& aReasonResourceId ) const
   462     {
   463     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN(" CSmsMtmUiData::CanCancelL");
   464     // these CanXXX functions not used in Series 60, except 
   465     // CanCreateEntryL, CanReplyToEntryL, CanForwardEntryL and 
   466     // CanUnDeleteFromEntryL 
   467     aReasonResourceId = R_EIK_TBUF_NOT_AVAILABLE;
   468     return EFalse;
   469     }
   471 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   472 // CSmsMtmUiData::StatusTextL
   473 //
   474 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   475 HBufC* CSmsMtmUiData::StatusTextL( const TMsvEntry& aContext ) const
   476     {
   477     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN(" CSmsMtmUiData::StatusTextL");
   479     TInt res = 0;
   480     TUint sendingState = aContext.SendingState();
   481     switch( sendingState )
   482         {
   483         case KMsvSendStateFailed:
   484             res = R_QTN_MCE_OUTBOX_STATUS_FAILED;
   485             break;
   487         case KMsvSendStateUponRequest: // Mapped to be the same
   488         case KMsvSendStateSuspended:
   489             res = R_QTN_MCE_OUTBOX_STATUS_SUSPENDED;
   490             break;
   492         case KMsvSendStateScheduled: // Mapped to be the same
   493         case KMsvSendStateWaiting:
   494             res = R_QTN_MCE_OUTBOX_STATUS_WAITING;
   495             break;
   497         case KMsvSendStateResend:
   498             res = R_QTN_MCE_OUTBOX_STATUS_RETRY_AT;
   499             break;
   501         case KMsvSendStateSending:
   502             res = R_QTN_MCE_OUTBOX_STATUS_SENDING;
   503             break;
   505         case KMsvSendStateSent:
   506         case KMsvSendStateNotApplicable:
   507             res = 0;
   508             break;
   510             // Unknown 
   511         case KMsvSendStateUnknown:
   512         default:
   513 #ifdef _DEBUG
   514             Panic( ESmsiMtmUdUnknownMsgStatus );
   515 #endif
   516             User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
   517             break;
   518         }
   520         if (!res)
   521             {
   522             return HBufC::NewL(0);
   523             }
   525         if ( sendingState == KMsvSendStateResend )
   526             {
   527             TBuf<KTBuf80Length> bufTimeFormat;
   528             TBuf<KTBuf80Length> bufTimeFormatted;
   529             StringLoader::Load( 
   530                 bufTimeFormat, R_QTN_TIME_USUAL_WITH_ZERO, iCoeEnv );
   532             TTime localTime = aContext.iDate;
   533             TLocale locale;
   534     	    // Add time difference
   535             localTime += locale.UniversalTimeOffset();
   536     	    if (locale.QueryHomeHasDaylightSavingOn())          
   537     		    { // and possible daylight saving time
   538     		    TTimeIntervalHours daylightSaving(1);          
   539     		    localTime += daylightSaving;
   540     		    }
   541     		localTime.FormatL( bufTimeFormatted, bufTimeFormat );
   542     		AknTextUtils::LanguageSpecificNumberConversion( bufTimeFormatted );
   543     	    SMUMLOGGER_LEAVEFN(" CSmsMtmUiData::StatusTextL - 1");
   544             return StringLoader::LoadL( 
   545                 R_QTN_MCE_OUTBOX_STATUS_RETRY_AT, bufTimeFormatted, iCoeEnv );
   546             }
   547         else
   548             {
   549             SMUMLOGGER_LEAVEFN(" CSmsMtmUiData::StatusTextL - 2");
   550             return StringLoader::LoadL( res, iCoeEnv );
   551             }
   552     }
   554 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   555 // CSmsMtmUiData::CreateSkinnedBitmapsL
   556 //
   557 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   558 void CSmsMtmUiData::CreateSkinnedBitmapsL( TInt aNumZoomStates )
   559     {
   560     SMUMLOGGER_ENTERFN(" CSmsMtmUiData::CreateSkinnedBitmapsL");
   562     MAknsSkinInstance* skins = AknsUtils::SkinInstance();
   563     TAknsItemID id;
   564     CFbsBitmap* bitmap;
   565     CFbsBitmap* bitmapMask;
   566     TBool found = ETrue;
   568     for( TInt i=EMbmMuiuQgn_prop_mce_sms_read; i<EMbmMuiuQgn_prop_mce_smart_unread_mask+1; i++ )
   569         {
   570         found = ETrue;
   571         switch( i )
   572             {
   573             // Add to iIconArrays in this order
   574             case EMbmMuiuQgn_prop_mce_sms_read:
   575                 id.Set( KAknsIIDQgnPropMceSmsRead );
   576                 break;
   577             case EMbmMuiuQgn_prop_mce_sms_unread:
   578                 id.Set( KAknsIIDQgnPropMceSmsUnread );
   579                 break;
   580             case EMbmMuiuQgn_prop_mce_smart_read:
   581                 id.Set( KAknsIIDQgnPropMceSmartRead );
   582                 break;
   583             case EMbmMuiuQgn_prop_mce_smart_unread:
   584                 id.Set( KAknsIIDQgnPropMceSmartUnread );
   585                 break;
   586             default:
   587                 found = EFalse;
   588                 break;
   589             }
   590             if( found )
   591                 {
   592                 CArrayPtrFlat<CFbsBitmap>* array = 
   593                     new (ELeave) CArrayPtrFlat<CFbsBitmap>( aNumZoomStates );
   594                 CleanupStack::PushL( array );
   595                 array->SetReserveL( aNumZoomStates ); // AppendLs will not LEAVE
   596                 TParse tp;
   597                 tp.Set( KBitmapFile, &KDC_APP_BITMAP_DIR, NULL );
   599                 AknsUtils::CreateIconL( skins, id, bitmap,
   600                     bitmapMask, tp.FullName(), i, i + 1 );
   602                 array->AppendL(bitmap);
   603                 array->AppendL(bitmapMask);
   604                 iIconArrays->AppendL(array);
   606                 CleanupStack::Pop();//array
   607                 }
   609         }
   610     SMUMLOGGER_LEAVEFN(" CSmsMtmUiData::CreateSkinnedBitmapsL");
   611     }
   612 //  End of File