changeset 60 7fdbb852d323
equal deleted inserted replaced
57:ebe688cedc25 60:7fdbb852d323
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  
    15 *       Provides CNotViewerAppUi class methods. 
    16 *
    17 */
    21 #include <featmgr.h>                        // FeatureManager
    22 #include <bldvariant.hrh>
    23 #include <messagingvariant.hrh>
    24 #include <txtrich.h>                        // CRichText
    25 #include <eikrted.h>                        // CEikRichTextEditor
    26 #include <StringLoader.h>                   // StringLoader (load and format strings from resources)
    28 #include <centralrepository.h>    // link against centralrepository.lib
    29 #include <CommonUiInternalCRKeys.h>
    30 #include <messaginginternalcrkeys.h> // for Central Repository keys
    31 #include <CoreApplicationUIsSDKCRKeys.h>
    33 #include <AknFepGlobalEnums.h>              // Global Fep enums (ELatin, ENumber)
    35 // Base editor stuff
    36 #include <MsgBodyControl.h>                 // CMsgBodyControl
    37 #include <MsgEditorView.h>                  // CMsgEditorView
    38 #include <MsgAddressControl.h>              // CMsgAddressControl
    39 #include <MsgAttachmentUtils.h>             // CMsgAttachmentUtils
    40 #include <MsgEditorAppUiExtension.h>        // CMsgEditorAppUiExtension
    42 // Help
    43 #include <csxhelp/mms.hlp.hrh>
    44 #include <hlplch.h>                         // For HlpLauncher 
    46 // Phone
    47 #include <commonphoneparser.h>              // Common phone number validity checker
    49 // Contacts
    50 #include <cntdef.h>                         // KNullContactId
    52 // MUIU stuff
    53 #include <MuiuMsvUiServiceUtilities.h>      // Call back to sender
    54 #include <muiumsvuiserviceutilitiesinternal.h>
    56 #include <MuiuOperationWait.h>              // CMuiuOperationWait
    57 #include <akninputblock.h>                  // CAknInputBlock
    58 #include <MuiuMsvProgressReporterOperation.h> // CMsvProgressReporterOperation
    59 #include <MuiuMsgEmbeddedEditorWatchingOperation.h>
    61 // AKN Stuff
    62 #include <AknUtils.h>                       // Apac, layout, etc
    63 #include <AknsUtils.h>						// AknsUtils
    64 #include <aknnotewrappers.h>                // CAknInformationNote
    65 #include <applayout.cdl.h> // LAF
    66 #include <aknlayoutscalable_avkon.cdl.h>
    68 // Client MTM Stuff
    69 #include <mmsnotificationclient.h>          // CMmsClientMtm
    70 #include <mtmuidef.hrh>                     // EMtmUiFlagEditorPreferEmbedded
    71 #include <mmsgenutils.h>                    // TMmsGenUtils
    72 #include <mmsmsventry.h>                    // TMmsMsvEntry
    73 #include <MtmExtendedCapabilities.hrh>      // function id of MessageInfo
    75 // Send As Stuff
    76 #include <sendui.h>                         // SendUI (for Reply via SMS)
    77 #include <SenduiMtmUids.h>                  // MTM Uids
    78 #include <CMessageData.h>
    80 // Find item
    81 #include <FindItemmenu.rsg>                 // Find item stuff
    82 #include <finditemmenu.h>                   //
    83 #include <finditemdialog.h>                 //
    84 #include <finditem.hrh>
    85 #include <ItemFinder.h>
    87 #ifdef RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
    88 #include <akntoolbar.h>
    89 #endif
    91 #include <aknnavi.h>                        // CAknNavigationControlContainer
    92 #include <aknnavide.h>                      // CAknNavigationDecorator
    93 #include <akntabgrp.h>                      // CAknTabGroup
    94 #include <akntitle.h>
    95 #include <mmserrors.h>
    96 #include <mmsregisteredapplications.h>
    97 #include <mmssettings.h>
    99 #include <mmsui.mbg>                        // Bitmap identifiers
   100 #include <data_caging_path_literals.hrh>    // KDC_APP_BITMAP_DIR
   101 #include "MmsMtmConst.h"
   102 #include "NotMtmUi.h"                       // Notification MTM UI
   103 #include "NotMtmUiData.h"                   // Notification MTM UI Data
   104 #include "NotViewerAppUi.h"
   105 #include "NotViewerDocument.h"
   106 #include "NotViewer.hrh"
   107 #include <NotViewer.rsg>
   108 #include <uniaddresshandler.h>
   109 #include "MmsSettingsHandler.h"
   110 #include <msgvoipextension.h>
   111 #include <textresolver.h>
   113 // CONSTANTS
   115 const TUint KNaviGranularity = 2;
   116 const TInt KIconDefaultColor = 0;
   117 #endif
   118 _LIT( KMmsUiMbmFile, "mmsui.mbm" );
   120 const TInt KDateSize            = 30;
   121 const TInt KMaxDetailsLength    = 64;   // Copy max this many chars to TMsvEntry iDetails
   122 const TInt KReplyToSenderSize = 2048;
   123 // Exit time when using CIdle to close the application
   124 const TInt KDelayedExitDelay = 2500000;
   126 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   127 // CNotViewerAppUi
   128 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   129 //
   130 CNotViewerAppUi::CNotViewerAppUi() :
   131     iIdle( NULL ),
   132     iAbsorber( NULL ),
   133     iOperation( NULL ),
   134     iSenderType( EMuiuAddressTypeNone ), 
   135     iFlags(0),
   136     iMsgId( 0 )
   137     {
   138     }
   140 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   141 // ~CNotViewerAppUi
   142 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   143 //
   144 CNotViewerAppUi::~CNotViewerAppUi()
   145     {
   146     FeatureManager::UnInitializeLib();
   147     delete iOperation;
   148     if (    iView
   149         &&  !( iFlags & ENotViewerIsNotification ) )
   150         {   // FR mode
   151         if ( !( iMtm->Entry( ).Entry( ).ReadOnly( ) ) )
   152             { // FR in edit mode
   153             CMsgAddressControl* to = 
   154                 static_cast<CMsgAddressControl*>( iView->ControlById( EMsgComponentIdTo ) );
   155             if ( to )
   156                 { // Lets save the current input mode to shared data
   157                 TInt inputMode = to->Editor().AknEditorCurrentInputMode();
   158                 iMuiuSettRepository->Set( KMuiuToInputMode, inputMode );
   159                 }        
   160             }
   161         }
   162     if ( iNotifyHandler )
   163         {        
   164         iNotifyHandler->StopListening();
   165         }
   166     delete iNotifyHandler;
   167     delete iCUiRepository;
   168     delete iMuiuSettRepository;
   170     delete iIdle;
   171     delete iAbsorber;
   172     delete iSendUi;
   173     delete iFindItemMenu;
   175     delete iNaviDecorator;
   176 #endif
   177     delete iMsgVoIPExtension;
   178 	delete iAlias;
   179     delete iAddressHandler;
   180     delete iSettingsHandler;
   181     delete iAppIcon;
   182     }
   184 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   185 // ConstructL
   186 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   187 //
   188 void CNotViewerAppUi::ConstructL()
   189     {
   190     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: Construct start"));
   191     CMsgEditorAppUi::ConstructL(); // Constructor of the base class
   193     // Disable task swapper from options menu during launch
   194     MenuBar()->SetMenuType( CEikMenuBar::EMenuOptionsNoTaskSwapper );
   196 	FeatureManager::InitializeLibL();
   198 	if ( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdHelp ) )
   199 		{
   200 		iFlags |= ENotViewerFlagsHelp;
   201 		}
   203     // KFeatureIdMmsNonDestructiveForward has been deprecated
   204     // Check of TMsvEntry::iMtmData2 & KMmsStoredInMMBox replaces it. 
   205     // MMSEngine sets KMmsStoredInMMBox for received notifications
   207     if ( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdOfflineMode ) )
   208         {
   209         iFlags |= ENotViewerOffline;
   210         }    
   211     if ( FeatureManager::FeatureSupported( KFeatureIdAudioMessaging ) )
   212         {
   213         iFlags |= ENotViewerAudioMessaging;
   214         }
   216     iMtm = &(Document()->Mtm());
   217     if ( !iMtm )
   218         {
   219         User::Leave( KErrBadHandle );
   220         }
   222     iSettingsHandler = CMmsSettingsHandler::NewL( *iMtm );
   224 #ifndef RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
   225     iView = CMsgEditorView::NewL( *this, CMsgEditorView::EMsgReadOnly );
   226 #endif
   228     iNaviPane = static_cast<CAknNavigationControlContainer*>
   229         ( StatusPane()->ControlL( TUid::Uid( EEikStatusPaneUidNavi ) ) );
   230     iTitlePane = static_cast<CAknTitlePane*>
   231         ( StatusPane()->ControlL( TUid::Uid( EEikStatusPaneUidTitle ) ) );
   232     iSendUi = CSendUi::NewL();
   234     TInt highlight = 0;
   235     iMuiuSettRepository = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidMuiuSettings );
   237     iCUiRepository = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidCommonUi );
   238     iCUiRepository->Get( KCuiAutomaticHighlight, highlight  );
   239     iNotifyHandler = CCenRepNotifyHandler::NewL( *this, 
   240                                                  *iCUiRepository, 
   241                                                  CCenRepNotifyHandler::EIntKey, 
   242                                                  KCuiAutomaticHighlight );
   243     iNotifyHandler->StartListeningL();
   245     if ( highlight == 0 )
   246         { // Disable autofind if it's disable in Shared Data 
   247         iFlags &= ~ENotViewerAutoFind;
   248         }
   249     else
   250         {
   251         iFlags |= ENotViewerAutoFind;
   252         }
   254     // No other reply types as mms is not possible
   255     TInt features( 0 );
   256     CRepository* repository = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidMuiuVariation );
   257     repository->Get( KMuiuUniEditorFeatures, features );
   258     if ( features & KUniEditorFeatureIdRestrictedReplyMms )
   259         {
   260         iFlags |= ENotViewerRestrictedReply;
   261         }
   262     delete repository;
   264     LOGTEXT2(_L("CNotViewerAppUi::ConstructL: iFlags 0x%x"), iFlags );
   266     iFindItemMenu = CFindItemMenu::NewL( EFindItemMenuPlaceHolder );
   267     iFindItemMenu->AttachItemFinderMenuL(0);
   269 	if( !iEikonEnv->StartedAsServerApp( ) )
   270 		{
   271 	    Document()->PrepareToLaunchL( this );
   272 		}
   274     MenuBar()->SetContextMenuTitleResourceId( R_NOTVIEWER_SELECTIONMENUBAR );
   276   	// Set path of bitmap file
   277   	TParse fileParse;
   278   	fileParse.Set( KMmsUiMbmFile, &KDC_APP_BITMAP_DIR, NULL );
   280     iAppIcon = AknsUtils::CreateGulIconL( 
   281         AknsUtils::SkinInstance(), 
   282         KAknsIIDQgnPropMceMmsTitle,
   283         fileParse.FullName(),
   284         EMbmMmsuiQgn_prop_mce_mms_title,
   285         EMbmMmsuiQgn_prop_mce_mms_title_mask );
   287     ApplyFormat(iLabelFormat, iLabelMask, ETrue);
   288     ApplyFormat(iValueFormat, iValueMask, EFalse);    
   289     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: Construct end"));
   290     }
   292 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   293 // LaunchViewL
   294 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   295 //
   296 void CNotViewerAppUi::LaunchViewL()
   297     {
   298     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: LaunchViewL start"));
   300     TRAPD( err, iMtm->LoadMessageL() );
   302    	if ( err )
   303        	{
   304        	if ( err != KErrNoMemory )
   305            	{
   306            	User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
   307            	}
   308        	User::Leave( err );
   309        	}
   311    	GetTypeL( ); // Updates the iFlag
   313     SetTitleIconL();   
   315 #ifdef RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
   316     if ( AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled() )
   317         {
   318         // iToolbar should have been assigned already in HandleForegroundEventL()
   319         // If it failed,
   320         // - catch it here
   321         // - but it means also that some of functionality cannot be fulfilled
   322         if ( !iToolbar )
   323             {
   324             iToolbar = CurrentFixedToolbar();  
   325             if ( iToolbar )
   326                 {
   327                 iToolbar->SetToolbarObserver( this );
   328                 }
   329             }
   330         }
   332     if (    iToolbar
   333         &&  iToolbar->IsToolbarDisabled() )
   334         {
   335         iToolbar->DisableToolbarL( EFalse ); 
   336         iToolbar->SetToolbarVisibility( ETrue, EFalse );
   337         }
   338     // Creation of CMsgEditorView must be after toolbar is set visible otherwise layout things can go wrong. 
   339     // This has been moved here from ConstructL(). For that reason couple of 'if ( iView &&' checks has been added 
   340     // at locations which could use CMsgEditorView very early at startup
   341     iView = CMsgEditorView::NewL( *this, CMsgEditorView::EMsgReadOnly );
   343 #endif
   345     // Editors must not exit due to End key. Flag is set by GetTypeL();
   346     if ( ! ( iFlags & ENotViewerIsNotification ) )
   347         {
   348         SetCloseWithEndKey( EFalse );
   349         }
   351    	iMsgId = iMtm->Entry( ).Entry( ).Id( );
   353     TInt focusedControl = 0;
   355 	if( iFlags & ENotViewerIsNotification )
   356     	{   // We are in the notification mode
   357         focusedControl = EMsgComponentIdFrom;
   358         iView->AddControlFromResourceL( 
   359         	R_NOTVIEWER_FROM, 
   360             EMsgAddressControl, 
   361             EMsgAppendControl, 
   362             EMsgHeader );
   363     	}
   364     else
   365         {   // we are in the forward request mode
   366         focusedControl = EMsgComponentIdTo;
   367         iView->AddControlFromResourceL( 
   368             R_NOTVIEWER_TO, 
   369             EMsgAddressControl, 
   370             EMsgAppendControl, 
   371             EMsgHeader );
   372         CMsgAddressControl* to = AddressControl( );
   374         // Remove the auto highlight in FR mode
   375         iFlags &= ~ENotViewerAutoFind;
   377         TMsvEntry msvEntry = iMtm->Entry( ).Entry( );
   379         if( msvEntry.ReadOnly( ) ) // Sent 
   380             {
   381             to->SetReadOnly( ETrue );
   382             }
   383         else    // Unsent: To-control must not be read only
   384             {
   385             to->SetReadOnly( EFalse );
   386             TInt inputMode = ENumber;
   388             if ( iMuiuSettRepository->Get( KMuiuToInputMode, inputMode ) )
   389                 {
   390                 inputMode = ENumber;
   391                 }
   392             to->Editor( ).SetAknEditorCurrentInputMode( inputMode );
   393             }
   394         UpdateTitlePaneL( ); // Updates the "Forward Request" to Title pane
   395         }
   397     // Adds the text in message body here
   398     if( iFlags & ENotViewerIsNotification )
   399         { // We are in the Viewer so lets add from field
   400         const TPtrC sender = iMtm->Sender();
   401         const TPtrC details = iMtm->Entry().Entry().iDetails;
   402         if ( sender.Length() )
   403             {
   404             iSenderType = MsvUiServiceUtilitiesInternal::ResolveAddressTypeL(    
   405                 TMmsGenUtils::PureAddress( sender ),
   406                             CommonPhoneParser::ESMSNumber );
   408             if ( iSenderType != EMuiuAddressTypePhoneNumber )
   409                 {
   410                 //We trust on that there won't be illegal addresses
   411                 //in received messages
   412                 iSenderType = EMuiuAddressTypeEmail;
   413                 if ( iFindItemMenu )
   414                     {
   415                     iFindItemMenu->SetSenderDescriptorType( CItemFinder::EEmailAddress );
   416                     }
   417                 }
   418             CMsgAddressControl* fromControl = AddressControl( );
   420             //Check if MMS engine has put an alias into iDetails field
   421             if ( sender.Compare( details ) != 0 )
   422                 {
   423                 TPtrC alias = KNullDesC();
   424                 if ( details.Length() && !iAlias )
   425                     {
   426                     iAlias = details.AllocL( );
   427                     alias.Set( *iAlias );
   428                     }
   430                 // Resolve whether this is remote alias. Local alias takes precedence
   431                 TPtrC tempAlias( TMmsGenUtils::Alias( sender ) );
   432                 if (    iAlias
   433                     &&  tempAlias.Length()
   434                     &&  !tempAlias.CompareF( *iAlias ) )
   436                     {
   437                     iRemoteAlias = ETrue;
   438                     }                    
   440                 MVPbkContactLink* link = NULL;
   441                 fromControl->AddRecipientL( alias,
   442                     TMmsGenUtils::PureAddress( sender ),
   443                     ETrue,
   444                     link );
   445                 }
   446             else
   447                 {
   448                 MVPbkContactLink* link = NULL;
   449                 fromControl->AddRecipientL( TMmsGenUtils::Alias( sender ),
   450                     TMmsGenUtils::PureAddress( sender ),
   451                     ETrue,
   452                     link );
   453                 }
   454             }
   455         else
   456             {
   457             // Leave the address control empty
   458             // This should not happen, though
   459             }
   460         }
   461     else
   462         {
   463         const CMsvRecipientList& addresses = iMtm->AddresseeList();
   465         TInt count = addresses.Count();
   466         CMsgAddressControl* toControl = AddressControl( );
   468         if ( count > 0 )
   469             {
   470             CMsgRecipientList* recipientList = CMsgRecipientList::NewL();
   471             CleanupStack::PushL( recipientList );
   473             for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
   474                 {
   475                 CMsgRecipientItem* recipient = CMsgRecipientItem::NewLC(
   476                     TMmsGenUtils::Alias( addresses[i] ),
   477                     TMmsGenUtils::PureAddress( addresses[i] ) );
   478                 recipient->SetVerified( ETrue );
   479                 recipientList->AppendL( recipient );
   480                 CleanupStack::Pop();
   481                 recipient = NULL;
   482                 }
   483             toControl->AddRecipientsL( *recipientList );
   484             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   485             }
   486         if ( !iMtm->Entry().Entry().ReadOnly( ) )
   487             { // Address handler is created only when we have unsent Forward Request
   488             iAddressHandler = CUniAddressHandler::NewL( Document()->Mtm(), *toControl, *iCoeEnv );
   489             }
   490         }
   492     // Add the body field stuff
   493     if( iFlags & ENotViewerIsNotification )
   494         { // We are in the Viewer so lets add message field, too
   495         AddMessageFieldL( );
   496         }
   497     AddSubjectFieldL( );
   498     AddTextFieldL( );
   499     AddSizeFieldL( );
   500     if( iFlags & ENotViewerIsNotification )
   501         { // We are in the Viewer so lets add expiry field, too
   502         AddExpiryFieldL( );
   503         }
   504     AddClassFieldL( );
   505     AddPriorityFieldL( );
   507     if( iFlags & ENotViewerIsNotification )
   508         { // We are in the Viewer so Find stuff too
   509         SetFindModeL( iFlags & ENotViewerAutoFind );
   511         }
   512     else
   513         {
   514         if ( iView->ItemFinder() )
   515             {
   516 	        iView->ItemFinder()->SetFindModeL(
   517                 CItemFinder::ENoneSelected );
   518             }
   519         }
   521     iView->ExecuteL( ClientRect(), focusedControl );
   522     InitNavipaneL( );
   524     // Enable task swapper to options menu after launch has been completed.
   525     MenuBar()->SetMenuType( CEikMenuBar::EMenuOptions );
   528     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: LaunchViewL end"));
   529     }
   531 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   532 // DynInitMenuPaneL
   533 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   534 //
   535 void CNotViewerAppUi::DynInitMenuPaneL(TInt aMenuId, CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane )
   536     {
   537     if ( aMenuPane )
   538         {       
   539         TInt amountOfItems( aMenuPane->NumberOfItemsInPane() );
   540         if ( !Document( )->IsLaunched( )  )
   541             {
   542             if ( amountOfItems )
   543                 {
   544                 aMenuPane->DeleteBetweenMenuItems( 0, amountOfItems - 1 );
   545                 }
   546             return;
   547             }
   548         switch ( aMenuId )
   549             {
   550             case R_NOTVIEWER_OPTIONSMENU:
   551                 {
   552                 DynInitOptionsMenuL( aMenuPane );
   553                 break;
   554                 }
   555             case R_NOTVIEWER_REPLY_SUBMENU:
   556                 {
   557                 DynInitReplyMenuL( aMenuPane );
   558                 break;
   559                 }
   560             case R_NOTVIEWER_SELECTIONMENU:
   561                 {
   562                 DynInitContextMenuL( aMenuPane );
   563                 break;
   564                 }
   565             case R_NOTVIEWER_ZOOM_SUBMENU:
   566                 {
   567                 TInt zoomLevel = KErrGeneral;
   568                 iMsgEditorAppUiExtension->
   569                     iSettingCachePlugin.GetValue( KAknLocalZoomLayoutSwitch, zoomLevel );
   570                 switch ( zoomLevel )
   571                     {
   572                     case EAknUiZoomAutomatic:
   573                         aMenuPane->SetItemButtonState(  EMsgDispSizeAutomatic,
   574                                                         EEikMenuItemSymbolOn );
   575                         break;
   576                     case EAknUiZoomNormal:
   577                         aMenuPane->SetItemButtonState(  EMsgDispSizeNormal,
   578                                                         EEikMenuItemSymbolOn );
   579                         break;
   580                     case EAknUiZoomSmall:
   581                         aMenuPane->SetItemButtonState(  EMsgDispSizeSmall,
   582                                                         EEikMenuItemSymbolOn );
   583                         break;
   584                     case EAknUiZoomLarge:
   585                         aMenuPane->SetItemButtonState(  EMsgDispSizeLarge,
   586                                                         EEikMenuItemSymbolOn );
   587                         break;
   588                     default:
   589                         break;
   590                     }
   591                 }
   592                 break;
   593             default:
   594                 {
   595                 // this does nothing if we're not, so this is safe
   596                 iFindItemMenu->UpdateItemFinderMenuL( aMenuId, aMenuPane );
   597                 break;
   598                 }
   599             }
   600         }
   601     }
   603 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   604 // DynInitOptionsMenuL
   605 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   606 //
   607 void CNotViewerAppUi::DynInitOptionsMenuL( CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane )
   608     {
   609     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: DynInitOptionsMenuL start"));
   610     if( !(iFlags & ENotViewerFlagsHelp ) )
   611         {
   612         aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EAknCmdHelp, ETrue );
   613         }
   614     if (    iFlags & ENotViewerIsNotification )
   615         {   // Notification mode        
   616         if ( iView  )
   617             {      
   618             TInt focusedControl = FocusedControlId();                     
   619             TBool senderHighlighted = EFalse;
   621             if ( focusedControl == EMsgComponentIdFrom )
   622                 {
   623                 CMsgAddressControl* address = static_cast<CMsgAddressControl*>(
   624                     iView->ControlById( EMsgComponentIdFrom ) );
   626                 if ( address && address->Editor().SelectionLength() 
   627                         == address->Editor().TextLength() )
   628                     {
   629                     senderHighlighted = ETrue;
   630                     }
   631                 }
   633             if( ( focusedControl == EMsgComponentIdFrom ) && ( ( iMtm->Sender( ) ).Length() )
   634                   && senderHighlighted )
   635                 {
   636                 iFindItemMenu->SetSenderHighlightStatus( ETrue );
   637                 iFindItemMenu->SetSenderDisplayText( TMmsGenUtils::PureAddress( iMtm->Sender( ) ) );
   638                 }
   639 	        else
   640 	     	    {
   641                 iFindItemMenu->SetSenderHighlightStatus( EFalse );
   642 		        }
   643 		    iFindItemMenu->AddItemFindMenuL( 
   644 		        ( iView->ItemFinder() && 
   645 		          iView->ItemFinder()->CurrentSelection().Length() ) 
   646 		        ? iView->ItemFinder() : 0,
   647     			aMenuPane, 
   648                 EFindItemMenuPlaceHolder,
   649                 senderHighlighted ? 
   650                 iMtm->Sender( ) : KNullDesC(),
   651                 iAlias && !iRemoteAlias ? ETrue : EFalse, //"Is sender known"
   652     			EFalse );
   653             }
   655         aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ENotViewerSend, ETrue );
   656         aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ENotViewerAddRecipient, ETrue );
   657         aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ENotViewerCheckNames, ETrue );
   659         CNotViewerDocument* doc = Document( );
   661         CNotMtmUiData* uiData = &doc->MtmUiDataL( );
   663         TMsvEntry entry = iMtm->Entry( ).Entry( );
   665         // Note: OperationSupportedL returns 0 if operation is supported,
   666         // otherwise it returns some kind of error code
   668         if( uiData->OperationSupportedL( KMtmUiFunctionFetchMMS, entry ) )
   669             {
   670             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ENotViewerRetrieve, ETrue );
   671             }
   673         if( uiData->OperationSupportedL( KMtmUiFunctionDeleteMessage, entry ) )
   674             {
   675             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ENotViewerDelete, ETrue );
   676             }
   678         if( uiData->OperationSupportedL( KMtmUiFunctionForward, entry ) )
   679             {
   680             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ENotViewerForward, ETrue ); 
   681             }
   683         if( iMtm->Sender().Length()==0 )
   684             {
   685             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ENotViewerReplyMenu, ETrue );
   686             }
   688         }
   689     else
   690         {   // ForwReq mode
   691         aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EFindItemMenuPlaceHolder, ETrue );
   692         aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ENotViewerRetrieve, ETrue );
   693         aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ENotViewerForward, ETrue );
   694         aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ENotViewerReplyMenu, ETrue );
   695         if ( iMtm->Entry( ).Entry( ).ReadOnly( ) )
   696             { // Sent ForwReq
   697             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ENotViewerMessageDetails, ETrue );
   698             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ENotViewerSend, ETrue );
   699             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ENotViewerAddRecipient, ETrue );
   700             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ENotViewerCheckNames, ETrue );
   701             }
   702         else
   703             { 
   704             // This is not needed when we are in edit mode  
   705             // Send is always visible
   706             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ENotViewerDelete, ETrue );
   707             // Lets check if we need Send or not
   708             if ( iView  )
   709                 {
   710                 CMsgAddressControl* toCtrl = 
   711                     static_cast<CMsgAddressControl*>( iView->ControlById( EMsgComponentIdTo ) );
   712                 if ( toCtrl && toCtrl->GetRecipientsL()->Count() < 1 )
   713                     {
   714                     // To field empty -> cannot send.
   715                     aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ENotViewerCheckNames, ETrue );
   716                     }            
   717                 }
   718             }
   719         }
   720     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: DynInitOptionsMenuL end"));
   721     }
   723 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   724 // DynInitReplyMenuL
   725 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   726 //
   727 void CNotViewerAppUi::DynInitReplyMenuL( CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane )
   728     {
   729     if( iSenderType == EMuiuAddressTypeNone )
   730         {   // If sender type is email, disable SMS
   731         aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ENotViewerReplyViaMessage, ETrue );
   732         }
   734     if (    ! ( iFlags & ENotViewerAudioMessaging ) 
   735         ||  iFlags & ENotViewerRestrictedReply
   736         ||  iSenderType == EMuiuAddressTypeNone )
   737         {   
   738         aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ENotViewerReplyViaAudio, ETrue );
   739         }        
   741     if ( iSenderType != EMuiuAddressTypeEmail   ||
   742          iFlags & ENotViewerRestrictedReply     ||
   743          MsvUiServiceUtilitiesInternal::DefaultServiceForMTML(
   744             Document()->Session(),
   745             KSenduiMtmSmtpUid,
   746             ETrue )
   747             == KMsvUnknownServiceIndexEntryId )
   748         {
   749         // "Reply via e-mail" feature
   750         aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ENotViewerReplyViaMail, ETrue );
   751         }
   752     }
   754 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   755 // DynInitContextMenuL
   756 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   757 //
   758 void CNotViewerAppUi::DynInitContextMenuL( CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane )
   759     {
   760     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: DynInitContextMenuL start"));
   761     if (  iFlags & ENotViewerIsNotification )
   762         {   // Notification
   763         if ( iView  )
   764             {
   765             if( (FocusedControlId( ) == EMsgComponentIdFrom) && ( ( iMtm->Sender( ) ).Length() ) )
   766                 {
   767                 iFindItemMenu->SetSenderHighlightStatus( ETrue );
   768            	    iFindItemMenu->SetSenderDisplayText( TMmsGenUtils::PureAddress( iMtm->Sender( ) ) );
   769            	    }
   770 	        else
   771 	     	    {
   772                 iFindItemMenu->SetSenderHighlightStatus( EFalse );
   773 		        }
   774 		    iFindItemMenu->AddItemFindMenuL( 
   775                 ( FocusedControlId() == EMsgComponentIdBody ) ? iView->ItemFinder() : 0,
   776     			aMenuPane, 
   777                 EFindItemContextMenuPlaceHolder,
   778                 iMtm->Sender(),
   779                 iAlias && !iRemoteAlias ? ETrue : EFalse, //"Is sender known"
   780     			ETrue );
   781             }
   783         if( iSenderType == EMuiuAddressTypeNone )
   784             {   // If sender type is none, disable Reply menu
   785             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ENotViewerReplyMenu, ETrue );
   786             }
   787         aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ENotViewerSend, ETrue );
   788         aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ENotViewerAddRecipient, ETrue );
   790         CNotViewerDocument* doc = Document( );
   792         CNotMtmUiData* uiData = &doc->MtmUiDataL( );
   794         TMsvEntry entry = iMtm->Entry( ).Entry( );
   796         // Note: OperationSupportedL returns 0 if operation is supported,
   797         // otherwise it returns some kind of error code
   799         if( uiData->OperationSupportedL( KMtmUiFunctionFetchMMS, entry ) )
   800             {
   801             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ENotViewerRetrieve, ETrue );
   802             }
   803         }
   804     else
   805         {   // ForwReq
   806         aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ENotViewerRetrieve, ETrue );
   807         aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ENotViewerReplyMenu, ETrue );
   808         aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EFindItemContextMenuPlaceHolder, ETrue );
   809         if ( iMtm->Entry( ).Entry( ).ReadOnly( ) )
   810             {
   811             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ENotViewerSend, ETrue );
   812             aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( ENotViewerAddRecipient, ETrue );
   813             }
   814         // else - send key is always available
   815         }
   816     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: DynInitContextMenuL end"));
   817     }
   819 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   820 // HandleKeyEventL
   821 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   822 //
   823 TKeyResponse CNotViewerAppUi::HandleKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType)
   824     {
   825     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: HandleKeyEventL start"));
   826     if ( !Document()->IsLaunched() || !iView )
   827         {
   828         return EKeyWasNotConsumed;
   829         }
   830     if ( aType != EEventKey )
   831         {
   832         return EKeyWasNotConsumed;
   833         }
   834     TMsvEntry msvEntry = iMtm->Entry( ).Entry( );
   836     switch ( aKeyEvent.iCode )
   837         {
   838         case EKeyBackspace:
   839             {
   840             if ( msvEntry.ReadOnly( ) || iFlags & ENotViewerIsNotification )
   841                 { // We have either a notification or sent FR open
   842                 CNotViewerDocument* doc = Document( );
   843                 CNotMtmUiData* uiData = &doc->MtmUiDataL( );
   844                 TMsvEntry entry = iMtm->Entry( ).Entry( );
   845                 if( !uiData->OperationSupportedL( KMtmUiFunctionDeleteMessage, entry ) )
   846                     {
   847                     DeleteNotificationL( );
   848                     }
   849                 // We can consume this because Delete is the only possible function here
   850                 return EKeyWasConsumed;
   851                 }
   852             // else we need to be able to delete characters in To field
   853             break;
   854             }
   855         case EKeyRightArrow:
   856             {
   857             if ( msvEntry.ReadOnly( ) || iFlags & ENotViewerIsNotification )
   858                 { // We have either a notification or sent FR open
   859                 if(     iNaviDecorator
   860                     &&  IsNextMessageAvailableL( ETrue ) )
   861                     {
   862                     NextMessageL( ETrue );
   863                     }
   864                 // We can consume this because Next msg is the only possible function here
   865                 return EKeyWasConsumed;
   866                 }
   867             // else we need to be able to move inside To field
   868             break;
   869             }
   870         case EKeyLeftArrow:
   871             {
   872             if ( msvEntry.ReadOnly( ) || iFlags & ENotViewerIsNotification )
   873                 { // We have either a notification or sent FR open
   874                 if(     iNaviDecorator
   875                     &&  IsNextMessageAvailableL( EFalse ) )
   876                     {
   877                     NextMessageL( EFalse );
   878                     }
   879                 // We can consume this because Next msg is the only possible function here
   880                 return EKeyWasConsumed;
   881                 }
   882             // else we need to be able to move inside To field
   883             break;
   884             }
   886         case EKeyDevice3:       //Selection key
   887         case EKeyEnter:         //Enter Key
   888             {
   889             CMsgExpandableControl* ctrl = NULL;
   890             TBool checkHighlight = EFalse;
   892             if( iView->FocusedControl() )
   893                 {
   894                 ctrl = static_cast<CMsgExpandableControl*>( iView->FocusedControl() );
   895                 if ( ctrl )
   896                 	{
   897                 	if ( ctrl->ControlType() == EMsgAddressControl
   898                         && !ctrl->Editor().SelectionLength()  ) 
   899                     {
   900                     checkHighlight = ETrue;
   901                     }
   902                 	else if ( ctrl->ControlType() == EMsgBodyControl )
   903                     {       
   904                     CItemFinder* itemFinder = iView->ItemFinder();
   905                     if ( FocusedControlId() == EMsgComponentIdBody && itemFinder
   906                             && !itemFinder->CurrentSelection().Length() )
   907                         {                                                              
   908                         checkHighlight = ETrue;
   909                         }
   910                     }
   911                   }
   912                 }
   913             if ( ctrl && checkHighlight )
   914                 {
   915                 // Check if highlight needs to be restored to editor,
   916                 // address/body editor offerkeyevent will handle it
   917                 if ( ctrl->Editor().OfferKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aType ) 
   918                         == EKeyWasConsumed )
   919                     {
   920                     // Highlight was restored, just return, no cs menu needed
   921                     return EKeyWasConsumed;
   922                     }
   923                 } 
   925             if ( DoSelectionKeyL( ) )
   926                 {
   927                 return EKeyWasConsumed;
   928                 }
   929             break;  //Lint e527
   930             }
   931         case EKeyYes:           //Send key
   932             {
   933             DoHandleSendKeyL( );
   934             return EKeyWasConsumed;           
   935             }
   936         default:
   937             break;
   938         }
   939     return iView->OfferKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aType );
   940     }
   942 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   943 // HandleCommandL
   944 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   945 //
   946 void CNotViewerAppUi::HandleCommandL( TInt aCommand )
   947     {
   948     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: HandleCommandL start"));
   949     if ( aCommand != EEikCmdExit &&
   950         ! Document()->IsLaunched() )
   951         {
   952         return;
   953         }
   954     if ( iFindItemMenu && iFindItemMenu->CommandIsValidL( aCommand ) )
   955         {
   956         iFindItemMenu->HandleItemFinderCommandL( aCommand );
   957         return;
   958         }
   959     switch ( aCommand )
   960         {
   961         case ENotViewerRetrieve:
   962             {
   963             FetchL( );
   964             break;
   965             }
   966         case ENotViewerForward:
   967             {
   968             DoForwardL( );
   969             break;
   970             }
   971         case ENotViewerSend:
   972             {
   973             DoHandleSendKeyL( );
   974             break;
   975             }
   976         case ENotViewerReplyViaMessage:
   977         case ENotViewerReplyViaAudio:
   978         case ENotViewerReplyViaMail:
   979             {
   980             UniReplyL( aCommand );
   981             break;
   982             }
   983         case ENotViewerAddRecipient:
   984             {
   985             AddRecipientL( );
   986             break;
   987             }
   988         case ENotViewerCheckNames:
   989             {
   990             CheckNamesL( );
   991             break;
   992             }
   993         case ENotViewerDelete:
   994             {
   995             DeleteNotificationL( );
   996             break;
   997             }
   998         case ENotViewerMessageDetails:
   999             {
  1000             MessageDetailsL( );
  1001             break;
  1002             }
  1003         case EMsgDispSizeAutomatic:
  1004         case EMsgDispSizeLarge:
  1005         case EMsgDispSizeNormal:
  1006         case EMsgDispSizeSmall:
  1007             HandleLocalZoomChangeL( (TMsgCommonCommands)aCommand );
  1008             break;
  1009         case EAknCmdHelp:
  1010             {
  1011             LaunchHelpL( );
  1012             break;
  1013             }
  1014         case EEikCmdExit:
  1015             iExitMode = MApaEmbeddedDocObserver::TExitMode(CMsgEmbeddedEditorWatchingOperation::EMsgExternalExit);        
  1016             // Let it flow thru..
  1017         case EAknSoftkeyBack:
  1018         case EAknSoftkeyClose:
  1019         case EAknSoftkeyCancel:
  1020             // system exit
  1021             Exit( aCommand );
  1022             break;
  1023         default:
  1024             break;
  1025         }
  1026     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: HandleCommandL end"));
  1027     }
  1029 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1030 // DoSelectionKeyL
  1031 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1032 TBool CNotViewerAppUi::DoSelectionKeyL()
  1033     {
  1034     if ( iView )
  1035         {
  1036         CMsgBaseControl* ctrl = iView->FocusedControl();
  1038         if ( ctrl )
  1039             {
  1040             switch ( FocusedControlId() )
  1041                 {
  1042                 case EMsgComponentIdTo:
  1043                     {
  1044                     if( iFlags & ENotViewerIsNotification ) 
  1045                         {   // We have a notification, we should handle recipients
  1046                         CMsgAddressControl* to = AddressControl( );
  1047                         // Check is there any recipients in address ctrl
  1048                         TBool modified = EFalse;
  1049                         if ( to->GetRecipientsL()->Count() )
  1050                             {
  1051                             // Recipients found. Verify addresses.
  1052                             if ( !VerifyAddressesL( modified ) )
  1053                                 {
  1054                                 // Illegal address found.
  1055                                 modified = ETrue;
  1056                                 }
  1057                             }
  1058                         if ( !modified )//else
  1059                             {
  1060                             // Nothing changed on the UI. Open PhoneBook.
  1061                             AddRecipientL();
  1062                             }
  1063                         break; // break only if notification
  1064                         }
  1065                     else // If we are in Forward Request, it's ok to go down to menubar
  1066                         {
  1067                         return EFalse;
  1068                         }
  1069                     }
  1070                 case EMsgComponentIdFrom:
  1071                 case EMsgComponentIdBody:
  1072                     {
  1073                     MenuBar()->SetMenuTitleResourceId( R_NOTVIEWER_SELECTIONMENUBAR );
  1074                     MenuBar()->SetMenuType(CEikMenuBar::EMenuContext);
  1075                     TRAPD( err, MenuBar()->TryDisplayMenuBarL() );
  1076                     MenuBar()->SetMenuTitleResourceId( R_NOTVIEWER_MENU );
  1077                     MenuBar()->SetMenuType(CEikMenuBar::EMenuOptions);
  1078                     User::LeaveIfError( err );
  1079                     }
  1080                     break;
  1082                 default:
  1083                     break;
  1084                 }
  1085             }
  1086         }
  1087     return ETrue;
  1088     }
  1090 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1091 // DoHandleSendKeyL
  1092 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1093 //
  1094 void CNotViewerAppUi::DoHandleSendKeyL()
  1095     {
  1096     if( iFlags & ENotViewerIsNotification ) 
  1097         {   // We have a notification, we should call to sender
  1098         CallToNumberL( );
  1099         }
  1100     else if ( !iMtm->Entry( ).Entry( ).ReadOnly( ) )                                 
  1101         {   // We are not-readonly Forward Request -> Send is possible
  1103         // Disable dialer
  1104         iAvkonAppUi->SetKeyEventFlags( 
  1105               CAknAppUiBase::EDisableSendKeyShort | 
  1106               CAknAppUiBase::EDisableSendKeyLong );
  1108         // CallCreationKey: Send message if recipients.
  1109         //                  Otherwise fetch recipients
  1110         CMsgAddressControl* to = AddressControl();
  1112         if ( to->GetRecipientsL()->Count() > 0 )
  1113             {
  1114             // has addresses -> Send
  1115             SendL();
  1116             }
  1117         else
  1118             {
  1119             AddRecipientL();
  1120             }
  1121         }
  1122     }
  1124 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1125 // FetchL
  1126 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1127 //
  1128 void CNotViewerAppUi::FetchL( )
  1129     {
  1130     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: Fetch start"));
  1131     if( !(iFlags & ENotViewerIsNotification) )
  1132         {   // We are in forward request
  1133         return;
  1134         }
  1136     if(     iFlags & ENotViewerOffline 
  1137         &&  MsvUiServiceUtilitiesInternal::IsPhoneOfflineL() )
  1138         {   // We are in offline at the moment -> Infonote & exit
  1139         ShowInformationNoteL( R_NOTVIEWER_OFFLINE_NOT_POSSIBLE, EFalse );
  1140 		DoDelayedExitL( KDelayedExitDelay );
  1141 		return;
  1142         }
  1144     if( !CheckAPSettingsL( ) )
  1145         {
  1146         return;
  1147         }
  1148     TTime currentTime;
  1149     currentTime.HomeTime( );
  1150     TTime expiryTime = iMtm->ExpiryDate( );
  1151 	TLocale locale;
  1152     expiryTime += locale.UniversalTimeOffset();
  1153 	if (locale.QueryHomeHasDaylightSavingOn())          
  1154 		{
  1155 		TTimeIntervalHours daylightSaving(1);          
  1156 		expiryTime += daylightSaving;
  1157 		}
  1159     if( currentTime > expiryTime )
  1160         {   // Message is expired
  1161         if ( !ShowConfirmationQueryL( R_NOTVIEWER_QUEST_MSG_EXPIRED ) )
  1162             {   // User did not want to fetch expired message
  1163             return;
  1164             }
  1165         }
  1167     CAknInputBlock* abs = CAknInputBlock::NewLC( );  
  1169     ShowInformationNoteL( R_NOTVIEWER_RETRIEVING_MESSAGE, EFalse );
  1171     TMsvId entryId = iMtm->Entry( ).Entry( ).Id( );
  1172     CMuiuOperationWait* wait = CMuiuOperationWait::NewLC();
  1174     CMsvEntrySelection* sel = new ( ELeave ) CMsvEntrySelection;
  1175     CleanupStack::PushL( sel );
  1176 	sel->AppendL( entryId );    
  1178     CMsvOperation* op = iMtm->FetchMessagesL( *sel, wait->iStatus );
  1180     if( !op )
  1181         {  
  1182         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( sel ); // selection
  1183         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( wait ); // wait
  1184         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( abs ); // abs
  1185         return; 
  1186         }
  1188     CleanupStack::PushL( op );
  1189     wait->Start();
  1191     // Lets ignore the return value of wait
  1193     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( op ); // op 
  1194     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( sel ); // selection
  1195     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( wait ); // wait
  1196     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( abs ); // abs
  1197     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: Fetch end"));
  1198     // Let information note time to exit
  1199     DoDelayedExitL( KDelayedExitDelay );
  1200     }
  1202 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1203 // DoForwardL
  1204 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1205 //
  1206 void CNotViewerAppUi::DoForwardL( )
  1207     {
  1208     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: ForwardL start"));
  1209     if( !(iFlags & ENotViewerIsNotification) )
  1210         {   // We are in forward request
  1211         return;
  1212         }
  1214     // Lets check the disk space
  1215     if ( MsvUiServiceUtilities::DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL(
  1216         Document()->Session( ),
  1217         KReplyToSenderSize ) )
  1218         {
  1219         User::Leave( KErrDiskFull );
  1220         }
  1222     if( !CheckAPSettingsL( ) )
  1223         {
  1224         return;
  1225         }
  1227     TTime currentTime;
  1228     currentTime.HomeTime( );
  1229     TTime expiryTime = iMtm->ExpiryDate( );
  1230 	TLocale locale;
  1231     expiryTime += locale.UniversalTimeOffset();
  1232 	if (locale.QueryHomeHasDaylightSavingOn())          
  1233 		{
  1234 		TTimeIntervalHours daylightSaving(1);          
  1235 		expiryTime += daylightSaving;
  1236 		}
  1238     if( currentTime > expiryTime )
  1239         {   // Message is expired
  1240         if ( !ShowConfirmationQueryL( R_NOTVIEWER_QUEST_MSG_EXPIRED ) )
  1241             {   
  1242             // User did not want to forward expired message
  1243             return;
  1244             }
  1245         }
  1246     TMsvEntry entry = iMtm->Entry( ).Entry( );
  1247     if( ! ( entry.iMtmData2 & KMmsStoredInMMBox ) )
  1248         {   // Query, if multiple forward is not possible
  1249         if ( !ShowConfirmationQueryL( R_NOTVIEWER_QUEST_FORWARD_NOTIF ) )
  1250             {   
  1251             // User did not want forward message, as it cannot not be fetched to the phone after that
  1252             return;
  1253             }
  1254         }
  1256     TRAPD ( error,
  1257         {
  1258         ForwardL( Document()->DefaultMsgFolder() );  //Draft
  1259         } ); //end TRAP
  1260     if ( error )
  1261         {
  1262         User::Leave( error );
  1263         }
  1264     iMtm->Entry( ).SetEntryL( iMsgId );
  1265     TRAP_IGNORE( iMtm->LoadMessageL( ) );
  1266     EntryChangedL( );
  1267     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: ForwardL end"));
  1268     }
  1270 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1271 // SendL
  1272 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1273 //
  1274 void CNotViewerAppUi::SendL( )
  1275     {
  1276     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: SendL start"));
  1277     if( iFlags & ENotViewerIsNotification )
  1278         {   // We are in notification
  1279         return;
  1280         }
  1281     TBool dummy;
  1282     if ( !VerifyAddressesL( dummy ) )
  1283         {
  1284         return;
  1285         }
  1287     // For eating key presses
  1288     CAknInputBlock* abs = CAknInputBlock::NewLC( );
  1290     DoSaveL( );
  1292     CMuiuOperationWait* wait = CMuiuOperationWait::NewLC();
  1293     CMsvOperation* op = iMtm->SendL( wait->iStatus );
  1295     if( !op )
  1296         {
  1297         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( wait );
  1298         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( abs ); 
  1299         return;
  1300         }
  1302     CleanupStack::PushL( op );
  1303     wait->Start();
  1305     // Let's ignore the return value of wait
  1307     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // op, wait
  1309     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( abs ); 
  1310     if(     iFlags & ENotViewerOffline 
  1311         &&  MsvUiServiceUtilitiesInternal::IsPhoneOfflineL() )
  1312         {   // We are in offline at the moment -> Infonote
  1313         ShowInformationNoteL( R_NOTVIEWER_SAVED_OUTBOX, EFalse );
  1314         DoDelayedExitL( KDelayedExitDelay  );
  1315         LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: Offline SendL end"));
  1316         return;
  1317         }
  1319     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: SendL end"));
  1320     Exit( EAknSoftkeyBack );
  1321     }
  1323 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1324 // UniReplyL
  1325 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1326 //
  1327 void CNotViewerAppUi::UniReplyL( TInt aCommand )
  1328     {
  1329     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: ReplyL start"));
  1330     if( !(iFlags & ENotViewerIsNotification) )
  1331         {   // We are in forward request
  1332         return;
  1333         }
  1335     // Lets check the disk space
  1336     if ( MsvUiServiceUtilities::DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL(
  1337         Document()->Session( ),
  1338         KReplyToSenderSize ) )
  1339         {
  1340         User::Leave( KErrDiskFull );
  1341         }
  1343     CMessageData* msgData = CMessageData::NewLC();
  1345     const TPtrC sender = iMtm->Sender();
  1347     if ( sender != KNullDesC() )
  1348         {
  1349 		TMsvEntry entry = iMtm->Entry().Entry();
  1351 	    if ( sender.Compare( entry.iDetails ) )
  1352 	        {
  1353 	        msgData->AppendToAddressL( TMmsGenUtils::PureAddress( sender ), *iAlias );
  1354 	        }
  1355 	    else
  1356 	        {
  1357 		    msgData->AppendToAddressL( 	TMmsGenUtils::PureAddress( sender ), 
  1358 		        						TMmsGenUtils::Alias( sender ) );
  1359 	        }
  1360         }
  1362     // audio message has not subject field
  1363     if( aCommand != ENotViewerReplyViaAudio ) 
  1364         {
  1365         HBufC* prefixSubject = CreateSubjectPrefixStringL( iMtm->SubjectL(), ETrue );
  1366         CleanupStack::PushL( prefixSubject ); 
  1367         if ( prefixSubject )
  1368             {
  1369             msgData->SetSubjectL( prefixSubject );
  1370             }
  1371         else
  1372             {
  1373             TPtrC subjectDes = iMtm->SubjectL();
  1374             msgData->SetSubjectL( &subjectDes );
  1375             }
  1376         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( prefixSubject ); 
  1377         }
  1380     TUid mtmUid = KSenduiMtmUniMessageUid;
  1381     switch ( aCommand )
  1382         {
  1383         case ENotViewerReplyViaAudio:
  1384             mtmUid = KSenduiMtmAudioMessageUid;
  1385             break;
  1386         case ENotViewerReplyViaMail:
  1387             mtmUid = KSenduiMtmSmtpUid;
  1388             break;
  1389         case ENotViewerReplyViaMessage:
  1390         default:
  1391 	     if( iFlags & ENotViewerRestrictedReply  )
  1392 	     {
  1393             mtmUid = KSenduiMtmMmsUid;
  1394 	     }
  1395             break;
  1396         }
  1398     // And do the sending
  1399     TInt error;
  1400     TRAP ( error,
  1401             {
  1402             iSendUi->CreateAndSendMessageL(
  1403             mtmUid,
  1404             msgData);
  1405             } ); //TRAP
  1407     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( msgData ); // msgData
  1409     if ( error )
  1410         {
  1411         iMtm->Entry( ).SetEntryL( iMsgId );
  1412         TRAP_IGNORE( iMtm->LoadMessageL() );
  1413         EntryChangedL( );
  1414         LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: Reply end error"));
  1415         User::Leave( error );
  1416         }
  1417 	else
  1418 		{
  1419         LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: Reply end success"));
  1420 		if (!(iEditorBaseFeatures & EStayInViewerAfterReply))
  1421             {
  1422             Exit( EAknSoftkeyBack );
  1423             }
  1424 		}
  1425     }
  1427 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1428 // DeleteNotificationL
  1429 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1430 //
  1431 void CNotViewerAppUi::DeleteNotificationL()
  1432     {
  1433     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: Delete start"));
  1434     __ASSERT_DEBUG( iOperation == NULL, Panic( ENotViewerOperationNotFinished ) );
  1435     CMsgEditorDocument* doc = Document( );
  1436     CNotMtmUi* uiMtm = static_cast<CNotMtmUi*>( &doc->MtmUi( ) );
  1439     if( iFlags & ENotViewerIsNotification )
  1440         { // This is a notification -> lets see if we have options
  1441         LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: Delete: We r dealing with a notification"));
  1443         TBool inboxNotification = EFalse;   
  1445         if( iMtm->Entry().Entry().Parent() == KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryId )
  1446             {// Are we in Inbox now
  1447             inboxNotification = ETrue;
  1448             LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: Delete: in Inbox"));
  1449             }
  1451         if( inboxNotification && uiMtm->DeleteQueryRequiredByMtm( ) && !AlreadyDeletedFromServer( ) )
  1452             { // We are in Inbox, delete options supported and not deleted from server
  1453             LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: Delete: Lets show the delete options"));
  1454             TInt index = 0;
  1456             CAknListQueryDialog* dlg = new (ELeave) CAknListQueryDialog( &index );
  1457             dlg->PrepareLC( R_NOTVIEWER_DELETE_FROM_QUERY );
  1459             // Populate list query array
  1460             CDesCArrayFlat *array = new(ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat(2);
  1461             CleanupStack::PushL(array);
  1462             HBufC* buf = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_NOTVIEWER_DELETE_QUERY_REMOTEONLY );
  1463             array->AppendL( *buf );
  1464             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //buf
  1465             buf = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_NOTVIEWER_DELETE_QUERY_BOTHLOCALANDREMOTE );
  1466             array->AppendL( *buf );
  1467             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //buf
  1468             dlg->SetItemTextArray( array );
  1469             CleanupStack::Pop(); //array
  1471             LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: Delete: Next asks the delete options"));
  1472             TInt queryOk = dlg->RunLD();
  1473             if( queryOk )
  1474                 {
  1475                 /* list query approved, index is usable to see what list item was selected */
  1476                 if( index == 0 )
  1477                     {
  1478                     iFlags &= ~ENotViewerDeleteBoth;
  1479                     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: Delete: Just the server"));
  1480                     }
  1481                 else
  1482                     { // If action withe server was selected, keep it in mind
  1483                     iFlags |= ENotViewerDeleteBoth;
  1484                     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: Delete: Both ones"));
  1485                     }
  1486                 // The deletion process starts a bit later
  1487                 }
  1488             else
  1489                 {
  1490                 // list query was cancelled -> just return
  1491             LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: Delete: Query cancelled"));
  1492                 return;
  1493                 }
  1494             }
  1495         else
  1496             { // In this case we need just a query "Delete message?"
  1497             LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: Delete: Show just Delete message?"));
  1498             if( ShowConfirmationQueryL( R_NOTVIEWER_QUEST_DELETE_MESSAGE ) )
  1499                 { // Delete message confirmed
  1500                 LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: Delete: Answered Yes"));
  1501                 if( inboxNotification )
  1502                     {
  1503                     // We are in Inbox, so it means we delete just the local one
  1504                     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: Delete: Inbox notification again"));
  1505                     CAknInputBlock* abs = CAknInputBlock::NewLC( );  
  1507                     CMsvEntrySelection* selection = new ( ELeave ) CMsvEntrySelection;
  1508                     CleanupStack::PushL( selection );
  1509                     selection->AppendL( iMtm->Entry().EntryId() );
  1511                     CMuiuOperationWait* wait = CMuiuOperationWait::NewLC();
  1513                     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: Delete: Inbox locl deletion starts"));
  1514                     CMsvOperation* deleteop = iMtm->DeleteNotificationL(
  1515                                         *selection,
  1516                                         EMmsDeleteNotificationOnly,
  1517                                         wait->iStatus );
  1519                    LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: Delete: and goes on.."));
  1520                    if( !deleteop )   // Check this just in case
  1521                         {  
  1522                         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( wait ); 
  1523                         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( selection  ); 
  1524                         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( abs );
  1525                         LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: Delete: NULL returned"));
  1526                         return; 
  1527                         }
  1529                     CleanupStack::PushL( deleteop );
  1530                     wait->Start();
  1532                     if( wait->iStatus != KErrNone )
  1533                         {
  1534                         LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: Delete: Wait->iStatus != KErrNone "));
  1535                         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 3 ); // op, wait, sel
  1536                         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( abs );
  1537                         return;
  1538                         }
  1540                     // -> no error, we can exit the viewer
  1541                     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 3 ); // op, wait, sel
  1542                     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( abs );
  1543                     // This was the local deletion so lets just exit from here
  1544                     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: Delete: Local delete succesfull - exit"));
  1545                 	Exit( EAknSoftkeyBack );
  1546                     }
  1547                 else
  1548                     {
  1549                     // else we are in MMBoxFolder and we can continue
  1550                     // there we always need action with server and local
  1551                     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: Delete: We have mmbox notification"));
  1552                     iFlags |= ENotViewerDeleteBoth;
  1553                     }
  1554                 }
  1555             else
  1556                 { // Answer was NO.
  1557                 return;
  1558                 }
  1559             }
  1560         // OK, now we are either in Inbox and chose some action related to server
  1561         // or we are in MMBoxView and wanted to delete a message in there..
  1563         if( !CheckAPSettingsL( ) )
  1564             { // Are the settings OK
  1565             return;
  1566             }
  1567         LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: Delete: AP Checked"));
  1568         // Just in case to make sure after checking settings
  1569         iMtm->Entry( ).SetEntryL( iMsgId );
  1570         iMtm->LoadMessageL( );
  1572         if(     iFlags & ENotViewerOffline 
  1573             &&  MsvUiServiceUtilitiesInternal::IsPhoneOfflineL() )
  1574             {   // We are in offline at the moment -> Infonote and return
  1575             ShowInformationNoteL( R_NOTVIEWER_OFFLINE_NOT_POSSIBLE, EFalse );
  1576             return;
  1577             }
  1578         LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: Delete: Not Offline"));
  1580         // OK, lets go on with the deletion process
  1581         CAknInputBlock* abs = CAknInputBlock::NewLC( );  
  1583         CMsvSingleOpWatcher* singleOpWatcher=CMsvSingleOpWatcher::NewL(*this);
  1584         CleanupStack::PushL(singleOpWatcher);
  1586         CMsvEntrySelection* selection = new ( ELeave ) CMsvEntrySelection;
  1587         CleanupStack::PushL( selection );
  1588         selection->AppendL( iMtm->Entry().EntryId() );
  1590         CMsvProgressReporterOperation* reporter = 
  1591             CMsvProgressReporterOperation::NewL(
  1592                 doc->Session(),
  1593                 singleOpWatcher->iStatus,
  1594                 EMbmAvkonQgn_note_erased );
  1595         CleanupStack::PushL(reporter);
  1597         LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: Delete: Call unscheduled delete"));
  1598         CMsvOperation* deleteop = iMtm->UnscheduledDeleteNotificationL(
  1599                 *selection,
  1600                 EMmsDeleteMMBoxOnly,
  1601                 reporter->RequestStatus() );
  1602         LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: Delete: End of call"));
  1603         reporter->SetProgressDecoder( *this );
  1604         reporter->SetOperationL( deleteop ); // Takes immediate ownership
  1605         CleanupStack::Pop( reporter ); //reporter
  1606         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( selection); // selection ownership moved to reporter?
  1607         CleanupStack::Pop( singleOpWatcher );
  1609         iOperation = singleOpWatcher;
  1610         LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: Delete: Set operation"));
  1611         iOperation->SetOperation( reporter );
  1613         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( abs ); 
  1614         }       
  1615     else if( !iMtm->Entry( ).Entry( ).ReadOnly( ) )
  1616         {   // New Forward Request: It's not been saved -> just Exit
  1617         if( ShowConfirmationQueryL( R_NOTVIEWER_QUEST_DELETE_MESSAGE ) )
  1618             {
  1619         	Exit( EAknSoftkeyBack );
  1620             }
  1621         }
  1622     else
  1623         {   // We have an open Sent Forward Request open
  1624         if( ShowConfirmationQueryL( R_NOTVIEWER_QUEST_DELETE_MESSAGE ) )
  1625             {
  1626             DeleteAndExitL( );
  1627             }
  1628         }
  1629     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: Delete: End"));
  1630     }
  1632 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1633 // CallToNumberL
  1634 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1635 //
  1636 void CNotViewerAppUi::CallToNumberL()
  1637     {
  1638     if( !(iFlags & ENotViewerIsNotification) )
  1639         {   // We are in forward request
  1640         return;
  1641         }
  1642     if ( !iMsgVoIPExtension )
  1643         {
  1644         iMsgVoIPExtension = CMsgVoIPExtension::NewL();
  1645         }
  1647     TPtrC senderAddr = KNullDesC( );
  1648     TPtrC senderAlias = KNullDesC( );
  1649     TPtrC focusedAddr = KNullDesC( );
  1650     TBool dialerDisabled = EFalse;
  1652     senderAddr.Set( TMmsGenUtils::PureAddress( iMtm->Sender() ) );
  1653     if ( iAlias )
  1654         {
  1655         senderAlias.Set( *iAlias );
  1656         }
  1658     if (    FocusedControlId( ) == EMsgComponentIdBody
  1659         &&  iView
  1660         &&  iView->ItemFinder( ) )
  1661         {
  1662         const CItemFinder::CFindItemExt& item =
  1663             iView->ItemFinder( )->CurrentItemExt( );
  1664         if (    item.iItemDescriptor
  1665             &&  (   item.iItemType == CItemFinder::EPhoneNumber
  1666                 ||  item.iItemType == CItemFinder::EEmailAddress ) )
  1667             {
  1668             if ( item.iItemType == CItemFinder::EPhoneNumber )
  1669                 {
  1670                 // Disable dialer
  1671                 iAvkonAppUi->SetKeyEventFlags( 
  1672                     CAknAppUiBase::EDisableSendKeyShort | 
  1673                     CAknAppUiBase::EDisableSendKeyLong );		
  1674                 dialerDisabled = ETrue;    
  1675                 }
  1676             focusedAddr.Set( *(item.iItemDescriptor) );
  1677             }
  1678         }
  1680     if ( FocusedControlId( ) == EMsgComponentIdFrom && 
  1681          senderAddr.Length() &&
  1682          iSenderType == EMuiuAddressTypePhoneNumber )    
  1683         {
  1684         // Disable dialer
  1685         iAvkonAppUi->SetKeyEventFlags( 
  1686             CAknAppUiBase::EDisableSendKeyShort | 
  1687             CAknAppUiBase::EDisableSendKeyLong );	
  1688         dialerDisabled = ETrue;
  1689         }
  1690     // Only when dialer is disabled try placing the call    
  1691     if ( dialerDisabled )
  1692         {
  1693     	MsvUiServiceUtilitiesInternal::InternetOrVoiceCallServiceL( 
  1694             *iMsgVoIPExtension,
  1695             senderAddr,
  1696             senderAlias,
  1697             focusedAddr,
  1698             ETrue,
  1699             iEikonEnv );
  1700         }
  1701     }
  1704 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1705 // MessageDetailsL
  1706 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1707 //
  1708 void CNotViewerAppUi::MessageDetailsL( )
  1709     {
  1710     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: Details start"));
  1711     //These are not used! They just have to be there.
  1712     CMsvEntrySelection* selection = new ( ELeave ) CMsvEntrySelection;
  1713     CleanupStack::PushL( selection );
  1714     TBuf8<1> param;
  1715     param.Zero();
  1717     CAknInputBlock::NewLC( );  
  1719     CMsvSingleOpWatcher* watch = CMsvSingleOpWatcher::NewLC( *Document() );
  1721     CMsgEditorDocument* doc = Document( );
  1723     CMsgAddressControl* cntrl = AddressControl( );
  1725     if ( !cntrl )
  1726         {
  1727         return;
  1728         }
  1730     CNotMtmUi* uiMtm = static_cast<CNotMtmUi*>( &doc->MtmUi( ) );
  1732     if ( !(iFlags & ENotViewerIsNotification) )
  1733         {
  1734         // Need to save only if addresses are changed.
  1735         if ( cntrl && cntrl->IsModified() )
  1736             {
  1737             iAddressHandler->CopyAddressesToMtmL( EMsvRecipientTo );
  1738             iMtm->SaveMessageL();
  1739             }
  1740         }
  1742     CMsvOperation* op = uiMtm->InvokeAsyncFunctionL(
  1743         KMtmUiFunctionMessageInfo,
  1744         *selection,
  1745         watch->iStatus,
  1746         param );
  1747     CleanupStack::Pop(); // watch
  1748     Document()->AddSingleOperationL( op, watch );
  1750     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // selection, CAknInputBlock
  1751     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: Details end"));
  1752     }
  1754 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1755 // AddRecipientL
  1756 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1757 //
  1758 void CNotViewerAppUi::AddRecipientL(  )
  1759     {
  1760     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: AddRecipient start"));
  1761     if( iFlags & ENotViewerIsNotification )
  1762         {   // We are in notification
  1763         return;
  1764         }
  1766     TBool invalid = EFalse;
  1768     TBool addressesAdded = iAddressHandler->AddRecipientL( invalid );
  1770     if ( addressesAdded )
  1771         {
  1773         Document()->SetHeaderModified( ETrue );
  1775         CMsgAddressControl* to = NULL; 
  1776         to = AddressControl( ); 
  1778         if ( iView->FocusedControl() != to )
  1779             {
  1780             // Focus was not in address control -> Move it
  1781             iView->SetFocus( EMsgComponentIdTo );
  1782             }
  1783         }
  1784     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: AddRecipient end"));
  1785     }
  1788 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1789 // CheckNamesL
  1790 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1791 //
  1792 void CNotViewerAppUi::CheckNamesL(  )
  1793     {
  1794     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: CheckNamesL start"));
  1795     if( iFlags & ENotViewerIsNotification )
  1796         {   // We are in notification
  1797         return;
  1798         }
  1799     TBool dummy;
  1800     VerifyAddressesL( dummy );
  1801     }
  1803 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1804 // VerifyAddressesL
  1805 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1806 //
  1807 TBool CNotViewerAppUi::VerifyAddressesL( TBool& aModified )
  1808     {
  1809     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: VerifyAddresses start"));
  1810     if( iFlags & ENotViewerIsNotification )
  1811         {   // We are in notification
  1812         return EFalse;
  1813         }
  1814     aModified = EFalse;
  1815     TBool retVal = iAddressHandler->VerifyAddressesL( aModified );
  1816     if ( aModified )
  1817         {
  1818         Document()->SetHeaderModified( ETrue );
  1819         }
  1820     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: VerifyAddressesL end"));
  1821     return retVal;
  1822     }
  1825 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1826 // RichText
  1827 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1828 //
  1829 CRichText& CNotViewerAppUi::RichText() const
  1830     {
  1831     CMsgBaseControl* baseControl = iView->ControlById( 
  1832         EMsgComponentIdBody );
  1833     CMsgBodyControl* bodyControl = STATIC_CAST( 
  1834         CMsgBodyControl*, 
  1835         baseControl );
  1836     return bodyControl->TextContent( );
  1837     }
  1839 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1840 // DoSaveL
  1841 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1842 //
  1843 void CNotViewerAppUi::DoSaveL( )
  1844     {
  1845     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: DoSaveL start"));
  1846     iMtm = &(Document()->Mtm());
  1847     if( !(iFlags & ENotViewerIsNotification) && !iMtm->Entry( ).Entry( ).ReadOnly( ) )
  1848         {
  1849         iAddressHandler->CopyAddressesToMtmL( EMsvRecipientTo );
  1851         iMtm->SaveMessageL();
  1853         TMmsMsvEntry tEntry = static_cast<TMmsMsvEntry>( Document()->Entry() );
  1855         TBuf<KMaxDetailsLength> detailsBuf; 
  1856         iAddressHandler->MakeDetailsL( detailsBuf );
  1857         tEntry.iDetails.Set( detailsBuf );
  1858         if ( !tEntry.EditorOriented() )
  1859             {
  1860             tEntry.SetEditorOriented( ETrue );
  1861             }
  1862         tEntry.iDate.UniversalTime();
  1864         if ( !tEntry.Visible() )
  1865             {
  1866             // Save from close or exit save.
  1867             // Message should be visible after save
  1868             tEntry.SetVisible( ETrue );
  1869             tEntry.SetInPreparation( EFalse );
  1870             }
  1871         Document()->CurrentEntry().ChangeL( tEntry );
  1873         Document()->SetHeaderModified( EFalse );
  1874         }
  1875     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: DoSaveL end"));
  1876     }
  1878 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1879 // DoMsgSaveExitL
  1880 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1881 //
  1882 void CNotViewerAppUi::DoMsgSaveExitL( )
  1883     {
  1884     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: DoMsgSaveExitL"));
  1885 	Exit( EAknSoftkeyBack );
  1886 	}
  1888 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1889 // HandleEntryDeletedL
  1890 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1891 //
  1892 void CNotViewerAppUi::HandleEntryDeletedL()
  1893     {
  1894     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: HandleEntryDeletedL"));
  1895 	Exit( EAknSoftkeyBack );
  1896     }
  1898 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1899 // HandleEntryChangeL
  1900 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1901 //
  1902 void CNotViewerAppUi::HandleEntryChangeL()
  1903     { // Call EntryChangedL to update the status
  1904     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: HandleEntryChangeL start"));
  1905     if( !( iFlags & ENotViewerIsNotification ) )
  1906         {   // We are not in notification mode -> entry change can be ignored
  1907         return;
  1908         }
  1909     iMtm->Entry( ).SetEntryL( iMsgId );
  1910     TRAP_IGNORE( iMtm->LoadMessageL() );
  1911     EntryChangedL( );
  1912     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: HandleEntryChangeL end"));
  1913     }
  1915 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1916 // AddItemL
  1917 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1918 //
  1919 void CNotViewerAppUi::AddItemL(const TDesC& aLabel, const TDesC& aValue )
  1920     {
  1921     if ( aLabel.Length() > 0 )
  1922         {
  1923         AppendTextL( aLabel , iLabelFormat, iLabelMask );
  1924         }
  1926     if ( aValue.Length() > 0 )
  1927         {
  1928         AppendTextL( aValue , iValueFormat, iValueMask );
  1929         }
  1930     }
  1932 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1933 // ApplyFormat
  1934 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1935 //
  1936 void CNotViewerAppUi::ApplyFormat(TCharFormat& aFormat, TCharFormatMask& aMask, TBool aIsLabel)
  1937     {
  1938     TRect mainPane;
  1939     AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect( AknLayoutUtils::EMainPane, mainPane );
  1940     TAknLayoutText textLayout;
  1942     if( aIsLabel )
  1943         { // Font for headings
  1944         textLayout.LayoutText(
  1945             mainPane,
  1946             AppLayout::Smart_Messages_Line_1( 0 ) );
  1947         }
  1948     else
  1949         { // Font for data
  1950         textLayout.LayoutText(
  1951             mainPane,
  1952             AppLayout::Smart_Messages_Line_2( 0 ) );
  1953         }
  1955     aFormat.iFontSpec = textLayout.Font( )->FontSpecInTwips();    
  1956     aMask.ClearAll();
  1957     aMask.SetAttrib(EAttFontStrokeWeight);
  1958     // If following line in use, it disables text zooming
  1959     //aMask.SetAttrib(EAttFontHeight);
  1960     aMask.SetAttrib(EAttFontTypeface);
  1961     }
  1963 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1964 // AppendTextL
  1965 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1966 //
  1967 void CNotViewerAppUi::AppendTextL( const TDesC& aText,
  1968     const TCharFormat& aFormat, 
  1969     const TCharFormatMask& aMask )
  1970     {
  1971     // Create the modifiable descriptor
  1972     HBufC* buf = HBufC::NewLC( aText.Length() );
  1973     TPtr modifiedText = buf->Des();
  1974     modifiedText = aText;
  1975     TInt pos(0);
  1977 	AknTextUtils::DisplayTextLanguageSpecificNumberConversion( modifiedText );
  1979     /*
  1980     We have three cases, where specific character(s) must be
  1981     converted to the CRichText understandable linebreak character
  1982     (CEditableText::ELineBreak).
  1983     1)  Text contains ascii code linefeed (LF) character 0x0A, which
  1984         is converted to linebreak.
  1985     2)  Text contains ascii code carrier return (CR) character 0x0D
  1986     3)  Text contains both CR and LF characters particularly in this order.
  1987         These two characters must be converted to one linebreak.
  1988     */
  1990     TUint LF(0x0A); // Linefeed character in ascii set
  1991     TUint CR(0x0D); // Carriage return character in ascii set
  1993     // Case 2 and 3
  1994     while ( ( pos = modifiedText.Locate( CR ) ) != KErrNotFound ) // Locate CR
  1995         {
  1996         if ( pos + 1 < modifiedText.Length() && LF == modifiedText[pos + 1] ) // Is the next LF?
  1997             {
  1998             modifiedText.Delete( pos + 1, 1 ); // Delete if LF
  1999             }
  2000         modifiedText[pos] = CEditableText::ELineBreak; // Replace CR with linebreak
  2001         }
  2003     // Case 1
  2004     while ( ( pos = modifiedText.Locate( LF ) ) != KErrNotFound ) // Locate LF
  2005         {        
  2006         modifiedText[pos] = CEditableText::ELineBreak; // Replace LF with linebreak
  2007         }
  2009     // Append the modified text to the richtext.
  2010     CRichText& rich = RichText();
  2012     TInt documentPos = rich.DocumentLength();
  2014     // Every time when text is added, the cursor is left at the end of the line.
  2015     // When the new text is added we must first add linebreak and then the text
  2016     // linebreak is not added if the text is first item.
  2017     if ( iFlags & ENotViewerIsNotFirstItem )
  2018         {
  2019         //Append the linebreak to the end of the richtext.
  2020         rich.InsertL(documentPos, CEditableText::ELineBreak);
  2022         }
  2023     else
  2024         {
  2025         iFlags |= ENotViewerIsNotFirstItem;
  2026         }
  2028     documentPos = rich.DocumentLength();
  2029     rich.SetInsertCharFormatL(aFormat, aMask, documentPos);
  2030     rich.InsertL( documentPos, *buf );
  2031     rich.CancelInsertCharFormat();
  2033     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf );
  2034     }
  2036 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2037 // CNotViewerAppUi::FocusedControlId
  2038 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2039 //
  2040 TInt CNotViewerAppUi::FocusedControlId()
  2041     {
  2042     TInt ret = EMsgComponentIdNull;
  2043     if ( iView && iView->FocusedControl() )
  2044         {
  2045         ret = iView->FocusedControl()->ControlId();
  2046         }
  2047     return ret;
  2048     }
  2050 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2051 // Document
  2052 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2053 //
  2054 CNotViewerDocument* CNotViewerAppUi::Document() const
  2055     {
  2056     return static_cast<CNotViewerDocument*>( CMsgEditorAppUi::Document() );
  2057     }
  2059 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2060 // LaunchHelpL
  2061 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2062 //
  2063 void CNotViewerAppUi::LaunchHelpL()
  2064     {
  2065     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: LaunchHelp"));
  2066 	if ( iFlags & ENotViewerFlagsHelp )
  2067 		{
  2068 	    CArrayFix<TCoeHelpContext>* helpContext = AppHelpContextL();
  2069 		HlpLauncher::LaunchHelpApplicationL( iEikonEnv->WsSession(), helpContext );
  2070 		}
  2071     }
  2073 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2074 // HelpContextL
  2075 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2076 //
  2077 CArrayFix<TCoeHelpContext>* CNotViewerAppUi::HelpContextL() const
  2078     {
  2079 	if ( iFlags & ENotViewerFlagsHelp )
  2080 		{
  2081 	    CArrayFix<TCoeHelpContext>* r = new ( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat<TCoeHelpContext>(1);
  2082 		CleanupStack::PushL( r );     
  2084         if ( iFlags & ENotViewerIsNotification )
  2085             {   // Notification mode
  2086     	    r->AppendL( TCoeHelpContext( KUidMmsViewer, KMMS_HLP_NOTIFICATION_VIEWER() ) );
  2087             }
  2088         else
  2089             {
  2090             if ( iMtm->Entry( ).Entry( ).ReadOnly( ) )
  2091                 {
  2092         	    r->AppendL( TCoeHelpContext( KUidMmsViewer, KMMS_HLP_NOTIFICATION_VIEWER() ) );
  2093                 }
  2094             else
  2095                 {
  2096         	    r->AppendL( TCoeHelpContext( KUidMmsViewer, KMMS_HLP_MMS_FWD_REQUEST() ) );
  2097                 }
  2098             }
  2099 		CleanupStack::Pop( r );
  2100 		return r;
  2101 		}
  2102 	return NULL;
  2103     }
  2105 // -------------------------------------------------------------
  2106 // AddMessageFieldL
  2107 // -------------------------------------------------------------
  2108 void CNotViewerAppUi::AddMessageFieldL( )
  2109     {
  2110     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: AddMessageField start"));
  2111     TInt resourceId = 0;
  2112     TMsvEntry entry = iMtm->Entry( ).Entry( );
  2114     CTextResolver* resolver = CTextResolver::NewLC();
  2115     const TDesC& error = resolver->ResolveErrorString( entry.iError, CTextResolver::ECtxNoCtxNoSeparator );
  2117     switch( iMsgStatus )
  2118         {
  2119         case ENotViewerStatusFailed:
  2120             resourceId = R_NOTVIEWER_INFO_FAILED;
  2121             break;
  2122         case ENotViewerStatusExpired:
  2123             resourceId = R_NOTVIEWER_INFO_EXPIRED;
  2124             break;
  2125         case ENotViewerStatusForwarding:
  2126             resourceId = R_NOTVIEWER_INFO_FORWARDING;
  2127             break;
  2128         case ENotViewerStatusForwarded:
  2129             resourceId = R_NOTVIEWER_INFO_FORWARDED;
  2130             break;
  2131         case ENotViewerStatusNull:
  2132         case ENotViewerStatusWaiting:
  2133         default:
  2134             resourceId = R_NOTVIEWER_INFO_WAITING;
  2135             break;
  2136         }
  2137     HBufC* message = StringLoader::LoadLC( resourceId );
  2138     AddItemL( message->Des( ), error );
  2139     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); //message, resolver
  2140     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: AddMessageField end"));
  2141     }
  2142 // -------------------------------------------------------------
  2143 // AddSubjectFieldL
  2144 // -------------------------------------------------------------
  2145 void CNotViewerAppUi::AddSubjectFieldL( )
  2146     {
  2147     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: AddSubject start"));
  2148     TPtrC subject = iMtm->SubjectL( );
  2149     if( subject.Length( ) > 0 )
  2150         {
  2151         HBufC* label = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_NOTVIEWER_LABEL_SUBJECT );
  2152         AddItemL( label->Des( ), subject );
  2153         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( label );
  2154         }
  2155     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: AddSubject end"));
  2156     }
  2158 // -------------------------------------------------------------
  2159 // AddTextFieldL
  2160 // -------------------------------------------------------------
  2161 //
  2162 void CNotViewerAppUi::AddTextFieldL( )
  2163     {
  2164     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: AddText start"));
  2165     TPtrC text = iMtm->GetExtendedText( );
  2166     if( text.Length( ) > 0 )
  2167         {
  2168         HBufC* label = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_NOTVIEWER_LABEL_TEXT );
  2169         AddItemL( label->Des( ), text );
  2170         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( label );
  2171         }
  2172     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: AddText end"));
  2173     }
  2175 // -------------------------------------------------------------
  2176 // AddExpiryFieldL
  2177 // -------------------------------------------------------------
  2178 void CNotViewerAppUi::AddExpiryFieldL( )
  2179     {
  2180     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: AddExpiry start"));
  2181     HBufC* label = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_NOTVIEWER_LABEL_EXPIRES );
  2182     TTime messageDate = iMtm->ExpiryDate( );
  2184 	TLocale locale;
  2185     messageDate += locale.UniversalTimeOffset();
  2186 	if (locale.QueryHomeHasDaylightSavingOn())          
  2187 		{
  2188 		TTimeIntervalHours daylightSaving(1);          
  2189 		messageDate += daylightSaving;
  2190 		}
  2192     HBufC* dateFormat = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_QTN_DATE_USUAL_WITH_ZERO, iCoeEnv );
  2193     TBuf<KDateSize> dateString;
  2194     messageDate.FormatL( dateString, *dateFormat );
  2195     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //dateFormat
  2197     dateFormat = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_QTN_TIME_USUAL_WITH_ZERO, iCoeEnv );
  2198     TBuf<KDateSize> timeString;
  2199     messageDate.FormatL( timeString, *dateFormat );
  2200     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //dateFormat
  2202     CDesC16ArrayFlat* array = new(ELeave) CDesC16ArrayFlat( 2 );
  2203     CleanupStack::PushL( array );
  2204     array->AppendL( timeString );
  2205     array->AppendL( dateString );
  2206     HBufC* expiryString = 
  2207         StringLoader::LoadLC( R_NOTVIEWER_VALUE_EXPIRES, *array, iCoeEnv );
  2208     AddItemL( label->Des( ), expiryString->Des( ) );
  2209     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( expiryString );
  2210     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( array );
  2211     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( label );        
  2212     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: AddExpiry end"));
  2213     }
  2215 // -------------------------------------------------------------
  2216 // AddSizeFieldL
  2217 // -------------------------------------------------------------
  2218 void CNotViewerAppUi::AddSizeFieldL( )
  2219     {
  2220     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: AddSize start"));
  2221     TInt size = iMtm->MessageTransferSize( );
  2223     TInt maxSize = static_cast<TInt>( iMtm->MmsSettings().MaximumReceiveSize( ) );
  2224     if( maxSize > 0 )
  2225         {
  2226         if( size > maxSize )
  2227             {
  2228             size = maxSize;
  2229             }
  2230         }
  2232     HBufC* label = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_NOTVIEWER_LABEL_SIZE );
  2234     TBuf<20> sizeString;
  2236     MsgAttachmentUtils::FileSizeToStringL( sizeString, size, ETrue );
  2238     sizeString.Trim();
  2240     AddItemL( label->Des( ), sizeString );
  2241     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( label );
  2242     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: AddSize end"));
  2243     }
  2245 // -------------------------------------------------------------
  2246 // AddClassFieldL
  2247 // -------------------------------------------------------------
  2248 void CNotViewerAppUi::AddClassFieldL( )
  2249     {
  2250     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: AddClass start"));
  2251     TInt msgClass = iMtm->MessageClass( );
  2252     TInt resourceId;
  2253     switch( msgClass )
  2254         {
  2255         case EMmsClassPersonal:
  2256             {
  2257             resourceId = R_NOTVIEWER_VALUE_CLASS_PERSONAL;
  2258             break;
  2259             }
  2260         case EMmsClassAdvertisement:
  2261             {
  2262             resourceId = R_NOTVIEWER_VALUE_CLASS_ADVERTISEMENT;
  2263             break;
  2264             }
  2265         case EMmsClassInformational:
  2266             {
  2267             resourceId = R_NOTVIEWER_VALUE_CLASS_INFORMATIVE;
  2268             break;
  2269             }
  2270         default:
  2271             {   // In case no class is returned (0), don't add the field
  2272             return;
  2273             }
  2274         }
  2275     HBufC* label = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_NOTVIEWER_LABEL_CLASS );
  2276     HBufC* value = StringLoader::LoadLC( resourceId );
  2277     AddItemL( label->Des( ), value->Des( ) );
  2278     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( value );
  2279     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( label );
  2280     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: AddClass end"));
  2281     }
  2283 // -------------------------------------------------------------
  2284 // AddPriorityFieldL
  2285 // -------------------------------------------------------------
  2286 void CNotViewerAppUi::AddPriorityFieldL( )
  2287     {
  2288     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: AddPriority start"));
  2289     TInt msgPri = iMtm->MessagePriority( );
  2290     TInt resourceId;
  2291     switch( msgPri )
  2292         {
  2293         case EMmsPriorityLow:
  2294             {
  2295             resourceId = R_NOTVIEWER_VALUE_PRIORITY_LOW;
  2296             break;
  2297             }
  2298         case EMmsPriorityHigh:
  2299             {
  2300             resourceId = R_NOTVIEWER_VALUE_PRIORITY_HIGH;
  2301             break;
  2302             }
  2303         case EMmsPriorityNormal:
  2304             {
  2305             resourceId = R_NOTVIEWER_VALUE_PRIORITY_NORMAL;
  2306             break;
  2307             }
  2308         default:
  2309             {   // In case no priority is returned (0), don't add the field
  2310             return;
  2311             }
  2312         }
  2313     HBufC* label = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_NOTVIEWER_LABEL_PRIORITY );
  2314     HBufC* value = StringLoader::LoadLC( resourceId );
  2315     AddItemL( label->Des( ), value->Des( ) );
  2316     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( value );
  2317     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( label );
  2318     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: AddPriority end"));
  2319     }
  2321 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2322 // CNotViewerAppUi::ShowConfirmationQueryL
  2323 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2324 //
  2325 TInt CNotViewerAppUi::ShowConfirmationQueryL( TInt aResourceId ) const
  2326     {
  2327     CAknQueryDialog* dlg = CAknQueryDialog::NewL();
  2328     HBufC* prompt = StringLoader::LoadLC( aResourceId, iCoeEnv );
  2329     TInt retVal = dlg->ExecuteLD( R_NOTVIEWER_CONFIRMATION_QUERY, *prompt );
  2330     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( prompt );
  2331     return retVal;
  2332     }
  2334 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2335 // CNotViewerAppUi::ShowInformationNoteL
  2336 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2337 //
  2338 void CNotViewerAppUi::ShowInformationNoteL( TInt aResourceID, TBool aWaiting )
  2339     {
  2340     HBufC* string = NULL;
  2341     string = StringLoader::LoadLC( aResourceID, iCoeEnv );
  2343     CAknInformationNote* note = new ( ELeave )
  2344         CAknInformationNote( aWaiting );
  2345     note->ExecuteLD( *string );
  2347     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //string
  2348     }
  2350 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2351 // CNotViewerAppUi::AddressControl
  2352 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2353 //
  2354 CMsgAddressControl* CNotViewerAppUi::AddressControl( )
  2355     {
  2356     TInt controlType = 0;
  2357     if( iFlags & ENotViewerIsNotification )
  2358         {   // We are in notification mode
  2359         controlType = EMsgComponentIdFrom;
  2360         }
  2361     else
  2362         {   // we are in the ForwReq mode
  2363         controlType = EMsgComponentIdTo;
  2364         }
  2365     return static_cast<CMsgAddressControl*>( iView->ControlById( controlType ) );
  2366     }
  2368 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2369 // CNotViewerAppUi::EntryChangedL
  2370 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2371 //
  2372 void CNotViewerAppUi::EntryChangedL( )
  2373     {
  2374     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: EntryChangedL start"));
  2375     if ( !Document()->IsLaunched() )
  2376         {
  2377         return;
  2378         }
  2380     TNotViewerStatus status = MessageStatus( );
  2381     if( iMsgStatus != status )
  2382         {
  2383         iMsgStatus = status;
  2385         iFlags &= ~ENotViewerIsNotFirstItem;
  2387         CMsgBaseControl* control = iView->RemoveControlL( EMsgComponentIdBody );
  2388         delete control;
  2390         CMsgBodyControl* bodyC = CMsgBodyControl::NewL(iView);
  2391         iView->AddControlL(bodyC, EMsgComponentIdBody, EMsgAppendControl, EMsgBody);
  2393         AddMessageFieldL( );
  2394         AddSubjectFieldL( );
  2395         AddTextFieldL( );
  2396         AddSizeFieldL( );
  2397         if( iFlags & ENotViewerIsNotification )
  2398             { // We are in the Viewer so lets add expiry, too
  2399             AddExpiryFieldL( );
  2400             }
  2401         AddClassFieldL( );
  2402         AddPriorityFieldL( );
  2404         // without this editor control does not become properly visible
  2405         bodyC->Editor( ).NotifyNewDocumentL( );
  2406         }
  2408     // update toolbar
  2409     if(  iToolbar )   //check to be provided for non-touch devices.
  2410         {
  2411         CNotViewerDocument* doc = Document( );
  2412         CNotMtmUiData* uiData = &doc->MtmUiDataL( );
  2413         TMsvEntry entry = iMtm->Entry( ).Entry( );
  2415 	    if( iFlags & ENotViewerIsNotification )
  2416 	        {
  2417 	        // return value 0=> OK, !=0 => NOK
  2418             if( uiData->OperationSupportedL( KMtmUiFunctionFetchMMS, entry ) )
  2419                 {
  2420                 iToolbar->SetItemDimmed(    ENotViewerToolbarRetrieve,
  2421                                             ETrue,
  2422                                             ETrue );
  2423                 }
  2424             else
  2425                 {                        
  2426                 iToolbar->SetItemDimmed(    ENotViewerToolbarRetrieve,
  2427                                             EFalse,
  2428                                             ETrue );
  2429                 }
  2430 	        }
  2431         }
  2433     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: EntryChangedL end"));
  2434     }
  2436 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2437 // CNotViewerAppUi::UpdateTitlePaneL
  2438 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2439 //
  2440 void CNotViewerAppUi::UpdateTitlePaneL( )
  2441     {
  2442     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: UpdateTitle"));
  2443     HBufC*  str = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_NOTVIEWER_TITLE_FWD_RQST, iCoeEnv );
  2444     CAknTitlePane* title = static_cast<CAknTitlePane*>
  2445         ( StatusPane()->ControlL( TUid::Uid( EEikStatusPaneUidTitle ) ) );
  2446     title->SetTextL( str->Des( ) );
  2447     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //str
  2448     if( !iMtm->Entry( ).Entry( ).ReadOnly() )
  2449         { // We have a new unsent FR, change CBA too
  2451         Cba()->DrawNow();
  2452         }
  2453     }
  2455 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2456 // CNotViewerAppUi::MessageStatus
  2457 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2458 //
  2459 TNotViewerStatus CNotViewerAppUi::MessageStatus( ) const
  2460     {
  2461     TNotViewerStatus status = ENotViewerStatusNull; 
  2462     TTime currentTime;
  2463     currentTime.HomeTime( );
  2464     TTime expiryTime = iMtm->ExpiryDate( );
  2465 	TLocale locale;
  2466     expiryTime += locale.UniversalTimeOffset();
  2467 	if (locale.QueryHomeHasDaylightSavingOn())          
  2468 		{
  2469 		TTimeIntervalHours daylightSaving(1);          
  2470 		expiryTime += daylightSaving;
  2471 		}
  2473     TMsvEntry entry = iMtm->Entry( ).Entry( );
  2475     if( ( entry.iMtmData1 & KMmsMessageTypeMask ) == KMmsMessageMNotificationInd ) // Notification
  2476         {
  2477         if(     !( entry.iMtmData2 & KMmsOperationForward ) 
  2478             &&   ( entry.iMtmData2 & KMmsOperationFetch )
  2479             &&  !( entry.iMtmData2 & KMmsOperationOngoing )  // It's !ongoing
  2480             &&   ( entry.iMtmData2 & KMmsOperationFinished ) // It's finished
  2481             &&   ( entry.iMtmData2 & KMmsOperationResult || 
  2482                    entry.iError ) ) // There's error code
  2483             { // Fetch has been failed
  2484             status = ENotViewerStatusFailed;
  2485             }
  2486         else if( currentTime > expiryTime )
  2487             {
  2488             status = ENotViewerStatusExpired;
  2489             }
  2490         else if( ( entry.iMtmData2 & KMmsOperationForward )     // It's forward
  2491             &&  !( entry.iMtmData2 & KMmsOperationFetch )   // It's not delete
  2492             &&   ( entry.iMtmData2 & KMmsOperationOngoing )     // It's ongoing
  2493             &&  !( entry.iMtmData2 & KMmsOperationFinished ) )    // It's not finished
  2494             { // Message is being forwarded
  2495             status = ENotViewerStatusForwarding;
  2496             }
  2497         else if( ( entry.iMtmData2 & KMmsOperationForward )     // It's forward
  2498             &&  !( entry.iMtmData2 & KMmsOperationFetch )   // It's not delete
  2499             &&  !( entry.iMtmData2 & KMmsOperationOngoing )     // It's !ongoing
  2500             &&   ( entry.iMtmData2 & KMmsOperationFinished )    // It's finished
  2501             &&  !( entry.iMtmData2 & KMmsOperationResult ) )    // There was no error
  2502             { // Message has been forwarded
  2503             status = ENotViewerStatusForwarded;
  2504             }
  2505         else 
  2506             {   // Normal waiting state
  2507             status = ENotViewerStatusWaiting;
  2508             }
  2509         }
  2511     return status;
  2512     }
  2514 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2515 // CNotViewerAppUi::GetTypeL
  2516 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2517 //
  2518 void CNotViewerAppUi::GetTypeL( )
  2519     {
  2520     TMsvEntry entry = iMtm->Entry( ).Entry( );
  2522     if( ( entry.iMtmData1 & KMmsMessageTypeMask ) == KMmsMessageMNotificationInd ) // Notification
  2523         {
  2524         iFlags |= ENotViewerIsNotification;
  2525         }
  2526     else if( ( entry.iMtmData1 & KMmsMessageTypeMask ) == KMmsMessageForwardReq ) // Forward Request
  2527         {
  2528         iFlags &= ~ENotViewerIsNotification;
  2529         }
  2530     else
  2531         {
  2532         User::Leave( KErrNotSupported); // Unsupported msg type
  2533         }
  2534     iMsgStatus = MessageStatus( );
  2535     }
  2537 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2538 // CNotViewerAppUi::HandleNotifyInt
  2539 //
  2540 // Notification from central repository
  2541 //
  2542 // There is no need to check aId as we are listening events 
  2543 // only from one key
  2544 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2545 //
  2546 void CNotViewerAppUi::HandleNotifyInt( TUint32 /*aId*/, TInt aNewValue )
  2547     {    
  2548     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: HandleNotifyInt"));
  2549     if( iFlags & ENotViewerIsNotification )
  2550         {
  2551         if ( aNewValue == 0 )
  2552             {
  2553             iFlags &= ~ENotViewerAutoFind;
  2554             }
  2555         else
  2556             {
  2557             iFlags |= ENotViewerAutoFind;
  2558             }
  2559         TRAP_IGNORE( SetFindModeL( iFlags & ENotViewerAutoFind ) );
  2560         }
  2561     }
  2563 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2564 // CNotViewerAppUi::HandleNotifyGeneric
  2565 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2566 //
  2567 void CNotViewerAppUi::HandleNotifyGeneric( TUint32 /*aId*/ )
  2568     {
  2569     //Nothing.
  2570     }
  2572 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2573 // CNotViewerAppUi::HandleNotifyError
  2574 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2575 //
  2576 void CNotViewerAppUi::HandleNotifyError( TUint32 /*aId*/, TInt /*error*/, CCenRepNotifyHandler* /*aHandler*/ )
  2577     {
  2578     //Nothing.
  2579     }
  2581 //  
  2582 // NOTICE:
  2583 //
  2584 // Startup observer moved to own class because Publish & Subscribe
  2585 // requires an active object for event handling.
  2586 //
  2588 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2589 // CNotViewerAppUi::SetFindModeL
  2590 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2591 //
  2592 void CNotViewerAppUi::SetFindModeL( TBool aEnable )
  2593     {
  2594     if ( iView )
  2595         {
  2596         if ( iView->ItemFinder() )
  2597             {
  2598             TInt findMode = aEnable ?
  2599                 CItemFinder::EPhoneNumber |
  2600                 CItemFinder::EUrlAddress |
  2601                 CItemFinder::EEmailAddress :
  2602                 CItemFinder::ENoneSelected;
  2603             iView->ItemFinder()->SetFindModeL( findMode );
  2604             }
  2605         CMsgBaseControl* fromControl = iView->ControlById( EMsgComponentIdFrom );
  2606         if ( fromControl && iMtm->Sender().Length() )
  2607             {
  2608             static_cast<CMsgAddressControl*>( fromControl )
  2609                 ->SetAddressFieldAutoHighlight( aEnable );
  2610             }
  2611         }
  2612     }
  2614 // ----------------------------------------------------
  2615 // CNotViewerAppUi::OpCompleted
  2616 // ----------------------------------------------------
  2617 //
  2618 void CNotViewerAppUi::OpCompleted(
  2619     CMsvSingleOpWatcher& aOpWatcher,
  2620     TInt aCompletionCode )
  2621     {
  2622     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: OpCompleted start"));
  2623     CMsvOperation* op=&aOpWatcher.Operation();
  2625     if( iOperation )
  2626         {
  2627         if( iOperation->Operation( ).Id( ) == op->Id( ) )
  2628             {
  2629             delete iOperation;
  2630             iOperation = NULL;
  2631             }
  2632         else
  2633             {
  2634             // This should never happen ie. unrecognised operation completed
  2635             return;
  2636             }
  2637         }
  2638     else
  2639         {
  2640         // This should never happen ie. unrecognised operation completed
  2641         return;
  2642         }
  2644     if ( aCompletionCode == KErrCancel )
  2645         {
  2646         LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: OpCompleted end3"));
  2647         return;
  2648         }
  2650     TMsvEntry entry = iMtm->Entry( ).Entry( );
  2652     if(      ( entry.iMtmData2 & KMmsOperationFetch )   // Fetch + forward
  2653         &&   ( entry.iMtmData2 & KMmsOperationForward ) // == DELETE!
  2654         &&   ( entry.iMtmData2 & KMmsOperationFinished ) // It's finished
  2655         &&   ( entry.iMtmData2 & KMmsOperationResult ) ) // Error code
  2656         {
  2657         // Error note here!
  2658         TRAP_IGNORE( ShowInformationNoteL( R_NOTVIEWER_REMOTE_DELETE_FAILED, EFalse ) );
  2659         // Ignore err
  2660         }
  2661     else
  2662         {
  2663         LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: OpCompleted: First delete successful"));
  2664         // If also local chosen, call that and exit
  2665         // else show completed note
  2666         if( iFlags & ENotViewerDeleteBoth )
  2667             { // Deletion was succesfull, but also local delete still needed
  2668             TRAPD( err, DoDeleteOpCompletedL( ) );
  2669             if( err )
  2670                 { // We may not leave as we are in non-leaving function
  2671                 delete iAbsorber;
  2672                 iAbsorber = NULL;
  2673                 }
  2674             LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: OpCompleted end2"));
  2675             return;
  2676             }
  2677         else
  2678             {
  2679             // MMBox Deletion was succesfull
  2680             TRAP_IGNORE( ShowInformationNoteL( R_NOTVIEWER_REMOTE_DELETED, EFalse ) );
  2681             // Ignore err 
  2682             }
  2683         }
  2684     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: OpCompleted end"));
  2685     }
  2687 // ----------------------------------------------------
  2688 // CNotViewerAppUi::DoDeleteOpCompletedL
  2689 // ----------------------------------------------------
  2690 //
  2691 void CNotViewerAppUi::DoDeleteOpCompletedL( )
  2692     {
  2693     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: DoDeleteOpCompletedL start"));
  2694     iAbsorber = CAknInputBlock::NewLC( );
  2695     CleanupStack::Pop(); // Pop the absorber
  2697     CMsvEntrySelection* selection = new ( ELeave ) CMsvEntrySelection;
  2698     CleanupStack::PushL( selection );
  2699     selection->AppendL( iMtm->Entry().EntryId() );
  2701     CMuiuOperationWait* wait = CMuiuOperationWait::NewLC();
  2703     CMsvOperation* deleteop = iMtm->DeleteNotificationL(
  2704                         *selection,
  2705                         EMmsDeleteNotificationOnly,
  2706                         wait->iStatus );
  2708     if( !deleteop )   // Check this just in case
  2709         {  
  2710         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // wait, sel
  2711         return; 
  2712         }
  2714     CleanupStack::PushL( deleteop );
  2715     wait->Start();
  2717     if( wait->iStatus != KErrNone )
  2718         {
  2719         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 3 ); // op, wait, sel
  2720         return;
  2721         }
  2723     // -> no error, we can exit the viewer
  2724     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 3 ); // op, wait, sel
  2726 	DoDelayedExitL( 0 );
  2727     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: DoDeleteOpCompleted end"));
  2728     return;
  2729     }
  2731 //--------------------------------
  2732 // DecodeProgress
  2733 //--------------------------------
  2734 TInt CNotViewerAppUi::DecodeProgress(
  2735     const TDesC8& /*aProgress*/, 
  2736     TBuf<CBaseMtmUi::EProgressStringMaxLen>& aReturnString, 
  2737     TInt& aTotalEntryCount, 
  2738     TInt& aEntriesDone,
  2739     TInt& aCurrentEntrySize, 
  2740     TInt& aCurrentBytesTrans, 
  2741     TBool /*aInternal*/ )
  2742     {
  2743     aCurrentEntrySize = 0;
  2744     aCurrentBytesTrans = 0;   
  2745     aEntriesDone = 0;
  2746     aTotalEntryCount = 0;
  2747     StringLoader::Load( aReturnString,
  2748                         R_NOTVIEWER_WAIT_DELETING_REMOTE,
  2749                         iCoeEnv );
  2750     return KErrNone;
  2751     }
  2753 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2754 // CNotViewerAppUi::HandleIteratorEventL
  2755 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2756 //
  2758 void CNotViewerAppUi::HandleIteratorEventL( TMessageIteratorEvent aEvent )
  2759     {
  2760     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: HandleIteratorEventL"));
  2761     if (aEvent == EFolderCountChanged)
  2762         {
  2763         InitNavipaneL();
  2764         }
  2765     }
  2766 #endif
  2768 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2769 // CNotViewerAppUi::InitNavipaneL
  2770 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2771 //
  2772 void CNotViewerAppUi::InitNavipaneL()
  2773     {
  2774     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: InitNavipaneL start"));
  2776     if ( !iNaviDecorator )
  2777         {
  2778         TMsgEditorMsgPriority priority = EMsgEditorMsgPriorityNormal;
  2780         if ( iMtm->MessagePriority() == EMmsPriorityHigh )
  2781             {
  2782             priority = EMsgEditorMsgPriorityHigh;
  2783             }
  2784         else if ( iMtm->MessagePriority() == EMmsPriorityLow )
  2785             {
  2786             priority = EMsgEditorMsgPriorityLow;
  2787             }        
  2788         CreateViewerNaviPaneL( Document()->Entry().iDate, priority, ETrue );
  2789         }
  2791     iNaviPane->PushL( *iNaviDecorator );
  2792 #else
  2793     TMsvEntry msvEntry = iMtm->Entry( ).Entry( );
  2795     if( msvEntry.ReadOnly( ) || iFlags & ENotViewerIsNotification )
  2796         // If message is readonly or it is a notification ->
  2797         // we need msg ordinal number and scroll arrows visible
  2798         {
  2799         TInt indexInFolder = 0;
  2800         TInt msgsInFolder = 0;
  2801         MessageIndexInFolderL( indexInFolder, msgsInFolder );
  2803         if (    indexInFolder < 0
  2804             ||  msgsInFolder == 0 )
  2805             {
  2806             // this may occur when viewer is used in cover ui. Viewer is started as 
  2807             // stand alone without current folder and '1/0' would be visible. 
  2808             iNaviPane->PushDefaultL( );
  2809             return;
  2810             }
  2812         CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* array = new ( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat<TInt>(KNaviGranularity);
  2813         CleanupStack::PushL( array );
  2814         array->AppendL( indexInFolder + 1 );
  2815         array->AppendL( msgsInFolder );
  2817         HBufC* buf = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_NOTVIEWER_ORDINAL_NUMBER, *array, iCoeEnv );
  2818         CreateTabGroupL( *buf );
  2819         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); //buf, array
  2821         iNaviDecorator->MakeScrollButtonVisible( ETrue );
  2823         //NaviButtons are dimmed by default
  2824         if ( IsNextMessageAvailableL( ETrue ) )
  2825             {
  2826             iNaviDecorator->SetScrollButtonDimmed( CAknNavigationDecorator::ERightButton, EFalse );
  2827             }
  2828         if ( IsNextMessageAvailableL( EFalse ) )
  2829             {
  2830             iNaviDecorator->SetScrollButtonDimmed( CAknNavigationDecorator::ELeftButton, EFalse );
  2831             }        
  2832         }
  2833     else    // Unsent FR: Make navipane null
  2834         {
  2835         CreateTabGroupL( KNullDesC );
  2836         }
  2837     iNaviPane->PushL( *iNaviDecorator );  // Make it visible
  2839     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: InitNavipaneL end"));
  2840     }
  2843 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2844 // CNotViewerAppUi::CreateTabGroupL
  2845 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2846 //
  2847 void CNotViewerAppUi::CreateTabGroupL( const TDesC& aText )
  2848     {
  2849     //Delete (possibly) existing navi decorator
  2850     delete iNaviDecorator;
  2851     iNaviDecorator = NULL;
  2853     //Create TabGroup
  2854     iNaviDecorator = iNaviPane->CreateTabGroupL();
  2855     CAknTabGroup* tabGroup = static_cast<CAknTabGroup*>
  2856         ( iNaviDecorator->DecoratedControl() );
  2859     TRect naviPane;
  2860     AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect( AknLayoutUtils::ENaviPane, naviPane );
  2862     TAknLayoutRect naviTabsPane;
  2863     naviTabsPane.LayoutRect( naviPane,
  2864                              AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::navi_navi_tabs_pane().LayoutLine() );
  2866     TAknLayoutRect navi2TabsPane;
  2867     navi2TabsPane.LayoutRect( naviTabsPane.Rect(),
  2868                               AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::navi_tabs_2_pane().LayoutLine() );
  2870     TAknLayoutRect tabs2ActivePane;
  2871     tabs2ActivePane.LayoutRect( navi2TabsPane.Rect(),
  2872                                 AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::tabs_2_active_pane( 0 ).LayoutLine() );
  2874     TAknLayoutRect tabs2ActivePaneIcon;
  2875     tabs2ActivePaneIcon.LayoutRect( tabs2ActivePane.Rect(),
  2876                                     AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::tabs_2_active_pane_g1().LayoutLine() );
  2878     TSize indicatorIconSize( tabs2ActivePaneIcon.Rect().Size() );
  2880     CFbsBitmap* bitmapPriority = NULL;
  2881 	CFbsBitmap* maskPriority = NULL;
  2883     // Create message priority bitmap
  2884     if ( iMtm->MessagePriority() == EMmsPriorityHigh || 
  2885          iMtm->MessagePriority() == EMmsPriorityLow )
  2886         {
  2887         // Set path of bitmap file
  2888         TParse fileParse;
  2889         fileParse.Set( KMmsUiMbmFile, &KDC_APP_BITMAP_DIR, NULL );
  2891         if ( iMtm->MessagePriority() == EMmsPriorityHigh )
  2892             {
  2893             // Create high priority bitmap
  2894             AknsUtils::CreateColorIconL( AknsUtils::SkinInstance(),
  2895                                          KAknsIIDQgnIndiMcePriorityHigh,
  2896                                          KAknsIIDQsnIconColors,
  2897                                          EAknsCIQsnIconColorsCG7,
  2898                                          bitmapPriority,
  2899                                          maskPriority,
  2900                                          fileParse.FullName(),
  2901                                          EMbmMmsuiQgn_indi_mce_priority_high,
  2902                                          EMbmMmsuiQgn_indi_mce_priority_high_mask,
  2903                                          AKN_LAF_COLOR( KIconDefaultColor ),
  2904                                          indicatorIconSize,
  2905                                          EAspectRatioPreserved );    
  2906             }
  2907         else
  2908             {
  2909             // Create low priority bitmap
  2910             AknsUtils::CreateColorIconL( AknsUtils::SkinInstance(),
  2911                                          KAknsIIDQgnIndiMcePriorityLow,
  2912                                          KAknsIIDQsnIconColors,
  2913                                          EAknsCIQsnIconColorsCG7,
  2914                                          bitmapPriority,
  2915                                          maskPriority,
  2916                                          fileParse.FullName(),
  2917                                          EMbmMmsuiQgn_indi_mce_priority_low,
  2918                                          EMbmMmsuiQgn_indi_mce_priority_low_mask,
  2919                                          AKN_LAF_COLOR( KIconDefaultColor ),
  2920                                          indicatorIconSize,                                         
  2921                                          EAspectRatioPreserved ); 
  2922             }
  2924         if ( !bitmapPriority )            
  2925             {
  2926             User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
  2927             }
  2929         CleanupStack::PushL( bitmapPriority );
  2930         CleanupStack::PushL( maskPriority );
  2932         if ( tabGroup->TabCount() == 0 )
  2933             {
  2934             tabGroup->AddTabL( 0, aText, bitmapPriority, maskPriority );
  2935             }
  2936         else
  2937             {
  2938             tabGroup->ReplaceTabL( 0, aText, bitmapPriority, maskPriority );
  2939             }
  2941     	CleanupStack::Pop( maskPriority );
  2942         CleanupStack::Pop( bitmapPriority );
  2943         }
  2944     else
  2945 	    {
  2946         if ( tabGroup->TabCount() == 0 )
  2947             {
  2948 	        tabGroup->AddTabL( 0, aText );	
  2949             }
  2950         else
  2951             {
  2952 	        tabGroup->ReplaceTabL( 0, aText );	
  2953             }
  2954 	    }
  2956 	tabGroup->SetActiveTabById( 0 );
  2957     tabGroup->SetTabFixedWidthL( KTabWidthWithOneTab );
  2958     }
  2961 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2962 // CNotViewerAppUi::AlreadyDeletedFromServer
  2963 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2964 //
  2965 TBool CNotViewerAppUi::AlreadyDeletedFromServer( )
  2966     {
  2967     TBool resp = EFalse;
  2968     TMsvEntry entry = iMtm->Entry( ).Entry( );
  2969     if(      ( entry.iMtmData2 & KMmsOperationFetch )   // Fetch + forward
  2970         &&   ( entry.iMtmData2 & KMmsOperationForward ) // == DELETE!
  2971         &&   ( entry.iMtmData2 & KMmsOperationFinished ) // It's finished
  2972         &&  !( entry.iMtmData2 & KMmsOperationResult ) ) // No error code
  2973         { // Message fetch has been failed
  2974         resp = ETrue;
  2975         }
  2976     return resp;
  2977     }
  2979 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2980 // CNotViewerAppUi::CheckAPSettingsL
  2981 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2982 //
  2983 TBool CNotViewerAppUi::CheckAPSettingsL( )
  2984     {
  2985     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: CheckAPSettingsL start"));
  2986     CMsgEditorDocument* doc = Document( );
  2988     CNotMtmUi* uiMtm = static_cast<CNotMtmUi*>( &doc->MtmUi( ) );
  2990     CMmsSettingsDialog::TMmsExitCode exitCode = CMmsSettingsDialog::EMmsExternalInterrupt;
  2992     if ( iToolbar ) //check to be provided for non-touch devices.
  2993         {    
  2994     iToolbar->HideItemsAndDrawOnlyBackground( ETrue ); // Hide the toolbar before settings dialog is launched
  2995         }
  2996     // Enable Dialer as MMS Settings dialog may be launched
  2997     iAvkonAppUi->SetKeyEventFlags( 0x00 );	
  2998     if( !uiMtm->CheckSettingsL( exitCode ) )
  2999         {
  3001         // Refresh the settings because they were changed
  3002         iSettingsHandler->RefreshSettingsL( );
  3003         TInt32 ap = iSettingsHandler->MmsSettings( )->AccessPoint( 0 );
  3005         //settings saved
  3006         if( !( exitCode==CMmsSettingsDialog::EMmsBack && uiMtm->ApExistsL( ap ) ) )
  3007             { // Settings NOK
  3008              if ( iToolbar ) //check to be provided for non-touch devices.
  3009                 {            
  3010             iToolbar->HideItemsAndDrawOnlyBackground( EFalse ); // Show the toolbar 
  3011                 }  
  3012             return EFalse;
  3013             }
  3014         //Settings now OK
  3015         }
  3016     if ( iToolbar ) //check to be provided for non-touch devices.
  3017         {
  3018     iToolbar->HideItemsAndDrawOnlyBackground( EFalse ); // Show the toolbar 
  3019         }
  3020     if( exitCode==CMmsSettingsDialog::EMmsExit )
  3021         {
  3022         // Exit was called
  3023         Exit( );
  3024         }
  3026     LOGTEXT(_L8("NotViewerAppUi: CheckAPSettingsL end"));
  3027     return ETrue;
  3028     }
  3030 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3031 // DoDelayedExitL
  3032 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3033 void CNotViewerAppUi::DoDelayedExitL( const TInt aDelay )
  3034     {
  3035     delete iIdle;
  3036     iIdle = 0;
  3037     iIdle = CPeriodic::NewL( EPriorityNormal - 1 );
  3038     iIdle->Start(   aDelay,
  3039                     aDelay,
  3040                     TCallBack( DelayedExit, this ) );
  3041     }
  3043 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3044 // DelayedExit
  3045 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3046 TInt CNotViewerAppUi::DelayedExit( TAny* aThis )
  3047     {
  3048     CNotViewerAppUi* editor = static_cast<CNotViewerAppUi*>( aThis );
  3049     TRAP_IGNORE( editor->DoInternalExitL() );
  3050 	CAknEnv::RunAppShutter( );
  3051     return KErrNone;
  3052     }
  3054 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3055 // DoExternalExitL
  3056 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3057 void CNotViewerAppUi::DoInternalExitL()
  3058     {
  3059     delete iAbsorber; // Remove absorber now just in case
  3060     iAbsorber = NULL;
  3061     Exit( EAknSoftkeyBack );
  3062     }
  3064 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3065 // EditorObserver
  3066 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3067 void CNotViewerAppUi::EditorObserver(TMsgEditorObserverFunc aFunc, TAny* aArg1, TAny* aArg2, TAny* aArg3)
  3068     {
  3069     TRAP_IGNORE(DoEditorObserverL(aFunc,aArg1,aArg2,aArg3 ) );
  3070     }
  3072 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3073 // EditorObserver
  3074 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3075 void CNotViewerAppUi::DoEditorObserverL(TMsgEditorObserverFunc aFunc, TAny* aArg1, TAny* /*aArg2*/, TAny* /*aArg3*/)
  3076     {
  3077     switch ( aFunc )
  3078         {
  3079         case EMsgButtonEvent:
  3080             {
  3081             if( !( iFlags & ENotViewerIsNotification ) &&  !iMtm->Entry( ).Entry( ).ReadOnly( ) )
  3082             	{
  3083             	CMsgAddressControl* addrControl = AddressControl( );
  3084 				if( addrControl == static_cast<CMsgAddressControl*>( aArg1 ) )
  3085 					{
  3086                     TBool modified = EFalse;
  3087                     if ( addrControl->GetRecipientsL()->Count() )
  3088                         {
  3089                         // Recipients found. Verify addresses.
  3090                         if ( !VerifyAddressesL( modified ) )
  3091                             {
  3092                             // Illegal address found.
  3093                             modified = ETrue;
  3094                             }
  3095                         }
  3096                     if ( !modified )//else
  3097                         {
  3098                         // Nothing changed on the UI. Open PhoneBook.
  3099                         AddRecipientL();
  3100                         }
  3101 					}
  3102             	}
  3103             }
  3104             break;
  3105          case EMsgHandleFocusChange:
  3106          case EMsgControlPointerEvent:
  3107             {
  3108             // Enable Dialer 
  3109             iAvkonAppUi->SetKeyEventFlags( 0x00 );
  3110             break; 
  3111             }
  3112 		default:
  3113 			break;
  3114         }
  3115     }
  3117 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3118 // handles the touch-ui related control events for next/previous message
  3119 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3120 //
  3121 #ifdef RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
  3123 void CNotViewerAppUi::HandleNaviDecoratorEventL( TInt aEventID )     
  3124     {
  3125     if ( AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled() )
  3126         {
  3127         if (    iNaviDecorator
  3128             &&  iNaviPane->Top( ) == iNaviDecorator )
  3129             {
  3130             if( IsNextMessageAvailableL( aEventID == EAknNaviDecoratorEventRightTabArrow ) )
  3131                 {
  3132                 /* no need for separate checks for right and left arrows
  3133                     because IsNextMessageAvailableL() and NextMessageL
  3134                     are called with the truth-value of the same comparison */
  3135                 NextMessageL( aEventID == EAknNaviDecoratorEventRightTabArrow );
  3136                 }
  3137             }
  3138         }
  3139     }
  3140 #endif
  3141 #endif
  3143 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3144 // DynInitToolbarL
  3145 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3146 //
  3147 #ifdef RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
  3148 void CNotViewerAppUi::DynInitToolbarL(  TInt            /*aResourceId*/, 
  3149                                         CAknToolbar*    aToolbar )
  3150     {
  3151     if (    iToolbar
  3152         &&  iToolbar  == aToolbar )
  3153         {
  3154         // Dimming buttons follow     
  3155         CNotViewerDocument* doc = Document( );
  3156         CNotMtmUiData* uiData = &doc->MtmUiDataL( );
  3157         TMsvEntry entry = iMtm->Entry( ).Entry( );
  3159 	    if( iFlags & ENotViewerIsNotification )
  3160 	        {
  3161             // Hide always Send and Add
  3162             iToolbar->HideItem( ENotViewerToolbarSend,
  3163                                 ETrue,
  3164                                 EFalse );
  3165             iToolbar->HideItem( ENotViewerToolbarAdd,
  3166                                 ETrue,
  3167                                 EFalse );
  3169             if( uiData->OperationSupportedL( KMtmUiFunctionFetchMMS, entry ) )
  3170                 {
  3171                 iToolbar->SetItemDimmed(    ENotViewerToolbarRetrieve,
  3172                                             ETrue,
  3173                                             EFalse );
  3174                 }
  3175             if( iMtm->Sender().Length()==0 )
  3176                 {
  3177                 iToolbar->SetItemDimmed(    ENotViewerToolbarReply,
  3178                                             ETrue,
  3179                                             EFalse );
  3180                 }
  3181             if( uiData->OperationSupportedL( KMtmUiFunctionDeleteMessage, entry ) )
  3182                 {
  3183                 iToolbar->SetItemDimmed(    ENotViewerToolbarDelete,
  3184                                             ETrue,
  3185                                             EFalse );
  3186                 }
  3187 	        }
  3188 	    else 
  3189             {            
  3190             // Hide always Retrieve and Reply
  3191             iToolbar->HideItem( ENotViewerToolbarRetrieve,
  3192                                 ETrue,
  3193                                 EFalse );
  3194             iToolbar->HideItem( ENotViewerToolbarReply,
  3195                                 ETrue,
  3196                                 EFalse );
  3198 	        if( !iMtm->Entry( ).Entry( ).ReadOnly( ) )
  3199 	            {
  3200                 iToolbar->SetItemDimmed(    ENotViewerToolbarDelete,
  3201                                             ETrue,
  3202                                             EFalse );
  3203 	            }
  3204 	        if( iMtm->Entry( ).Entry( ).ReadOnly( ) )
  3205 	            {
  3206                 iToolbar->SetItemDimmed(    ENotViewerToolbarSend,
  3207                                             ETrue,
  3208                                             EFalse );	            
  3209                 iToolbar->SetItemDimmed(    ENotViewerToolbarAdd,
  3210                                             ETrue,
  3211                                             EFalse );	            
  3212 	            }
  3213             }
  3215         }
  3216     }
  3217 #endif        
  3220 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3221 // OfferToolbarEventL
  3222 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3223 //
  3224 #ifdef RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
  3225 void CNotViewerAppUi::OfferToolbarEventL( TInt aCommand )
  3226     {
  3227     switch ( aCommand )
  3228         {
  3229         case ENotViewerToolbarRetrieve:
  3230             HandleCommandL( ENotViewerRetrieve );
  3231             break;
  3233         case ENotViewerToolbarReply:
  3234             HandleCommandL( ENotViewerReplyViaMessage );            
  3235             break;
  3237         case ENotViewerToolbarSend:
  3238             HandleCommandL( ENotViewerSend );
  3239             break;
  3241         case ENotViewerToolbarAdd:
  3242             HandleCommandL( ENotViewerAddRecipient );            
  3243             break;
  3245         case ENotViewerToolbarDelete:
  3246             HandleCommandL( ENotViewerDelete );
  3247             break;
  3249         default:
  3250             break;
  3251         }
  3252     }
  3254 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3255 // OperationOngoing
  3256 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3257 //
  3258 TBool CNotViewerAppUi::OperationOngoing( const TMsvEntry& aEntry ) const
  3259     {
  3260     return (    aEntry.iMtmData2 & KMmsOperationOngoing 
  3261             &&  !( aEntry.iMtmData2 & KMmsOperationFinished ) );
  3262     }
  3264 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3265 // OperationFinished
  3266 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3267 //
  3268 TBool CNotViewerAppUi::OperationFinished( const TMsvEntry& aEntry ) const
  3269     {
  3270     return (    aEntry.iMtmData2 & KMmsOperationFinished
  3271             &&  !( aEntry.iMtmData2 & KMmsOperationOngoing ) );
  3272     }
  3274 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3275 // HandleForegroundEventL
  3276 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3277 //
  3278 void CNotViewerAppUi::HandleForegroundEventL(TBool aForeground)
  3279     {
  3280     if ( AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled() )
  3281         {                
  3282         if ( !iToolbar )
  3283             {
  3284             iToolbar = CurrentFixedToolbar();  
  3285             if ( iToolbar )
  3286                 {
  3287                 iToolbar->SetToolbarObserver( this );
  3288                 iToolbar->DisableToolbarL( ETrue ); 
  3289                 }
  3290             }
  3291         }
  3292     CMsgEditorAppUi::HandleForegroundEventL( aForeground );
  3293     }
  3294 #endif
  3296 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3297 // HandleResourceChangeL
  3298 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3299 //
  3300 void CNotViewerAppUi::HandleResourceChangeL(TInt aType)
  3301     {
  3302     // Base class call must be first
  3303     CMsgEditorAppUi::HandleResourceChangeL(aType);
  3305     if ( aType == KAknsMessageSkinChange )
  3306         {
  3307         if ( iAppIcon )
  3308             {
  3309             delete iAppIcon;
  3310             iAppIcon = NULL;
  3311             }
  3313       	// Set path of bitmap file
  3314       	TParse fileParse;
  3315       	fileParse.Set( KMmsUiMbmFile, &KDC_APP_BITMAP_DIR, NULL );
  3317         iAppIcon = AknsUtils::CreateGulIconL( 
  3318             AknsUtils::SkinInstance(), 
  3319             KAknsIIDQgnPropMceMmsTitle,
  3320             fileParse.FullName(),
  3321             EMbmMmsuiQgn_prop_mce_mms_title,
  3322             EMbmMmsuiQgn_prop_mce_mms_title_mask );
  3323         SetTitleIconL();   
  3324         }
  3325     else if ( aType == KEikDynamicLayoutVariantSwitch )
  3326         {
  3327         SetTitleIconL();   
  3328         }
  3329     }
  3331 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3332 // SetTitleIconL
  3333 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3334 //
  3335 void CNotViewerAppUi::SetTitleIconL()
  3336     {
  3337     SetTitleIconSizeL( iAppIcon->Bitmap() );
  3338     // Create duplicates of the icon to be used
  3339     CFbsBitmap* bitmap = new( ELeave ) CFbsBitmap();
  3340     CleanupStack::PushL( bitmap );
  3342     CFbsBitmap* bitmapMask = new( ELeave ) CFbsBitmap();
  3343     CleanupStack::PushL( bitmapMask );
  3345     User::LeaveIfError( bitmap->Duplicate( iAppIcon->Bitmap()->Handle() ) );
  3346     User::LeaveIfError( bitmapMask->Duplicate( iAppIcon->Mask()->Handle() ) );
  3348     iTitlePane->SetSmallPicture( bitmap, bitmapMask, ETrue );
  3349     iTitlePane->DrawNow();
  3351     CleanupStack::Pop( bitmapMask );
  3352     CleanupStack::Pop( bitmap );
  3353     }