changeset 80 8b14b30db193
child 47 5b14749788d7
equal deleted inserted replaced
79:2981cb3aa489 80:8b14b30db193
     1 // Copyright (c) 1999-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // SMSCLNT.CPP
    15 //
    17 #include <txtrich.h>	// CRichText
    19 #include <msvuids.h>	// KUidMsvRootEntry etc.
    20 #include <mtmdef.hrh>	// KUidMtmQuerySupports etc.
    21 #include <mtmdef.h>		// KMsvMessagePartRecipient	etc.
    22 #include <msvids.h>		// KMsvGlobalOutBoxIndexEntryId etc.
    23 #include <msvftext.h>	// CMsvFindText
    24 #include <biodb.h>		// CBIODatabase
    25 #include <smss.rsg>
    26 #include <barsc.h>
    27 #include <barsread.h>
    29 #include "SMSCLNT.H"	// smsclntmtm
    30 #include "SMCMMAIN.H"	// panics
    31 #include "smscmds.h"	// ESmsMtmCommandReadServiceCenter etc.
    32 #include "smut.h"		// TSmsUtilities
    33 #include "SMUTHDR.H"	// CSmsHeader
    34 #include "SMUTSET.H"	// CSmsSettings
    35 #include <smutsimparam.h>
    36 #include <csmsemailfields.h>
    37 #include <csmsaccount.h>
    38 #include "csmssendmessageoperation.h"
    40 #include <msvenhancesearchsortutil.h>
    43 #include "msvconsts.h"
    44 #include <mtmuidsdef.hrh>
    45 #include <tmsvsmsentry.h>
    46 #endif
    50 /**
    51 The maximum number of SMS PDUs allowed in a concatenated SMS message.
    52 Together with KSmcmMaxCharsInMessageConcatenated7Bit, this is the response to
    53 the query for the KUidMtmQueryMaxTotalMsgSizeValue capability.
    54 @see	CSmsClientMtm::QueryCapability
    55 @see	KSmcmMaxCharsInMessageConcatenated7Bit
    56 */
    57 const TInt KSmcmMaxMessageNumber=0x32;
    59 /**
    60 The maximum number of characters in a concatenated SMS PDU.
    61 Together with KSmcmMaxMessageNumber, this is the response to the query for the
    62 KUidMtmQueryMaxTotalMsgSizeValue capability.
    63 @see	CSmsClientMtm::QueryCapability
    64 @see	KSmcmMaxCharsInMessageConcatenated7Bit
    65 */
    66 const TInt KSmcmMaxCharsInMessageConcatenated7Bit=0x99;
    68 /**
    69 The maximum number of characters in a non-concatenated SMS PDU.
    70 This is the response to the query for the KUidMtmQueryMaxBodySizeValue
    71 capability.
    72 @see	CSmsClientMtm::QueryCapability
    73 */
    74 const TInt KSmcmMaxTotalMsgSize=160;
    76 /**
    77 The granularity of the in-memory buffer for CRichText objects.
    78 @see	CRichText::NewL
    79 */
    80 const TInt KSmcmRichTextConstant=256;
    83 // These default subject formats are used if the resource field has not been
    84 // migrated to include a localised set of subject formats.
    85 _LIT(KSmsDefaultForwardSubjectFormat,	"Fw: %S");
    86 _LIT(KSmsDefaultReplySubjectFormat,		"Re: %S");
    88 /**
    89 Static factory constuctor.
    91 @param	aRegisteredMtmDll
    92 The registry information for the SMS MTM.
    94 @param	aSession
    95 The message server session
    97 @leave KErrArgument
    98 Invalid data read from the SMS resource file
   100 @internalTechnology
   102 @see	CRegisteredMtmDll
   103 */
   104 EXPORT_C CSmsClientMtm* CSmsClientMtm::NewL(CRegisteredMtmDll& aRegisteredMtmDll,CMsvSession& aSession)
   105 	{
   106 	CSmsClientMtm* self=new(ELeave) CSmsClientMtm(aRegisteredMtmDll,aSession);
   107 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   108 	self->ConstructL();
   109 	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
   110 	return self;
   111 	}
   113 /**
   114 Destructor.
   115 */
   116 CSmsClientMtm::~CSmsClientMtm()
   117 	{
   118 	delete iServiceSettings;
   119 	delete iSmsHeader;
   120 	delete iEmailForwardSubjectFormat;
   121 	delete iEmailReplySubjectFormat;
   122 	}
   124 void CSmsClientMtm::HandleEntryEvent(enum MMsvEntryObserver::TMsvEntryEvent /*aEvent*/,TAny* ,TAny* ,TAny* )
   125 	{
   126 	}
   128 /**
   129 Reads SMS parameters from the SIM.
   131 It starts a new CSmsSimParamOperation, which uses the SMS Server MTM to read the 
   132 SMS parameters from the SIM. 
   134 If the phone is unable to supply the SMS parameters from the SIM, then the progress
   135 information of the CSmsSimParamOperation operation will contain an error. 
   137 @param	aObserverRequestStatus
   138 The request status to be completed when the read operation has completed.
   140 @return
   141 A SIM parameter reader operation. The read SIM parameters are stored in
   142 CSmsSimParamOperation::iSimParams. 
   143 */
   144 EXPORT_C CSmsSimParamOperation* CSmsClientMtm::ReadSimParamsL(TRequestStatus& aObserverRequestStatus)
   145 	{
   146 	RestoreServiceAndSettingsL();
   148 	CMsvEntry* entry = Session().GetEntryL(iServiceId);
   149 	CleanupStack::PushL(entry);
   151 	CSmsSimParamOperation* op = CSmsSimParamOperation::ReadSimParamsL(entry->Entry().iMtm, iServiceId, Session(), aObserverRequestStatus);
   153 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(entry);
   154 	return op;
   155 	}
   157 /**
   158 Writes SMS parameters to the SIM.
   160 It starts a new CSmsSimParamOperation, which uses the SMS Server to write the 
   161 specified SIM parameters to the SIM.
   163 If the phone is unable to write the SMS parameters to the SIM, then the progress
   164 information of the CSmsSimParamOperation operation will contain an error.
   166 @param	aList
   167 The SIM parameters to be written.
   169 @param	aObserverRequestStatus
   170 The request status to be completed when the write operation has completed.
   172 @return
   173 A SIM parameter writer operation.
   174 */
   175 EXPORT_C CSmsSimParamOperation* CSmsClientMtm::WriteSimParamsL(const CMobilePhoneSmspList& aList, TRequestStatus& aObserverRequestStatus)
   176 	{
   177 	RestoreServiceAndSettingsL();
   179 	CMsvEntry* entry = Session().GetEntryL(iServiceId);
   180 	CleanupStack::PushL(entry);
   182 	CSmsSimParamOperation* op = CSmsSimParamOperation::WriteSimParamsL(aList, entry->Entry().iMtm, iServiceId, Session(), aObserverRequestStatus);
   184 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(entry);
   186 	return op;
   187 	}
   189 /**
   190 Restores the SMS service ID and SMS service settings.
   192 The SMS service ID is obtained. The service settings for the obtained ID are 
   193 restored from the message server. The SMS service ID can be obtained using the
   194 CSmsClientMtm::ServiceId API and the SMS settings are accessed via the two
   195 CSmsClientMtm::ServiceSettings API overloads.
   197 This API should be used before using any of the other APIs that required the SMS
   198 service ID and SMS service settings to be set.
   200 @see	CSmsClientMtm::ServiceId
   201 @see	CSmsClientMtm::ServiceSettings
   202 */
   203 EXPORT_C void CSmsClientMtm::RestoreServiceAndSettingsL()
   204 	{
   205 	if (iServiceSettings == NULL)
   206 		{
   207 		iServiceSettings = CSmsSettings::NewL();
   208 		}
   210 	// Let's find the right service entry!
   211 	TSmsUtilities::ServiceIdL(Session(), iServiceId, KUidMsgTypeSMS);
   213 	CSmsAccount* account = CSmsAccount::NewLC();
   214 	// just v2
   215 	account->LoadSettingsL(*iServiceSettings);
   216 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(account);    
   217 	}
   220 CSmsClientMtm::CSmsClientMtm(CRegisteredMtmDll& aRegisteredMtmDll,CMsvSession& aSession)
   221 : CBaseMtm(aRegisteredMtmDll,aSession)
   222 	{
   223 	}
   225 void CSmsClientMtm::ConstructL()
   226 	{
   227 	SwitchCurrentEntryL(KMsvRootIndexEntryId);  //  Creates rich text
   229 	RFs& fileSession = Session().FileSession();
   231 	iSmsHeader=CSmsHeader::NewL(CSmsPDU::ESmsSubmit,Body(),fileSession);
   233 	TRAPD(err, RestoreServiceAndSettingsL());
   235 	if (err)
   236 		{
   237 		if (err != KErrNotFound)
   238 			{
   239 			User::Leave(err);
   240 			}
   241 		TMsvEntry entry;
   242 		entry.iMtm = KUidMsgTypeSMS;
   243 	    entry.iType = KUidMsvServiceEntry;
   244 	    entry.SetReadOnly(EFalse);
   245 	    entry.SetVisible(EFalse);
   246 	    entry.iDate.UniversalTime();
   247 	    entry.iDetails.Set(_L("Default SMS Message"));
   249     	CMsvEntry* root = Session().GetEntryL(KMsvRootIndexEntryId);
   250 	    root->CreateL(entry);
   251 	   	iServiceId = entry.Id();
   252 	   	delete root;
   253 		}
   255 	//Initialise iRealAddressOpen and iRealAddressClose from the SMS resouce file
   256 	RResourceFile resFile = TSmsUtilities::OpenResourceFileL(fileSession);
   257 	CleanupClosePushL(resFile);
   258 	TBuf<4> buf;
   259 	TSmsUtilities::ReadResourceStringL(resFile, R_ADDRESSEE_TELEPHONE_OPEN, buf);
   260 	if (buf.Length() > 0)
   261 		{
   262 		iRealAddressOpen = buf[0];
   263 		}
   264 	else
   265 		{
   266 		User::Leave(KErrArgument); 
   267 		}
   269 	TSmsUtilities::ReadResourceStringL(resFile, R_ADDRESSEE_TELEPHONE_CLOSE, buf);
   270 	if (buf.Length() > 0)
   271 		{
   272 		iRealAddressClose = buf[0];
   273 		}
   274 	else
   275 		{
   276 		User::Leave(KErrArgument); 
   277 		}
   278 	iEmailForwardSubjectFormat	= ReadEmailSubjectFormatL(resFile, R_SMS_EMAIL_FORWARD_SUBJECT_FORMAT, KSmsDefaultForwardSubjectFormat);
   279 	iEmailReplySubjectFormat	= ReadEmailSubjectFormatL(resFile, R_SMS_EMAIL_REPLY_SUBJECT_FORMAT, KSmsDefaultReplySubjectFormat);
   281 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&resFile);
   282 	}
   284 HBufC* CSmsClientMtm::ReadEmailSubjectFormatL(RResourceFile& aResourceFile, TInt aResourceId, const TDesC& aDefaultFormat)
   285 	{
   286 	HBufC* format = NULL;
   287 	if( aResourceFile.OwnsResourceId(aResourceId) )
   288 		{
   289 		HBufC8* buf = aResourceFile.AllocReadLC(aResourceId);
   290 		TResourceReader reader;
   291 		reader.SetBuffer(buf);
   292 		format = (reader.ReadTPtrC()).AllocL();
   293 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(buf);	
   294 		}
   295 	else
   296 		{
   297 		format = aDefaultFormat.AllocL();
   298 		}
   299 	return format;
   300 	}
   302 CMsvOperation* CSmsClientMtm::CreateNewEntryL(TMsvEntry& aNewEntry, TMsvId aDestination,CSmsHeader& aSmsHeader,const CRichText& aBody,TRequestStatus& aCompletionStatus)
   303 	{
   304 	RestoreServiceAndSettingsL();
   306 	CMsvEntry* cEntry = CMsvEntry::NewL(Session(), aDestination, TMsvSelectionOrdering());
   307 	CleanupStack::PushL(cEntry);
   309 	cEntry->CreateL(aNewEntry);
   311 	const TMsvId msvid = aNewEntry.Id();
   312 	Session().CleanupEntryPushL(msvid);
   314 	// switch context to the new entry
   315 	cEntry->SetEntryL(msvid);
   316 	aNewEntry = cEntry->Entry(); //for the description and details fields
   318 	aSmsHeader.SetSmsSettingsL(*iServiceSettings);
   320 	// service centre was not being set 
   321 	//If we haven't been provided with a service centre address then use the default one
   322 	if(!aSmsHeader.ReplyPathProvided())
   323 		{
   324 		TInt defaultSC = iServiceSettings->DefaultServiceCenter();
   325 		if(defaultSC > -1)
   326 			{
   327 			aSmsHeader.SetServiceCenterAddressL( iServiceSettings->GetServiceCenter(defaultSC).Address() );	
   328 			}
   329 		}
   331 	// Check the context header to see an email message...
   332 	if( iSmsHeader->EmailFields().Length() > 0 )
   333 		{
   334 		// Yep - update the message as follows
   335 		// 1. Add the email <-> SMS gateway as the recipient of the new message.
   336 		// 2. Set the PID for interworking with email.
   337 		// 3. Set the entry description to be the email subject (if there is one).
   338 		// 4. Set the entry details to be the email address (if there is one).
   339 		DoAddRecipientL(&aSmsHeader, iSmsHeader->FromAddress(), KNullDesC);
   341 		CSmsPDU& pdu = aSmsHeader.Message().SmsPDU();
   342 		if( pdu.ProtocolIdentifierPresent() )
   343 			{
   344 			pdu.SetPIDType(TSmsProtocolIdentifier::ESmsPIDTelematicInterworking);
   345 			pdu.SetTelematicDeviceIndicator(TSmsProtocolIdentifier::ESmsTelematicDevice);
   346 			pdu.SetTelematicDeviceType(TSmsProtocolIdentifier::ESmsInternetElectronicMail);
   347 			}
   349 		const CSmsEmailFields& fields = aSmsHeader.EmailFields();
   350 		if( fields.Subject().Length() > 0 )
   351 			{
   352 			// There is a subject - use this as the description
   353 			aNewEntry.iDescription.Set(fields.Subject());
   354 			}
   355 		if( fields.HasAddress() )
   356 			{
   357 			// There is an address - use first address as the details.
   358 			aNewEntry.iDetails.Set(fields.Addresses().MdcaPoint(0));			
   359 			}
   360 		}
   363 	CMsvStore* msvstore=cEntry->EditStoreL();
   364 	CleanupStack::PushL(msvstore);
   366 	aSmsHeader.StoreL(*msvstore);
   367 	msvstore->StoreBodyTextL(aBody);
   368 	msvstore->CommitL();
   370 	aNewEntry.iSize = msvstore->SizeL();
   371 	cEntry->ChangeL(aNewEntry);
   373 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(msvstore);
   376 	TPckg<TMsvId> prog(msvid);
   377 	CMsvOperation* op = CMsvCompletedOperation::NewL(Session(), KUidMsgTypeSMS, prog, aNewEntry.iServiceId, aCompletionStatus);
   379 	// Now safe to pop the entry off the message server cleanup stack, and any
   380 	// other remaining resources.
   381 	Session().CleanupEntryPop();
   382 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(cEntry);
   384 	return op;
   385 	}
   387 TBool CSmsClientMtm::ValidRecipients() const
   388 	{
   389 	TInt numrecipients = iSmsHeader->Recipients().Count();
   390 	TBool valid=numrecipients;
   392 	while (numrecipients-- && valid)
   393 		valid=ValidNumber(iSmsHeader->Recipients()[numrecipients]->Address());
   395 	return valid;
   396 	}
   398 TBool CSmsClientMtm::ValidNumber(const TDesC& aNumber) const
   399 	{
   400 	TBool valid=EFalse;
   401 	for (TInt i=0; i<aNumber.Length() && !valid; i++)  //  valid if at least one number in string
   402 		valid=(aNumber[i]>='0') && (aNumber[i]<='9');
   403 	return valid;
   404 	}
   406 void CSmsClientMtm::DoAddAddresseeL(const TDesC& aRealAddress, const TDesC& aAlias)
   407 	{
   408 	if (aAlias.Length())
   409 		{
   410 		HBufC* buf=HBufC::NewLC(aAlias.Length()+aRealAddress.Length()+3);
   411 		TPtr ptr = buf->Des();
   412 		ptr.Copy(aAlias);
   413 		ptr.Append(_L(" "));
   414 		ptr.Append(iRealAddressOpen);
   415 		ptr.Append(aRealAddress);
   416 		ptr.Append(iRealAddressClose);
   417 		iAddresseeList->AppendL(ptr);
   418 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(buf);
   419 		}
   420 	else
   421 		iAddresseeList->AppendL(aRealAddress);
   422 	}
   424 void CSmsClientMtm::AddRecipientL(const TDesC& aRealAddress, const TDesC& aAlias)
   425 	{
   426 	DoAddRecipientL(iSmsHeader, aRealAddress, aAlias);
   427 	}
   429 void CSmsClientMtm::DoAddRecipientL(CSmsHeader* aSmsHeader, const TDesC& aRealAddress, const TDesC& aAlias)
   430 	{
   431 	CSmsNumber* recipient=CSmsNumber::NewL();
   432 	CleanupStack::PushL(recipient);
   433 	if ( aRealAddress.Locate('@') != KErrNotFound )
   434         {
   435         CSmsEmailFields* emailFields = NULL;
   436         if ( aSmsHeader->EmailFields().Length() > 0 )
   437             {
   438             emailFields = CSmsEmailFields::NewL( aSmsHeader->EmailFields() );
   439             }
   440         else
   441             {
   442             emailFields = CSmsEmailFields::NewL();
   443             }
   444         CleanupStack::PushL( emailFields );
   446 		recipient->SetEmailAddressL(aRealAddress, emailFields, aAlias);
   448         // Clears the CSmsHeaders EmailFields for non Email addresses
   449         aSmsHeader->SetEmailFieldsL( *emailFields );
   450         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( emailFields );
   451         }
   452 	else
   453 	    {
   454 	    recipient->SetAddressL(aRealAddress);
   455 	    if (aAlias.Length() > 0)
   456 	    	{	
   457 	        recipient->SetNameL(aAlias);
   458 	    	}
   459 	    }
   460     aSmsHeader->Recipients().AppendL(recipient);
   461     CleanupStack::Pop(recipient);
   462 	}
   464 void CSmsClientMtm::ResetHeader()
   465 	{
   466 	if (iSmsHeader)
   467 		iSmsHeader->Recipients().ResetAndDestroy();
   469 	if (iAddresseeList)
   470 		iAddresseeList->Reset();
   471 	}
   473 void CSmsClientMtm::FindInBodyL(const TDesC& aTextToFind, const TMsvPartList& aFoundList, TMsvPartList& aResult)
   474 	{
   475 	CMsvFindText* text=CMsvFindText::NewL();
   476 	CleanupStack::PushL(text);
   477 	if (text->FindRichTextL(aTextToFind,Body(),aFoundList))
   478 		aResult|=KMsvMessagePartBody;
   479 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(text);
   480 	}
   482 void CSmsClientMtm::FindL(const TDesC& aTextToFind, const TMsvPartList aPartList, TMsvPartList& aFoundList)
   483 	{
   485 	CMsvFindText* text=CMsvFindText::NewL();
   486 	CleanupStack::PushL(text);
   488 	// Enhance search and sort
   489   	// The setting variables are accessed by getting an instance to TMsvEnhanceSearchSortUtil  class
   490   	// This is accessed here by using GetExtensionData() defined in CBaseMtm which refers 
   491   	// to iExtensionData member variable
   492  	TMsvEnhanceSearchSortUtil* searchsortutil = (TMsvEnhanceSearchSortUtil*)(GetExtensionData());
   494 	if(searchsortutil != NULL)
   495 		{
   496 		// For callees other than CMsvSearchsortOpOnHeaderBody class, searchsortutil pointer will be NULL	
   498 		TInt index=0;
   499 		TBool foundinname = EFalse;
   500 		TBool foundinaddress = EFalse;
   502 		// Retrieve the search sort setting flags
   503 		TUint32 searchsortsetting=searchsortutil->GetSearchSortSetting();
   505 		if(aPartList & KMsvMessagePartTo)
   506 			{
   507 			TInt count=iSmsHeader->Recipients().Count();
   508 			/* 
   509 			Search for the To field in the the SMS header
   510 			First it looks in the Senders name
   511 			if not found, it tries to find it in the senders numbers
   512 			*/
   514 			for(TInt i=0;i<count;i++)
   515 				{
   516 				if ((text->FindTextL(aTextToFind,(iSmsHeader->Recipients()).operator[](i)->Name(),aPartList)))
   517 					{
   518 					aFoundList|=KMsvMessagePartTo;
   519 					foundinname = ETrue;
   520 					index = i;
   521 					}
   522 				if(!foundinname)
   523 					{
   524 					if ((text->FindTextL(aTextToFind,(iSmsHeader->Recipients()).operator[](i)->Address(),aPartList)))
   525 						{
   526 						aFoundList|=KMsvMessagePartTo;
   527 						foundinaddress = ETrue;
   528 						index = i;
   529 						}
   530 					}
   531 				}
   532 			}
   533 			// Search for the From field
   534 		else if(aPartList & KMsvMessagePartFrom)
   535 			{
   536 			if ((text->FindTextL(aTextToFind,iSmsHeader->FromAddress(),aPartList)) 
   537 		 	|| (text->FindTextL(aTextToFind,iMsvEntry->Entry().iDetails,aPartList)))
   538 				{
   539 				aFoundList|=KMsvMessagePartFrom;
   540 				}
   541 			}
   542 			// Search for the Subject
   543 		else if (aPartList & KMsvMessagePartSubject)
   544 			{
   545 			if (text->FindTextL(aTextToFind,iMsvEntry->Entry().iDescription,aPartList))
   546 				{
   547 				aFoundList|=KMsvMessagePartDescription;
   548 				}
   549 			}
   550 		/* Copy the sort data if sorting is specified.
   551 		 The operations being performed could be only be sort or it could be search and sort
   552 		 If the operation is search and sort than copy the sort data only if the
   553 		 search operation succeeded	*/
   555 		if ((aPartList & EMessagePartSort ) || ((aPartList & EMessagePartSearchSort) && (aPartList & EMessagePartLastQueryOption) && aFoundList)) 
   556 			{
   557 			if (aPartList & EMessagePartToSort )
   558    				{
   559    				if(foundinname) // Copy the sort data form the senders name
   560    					{
   561    					TPtrC ptr((iSmsHeader->Recipients()).operator[](index)->Name());
   562    					SetExtensionData(&ptr);
   563    					}
   564    				if(foundinaddress) // Copy data from senders Address
   565    					{
   566    					TPtrC ptr((iSmsHeader->Recipients()).operator[](index)->Address());	
   567    					SetExtensionData(&ptr);
   568    					}
   569    				}
   570 			else if(aPartList & EMessagePartFromSort )
   571    				{
   572    				SetExtensionData((TAny*)(iSmsHeader->FromAddress().Ptr()));
   573    				}
   574    			else if(aPartList & EMessagePartSubjectSort )
   575    				{
   576    				SetExtensionData((TAny*)&iMsvEntry->Entry().iDescription);
   577 				}
   578 			else 
   579    				// Fix for DEF124605. If a different sort field is specified than
   580    				// sets setting flag to EMessagePartInvalidSortField
   581    				{
   582    				searchsortutil->SetSearchSortSetting(EMessagePartInvalidSortField);
   583    				}
   584 			}
   585 		}
   586 	else
   587 		{
   589 		// Implementation prior to PREQ1667
   590 		if (aPartList & KMsvMessagePartRecipient) 		
   591 			{
   592 			TInt count=iSmsHeader->Recipients().Count();
   594 			for(TInt i=0;i<count;i++)
   595 				{
   596 				if ((text->FindTextL(aTextToFind,(iSmsHeader->Recipients()).operator[](i)->Name(),aPartList))
   597 			 	|| (text->FindTextL(aTextToFind,(iSmsHeader->Recipients()).operator[](i)->Address(),aPartList)))
   598 					{
   599 					aFoundList|=KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
   600 					}
   601 				}
   602 			}
   603 		else if(aPartList & KMsvMessagePartOriginator)
   604 			{
   605 			if((text->FindTextL(aTextToFind,iSmsHeader->FromAddress(),aPartList)) 
   606 			 || (text->FindTextL(aTextToFind,iMsvEntry->Entry().iDetails,aPartList)))
   607 				{
   608 				aFoundList|=KMsvMessagePartOriginator;
   609 				}
   610 			}
   611 		else if (aPartList & KMsvMessagePartDescription)
   612 			{
   613 			if (text->FindTextL(aTextToFind,iMsvEntry->Entry().iDescription,aPartList))
   614 				{
   615 				aFoundList|=KMsvMessagePartDescription;
   616 				}
   617 			}
   618 		}
   619 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(text);
   620 	}
   623 TMsvPartList CSmsClientMtm::DoFindL(const TDesC& aTextToFind, TMsvPartList aPartList)
   624 	{
   625 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iMsvEntry, Panic(ESmscEntryNotSet));
   627 	TMsvPartList retList = 0;
   629 	// Enhance search and sort
   630   	// The setting variables are accessed by getting an instance to TMsvEnhanceSearchSortUtil  class
   631   	// This is accessed here by using GetExtensionData() defined in CBaseMtm which refers 
   632   	// to iExtensionData member variable
   634  	TMsvEnhanceSearchSortUtil* searchsortutil = (TMsvEnhanceSearchSortUtil*)(GetExtensionData());
   636 	// For callees other than CMsvSearchsortOpOnHeaderBody class, searchsortutil pointer will be NULL	
   637 	if(searchsortutil !=NULL)
   638 		{
   639 		TUint32 searchsortsetting=searchsortutil->GetSearchSortSetting();
   640 		if ((aPartList & KMsvMessagePartBody) && !(searchsortsetting & EMessagePartBodyLoaded))
   641 			{
   642 			CMsvStore* msvstore=iMsvEntry->ReadStoreL();
   643 			CleanupStack::PushL(msvstore);
   644 			msvstore->RestoreBodyTextL(Body());			
   645 			FindInBodyL(aTextToFind,aPartList,retList); // Find in body	
   646 			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(msvstore);
   648 			// The message body is loaded.Set the setting variable to specify that the body is loaded
   649 			// If the next search is also on body, than it wont be loaded next time around
   651 			searchsortutil->SetSearchSortSetting(EMessagePartBodyLoaded); 
   652 			}
   653 		else if( (aPartList & KMsvMessagePartTo ) || (aPartList & KMsvMessagePartFrom ) || (aPartList & KMsvMessagePartSubject))
   654 			{
   655 			// Search for To, From and Subject
   656 			FindL(aTextToFind,aPartList,retList); // Find in header	
   657 			}
   658 		}
   659 	else
   660 		{
   661 		// Search implementation Prior to PREQ1667
   662 		if( (aPartList & KMsvMessagePartRecipient) || (aPartList & KMsvMessagePartOriginator) || (aPartList & KMsvMessagePartDescription))
   663 			{
   664 			FindL(aTextToFind,aPartList,retList); // Find in header	
   665 			}
   666 		else if(aPartList & KMsvMessagePartBody)
   667 			{
   668 			FindInBodyL(aTextToFind,aPartList,retList); // Find in body	
   669 			}
   671 		}
   672 	return retList;
   673 	}
   675 /*
   676 Used by ForwardL() and ReplyL() for initialising the contents of the new message
   677 */
   678 void CSmsClientMtm::BasicReplyForwardEntry(TMsvEntry& aNewEntry) const
   679 	{
   680 	aNewEntry.iMtm = KUidMsgTypeSMS;
   681  	// Fix for DEF000924: Need to be able to send/cancel an sms while another is being sent
   682  	aNewEntry.iRelatedId = Entry().Entry().iServiceId;
   683  	aNewEntry.iServiceId = KMsvLocalServiceIndexEntryId;
   684  	// End of fix
   685  	aNewEntry.iType = KUidMsvMessageEntry;
   686 	aNewEntry.iDate.UniversalTime();
   687 	}
   689 /*
   690  *	Methods from CBaseMtm
   691  */
   693 /** 
   694 Commits cached changes to the current message context to the message store.
   696 The current context must be set to a message entry with type KUidMsvServiceEntryValue,
   697 KUidMsvFolderEntryValue or KUidMsvMessageEntryValue. If the current context is
   698 not set, or is set to an entry with a type that is not supported by this function
   699 then a panic will occur.
   701 Both the SMS service ID and SMS service settings must have been set or a panic
   702 will occur. The CSmsClientMtm::RestoreServiceAndSettingsL API can restore both
   703 of these items.
   705 @panic	SMCM	1
   706 The current context has not been set (debug only).
   708 @panic	SMCM	4
   709 The type of the current context is not supported.
   711 @panic	SMCM	11
   712 The SMS Service settings have not been set (debug only).
   714 @panic	SMCM	12
   715 The ID for SMS Service has not been set (debug only).
   717 @see	CSmsClientMtm::RestoreServiceAndSettingsL
   718 */
   719 void CSmsClientMtm::SaveMessageL()
   720 	{
   721 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iMsvEntry,Panic(ESmscEntryNotSet));
   723 	CMsvStore* msvstore=iMsvEntry->EditStoreL();
   724 	CleanupStack::PushL(msvstore);
   726 	TMsvEntry entry(iMsvEntry->Entry());
   727 	TBool entryChanged = EFalse;
   729 	switch (iMsvEntry->Entry().iType.iUid)
   730 		{
   731 		case KUidMsvServiceEntryValue:
   732 			{
   733 			__ASSERT_DEBUG(iServiceSettings, Panic(ESmscSettingsNotSet));
   734 			__ASSERT_DEBUG(iServiceId, Panic(ESmscServiceIdNotSet));
   736 			CSmsAccount* account = CSmsAccount::NewLC();
   737 			//just v2
   738 			account->SaveSettingsL(*iServiceSettings);
   739 			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(account);    
   740 			break;
   741 			}
   742 		case KUidMsvFolderEntryValue:
   743 			{
   744 			break;
   745 			}
   746 		case KUidMsvMessageEntryValue:
   747 			{
   748 			// since CreateMessageL creates message as in preparation and non-visible, the SaveMessageL
   749 			// must now make it visible and not in preparation
   751 			// If iDetails is empty, set it to be the first recipient in the header
   752 			if ((0 >= entry.iDetails.Length()) && (iSmsHeader->Recipients().Count() > 0))
   753 				{
   754 				CSmsNumber* recipient = iSmsHeader->Recipients().At(0);
   755 				if(recipient->Name().Length() > 0)
   756 					entry.iDetails.Set(recipient->Name());
   757 				else
   758 					entry.iDetails.Set(recipient->Address());
   759 				}
   761 			// If iDescription is empty, set it to be the first part of the body text
   762 			if(Body().DocumentLength()>0 && 0 >= entry.iDescription.Length())
   763 				{
   764 				entry.iDescription.Set(Body().Read(0,iServiceSettings->DescriptionLength()));	
   765 				}
   766 			entry.SetVisible(ETrue);
   767 			entry.SetInPreparation(EFalse);	
   768 			entry.SetMultipleRecipients(iSmsHeader->Recipients().Count() > 1);
   769 			entryChanged = ETrue;
   771 			iSmsHeader->StoreL(*msvstore);
   772 			StoreBodyL(*msvstore);
   773 			break;
   774 			}
   775 		default:
   776 			Panic(ESmscUnrecognizedEntryType);
   777 		}
   778 	msvstore->CommitL();
   780  	// Set the iSize member of the TMsvEntry
   781  	if (iMsvEntry->HasStoreL())
   782  		{
   783  		const TInt size = msvstore->SizeL();		
   784  		if (entry.iSize != size)
   785  			{
   786  			entry.iSize = size; 			
   787  			entryChanged = ETrue;
   788  			}
   789  		}
   791 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(msvstore);
   793 	if ( entryChanged )
   794 		{
   795 		// The entry info has been updated - commit to the store.		
   796 		iMsvEntry->ChangeL(entry);
   797 		}
   798 	}
   800 /**
   801 Loads the cache with the message data for the current context.
   803 The current context must be set to a message entry with type KUidMsvServiceEntryValue,
   804 KUidMsvFolderEntryValue or KUidMsvMessageEntryValue. If the current context is
   805 not set, or is set to an entry with a type that is not supported by this function
   806 then a panic will occur.
   808 If the current context is of type KUidMsvServiceEntryValue then the SMS service
   809 settings are restore from the context. The SMS service settings can be accessed
   810 using the overloaded CSmsClientMtm::ServiceSettings APIs .
   812 If the current context is of type KUidMsvMessageEntryValue then the SMS message
   813 object is restore from the context. This can be accessed using the overloaded 
   814 CSmsClientMtm::SmsHeader APIs.
   816 If the current context is of type KUidMsvFolderEntryValue then this function 
   817 does nothing.
   819 @panic	SMCM	1
   820 The current context has not been set (debug only).
   822 @panic	SMCM	4
   823 The entry type of the current context was not recognised.
   825 @see	CSmsClientMtm::SmsHeader
   826 @see	CSmsClientMtm::ServiceSettings
   827 */
   828 void CSmsClientMtm::LoadMessageL()
   829 	{
   830 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iMsvEntry,Panic(ESmscEntryNotSet));
   832 	CMsvStore* msvstore=iMsvEntry->ReadStoreL();
   833 	CleanupStack::PushL(msvstore);
   834 	switch (iMsvEntry->Entry().iType.iUid)
   835 		{
   836 		case KUidMsvServiceEntryValue:
   837 			{
   838 			RestoreServiceAndSettingsL();
   839 			break;
   840 			}
   841 		case KUidMsvFolderEntryValue:
   842 			{
   843 			break;
   844 			}
   845 		case KUidMsvMessageEntryValue:
   846 			{
   847 			ResetHeader();
   848 			Body().Reset();
   850 			CSmsHeader* smsheader=CSmsHeader::NewL(CSmsPDU::ESmsSubmit,Body());
   851 			CleanupStack::PushL(smsheader);
   852 			smsheader->RestoreL(*msvstore);
   853 			// the following part inserts the recipients from header also to the smsclient
   854 			// the recipients are restored inside the csmsheader already
   855 			if (smsheader->Type()==CSmsPDU::ESmsSubmit)
   856 				{
   857 				for (TInt i=0; i<smsheader->Recipients().Count(); ++i)
   858 					{
   859 					CSmsNumber* recipient=smsheader->Recipients()[i];
   860 					DoAddAddresseeL(recipient->Address(),recipient->Name());
   861 					}
   862 				}
   864 		// Get a reference to TMsvEnhanceSearchSortUtil  instance set by CMsvSearchsortOpOnHeaderBody class
   865 		// If advanced search and sort is being performed than do not load the body here
   866 		// For API's other than CMsvSearchsortOpOnHeaderBody-> FindInHeaderBodyL(), a call to LoadMessageL()
   867 		// loads the body.
   869 			TMsvEnhanceSearchSortUtil* searchsortutil = (TMsvEnhanceSearchSortUtil*)(GetExtensionData());
   870 			if ( searchsortutil == NULL )
   871 				{
   872 				msvstore->RestoreBodyTextL(Body()); // Restore Body text
   873 				}
   874 			CleanupStack::Pop(smsheader); 
   875 			delete iSmsHeader;
   876 			iSmsHeader=smsheader;
   877 			break;
   878 			}
   879 		default:
   880 			Panic(ESmscUnrecognizedEntryType);
   881 		}
   882 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(msvstore);
   883 	}
   884 /** 
   885 Validates the current message context.
   887 The addresses for the message are checked to be well-formed SMS addresses.
   889 The current context must be set. If the current context is not set then a panic
   890 will occur.
   892 @param	aPartList
   893 Indicates the message parts for which the validation has been requested.
   895 @return
   896 If valid KErrNone is returned. If invalid, the invalid parts of the message are
   897 identified. The return error value is the bitmask of the TMsvPartList IDs for
   898 each invalid part
   900 @panic	SMCM	1
   901 The current context has not been set (debug only).
   903 @panic	SMCM	6
   904 The addressee list and recipient list do not match (debug only).
   905 */
   906 TMsvPartList CSmsClientMtm::ValidateMessage(TMsvPartList aPartList)
   907 	{
   908 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iMsvEntry, Panic(ESmscEntryNotSet));
   909 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iSmsHeader->Recipients().Count()==iAddresseeList->Count(), Panic(ESmscRecpAddresseeMiscount));
   911 	TMsvPartList partlist=TMsvPartList(0);
   912 	if (aPartList&KMsvMessagePartRecipient)
   913 		if (!ValidRecipients())  
   914 			partlist|=KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
   916 	return partlist;
   917 	}
   919 /**
   920 Searches the specified message part(s) for the plain-text version of the text 
   921 to be found.
   923 @param	aTextToFind
   924 The plain-text version of the text to be found. 
   926 @param	aPartList
   927 Indicates the message parts which should be searched. 
   929 @return
   930 If the text was not found, or searching is unsupported, 0. If the text was found,
   931 a bitmask of the TMsvPartList IDs for each part in which the text was present.
   932 */
   933 TMsvPartList CSmsClientMtm::Find(const TDesC& aTextToFind,TMsvPartList aPartList)
   934 	{
   935 	TMsvPartList retList = 0;
   936 	TRAP_IGNORE(retList = DoFindL(aTextToFind, aPartList));
   937 	return retList;
   938 	}
   940 /**
   941 Creates a new SMS message as a reply to the current message context.
   943 The SMS in the current context must be of type SMS-DELIVER, indicating a mobile
   944 terminated message.
   946 The current context must be set to a message entry with type KUidMsvMessageEntryValue.
   947 If the current context is not set, or is set to an entry not of type
   948 KUidMsvMessageEntryValuethen a panic will occur.
   950 The new SMS message has the recipient set to the sender of the message in the
   951 current context. It has a type SMS-SUBMIT, indicating a mobile originated meesage.
   952 If the SMS service settings CSmsSettings::ReplyQuoted is true then the reply
   953 message will contain the body of the original message, including any EMS elements.
   955 @param	aDestination
   956 The message entry (folder) under which to create the new message.
   958 @param	aPartList
   959 Ignored.
   961 @param	aCompletionStatus
   962 The request status to be completed when the operation has finished.
   964 @return
   965 An operation object. If the relpy email is successful created, the operation will
   966 complete with KErrNone. The operation's progress information is a TPckg<TMsvId>,
   967 containing the TMsvId of the new SMS message. If the reply message fails to be 
   968 created, the operation completes with the relevant error code.
   970 @leave	KErrNotSupported
   971 The current context does not have a PDU type of SMS-DELIVER.
   973 @panic	SMCM	1
   974 The current context has not been set (debug only).
   976 @panic	SMCM	2
   977 The current context was not of type KUidMsvMessageEntry (debug only).
   978 */
   979 CMsvOperation* CSmsClientMtm::ReplyL(TMsvId aDestination,TMsvPartList /*aPartList*/, TRequestStatus& aCompletionStatus)
   980 	{
   981 	LoadMessageL();
   983 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iMsvEntry, Panic(ESmscEntryNotSet));
   984 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iMsvEntry->Entry().iType==KUidMsvMessageEntry, Panic(ESmscWrongContextType));
   986 	if (iSmsHeader->Type()!=CSmsPDU::ESmsDeliver)
   987 		{
   988 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   989 		}
   991 	CRichText* body = CRichText::NewL(iParaFormatLayer, iCharFormatLayer,CEditableText::EFlatStorage,KSmcmRichTextConstant);
   992 	CleanupStack::PushL(body);
   994 	CSmsHeader* smsheader=CSmsHeader::NewL(CSmsPDU::ESmsSubmit,Body());
   995 	CleanupStack::PushL(smsheader);
   997 	// Check to see if we are copying the contents of the original message
   998 	if(iServiceSettings->ReplyQuoted() && iMsvEntry->Entry().iBioType==NULL)
   999 		{
  1000 		// Copy original rich text
  1001 		body->AppendTakingSolePictureOwnershipL(Body());
  1002 		// Copy ems elements from original message to new message
  1003 		iSmsHeader->Message().CopyEmsElementsL(smsheader->Message());
  1004 		}
  1006 	if( iSmsHeader->EmailFields().Length() > 0 )
  1007 		{
  1008 		// The context message is an email message - set the email fields for
  1009 		// the new message.
  1010 		smsheader->SetReplyEmailFieldsL(iSmsHeader->EmailFields(), *iEmailReplySubjectFormat);
  1011 		}
  1012 	else
  1013 		{
  1014 		// Get the reply to address if there is one else the from address.
  1015 		DoAddRecipientL(smsheader, iSmsHeader->ReplyAddressL(), iMsvEntry->Entry().iDetails);
  1016 		}
  1018 	if(iSmsHeader->Deliver().ReplyPath())
  1019 		{
  1020 		smsheader->Submit().SetServiceCenterAddressL(iSmsHeader->Deliver().ServiceCenterAddress());
  1021 		smsheader->SetReplyPathProvided(ETrue);
  1022 		}
  1023 	else smsheader->SetReplyPathProvided(EFalse);
  1025 	TMsvEntry entry;
  1026 	BasicReplyForwardEntry(entry);
  1028 	CMsvOperation* operation = CreateNewEntryL(entry, aDestination, *smsheader, *body, aCompletionStatus);
  1030 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, body);
  1031 	return operation;
  1032 	}
  1034 /** 
  1035 Creates a SMS forwarded message from the current message context.
  1037 The SMS in the current context must be of type SMS-DELIVER, a mobile terminated 
  1038 message, or SMS-SUBMIT, a mobile originated message. 
  1040 The current context must be set to a message entry with type KUidMsvMessageEntryValue.
  1041 If the current context is not set, or is set to an entry not of type
  1042 KUidMsvMessageEntryValuethen a panic will occur.
  1044 The new SMS message will have type SMS-SUBMIT, a mobile originated message. The 
  1045 recipient is left blank. The contents that are copied to the new message include
  1046 the message body, iBioType and description. Also, any EMS components are also
  1047 copied.
  1049 @param	aDestination
  1050 The message entry (folder) under which to create the new message.
  1052 @param	aPartList
  1053 Ignored.
  1055 @param	aCompletionStatus
  1056 The request status to be completed when the operation has finished.
  1058 @return
  1059 An operation object. If the forward email is successful created, the operation
  1060 will complete with KErrNone. The operation's progress information is a 
  1061 TPckg<TMsvId>, containing the TMsvId of the new SMS message. If the forward 
  1062 message fails to be created, the operation completes with the relevant error code.
  1064 @leave	KErrNotSupported
  1065 The current context has a PDU type that is neither SMS-SUBMIT nor SMS-DELIVER.
  1067 @panic	SMCM	1
  1068 The current context has not been set (debug only).
  1070 @panic	SMCM	2
  1071 The current context was not of type KUidMsvMessageEntry (debug only).
  1072 */
  1073 CMsvOperation* CSmsClientMtm::ForwardL(TMsvId aDestination,TMsvPartList /*aPartList*/, TRequestStatus& aCompletionStatus)
  1074 	{
  1075 	LoadMessageL();
  1077 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iMsvEntry, Panic(ESmscEntryNotSet));
  1078 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iMsvEntry->Entry().iType==KUidMsvMessageEntry, Panic(ESmscWrongContextType));
  1080 	// Only forwarding of Submitted or Delivered Messages is supported - ie only
  1081 	// SMS messages that either been sent or received. 
  1082 	CSmsPDU::TSmsPDUType smsType = iSmsHeader->Type();
  1083 	if (smsType!=CSmsPDU::ESmsSubmit && smsType!=CSmsPDU::ESmsDeliver)
  1084 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  1086 	CRichText* body = CRichText::NewL(iParaFormatLayer, iCharFormatLayer,CEditableText::EFlatStorage,KSmcmRichTextConstant);
  1087 	CleanupStack::PushL(body);
  1088 	body->AppendTakingSolePictureOwnershipL(Body());
  1090 	CSmsHeader* smsheader=CSmsHeader::NewL(CSmsPDU::ESmsSubmit,Body());
  1091 	CleanupStack::PushL(smsheader);
  1093 	smsheader->SetReplyPathProvided(EFalse);
  1095 	// Copy any EMS elements
  1096 	iSmsHeader->Message().CopyEmsElementsL(smsheader->Message());
  1098 	if( iSmsHeader->EmailFields().Length() > 0 )
  1099 		{
  1100 		// The context message is an email message - set the email fields for
  1101 		// the new message.
  1102 		smsheader->SetForwardEmailFieldsL(iSmsHeader->EmailFields(), *iEmailForwardSubjectFormat);
  1103 		}
  1105 	// Set the contents of the new TMsvEntry
  1106 	const TMsvEntry& originalEntry = Entry().Entry();
  1107 	TMsvEntry entry;
  1108 	BasicReplyForwardEntry(entry);
  1109 	entry.iBioType = originalEntry.iBioType; // added since 6.1
  1110 	entry.iDescription.Set(originalEntry.iDescription); // added since 6.1		
  1112 	CMsvOperation* operation = CreateNewEntryL(entry, aDestination,*smsheader,*body,aCompletionStatus);
  1114 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, body);
  1115 	return operation;
  1116 	}
  1118 /**
  1119 Adds an addressee to the current context.
  1121 The current context must be an SMS messge of type SMS-SUBMIT, indicating a 
  1122 mobile originated message. The address is added to the recipient list for the 
  1123 message.
  1125 For SMS an address is a telephone number. There is no validation done on the 
  1126 input argument aRealAddress to ensure that it is a valid telephone number.
  1128 The TSmsUtilities::GetDetails API can be used prior to this API to find the if
  1129 a unique alias exists in the contacts database for this particular telephone 
  1130 number.
  1132 The current context must be set to a message entry with type KUidMsvMessageEntryValue.
  1133 If the current context is set to an entry not of type KUidMsvMessageEntryValuethen
  1134 a panic will occur.
  1136 The SMS MTM maintains an addressee list that matches the recipient list in the 
  1137 SMS message header object. If the two list cannot be maintained together then
  1138 this function will leave and both lists are unchanged.
  1140 @param	aRealAddress
  1141 A string representing the address to be added to the recipient list for the
  1142 current context.
  1144 @leave	KErrNotSupported
  1145 The current contxt PDU type is not SMS-SUBMIT.
  1147 @panic	SMCM	2
  1148 The current context was not of type KUidMsvMessageEntry (debug only).
  1150 @panic	SMCM	6
  1151 The addressee list and recipient list do not match (debug only).
  1152 */
  1153 void CSmsClientMtm::AddAddresseeL(const TDesC& aRealAddress)
  1154 	{
  1155 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iMsvEntry->Entry().iType==KUidMsvMessageEntry, Panic(ESmscWrongContextType));
  1156 	if (iSmsHeader->Type()!=CSmsPDU::ESmsSubmit)
  1157 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  1158 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iAddresseeList->Count()==iSmsHeader->Recipients().Count(),Panic(ESmscRecpAddresseeMiscount));
  1159 	TPtr ptr(NULL,0);
  1160 	DoAddAddresseeL(aRealAddress,ptr);
  1161 	TRAPD(ret,AddRecipientL(aRealAddress,ptr));
  1162 	if (ret!=KErrNone)
  1163 		{
  1164 		iAddresseeList->Delete(iAddresseeList->Count()-1);
  1165 		User::Leave(ret);
  1166 		}
  1167 	}
  1169 /** 
  1170 Adds an addressee with an alias to the current context.
  1172 The SMS message in the current context must be of type SMS-SUBMIT, indicating a
  1173 mobile originated message. The address is added to the recipient list for the 
  1174 message.
  1176 For SMS an address is a telephone number. There is no validation done on the 
  1177 input argument aRealAddress to ensure that it is a valid telephone number.
  1179 The TSmsUtilities::GetDetails API can be used prior to this API to find the if
  1180 a unique alias exists in the contacts database for this particular telephone 
  1181 number.
  1183 The current context must be set to a message entry with type KUidMsvMessageEntryValue.
  1184 If the current context is set to an entry not of type KUidMsvMessageEntryValuethen
  1185 a panic will occur.
  1187 The SMS MTM maintains an addressee list that matches the recipient list in the 
  1188 SMS message header object. If the two list cannot be maintained together then
  1189 this function will leave and both lists are unchanged.
  1191 @param	aRealAddress
  1192 A string representing the address to be added to the recipient list for the 
  1193 current message.
  1195 @param	aAlias
  1196 The alias information for the address.
  1198 @leave	KErrNotSupported
  1199 The current contxt PDU type is not SMS-SUBMIT.
  1201 @panic	SMCM	2
  1202 The current context was not of type KUidMsvMessageEntry (debug only).
  1204 @panic	SMCM	6
  1205 The addressee list and recipient list do not match (debug only).
  1206 */
  1207 void CSmsClientMtm::AddAddresseeL(const TDesC& aRealAddress, const TDesC& aAlias)
  1208 	{
  1209 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iMsvEntry->Entry().iType==KUidMsvMessageEntry, Panic(ESmscWrongContextType));
  1210 	if (iSmsHeader->Type()!=CSmsPDU::ESmsSubmit)
  1211 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  1212 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iAddresseeList->Count()==iSmsHeader->Recipients().Count(),Panic(ESmscRecpAddresseeMiscount));
  1213 	DoAddAddresseeL(aRealAddress,aAlias);
  1214 	TRAPD(ret,AddRecipientL(aRealAddress,aAlias));
  1215 	if (ret!=KErrNone)
  1216 		{
  1217 		iAddresseeList->Delete(iAddresseeList->Count()-1);
  1218 		User::Leave(ret);
  1219 		}
  1220 	}
  1222 /** 
  1223 Removes a recipient from the current address list.
  1225 The recipient to be removed is specified by its index in the list of recipients.
  1226 This function can only be used when the current context is a mobile-originated
  1227 message (is a SMS-SUBMIT type message).
  1229 The index must be valid or a panic will occur. A valid index is not negative and
  1230 does not exceed the upper bounds of the list.
  1232 The current context must be set to a message entry with type KUidMsvMessageEntryValue.
  1233 If the current context is set to an entry not of type KUidMsvMessageEntryValuethen
  1234 a panic will occur.
  1236 The SMS MTM maintains an addressee list that matches the recipient list in the 
  1237 SMS message header object. The address is removed from both lists.
  1239 @param aIndex
  1240 The index of recipient to be removed.
  1242 @panic	SMCM	0
  1243 The current contxt PDU type is not SMS-SUBMIT (debug only).
  1245 @panic	SMCM	2
  1246 The current context was not a mesasge type context (debug only).
  1248 @panic	SMCM	5
  1249 The specified index exceeds the recipient list range (debug only).
  1251 @panic	SMCM	6
  1252 The addressee list and recipient list do not match (debug only).
  1253 */
  1254 void CSmsClientMtm::RemoveAddressee(TInt aIndex)
  1255 	{
  1256 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iMsvEntry->Entry().iType==KUidMsvMessageEntry, Panic(ESmscWrongContextType));
  1257 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iSmsHeader->Type() == CSmsPDU::ESmsSubmit, Panic(ESmutPanicUnsupportedMsgType));
  1258 	__ASSERT_DEBUG((aIndex>=0) && (aIndex<iAddresseeList->Count()),Panic(ESmscAddresseeIndexOutOfRange));
  1259 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iAddresseeList->Count()==iSmsHeader->Recipients().Count(),Panic(ESmscRecpAddresseeMiscount));
  1260 	delete iSmsHeader->Recipients()[aIndex];
  1261 	iSmsHeader->Recipients().Delete(aIndex);
  1262 	iAddresseeList->Delete(aIndex);
  1263 	}
  1265 /**
  1266 Queries if the MTM supports the capability specified by the supplied UID.
  1268 @param	aCapability
  1269 The UID of capability to be queried.
  1271 @param	aResponse
  1272 An output argument for the response value. The format of the response varies
  1273 according to the capability. 
  1275 @return
  1276 A value of KErrNone if the specified capability is recognised and a response
  1277 is returned. KErrNotSupported indicates that the capability is not recognised.
  1279 @see	mtmuids.h
  1280 */
  1281 TInt CSmsClientMtm::QueryCapability(TUid aCapability, TInt& aResponse)
  1282 	{
  1283 	TInt error=KErrNone;
  1284 	aResponse=ETrue;
  1285 	switch (aCapability.iUid)
  1286 		{
  1287 		case KUidMtmQueryMaxBodySizeValue:
  1288 			{
  1289 			aResponse=KSmcmMaxTotalMsgSize;
  1290 			break;
  1291 			}
  1292 		case KUidMtmQueryMaxTotalMsgSizeValue:
  1293 			{
  1294 			aResponse = KSmcmMaxMessageNumber*KSmcmMaxCharsInMessageConcatenated7Bit;
  1295 			break;
  1296 			}
  1297 		case KUidMtmQuerySupportedBodyValue:
  1298 			{
  1299 			aResponse = KMtm7BitBody + KMtm8BitBody + KMtm16BitBody;
  1300 			break;
  1301 			}
  1302 		case KUidMtmQueryCanSendMsgValue:
  1303 		case KUidMtmQueryCanReceiveMsgValue:
  1304 		case KUidMtmQuerySupportsBioMsgValue:
  1305 		case KUidMtmQuerySupportsSchedulingValue:
  1306 		case KUidMtmQuerySendAsMessageSendSupportValue:
  1307 			break;
  1308 		case KUidMtmQueryMaxRecipientCountValue:
  1309 			{
  1310 			aResponse=KErrNotFound;	// not limited
  1311 			break;
  1312 			}
  1313 		case KUidMsvMtmQueryEditorUidValue:
  1314 			{
  1315 			aResponse=KUidMsgSmsEditorAppVal;
  1316 			break;
  1317 			}
  1318 		case KUidMtmQuerySupportAttachmentsValue:
  1319 		case KUidMtmQueryOffLineAllowedValue:
  1320 		case KUidMtmQuerySupportSubjectValue:
  1321 		case KUidMtmQuerySendAsRequiresRenderedImageValue:
  1322 		case KUidMtmQuerySendAsRenderingUidValue:
  1323 		case KUidMtmQuerySupportsFolderValue:
  1324 		case KUidMtmQuerySupportsRecipientTypeValue:
  1325 		default:
  1326 			error=KErrNotSupported;
  1327 		}
  1328 	return error;
  1329 	}
  1331 /**
  1332 Unused for SMS.
  1334 This function should not be used as it will cause a panic.
  1336 @param aFunctionId
  1337 Unused.
  1339 @param aSelection
  1340 Unused.
  1342 @param aParameter
  1343 Unused. 
  1345 @panic	SMCM	3
  1346 This command is not supported in SMS and should not be used.
  1348 @internalComponent
  1349 */
  1350 void CSmsClientMtm::InvokeSyncFunctionL(TInt /*aFunctionId*/,const CMsvEntrySelection& /*aSelection*/, TDes8& /*aParameter*/)
  1351 	{
  1352 	Panic(ESmscPanicUnexpectedCommand);
  1353 	}
  1355 /**
  1356 Invokes asynchronous SMS-specific operations.
  1358 The specified operation is performed by the SMS server MTM.
  1360 If the requested command is not supported then a panic will occur. The list of
  1361 supported commands is given by TSmsMtmCommand.
  1363 The current context must be set. If the current context is not set then a panic
  1364 will occur.
  1366 @param	aFunctionId
  1367 The ID of the operation to perform. The specific operations are defined by the
  1368 TSmsMtmCommand enumeration.
  1370 @param	aSelection
  1371 A selection of messages, the use of which is specific to the selected operation.
  1373 @param	aParameter
  1374 A packaged object, the use of which is specific to the selected operation.
  1376 @param	aCompletionStatus
  1377 The request status to be notified when the operation completes. 
  1379 @return
  1380 An object encapsulating the requested operation if the specified operation was
  1381 successfully started. If the operation failed to be started an completing 
  1382 operation is returned with its status set to the relevant error code.
  1384 @see	TSmsMtmCommand 
  1386 @panic	SMCM	1
  1387 The message entry has not been set (debug only).
  1389 @panic	SMCM	3
  1390 The specified operation is not supported in SMS.
  1391 */
  1392 CMsvOperation* CSmsClientMtm::InvokeAsyncFunctionL(TInt aFunctionId, const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection, TDes8& aParameter, TRequestStatus& aCompletionStatus)
  1393 	{
  1394 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iMsvEntry,Panic(ESmscEntryNotSet));
  1395 	switch (aFunctionId)
  1396 		{
  1397 		case KMTMStandardFunctionsSendMessage:
  1398 			// perform a regular send with standardised progress information for SendAs2
  1399 			return CSmsSendMessageOperation::NewL(Session(), aSelection, aParameter, aCompletionStatus);
  1400 		case ESmsMtmCommandScheduleCopy:
  1401 		case ESmsMtmCommandScheduleMove:
  1402 		case ESmsMtmCommandDeleteSchedule:
  1403 		case ESmsMtmCommandCheckSchedule:
  1404 		case ESmsMtmCommandSendScheduledCopy:
  1405 		case ESmsMtmCommandSendScheduledMove:
  1406 		case ESmsMtmCommandEnumeratePhoneStores:
  1407 		case ESmsMtmCommandDeleteFromPhoneStore:
  1408 		case ESmsMtmCommandCopyFromPhoneStore:
  1409 		case ESmsMtmCommandMoveFromPhoneStore:
  1410 		case ESmsMtmCommandCopyToPhoneStore:
  1411 		case ESmsMtmCommandMoveToPhoneStore:
  1412 			break;
  1413 		default:
  1414 			Panic(ESmscPanicUnexpectedCommand);
  1415 		}
  1416 	return Session().TransferCommandL(aSelection,aFunctionId,(TDesC8&)aParameter, aCompletionStatus);
  1417 	}
  1420 /**
  1421 Informs the MTM that the context's BIO field is being changed.
  1423 The change is as a result of a call to CSendAs::SetBioTypeL(). This function is
  1424 used by CSendAs::CreateMessageL to create a new outgoing SMS message
  1426 @param	aBioTypeUid
  1427 The new value for the BIO field.
  1429 @panic	SMCM	10
  1430 The BIO field contains the wrong value (debug only).
  1431 */
  1432 EXPORT_C void CSmsClientMtm::BioTypeChangedL(TUid aBioTypeUid)
  1433 	{
  1434 	// Looks up the default send bearer and sets the
  1435 	// character encoding of the Submit() accordingly.
  1436 	RestoreServiceAndSettingsL();
  1438 	CBIODatabase* bdb = CBIODatabase::NewLC(Session().FileSession());
  1439 	TBioMsgId bioMsgId;
  1440 	bdb->GetDefaultSendBearerL(aBioTypeUid, bioMsgId);
  1442 	CSmsSettings* settings = CSmsSettings::NewL();
  1443 	CleanupStack::PushL(settings);
  1445 	settings->CopyL(*iServiceSettings);
  1447 	iSmsHeader->SetBioMsgIdType(bioMsgId.iType);
  1449 	TSmsDataCodingScheme::TSmsAlphabet alpha = TSmsDataCodingScheme::ESmsAlphabet8Bit;
  1451 	// Set the SMS Data Encoding Scheme
  1452 	switch (bioMsgId.iType)
  1453 		{
  1454 		case EBioMsgIdNbs:
  1455 			{
  1456 			switch (bioMsgId.iCharacterSet.iUid)
  1457 				{
  1458 //				case KCharacterSetIdentifierIso88591:
  1459 				case KCharacterSetIdentifierCodePage1252:
  1460 					{
  1461 					alpha = TSmsDataCodingScheme::ESmsAlphabet8Bit;
  1462 					break;
  1463 					}
  1464 				case KCharacterSetIdentifierSms7Bit:
  1465 					{
  1466 					alpha = TSmsDataCodingScheme::ESmsAlphabet7Bit;
  1467 					break;
  1468 					}
  1469 				default:
  1470 					{
  1471 					alpha = TSmsDataCodingScheme::ESmsAlphabetUCS2;
  1472 					break;
  1473 					}
  1474 				}
  1475 			break;
  1476 			}
  1477 		case EBioMsgIdWap:
  1478 		case EBioMsgIdWapSecure:
  1479 		default:
  1480 			{
  1481 			//ESmsAlphabet8Bit;
  1482 			break;
  1483 			}
  1484 		};
  1486 	settings->SetCharacterSet(alpha);
  1487 	iSmsHeader->SetSmsSettingsL(*settings);
  1489 	// service centre was not being set 
  1490 	TInt defaultSC = iServiceSettings->DefaultServiceCenter();
  1491 	if(defaultSC > -1)
  1492 		{
  1493 		iSmsHeader->SetServiceCenterAddressL( iServiceSettings->GetServiceCenter(defaultSC).Address() );	
  1494 		}
  1496 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iSmsHeader->BioMsgIdType() == bioMsgId.iType, Panic(ESmscBioMsgIdTypeError));
  1498 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, bdb);
  1499 	}
  1501 /** 
  1502 Creates a new outgoing SMS message entry as a child of the current context.
  1504 Used by CSendAs::CreateMessageL to create an outgoing SMS message.
  1506 @param	aServiceId
  1507 The ID of the service to own the entry (not used).
  1509 @see	CSendAs::CreateMessageL
  1510 */
  1511 EXPORT_C void CSmsClientMtm::CreateMessageL(TMsvId /*aServiceId*/)
  1512 	{
  1513 	RestoreServiceAndSettingsL();
  1515  	// Fix for DEF000924: Need to be able to send/cancel an sms while another 
  1516 	// is being sent create an invisible blank entry.
  1517  	TMsvEntry entry;
  1518  	entry.iType = KUidMsvMessageEntry;
  1519  	entry.iRelatedId = iServiceId;
  1520  	entry.iServiceId = KMsvLocalServiceIndexEntryId;
  1521  	entry.iMtm = Type();
  1522  	entry.SetVisible(EFalse);
  1523  	entry.SetInPreparation(ETrue);
  1525  	// Fix for DEF061945: Need to initialise the iDate member of the new entry
  1526  	entry.iDate.UniversalTime();
  1527  	// store entry in folder
  1528  	iMsvEntry->CreateL(entry);
  1529  	SwitchCurrentEntryL(entry.Id());
  1530  	// End of fix
  1532 	delete iSmsHeader;
  1533 	iSmsHeader=NULL;
  1534 	iSmsHeader=CSmsHeader::NewL(CSmsPDU::ESmsSubmit,Body());
  1535 	iSmsHeader->SetSmsSettingsL(*iServiceSettings);
  1537 	// service centre was not being set 
  1538 	TInt defaultSC = iServiceSettings->DefaultServiceCenter();
  1539 	if(defaultSC > -1)
  1540 		{
  1541 		if (iServiceSettings->ServiceCenterCount() > defaultSC )
  1542 			{
  1543 			iSmsHeader->SetServiceCenterAddressL( iServiceSettings->GetServiceCenter(defaultSC).Address() );	
  1544 			}
  1545 		}
  1546  	}
  1550 /** 
  1551 Creates a new outgoing SMS message entry as a child of the current context.
  1552 Used by CSendAs::CreateMessageL to create an outgoing SMS message.
  1554 @param	
  1555 The entry with the required fields set.
  1557 */
  1558 EXPORT_C void CSmsClientMtm::CreateMessageL(TMsvEntry& aEntry)
  1559 	{
  1560 	RestoreServiceAndSettingsL();
  1562  	aEntry.SetVisible(EFalse);
  1563  	aEntry.SetInPreparation(ETrue);
  1564  	aEntry.iDate.UniversalTime();
  1566  	// store entry in folder
  1567  	iMsvEntry->CreateL(aEntry);
  1568  	SwitchCurrentEntryL(aEntry.Id());
  1569  	// End of fix
  1571 	delete iSmsHeader;
  1572 	iSmsHeader=NULL;
  1573 	iSmsHeader=CSmsHeader::NewL(CSmsPDU::ESmsSubmit,Body());
  1574 	iSmsHeader->SetSmsSettingsL(*iServiceSettings);
  1576 	// service centre was not being set 
  1577 	TInt defaultSC = iServiceSettings->DefaultServiceCenter();
  1578 	if(defaultSC > -1)
  1579 		{
  1580 		if (iServiceSettings->ServiceCenterCount() > defaultSC )
  1581 			{
  1582 			iSmsHeader->SetServiceCenterAddressL( iServiceSettings->GetServiceCenter(defaultSC).Address() );	
  1583 			}
  1584 		}
  1585  	}
  1587 /**
  1588 Resets the current SMS message.
  1590 The recipient list in the SMS message header object is emptied. As the SMS MTM 
  1591 maintains an addressee list that matches the recipient list in the SMS message 
  1592 header object, this addressee list is also emptied.
  1593 */
  1594 void CSmsClientMtm::ContextEntrySwitched()
  1595 	{
  1596 	ResetHeader();
  1597 	}
  1599 /** 
  1600 This method is from CBaseMtm, The default implementation is available in CBaseMtm. 
  1601 The implementation of this function assumes that the new service for setting the 
  1602 charset encoding value for a SMS message is supported.
  1603 TAny* is equivalent to void*.
  1604 @param	a0				 			The collective parameters of TAny*
  1605 @param	a1				 			The collective parameters of TAny*,Charset encoding value is actually extracted from a1.
  1606 @param aExtensionId 	 			Uid of the extension interface.
  1607 @return KErrNone					If charset is changed successfully in SMS settings for a message.
  1608 @return KErrExtensionNotSupported 	If the message is other than SMS.					
  1609 @return Other 			 			Standard system-wide error codes.
  1610 */
  1612 EXPORT_C TInt CSmsClientMtm::Extension_(TUint aExtensionId, TAny*& a0, TAny* a1)
  1613 	{
  1614 	TInt ret=KErrNone;
  1615 	switch(aExtensionId)
  1616 		{
  1617 		case KUIDCharacterSet:
  1618 			{
  1619 	    	TSmsDataCodingScheme::TSmsAlphabet tsmsAlphabet = (TSmsDataCodingScheme::TSmsAlphabet)(TUint)*(TUint*)a1;
  1620 	    	TRAP(ret,SetMessageCharacterSetL(tsmsAlphabet));
  1621 			return ret;
  1622 			}
  1623 		default:
  1624 			{
  1625 			// Chain to base class
  1626 			return CBaseMtm::Extension_(aExtensionId, a0, a1);
  1627 			}
  1628 		}
  1629 	}
  1631 /**
  1632 This is the actual functionality for setting the character encoding value other than 7-bit ASCII.
  1633 TSmsDataCodingScheme is used for collecting the encoding value for setting the charset for a message.
  1634 This setting is for per-message basis.
  1635 @param aTsmsAlphabet 	 			Enum of Sms datacoding scheme for the character encoding value.
  1636 @return void.
  1637 */
  1639 void CSmsClientMtm::SetMessageCharacterSetL(TSmsDataCodingScheme::TSmsAlphabet aTsmsAlphabet)
  1640 	{
  1641 	CSmsSettings* settings = CSmsSettings::NewL();
  1642 	CleanupStack::PushL(settings);
  1644 	settings->CopyL(*iServiceSettings);
  1645 	settings->SetCharacterSet(aTsmsAlphabet);
  1646 	iSmsHeader->SetSmsSettingsL(*settings);
  1647 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(settings);
  1648 	}
  1650 /** 
  1651 Commits cached changes to the current message context to the message store.
  1653 The current context must be set to a message entry with type KUidMsvServiceEntryValue,
  1654 KUidMsvFolderEntryValue or KUidMsvMessageEntryValue. If the current context is
  1655 not set, or is set to an entry with a type that is not supported by this function
  1656 then a panic will occur.
  1658 Both the SMS service ID and SMS service settings must have been set or a panic
  1659 will occur. The CSmsClientMtm::RestoreServiceAndSettingsL API can restore both
  1660 of these items.
  1662 @panic  SMCM    1
  1663 The current context has not been set (debug only).
  1665 @panic  SMCM    4
  1666 The type of the current context is not supported.
  1668 @panic  SMCM    11
  1669 The SMS Service settings have not been set (debug only).
  1671 @panic  SMCM    12
  1672 The ID for SMS Service has not been set (debug only).
  1674 @see    CSmsClientMtm::RestoreServiceAndSettingsL
  1675 */
  1676 EXPORT_C void CSmsClientMtm::SaveMessageL(CMsvStore& aEditStore, TMsvEntry& aEntry)
  1677     {
  1678     switch (aEntry.iType.iUid)
  1679         {
  1680         case KUidMsvServiceEntryValue:
  1681             {
  1682             __ASSERT_DEBUG(iServiceSettings, Panic(ESmscSettingsNotSet));
  1683             __ASSERT_DEBUG(iServiceId, Panic(ESmscServiceIdNotSet));
  1684             CSmsAccount* account = CSmsAccount::NewLC();
  1685             account->SaveSettingsL(*iServiceSettings);
  1686             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(account);    
  1687             break;
  1688             }
  1689         case KUidMsvFolderEntryValue:
  1690             {
  1691             break;
  1692             }
  1693         case KUidMsvMessageEntryValue:
  1694             {
  1695             if ((0 >= aEntry.iDetails.Length()) && (iSmsHeader->Recipients().Count() > 0))
  1696                 {
  1697                 CSmsNumber* recipient = iSmsHeader->Recipients().At(0);
  1698                 if(recipient->Name().Length() > 0)
  1699                     aEntry.iDetails.Set(recipient->Name());
  1700                 else
  1701                     aEntry.iDetails.Set(recipient->Address());
  1702                 }
  1703             if(Body().DocumentLength()>0 && 0 >= aEntry.iDescription.Length())
  1704                 {
  1705                 aEntry.iDescription.Set(Body().Read(0,iServiceSettings->DescriptionLength()));   
  1706                 }
  1707             aEntry.SetVisible(ETrue);
  1708             aEntry.SetInPreparation(EFalse);           
  1709             aEntry.SetMultipleRecipients(iSmsHeader->Recipients().Count() > 1);
  1710             iSmsHeader->StoreL(aEditStore);
  1711             StoreBodyL(aEditStore);
  1712             break;
  1713             }
  1714         default:
  1715             Panic(ESmscUnrecognizedEntryType);
  1716         }
  1718     const TInt size = aEditStore.SizeL();        
  1719     if (aEntry.iSize != size)
  1720         {
  1721         aEntry.iSize = size;             
  1722         }
  1723     }