changeset 57 ebe688cedc25
equal deleted inserted replaced
54:fa1df4b99609 57:ebe688cedc25
     1 /*
     2  * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3  * All rights reserved.
     4  * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5  * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6  * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7  * at the URL "".
     8  *
     9  * Initial Contributors:
    10  * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11  *
    12  * Contributors:
    13  * 
    14  * Description:Message send functionality handler.
    15  *
    16  */
    18 #include "msgsendutil.h"
    19 #include "debugtraces.h"
    20 // plugin loader and plugin interface
    21 #include "unieditorpluginloader.h"
    22 #include "unieditorplugininterface.h"
    23 // general editor utilities
    24 #include "UniEditorGenUtils.h"
    27 //---------------------------------------------------------------
    28 // MsgSendUtil::MsgSendUtil
    29 // Constructor
    30 //--------------------------------------------------------------
    31 MsgSendUtil::MsgSendUtil(QObject* parentObject) :
    32     QObject(parentObject), mPluginLoader(0), mUniEditorGenUtils(0)
    33     {
    34     // Load Plugins for send
    35     mPluginLoader = new UniEditorPluginLoader(this);
    36     mUniEditorGenUtils = q_check_ptr(new UniEditorGenUtils());
    37     }
    39 //---------------------------------------------------------------
    40 // MsgSendUtil::~MsgSendUtil
    41 // Desctructor
    42 //--------------------------------------------------------------
    43 MsgSendUtil::~MsgSendUtil()
    44     {
    45     if( mUniEditorGenUtils)
    46         {
    47         delete mUniEditorGenUtils;
    48         mUniEditorGenUtils = NULL;
    49         }
    50     }
    52 //---------------------------------------------------------------
    53 // MsgSendUtil::saveToDrafts
    54 // @see header file
    55 //--------------------------------------------------------------
    56 TMsvId MsgSendUtil::saveToDrafts(ConvergedMessage& msg)
    57     {
    58     QDEBUG_WRITE("START MsgSendUtil::saveToDraft");
    59     bool emailOverSmsSupported = false;
    60     TMsvId id = -1;
    62     if( checkEmailOverSms(msg, emailOverSmsSupported)
    63         && checkMaxRecipientCount(msg)
    64         && checkMaxMsgSizeLimit(msg) )
    65         {
    66         UniEditorPluginInterface* pluginInterface =
    67                         mPluginLoader->getUniEditorPlugin(msg.messageType());
    68          id = pluginInterface->convertTo(&msg);
    69         }
    70     QDEBUG_WRITE("END MsgSendUtil::saveToDraft");
    71     return id;
    72     }
    74 //---------------------------------------------------------------
    75 // MsgSendUtil::send
    76 // @see header file
    77 //--------------------------------------------------------------
    78 int MsgSendUtil::send(ConvergedMessage& msg)
    79 {
    80     QDEBUG_WRITE("START MsgSendUtil::send");
    81     int retValue = KErrGeneral;
    82     bool emailOverSmsSupported = false;
    83     long int id = saveToDrafts(msg);
    84     if(id != -1)
    85     {
    86         checkEmailOverSms(msg, emailOverSmsSupported);
    87         UniEditorPluginInterface* pluginInterface =
    88             mPluginLoader->getUniEditorPlugin(msg.messageType());
    89         if( validateService(pluginInterface, emailOverSmsSupported) )
    90         {
    91             pluginInterface->send(id);
    92             retValue = KErrNone;
    93         }
    94         else
    95         {
    96             //Delete the entry created in drafts as we are switching to settings
    97             pluginInterface->deleteDraftsEntry(id);
    98             retValue = KErrNotFound;
    99         }
   100     }
   102     QDEBUG_WRITE("END MsgSendUtil::send");
   103     return retValue;
   104 }
   106 //---------------------------------------------------------------
   107 // MsgSendUtil::checkEmailOverSms
   108 // @see header file
   109 //--------------------------------------------------------------
   110 bool MsgSendUtil::checkEmailOverSms(ConvergedMessage& msg, bool& emailOverSmsSupported)
   111     {
   112     QDEBUG_WRITE("START MsgSendUtil::checkEmailOverSms");
   113     if (msg.messageType() == ConvergedMessage::Sms)
   114         {
   115         bool emailAddrPresent = false;
   116         TRAPD(err,emailAddrPresent =
   117                     mUniEditorGenUtils->VerifyEmailAddressesL(msg.toAddressList()));
   118         if (err == KErrNone && emailAddrPresent)
   119             {
   120             TRAPD(err, emailOverSmsSupported = mUniEditorGenUtils->AcceptEmailAddressesL());
   121             if (err == KErrNone && !emailOverSmsSupported)
   122                 {
   123                 //TODO if the note is to be shown or if we have to convert the msg type
   124                 msg.setMessageType(ConvergedMessage::Mms);
   125                 }
   126             }
   127         }
   128     // if control is here, then checks are ok
   129     QDEBUG_WRITE("END MsgSendUtil::checkEmailOverSms");
   130     return true;
   131     }
   133 //---------------------------------------------------------------
   134 // MsgSendUtil::checkMaxRecipientCount
   135 // @see header file
   136 //--------------------------------------------------------------
   137 bool MsgSendUtil::checkMaxRecipientCount(ConvergedMessage& msg)
   138     {
   139     QDEBUG_WRITE("START MsgSendUtil::checkMaxRecipientCount");
   140     bool result = true;
   141     // max recipient count check for sms
   142     if (msg.messageType() == ConvergedMessage::Sms)
   143         {
   144         int maxSmsRecipientsCount = KDefaultSmsRecipients;
   145         TRAP_IGNORE(maxSmsRecipientsCount = mUniEditorGenUtils->MaxSmsRecipientsL());
   146         if (msg.toAddressList().count() > maxSmsRecipientsCount)
   147             {
   148             //TODO show a note to user to delete some recipients
   149             //TODO or convert msg to MMS ??
   150             result = false;
   151             }
   152         }
   154     // max recipient count check for mms
   155     if (msg.messageType() == ConvergedMessage::Mms)
   156         {
   157         int maxMmsRecipientsCount = KDefaultMmsRecipients;
   158         TRAP_IGNORE(maxMmsRecipientsCount = mUniEditorGenUtils->MaxMmsRecipientsL());
   159         if ( ( msg.toAddressList().count() 
   160              + msg.ccAddressList().count()
   161              + msg.bccAddressList().count() ) > maxMmsRecipientsCount )
   162             {
   163             //TODO show a note to user to delete some recipients
   164             result = false;
   165             }
   166         }
   167     // if control is here, then all checks are ok
   168     QDEBUG_WRITE("END MsgSendUtil::checkMaxRecipientCount");
   169     return result;
   170     }
   172 //---------------------------------------------------------------
   173 // MsgSendUtil::checkMaxMsgSizeLimit
   174 // @see header file
   175 //--------------------------------------------------------------
   176 bool MsgSendUtil::checkMaxMsgSizeLimit(ConvergedMessage& msg)
   177     {
   178     QDEBUG_WRITE("START MsgSendUtil::checkMaxMsgSizeLimit");
   179     bool result = true;
   180     // msg size limit check for sms
   181     if (msg.messageType() == ConvergedMessage::Sms)
   182         {
   183         int maxSmsMsgSize = KFirstNormalSmsLength;
   184         TRAP_IGNORE(maxSmsMsgSize = mUniEditorGenUtils->MaxSmsMsgSizeL());        
   185         if (getSmsMsgSize(msg) > maxSmsMsgSize)
   186             {
   187             // TODO: Msg size exceeded. Either convert to MMS?? or stall.
   188             result = false;
   189             }
   190         }
   192     // msg size limit check for mms
   193     if (msg.messageType() == ConvergedMessage::Mms)
   194         {
   195         int maxMmsMsgSize = KDefaultMaxSize;
   196         TRAP_IGNORE(maxMmsMsgSize = mUniEditorGenUtils->MaxMmsMsgSizeL());
   197         if (getMmsMsgSize(msg) > maxMmsMsgSize)
   198             {
   199             // TODO: Show note and then give chance to user to delete content
   200             result = false;
   201             }
   202         }
   203     // if control is here, then all checks are ok
   204     QDEBUG_WRITE("END MsgSendUtil::checkMaxMsgSizeLimit");
   205     return result;
   206     }
   208 //---------------------------------------------------------------
   209 // MsgSendUtil::getSmsMsgSize
   210 // @see header file
   211 //--------------------------------------------------------------
   212 int MsgSendUtil::getSmsMsgSize(ConvergedMessage& msg)
   213     {
   214     QDEBUG_WRITE("START MsgSendUtil::getSmsMsgSize");
   215     int totalMsgSize = 0;
   216     totalMsgSize += mUniEditorGenUtils->UTF8Size(msg.bodyText()) +
   217                     mUniEditorGenUtils->UTF8Size(msg.subject());
   218     bool ret = false;
   219     TRAP_IGNORE(ret = mUniEditorGenUtils->AcceptEmailAddressesL());
   220     if (ret)
   221         {
   222         int emailAddrLen = longestEmailAddressSize(msg.toAddressList());
   223         if (emailAddrLen > 0)
   224             {
   225             // 1 char is needed by recipient and subject separator
   226             totalMsgSize += emailAddrLen + 1;
   227             }
   228         }
   229     //TODO: attachment size calculation are missing (e.g vCard/vCal etc)
   231     QDEBUG_WRITE("END MsgSendUtil::getSmsMsgSize");
   232     return totalMsgSize;
   233     }
   235 //---------------------------------------------------------------
   236 // MsgSendUtil::longestEmailAddressSize
   237 // @see header file
   238 //--------------------------------------------------------------
   239 int MsgSendUtil::longestEmailAddressSize(ConvergedMessageAddressList addrList)
   240     {
   241     int count = addrList.count();
   242     int longestEmailSize = 0;
   243     for(int i=0; i<count; i++)
   244         {
   245         longestEmailSize = qMax(longestEmailSize,>address().length());
   246         }
   247     return longestEmailSize;
   248     }
   250 //---------------------------------------------------------------
   251 // MsgSendUtil::getMmsMsgSize
   252 // @see header file
   253 //--------------------------------------------------------------
   254 int MsgSendUtil::getMmsMsgSize(ConvergedMessage& msg)
   255     {
   256     QDEBUG_WRITE("START MsgSendUtil::getMmsMsgSize");
   257     int totalMsgSize = 0;
   258     int textSize = mUniEditorGenUtils->UTF8Size(msg.bodyText());
   259     totalMsgSize += textSize +
   260     mUniEditorGenUtils->UTF8Size(msg.subject());
   261     ConvergedMessageAttachmentList attList = msg.attachments();
   262     int attCount = attList.count();
   263     bool hasInlineContent = false;
   265     for (int i=0; i<attCount; i++)
   266     {
   267         if(>attachmentType() == 
   268             ConvergedMessageAttachment::EInline)
   269         {
   270             hasInlineContent = true;
   271         }
   272         int attSize;
   273         QString mimeType;
   274         TMsgMediaType mediaType = EMsgMediaUnknown;
   276         attSize = 0;
   277         TRAP_IGNORE(mUniEditorGenUtils->getFileInfoL(
   278   >filePath(),
   279             attSize, mimeType, mediaType));
   280         totalMsgSize += attSize;
   281     }
   283     if( hasInlineContent && textSize > 0 )
   284     {    
   285         // attachments are present, so we add our estimates
   286         totalMsgSize += KEstimatedMmsSmilHeaderSize + KEstimatedMimeHeaderSize;
   287     }
   288     QDEBUG_WRITE("END MsgSendUtil::getMmsMsgSize");
   289     return totalMsgSize;
   290     }
   292 //---------------------------------------------------------------
   293 // MsgSendUtil::validateService
   294 // @see header file
   295 //--------------------------------------------------------------
   296 bool MsgSendUtil::validateService(
   297         UniEditorPluginInterface* pluginInterface,
   298         bool emailOverSmsSupported)
   299     {
   300     QDEBUG_WRITE("START MsgSendUtil::validateService");
   301     bool result = true;
   302     //If settings are missed then show a note and launch settings dialog
   303     if (!pluginInterface->validateService(emailOverSmsSupported))
   304         {
   305         //TODO: show note and launch settings dialog
   307         result = false;
   308         }
   309     // if control is here, then check is ok
   310     QDEBUG_WRITE("END MsgSendUtil::validateService");
   311     return result;
   312     }
   314 // EOF