changeset 31 ebfee66fde93
parent 0 72b543305e3a
child 76 60a8a215b0ec
equal deleted inserted replaced
30:6a20128ce557 31:ebfee66fde93
     1 // Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Client MTM for the SMTP protocol
    15 // 
    16 //
    18 #include <bautils.h>	// BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile()
    19 #include <txtrich.h>	// CRichText
    21 #include <barsc.h>		//RResourceFile
    22 #include <barsread.h>
    24 #include <msvstore.h>	// CMsvStore
    25 #include <mtmdef.h>		//KUidMtmQueryxxx & TMsvPartList flags
    26 #include <imcm.rsg>
    27 #include <mmsvattachmentmanager.h>
    28 #include <cmsvmimeheaders.h>
    29 #include <cemailaccounts.h>
    30 #include "CImAttachmentWaiter.h"
    31 #include "cmsvsmtpsendoperation.h"
    32 #include "MIUTHDR.H"	//CImHeader
    33 #include "SMTCMTM.H"
    34 #include "MIUT_ERR.H"
    35 #include "IMCMMAIN.H"
    36 #include "IMCMUTIL.H"
    38 #include <mtmuidsdef.hrh>
    39 #include "timrfc822datefield.h" 
    40 #include "miut_errconsts.h"
    41 #include "msvconsts.h"
    42 #include "cimmessagepart.h"
    43 #endif
    45 #include <msvenhancesearchsortutil.h>
    47 #if defined (_UNICODE)
    48 	#define KUidMsgInternetMailEditorDLL	0x10003C53  // (268450899)
    49 #else
    50 	#define KUidMsgInternetMailEditorDLL	0x100011AC  // (268439980)
    51 #endif
    53 /**
    54 @internalTechnology
    55 */
    57 EXPORT_C CSmtpClientMtm* CSmtpClientMtm::NewL(CRegisteredMtmDll& aRegisteredMtmDll, CMsvSession& aMsvSession)
    58 	{
    59 	CSmtpClientMtm* self = new(ELeave) CSmtpClientMtm(aRegisteredMtmDll, aMsvSession);
    60 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    61 	self->ConstructL();
    62 	CleanupStack::Pop();
    63 	return self;
    64 	}
    66 CSmtpClientMtm::CSmtpClientMtm(CRegisteredMtmDll& aRegisteredMtmDll, CMsvSession& aMsvSession)
    67 	: CBaseMtm(aRegisteredMtmDll, aMsvSession)
    68 	{
    69 	__DECLARE_NAME(_S("CSmtpClientMtm"));
    70 	}
    72 void CSmtpClientMtm::ConstructL()
    73 	{
    74 	iWait=CMsvOperationActiveSchedulerWait::NewLC();
    75 	CleanupStack::Pop();	// iWait
    77 	iImSmtpSettings = new (ELeave) CImSmtpSettings;
    78 	iHeader = CImHeader::NewLC();
    79 	CleanupStack::Pop();	// iHeader
    81 	//open the resource file
    82 	RResourceFile resourceFile;
    83 	OpenResourceFileL(resourceFile, Session().FileSession());
    84 	CleanupClosePushL(resourceFile);
    86 	HBufC8* buf = resourceFile.AllocReadLC(EMAIL_ADDRESS_FORMATTING_STRING);
    87 	TResourceReader reader;
    88 	reader.SetBuffer(buf);
    89 	iEmailAddressFormatString = (reader.ReadTPtrC()).AllocL();
    90 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // resourceFile (Close resourceFile), buf
    91 	}
    93 CSmtpClientMtm::~CSmtpClientMtm()
    94 /** Destructor. */
    95 	{
    96 	delete iWait;
    97 	delete iImSmtpSettings;
    98 	delete iHeader;
    99 	delete iSubject;
   100 	delete iEmailAddressFormatString;
   101 	delete iEntrySelection;
   102 	delete iImEmailOperation;
   103 	delete iAttachmentWaiter;
   104 	delete iEmailMessage;
   105 	}
   107 void CSmtpClientMtm::ResetData()
   108 	{
   109 	// The client MTM owns a number of objects which are used to store data
   110 	// from service settings and messages.
   111 	iAddresseeList->Reset();
   112 	iImSmtpSettings->Reset();
   114 	delete iSubject;
   115 	iSubject = NULL;
   117 	iHeader->Reset();
   118 	Body().Reset();	// discard old contents of CRichText object
   119 	}
   121 void CSmtpClientMtm::SaveMessageL()
   122 /** Commits cached changes to the current message context to the storage controlled 
   123 by the Message Server. */
   124 	{
   125 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iMsvEntry!=NULL,gPanic(ESmtcMTMNoCMsvEntrySet));
   126 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iMsvEntry->Entry().iType.iUid==KUidMsvMessageEntryValue, gPanic(ESmtcMTMNotAMessageEntry));
   128 	StoreEmailMessageL();
   129 	}
   131 void CSmtpClientMtm::StoreEmailMessageL()
   132 	{
   133 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(KUidMsvMessageEntryValue==iMsvEntry->Entry().iType.iUid, gPanic(ESmtcMTMNotAMessageEntry));
   134 	CMsvStore* store = iMsvEntry->EditStoreL();
   135 	CleanupStack::PushL(store);
   137 	// Save the Email header stream...
   138 	iHeader->SetSubjectL(SubjectL());
   139 	const TInt numberOfRecipients=iAddresseeList->Count();
   140 	// put all addressees in the To: field...
   141 	for (TInt n=0 ; n < numberOfRecipients ; ++n)
   142 		{
   143 		// validation done by ValidateMessage()
   144 		switch(iAddresseeList->Type(n))
   145 			{
   146 		case EMsvRecipientTo:
   147 			iHeader->ToRecipients().AppendL(AddresseeList()[n]);
   148 			break;
   149 		case EMsvRecipientCc:
   150 			iHeader->CcRecipients().AppendL(AddresseeList()[n]);
   151 			break;
   152 		case EMsvRecipientBcc:
   153 			iHeader->BccRecipients().AppendL(AddresseeList()[n]);
   154 			break;
   155 			}
   156 		}
   158 	iHeader->StoreL(*store);
   159 	store->CommitL();
   161 	// NB the From field will be set by server MTM when the email message is sent
   163 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   165 	TMsvEntry messageEntry=iMsvEntry->Entry();
   166 	CImEmailMessage* emailMessage = CImEmailMessage::NewLC(*iMsvEntry);
   168 	// now store the body text
   169 	emailMessage->StoreBodyTextL(messageEntry.Id(), Body(), iWait->iStatus);
   170 	iWait->Start();		// wait for the asynch operation to complete
   172 	// 
   173 	// I have stored away all the email data,
   174 	// now update the TMsventry that represents
   175 	// the email to ensure that it is up to date
   176 	//
   177 	TInt32 totalSizeOfAllAttachments = GetAttachmentSizeL(*emailMessage, messageEntry.Id());
   179 	messageEntry.iSize = iHeader->DataSize() + Body().DocumentLength() + totalSizeOfAllAttachments;
   180 	messageEntry.iDescription.Set(iHeader->Subject());
   181 	messageEntry.iDate.UniversalTime();
   183 	// fix for DEF051564 - SMTP client MTM CreateMessageL not creating message in correct state
   184 	//
   185 	// since CreateMessageL creates message as in preparation and non-visible, the SaveMessageL
   186 	// must now make it visible and not in preparation
   187 	messageEntry.SetVisible(ETrue);
   188 	messageEntry.SetInPreparation(EFalse);
   190 	if (iHeader->ToRecipients().Count()>0)
   191 		messageEntry.iDetails.Set(iHeader->ToRecipients()[0]);
   192 	else if (iHeader->CcRecipients().Count())
   193 		messageEntry.iDetails.Set(iHeader->CcRecipients()[0]);
   194 	else if (iHeader->BccRecipients().Count())
   195 		messageEntry.iDetails.Set(iHeader->BccRecipients()[0]);
   196 	//else do nothing as there are no recipients yet!
   198 	if (totalSizeOfAllAttachments>0)
   199 		messageEntry.SetAttachment(ETrue);
   201 	// if there are multiple recipients then set the flag
   202 	if ((iHeader->ToRecipients().Count() + iHeader->CcRecipients().Count() + iHeader->BccRecipients().Count()) >=2)
   203 		messageEntry.SetMultipleRecipients(ETrue);
   205 	// update the contents of the message entry
   206 	iMsvEntry->ChangeL(messageEntry);
   208 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();	// emailMessage
   209 	}
   211 EXPORT_C void CSmtpClientMtm::StoreSettingsL()
   212 /** Stores the current service settings from the object's cache in to the Central 
   213 Repository for the current entry.
   215 The current entry must be a service. */
   216 	{
   217 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iMsvEntry->Entry().iType.iUid==KUidMsvServiceEntryValue, gPanic(ESmtcMTMNotAServiceEntry));
   219 	CEmailAccounts* account = CEmailAccounts::NewLC();
   220   	TSmtpAccount id;
   221 	account->GetSmtpAccountL(iMsvEntry->Entry().Id(), id);
   222 	account->SaveSmtpSettingsL(id, *iImSmtpSettings);
   223 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(account);    
   224 	}
   226 EXPORT_C void CSmtpClientMtm::RestoreSettingsL()
   227 /** Loads into the object's cache the service settings from the Central Repository
   228 for the current entry. */
   229 	{
   230 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iMsvEntry->Entry().iType.iUid==KUidMsvServiceEntryValue, gPanic(ESmtcMTMNotAServiceEntry));
   232 	CEmailAccounts* account = CEmailAccounts::NewLC();
   233   	TSmtpAccount id;
   234 	account->GetSmtpAccountL(iMsvEntry->Entry().Id(), id);
   235 	account->LoadSmtpSettingsL(id, *iImSmtpSettings);
   236 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(account);    
   237 	}
   239 void CSmtpClientMtm::LoadMessageL()
   240 /** Loads the cache with the message data for the current context. */
   241 	{
   242 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iMsvEntry!=NULL,gPanic(ESmtcMTMNoCMsvEntrySet));
   243 	switch (iMsvEntry->Entry().iType.iUid)
   244 		{
   245 		case KUidMsvServiceEntryValue:
   246 			RestoreSettingsL();
   247 			break;
   248 		case KUidMsvMessageEntryValue:
   249 			RestoreEmailMessageL();
   250 			break;
   251 		};
   252 	}	
   254 void CSmtpClientMtm::RestoreEmailMessageL()
   255 	{
   257 	// Get a reference to TMsvEnhanceSearchSortUtil  instance set by CMsvSearchsortOpOnHeaderBody class
   258 	// If advanced search and sort is being performed than do not load the message header and body.
   259 	// These are loaded when the search criteria is known in DoFindL()
   260 	// For API's other than CMsvSearchsortOpOnHeaderBody-> FindInHeaderBodyL(), a call to LoadMessageL()
   261 	// loads the body and the header.
   263 	TMsvEnhanceSearchSortUtil* searchsortutil = (TMsvEnhanceSearchSortUtil*)(GetExtensionData());
   264 	if ( searchsortutil == NULL )
   265 		{
   266 		CMsvStore* msvStore = iMsvEntry->ReadStoreL();
   267 		CleanupStack::PushL(msvStore);
   269 		// message must have a CImHeader stream...if it's not there leave as there's something wrong
   270 		iHeader->RestoreL(*msvStore);
   272 		TPtrC subject = iHeader->Subject();
   273 		TPtrC to;
   274 		if (iHeader->ToRecipients().Count())
   275 			to.Set(iHeader->ToRecipients()[0]);
   276 		else if (iHeader->CcRecipients().Count())
   277 			to.Set(iHeader->CcRecipients()[0]);
   278 		else if (iHeader->BccRecipients().Count())
   279 			to.Set(iHeader->BccRecipients()[0]);
   280 	//else do nothing as there are no recipients!
   282 		SetSubjectL(subject);
   283 		SetAddresseeListL();
   285 		// Get the attachments and the body text...
   286 		TMsvEntry messageEntry=iMsvEntry->Entry();
   288 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // msvStore
   289 		CImEmailMessage* emailMessage = CImEmailMessage::NewLC(*iMsvEntry);
   291 		GetBodyTextL(*emailMessage, messageEntry.Id());
   292 		TInt32 totalSizeOfAllAttachments = GetAttachmentSizeL(*emailMessage, messageEntry.Id());
   294 		messageEntry.iSize = iHeader->DataSize() + Body().DocumentLength() + totalSizeOfAllAttachments;
   295 		messageEntry.iDescription.Set(subject);
   296 		messageEntry.iDetails.Set(to);
   298 	// update the contents of the message entry
   299 		iMsvEntry->ChangeL(messageEntry);
   301 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // emailMessage
   303 		}
   304 	}
   307 void CSmtpClientMtm::GetBodyTextL(CImEmailMessage& aMessage, TMsvId aMsvId)
   308 	{
   309 	CRichText* messageText = CRichText::NewL(iParaFormatLayer, iCharFormatLayer);
   310 	CleanupStack::PushL(messageText);
   312 	aMessage.GetBodyTextL(aMsvId, CImEmailMessage::EThisMessageOnly, *messageText,*iParaFormatLayer,*iCharFormatLayer);
   314 	Body().Reset();
   315 	Body().AppendTakingSolePictureOwnershipL(*messageText);
   317 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   318 	}
   320 TInt32 CSmtpClientMtm::GetAttachmentSizeL(CImEmailMessage& aMessage, TMsvId aMsvId)
   321 	{
   322 	// Calculate the total size of all attachments associated with this message
   323 	TInt total=0;
   324 	aMessage.GetAttachmentsListL(iWait->iStatus, aMsvId, CImEmailMessage::EAllAttachments,CImEmailMessage::EThisMessageOnly);
   325 	iWait->Start();		// wait for the asynch operation to complete
   326 	TInt numAttachments=aMessage.AttachmentManager().AttachmentCount();
   327 	for (TInt n=0 ; n<numAttachments ; ++n)
   328 		{
   329 		CMsvAttachment* attachment = aMessage.AttachmentManager().GetAttachmentInfoL(n);
   330 		total+=attachment->Size();
   331 		delete attachment;
   332 		}
   333 	return total;
   334 	}
   336 CMsvOperation* CSmtpClientMtm::ReplyL(TMsvId aDestination, TMsvPartList aPartList, TRequestStatus& aCompletionStatus)
   337 /** Creates a reply message to the current message context. 
   339 @return	If successful, this is an asynchronously completing reply operation. 
   340 If failed, this is a completed operation, with status set to the relevant error code. 
   341 @param aDestination The entry to which to assign the reply 
   342 @param aPartList Defines the parts that are to be copied from the original message into the reply 
   343 @param aCompletionStatus The request status to be completed when the operation has finished 
   344 */
   345 	{
   346 	TMsvEmailTypeList msvEmailTypeList = 0;
   347 	TUid messageType = KUidMsgTypeSMTP;
   348 	return CImEmailOperation::CreateReplyL(aCompletionStatus, Session(), iMsvEntry->EntryId(), aDestination, aPartList, msvEmailTypeList, messageType);
   349 	}
   351 CMsvOperation* CSmtpClientMtm::ForwardL(TMsvId aDestination, TMsvPartList aPartList, TRequestStatus& aCompletionStatus)
   352 /** Creates a forwarded message from the current message context. 
   354 @return	If successful, this is an asynchronously completing forward message operation. 
   355 If failed, this is a completed operation, with status set to the relevant error code. 		
   356 @param aDestination The entry to which to assign the forwarded message 
   357 @param aPartList Defines the parts that are to be copied from the original message into the forwarded message 
   358 @param aCompletionStatus The request status to be completed when the operation has finished 
   359 */
   360 	{
   361 	TMsvEmailTypeList msvEmailTypeList = 0;
   362 	TUid messageType = KUidMsgTypeSMTP;
   363 	return CImEmailOperation::CreateForwardL(aCompletionStatus, Session(), iMsvEntry->EntryId(), aDestination, aPartList, msvEmailTypeList, messageType);
   364 	}
   366 EXPORT_C void CSmtpClientMtm::SetSubjectL(const TDesC& aSubject)
   367 /** Sets the message context's subject text.
   369 @param aSubject Subject text */
   370 	{
   371 	HBufC* newSubject= aSubject.AllocL();
   372 	delete iSubject;
   373 	iSubject = newSubject;	
   374 	}
   376 EXPORT_C const TPtrC CSmtpClientMtm::SubjectL() const
   377 /** Gets the message context's subject text.
   379 @return Subject text */
   380 	{
   381 	// NB won't ever leave
   382 	return (iSubject) ? TPtrC(*iSubject) : TPtrC();
   383 	}
   385 TMsvPartList CSmtpClientMtm::ValidateMessage(TMsvPartList aPartList)
   386 /** Validates the current message context.
   388 The addresses for the message are checked to be well-formed email addresses.
   390 @param aPartList Indicates the message parts for which validation is requested 
   391 @return If valid, KErrNone If invalid, identifies the invalid part(s). The 
   392 error value is the bitmask of the TMsvPartList IDs for each invalid part */
   393 	{
   394 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iMsvEntry!=NULL,gPanic(ESmtcMTMNoCMsvEntrySet));
   396 	TMsvPartList failed(0);
   397 	if (aPartList & KMsvMessagePartRecipient)
   398 		{
   399 		if (iAddresseeList->Count() == 0)
   400 			failed |= KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
   401 		else
   402 			{
   403 			// check the recipient list for valid 'addresses'
   404 			for (TInt ii=0; ii < iAddresseeList->Count(); ++ii)
   405 				{
   406 				if (((*iAddresseeList)[ii].Length() == 0) || !ValidateAddress((*iAddresseeList)[ii]))
   407 					{
   408 					failed |= KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
   409 					break;
   410 					}
   411 				}
   412 			}
   413 		}
   414 	return failed;
   415 	}
   417 TBool CSmtpClientMtm::ValidateAddress(const TPtrC& anAddress)
   418 	{
   419 	return iTImMessageField.ValidInternetEmailAddress(anAddress);
   420 	}
   422 TMsvPartList CSmtpClientMtm::DoFindL(const TDesC& aTextToFind, TMsvPartList aPartList)
   423 	{
   424 	CImClientMTMUtils* clientMTMUtils = CImClientMTMUtils::NewL();
   425 	CleanupStack::PushL(clientMTMUtils);
   427 	TMsvPartList retList = KMsvMessagePartNone;
   429 	// Get a reference to TMsvEnhanceSearchSortUtil instance set by CMsvSearchsortOpOnHeaderBody class	
   430 	TMsvEnhanceSearchSortUtil* searchsortutil = (TMsvEnhanceSearchSortUtil*)(GetExtensionData());
   432 	// searchsortuitl variable will not be NULL for Advanced Search and Sort called from CMsvSearchsortOpOnHeaderBody
   433  	// For the old implementation, it will be NULL
   434 	if(searchsortutil != NULL)
   435 		{
   436 		// Get the searchsort setting flags
   437 		TUint32 searchsortsetting=searchsortutil->GetSearchSortSetting();
   439 		// The body was not loaded in LoadMessageL()
   440  		// If 2 search query options are on the body or on the header, than it sets EMessagePartBodyLoaded flag
   441  		// or EMessagePartHeaderLoaded of searchsortsetting
   442 		if(aPartList & KMsvMessagePartBody && !(searchsortsetting & EMessagePartBodyLoaded))  	
   443    			{
   444    			// Restore the body
   446 			Body().Reset();	
   447 			// Get the attachments and the body text...
   448 			TMsvEntry messageEntry=iMsvEntry->Entry();
   449 			CImEmailMessage* emailMessage = CImEmailMessage::NewLC(*iMsvEntry);
   450 			GetBodyTextL(*emailMessage, messageEntry.Id());
   451 			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // emailMessage
   452 			searchsortutil->SetSearchSortSetting(EMessagePartBodyLoaded);
   453 			}
   454 		else if (!(searchsortsetting & EMessagePartHeaderLoaded))
   455 			{
   456 			// Restore the header
   457 			CMsvStore* msvStore = iMsvEntry->ReadStoreL();
   458 			CleanupStack::PushL(msvStore);
   460 			// message must have a CImHeader stream...if it's not there leave as there's something wrong
   461 			iHeader->RestoreL(*msvStore);
   463 			TPtrC subject = iHeader->Subject();
   464 			TPtrC to;
   465 			if (iHeader->ToRecipients().Count())
   466 				to.Set(iHeader->ToRecipients()[0]);
   467 			else if (iHeader->CcRecipients().Count())
   468 				to.Set(iHeader->CcRecipients()[0]);
   469 			else if (iHeader->BccRecipients().Count())
   470 				to.Set(iHeader->BccRecipients()[0]);
   471 			//else do nothing as there are no recipients!
   473 			SetSubjectL(subject);
   474 			SetAddresseeListL();
   476 			// Get the attachments and the body text...
   477 			TMsvEntry messageEntry=iMsvEntry->Entry();
   479 			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // msvStore
   480 			searchsortutil->SetSearchSortSetting(EMessagePartHeaderLoaded);
   481 			}
   483 		// Issue a request to FindL
   484 		clientMTMUtils->FindL(aTextToFind, Body(), *iHeader, aPartList, retList);
   486 		/* Copy the sort data if sorting is specified.
   487 		 The operations being performed could be only be sort or it could be search and sort
   488 		 If the operation is search and sort than copy the sort data only if the
   489 		 search operation succeeded	*/
   491 		if ((searchsortsetting & EMessagePartSort ) || (((searchsortsetting & EMessagePartSearchSort) && (searchsortsetting & EMessagePartLastQueryOption) && (retList))))
   492    			{
   493    			/* Copy the data to be sorted from the header stream.
   494    			   This done by setting iExtensionData to point to the field being copied */
   496 	   		if (iHeader)
   497    				{
   498    				if (searchsortsetting & EMessagePartToSort )
   499    					{
   500    					SetExtensionData((TAny*)&iHeader->ToRecipients());
   501 	   				}
   502    				else if(searchsortsetting & EMessagePartCcSort)
   503    					{
   504    					SetExtensionData((TAny*)&iHeader->CcRecipients());
   505    					}
   506    				else if(searchsortsetting & EMessagePartBccSort)
   507  	 	  			{
   508     				SetExtensionData((TAny*)&iHeader->BccRecipients());
   509     				}
   510     			else if(searchsortsetting & EMessagePartFromSort)
   511     				{
   512     				SetExtensionData((TAny*)(iHeader->From().Ptr()));
   513     				}
   514 				else if(searchsortsetting & EMessagePartSubjectSort)
   515 					{
   516 					SetExtensionData((TAny*)(iHeader->Subject().Ptr()));
   517 					}
   518     			}
   519    			}
   520 		}
   521 	else
   522 		{
   524 		clientMTMUtils->FindL(aTextToFind, Body(), *iHeader, aPartList, retList);	
   525 		}
   526     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(clientMTMUtils); 
   527 	return retList;
   528 	}
   530 TMsvPartList CSmtpClientMtm::Find(const TDesC& aTextToFind, TMsvPartList aPartList)
   531 /** Searches the specified message part(s) for the plain-text version of the text 
   532 to be found.
   534 @param aTextToFind The plain-text version of the text to be found. 
   535 @param aPartList Indicates the message parts which should be searched. 
   536 @return If the text was not found, or searching is unsupported, 0. If the text 
   537 was found, a bitmask of the TMsvPartList IDs for each part in which the text 
   538 was present. */
   539 	{
   540  	TMsvPartList retList = KMsvMessagePartNone;
   541  	TRAPD(ret, retList = DoFindL(aTextToFind, aPartList));
   542    	return retList;
   543 	}
   545 void CSmtpClientMtm::AddAddresseeL(const TDesC& aRealAddress)
   546 /** Adds an addressee for the current context.
   548 @param aRealAddress String representing an address to be added to the list 
   549 for the current message */
   550 	{
   551 	iAddresseeList->AppendL(EMsvRecipientTo, aRealAddress);
   552 	}
   554 void CSmtpClientMtm::SetAddresseeListL()
   555 	{
   556 	// fill in the addressee list from the contents of iHeader
   557 	// copy all of the recipient addresses into the addressee list
   559 	iAddresseeList->Reset();
   560 	TInt numberOfRecipients=iHeader->ToRecipients().Count();
   561 	TInt n;
   562 	for (n=0 ; n < numberOfRecipients ; ++n)
   563 		{
   564 		TPtrC addressWithoutAlias = iTImMessageField.GetValidInternetEmailAddressFromString(iHeader->ToRecipients()[n]);
   565 		AddAddresseeL(EMsvRecipientTo, addressWithoutAlias);
   566 		}
   568 	numberOfRecipients=iHeader->CcRecipients().Count();
   569 	for (n=0 ; n < numberOfRecipients ; ++n)
   570 		{
   571 		TPtrC addressWithoutAlias = iTImMessageField.GetValidInternetEmailAddressFromString(iHeader->CcRecipients()[n]);
   572 		AddAddresseeL(EMsvRecipientCc, addressWithoutAlias);
   573 		}
   575 	// there shouldn't be any Bcc: addresses in an incoming email
   576 	// but add them anyway?
   577 	numberOfRecipients=iHeader->BccRecipients().Count();
   578 	for (n=0 ; n < numberOfRecipients ; ++n)
   579 		{
   580 		TPtrC addressWithoutAlias = iTImMessageField.GetValidInternetEmailAddressFromString(iHeader->BccRecipients()[n]);
   581 		AddAddresseeL(EMsvRecipientBcc, addressWithoutAlias);
   582 		}
   583 	}
   585 void CSmtpClientMtm::AddAddresseeL(const TDesC& aRealAddress, const TDesC& aAlias)
   586 /** Adds an addressee with an alias for the current context.
   588 @param aRealAddress String representing an address to be added to the list 
   589 for the current message 
   590 @param aAlias Alias information */
   591 	{
   592 	HBufC* emailAddress = HBufC::NewLC(aRealAddress.Length()+aAlias.Length()+iEmailAddressFormatString->Length()-4);
   593 	emailAddress->Des().Format(*iEmailAddressFormatString,&aAlias,&aRealAddress);
   594 	iAddresseeList->AppendL(EMsvRecipientTo, *emailAddress);
   595 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();	// emailAddress
   596 	}
   598 void CSmtpClientMtm::RemoveAddressee(TInt aIndex)
   599 /** Removes an address from the current address list.
   601 @param aIndex Index of address to be removed */
   602 	{
   603 	if (iAddresseeList->Count() > aIndex)
   604 		iAddresseeList->Delete(aIndex);
   605 	}
   607 void CSmtpClientMtm::AddAddresseeL(TMsvRecipientType aType, const TDesC& aRealAddress)
   608 	{
   609 	iAddresseeList->AppendL(aType, aRealAddress);
   610 	}
   612 void CSmtpClientMtm::AddAddresseeL(TMsvRecipientType aType, const TDesC& aRealAddress, const TDesC& aAlias)
   613 	{
   614 	HBufC* emailAddress = HBufC::NewLC(aRealAddress.Length()+aAlias.Length()+iEmailAddressFormatString->Length()-4);
   615 	emailAddress->Des().Format(*iEmailAddressFormatString,&aAlias,&aRealAddress);
   616 	iAddresseeList->AppendL(aType, *emailAddress);
   617 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(emailAddress);
   618 	}
   620 void CSmtpClientMtm::ContextEntrySwitched()
   621 	{
   622 	ResetData();
   623 	}
   625 TInt CSmtpClientMtm::QueryCapability(TUid aCapability, TInt& aResponse)
   626 /** Queries if the MTM supports a particular capability, specified by a UID.
   628 @param aCapability UID of capability to be queried 
   629 @param aResponse Response value. The format of the response varies according 
   630 to the capability. 
   631 @return KErrNone: aCapability is a recognised value and a response is returned 
   632 KErrNotSupported: aCapability is not a recognised value */
   633 	{
   634 	TInt error = KErrNone;
   635 	switch (aCapability.iUid)
   636 		{
   637 	// Supported:
   638 	case KUidMtmQueryMaxBodySizeValue:
   639 	case KUidMtmQueryMaxTotalMsgSizeValue:
   640 		aResponse = KMaxTInt;
   641 		break;
   642 	case KUidMsvMtmQueryEditorUidValue:
   643 		aResponse = KUidMsgInternetMailEditorDLL;
   644 		break;
   645 	case KUidMtmQuerySupportedBodyValue:
   646 		aResponse = KMtm7BitBody + KMtm8BitBody + KMtm16BitBody + KMtmBinaryBody;
   647 		break;
   648 	case KUidMtmQuerySupportSubjectValue:
   649 	case KUidMtmQuerySupportAttachmentsValue:
   650 	case KUidMtmQueryCanSendMsgValue:
   651 	case KUidMtmQuerySupportsRecipientTypeValue:
   652 	case KUidMtmQuerySendAsMessageSendSupportValue:
   653 		break;
   654 	// All others - Not Supported:
   655 	default:
   656 		error = KErrNotSupported;
   657 		}
   658 	return error;
   659 	}
   661 EXPORT_C void CSmtpClientMtm::SetSettingsL(const CImSmtpSettings& aSettings)
   662 /** Copies the specified service settings to the cached service settings.
   664 @param aSettings New service settings */
   665 	{
   666 	iImSmtpSettings->CopyL(aSettings);
   667 	}
   669 EXPORT_C const CImSmtpSettings& CSmtpClientMtm::Settings() const
   670 /** Gets the current cached service settings.
   672 @return The current cached service settings */
   673 	{
   674 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iImSmtpSettings!=NULL, User::Invariant());
   675 	return *iImSmtpSettings;
   676 	}
   678 void CSmtpClientMtm::InvokeSyncFunctionL(TInt aFunctionId, const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection, TDes8& aParameter)
   679 /** Invokes a synchronous SMTP-specific operation.
   681 @param aFunctionId Specifies which operation to perform. The only valid ID is KSMTPMTMIsConnected.
   682 @param aSelection A selection of messages for the operation.
   683 @param aParameter Not used
   684 */
   685 	{
   686 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iMsvEntry!=NULL,gPanic(ESmtcMTMNoCMsvEntrySet));
   688 	TInt error = KErrNone;
   689 	switch (aFunctionId)
   690 		{
   691 		case KSMTPMTMIsConnected:
   692 			{
   693 			TPckgBuf<TImSmtpProgress> progress;
   694 			Session().TransferCommandL(aSelection, KSMTPMTMIsConnected, aParameter, progress);
   695 			aParameter.Copy(progress);
   696 			return;
   697 			}
   698 		default:
   699 			error=KErrNotSupported;
   700 			__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse,gPanic(ESmtcUnknownSyncFunction));
   701 		}
   703 	User::LeaveIfError(error);
   704 	}
   706 CMsvOperation* CSmtpClientMtm::InvokeAsyncFunctionL(TInt aFunctionId, const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection,
   707 													TDes8& aParameter, TRequestStatus& aCompletionStatus)
   708 /** Invokes asynchronous SMTP-specific operations.
   710 @param aFunctionId Specifies which operation to perform e.g. connect, copy 
   711 new mail etc. The specific operations are defined by the TSmtpCmds enumeration. 
   712 @param aSelection A selection of messages that need to be copied/moved to a 
   713 local folder. The first entry in this selection MUST be the service. 
   714 @param aParameter Not used
   715 @param aCompletionStatus The status when the operation completes. 
   716 @leave KErrNotFound The selection of email to be moved or copied is empty
   717 @leave KErrNotSupported The specified operation is not recognised
   718 @return If successful, this is an asynchronously completing operation. If failed, 
   719 this is a completed operation, with status set to the relevant error code. 
   720 @see TSmtpCmds */
   721 	{
   722 	switch(aFunctionId)
   723 		{
   724 	case KMTMStandardFunctionsSendMessage:
   725 		return CMsvSmtpProgressOperation::NewL(Session(), aSelection, KSMTPMTMSendOnNextConnection, aParameter, aCompletionStatus);
   726 	case KSMTPMTMSendOnNextConnection:
   727 		return (Session().TransferCommandL(aSelection, aFunctionId, aParameter, aCompletionStatus));
   728 	case KSMTPMTMCreateNewEmailMessage:
   729 	case KSMTPMTMCreateReplyEmailMessage:
   730 	case KSMTPMTMCreateForwardEmailMessage:
   731 	case KSMTPMTMCreateForwardAsAttachmentEmailMessage:
   732 	case KSMTPMTMCreateReceiptEmailMessage:
   733 		{
   734 		TImCreateMessageOptions createMessageOptions;	
   735 		TPckgC<TImCreateMessageOptions> paramPack(createMessageOptions);
   736 		paramPack.Set(aParameter);
   737 		switch (aFunctionId)
   738 			{
   739 		case KSMTPMTMCreateNewEmailMessage:
   740 			return iImEmailOperation->CreateNewL(aCompletionStatus, iMsvEntry->Session(), aSelection[0], paramPack().iMsvPartList, paramPack().iMsvEmailTypeList, paramPack().iMessageType);
   741 		case KSMTPMTMCreateReplyEmailMessage:
   742 			return iImEmailOperation->CreateReplyL(aCompletionStatus, iMsvEntry->Session(), aSelection[1], aSelection[0], paramPack().iMsvPartList, paramPack().iMsvEmailTypeList, paramPack().iMessageType);
   743 		case KSMTPMTMCreateForwardEmailMessage:
   744 			return iImEmailOperation->CreateForwardL(aCompletionStatus, iMsvEntry->Session(), aSelection[1], aSelection[0], paramPack().iMsvPartList, paramPack().iMsvEmailTypeList, paramPack().iMessageType);
   745 		case KSMTPMTMCreateForwardAsAttachmentEmailMessage:
   746 			return iImEmailOperation->CreateForwardAsAttachmentL(aCompletionStatus, iMsvEntry->Session(), aSelection[1], aSelection[0], paramPack().iMsvPartList, paramPack().iMsvEmailTypeList, paramPack().iMessageType);
   747 		case KSMTPMTMCreateReceiptEmailMessage:
   748 			return iImEmailOperation->CreateReceiptL(aCompletionStatus, iMsvEntry->Session(), aSelection[1], aSelection[0], paramPack().iMsvPartList, paramPack().iMsvEmailTypeList, paramPack().iMessageType);
   749 			}
   750 		}
   751 	break;
   752 	default:
   753 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   754 		};
   755 	return NULL;
   756 	}
   758 // Attachment functions to support the SendAs API
   760 EXPORT_C void CSmtpClientMtm::AddAttachmentL(const TDesC& aFilePath, const TDesC8& aMimeType, TUint aCharset, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
   761 	{
   762 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iMsvEntry->Entry().iType.iUid==KUidMsvMessageEntryValue, gPanic(ESmtcMTMNotAMessageEntry));
   764 	if( iAttachmentWaiter == NULL )
   765 		{
   766 		iAttachmentWaiter = CImAttachmentWaiter::NewL();
   767 		}	
   769 	if (iEmailMessage == NULL)
   770 		{		
   771 		iEmailMessage = CImEmailMessage::NewL(*iMsvEntry);
   772 		}
   773 	else if (iEmailMessage->EmailEntryId() != iMsvEntry->EntryId())
   774 		{
   775 		delete iEmailMessage;
   776 		iEmailMessage = NULL;
   777 		iEmailMessage = CImEmailMessage::NewL(*iMsvEntry);
   778 		}
   780 	CMsvAttachment* attachmentInfo = CMsvAttachment::NewL(CMsvAttachment::EMsvFile);
   781 	CleanupStack::PushL(attachmentInfo);
   783 	attachmentInfo->SetMimeTypeL(aMimeType);
   784 	TParse fileNameParser;
   785 	User::LeaveIfError(fileNameParser.Set(aFilePath, NULL, NULL));
   786 	attachmentInfo->SetAttachmentNameL(fileNameParser.NameAndExt());
   787 	if( aCharset!=0 )
   788 		{
   789 		CMsvMimeHeaders* headers = CMsvMimeHeaders::NewLC();
   790 		headers->SetMimeCharset(aCharset);
   791 		headers->StoreL(*attachmentInfo);
   792 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(headers);
   793 		}
   795 	iEmailMessage->AttachmentManager().AddAttachmentL(aFilePath, attachmentInfo, iAttachmentWaiter->iStatus);
   796 	CleanupStack::Pop(attachmentInfo);// ownership passed to attachment manager
   798 	iAttachmentWaiter->StartWaitingL(aStatus, iEmailMessage, EFalse);
   799 	}
   801 EXPORT_C void CSmtpClientMtm::AddAttachmentL(RFile& aFile, const TDesC8& aMimeType, TUint aCharset, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
   802 	{
   803 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iMsvEntry->Entry().iType.iUid==KUidMsvMessageEntryValue, gPanic(ESmtcMTMNotAMessageEntry));
   805 	if( iAttachmentWaiter == NULL )
   806 		{
   807 		iAttachmentWaiter = CImAttachmentWaiter::NewL();
   808 		}
   810 	if (iEmailMessage == NULL)
   811 		{		
   812 		iEmailMessage = CImEmailMessage::NewL(*iMsvEntry);
   813 		}
   814 	else if (iEmailMessage->EmailEntryId() != iMsvEntry->EntryId())
   815 		{
   816 		delete iEmailMessage;
   817 		iEmailMessage = NULL;
   818 		iEmailMessage = CImEmailMessage::NewL(*iMsvEntry);
   819 		}
   821 	CMsvAttachment* attachmentInfo = CMsvAttachment::NewL(CMsvAttachment::EMsvFile);
   822 	CleanupStack::PushL(attachmentInfo);
   824 	attachmentInfo->SetMimeTypeL(aMimeType);
   825 	TFileName fileName;	
   826 	aFile.Name(fileName);
   827 	attachmentInfo->SetAttachmentNameL(fileName);
   828 	if( aCharset!=0 )
   829 		{
   830 		CMsvMimeHeaders* headers = CMsvMimeHeaders::NewLC();
   831 		headers->SetMimeCharset(aCharset);
   832 		headers->StoreL(*attachmentInfo);
   833 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(headers);
   834 		}
   836 	iEmailMessage->AttachmentManager().AddAttachmentL(aFile, attachmentInfo, iAttachmentWaiter->iStatus);
   837 	CleanupStack::Pop(attachmentInfo);// ownership passed to attachment manager	
   839 	iAttachmentWaiter->StartWaitingL(aStatus, iEmailMessage, EFalse);
   840 	}
   842 EXPORT_C void CSmtpClientMtm::AddLinkedAttachmentL(const TDesC& aFilePath, const TDesC8& aMimeType, TUint aCharset, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
   843 	{
   844 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iMsvEntry->Entry().iType.iUid==KUidMsvMessageEntryValue, gPanic(ESmtcMTMNotAMessageEntry));
   846 	if( iAttachmentWaiter == NULL )
   847 		{
   848 		iAttachmentWaiter = CImAttachmentWaiter::NewL();
   849 		}
   851 	if (iEmailMessage == NULL)
   852 		{		
   853 		iEmailMessage = CImEmailMessage::NewL(*iMsvEntry);
   854 		}
   855 	else if (iEmailMessage->EmailEntryId() != iMsvEntry->EntryId())
   856 		{
   857 		delete iEmailMessage;
   858 		iEmailMessage = NULL;
   859 		iEmailMessage = CImEmailMessage::NewL(*iMsvEntry);
   860 		}
   862 	CMsvAttachment* attachmentInfo = CMsvAttachment::NewL(CMsvAttachment::EMsvLinkedFile);
   863 	CleanupStack::PushL(attachmentInfo);
   865 	attachmentInfo->SetMimeTypeL(aMimeType);
   867 	TParse fileNameParser;
   868 	User::LeaveIfError(fileNameParser.Set(aFilePath, NULL, NULL));
   869 	attachmentInfo->SetAttachmentNameL(fileNameParser.NameAndExt());
   871 	if( aCharset!=0 )
   872 		{
   873 		CMsvMimeHeaders* headers = CMsvMimeHeaders::NewLC();
   874 		headers->SetMimeCharset(aCharset);
   875 		headers->StoreL(*attachmentInfo);
   876 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(headers);
   877 		}
   879 	iEmailMessage->AttachmentManager().AddLinkedAttachmentL(aFilePath, attachmentInfo, iAttachmentWaiter->iStatus);
   880 	CleanupStack::Pop(attachmentInfo);// ownership passed to attachment manager	
   882 	iAttachmentWaiter->StartWaitingL(aStatus, iEmailMessage, EFalse);
   883 	}
   885 EXPORT_C void CSmtpClientMtm::AddEntryAsAttachmentL(TMsvId aAttachmentId, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
   886 	{
   887 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iMsvEntry->Entry().iType.iUid==KUidMsvMessageEntryValue, gPanic(ESmtcMTMNotAMessageEntry));
   889 	if( iAttachmentWaiter == NULL )
   890 		{
   891 		iAttachmentWaiter = CImAttachmentWaiter::NewL();
   892 		}
   894 	if (iEmailMessage == NULL)
   895 		{		
   896 		iEmailMessage = CImEmailMessage::NewL(*iMsvEntry);
   897 		}
   898 	else if (iEmailMessage->EmailEntryId() != iMsvEntry->EntryId())
   899 		{
   900 		delete iEmailMessage;
   901 		iEmailMessage = NULL;
   902 		iEmailMessage = CImEmailMessage::NewL(*iMsvEntry);
   903 		}
   905 	CMsvAttachment* attachmentInfo = CMsvAttachment::NewL(CMsvAttachment::EMsvMessageEntry);
   906 	CleanupStack::PushL(attachmentInfo);
   908 	iEmailMessage->AttachmentManager().AddEntryAsAttachmentL(aAttachmentId, attachmentInfo, iAttachmentWaiter->iStatus);
   909 	CleanupStack::Pop(attachmentInfo);// ownership passed to attachment manager	
   911 	iAttachmentWaiter->StartWaitingL(aStatus, iEmailMessage, EFalse);
   912 	}
   914 EXPORT_C void CSmtpClientMtm::CreateAttachmentL(const TDesC& aFileName, RFile& aAttachmentFile, const TDesC8& aMimeType, TUint aCharset, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
   915 	{
   916 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iMsvEntry->Entry().iType.iUid==KUidMsvMessageEntryValue, gPanic(ESmtcMTMNotAMessageEntry));
   918 	if( iAttachmentWaiter == NULL )
   919 		{
   920 		iAttachmentWaiter = CImAttachmentWaiter::NewL();
   921 		}
   923 	if (iEmailMessage == NULL)
   924 		{		
   925 		iEmailMessage = CImEmailMessage::NewL(*iMsvEntry);
   926 		}
   927 	else if (iEmailMessage->EmailEntryId() != iMsvEntry->EntryId())
   928 		{
   929 		delete iEmailMessage;
   930 		iEmailMessage = NULL;
   931 		iEmailMessage = CImEmailMessage::NewL(*iMsvEntry);
   932 		}
   934 	CMsvAttachment* attachmentInfo = CMsvAttachment::NewL(CMsvAttachment::EMsvFile);
   935 	CleanupStack::PushL(attachmentInfo);
   937 	attachmentInfo->SetAttachmentNameL(aFileName);
   938 	attachmentInfo->SetMimeTypeL(aMimeType);
   940 	if( aCharset!=0 )
   941 		{
   942 		CMsvMimeHeaders* headers = CMsvMimeHeaders::NewLC();
   943 		headers->SetMimeCharset(aCharset);
   944 		headers->StoreL(*attachmentInfo);
   945 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(headers);
   946 		}
   948 	iEmailMessage->AttachmentManager().CreateAttachmentL(aFileName, aAttachmentFile, attachmentInfo, iAttachmentWaiter->iStatus);
   949 	CleanupStack::Pop(attachmentInfo);// ownership passed to attachment manager	
   951 	iAttachmentWaiter->StartWaitingL(aStatus, iEmailMessage, EFalse);
   952 	}
   955 EXPORT_C void CSmtpClientMtm::CreateMessageL(TMsvId aServiceId)
   956 /** Creates a new message entry as a child of the current context.
   958 @param aServiceId ID of the service to own the entry. */
   959 	{
   960 	// fix for DEF051564 - SMTP client MTM CreateMessageL not creating message in correct state
   961 	TMsvEmailTypeList emailTypeList = KMsvEmailTypeListInvisibleMessage | KMsvEmailTypeListMessageInPreparation;
   963 	CEmailAccounts* account = CEmailAccounts::NewLC();
   965 	CImSmtpSettings* smtpSettings = new (ELeave) CImSmtpSettings;
   966 	CleanupStack::PushL(smtpSettings);
   967   	TSmtpAccount id;
   968 	account->GetSmtpAccountL(aServiceId, id);
   969 	account->LoadSmtpSettingsL(id, *smtpSettings);
   971 	switch (smtpSettings->BodyEncoding())
   972 		{
   973 		case EMsgOutboxMHTMLAsMIME:
   974 		case EMsgOutboxMHTMLAlternativeAsMIME:
   975 			emailTypeList |= KMsvEmailTypeListMHTMLMessage;
   976 			break;
   977 		case EMsgOutboxDefault:
   978 		case EMsgOutboxNoAlgorithm:
   979 		case EMsgOutboxMIME:
   980 			break;
   981 		}
   982 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, account); // smtpSettings, account
   984 	// Now invoke the create new mail operation.
   985 	// Note that it is wrapped up to make the asynchronous call synchronous.
   986 	CMsvOperationActiveSchedulerWait* waiter=CMsvOperationActiveSchedulerWait::NewLC();
   987 	CImEmailOperation* createNewMailOp = CImEmailOperation::CreateNewL(waiter->iStatus, iMsvEntry->Session(), iMsvEntry->Entry().Id(), aServiceId, KMsvMessagePartBody|KMsvMessagePartAttachments, emailTypeList, KUidMsgTypeSMTP);
   988 	CleanupStack::PushL(createNewMailOp);
   989 	waiter->Start();
   991 	// The the entry is expected to be set to the new message.
   992 	TMsvId temp;	
   993 	TPckgC<TMsvId> paramPack(temp);
   994 	const TDesC8& progBuf = createNewMailOp->ProgressL();	
   995 	paramPack.Set(progBuf);
   996 	TMsvId messageId = paramPack();
   997 	iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(messageId);
   999 	CMsvStore* store = iMsvEntry->ReadStoreL();
  1000 	CleanupStack::PushL(store);
  1001 	iHeader->RestoreL(*store);
  1003 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, waiter); // waiter, createNewMailOp, store	
  1004 	}
  1006 /**
  1007 Gets the default SMTP service.
  1009 @return
  1010 The default service
  1012 @leave 
  1013 KErrNotFound If default service setting does not exist.
  1014 */
  1015 EXPORT_C TMsvId CSmtpClientMtm::DefaultServiceL() const
  1016 	{
  1017 	// Get default service Id from CenRep
  1018 	CEmailAccounts* account = CEmailAccounts::NewLC();
  1019 	TSmtpAccount id;
  1020 	TInt error = account->DefaultSmtpAccountL(id);
  1021 	if (error == KErrNotFound)
  1022 		{
  1023 		User::Leave(error);
  1024 		}
  1026 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(account); 	   
  1027 	return id.iSmtpService;		
  1028 	}
  1030 /**
  1031 Removes the default SMTP service.
  1032 */		
  1033 EXPORT_C void CSmtpClientMtm::RemoveDefaultServiceL()
  1034 	{
  1035 	User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
  1036 	}
  1038 /**
  1039 Sets the default SMTP service.
  1041 @param	aService
  1042 The default service
  1043 */		
  1044 EXPORT_C void CSmtpClientMtm::ChangeDefaultServiceL(const TMsvId& aService)
  1045 	{
  1046 	CEmailAccounts* account = CEmailAccounts::NewLC();
  1047 	TSmtpAccount id;
  1048 	account->GetSmtpAccountL(aService, id);
  1049 	account->SetDefaultSmtpAccountL(id);
  1050 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(account); 	   		
  1051 	}
  1053 /**
  1054 Cancels the current attachment operation.
  1055 */	
  1056 EXPORT_C void CSmtpClientMtm::CancelAttachmentOperation()
  1057 	{
  1058  	if ( iAttachmentWaiter)
  1059 		 {
  1060 		 iAttachmentWaiter->Cancel();
  1061 		 }
  1063 	if ( iWait )
  1064 		 {
  1065 		 iWait->Cancel();
  1066 		 }
  1067 	}