changeset 38 4e4b6adb1024
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/messagingapp/msgutils/convergedmessageutils/tsrc/testconvergedmessageutils/src/testconvergedmessageutils.cpp	Tue Jun 29 23:42:47 2010 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+ * All rights reserved.
+ * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+ * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+ * at the URL "".
+ *
+ * Initial Contributors:
+ * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ * 
+ * Description: Main test class definition for ConvergedMessageUtils
+ */
+#include <QtTest/QtTest>
+#include <QTimer>
+#include <QSignalSpy>
+#include "debugtraces.h"
+#include "testconvergedmessageutils.h"
+#include "convergedmessage.h"
+#include "convergedmessageid.h"
+#include "unieditormmsplugin.h"
+#include "mmstestbed.h"
+#include "testconvergedmessageutils.ini"
+// TestConvergedMessageUtils::initTestCase
+void TestConvergedMessageUtils::initTestCase()
+	//register user defined object to meta system.
+	qRegisterMetaType<long int> ("long int");
+	//Verify MmsTestBed Instance. 
+	mmstestbed = new MmsTestBed;
+	QVERIFY(mmstestbed != NULL);
+	//Instantiate UniEditorMmsPlugin and verify if it is correctly Instantited. 
+	msgPlugin = new UniEditorMmsPlugin();
+	QVERIFY(msgPlugin != NULL);
+	//set up signalspy to listen to signals emitted by mmstestbed
+	spy_draft = new QSignalSpy(mmstestbed, SIGNAL(entryCreatedInDraft(long int)));
+// TestConvergedMessageUtils::init
+void TestConvergedMessageUtils::init()
+// TestConvergedMessageUtils::createMMS
+void TestConvergedMessageUtils::createMMS()
+    //Create a Converged Message instance. 
+    QString subject  = TEST_MSG_SUBJECT;
+    qint64 timeStamp = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t();
+	QString sender(TEST_SENDER);
+	ConvergedMessageAddress address(sender);
+	ConvergedMessageAttachmentList attachmentList;    
+	//Add a text attachment to attachment list. 
+	QString attachmentPath = TEST_ATTACHMENT;
+	ConvergedMessageAttachment* attachment = 
+		new ConvergedMessageAttachment(attachmentPath, ConvergedMessageAttachment::EAttachment);
+	attachmentList.append(attachment);
+	//Instantiate a Converged Message object and set service a MMS
+	ConvergedMessage msg;
+	msg.setMessageType(ConvergedMessage::Mms);
+	//Set Subject
+	msg.setSubject(subject);
+	//Set Timestamp and verify
+	msg.setTimeStamp(timeStamp);
+	QVERIFY(timeStamp == msg.timeStamp());
+	//Set Alias to an address
+	address.setAlias(QString (TEST_ALIAS));
+	//Set recipient. 
+	msg.addToRecipient(address);
+	//Add attachments' list
+	msg.addAttachments(attachmentList);
+	msg.setPriority(ConvergedMessage::Normal);
+	//Adding CC Address
+	QString ccAddress(TEST_CC);
+	ConvergedMessageAddress ccAdd(ccAddress);
+	msg.addCcRecipient(ccAdd);
+	//Adding BCC Address
+	QString bccAddress(TEST_BCC);
+	ConvergedMessageAddress bccAdd(bccAddress);
+	msg.addBccRecipient(bccAdd);
+	//Adding From Address
+	QString recipientAddress(TEST_SENDER);
+	ConvergedMessageAddress recipientAdd(recipientAddress);
+	msg.addFromRecipient(recipientAdd);
+	//Set Body Text and verify
+	msg.setBodyText(QString(TEST_MSG_BODY));
+	QVERIFY(msg.bodyText().compare(QString(TEST_MSG_BODY)) == 0);
+	//Removing Body Text as MMS messages do not contain Body Text
+	msg.setBodyText(QString(NULL));
+	//Set Property and Verify
+	msg.setProperty(ConvergedMessage::Attachment);
+	msg.setProperty(ConvergedMessage::Unread);
+	QVERIFY( == ConvergedMessage::Attachment | ConvergedMessage::Unread);
+	QVERIFY(msg.hasAttachment() == true);
+	QVERIFY(msg.isUnread() == true);
+	//Set Location
+	msg.setLocation(ConvergedMessage::Draft);
+	//Set Sending State and Verify
+	msg.setSendingState(ConvergedMessage::Waiting);
+	QVERIFY(msg.sendingState() == ConvergedMessage::Waiting);
+	//Set Direction
+	msg.setDirection(ConvergedMessage::Outgoing);
+	//Set Priority
+	msg.setPriority(ConvergedMessage::Normal);
+	//Set Sub Type and verify
+	msg.setMessageSubType(ConvergedMessage::NokiaService);
+	QVERIFY(msg.messageSubType() == ConvergedMessage::NokiaService);
+	//Create another Converged Message
+	ConvergedMessage msgCopyFirst(msg);
+	ConvergedMessage msgCopySecond(*(;//by Id
+	QCOMPARE(>getId(),>getId());//Verify if the copy was as expected
+	//Create a Converged Message with serializing and deserializing and verify
+	QFile file("c:\\test.txt");
+	QDataStream out(&file);   // Serialize the data into the file
+	msg.serialize(out);   // Serialize a string
+	file.close();
+	QDataStream in(&file);    // read the data serialized from the file
+	ConvergedMessage msgCopyThird;//Third Copy of the Actual Message
+	msgCopyThird.deserialize(in);
+	file.close();
+	//Verify the 3rd Copy with the Original Copy
+	QVERIFY(>getId() ==>getId());
+	QCOMPARE(msgCopyThird.subject(), msg.subject());
+	QVERIFY(msgCopyThird.messageType() == msg.messageType());
+	//Get a valid MMS message ID and verify that it is valid.
+	mmsMsgId = msgPlugin->convertTo(&msgCopyFirst);
+	QVERIFY(mmsMsgId != -1);
+	QDEBUG_WRITE("MMS Successfully Sent to Dratfs Folder");
+// TestConvergedMessageUtils::testMMS
+void TestConvergedMessageUtils::testMMS()
+	long int mmsDraftMsgId;
+	//check if draft-folder signal was received...this means message was created in draft 
+	if( 1 <= spy_draft->count())
+	{
+		//compare the msgid and verify with the ID given by MMS plugin 
+		void * temp = const_cast<void*>(spy_draft->at(0).at(0).data());
+		mmsDraftMsgId = *reinterpret_cast< long int(*)>(temp);
+		QVERIFY(mmsDraftMsgId == mmsMsgId);
+		//Validate the MMS message with all the values set before. 
+		ConvergedMessage* draftMsg = msgPlugin->convertFrom(mmsDraftMsgId);
+		QVERIFY(draftMsg->subject().compare(QString(TEST_MSG_SUBJECT)) == 0);
+		QVERIFY(draftMsg->messageType() == ConvergedMessage::Mms);
+		QVERIFY(QString(TEST_SENDER).contains(draftMsg->toAddressList()[0]->address(), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == true);
+		QVERIFY(QString(TEST_ALIAS).contains(draftMsg->toAddressList()[0]->alias(), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == true);
+		QVERIFY(QString(TEST_CC).contains(draftMsg->ccAddressList()[0]->address(), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == true);
+		QVERIFY(QString(TEST_BCC).contains(draftMsg->bccAddressList()[0]->address(), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == true);
+		QVERIFY(QString(TEST_SENDER).contains(draftMsg->fromAddress()->address(), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == true);
+		QVERIFY(draftMsg->attachments().count() == 1);
+		QVERIFY(draftMsg->attachments()[0]->attachmentType() == ConvergedMessageAttachment::EAttachment);
+		QVERIFY(draftMsg->attachments()[0]->filePath().contains(QString(TEST_ATTACHMENT).mid(QString(TEST_ATTACHMENT).indexOf(QString("Sample.txt"), 0, Qt::CaseInsensitive)), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == true);
+		QVERIFY(draftMsg->location() == ConvergedMessage::Draft);
+		QVERIFY(draftMsg->priority() == ConvergedMessage::Normal);
+		QVERIFY(draftMsg->direction() == ConvergedMessage::Outgoing);
+		QDEBUG_WRITE("MMS Successfully Verified at Drafts Folder");
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		QFAIL("testSendReceiveMMS: Failed to create message in Draft");
+	}
+// TestConvergedMessageUtils::testConvergedMessageIdUnusedMethods
+void TestConvergedMessageUtils::testConvergedMessageIdUnusedMethods()
+	//Create a copy of ConvergedMessageId object from another object
+	ConvergedMessageId msgId1;
+	msgId1.setId(0x646);
+	//Verify if the two objects match
+	ConvergedMessageId msgId3;
+	msgId3 = msgId1;
+	QVERIFY(msgId3 == msgId1);
+// TestConvergedMessageUtils::testConvergedMessageAttachmentUnusedMethods
+void TestConvergedMessageUtils::testConvergedMessageAttachmentUnusedMethods()
+	//Set Attachment File Path and Type and Verify
+	ConvergedMessageAttachment msgAttachment;
+	msgAttachment.setFilePath(QString(TEST_ATTACHMENT));
+	QCOMPARE(msgAttachment.filePath(), QString(TEST_ATTACHMENT));
+	msgAttachment.setAttachmentType(ConvergedMessageAttachment::EAttachment);
+	QVERIFY(msgAttachment.attachmentType() == ConvergedMessageAttachment::EAttachment);
+	//Second Copy with same Contents
+	ConvergedMessageAttachment msgAttachmentCopy;
+	msgAttachmentCopy.setFilePath(QString(TEST_ATTACHMENT));
+	msgAttachmentCopy.setAttachmentType(ConvergedMessageAttachment::EAttachment);
+	//Verify if they are same
+	QVERIFY(msgAttachmentCopy == msgAttachment);
+// TestConvergedMessageUtils::cleanup
+void TestConvergedMessageUtils::cleanup()
+// TestConvergedMessageUtils::cleanupTestCase
+void TestConvergedMessageUtils::cleanupTestCase()
+	//Cleanup
+	mmstestbed->cleanAll();//Clean All messages from varios Folders
+	delete spy_draft;//Signal for Draft Folder
+	delete msgPlugin;//MMS Plugin
+	delete mmstestbed;//MMS Testbed
+// getObject
+// factory method to create objects.
+QObject* getObject(QString className)
+    if(className == "TestConvergedMessageUtils" )
+    {
+        return new TestConvergedMessageUtils;
+    }
+ 	else
+	{
+		return 0;
+	}
+// createOutPutDirectory
+// creating o/p directory.
+void createOutPutDirectory()
+    {
+    QDir dir;
+    //o/p dir
+    dir.mkdir(OUTPUTDIRECTORY);
+    //tmp dir
+    dir.mkdir(TEMPDIR);
+    // dir inside private folder.
+    dir.mkdir(PRIVATE_DIR);
+    }
+// main
+// main entry point
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+    { 
+    int ret = -1;
+    QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);    
+    //creating output directory.
+    createOutPutDirectory();
+    //the configuration file.
+    QFile data("c:/testconvergedmessageutils.cfg");
+    if ( 
+        {
+        QTextStream in(&data);
+        while(!in.atEnd())
+            {
+            QStringList args;
+            QString appName = argv[0];
+            args << appName;
+            QString option  = "-o";
+            args << option;
+            QString outFile = RESULTFILE;
+            QString name = in.readLine();
+            outFile = outFile.arg(name);
+            args << outFile;
+            QObject* tc = getObject(name);
+            if(tc)
+                {
+                ret =  QTest::qExec(tc, args); 
+                delete tc;
+                }
+            }
+        }    
+    data.close();
+    return ret;
+    }
+//End of File