changeset 37 518b245aa84c
parent 25 84d9eb65b26f
child 38 4e4b6adb1024
--- a/messagingapp/msgutils/unieditorutils/unieditorplugins/unieditormmsplugin/tsrc/testmmsgplugin/testmmsplugin.cpp	Mon May 03 12:29:07 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,322 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
- * All rights reserved.
- * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
- * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
- * at the URL "".
- *
- * Initial Contributors:
- * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
- *
- * Contributors:
- * 
- * Description:
- */
-#include "testmmsplugin.h"
-#include <QtTest/QtTest>
-#include "debugtraces.h"
-#include <QTimer>
-#include <QSignalSpy>
-#include "convergedmessage.h"
-#include "TestMsg.h"
-#include "convergedmessageid.h"
-#include "unieditormmsplugin.h"
-#include "messageserviceaction.h"
-// TestMmsPlugin::initTestCase
-void TestMmsPlugin::initTestCase()
-    msgPlugin = new UniEditorMmsPlugin();
-    QVERIFY(msgPlugin != 0);
-    smsId = -1;
-    mmsId = -1;
-// TestMmsPlugin::cleanupTestCase
-void TestMmsPlugin::cleanupTestCase()
-    delete msgPlugin;
-// TestMmsPlugin::init
-void TestMmsPlugin::init()
-// TestMmsPlugin::cleanup
-void TestMmsPlugin::cleanup()
-// TestMmsPlugin::testSendMMS
-void TestMmsPlugin::testSendMMS()
-    //register user defined object to meta system.
-    qRegisterMetaType<ConvergedMessage*> ("ConvergedMessage*");
-    createMMSMessageWithAttachmentAndSend();
-     //wait for the response to complete 
-     //as sending a message goes through different stages
-    //Create a smil attachment with image and text
-    createMMSMessageWithSmilTextAndImageAttachmentAndSend();
-    //Create MMS with Normal priority
-    createMMSMessageWithAttachmentAndSend(ETrue);
-void TestMmsPlugin::createMMSMessageWithSmilTextAndImageAttachmentAndSend()
-    {
-    QString service = TEST_SERVICE_NAME_MMS;
-    QString bodyText = TEST_MSG_BODY;
-    QString subject  = TEST_MSG_SUBJECT;
-    qint64 timeStamp = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t();
-    QString sender(TEST_SENDER);
-    ConvergedMessageAddress address(sender);
-    ConvergedMessageAttachmentList attachmentList;
-    ConvergedMessageAttachment* attachmentImage = 
-        new ConvergedMessageAttachment(TEST_ATTACHMENT4, ConvergedMessageAttachment::EAttachment);
-    attachmentList.append(attachmentImage);
-    ConvergedMessageAttachment* attachmenttext = 
-            new ConvergedMessageAttachment(TEST_ATTACHMENT5, ConvergedMessageAttachment::EAttachment);
-    attachmentList.append(attachmenttext);
-    ConvergedMessageAttachment* attachmentSmil = 
-                new ConvergedMessageAttachment(TEST_ATTACHMENT3, ConvergedMessageAttachment::ESmil);
-    attachmentList.append(attachmentSmil);
-    ConvergedMessage msg;
-    msg.setMessageType(ConvergedMessage::Mms);
-    msg.setSubject(subject);
-    msg.setTimeStamp(timeStamp);
-    msg.addToRecipient(address);
-    msg.addAttachments(attachmentList);
-    msg.setPriority(ConvergedMessage::Low);
-    long int id = msgPlugin->convertTo(&msg);
-    msgPlugin->send(id);
-    }
-// TestMmsPlugin::testMmsReceived
-void TestMmsPlugin::testMmsReceived()
-    testReceived(msgPlugin->messageType());  
-    QTest::qWait(5000);
- * Creates a Smil file with only a text document as attachment
- */
-void TestMmsPlugin::createMMSMessageWithAttachmentAndSend(TBool priority)
-    {
-    QString service = TEST_SERVICE_NAME_MMS;
-    QString bodyText = TEST_MSG_BODY;
-    QString subject  = TEST_MSG_SUBJECT;
-    qint64 timeStamp = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t();
-    QString sender(TEST_SENDER);
-    ConvergedMessageAddress address(sender);
-    ConvergedMessageAttachmentList attachmentList;    
-    ConvergedMessageAttachment* attachment2 = 
-            new ConvergedMessageAttachment(TEST_ATTACHMENT2, ConvergedMessageAttachment::ESmil);
-    ConvergedMessageAttachment* attachment = 
-        new ConvergedMessageAttachment(TEST_ATTACHMENT, ConvergedMessageAttachment::EAttachment);
-    attachmentList.append(attachment);
-    attachmentList.append(attachment2);
-    ConvergedMessage msg;
-    msg.setMessageType(ConvergedMessage::Mms);
-    msg.setSubject(subject);
-    msg.setTimeStamp(timeStamp);
-    msg.addToRecipient(address);
-    msg.addAttachments(attachmentList);
-    if(priority == EFalse)
-        {
-        msg.setPriority(ConvergedMessage::Normal);
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        msg.setPriority(ConvergedMessage::High);
-        }
-    //Adding alias
-    ConvergedMessageAddress address1;
-    address1.setAlias(QString(TEST_MSG_RECIEPIENT));
-    msg.addToRecipient(address1);
-    //Adding CC Address
-    QString ccAddress(TEST_CC);
-    ConvergedMessageAddress ccAdd(ccAddress);
-    msg.addCcRecipient(ccAdd);
-    //Adding BCC Address
-    QString bccAddress(TEST_BCC);
-    ConvergedMessageAddress bccAdd(bccAddress);
-    msg.addBccRecipient(bccAdd);
-    long int id = msgPlugin->convertTo(&msg);
-    msgPlugin->send(id);
-    }
-// TestMmsPlugin::testReceived
-void TestMmsPlugin::testReceived(int type)
-MessageServiceAction* messageAction = new MessageServiceAction(this);    
-    QVERIFY(messageAction != 0);
-    //register user defined object to meta system.
-    qRegisterMetaType<ConvergedMessage*>("ConvergedMessage*");
-    //signal spy.
-    //listen to added event
-    QSignalSpy spyAdd( messageAction,
-            SIGNAL(messageAdded(ConvergedMessage*, QString)));
-    //signal spy.
-    //listen to updated event
-        QSignalSpy spyUpdate( messageAction,
-                SIGNAL(messageUpdated(ConvergedMessage*, QString)));
-    //will force stub_clientmanager to emit messageUpdated.
-    messageAction->registerForNotification();
-    //register user defined object to meta system.
-    // wait for the response to come
-    QTest::qWait(5000);
-    //check signals
-    int countAdd = -1;
-    countAdd = spyAdd.count();
-    ConvergedMessage* message = 0;
-    QString serviceId("");
-    if (countAdd)
-    {
-        //verify added event
-        void * temp = const_cast<void*> (;
-        message = *reinterpret_cast<ConvergedMessage*(*)> (temp);
-        serviceId =;
-        QVERIFY(message != 0);
-        validateMsg(*message, serviceId);
-    }
-    int countUpdate = -1;
-    countUpdate = spyUpdate.count();
-    message = 0;
-    for (int i = countUpdate; i > 0; --i)
-    {
-        //verify updated event
-        void * temp = const_cast<void*> (;
-        message = *reinterpret_cast<ConvergedMessage*(*)> (temp);
-        if (ConvergedMessage::Inbox == message->location())
-        {
-            serviceId =;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    if (message)
-    {
-        validateMsg(*message, serviceId);
-    }
-    delete message;
-// TestMmsPlugin::validateMsg
-void TestMmsPlugin::validateMsg(const ConvergedMessage& message,
-                                const QString& serviceId)
-#ifdef _DEBUG_TRACES_
-		qDebug() << "....message received.....";
-    //process incoming messages
-    if (message.location() == ConvergedMessage::Inbox)
-    {
-        int msgId;
-        if (
-        {
-            msgId =>getId();
-        }
-        ConvergedMessageAddressList array = message.toAddressList();
-        if (array.count() > 0)
-        {
-            if (array[0])
-                QCOMPARE(array[0]->address(),QString(TEST_MSG_FROM1));
-        }
-        ConvergedMessageAddress *fromAddr = message.fromAddress();
-        if (fromAddr)
-        {
-            QCOMPARE(fromAddr->address(),QString(TEST_MSG_FROM1));
-        }
-        QCOMPARE(serviceId,QString(TEST_SERVICE_ID));
-        if (message.messageType() == ConvergedMessage::Mms)
-        {
-            mmsId = msgId;
-            QCOMPARE(message.subject(), QString(TEST_MSG_SUBJECT));
-        }
-        else if (message.messageType() == ConvergedMessage::Sms)
-        {
-            smsId = msgId;
-            QCOMPARE(message.bodyText(), QString(TEST_MSG_BODY));
-        }
-    }
-    else if (message.location() == ConvergedMessage::Sent)
-    {
-        ConvergedMessageAddressList array = message.toAddressList();
-        if (array.count() > 0)
-        {
-            if (array[0])
-                QCOMPARE(array[0]->address(),QString(TEST_SENDER));
-        }
-   //     QCOMPARE(serviceId,QString(TEST_SERVICE_ID));
-        if (message.messageType() == ConvergedMessage::Mms)
-        {
-            QCOMPARE(message.subject(), QString(TEST_MSG_SUBJECT));
-        }
-        else if (message.messageType() == ConvergedMessage::Sms)
-        {
-            QCOMPARE(message.bodyText(), QString(TEST_MSG_BODY));
-        }
-    }