changeset 0 72b543305e3a
child 54 fa1df4b99609
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/email/imap4mtm/imapprotocolcontroller/inc/cimapprotocolcontroller.h	Thu Dec 17 08:44:11 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <imapset.h>
+#include <msvstd.h>
+#include "cimapidlecontroller.h"
+#include "mimapopbackgroundsyncobserver.h"
+#include "mimmobileserver.h"
+#include "cimmobilitymanager.h"
+package buffer for progress info.
+typedef TPckgBuf<TImap4CompoundProgress> TImap4ProgressBuf;
+// Forward Declarations
+class CImapCompoundBase;
+class CImapSessionManager;
+class CImapSession;
+class CImapSettings;
+class CImapMailStore;
+class CImapSyncManager;
+class CMsgActive;
+class TImImap4GetPartialMailInfo;
+class CImapOpBackgroundSync;
+class CImapOfflineControl;
+Provides an API for connecting/disconnecting to a remote IMAP server and for 
+connected IMAP operations.
+Manages background online activities: synchronisation after connection
+and the usage of IMAP idle between requested operations.
+Uses instance of class CImapSyncManager to manage synchronisation of folders 
+on the remote IMAP server and the headers contained within subscribed folders.
+Uses instances of CImapCompoundBase derived classes to perform requested
+class CImapProtocolController : public CMsgActive, 
+                                public MImapOpBackgroundSyncObserver, 
+                                public MImapIdleControllerObserver,
+                                public MImMobileServer
+	{
+	typedef RPointerArray<CImapSession> RImapSessionArray;
+	virtual ~CImapProtocolController();
+	IMPORT_C static CImapProtocolController* NewL(CMsvServerEntry& aEntry,CImapOfflineControl& aImapOfflineControl);
+	// Connection APIs
+	IMPORT_C TBool Connected() const;
+	IMPORT_C void ConnectL( TRequestStatus& aStatus, 
+							CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection );
+	IMPORT_C void ConnectAndSynchroniseL( TRequestStatus& aStatus, 
+										  CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection );
+	IMPORT_C void DisconnectL(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	IMPORT_C TBool Busy() const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt GetAccessPointIdForConnection(TUint32& aAccessPointId) const;
+	// Account Synchronisation APIs
+	IMPORT_C TBool BackgroundSyncInProgress() const;
+	IMPORT_C void CancelBackgroundSync(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	IMPORT_C void WaitForBackground(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	IMPORT_C void SynchroniseTreeL(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	IMPORT_C void SynchroniseAllL(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	// from MImapOpBackgroundSyncObserver
+	void BackgroundSyncComplete(TInt aError);
+	// from MImapIdleControllerObserver
+	void OnIdleError(TInt aError);
+	// Message/Folder APIs
+	IMPORT_C void CopyToLocalL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const CMsvEntrySelection& aSourceSel, const TMsvId aDestination);				   
+	IMPORT_C void PopulateL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const CMsvEntrySelection& aSourceSel, TImImap4GetPartialMailInfo aGetPartialMailInfo);
+	IMPORT_C void MoveToLocalL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const CMsvEntrySelection& aSourceSel, const TMsvId aDestination);
+	IMPORT_C void CopyWithinServiceL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const CMsvEntrySelection& aSourceSel, const TMsvId aDestination);
+	IMPORT_C void MoveWithinServiceL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const CMsvEntrySelection& aSourceSel, const TMsvId aDestination);
+	IMPORT_C void CopyFromLocalL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const CMsvEntrySelection& aSourceSel, const TMsvId aDestination);
+	IMPORT_C void MoveFromLocalL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const CMsvEntrySelection& aSourceSel, const TMsvId aDestination);
+	IMPORT_C void DeleteL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const CMsvEntrySelection& aSourceSel);
+	IMPORT_C void DeleteFolderL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection);
+	IMPORT_C void NewOnlySyncFolderL(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	IMPORT_C void FullSyncFolderL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TMsvId aFolder);
+	IMPORT_C void SelectL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TMsvId aFolder);
+	IMPORT_C void FullSyncSelectedFolderL(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	IMPORT_C void CreateL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TMsvId aParent, const TDesC& aLeafName, const TBool aFolder );
+	IMPORT_C void RenameL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const TMsvId aTarget, const TDesC& aNewName);
+	IMPORT_C TInt SetLocalSubscription(const TMsvId aFolder, TBool aSubscribed);
+	// Progress and Cancel APIs
+	IMPORT_C TImap4CompoundProgress Progress();
+	IMPORT_C void CancelAndCleanup();
+	IMPORT_C void UpdateFlagL(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	// mobility API from MImMobileServer
+	void PrepareForNewCarrier(TImMobilityAction aAction, TBool aIsSeamless);
+	void CarrierLost();
+	void NewCarrierActive(TAccessPointInfo aNewAp, TBool aIsSeamless);
+	void MobilityError(TUint aError);
+	const TDesC8& MobilityProgress(); 
+	CImapProtocolController(CMsvServerEntry& aEntry,CImapOfflineControl& aImapOfflineControl);
+	void ConstructL();
+	// from CMsgActive
+	virtual void DoRunL();
+	void DoComplete(TInt& aErr);
+	virtual void DoCancel();
+	void DoCancelClientOp();
+	void DoDisconnectL(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	void DropSession(TInt aSessionId);
+	void DisconnectAll();
+	TBool CompleteIfBackgroundOpInProgress(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	TBool SelectSessionL(TInt& aIndexToUse);
+	void StartPrimaryOperation();
+	void StartIdle();
+	void MarkOnOrOfflineL(const TBool aOnline);
+	void ChangeVisibilityL(TMsvId aParent, TBool aInvisible);
+	void ChangeVisibilityL(TMsvId aParent, TBool aInvisible, TBool aRecurse, TUid aType);
+	void PropagateInvisibleFlagL(TMsvId aId);
+	void PropagateUnsubscribeL(const TMsvId aFolder);
+	TBool IdIsLocalL(TMsvId aId);
+	TMsvId ServiceOfL(TMsvId aId);
+	TBool ProcessError(TInt aError);
+	void ThranslateSessionError(TInt& errCode);
+	void ResetProgress();
+	// Migration methods
+	void DoMigrateRunL();
+	void CompleteCurrentForMigrate();
+	void StopCurrentForMigrate();
+	void CancelForMigrate();
+	void DoCancelForMigrate();
+	void ProcessOpCompleteForMigrate();
+	void DisconnectForMigrateL();
+	void NewPrimarySessionL();
+	void RestartAfterMigrateL();
+	enum TImapProtocolOp
+		{
+	/** Idle. The default connected state. */
+		EIdle,
+	/** Connect operation. */
+		EConnect,
+	/** Disconnect operation. */
+		EDisconnect, 
+	/** Sync operation. */
+		ESync,
+	/** Select operation. */
+		ESelect,		
+	/** Copy messages to local operation. */
+		ECopyToLocal,
+	/** Copy messages within remote server operation. */
+		ECopyWithinService,
+	/** Copy messages from local operation. */
+		ECopyFromLocal,
+	/** Move messages to local operation. */
+		EMoveToLocal,
+	/** Move messages within remote server operation. */
+		EMoveWithinService,
+	/** Move messages from local operation. */
+		EMoveFromLocal,
+	/** Message population operation. */
+		EPopulate,		
+	/** Delete operation. (messages) */
+		EDelete,
+	/** Delete operation. (folders) */
+		EDeleteFolder,
+	/** Create operation. (folders) */
+		ECreate,
+	/** Rename operation. (folders) */
+		ERename,
+	/** Stop idle operation. */
+		EStopIdle,
+	/** Connect a secondary session. */
+		EConnectSecondary,
+	/** Recovering primary session following a cancel. */
+		ECancelRecoverPrimary,
+	/** Update read/unread message flags */
+		EUpdateFlag,
+		};
+	// protocol controller migration states
+	enum TImapPcMigrateState
+		{
+		ENotMigrating,				// normal state
+		ESuspendingForMigrate,      // intermediate state
+		EWaitingForOpToComplete,	// async wait on compound op/bground op/idle controller
+		EWaitingForOpToStop,		// async wait on compound op/bground op/idle controller
+		EDisconnectingForMigrate,	// async wait on compound op
+		EWaitingForNewCarrier,		// async wait state on mobility engine
+		EStartingReconnect,			// intermediate state
+		EConnectingAfterMigrate,	// async wait on session manager
+		EWaitingInitialCarrierRejected,		// async wait state on mobility engine
+		EHandlingConnectError 		// Handling Initial connect error
+		};
+	CMsvServerEntry& iEntry;
+	// objects the Protocol Controller owns
+	CImapSettings*			iImapSettings;
+	CImapMailStore* 		iImapMailStore;
+	CImapSessionManager* 	iImapSessionManager;
+	RImapSessionArray		iImapSessionArray;
+	CImapCompoundBase* 		iImapCompound;
+	CImapCompoundBase* 		iMigrateCompound;
+	// CImapOfflineControl object is owned by the CImap4ServerMtm
+	CImapOfflineControl& 	iImapOfflineControl;
+	CImapSyncManager* 		iImapSyncManager;
+	CImapOpBackgroundSync* 	iBackgroundSyncOp;
+	CImapIdleController*    iImapIdleController;
+	CImMobilityManager*		iMobilityManager;
+	// Service ID
+	TMsvId					iServiceId;
+	// Progress
+	TImap4CompoundProgress 	iProgress;
+	// Current operational state
+	// Requested and current foreground operation
+	TImapProtocolOp			iRequestedOp;
+	TImapProtocolOp			iCurrentOp;
+	TInt 					iForegroundSession;
+	TBool					iWaitForBackgroundSync;
+	TBool					iFlushPrimary;
+	TBool 					iCancelInProgress;
+	TImapPcMigrateState		iMigrateState;
+	TImap4ProgressBuf 		iProgressBuffer;
+	};