changeset 0 72b543305e3a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/email/imap4mtm/imapservermtm/test/src/ctestimapservermtmbase.cpp	Thu Dec 17 08:44:11 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "cactivewaiter.h"
+#include "ctestimapservermtmbase.h"
+#include <iapprefs.h>
+#include <cemailaccounts.h>
+// For loading the serial comms device drivers 
+#if defined (__WINS__)
+	#define PDD_NAME		_L("ECDRV")
+	#define LDD_NAME		_L("ECOMM")
+	#define PDD_NAME		_L("EUART1")
+	#define LDD_NAME		_L("ECOMM")
+_LIT( KLoopbackAddress, "" );
+//_LIT( KLoopbackAddress, "" );	// Used for online testing
+const TInt KImapPort = 143;
+//RTest test( _L( "IMPS.dll Unit Test" ) );
+CTestImapServerMtmBase::CTestImapServerMtmBase( ) :
+	iTestUtils( NULL ),
+	iImapServerMtm( NULL ),
+	iSpoofServer( NULL ),
+	iAccounts( NULL ),
+	iActiveWaiter( NULL ),
+	iSelection( NULL ),
+	iTest( _L( "IMPS.dll Unit Test" ) )
+	{
+	}
+CTestImapServerMtmBase::~CTestImapServerMtmBase( )
+	{
+	delete iAccounts;
+	delete iSpoofServer;
+	delete iImapSettings;
+	delete iTestUtils;
+	delete iActiveWaiter;
+	delete iSelection;
+	}
+Set up environment
+void CTestImapServerMtmBase::SetupL( )
+	{
+	DoLoadDriversL( );
+	// Load Server MTM (Can this be in the TEFUnit server?)	
+//	iTestUtils = CEmailTestUtils::NewL( test );
+	iTestUtils = CEmailTestUtils::NewL( iTest );
+	iTestUtils->FileSession( ).SetSessionPath( _L( "C:\\" ) );
+// TODO: How to clean the message folders or close the messaging server without a PANIC ????
+//	iTestUtils->CleanMessageFolderL( );
+	iTestUtils->ClearEmailAccountsL( );
+	iTestUtils->CreateAllTestDirectories( );
+	iTestUtils->FileSession( ).SetSessionPath( _L( "C:\\" ) );
+	iTestUtils->GoServerSideL( );
+	iTestUtils->InstantiateImapServerMtmL( );
+	iImapServerMtm = iTestUtils->iImapServerMtm;
+	// Create an account
+	iTestUtils->GoClientSideL( );
+	iAccounts = CEmailAccounts::NewL( );	
+	DoCreateImapAccountL( );
+	// Delete iAccounts to make sure that CMsvServer is closed and 
+	// we can go to the serverSide
+	delete iAccounts;
+	iAccounts = NULL;
+	iTestUtils->GoServerSideL( );
+	iEntry = iTestUtils->iServerEntry;
+	iServiceId = iImapAccount.iImapService;
+	iTestUtils->InstantiateImapServerMtmL( );
+	iImapServerMtm = iTestUtils->iImapServerMtm;
+	// Creata active waiter
+	iActiveWaiter = new ( ELeave ) CActiveWaiter( );
+	iEntry = iTestUtils->iServerEntry;		
+	iImapSettings = CImapSettings::NewL(*iEntry);
+	iImapSettings->LoadSettingsL(iServiceId);
+	// and CMsvSelection
+	iSelection = new ( ELeave ) CMsvEntrySelection( );
+	}
+Tear down environment
+void CTestImapServerMtmBase::TearDownL( )
+	{
+	// tear Down
+	delete iAccounts;
+	iAccounts = NULL;
+	delete iSpoofServer;
+	iSpoofServer = NULL;
+// TODO: cleanup
+//	iTestUtils->GoClientSideL( );
+//	iTestUtils->iMsvSession->CloseMessageServer( );
+//	iTestUtils->Reset( );
+	_LIT(KMsvServerPattern, "!MsvServer*");
+	TFindProcess findprocess(KMsvServerPattern);
+	TFullName name;
+	// wait for the server to close before continuing
+//	for(;;)
+//		{   
+//		TFindServer find(KMsvServerPattern);
+//		if (find.Next(name) != KErrNone)
+//			break;
+//		User::After(100000);
+//	}
+	delete iTestUtils;
+	iTestUtils = NULL;	
+	delete iActiveWaiter;
+	iActiveWaiter = NULL;
+	delete iSelection;
+	iSelection = NULL;
+	}
+void CTestImapServerMtmBase::DoConnectL( )
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1( _L("Connecting...") );
+	iSelection->Reset( );
+	iSelection->AppendL( iImapAccount.iImapService );
+	iImapServerMtm->StartCommandL( *iSelection, 
+					    		   KIMAP4MTMConnect, 
+								   KNullDesC8, 
+								   iActiveWaiter->iStatus );
+	iActiveWaiter->WaitActive( );
+	}
+void CTestImapServerMtmBase::DoDisconnectL( )
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1( _L("Disconnecting...") );
+	iSelection->Reset( );
+	iImapServerMtm->StartCommandL( *iSelection,
+								   KIMAP4MTMDisconnect,
+								   KNullDesC8,
+								   iActiveWaiter->iStatus );
+	iActiveWaiter->WaitActive( );
+	}
+void CTestImapServerMtmBase::DoCreateImapAccountL( )
+	{
+	INFO_PRINTF1( _L("Create IMAP account") );
+	//create objects and initialise with the defaults
+	CImImap4Settings* imap4Settings = new ( ELeave ) CImImap4Settings;
+	CleanupStack::PushL( imap4Settings );
+	CImSmtpSettings* smtpSettings = new ( ELeave ) CImSmtpSettings;
+	CleanupStack::PushL( smtpSettings );
+	CImIAPPreferences* imapIap = CImIAPPreferences::NewLC( );
+	CImIAPPreferences* smtpIap = CImIAPPreferences::NewLC( );
+	iAccounts->PopulateDefaultImapSettingsL( *imap4Settings, *imapIap );
+	iAccounts->PopulateDefaultSmtpSettingsL( *smtpSettings, *smtpIap );
+	//override some of the defaults
+	imap4Settings->SetPasswordL( _L8( "prakash" ) );
+	imap4Settings->SetLoginNameL( _L8( "prakash" ) );
+	imap4Settings->SetServerAddressL( KLoopbackAddress );
+	imap4Settings->SetFolderPathL( _L8( "" ) );
+	imap4Settings->SetSynchronise( EUseLocal );
+	//create the account
+	iImapAccount = iAccounts->CreateImapAccountL( _L( "TestAccount" ), *imap4Settings, *imapIap, EFalse );
+	//clean up
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 4,imap4Settings );
+	INFO_PRINTF1( _L("IMAP account created") );
+	}
+void CTestImapServerMtmBase::DoLoadDriversL( )
+	{
+	// Load the serial comms device drivers.  If this is not done,
+	// connecting via NT-RAS returns KErrNotFound (-1).
+	TInt driverErr;
+	driverErr=User::LoadPhysicalDevice(PDD_NAME);
+	if (driverErr!=KErrNone && driverErr!=KErrAlreadyExists)
+		User::Leave(driverErr);
+	driverErr=User::LoadLogicalDevice(LDD_NAME);
+	if (driverErr!=KErrNone && driverErr!=KErrAlreadyExists)
+		User::Leave(driverErr);
+	}
+void CTestImapServerMtmBase::DoStartSpoofServerL( const TDesC& aScriptSection )
+	{
+	// Start Spoof Server
+	INFO_PRINTF2( _L( "Loading spoofscript: " ), aScriptSection );
+	TPtrC spoofScript;
+	User::LeaveIfError( iConfig.GetString( aScriptSection, 
+								  		   _L( "ScriptFile" ), 
+								  		   spoofScript ) );
+	INFO_PRINTF1( _L( "Starting spoofserver" ) );
+	iSpoofServer = CSpoofServer::NewL( *this, spoofScript );
+	iSpoofServer->StartL( KImapPort );
+	INFO_PRINTF1( _L( "Spoofserver started" ) );
+	}
+void CTestImapServerMtmBase::TestComplete( TInt /*aErrorCode*/ )
+	{
+	// TODO
+	}