--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/email/imap4mtm/imapsession/inc/cimapsessionmanager.h Thu Dec 17 08:44:11 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <es_sock.h>
+#include <msvstd.h>
+#include <mentact.h>
+#include "msocketconnectobserver.h"
+#include "moutputstreamobserver.h"
+#include "moutputstreamsecureobserver.h"
+#include "minputstreamobserver.h"
+#include "cimaplistfolderinfo.h"
+ #include "cimapauthhelpers.h"
+// Forward Declarations
+class CImapSession;
+class CImapSettings;
+class CImapMailStore;
+class CTransportManager;
+class MInputStream;
+class MOutputStream;
+class TImap4GenericProgress;
+class CImapListFolderInfo;
+class CImConnect;
+class MSocketConnector;
+ class CImapCapabilityInfo;
+ class CImapAuthMechanismHelper;
+Provides a mechanism for creating connected, logged in CImapSession objects,
+and for disconnecting them.
+The objects are created on behalf of the requesting class, which owns the
+created CImapSession objects immediately upon creation.
+class CImapSessionManager : public CMsgActive,
+ public MSocketConnectObserver,
+ public MOutputStreamObserver,
+ public MOutputStreamSecureObserver,
+ public MInputStreamObserver
+ {
+ IMPORT_C static CImapSessionManager* NewL(CImapSettings& aImapSettings, CImapMailStore& aImapMailStore);
+ ~CImapSessionManager();
+ // Get a connected, logged in session. The passed session pointer
+ // should not be used unless the routine completes with a status of
+ // KErrNone.
+ IMPORT_C void GetSessionL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, CImapSession*& aSession);
+ // Logout and disconnect a list of sessions
+ IMPORT_C void Disconnect(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const RPointerArray<CImapSession>& sessionList);
+ // Immediately disconnect a list of sessions
+ IMPORT_C void Disconnect(const RPointerArray<CImapSession>& sessionList);
+ // Immediately disconnect a single session
+ IMPORT_C void Disconnect(const CImapSession& aSession);
+ // Get LastSocketActivityTimeout value from the connection
+ IMPORT_C TUint32 LastSocketActivityTimeout();
+ // Get progress information for current operation
+ IMPORT_C void Progress(TImap4GenericProgress& aProgress);
+ // Identifies if an RConnection is available
+ IMPORT_C TBool HasConnection();
+ // Get the RConnection used by all the sessions
+ IMPORT_C RConnection& GetConnectionL();
+ // Gets the access point ID in use for the connection to the server
+ IMPORT_C TInt GetAccessPointIdForConnection(TUint32& aAccessPointId) const;
+ // Close the current network connection
+ IMPORT_C void CloseNetworkConnection();
+ // Construction routines
+ CImapSessionManager(CImapSettings& aImapSettings, CImapMailStore& aImapMailStore);
+ void ConstructL();
+ // from MSocketConnectObserver
+ virtual void ConnectionMadeL(MInputStream& aInputStream, MOutputStream& aOutputStream);
+ virtual TInt HandleConnectError(TInt aError);
+ // from MOutputStreamObserver
+ virtual void SendDataCnf();
+ virtual void OutputStreamCloseInd(TInt aError);
+ // from MOutputStreamSecureObserver
+ virtual void SecureClientCnf(TInt aError);
+ // from MInputStreamObserver
+ virtual void ReceivedDataIndL(const TDesC8& aBuffer);
+ virtual void SecureServerCnf();
+ virtual void InputStreamCloseInd(TInt aError);
+ // from CMsgActive
+ virtual void DoRunL();
+ virtual void DoCancel();
+ virtual void DoComplete(TInt& aStatus);
+ // State handlers for state machine
+ void ProcessNetworkConnectionCreatedL();
+ void ProcessSocketConnectedL();
+ void ProcessUpgradedSSLWrappedSocketL();
+ void ProcessGreetingResponseL();
+ void ProcessCapabilityResponseL();
+ void ProcessStartTLSResponse();
+ void ProcessUpgradedTLSSocketL();
+ void ProcessSecureCapabilityResponseL();
+ void ProcessLoginResponseL();
+ void ProcessSeparatorResponseL();
+ void ProcessLogoutResponse();
+ void ProcessSocketDisconnected();
+ void CreateSecureSocket();
+ void StartSessionL();
+ void CreateNetworkConnectionL();
+ void CreateSocketL();
+ void SendLoginL();
+ void GetHierarchySeparatorL();
+ void DisconnectFirstSessionInList();
+ void DisconnectSocket();
+ void ImmediateDisconnect();
+ void CloseSessionStreams(CImapSession* aSession);
+ TInt GetConnectionStage();
+ void ConvertError(TInt& aError);
+ void CompleteSelf(TInt aError);
+ TInt LogId();
+ void ProcessAuthenticateResponseL();
+ void SelectAuthExtensionProfileL(const CImapCapabilityInfo& aCapabilityInfo);
+ void SendAuthenticateL(CImapAuthMechanismHelper::TImapAuthProfileFlag aCurrentAuthProfile);
+IMAP Session Manager States
+enum TImapSessionManagerState
+ {
+ EStateIdle,
+ EStateCreatingNetworkConnection,
+ EStateConnectingSocket,
+ EStateGettingLastSocketActivityTimeout,
+ EStateUpgradingSSLWrappedSocket,
+ EStateGreetingWait,
+ EStateCapabilityWait,
+ EStateStartTLSWait,
+ EStateUpgradingTLSSocket,
+ EStateSecureCapabilityWait,
+ EStateLoginWait,
+ EStateSeparatorWait,
+ EStateLogoutWait,
+ EStateAuthenticateWait,
+ EStateDisconnectingSocket
+ };
+ // Session Manager State
+ TImapSessionManagerState iState;
+ // Progress state
+ TImap4GenericProgress::TImap4GenericProgressState iProgressState;
+ // Service settings, passed on construction:
+ CImapSettings& iImapSettings;
+ // Mail Store, passed on construction:
+ CImapMailStore& iImapMailStore;
+ // created on construction:
+ CTransportManager* iTransportManager;
+ // The Imap session being created
+ CImapSession* iImapSession;
+ // Pointer to the session store of the session create caller.
+ // This is updated to point to the newly created session, after the
+ // session has been fully created.
+ CImapSession** iStoreSession;
+ // Host address
+ HBufC8* iHostAddr8;
+ // Session input and output streams
+ MInputStream* iInputStream;
+ MOutputStream* iOutputStream;
+ // List of sessions to disconnect. Sessions to be disconnected
+ // are not owned by session manager so are not deleted.
+ RPointerArray<CImapSession> iDisconnectList;
+ // Socket server
+ RSocketServ iSocketServ;
+ // Handles RConnection used by sockets
+ CImConnect* iImConnect;
+ // Flag to indicate if network connection is created yet
+ TBool iCreatedNetworkConnection;
+ // Stores result of calling list command to get separator value
+ RArrayImapListFolderInfo iSeparatorFolderList;
+ // LastSocketActivityTimeout value read from CImConnect
+ TUint32 iLastSocketActivityTimeout;
+ // Socket connector used to create connection.
+ // Not owned by this class
+ MSocketConnector* iSocketConnector;
+ // Flag to indicate that we have just completed ourself.
+ // We use callbacks from the transport handler to receive error
+ // notifications and then self complete with those error codes. As it is
+ // possible to receive more than one callback at a time, we use this flag
+ // to ensure we don't try to self complete more than once.
+ TBool iCompletedSelf;
+ // Flag to indicate if there was an error while upgrading the socket to SSL/TLS.
+ TBool iErrorUpgradingSSLSocket;
+ CImapAuthMechanismHelper::TImapAuthProfileFlag iCurrentAuthProfile;
+ };