changeset 0 72b543305e3a
child 65 d8ac8e5e4721
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/email/imap4mtm/imapsession/src/cimapatomparser.cpp	Thu Dec 17 08:44:11 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,564 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "cimapatomparser.h"
+#include "cimapatom.h"
+#include "cimapcommand.h"
+#include "imappaniccodes.h"
+// Initial parser buffer size & granularity
+const TInt KIOBufferSize=1280;
+const TInt KIOBufferGranularity=256;
+CImapAtomParser::CImapAtomParser(TBool aAllowParseAtTopLevel, TInt aLogId)
+	: iAllowParseAtTopLevel(aAllowParseAtTopLevel)
+	, iBufferSize(KIOBufferSize)
+	, iLogId(aLogId)
+	{}
+	{
+	// Dispose of buffer
+	delete iBuffer;
+	// Delete any atom tree that may still exist
+	delete iRootAtom;
+	// delete the atom array
+	iAtomArray.ResetAndDestroy();
+	iAtomStack.Reset();
+	}
+// Create and call non-trivial contructor
+CImapAtomParser *CImapAtomParser::NewL(TBool aAllowParseAtTopLevel, TInt aLogId)
+	{
+	CImapAtomParser* self=new (ELeave) CImapAtomParser(aAllowParseAtTopLevel, aLogId);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop();
+	return self;
+	}
+// The non-trivial constructor
+void CImapAtomParser::ConstructL()
+	{
+	// Get initial buffer
+	iBuffer=HBufC8::NewL(iBufferSize);
+	iRootAtom=CImapAtom::NewLC();
+	CleanupStack::Pop(iRootAtom);
+	iAtom=iRootAtom;
+	iNextIsChild=ETrue;
+	}
+// Return the root atom
+CImapAtom* CImapAtomParser::RootAtom()
+	{
+	// Return it
+	return(iRootAtom);
+	}
+@return a descriptor that points at the unparsed portion of the last line to be processed.
+This pointer descriptor is only valid while the descriptor it points at is valid
+This pointer descriptor will only be set after ProcessLineL() has returned
+EFalse to indicate that no more data is expected.
+const TPtrC8& CImapAtomParser::UnparsedData()
+	{
+	return iUnparsedData;
+	}
+Returns the internal data buffer, transferring ownership of the buffer to the caller.
+The internal data buffer pointer is set to NULL.
+This method should only be called after parsing is complete.
+@return the data buffer.
+HBufC8*	CImapAtomParser::DetachBuffer()
+// Note that the iBuffer pointer can change during parsing (via ReAllocL)
+// So we only want to expose iBuffer after parsing.
+	{
+	// Check for internal programming error
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iParserState == EStateParseComplete, TImapServerPanic::ImapPanic(TImapServerPanic::EAtomParserInvalidParserState));
+	HBufC8* detachedBuffer = iBuffer;
+	iBuffer = NULL;
+	return detachedBuffer;
+	}
+// Deal with the atom stack: this is used when building the atom tree
+void CImapAtomParser::PushL(CImapAtom* aAtom)
+	{
+	iAtomStack.AppendL(aAtom);
+	}
+CImapAtom* CImapAtomParser::PopL()
+	{
+	if (iAtomStack.Count() <= 0)
+		{
+		// Mismatched bracket
+		CImapCommand::CorruptDataL(iLogId);
+		}
+	TInt count = iAtomStack.Count();
+	CImapAtom* atom = iAtomStack[count-1];
+	iAtomStack.Remove(count-1);
+	return(atom);
+	}
+// Add to the parsed buffer
+void CImapAtomParser::BufferAppendL(const TChar aChar)
+	{
+	// Check for internal programming error
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iBuffer != NULL, TImapServerPanic::ImapPanic(TImapServerPanic::EAtomParserBufferIsNull));
+	// Does buffer need extending?
+	if (iBuffer->Length()==iBufferSize)
+		{
+		HBufC8 *oldbuffer=iBuffer;
+		const TText8 *oldbufptr=iBuffer->Ptr();
+		// Extend by granularity amount
+		iBufferSize+=KIOBufferGranularity;
+		iBuffer=iBuffer->ReAllocL(iBufferSize);
+		// Buffer moved?
+		if (iBuffer!=oldbuffer)
+			{
+			// Fixup buffer tree pointers
+			iRootAtom->FixupL(iBuffer,oldbufptr);
+			}
+		}
+	// Append the data
+	iBuffer->Des().Append(aChar);
+	}
+// Add the last atom appended to the buffer to the tree.
+void CImapAtomParser::AddAtomL()
+	{
+	// Check for internal programming error
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iBuffer != NULL, TImapServerPanic::ImapPanic(TImapServerPanic::EAtomParserBufferIsNull));
+	TPtrC8 bufptr(iBuffer->Ptr()+iAtomStart, iBuffer->Length()-iAtomStart);
+	// Make a new current atom
+	CImapAtom* newAtom=CImapAtom::NewLC();
+	iAtomArray.AppendL(newAtom);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(newAtom);
+	// Set pointers in it
+	newAtom->Set(bufptr, iParserQuoted);
+	// Add it as a child/sibling to the current atom
+	if (iNextIsChild)
+		{
+		iAtom->AddChild(newAtom);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		iAtom->AddNext(newAtom);
+		}
+	// The next item should be a sibling
+	iNextIsChild=EFalse;
+	// Make new current
+	iAtom=newAtom;
+	}
+Receives a line of data.
+If parsing completes before the end of the line, then aLine is set to point 
+at the octet immediately after the last parsed octet
+@return ETrue if more data is expected.
+TBool CImapAtomParser::ProcessLineL(const TDesC8& aLine)
+	{
+	// Check for internal programming errors
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iParserState == EStateAtomWait, TImapServerPanic::ImapPanic(TImapServerPanic::EAtomParserInvalidParserState));
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iBuffer != NULL, TImapServerPanic::ImapPanic(TImapServerPanic::EAtomParserBufferIsNull));
+	// Process the buffer
+	TChar octet;
+	TInt lineLength = aLine.Length();
+	TBool bReachedTopLevel = EFalse;
+	TInt pos; // used after the loop
+	for(pos=0; pos<lineLength; ++pos)
+		{
+		// Octet to process
+		octet=aLine[pos];
+		switch(iParserState)
+			{
+		case EStateAtomWait:
+			switch(octet)
+				{
+			case '(':
+				{
+				// Make a new current atom
+				CImapAtom* newAtom=CImapAtom::NewLC();				
+				iAtomArray.AppendL(newAtom);
+				CleanupStack::Pop(newAtom);
+				// Add it as a sibling to the current atom
+				if (iNextIsChild)
+					{
+					iAtom->AddChild(newAtom);
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					iAtom->AddNext(newAtom);	
+					}
+				// The next item should be a child
+				iNextIsChild=ETrue;
+				// Push current atom onto atom stack, make new current
+				iAtom=newAtom;
+				PushL(iAtom);
+				// Store the open bracket in the buffer, so we can tell what it is
+				BufferAppendL(octet);
+				iAtom->Set(iBuffer->Right(1), EFalse);
+				break;
+				}
+			case ')':
+				// End of this nesting level: pop last atom off stack and
+				// make it the new current one
+				iAtom=PopL();
+				if (iAtomStack.Count() == 0)
+					{
+					bReachedTopLevel = ETrue;
+					}
+				// Any new atoms will be siblings, not children
+				iNextIsChild=EFalse;
+				break;
+			case '{':
+				// Start of a literal length
+				iLiteralLength=0;
+				iParserQuoted=EFalse;
+				iParserState=EStateLiteralLength;
+				break;
+			case ' ':
+			case '\r':
+				// Whitespace. Ignore! This state only happens with whitespace
+				// after a close )] or a endquote "
+				// Note that the CRLF will already have been stripped out by CImapSession
+				// so we are treating a CR on its own as whitespace
+				break;
+			case '\"':
+				// Quotes: we don't keep them, so the atom starts at the next
+				// character.
+				iAtomStart=iBuffer->Length();
+				iParserState=EStateInAtom;
+				iParserQuoted=ETrue;
+				iGotEscape=EFalse;
+				break;
+			default:
+				// Start new atom in buffer
+				iAtomStart=iBuffer->Length();
+				BufferAppendL(octet);
+				iParserState=EStateInAtom;
+				iParserQuoted=EFalse;
+				break;
+				}
+			break;
+		case EStateInAtom:
+			if (iParserQuoted)
+				{
+				// Look for another quote
+				if (octet=='\"')
+					{
+					// Just had an escape character?
+					if (iGotEscape)
+						{
+						// Add the character
+						BufferAppendL(octet);
+						iGotEscape=EFalse;
+						}
+					else
+						{
+						// It's the terminator: Add the atom, minus the quotes
+						AddAtomL();
+						iParserState=EStateAtomWait;
+						}
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					// Escape character?
+					if (!iGotEscape && octet=='\\')
+						{
+						// Got one
+						iGotEscape=ETrue;
+						}
+					else
+						{
+						// Add to buffer
+						BufferAppendL(octet);
+						iGotEscape=EFalse;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				switch(octet)
+					{
+					case ' ':
+					case '\r':
+						// Whitespace: end of atom
+						// Note that the CRLF will already have been stripped out by CImapSession
+						// so we are treating a CR on its own as whitespace
+						{
+						AddAtomL();
+						// Either go back to looking for an atom, or a LF
+						//iParserState=(octet=='\r')?EStateWaitLF:EStateAtomWait;
+						iParserState = EStateAtomWait;
+						}
+						break;
+					case '(':
+						{
+						// Add this atom
+						AddAtomL();
+						// Make a new current atom
+						CImapAtom* newAtom=CImapAtom::NewLC();
+						iAtomArray.AppendL(newAtom);
+						CleanupStack::Pop(newAtom);
+						// Add it as a sibling to the current atom
+						if (iNextIsChild)
+							{
+							iAtom->AddChild(newAtom);
+							}
+						else
+							{
+							iAtom->AddNext(newAtom);
+							}						
+						// The next item should be a child
+						iNextIsChild=ETrue;
+						// Push current atom onto atom stack, make new current
+						iAtom=newAtom;
+						PushL(iAtom);
+						// Store the open bracket in the buffer, so we can tell what it is
+						BufferAppendL(octet);
+						iAtom->Set(iBuffer->Right(1), EFalse);
+						iParserState=EStateAtomWait;
+						}
+						break;
+					case ')':
+						{
+						// Although these bytes usually indicate the end of an atom,
+						// they can also legitimately appear in a text field.
+						// If this is the end of an atom, then it must be a child or
+						// sibling atom in which case there will be an entry on the atom
+						// stack. If there is no entry on the atom stack, then this must
+						// be a text field so just add the octet to the buffer.
+						if (iAtomStack.Count() > 0)
+							{
+							// Add this atom
+							AddAtomL();
+							// End of this nesting level: pop last atom off stack and
+							// make it the new current one
+							iAtom=PopL();
+							if (iAtomStack.Count() == 0)
+								{
+								bReachedTopLevel = ETrue;
+								}
+							// Any new atoms will be siblings, not children
+							iNextIsChild=EFalse;
+							iParserState=EStateAtomWait;
+							}
+						else
+							{
+							BufferAppendL(octet);
+							}
+						}
+						break;
+					default:
+						{
+						// Add to buffer
+						BufferAppendL(octet);
+						}
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			break;
+		case EStateLiteralLength:
+			// Digit?
+			if (octet.IsDigit())
+				{
+				// Add it to the total
+				iLiteralLength=(iLiteralLength*10)+(octet-(TChar)'0');
+				if (iLiteralLength <0)
+					{
+					User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
+					}					
+				}
+			else if (octet=='}')
+				{
+				// Need to skip CR, LF
+				iLiteralSkip=2;
+				iParserState=EStateLiteralSkip;
+				// Add the atom (with the length we know, but no data) to the
+				// structure now, so that the partial structure can be parsed.
+				iAtomStart=iBuffer->Length();
+				}
+			break;
+		case EStateLiteralSkip:
+			// Skipping...
+			if (--iLiteralSkip==0)
+				{
+				// Is literal 0 bytes long?
+				if (iLiteralLength==0)
+					{
+					// Nothing to follow
+					iParserState=EStateAtomWait;
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					// In some cases {nnn} would be present in the middle of FETCH header info ALSO  
+					// so need to process the array further
+					// Eg: *43 FETCH (FLAGS (\Seen $LuukkuClean $NotJunk JunkRecorded) UID 6285 BODYSTRUCTURE (("TEXT" "PLAIN" ("CHARSET" "ISO-8859-1") NIL NIL "7BIT" 4 0 NIL NIL NIL)("APPLICATION" "PDF" ("NAME" {25}
+					// Kopio_paperikirjeestä.pdf) NIL NIL "BASE64" 187346 NIL ("ATTACHMENT" ("FILENAME" {25} 
+					// Kopio_paperikirjeestä.pdf)) NIL) "MIXED" ("BOUNDARY" "----=_Part_7226_1401000605.1221158570821") NIL NIL) BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (Received Date Subject From Priority X-MSMail-Priority X-Priority Importance)] {977}
+					// Checking for pos>=2, so that array is not out of bounds
+					if ((pos>=2) && (aLine[pos-2] != ']'))
+						{
+						 iParserState=EStateAtomWait;
+						}
+					else 
+						{ 
+						iParserState=EStateLiteralFetch;
+						// Add the atom (with the length we know, but no data) to the
+						// structure now, so that the partial structure can be parsed.
+						iAtomStart=iBuffer->Length();
+						AddAtomL();
+						}								
+					}
+				}
+			break;
+		case EStateLiteralFetch:
+			// Fetching
+				{
+				// Internal programming error:
+				// This state should only be handled in ProcessLiteralBlockL()
+				__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, TImapServerPanic::ImapPanic(TImapServerPanic::EAtomParserInvalidParserState));
+				}
+			break;
+			} // switch(iParserState)
+		if (bReachedTopLevel && !iAllowParseAtTopLevel)
+			{
+			break; // from for loop
+			}
+		}// for(...pos...)
+	// Exited early.  Record the un-parsed data
+	if (bReachedTopLevel)
+		{
+		// skip the close-bracket that caused us to reach the top
+		++pos;
+		// and record anything that remains
+		if (pos < lineLength)
+			{
+			iUnparsedData.Set(aLine.Right(lineLength-pos));
+			}		
+		}
+	// The whole buffer has been read now
+	if (iParserState == EStateInAtom)
+		{
+		AddAtomL();
+		iParserState = EStateAtomWait;
+		}
+	else if (iParserState == EStateLiteralLength)
+		{
+		// the line contained a '{' but did not have a matching  '}'
+		CImapCommand::CorruptDataL(iLogId);
+		}
+	// Check for internal programming error
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iParserState == EStateAtomWait || iParserState == EStateLiteralFetch, TImapServerPanic::ImapPanic(TImapServerPanic::EAtomParserInvalidParserState));
+	TBool bWantMoreData = ETrue;
+	if (iParserState == EStateAtomWait)
+		{
+		bWantMoreData = EFalse;
+		iParserState = EStateParseComplete;
+		}	
+	return bWantMoreData;
+	}
+void CImapAtomParser::ProcessLiteralBlockL(const TDesC8& aLiteralBlock)
+	{
+	// Check for internal programming errors
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iParserState == EStateLiteralFetch, TImapServerPanic::ImapPanic(TImapServerPanic::EAtomParserInvalidParserState));
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(aLiteralBlock.Length() == iLiteralLength, TImapServerPanic::ImapPanic(TImapServerPanic::EAtomParserLiteralBlockLengthMismatch));
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iBuffer != NULL, TImapServerPanic::ImapPanic(TImapServerPanic::EAtomParserBufferIsNull));
+	// BufferAppendL() appends a character, whereas this appends a whole string
+	if (iBuffer->Length() + iLiteralLength > iBufferSize)
+		{
+		HBufC8 *oldbuffer=iBuffer;
+		const TText8 *oldbufptr=iBuffer->Ptr();
+		// Extend by extra amount + round up by KIOBufferGranularity
+		iBufferSize += iLiteralLength;
+		iBufferSize += (KIOBufferGranularity - (iBufferSize % KIOBufferGranularity));
+		iBuffer=iBuffer->ReAllocL(iBufferSize);
+		// Buffer moved?
+		if (iBuffer!=oldbuffer)
+			{
+			// Fixup buffer tree pointers
+			iRootAtom->FixupL(iBuffer,oldbufptr);
+			}
+		}
+	iBuffer->Des().Append(aLiteralBlock);
+	AddAtomL();
+	// literal is always followed by a line, so we need to be waiting for the next atom
+	iParserState=EStateAtomWait;
+	}