changeset 0 72b543305e3a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/email/imum/Mtms/Src/MsvPop3FetchOperation.cpp	Thu Dec 17 08:44:11 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+*       Fetch message(s) operation, using client MTM Get Mail API
+#include <eikenv.h>
+#include <StringLoader.h>
+#include <MsvPrgReporter.h>
+#include <ImumUtils.rsg>
+#include "ImumPanic.h"
+#include "MsvPop3FetchOperation.h"
+#include "MsvPop3ConnectOp.h"
+#include "MsvConnectionValidation.h"
+#include "MsvEmailConnectionProgressProvider.h"
+#include "EmailUtils.H"
+#include "ImumDisconnectOperation.h"
+// Constants and defines
+const TInt KFetchOpPriority = CActive::EPriorityStandard;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// NewL
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CMsvPop3FetchOperation* CMsvPop3FetchOperation::NewL(
+    CImumInternalApi& aMailboxApi,
+    TRequestStatus& aObserverRequestStatus,
+    MMsvProgressReporter& aReporter,
+    TInt aFunctionId,
+    TMsvId aService,
+    const TImPop3GetMailInfo& aGetMailInfo,
+    const CMsvEntrySelection& aSel)
+    {
+    IMUM_STATIC_CONTEXT( CMsvPop3FetchOperation::NewL, 0, mtm, KImumMtmLog );
+    IMUM_IN();
+    CMsvPop3FetchOperation* op = new(ELeave) CMsvPop3FetchOperation(
+        aMailboxApi,
+        aObserverRequestStatus,
+        aReporter,
+        aFunctionId,
+        aService,
+        aGetMailInfo);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(op);
+    op->ConstructL(aSel);
+    CleanupStack::Pop(); // op
+    IMUM_OUT();
+    return op;
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//Overloaded NewL for partial fetch operation
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CMsvPop3FetchOperation* CMsvPop3FetchOperation::NewL(
+    CImumInternalApi& aMailboxApi,
+    TRequestStatus& aObserverRequestStatus,
+    MMsvProgressReporter& aReporter,
+    TInt aFunctionId,
+    TMsvId aService,
+    const TImPop3GetMailInfo& aGetMailInfo,
+    const CMsvEntrySelection& aSel,
+    TInt aLimit)
+    {
+    IMUM_STATIC_CONTEXT( CMsvPop3FetchOperation::NewL, 0, mtm, KImumMtmLog );
+    IMUM_IN();
+    CMsvPop3FetchOperation* op = new(ELeave) CMsvPop3FetchOperation(
+        aMailboxApi,
+        aObserverRequestStatus,
+        aReporter,
+        aFunctionId,
+        aService,
+        aGetMailInfo,
+        aLimit);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(op);
+    op->ConstructL(aSel);
+    CleanupStack::Pop(); // op
+    IMUM_OUT();
+    return op;
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ~CMsvPop3FetchOperation
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    {
+    IMUM_CONTEXT( CMsvPop3FetchOperation::~CMsvPop3FetchOperation, 0, KImumMtmLog );
+    IMUM_IN();
+    delete iFetchErrorProgress;
+    delete iSelection;
+    IMUM_OUT();
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ProgressL
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const TDesC8& CMsvPop3FetchOperation::ProgressL()
+    {
+    IMUM_CONTEXT( CMsvPop3FetchOperation::ProgressL, 0, KImumMtmLog );
+    IMUM_IN();
+    if(iFetchErrorProgress && (iState == EStateIdle))
+        {
+        IMUM_OUT();
+        // Completed, but with an error during fetch.
+        return *iFetchErrorProgress;
+        }
+    IMUM_OUT();
+    return CImumOnlineOperation::ProgressL();
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ConstructL
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMsvPop3FetchOperation::ConstructL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSel)
+    {
+    IMUM_CONTEXT( CMsvPop3FetchOperation::ConstructL, 0, KImumMtmLog );
+    IMUM_IN();
+    BaseConstructL(KUidMsgTypePOP3);
+    iSelection = aSel.CopyL();
+    iSelection->InsertL(0, iService);
+    // For Get Mail API, first selection element must be service.
+    DoConnectL();
+    IMUM_OUT();
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// DoConnectL
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMsvPop3FetchOperation::DoConnectL()
+    {
+    IMUM_CONTEXT( CMsvPop3FetchOperation::DoConnectL, 0, KImumMtmLog );
+    IMUM_IN();
+    iState = EStateConnecting;
+    iStatus = KRequestPending;
+    CMsvPop3ConnectOp* connOp = CMsvPop3ConnectOp::NewL(
+        iStatus,
+        iReporter,
+        iService,
+        0 );
+    // when connecting for the fetch operation, don't let connect operation to do fetch,
+    // because we do it by ourself. That's why give 0 to connect operation.
+    delete iOperation;
+    iOperation = connOp;
+    //We always leave connection on after fetching.
+    //If fetching from off line state and want to disconnect afterwards,
+    //checks are needed here.
+    iDisconnect = EFalse;
+    TMsvEntry serviceEntry;
+    TMsvId serviceId;
+    if ( iMsvSession.GetEntry( Service(), serviceId, serviceEntry ) == KErrNone )
+        {
+        if ( !serviceEntry.Connected() )
+        	{
+        	HBufC* text = StringLoader::LoadLC(
+        			R_EMAIL_CONNECTING_SERVER, serviceEntry.iDetails, iEikEnv );
+        	iReporter.SetTitleL( *text );
+        	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( text );
+        	}
+        }   	    	
+    // Go active ourselves.
+    SetActive();
+    IMUM_OUT();
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// DoFetchL
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMsvPop3FetchOperation::DoFetchL()
+    {
+    IMUM_CONTEXT( CMsvPop3FetchOperation::DoFetchL, 0, KImumMtmLog );
+    IMUM_IN();
+    iState = EStateFetching;
+    // Switch operations.
+    delete iOperation;
+    iOperation = NULL;
+    iStatus = KRequestPending;
+    // Filters are not used when performing 'fetch' operation, use normal getmail info instead
+    TPckg<TImPop3GetMailInfo> param(iGetMailInfo);
+    InvokeClientMtmAsyncFunctionL(iFunctionId, *iSelection, iService, param );
+    SetActive();
+    IMUM_OUT();
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// DoDisconnectL
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMsvPop3FetchOperation::DoDisconnectL()
+    {
+    IMUM_CONTEXT( CMsvPop3FetchOperation::DoDisconnectL, 0, KImumMtmLog );
+    IMUM_IN();
+    iState = EStateDisconnecting;
+    TMsvId temp;
+    TMsvEntry entry;
+    const TInt err = iMsvSession.GetEntry(iService, temp, entry);
+    if( (iDisconnect) && (err==KErrNone) && (entry.Connected()) )
+        {
+        delete iOperation;
+        iOperation = NULL;
+        iStatus = KRequestPending;
+        iOperation = CImumDisconnectOperation::NewL(
+            iMailboxApi,
+            iStatus,
+            iReporter,
+            iService,
+            KPOP3MTMDisconnect,
+            KUidMsgTypePOP3);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        CompleteThis();
+        }
+    SetActive();
+    IMUM_OUT();
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMsvPop3FetchOperation
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    CImumInternalApi& aMailboxApi,
+    TRequestStatus& aObserverRequestStatus,
+    MMsvProgressReporter& aReporter,
+    TInt aFunctionId,
+    TMsvId aService,
+    const TImPop3GetMailInfo& aGetMailInfo)
+    :
+    CImumDiskSpaceObserverOperation(
+    aMailboxApi,
+    KFetchOpPriority,
+    aObserverRequestStatus,
+    aReporter),
+    iFunctionId(aFunctionId),
+    iGetMailInfo(aGetMailInfo)
+    {
+    IMUM_CONTEXT( CMsvPop3FetchOperation::CMsvPop3FetchOperation, 0, KImumMtmLog );
+    IMUM_IN();
+    iService = aService;
+    IMUM_OUT();
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMsvPop3FetchOperation. Overloaded constructor for
+// partial fetch operation
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    CImumInternalApi& aMailboxApi,
+    TRequestStatus& aObserverRequestStatus,
+    MMsvProgressReporter& aReporter,
+    TInt aFunctionId,
+    TMsvId aService,
+    const TImPop3GetMailInfo& aGetMailInfo,
+    TInt aLimit)
+    :
+    CImumDiskSpaceObserverOperation(
+    aMailboxApi,
+    KFetchOpPriority,
+    aObserverRequestStatus,
+    aReporter),
+    iFunctionId(aFunctionId),
+    iGetMailInfo(aGetMailInfo),
+    iPopulateLimit( aLimit )
+    {
+    IMUM_CONTEXT( CMsvPop3FetchOperation::CMsvPop3FetchOperation, 0, KImumMtmLog );
+    IMUM_IN();
+    iService = aService;
+    IMUM_OUT();
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// RunL
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMsvPop3FetchOperation::RunL()
+    {
+    IMUM_CONTEXT( CMsvPop3FetchOperation::RunL, 0, KImumMtmLog );
+    IMUM_IN();
+    TRAP(iError, DoRunL()); // CSI: 86 # Needed here to properly handle error situations
+    if(iError != KErrNone)
+        {
+        // Need to ensure we disconnect if we have connected.
+        if( (iError == KErrNoMemory) || (iState == EStateDisconnecting) )
+            {
+            // OOM and/or failed to create disconnect operation. Call StopService()
+            iMsvSession.StopService(iService);
+            // Ignore return, nothing we can do.
+            }
+        else if( (iState == EStateFetching) && (iDisconnect) )
+            {
+            // Failed to start fetch operation. Need to disconnect.
+            __ASSERT_DEBUG(!iFetchErrorProgress,
+                User::Panic(KImumMtmUiPanic,EPop3MtmUiOpAlreadyHaveProgErr));
+            TPckgBuf<TPop3Progress>* progPkg = new TPckgBuf<TPop3Progress>; // CSI: 62 # We want to avoid leaves.
+            iFetchErrorProgress = progPkg;
+            if(iFetchErrorProgress)
+                {
+                TPop3Progress& errProg = (*progPkg)();
+                errProg.iPop3Progress = TPop3Progress::EPopPopulating;
+                errProg.iTotalMsgs = 0;
+                errProg.iMsgsToProcess = 0;
+                errProg.iBytesDone = 0;
+                errProg.iTotalBytes = 0;
+                errProg.iErrorCode = iError;
+                errProg.iPop3SubStateProgress = TPop3Progress::EPopPopulating;
+                errProg.iServiceId = iService;
+                }
+            SetActive();
+            CompleteThis();     // Next DoRunL() will attempt to disconnect.
+            IMUM_OUT();
+            return;
+            }
+        // Notify observer we have finished.
+        CompleteObserver();
+        }
+    IMUM_OUT();
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// DoCancel
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMsvPop3FetchOperation::DoCancel()
+    {
+    IMUM_CONTEXT( CMsvPop3FetchOperation::DoCancel, 0, KImumMtmLog );
+    IMUM_IN();
+    CImumOnlineOperation::DoCancel();
+    if(iState == EStateFetching)
+        {
+        // Cancelled while fetching. Need to disconnect.
+        iMsvSession.StopService(iService);
+        // Ignore return, nothing we can do.
+        }
+    IMUM_OUT();
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// DoRunL
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMsvPop3FetchOperation::DoRunL()
+    {
+    IMUM_CONTEXT( CMsvPop3FetchOperation::DoRunL, 0, KImumMtmLog );
+    IMUM_IN();
+    switch(iState)
+        {
+        case EStateConnecting:
+            {
+            // Connect complete.
+            TBool connected = STATIC_CAST(CMsvPop3ConnectOp*,iOperation)->Connected();
+            if(!connected)
+                {
+                // Connect failed.
+                CompleteObserver( KErrCouldNotConnect );
+                IMUM_OUT();
+                return;
+                }
+            DoFetchL();
+            }
+            break;
+        case EStateFetching:
+            // Fetch complete.
+            {
+            TInt err = GetOperationCompletionCodeL();
+            if(err != KErrNone)
+                {
+                __ASSERT_DEBUG(!iFetchErrorProgress,
+                    User::Panic(KImumMtmUiPanic,EPop3MtmUiOpAlreadyHaveProgErr));
+                TPckgBuf<TPop3Progress> paramPack;
+                paramPack.Copy( iOperation->ProgressL() );
+                TPop3Progress& progress = paramPack();
+                progress.iErrorCode = err;
+                iFetchErrorProgress = paramPack.AllocL();
+                }
+            DoDisconnectL();
+            }
+            break;
+        case EStateDisconnecting:
+            // Disconnect complete.
+            iState = EStateIdle;
+            CompleteObserver();
+            break;
+        default:
+            User::Panic(KImumMtmUiPanic,EPop3MtmUiOpUnknownState);
+            break;
+        }
+    if(iOperation)
+        iMtm = iOperation->Mtm();
+    else
+        iMtm = KUidMsgTypePOP3;
+    IMUM_OUT();
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// GetErrorProgressL
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const TDesC8& CMsvPop3FetchOperation::GetErrorProgressL(TInt aError)
+// Called when DoRunL() leaves.
+    {
+    IMUM_CONTEXT( CMsvPop3FetchOperation::GetErrorProgressL, 0, KImumMtmLog );
+    IMUM_IN();
+    iError = aError;
+    if(iFetchErrorProgress)
+        {
+        delete iFetchErrorProgress;
+        iFetchErrorProgress = NULL;
+        }
+    TPckgBuf<TPop3Progress> paramPack;
+    TPop3Progress& progress = paramPack();
+    progress.iPop3Progress = TPop3Progress::EPopConnecting;
+    progress.iTotalMsgs = 0;
+    progress.iMsgsToProcess = 0;
+    progress.iBytesDone = 0;
+    progress.iTotalBytes = 0;
+    progress.iErrorCode = iError;
+    switch(iState)
+        {
+        case EStateConnecting:  // Should never get this, so treat as next state.
+        case EStateFetching:
+            if(iOperation)
+                {
+                paramPack.Copy( iOperation->ProgressL() );
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                progress.iPop3Progress = TPop3Progress::EPopPopulating;
+                }
+            break;
+        case EStateDisconnecting:
+            progress.iPop3Progress = TPop3Progress::EPopDisconnecting;
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+        }
+    iFetchErrorProgress = paramPack.AllocL();
+    IMUM_OUT();
+    return *iFetchErrorProgress;
+    }
+// End of File