--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/email/mail/ViewerSrc/MsgMailViewerAppUi.h Thu Dec 17 08:44:11 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Declares UI class for mail viewer application.
+#include <MMailAppUiInterface.h>
+#include <MMessageLoadObserver.h>
+#include <akntoolbarobserver.h>
+#include <AknWaitNoteWrapper.h>
+#include <ConeResLoader.h>
+#include <aknnavide.h> // for CAknNavigationDecorator
+#include "MsgMailAppUi.h"
+#include "MMsgMailAttachmentDialogObserver.h"
+#include <cenrepnotifyhandler.h>
+class CMsgMailViewerDocument;
+class CMsgAddressControl;
+class CAknNavigationDecorator;
+class CMsgMailViewerCharConv;
+class CMsgMailCharacterSetHandler;
+class CMailViewManager;
+class CMailMessage;
+class CMsgVoIPExtension;
+class MMailMsgBaseControl;
+class CMsgMailViewerAttachmentsDlg;
+class CMailOperation;
+class MMsvProgressReporter;
+class CMsgMailViewerFindItemHandler;
+class CMsgMailViewerContactMatcher;
+class CMsgMailViewerContactCaller;
+class CAiwServiceHandler;
+class CMsgMailViewerReplyToMatcher;
+* Application UI class.
+* Msg Mail viewer
+class CMsgMailViewerAppUi
+ : public CMsgMailAppUi,
+ public MAknToolbarObserver,
+ public MMailAppUiInterface,
+ public MMessageLoadObserver,
+ public MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback,
+ public MMsvSingleOpWatcher,
+ public MProgressDialogCallback,
+ public MMsgMailAttachmentDialogObserver
+ ,public MAknNaviDecoratorObserver
+ {
+ public: // Constructors and destructor
+ /**
+ * Default constructor.
+ */
+ CMsgMailViewerAppUi();
+ /**
+ * Symbian OS default constructor.
+ */
+ void ConstructL();
+ /**
+ * Destructor.
+ */
+ ~CMsgMailViewerAppUi();
+ public: // Functions from base classes
+ /**
+ * From CMsgEdittorAppUi, returns pointer to document object.
+ */
+ CMsgMailViewerDocument* Document() const;
+ /// From MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback
+ void HandleNotifyInt( TUint32 aId, TInt aNewValue );
+ void HandleNotifyError(
+ TUint32 aId, TInt aError,
+ CCenRepNotifyHandler* aHandler );
+ public: //Implementation
+ void DoReplyViaL( TUid aMtmUid, const HBufC* aMatch = NULL, const HBufC* aName = NULL);
+ protected: // From MObjectProvider
+ /**
+ * Provides access to menubar.
+ * @return a pointer to menubar (NULL, if not available)
+ */
+ TTypeUid::Ptr MopSupplyObject(TTypeUid aId);
+ private: // Functions from base classes
+ /**
+ * From MEikMenuObserver, initialise menu pane.
+ * This function is called by the UIKON framework just before it
+ * displays a menu pane. Its default implementation is empty, and by
+ * overriding it, the application can set the state of menu items
+ * dynamically according to the state of application data.
+ * @param aResourceId resource ID identifying the menu pane being
+ * initialised.
+ * @param aMenuPane the in-memory representation of the menu pane.
+ */
+ void DynInitMenuPaneL(TInt aResourceId,CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane);
+ /**
+ * From CEikAppUi, takes care of command handling.
+ * @param aCommand command to be handled
+ */
+ void HandleCommandL(TInt aCommand);
+ /**
+ * From CEikAppUi, handles key events.
+ * @param aKeyEvent Event to handled.
+ * @param aType Type of the key event.
+ * @return Reponse code (EKeyWasConsumed, EKeyWasNotConsumed).
+ */
+ virtual TKeyResponse HandleKeyEventL(
+ const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,TEventCode aType);
+ /**
+ * From MMsgEditorLauncher, launches view.
+ * Opens received mail.
+ */
+ void LaunchViewL();
+ /**
+ * From CMsgEditorAppUi, saves settings, closes viewer.
+ * Writes settings in .INI-file. Closes mail editor.
+ */
+ void DoMsgSaveExitL();
+ /**
+ * From CMsgEditorAppUi, receives notification
+ * when focus has changed.
+ */
+ void EditorObserver(
+ TMsgEditorObserverFunc aFunc,
+ TAny* aArg1,
+ TAny* aArg2,
+ TAny* aArg3 );
+ /**
+ * From CMsgEditorAppUi (MMsgEditorModelObserver),
+ * HandleEntryDeletedL is called when the
+ * currently open message has been deleted
+ * by some other messaging client.
+ */
+ void HandleEntryDeletedL();
+ /**
+ * From MAknNaviDecoratorObserver
+ * Handles the events coming from next/previous arrows
+ */
+ void HandleNaviDecoratorEventL( TInt aEventID );
+ // From MMsgMailAttachmentDialogObserver
+ void AttachmentDialogExit();
+ //From MAknToolbarObserver
+ void DynInitToolbarL( TInt aResourceId, CAknToolbar* aToolbar );
+ // From MAknToolbarObserver
+ void OfferToolbarEventL( TInt aCommand );
+ private:
+ // From CCoeAppUi
+ CArrayFix< TCoeHelpContext >* HelpContextL( ) const;
+ // From MMailAppUiInterface
+ void AddAttachmentL(
+ CMsvAttachment& aAttachmentInfo,
+ TBool aCanBeRemoved );
+ void AddControlL(TInt aControlType);
+ void AddControlL(CCoeControl& aControl);
+ void AddControlL(MMailMsgBaseControl& aControl);
+ CCoeControl& ParentControl();
+ CEikStatusPane* StatusPane();
+ void StartWaitNoteL(/*const TDesC& aText*/);
+ void StopWaitNote();
+ void SetTitleTextL(TInt aResourceId);
+ void SetAddressFieldTextL(TInt aControlType, CDesCArray& aText);
+ void SetAddressFieldTextL(TInt aControlType, const TDesC& aText);
+ void SetBodyTextL(CRichText& aText);
+ void SetSubjectL(const TDesC& aText);
+ void SetContextBackToMessageL();
+ TRect MsgViewRect(TInt aPane);
+ void AppUiHandleCommandL(TInt aCommand);
+ TBool IsNextMessageAvailableL( TBool aForward );
+ void NextMessageL( TBool aForward );
+ void ViewMessageComplete();
+ // From MMessageLoadObserver
+ void MessageLoadingL(TInt aStatus, CMailMessage& aMessage);
+ // From MMsvSingleOpWatcher
+ void OpCompleted(
+ CMsvSingleOpWatcher& aOpWatcher,
+ TInt aCompletionCode );
+ /// From MProgressDialogCallback
+ void DialogDismissedL( TInt aButtonId );
+ private: // Implementation
+ CRichText* BodyTextL();
+ void DoDeleteL();
+ void DoReplyOrForwardL(const TInt aOperation);
+ void DoAttachmentL();
+ void DoMoveL();
+ void DoCreateContactL(TInt aCommand);
+ void DoCreateAttachmentControlL();
+ void DoMessageInfoL() const;
+ void DoHideToolbar( const TBool aHide );
+ void DoConvertToCharsetL( TUint aCharset );
+ void DoUpdateNaviPaneL();
+ TBool HandleExternalCmdL( TInt aCommand );
+ void HandleInternalCmdL( TInt aCommand );
+ TBool DoHideReplyToAll() const;
+ TBool DoHideReplyToSender() const;
+ TBool HasAddressFieldText(CMsgAddressControl* aAddressControl) const;
+ TBool HasAnyAddressFieldText() const;
+ TBool HasValidFromAddress() const;
+ const TDesC& FromOrToAddressL() const;
+ void HandleEKeyYesL();
+ TUint GetCharsetIdL() const;
+ CMsgRecipientArray* GetRecipientArrayL(
+ CMsgAddressControl* aAddressControl ) const;
+ CMsgAddressControl* GetFirstAddressControl(
+ TBool aDirection = ETrue ) const;
+ const TDesC& FirstRecipientAddressL(
+ CMsgAddressControl* aAddressControl ) const;
+ const TDesC& FirstRecipientNameL(
+ CMsgAddressControl* aAddressControl ) const;
+ void DoReplyOptionsMenuL(CEikMenuPane& aMenuPane);
+ void DoRetrieveMessageL();
+ void SetAutomaticHighlightL( TInt aValue );
+ void DoSetAutomaticHighlightL();
+ void SetAddressControlHighlight(
+ CMsgAddressControl* aControl, TInt aValue );
+ void DynInitOptionsMenu1L(CEikMenuPane& aMenuPane);
+ void DynInitOptionsMenu2L(CEikMenuPane& aMenuPane);
+ TBool IsDefaultSendKeyValueVoIPL() const;
+ void LoadResourceFileL(const TDesC& aResourceName);
+ TMsgControlId FocusedControlId() const;
+ TBool ValidateServiceL( TUid aUid );
+ TBool VoipProfileExistL() const;
+ TInt MessageAddresseeCount() const;
+ void ShowWaitNoteL( TBool aCanCancel );
+ void CloseWaitNote();
+ void ForwardOperationL();
+ void SetMiddleSoftKeyLabelL(
+ const TInt aResourceId, const TInt aCommandId );
+ void RemoveMSKCommands();
+ TBool SpecialScrolling( TUint aKeyCode );
+ TBool CanMakeCallToContactL() const;
+ CMsgAddressControl* FocusedOrFirstAddressControl() const;
+ TBool IsAttachment() const;
+ /**
+ * Handles Enter key events.
+ */
+ void HandleEnterKeyL();
+ private: //Data
+ /**
+ * Own: Wait note shown during launch.
+ */
+ CAknWaitNoteWrapper* iWaitNote;
+ /**
+ * Own: AIW service handler, use single handler for all
+ * AIWs to avoid menu misbehavior.
+ */
+ CAiwServiceHandler* iServiceHandler;
+ /**
+ * Own: Contact matcher used when calling or replying to a sender
+ */
+ CMsgMailViewerContactMatcher* iContactMatcher;
+ /**
+ * Own: handles CFindItemMenu related tasks
+ */
+ CMsgMailViewerFindItemHandler* iFindItemHandler;
+ /**
+ * Own: handles CallUi for contact cooresponding to sender
+ */
+ CMsgMailViewerContactCaller* iContactCaller;
+ /**
+ * State of the launching
+ */
+ TInt iState;
+ /**
+ * Keeps count of character when changing line breaks to paragraph
+ * delimitters.
+ */
+ TInt iCount;
+ /**
+ * Own: Copy of the body text, used when converting linebreaks.
+ */
+ HBufC* iText;
+ /**
+ * Own: Dynamic Charconverter menu handler
+ **/
+ CMsgMailCharacterSetHandler* iCharSetHandler;
+ /**
+ * MUIU Email Local variation flags
+ **/
+ //TInt iMuiuEmailLVFlags;
+ // Plug-in resource loader
+ RConeResourceLoader iResourceLoader;
+ // Own: Wait dialog
+ CAknWaitDialog* iWaitDialog;
+ // Own: mail view manager
+ CMailViewManager* iViewManager;
+ // Own: Contains information of the VoIP profiles.
+ CMsgVoIPExtension* iMsgVoIPExtension;
+ // Viewer Params
+ TUint iParams;
+ // Internal Flags
+ TUint iFlags;
+ //own: attachment dilalog title
+ HBufC* iTitle;
+ // Internal Flag
+ TBool iAttachmentLoadingOn;
+ // Ref: to running operation
+ CMailOperation* iOperation;
+ // Own: Operation watcher
+ CMsvSingleOpWatcher* iOperationWatcher;
+ // Ref: to progress reporter
+ MMsvProgressReporter* iProgressReporter;
+ //Not owned
+ CMsgMailViewerAttachmentsDlg* iAttachmentdlg;
+ TInt iLastControlId;
+ CMsgMailViewerReplyToMatcher* iReplyToMatcher;
+ CAknWaitDialog* iOpeningWaitDialog;
+ UNIT_TEST(ut_mailviewerappui)
+ /**
+ * Saved focused control for touch support.
+ * Does not own.
+ */
+ CMsgBaseControl* iFocusedControl;
+ //Not owned
+ CAknNavigationControlContainer* iNaviPane;
+ // ETrue while the message is being reloaded
+ TBool iMessageReload;
+ // Default state for dialer
+ // ETrue : Dialer is enabled
+ // EFalse : Dialer is disabled
+ TBool iDefaultDialerState;
+ };
+#include "MsgMailViewerAppUi.inl" // Inline functions
+// End of File