--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/email/pop3andsmtpmtm/clientmtms/inc/IMPCMTM.H Thu Dec 17 08:44:11 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Client MTM for the IMAP4 protocol
+#if !defined (__IMPCMTM_H__)
+#define __IMPCMTM_H__
+#if !defined (__MTCLBASE_H_)
+#include <mtclbase.h>
+#if !defined (__MIUTHDR_H_)
+#include <miuthdr.h>
+#if !defined (__MIUTPARS_H__)
+#include <miutpars.h> //TImMessageField
+#if !defined (__IMAPSET_H__)
+#include <imapset.h>
+#if !defined (__IMAPCMDS_H__)
+#include <imapcmds.h>
+#if !defined(__OFFOP_H__)
+#include <offop.h>
+#if !defined(__MIUTMSG_H__)
+#include <miutmsg.h>
+// Forward declarations.
+class CImap4ClientSessionObserver;
+class CImImap4GetMail;
+class CImEmailAutoSend;
+// Imap4 Client MTM
+class CImap4ClientMtm : public CBaseMtm, public MImUndoOffLineOperation
+/** IMAP4 client MTM interface, providing access to the email services using the IMAP4
+The class provides support for:
+- connecting to remote IMAP4 mail servers
+- synchronising message headers with mailboxes on these servers
+- getting message bodies and attachments
+- copying and moving messages
+- creating messages that forward or reply to IMAP4 messages
+- server notification of new messages using IMAP IDLE
+- queueing operations requested when there is no connection to a mail server, to be
+performed when a connection is made (offline operations).
+Note that CImap4ClientMtm does not support many of the generic functions defined by
+the @c CBaseMtm base class. In particular:
+- Message address information, body, subjects, and attachments are not manipulated
+through CImap4ClientMtm. Consequently, SaveMessageL() has an empty
+implementation, and is not used. Message access and manipulation is instead done
+through CImEmailMessage, which understands the email specific message formats,
+including MHTML (RFC 2557). The RFC 822 email header, which includes subject and
+address information, is encapsulated in a CImHeader object, which can be obtained from
+a CImEmailMessage object. IMAP also has its own specific flags, such as draft,
+answered, and deleted: this can be accessed through TMsvEmailEntry, which extends the
+message server's generic TMsvEntry to add email-specific information.
+- The idea of a default service used by base class functions DefaultServiceL(),
+ChangeDefaultServiceL(), and RemoveDefaultServiceL() is not supported.
+IMAP specific commands are issued through the InvokeAsyncFunctionL() function, with
+the commands defined in the #TImap4Cmds enumeration. Details of particular commands
+are given in the documentation for that enumeration, but the following describes some of
+the key concepts required to use those commands. Note that usually these commands do
+not correspond directly to the IMAP protocol commands described in RFC 3501. Instead,
+they are at a higher level, to simplify the logic required for an email client program.
+Connection and services
+Settings for connection to and use of an IMAP4 mail server and its mailboxes are
+encapsulated in an CImImap4Settings object, created and accessed through
+CEmailAccounts. Preferences for the network connection (e.g. the ISP to use) to be made
+to access an IMAP server are also accessed through CEmailAccounts.
+The settings are associated with a service-type entry in the Message Server's message
+store. Message and folder type entries under the service entry store a local copy of the
+mailboxes and messages that are present on an IMAP server. For this reason, the service
+is sometimes referred to as the local mirror of an IMAP server.
+By default, it is assumed that the user has a primary mailbox on the server called INBOX,
+though this can be changed if necessary using CImImap4Settings::SetFolderPathL(). (To
+avoid confusion, the term "Inbox" used in the IMAP MTM documentation refers to this
+mailbox, rather than the Message Server's standard local Inbox folder.)
+The settings store the user's log-in details required to access the IMAP server, and other
+settings not related to connection, but which affect the behaviour of commands, such as
+synchronisation, made to the service.
+The IMAP4 MTM provides the means to synchronise message headers on a remote
+IMAP mailboxes with the messages headers on the phone. Note that synchronisation only
+refers to message headers. Once headers are synchronised, populate operations (i.e.
+getting the message bodies) can be done.
+The basic steps involved in a full synchronisation are:
+- The headers of messages in the Inbox are synchronised.
+- The local list of folders is synchronised with those existing on the remote IMAP service.
+Depending on the service settings, the local or remote settings of subscribed mailboxes
+may be updated (see below for more information).
+- The headers of messages in subscribed folders are synchronised.
+Queued offline operations (see below) pending on the Inbox or subscribed folders are
+performed prior to the relevant folder being synchronised.
+Synchronisations can be performed in the background or the foreground. A foreground
+synchronisation means no other requests, such as message fetching, can be made to the
+MTM, until the synchronisation is complete. A background synchronisation allows some
+types of command to be given while it is in progress. Commands that write to the remote
+server are not allowed however while a background synchronisation is in progress. A
+client is informed of the state of a background synchronisation through the
+MMsvImapConnectionObserver callback interface.
+Synchronisations commands are made through
+CImap4ClientMtm::InvokeAsyncFunctionL(). There a variety of commands available
+that give different options for compounding synchronisation
+with other commands, such as connection, and synchronising only particular folders. See
+TImap4Cmds for details. Progress information for synchronisation commands can be
+obtained from the CMsvOperation object returned by the InvokeAsyncFunctionL().
+Synchronisation progress information is encapsulated in a TImap4SyncProgress object.
+Settings that affect how a synchronisation is performed include:
+- Subscriptions: when an IMAP service had been synchronised, the Messaging server will
+contain entries for all folders on the remote server. These entries will be marked invisible
+within the TMsvEntry for the folder, implying that they should be invisible to the user.
+Messages in these folders are not synchronised unless the folder has been subscribed to.
+Note a folder subscription can be set either locally (i.e. just on the phone), using
+the #KIMAP4MTMLocalSubscribe command, or remotely (on the server), possibly through email
+clients on other devices. A service can be set to synchronise folders using either or both
+of these types of subscription (CImImap4Settings::SetSynchronise()). Local and remote
+subscriptions can themselves be synchronised in various ways (CImImap4Settings::SetSuscribe()).
+- Filters: a filter prevents certain e-mail messages from being synchronised onto the
+device when a client requests a synchronisation. Filters can include anything permitted by
+the IMAP Search command, including date, size, content, and message flags.
+- Limits: service settings can limit the number of emails synchronised to the inbox
+(CImImap4Settings::SetInboxSynchronisationLimit()), and to other folders
+- Sync rate: one of the synchronisation commands
+(KIMAP4MTMConnectAndSyncCompleteAfterDisconnect) periodically resynchronises
+the Inbox until the service is disconnected. CImImap4Settings::SyncRate() sets the
+refresh period.
+Getting and copying messages
+After messages headers have been synchronised, message bodies and attachments can be
+fetched from the remote email server. Getting message parts and saving them in the
+mirror service is calling populating them.
+Commands for these actions can be made through
+CImap4ClientMtm::InvokeAsyncFunctionL(). There are a large number of commands,
+for different combinations of these options:
+- action type: whether to just populate messages, or to also copy or move them to a local
+- message selection: whether to get all, new, or selected messages
+- connection: whether to make a new connection or assume an existing connection
+- disconnect: whether to disconnect or stay online after operation is complete
+For the populate type commands, further options can be set that control the message
+getting behaviour. Basic options control, encapsulated in TImImap4GetMailInfo, specify
+whether body text and/or attachments are fetched, and a maximum message size. There
+are also options, encapsulated in TImImap4GetPartialMailInfo, that allow size limits to
+be separately specified for body text and/or attachments. If the the body is larger than the
+limit, then the body is partially downloaded up to the limit. Only attachments smaller
+than the specified size are downloaded. A partially downloaded message can later be
+fully downloaded.
+For the copy or move type commands, a TImImap4GetMailInfo parameter is supplied, in
+order to specify the destination folder for the messages, and a maximum message size.
+Progress information for getting commands can be obtained from the CMsvOperation
+object returned by the InvokeAsyncFunctionL(). Progress information is encapsulated in
+a TImap4GenericProgress object.
+Fetching and then copying or moving specified messages can also be performed by using
+the standard Messaging Framework @c CMsvEntry::CopyL() and @c
+CMsvEntry::MoveL() functions on entries under the remote service. If these functions are
+used, then the entire message is fetched without size limits.
+CMsvEntry functions can also be used to:
+- create a folder on a remote server
+- delete messages
+- copy or move messages from a local folder into a remote folder
+- copy or move messages between remote folders
+Note that changing an existing entry through CMsvEntry is not supported. An MTM-
+specific command #KIMAP4MTMRenameFolder is instead provided to rename a remote
+The page "CMsvEntry functions for IMAP4 message entries", linked to in the "See also"
+section below, provides more details on using CMsvEntry.
+Offline operations
+Some operations can only be performed while online, while other commands may
+be stored while offline for processing when next connected. An attempt to perform a
+command while offline that requires the MTM to be connected results in immediate
+completion with the error code KErrDisconnected.
+Permitted offline operations include:
+- copy
+- move
+- delete
+Queued offline operations are usually performed when a connection is made, prior to the
+relevant folder being synchronised. Delete operations can alternatively be set to be done
+on disconnection using the service setting
+Note that:
+- Offline operations are only permitted if the service setting SetDisconnectedUserMode()
+is true.
+- It is possible to undo pending offline operations using the commands
+#KIMAP4MTMCancelOffLineOperations and #KIMAP4MTMUndeleteAll.
+IMAP IDLE support
+IMAP IDLE (RFC 2177) is an optional expansion of the IMAP email accessing protocol
+that allows the server to send updates to the client that messages have been created or
+deleted in real time. The IDLE command is sent from the client to the server when the
+client is ready to accept unsolicited mailbox update messages. Whether the client requests
+the server to provide IDLE support is set in the CImImap4Settings::SetImapIdle() service
+setting. When the IMAP MTM receives such a notification, it synchronises the changed
+folder. Email clients can be notified of such changes by setting a MMsvEntryObserver
+observer on a folder.
+ {
+ IMPORT_C static CImap4ClientMtm* NewL(CRegisteredMtmDll& aRegisteredMtmDll, CMsvSession& aSession);
+ ~CImap4ClientMtm();
+ void HandleEntryEvent(TMsvEntryEvent aEvent, TAny* aArg1, TAny* aArg2, TAny* aArg3);
+ void StoreL(); // uses a CMsvStore from the Session
+ void RestoreL();
+ CMsvOperation* ReplyL(TMsvId aDestination, TMsvPartList aPartList, TRequestStatus& aCompletionStatus);
+ CMsvOperation* ForwardL(TMsvId aDestination, TMsvPartList aPartList, TRequestStatus& aCompletionStatus);
+ TUint ValidateMessage(TUint aPartList);
+ TMsvPartList Find(const TDesC& aTextToFind, TMsvPartList aPartList);
+ void SaveMessageL();
+ void LoadMessageL();
+ IMPORT_C void StoreSettingsL(); // uses a CMsvStore from the session
+ IMPORT_C void RestoreSettingsL();
+ // --- RTTI functions ---
+ TInt QueryCapability(TUid aCapability, TInt& aResponse);
+ void InvokeSyncFunctionL(TInt aFunctionId, const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection, TDes8& aParameter);
+ CMsvOperation* InvokeAsyncFunctionL(TInt aFunctionId, const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection, TDes8& aParameter, TRequestStatus& aCompletionStatus);
+ // Addressees have no meaning in the text mtm.
+ void AddAddresseeL(const TDesC& aRealAddress);
+ void AddAddresseeL(const TDesC& aRealAddress, const TDesC& aAlias);
+ void RemoveAddressee(TInt aIndex);
+ // Attachment functions to support the SendAs API
+ IMPORT_C virtual void AddAttachmentL(const TDesC& aFilePath, const TDesC8& aMimeType, TUint aCharset, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+ IMPORT_C virtual void AddAttachmentL(RFile& aFile, const TDesC8& aMimeType, TUint aCharset, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+ IMPORT_C virtual void AddLinkedAttachmentL(const TDesC& aFilePath, const TDesC8& aMimeType, TUint aCharset, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+ IMPORT_C virtual void AddEntryAsAttachmentL(TMsvId aAttachmentId, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+ IMPORT_C virtual void CreateAttachmentL(const TDesC& aFileName, RFile& aAttachmentFile, const TDesC8& aMimeType, TUint aCharset, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+ IMPORT_C void CreateMessageL(TMsvId aServiceId);
+ IMPORT_C virtual TMsvId DefaultServiceL() const;
+ IMPORT_C virtual void RemoveDefaultServiceL();
+ IMPORT_C virtual void ChangeDefaultServiceL(const TMsvId& aService);
+public: // Returning a list of all the offline operations for a service entry.
+ IMPORT_C CImOperationQueueList* QueueListL(CMsvEntry& aServiceEntry);
+public: // Wrapper to settings
+ IMPORT_C const CImImap4Settings& Imap4Settings() const;
+ IMPORT_C void SetImap4SettingsL(const CImImap4Settings& aSettings);
+public: // inherited from MUndoOffLine
+ virtual void UndoOffLineChangesL(const CImOffLineOperation& aDeleted, TMsvId aFolderId);
+ CImap4ClientMtm(CRegisteredMtmDll& aRegisteredMtmDll, CMsvSession& aSession);
+ void ConstructL();
+ void ContextEntrySwitched(); // called after the context of this instance has been changed to another entry
+ TBool ValidateAddress(const TPtrC& anAddress);
+ void SendOnNextConnectionL();
+ TMsvPartList DoFindL(const TDesC& aTextToFind, TMsvPartList aPartList);
+ void FilterAllOrNewMailsL(TInt aFunctionId,const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection,TDes8& aParameter);
+ void FilterMailSelectionL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection,TDes8& aParameter);
+ CMsvOperation* CopyMoveOrPopulateL(TInt aFunctionId,TDes8& aParameter,TRequestStatus& aCompletionStatus);
+ void ConvertToPartialPopulate(TDes8& aParameter);
+ // To check whether a partial fetch or full fetch of message has to be done.
+ TBool IsPartialPopulate(TDes8& aParameter);
+ CImImap4Settings iImImap4Settings;
+ TImMessageField iTImMessageField;
+ CImap4ClientSessionObserver* iImap4ClientSessionObserver;
+ HBufC* iEmailAddressFormatString; // defines format of email address used by "Send as" API eg _L("/"%S/" <%S>")
+ CImHeader* iHeader;
+ CMsvEntrySelection* iMsvEntrySelection;
+ CImImap4GetMail* iImIMAP4GetMail;
+ CImEmailOperation* iImEmailOperation;
+ TPckgBuf<TImImap4GetPartialMailInfo> iImap4GetPartialMailInfo;
+ };
+class CImImap4GetMail : public CMsvOperation
+/** Encapsulates an operation to copy, move, and populate (i.e. download the full
+message body) IMAP4 emails from the remote inbox to any local folder.
+Note that the same operations are available by calling CImap4ClientMtm::InvokeAsyncFunctionL()
+with a suitable command.
+ {
+ IMPORT_C CMsvOperation* GetMailL(TInt aFunctionId, CImap4ClientMtm& aImap4ClientMtm, const CMsvEntrySelection& aMsvEntrySelection, TDes8& aImap4GetMailInfo, TRequestStatus& aObserverRequestStatus);
+ ~CImImap4GetMail();
+ void DoCancel();
+ void RunL();
+ const TDesC8& ProgressL();
+ const TDesC8& FinalProgress();
+ CImImap4GetMail(CMsvSession& aMsvSession, CImap4ClientMtm& aImap4ClientMtm, TRequestStatus& aObserverRequestStatus);
+ void ConstructL(TInt aFunctionId, const CMsvEntrySelection& aMsvEntrySelection, TDes8& aImap4GetMailInfo);
+ void SelectNextStateL(); // selects next state to go to
+ void ChangeStateL(); // initiates the next state operation
+ void SelectAndChangeToNextStateL();
+ void RequestComplete(TInt aError);
+ void Complete();
+ void ConnectToMailboxL();
+ void CopyMoveNewMessagesL(TBool aCopy);
+ void CopyMoveMessageSelectionL(TBool aCopy);
+ void CopyMoveAllMessagesL(TBool aCopy);
+ void PopulateNewMessagesL();
+ void PopulateAllMessagesL();
+ void PopulateMessageSelectionL();
+ void DisconnectFromMailboxL();
+ void ResetProgress();
+ void StoreProgressL();
+ enum TImImap4GetMailState
+ {
+ EConnectToMailbox,
+ ECopyNewMessages,
+ EMoveNewMessages,
+ EPopulateNewMessages,
+ ECopyMessageSelection,
+ EMoveMessageSelection,
+ EPopulateMessageSelection,
+ ECopyAllMessages,
+ EMoveAllMessages,
+ EPopulateAllMessages,
+ EDisconnectFromMailbox,
+ EFinished
+ };
+ CImap4ClientMtm& iImap4ClientMtm;
+ CMsvEntrySelection* iMsvEntrySelection;
+ CMsvOperation* iMsvOperation;
+ TImap4GenericProgress iProgress;
+ TImap4GenericProgress iErrorProgress;
+ TImImap4GetMailState iState;
+ TInt iCommand;
+ TPckgBuf<TImap4GenericProgress> iProgressBuf;
+ TPckgBuf<TImImap4GetPartialMailInfo> iImap4GetPartialMailInfo;
+ };
+#endif // __IMPCMTM_H__