changeset 0 72b543305e3a
child 21 c6838af47512
child 76 60a8a215b0ec
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/email/pop3andsmtpmtm/clientmtms/inc/MIUTMSG.H	Thu Dec 17 08:44:11 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,620 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#ifndef __MIUTMSG_H__
+#define __MIUTMSG_H__
+#include <msvstd.h>
+#include <msvapi.h>			// TMsvEntry, CMsvOperation etc
+#include <mentact.h>		// CMsgActive
+#include <miuthdr.h>		// CImHeader, CImMimeHeader
+#include <txtrich.h>		// CRichText etc
+#include <miutdef.h>		// CImHeader, CImMimeHeader
+#include <mtmdef.h>
+#include <miutatch.h>
+#include <smtpset.h>
+#include <miutpars.h>		// TImMessageField
+#include <barsc.h>		// RResourceFile
+#include <conarc.h>
+#include <conlist.h>
+#include <txtmrtsr.h>
+//#include <mmsvattachmentmanager.h>
+#include <s32mem.h>
+//Content-Transfer-Encoding: types
+_LIT8(KMimeQuotedPrintable, " quoted-printable");
+_LIT8(KMimeApplOctet, " application/octet-stream");
+_LIT8(KMime7Bit, " 7-bit");
+_LIT8(KMimeBase64, " base64");
+_LIT8(KMimeMime, "MIME*");
+// Content-Disposition: types
+_LIT8(KMimeInline, "inline");
+_LIT8(KMimeAttachment, "attachment");
+// Content-Type: types
+_LIT8(KMimeMultipart, "multipart");
+_LIT8(KMimeText, "text");
+_LIT8(KMimeImage, "image");
+_LIT8(KMimeAudio, "audio");
+_LIT8(KMimeVideo, "video");
+_LIT8(KMimeApplication, "application");
+_LIT8(KMimeMessage, "message");
+// Content-Type: Multipart types
+_LIT8(KMimeMixed, "mixed");
+_LIT8(KMimeRelated, "related");
+_LIT8(KMimeAlternative, "alternative");
+_LIT8(KMimeEncrypted, "encrypted");
+_LIT8(KMimeParallel, "parallel");
+_LIT8(KMimeDigest, "digest");
+_LIT8(KMimeSigned, "signed");
+// Content-Type: Text types
+_LIT8(KMimeHtml, "html");
+_LIT8(KMimePlain, "plain");
+_LIT8(KMimeDirectory, "directory");
+// Content-Type: Message types
+_LIT8(KMimePartial, "partial");
+_LIT8(KMimeExternal, "external-body");
+_LIT8(KMimeRfc822, "rfc822");
+// Content-Type: Directory types
+_LIT8(KMimeProfile, "profile");
+_LIT(KMimeVCardExtension, ".vcf");
+_LIT8(KMimeVCalender, "vcalendar");
+// Content-Type: Image, Audio, Video, Application types
+_LIT8(KMimeBmp, "bmp");
+_LIT8(KMimeGif, "gif");
+_LIT8(KMimeJpeg, "jpeg");
+_LIT8(KMimeTiff, "tiff");
+_LIT8(KMimeWav, "wav");
+_LIT8(KMimeZip, "x-gzip");
+_LIT(KMimeHtmlExtension, ".html");
+_LIT(KMiutMsgDefaultHtmlFileName, "attachment.html");
+const TUid KUidMimeHeaders = {0x10204281};
+#include "cimmessagepart.h"
+class CImHtmlConverter;
+class CImAttachmentManager;
+class CMsvMimeHeaders;
+class CImPlainBodyText;
+// Mixin provides interface to Browser control to resolve MHTML URIs.
+class MImURITranslator
+/** Translates a URI in an MHTML message into a message body part file name.
+MHTML messages may contain multiple HTML body parts. Each of these body parts 
+is able to reference another body part within the same multipart structure, 
+or a body part within a parent multipart structure [RFC2110]. These references 
+are called URI's.
+When an MHTML message is parsed by the message engine, the HTML body of each 
+part is stored as a binary file. This interface provides a means of finding 
+the file name of the body part that corresponds to a given a URI.
+The URI resolving process has the potential to become time consuming, therefore 
+it is broken into two steps:
+Resolve asynchronously the relative URI into an absolute URI. The message 
+body parts are recursively searched in order to find an absolute base for 
+the relative URI [RFC2110, RFC1808]. 
+Once a relative URI has been resolved in to an absolute URI, then the message 
+is searched for a body part that corresponds to it [RFC2110].
+If no matching body part can be found, then the absolute URI is returned to 
+the caller in place of the filename. This absolute URI should be used to search 
+for the required data externally, for example by using HTTP.
+@see CImEmailMessage 
+	{
+	/** Starts an asynchronous operation to resolve a specified URI.
+	@param aMessageId The ID of the body part containing the URI which is to be 
+	resolved. CImEmailMessage::FindFirstHTMLPageL() can be used to find the aMessageId 
+	parameter for the first HTML page in a message.
+	@param rBase The base parameter from the HTML part that contains the URI to 
+	be resolved. If there is no base parameter in the HTML, then an empty descriptor 
+	should be passed in.
+	@param rURI The URI to be resolved.
+	@param aStatus Asynchronous status word */
+	virtual void FindUniversalResourceIdentifierL(TMsvId aMessageId, const TDesC& rBase, const TDesC& rURI, TRequestStatus &aStatus) = 0;
+	/** Gets the results after a search.
+	@param aLinkedEntryId On return, the message ID of the linked body part, providing 
+	one is found. Note that you should keep a record of the returned message ID 
+	as it is required for resolving any URI's that may be found in the linked 
+	body part.
+	@param aFileFound On return, true if a linked body part has been found. It 
+	is set to false otherwise.
+	@return If successful, the filename that corresponds to the URI, or the absolute 
+	URI if no matching file can be found. If failed, NULL. */
+	virtual HBufC* GetUniversalResourceIdentifierL(TMsvId& aLinkedEntryId, TBool& aFileFound) const = 0;
+	/** Starts an asynchronous operation to resolve a specified URI.
+	@param aMessageId The ID of the body part containing the URI which is to be 
+	resolved. CImEmailMessage::FindFirstHTMLPageFileHandleL() can be used to find the aMessageId 
+	parameter for the first HTML page in a message.
+	@param aBase The base parameter from the HTML part that contains the URI to 
+	be resolved. If there is no base parameter in the HTML, then an empty descriptor 
+	should be passed in.
+	@param aURI The URI to be resolved.
+	@param aStatus Asynchronous status word */
+	virtual void FindUniversalResourceIdentifierFileHandleL(TMsvId aMessageId, const TDesC& aBase, const TDesC& aURI, TRequestStatus &aStatus) = 0;
+	/** Gets the results after a search.
+	@param aLinkedEntryId On return, the message ID of the linked body part, providing 
+	one is found. Note that you should keep a record of the returned message ID 
+	as it is required for resolving any URI's that may be found in the linked 
+	body part.
+	@param aFile On return, the file handle corresponding to the URI if successful.
+	If not successful, then this is not valid.
+	@return KErrNone if successful and therefore aFile contains the filehandle 
+	that corresponds to the URI. An error code if unsuccessful and therefore 
+	aFile is not valid. */
+	virtual TInt GetUniversalResourceIdentifierFileHandle(TMsvId& aLinkedEntryId, RFile& aFile) const = 0;
+	};
+class CImMhtmlUriResolver;
+class CImRemoveMessagePart;
+class CImStoreMessagePart;
+class CImMimeHeader;
+class CImEmailMessage : public CMsgActive , public MImURITranslator
+This class can be used to manipulate new emails that
+have been created using CImEmailOperation when composing a message.
+Use an instance of this class to add attachments, MHTML parts, body
+text, and existing messages to a new message before it is to be sent.
+This class can also be used to retrieve the body text, list of attachments,
+and embedded messages from emails that have been downloaded and stored within
+the message store.
+If the store_8bit_body_text flag in imcm.rss is enabled, an instance of this class
+can be used to retrieve the original body text character set for a particular message.
+It can also be used to override the original body text character set so it will
+be decoded in a new character set next time it is viewed. 
+@see CImEmailOperation
+	{
+	/** Flags that specify to process on any messages embedded in this message. */
+	enum TImEmailEntryType
+		{
+	/** Do not process embedded messages. */
+		EThisMessageOnly,
+	/** Process embedded messages. */
+		EThisMessageAndEmbeddedMessages  // i.e messages with in a message
+		};
+	/** Flags to specify types of attachment. */
+	enum TImAttachmentType
+		{
+	/** All attachments. */
+		EAllAttachments=0,	// all attachment files contained within this message (but not inside messages within this message)
+	/** VCards. */
+		EVCards,
+	/** VCalendars. */
+		EVCalendars,
+	/** VCards, VCalendars and ICalendars. */
+		EVEntries,			// ie VCards, VCalendars or ICalendars (or all three)
+	/** Encrypted. */
+		EEncrypted,
+	/** Signed. */
+		ESigned,
+	/** Secure. */
+		ESecure,			// ie Encrypted or signed (or both)
+	/** ICalendars. */
+		EICalendars
+		//.. add new items here
+		};
+	IMPORT_C static CImEmailMessage* NewL(CMsvEntry& aEntry);
+	IMPORT_C static CImEmailMessage* NewLC(CMsvEntry& aEntry);
+	IMPORT_C ~CImEmailMessage();
+	IMPORT_C void GetAttachmentsListL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, TMsvId aMessageId, TImAttachmentType aAttachmentType,TImEmailEntryType aEntryType);
+	IMPORT_C void GetAttachmentsListL(TMsvId aMessageId, TImAttachmentType aAttachmentType,TImEmailEntryType aEntryType);
+	void DoGetAttachmentsListL(TMsvId aMessageId, TImAttachmentType aAttachmentType,TImEmailEntryType aEntryType);
+	IMPORT_C void FindFirstHTMLPageL(TMsvId aMessageId, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	IMPORT_C const CMsvEntrySelection& Selection() const;	// return selection
+	IMPORT_C const TDesC8& ProgressL() const;
+	IMPORT_C void GetBodyTextL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, TMsvId aMessageId, TImEmailEntryType aEntryType, CRichText& aRichText,CParaFormatLayer& aParaLayer,CCharFormatLayer& aCharLayer);
+	IMPORT_C void GetBodyTextL(TMsvId aMessageId, TImEmailEntryType aEntryType, CRichText& aRichText,CParaFormatLayer& aParaLayer,CCharFormatLayer& aCharLayer);
+	void DoGetBodyTextInitL(TMsvId aMessageId, TImEmailEntryType aEntryType, CRichText& aRichText,CParaFormatLayer& aParaLayer, CCharFormatLayer& aCharLayer);
+	IMPORT_C void GetBodyTextEntryIdL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, TMsvId aMessageId, TImEmailEntryType aEntryType);
+	IMPORT_C void GetBodyTextEntryIdL(TMsvId aMessageId, TImEmailEntryType aEntryType);
+	IMPORT_C CImPlainBodyText* OpenPlainBodyTextForWriteL();
+	IMPORT_C CImPlainBodyText* OpenPlainBodyTextForReadL(TImEmailEntryType aEntryType, TInt aChunkLength);
+	IMPORT_C virtual void FindUniversalResourceIdentifierL(TMsvId aMessageId, const TDesC& aBase, const TDesC& aURI, TRequestStatus &aStatus);
+	IMPORT_C virtual HBufC* GetUniversalResourceIdentifierL(TMsvId& aLinkedEntryId, TBool& aFileFound) const;
+	IMPORT_C void FindUniversalResourceIdentifierFileHandleL(TMsvId aMessageId, const TDesC& aBase, const TDesC& aURI, TRequestStatus &aStatus);
+	IMPORT_C void FindFirstHTMLPageFileHandleL(TMsvId aMessageId, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	IMPORT_C virtual TInt GetUniversalResourceIdentifierFileHandle(TMsvId& aLinkedEntryId, RFile& aFile) const;
+	IMPORT_C MMsvAttachmentManager& AttachmentManager() const;
+	void AddAttachmentL(const TDesC& aFilePath, CMsvAttachment* aAttachmentInfo, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	void AddAttachmentL(RFile& aFileHandle, CMsvAttachment* aAttachmentInfo, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	void AddLinkedAttachmentL(const TDesC& aFilePath, CMsvAttachment* aAttachmentInfo,TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	void AddEntryAsAttachmentL(TMsvId aAttachmentEntryId, CMsvAttachment* aAttachmentInfo,TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	const RPointerArray<CMsvAttachment>& AttachmentInfoSelection() const;
+	void RemoveAttachmentL(TMsvAttachmentId aAttachmentId,TRequestStatus& aStatus) ;
+	void RemoveAttachedMessageL(TMsvAttachmentId aAttachmentId,TRequestStatus& aStatus) ;
+	void CreateAttachmentL(const TDesC& aFileName, RFile& aAttachmentFile, CMsvAttachment* aAttachmentInfo, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	void CheckEntryAndResetStoreMessageL(TMsvId aMessageId);
+	void CheckEntryAndResetRemoveMessageL(TMsvId aMessageId);
+	void DoSetActive(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	CImMimeHeader* ConvertToImMimeHeadersL(CMsvMimeHeaders* aMimeHeaders);
+	CMsvMimeHeaders* ConvertToMsvMimeHeadersL(CImMimeHeader* aMimeHeader);
+	void AppendEntryAttachmentInfoL();
+	IMPORT_C void AddRelatedPartL(TMsvId aMessageId, const TDesC& aAttachmentFullName, TRequestStatus& aStatus, TMsvId aRelatedPartId, const TDesC8& aContentId);
+	IMPORT_C void StoreBodyTextL(TMsvId aMessageId, CRichText& aRichText, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	IMPORT_C void StoreBodyTextL(TMsvId aMessageId, CRichText& aRichText, TRequestStatus& aStatus, TBool aUsePlainTextStorage);
+	IMPORT_C void GetMessageDigestEntriesL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, TMsvId aMessageId);	
+	IMPORT_C void GetCharacterSetL(TMsvId aMessageId, TUint& aCharacterSetId, TBool& aOverride);
+	IMPORT_C void SetCharacterSetL(TMsvId aMessageId, TUint aCharacterSetId);
+	IMPORT_C void StoreBodyTextWithMimeHeaderL(TMsvId aMessageId, CRichText& aRichText, const CImMimeHeader& aMimeHeader, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	TMsvId EmailEntryId();
+	void DoRunL();
+	void DoCancel();
+	CImEmailMessage(CMsvEntry& aEntry);
+	void ConstructL();
+	void DoComplete(TInt&);
+	void DoStateL();
+	void Start(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+	void StartL();
+	void Reset();
+	void ChangeMessageContextL();
+	void CompareChildrenAndPopulateSelL();
+	void AttachmentInfoL();
+	void AssembleBodyTextL();
+	void CheckAndInitialiseL(TMsvId aMessageId);
+	void AppendAttachmentL();
+	TBool MessageDigestEntry();
+	TBool HandleDifferentFolderTypesL();
+	void GetTextForAlternateFolderL();
+	void GetTextForRelatedFolderL();
+	void GetAttachmentsForRelatedFolderL();
+	TBool GetBodyTextCharacterSetL();
+	TUint GetOverrideCharacterSetL();
+	TInt FindFilename(const CImMimeHeader& aMimeInfo, TPtrC8& aFilename);
+	void FindFilenameDecodeL(
+		const CImMimeHeader& aMimeInfo, TFileName& aFileName, TUint aCharset);	
+	void AppendAttachmentNameL();
+	void SetBodyTextCharacterSetL(TMsvId aEntryId, TUint8 aNewCharacterSetId);
+	void FindFirstBodyTextPartL(TMsvId aEntryId, TBool& found);
+	CImMimeHeader* FindAttachmentMimeHeaderL();
+	TMsvEntry FindIdEntryL(TMsvId aMessageId);
+	void DoGetBodyTextEntryIdL(TMsvId aMessageId, TImEmailEntryType aEntryType);
+	enum TImEmailMessageStates
+		{
+		EIdle=0,
+		ETextForThisMsg,
+		ETextForMsgDigest,
+		ETextEntryIdForThisMsg,
+		ETextEntryIdMsgDigest,
+		ETextForThisMsgGetCharacterSet,
+		EAttachmentsForThisMsg,
+		EAttachmentsForMsgDigest,
+		EMsgDigestEntries,
+		EResolveURI,
+		EStoreMessagePart,
+		ERemoveMessagePart,
+		EFinished
+		};
+	CMsvEntry& iClientEntry;
+	CMsvEntrySelection* iCompleteSel;
+	CMsvEntrySelection* iResultSel;
+	CRichText* iRichText;
+	CParaFormatLayer* iParaLayer;
+	CCharFormatLayer* iCharLayer;
+	TMsvId iParentMsgId;			// the Id passed into Getxxx() function representing the 'parent' message ID
+	TImEmailMessageStates iState;
+	TImAttachmentType iAttachmentType;
+	TMsvEmailEntry iEntry;
+	CImMhtmlUriResolver* iUriResolver;
+	TBool iUriFileFound;
+	CImStoreMessagePart* iStoreMessagePart;
+	CImRemoveMessagePart* iRemoveMessagePart;
+	TPckgBuf<TMsvId>	iProgress;
+	TImEmailEntryType iEntryType;
+	TBool iIsAMHTMLmessage;
+	TUint iCharacterSetId;
+	RFs iFs;
+	CDesCArray* iAttachmentNameList;
+	CImAttachmentManager* 			iAttachmentManager;
+	CMsvStore* 						iStore;
+	// This is the entry Id using which the CImEmailMessage was created.
+	// store this , so that when the  message id to which attachment is 
+	// retrieved then the CIMEmailMessage is reset with this Id.
+	TMsvId							iEmailEntryId;
+	enum TImAttachmentStates
+		{
+		ENoAttachment=0,
+		EAddAttachment,
+		EDeleteAttachment,
+		ECreateAttachment
+		};	
+	TInt		iAttachmentState;
+	};
+class CImEmailOperation : public CMsvOperation
+/** Provides simple email messages creation functions, including creation of new 
+messages, replies, forwarded messages, and receipts.
+Both plain-text and HTML messages, with or without attachments, can be created. 
+	{
+	IMPORT_C static CImEmailOperation* CreateNewL(TRequestStatus& aObserverRequestStatus, CMsvSession& aMsvSession, TMsvId aDestination, TMsvPartList aPartList, const TMsvEmailTypeList& aMsvEmailTypeList, TUid aMsgType);
+	IMPORT_C static CImEmailOperation* CreateNewL(TRequestStatus& aObserverRequestStatus, CMsvSession& aMsvSession, TMsvId aDestination, TMsvId aSmtpServiceId, TMsvPartList aPartList, const TMsvEmailTypeList& aMsvEmailTypeList, TUid aMsgType, TInt aPriority = EPriorityStandard);
+	IMPORT_C static CImEmailOperation* CreateNewL(TRequestStatus& aObserverRequestStatus, CMsvSession& aMsvSession, TMsvId aDestination, TMsvId aSmtpServiceId, TMsvPartList aPartList, const TMsvEmailTypeList& aMsvEmailTypeList, TUid aMsgType, TInt aPriority , TBool aUsePlainTextStorage);
+	IMPORT_C static CImEmailOperation* CreateReplyL(TRequestStatus& aObserverRequestStatus, CMsvSession& aMsvSession, TMsvId aMessageId, TMsvId aDestination, TMsvPartList aPartList, const TDesC& aFormatString, const TMsvEmailTypeList& aMsvEmailTypeList, TUid aMsgType);
+	IMPORT_C static CImEmailOperation* CreateReplyL(TRequestStatus& aObserverRequestStatus, CMsvSession& aMsvSession, TMsvId aMessageId, TMsvId aDestination, TMsvPartList aPartList, const TMsvEmailTypeList& aMsvEmailTypeList, TUid aMsgType);
+	IMPORT_C static CImEmailOperation* CreateReplyL(TRequestStatus& aObserverRequestStatus, CMsvSession& aMsvSession, TMsvId aMessageId, TMsvId aDestination, TMsvPartList aPartList, const TMsvEmailTypeList& aMsvEmailTypeList, TUid aMsgType, TInt aPriority);
+	IMPORT_C static CImEmailOperation* CreateReplyL(TRequestStatus& aObserverRequestStatus, CMsvSession& aMsvSession, TMsvId aMessageId, TMsvId aDestination, TMsvPartList aPartList, const TMsvEmailTypeList& aMsvEmailTypeList, TUid aMsgType, TInt aPriority, TBool aUsePlainTextStorage);
+	IMPORT_C static CImEmailOperation* CreateForwardL(TRequestStatus& aObserverRequestStatus, CMsvSession& aMsvSession, TMsvId aMessageId, TMsvId aDestination, TMsvPartList aPartList, const TDesC& aFormatString, const TMsvEmailTypeList& aMsvEmailTypeList, TUid aMsgType);
+	IMPORT_C static CImEmailOperation* CreateForwardL(TRequestStatus& aObserverRequestStatus, CMsvSession& aMsvSession, TMsvId aMessageId, TMsvId aDestination, TMsvPartList aPartList, const TMsvEmailTypeList& aMsvEmailTypeList, TUid aMsgType);
+	IMPORT_C static CImEmailOperation* CreateForwardL(TRequestStatus& aObserverRequestStatus, CMsvSession& aMsvSession, TMsvId aMessageId, TMsvId aDestination, TMsvId aSmtpServiceId, TMsvPartList aPartList, const TMsvEmailTypeList& aMsvEmailTypeList, TUid aMsgType, TInt aPriority = EPriorityStandard);
+	IMPORT_C static CImEmailOperation* CreateForwardL(TRequestStatus& aObserverRequestStatus, CMsvSession& aMsvSession, TMsvId aMessageId, TMsvId aDestination, TMsvId aSmtpServiceId, TMsvPartList aPartList, const TMsvEmailTypeList& aMsvEmailTypeList, TUid aMsgType, TInt aPriority, TBool aUsePlainTextStorage);
+	IMPORT_C static CImEmailOperation* CreateForwardAsAttachmentL(TRequestStatus& aObserverRequestStatus, CMsvSession& aMsvSession, TMsvId aMessageId, TMsvId aDestination, TMsvPartList aPartList, const TMsvEmailTypeList& aMsvEmailTypeList, TUid aMsgType);
+	IMPORT_C static CImEmailOperation* CreateForwardAsAttachmentL(TRequestStatus& aObserverRequestStatus, CMsvSession& aMsvSession, TMsvId aMessageId, TMsvId aSmtpServiceId, TMsvId aDestination, TMsvPartList aPartList, const TMsvEmailTypeList& aMsvEmailTypeList, TUid aMsgType, TInt aPriority = EPriorityStandard);
+	IMPORT_C static CImEmailOperation* CreateReceiptL(TRequestStatus& aObserverRequestStatus, CMsvSession& aMsvSession, TMsvId aMessageId, TMsvId aDestination, TMsvPartList aPartList, const TDesC& aFormatString, const TMsvEmailTypeList& aMsvEmailTypeList, TUid aMsgType);
+	IMPORT_C static CImEmailOperation* CreateReceiptL(TRequestStatus& aObserverRequestStatus, CMsvSession& aMsvSession, TMsvId aMessageId, TMsvId aDestination, TMsvPartList aPartList, const TMsvEmailTypeList& aMsvEmailTypeList, TUid aMsgType);
+	IMPORT_C static CImEmailOperation* CreateReceiptL(TRequestStatus& aObserverRequestStatus, CMsvSession& aMsvSession, TMsvId aMessageId, TMsvId aDestination, TMsvPartList aPartList, const TMsvEmailTypeList& aMsvEmailTypeList, TUid aMsgType, TInt aPriority);
+	IMPORT_C static CImEmailOperation* CreateReceiptL(TRequestStatus& aObserverRequestStatus, CMsvSession& aMsvSession, TMsvId aMessageId, TMsvId aDestination, TMsvPartList aPartList, const TMsvEmailTypeList& aMsvEmailTypeList, TUid aMsgType, TInt aPriority, TBool aUsePlainTextStorage);
+	IMPORT_C ~CImEmailOperation();
+	IMPORT_C const TDesC8& FinalProgress();
+	void DoCancel();
+	void RunL();
+	const TDesC8& ProgressL();
+	static CImEmailOperation* CreateCopyL(TRequestStatus& aObserverRequestStatus, CMsvSession& aMsvSession, TMsvId aMessageId, TMsvId aDestination, TMsvPartList aPartList, const TMsvEmailTypeList& aMsvEmailTypeList, TUid aMsgType);
+	enum TImEmailOperation 
+		{
+		ENew					= 0,
+		EReply					= 1,
+		EForward				= 2,
+		EReceipt				= 3,
+		EDeletingBadEmail		= 4,
+		ECopy					= 5,
+		EAttachOriginal			= 0x80,
+		EForwardAsAttachment    = EForward | EAttachOriginal,
+		EReplyAsAttachment		= EReply | EAttachOriginal
+		};
+	CImEmailOperation(TRequestStatus& aObserverRequestStatus, CMsvSession& aMsvSession, TMsvId aDestination, TMsvId aSmtpServiceId, TMsvPartList aPartList, const TMsvEmailTypeList& aMsvEmailTypeList, TUid aMsgType, TInt aPriority, TBool aUsePlainTextStorage);
+	void ConstructL(TMsvId aMessageId, const TDesC& aFormatString, TImEmailOperation aOperation);
+	void ConstructL(TMsvId aMessageId, TImEmailOperation aOperation);
+	void ConstructL(TImEmailOperation aOperation);
+	void OpenAndReadResourceFileL();
+	void SetSmtpServiceFromDefaultsL();
+	void SetSmtpServiceFromOriginalMessageL();
+	void ErrorRecovery(TInt error);
+	void SelectNextStateL();
+	void ProcessStateL();
+	void SelectAndProcessNextStateL();
+	void RequestComplete(TInt aError);
+	void CreateNewHeaderL();
+	void GetBodyTextL();
+	TInt RemoveIncompleteAttachments();
+	void CreateEntryDetails(TMsvEmailEntry& aMsvEmailEntry);
+	void CreateNewMessageL(TMsvId aDestinationId);
+	void CreateMultipartMixedFolderEntryL();
+	void CreateTextEntryL(TMsvId aFolderId);
+	void StoreBodyL();
+	void StorePlainBodyL();
+	void CheckForSignatureOrVCardL();
+	void CreateAttachmentEntryL();
+	void StoreAttachmentL();
+	void CreateMultipartAlternativeFolderEntryL();
+	void AppendHtmlAttachmentL();
+	void AttachOriginalMessageToNewMessageL();
+	void CompleteEmailOperationL();
+	void CreateHTMLEntryL();
+	void PrepareToStoreHTMLEntryTextL();
+	void StoreHTMLEntryTextL();
+	void CreateVCardAttachmentL();
+	void AddVCardAttachmentL();
+	void AddMessageAsAttachmentL();
+	TPtrC GetDefaultAttachmentName();
+	void RestoreSmtpSettingsL();
+	TMsvId ServiceId();
+	TBool NeedMultipartMixedFolder() const;
+	void ReadDefaultHtmlAttachmentNameL(TDes& aFileName);
+	void CreateDefaultAttachmentL();
+	void AddMessageAttachmentInfoL(TMsvId aAttachmentMessageId);
+	void ResetStoreL();
+	void CreateAddressListStringL(HBufC*& aListBuffer, const CDesCArray& aAddressArray);
+	void RestoreOriginalHeaderL();
+	void SetBodyHeaderFormatL();
+	static void ClosePlainBodyTextArray(TAny* aPtr);
+	void StorePlainTextL();
+	TInt GetPlainBodyTextSizeL();
+	enum TImEmailOperationState
+		{
+		ECreateNewHeader,
+		EGetBodyText,
+		EGetAttachmentList,
+		EGetMessageDigest,
+		ECreateNewMessageEntry,
+		ECheckMultipartMixedFolderRequired,
+		ECreateMultipartMixedFolderEntry,
+		ECheckMultipartAlternativeFolderRequired,
+		ECreateMultipartAlternativeFolderEntry,
+		ECheckTextEntryRequired,
+		ECreateTextEntry,
+		EStoreBody,
+		ECheckVCardRequired,
+		ECreateVCardAttachment,
+		EAddVCardAttachment,
+		ECheckHTMLEntryRequired,
+		ECreateHTMLEntry,
+		EPrepareToStoreHTMLEntryText,
+		EStoreHTMLEntryText,
+		ECheckAttachOriginalMessageRequired,
+		EAttachOriginalMessage,
+		ECheckHTMLPageRequired,
+		EFindHTMLPage,
+		ECopyHTMLPartToAttachment,
+		ECheckAttachmentsRequired,
+		ECreateAttachmentEntry,
+		EStoreAttachment,
+		ECheckEmbeddedMessagesRequired,
+		EAddEmbeddedMessagesAsAttachments,
+		ECompleteEmailOperation,
+		EFinished
+		,ECreateDefaultHtmlAttachment,
+		EStoreHTMLTextInEntry,
+		EAddMessageAttachmentInfo
+		};
+	// Flags specifying format of body header information to include
+	// in reply and forwarded email addresses
+	enum TImBodyHeaderFormat
+		{
+		ENoToCcInfo=0,
+		EToOnly,
+		ECcOnly,
+		EToAndCc
+		};
+	CMsvEntry* iMsvEntry;
+	CMsvOperation* iMsvOperation;
+	CImHeader* iNewHeader;
+	CParaFormatLayer* iParaLayer;
+	CCharFormatLayer* iCharLayer;
+	CRichText* iRichText;
+	CImEmailMessage* iEmailMessage;
+	HBufC* iFormatString;
+	CFileMan* iFileMan;
+	CImSmtpSettings* iSmtpSettings;
+	TInt iState;
+	TImEmailOperation iOperation;
+	TMsvId iDestinationId;
+	TMsvId iMultipartMixedId;
+	TMsvId iMultipartAlternativeId;
+	TMsvId iOrigMessageId;
+	TMsvId iNewMessageId;
+	TMsvId iSmtpServiceId;
+	TMsvId iAttachedMessageId;
+	TUid iMsgType;
+	TMsvPartList iPartList;
+	TMsvEmailTypeList iMsvEmailTypeList;
+	TInt iAttachmentCount;
+	TInt iTotalAttachments;
+	TPckgBuf<TMsvId> iDataMember;
+	HBufC* iBodyHeaderFormatString;
+	HBufC* iBodyHeaderDateTimeFormatString;
+	HBufC* iBodyHeaderToString;
+	HBufC* iBodyHeaderCcString;
+	HBufC* iBodyHeader;
+	HBufC* iUserEmailAddress;
+	TInt iRichTextSize;
+	TInt iVCardAndHtmlSize;
+	TBool iOrigMessageHtml;
+	TBool iHtmlNoTextAlt;
+	TInt iEmbeddedMessagesToProcess;
+	TImMessageField iMessageField;
+	// for MIME messages:
+	TBool iCreateHtmlMessage;
+	TBool iMultipartMixedFolderCreated;
+	TBool iMultipartAlternativeFolderCreated;
+	TMsvId iTextId;
+	TMsvId iHtmlId;
+	TMsvId iVcardId;
+	// Used when converting rich text to html
+	CImHtmlConverter* iHtmlConverter;
+	TBool iFinishedConvertingHTML;
+	// Relating to adding Signature and/or Vcard to an email
+	TBool iNeedToAddVCardAttachment;
+	HBufC* iDefaultVCardNameFormatString;
+	TStreamId iVcardStoreId;
+	CStreamStore* iVcardStore;
+	CRichText* iSignatureText;
+	TFileName iFileName;
+	TImAttachmentFile iAttachmentFile;
+	// PCMail
+	TMsvId iPCMailServiceId;
+	RPointerArray<CMsvAttachment>	iAttachmentInfoList;
+	// set this anytime during the object life cycle attachment manager was used
+	TBool iAttachmentMgrUsed;
+	CMsvStore* iStore;
+	RFile iFile;
+	TImBodyHeaderFormat iBodyHeaderFormat;
+	CImHeader* iOriginalHeader;
+	/** Indicates if the body text entry is plain text */
+	TBool  iUsePlainTextStorage;
+	// The error value returned when CRichText is populated with message body text.
+	TInt iRestoreErr;
+	};
+#endif // __MIUTMSG_H__