changeset 0 72b543305e3a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/email/pop3andsmtpmtm/clientmtms/inc/cemailaccounts.h	Thu Dec 17 08:44:11 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,630 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <msvapi.h>
+class CImIAPPreferences;
+class CImPop3Settings;
+class CImImap4Settings;
+class CImSmtpSettings;
+class CRepository;
+class CImapSyncDownloadRules;
+class CImapTransportBufferSizes;
+class CImSmtpMobilitySettings;
+Maximum size of email account name
+const TInt KEmailAccountNameSize = 256;
+Maximum number of entries allowed in the IAP list for a SMTP mobility account
+const TInt KMaxSmtpMobilityAccountIAPListEntries = 32;
+Identifier number for a POP email account.
+@see TPopAccount
+typedef TInt TPopAccountId;
+Identifier number for an IMAP email account.
+@see TImapAccount
+typedef TInt TImapAccountId;
+Identifier number for an SMTP email account.
+@see TSmtpAccount
+typedef TInt TSmtpAccountId;
+Identifier number for an SMTP moblity account.
+typedef TInt TSmtpMobilityAccountId;
+Array of IAP values
+typedef RArray<TUint32> RArrayIAP;
+Null or undefined SMTP account identifier
+const TSmtpAccountId KNullSmtpAccountId = 0;
+POP account ID.
+Objects of this type identify POP email accounts. 
+They are obtained when a POP account is created 
+(CEmailAccounts::CreatePopAccountL()), or by 
+querying for what POP accounts exist 
+(CEmailAccounts::GetPopAccountL() and CEmailAccounts::GetPopAccountsL()).
+The object is then used as a handle to the account when getting
+the account settings, using CEmailAccounts::LoadPopSettingsL() and 
+class TPopAccount
+	{
+	/** POP account identifier number. 
+	Each POP account stored on the phone has a different
+	identifier number to distinguish it from other accounts.
+	*/
+	TPopAccountId iPopAccountId;
+	/** POP account name. */
+	TBuf<KEmailAccountNameSize> iPopAccountName;
+	/** Entry ID of the POP service for this account. */
+	TMsvId iPopService;
+	/** Entry ID of the related SMTP service for this account. 
+	This is set if an SMTP service has been created, using 
+	CEmailAccounts::CreateSmtpAccountL(), that specifies that 
+	it is related to this account. An SMTP service (which provides
+	email sending functionality) is used in conjunction with 
+	a POP or IMAP service (which provide email retrieval).
+	*/
+	TMsvId iSmtpService;
+	};
+IMAP account ID.
+Objects of this type identify IMAP email accounts. 
+They are obtained when a IMAP account is created 
+(CEmailAccounts::CreateImapAccountL()), or by 
+querying for what IMAP accounts exist 
+(CEmailAccounts::GetImapAccountL() and CEmailAccounts::GetImapAccountsL()).
+The object is then used as a handle to the account when getting
+the account settings, using CEmailAccounts::LoadImapSettingsL() and 
+class TImapAccount
+	{
+	/** IMAP account identifier number.
+	Each IMAP account stored on the phone has a different
+	identifier number to distinguish it from other accounts.
+	*/
+	TImapAccountId iImapAccountId;
+	/** IMAP account name */
+	TBuf<KEmailAccountNameSize> iImapAccountName;
+	/** Entry ID of the IMAP service for this account. */
+	TMsvId iImapService;
+	/** Entry ID of the related SMTP service for this account. 
+	This is set if an SMTP service has been created, using 
+	CEmailAccounts::CreateSmtpAccountL(), that specifies that 
+	it is related to this account. An SMTP service (which provides
+	email sending functionality) is used in conjunction with 
+	a POP or IMAP service (which provide email retrieval).
+	*/
+	TMsvId iSmtpService;
+	};
+SMTP account ID.
+Objects of this type identify SMTP email accounts. 
+They are obtained when a SMTP account is created 
+(CEmailAccounts::CreateSmtpAccountL()), or by 
+querying for what SMTP accounts exist 
+(CEmailAccounts::GetSmtpAccountL() and CEmailAccounts::GetISmtpAccountsL()).
+The object is then used as a handle to the account when getting
+the account settings, using CEmailAccounts::LoadSmtpSettingsL() and 
+class TSmtpAccount
+	{
+	/** SMTP account identifier number. */
+	TSmtpAccountId iSmtpAccountId;
+	/** SMTP account name */
+	TBuf<KEmailAccountNameSize> iSmtpAccountName;
+	/** Entry ID of the SMTP service for this account. */
+	TMsvId iSmtpService;
+	/** Entry ID of the related POP or IMAP service for this account. 
+	An SMTP service (which provides	email sending functionality) is 
+	used in conjunction with a POP or IMAP service (which provide email retrieval).
+	*/
+	TMsvId iRelatedService;
+	};
+class TSmtpMobilityAccount
+	{
+	/** SMTP mobility account identifier */
+	TSmtpMobilityAccountId iAccountId;
+	/** SMTP mobility account name */
+	TBuf<KEmailAccountNameSize> iName;
+	/** Parent SMTP account identifier */
+	TSmtpAccountId iParentSmtpAccountId;
+	/** Linked SMTP account identifier. Identifies the SMTP account whose
+	    settings will be used by this mobility account. If the mobility account
+	    is using its own settings, this will be set to KNullSmtpAccountId. */
+	TSmtpAccountId iLinkedSmtpAccountId;
+	};
+Creates, loads, saves and deletes email (IMAP, POP, and SMTP) accounts. 
+An account encapsulates:
+- Settings for a messaging service. There is a different type of 
+  settings class for each of the email protocols (CImPop3Settings, 
+  CImImap4Settings, CImSmtpSettings).
+- IAP (Internet account) settings for accessing the service.
+The class has a family of functions for each protocol to create, get,
+and delete accounts:
+- Create\<protocol\>AccountL 
+- Get\<protocol\>AccountL 
+- Get\<protocol\>AccountsL 
+- Delete\<protocol\>AccountL 
+where \<protocol\> is either POP, IMAP, or SMTP. 
+The Create and Get functions don't directly return settings 
+objects, but only account identifiers. 
+Account identifiers are passed to the following functions 
+to save and load the service and IAP settings for that account:
+- Load\<protocol\>SettingsL
+- Save\<protocol\>SettingsL 
+- Load\<protocol\>IapSettingsL 
+- Save\<protocol\>IapSettingsL 
+For SMTP only, there is a concept of a default account (as a client
+program may want to send an email, and not care which account is used.)
+SetDefaultSmtpAccountL(), DefaultSmtpAccountL() and DeleteDefaultSmtpAccountL() 
+are used to handle this.
+Note that an account is associated with a service entry in the message store,
+but account information itself is stored in the central repository.
+class CEmailAccounts : public CBase, public MMsvSessionObserver
+	{
+	IMPORT_C static CEmailAccounts* NewL();
+	IMPORT_C static CEmailAccounts* NewLC();
+	IMPORT_C virtual ~CEmailAccounts();
+	IMPORT_C TPopAccount CreatePopAccountL(const TDesC& aAccountName, const CImPop3Settings& aPopSettings,
+		const CImIAPPreferences& aPopIAP, TBool aReadOnly);
+	IMPORT_C TImapAccount CreateImapAccountL(const TDesC& aAccountName, const CImImap4Settings& aImapSettings,
+		const CImIAPPreferences& aImapIAP, TBool aReadOnly);
+	IMPORT_C TSmtpAccount CreateSmtpAccountL(TPopAccount& aPopAccount, const CImSmtpSettings& aSmtpSettings,
+		const CImIAPPreferences& aSmtpIAP, TBool aReadOnly);
+	IMPORT_C TSmtpAccount CreateSmtpAccountL(TImapAccount& aImapAccount, const CImSmtpSettings& aSmtpSettings,
+		const CImIAPPreferences& aSmtpIAP, TBool aReadOnly);
+	IMPORT_C TSmtpAccount CreateSmtpAccountL(const TDesC& aAccountName, const CImSmtpSettings& aSmtpSettings, 
+		const CImIAPPreferences& aSmtpIAP, TBool aReadOnly);
+	IMPORT_C void GetPopAccountsL(RArray<TPopAccount>& aAccounts);
+	IMPORT_C void GetPopAccountL(TMsvId aServiceId, TPopAccount& aAccount); 
+	IMPORT_C void DeletePopAccountL(const TPopAccount& aAccount);
+	IMPORT_C void GetImapAccountsL(RArray<TImapAccount>& aAccounts);
+	IMPORT_C void GetImapAccountL(TMsvId aServiceId, TImapAccount& aAccount); 
+	IMPORT_C void DeleteImapAccountL(const TImapAccount& aAccount);
+	IMPORT_C void GetSmtpAccountsL(RArray<TSmtpAccount>& aAccounts);
+	IMPORT_C void GetSmtpAccountL(TMsvId aServiceId, TSmtpAccount& aAccount); 
+	IMPORT_C void DeleteSmtpAccountL(const TSmtpAccount& aAccount);
+	IMPORT_C void DeleteDefaultSmtpAccountL();
+	IMPORT_C void PopulateDefaultPopSettingsL(CImPop3Settings& aPopSettings,
+	CImIAPPreferences& aPopIap);
+	IMPORT_C void PopulateDefaultImapSettingsL(CImImap4Settings& aImapSettings,
+	CImIAPPreferences& aImapIap);
+	IMPORT_C void PopulateDefaultSmtpSettingsL(CImSmtpSettings& aSmtpSettings,
+	CImIAPPreferences& aSmtpIap);
+	IMPORT_C TInt DefaultSmtpAccountL(TSmtpAccount& aAccount);
+	IMPORT_C void SetDefaultSmtpAccountL(const TSmtpAccount& aAccount);
+	IMPORT_C void LoadPopSettingsL(const TPopAccount& aAccount, CImPop3Settings& aPopSettings);
+	IMPORT_C void LoadPopIapSettingsL(const TPopAccount& aAccount, CImIAPPreferences& aIAP);
+	IMPORT_C void LoadImapSettingsL(const TImapAccount& aAccount, CImImap4Settings& aImapSettings);
+	IMPORT_C void LoadImapIapSettingsL(const TImapAccount& aAccount, CImIAPPreferences& aIAP);
+	IMPORT_C void LoadSmtpSettingsL(const TSmtpAccount& aAccount, CImSmtpSettings& aSmtpSettings);
+	IMPORT_C void LoadSmtpIapSettingsL(const TSmtpAccount& aAccount, CImIAPPreferences& aIAP);
+	IMPORT_C void SavePopSettingsL(const TPopAccount& aAccount, const CImPop3Settings& aPopSettings);
+	IMPORT_C void SavePopIapSettingsL(const TPopAccount& aAccount, const CImIAPPreferences& aIAP);
+	IMPORT_C void SaveImapSettingsL(const TImapAccount& aAccount, const CImImap4Settings& aImapSettings);
+	IMPORT_C void SaveImapIapSettingsL(const TImapAccount& aAccount, const CImIAPPreferences& aIAP);
+	IMPORT_C void SaveSmtpSettingsL(const TSmtpAccount& aAccount, const CImSmtpSettings& aSmtpSettings);
+	IMPORT_C void SaveSmtpIapSettingsL(const TSmtpAccount& aAccount, const CImIAPPreferences& aIAP);
+	IMPORT_C TBool IsAccountReadOnlyL(const TPopAccount& aAccount);
+	IMPORT_C TBool IsAccountReadOnlyL(const TImapAccount& aAccount);
+	IMPORT_C TBool IsAccountReadOnlyL(const TSmtpAccount& aAccount);
+	// Published partner routines
+	IMPORT_C TImapAccount CreateImapAccountL(const TDesC& aAccountName,
+		const CImImap4Settings& aImapSettings, const CImIAPPreferences& aImapIAP,
+		const CImapSyncDownloadRules& aSyncDownloadRules, TBool aReadOnly);
+	IMPORT_C void LoadImapSyncDownloadRulesL(const TImapAccount& aAccount, CImapSyncDownloadRules& aRules);
+	IMPORT_C void LoadImapTransportBufferSizesL(CImapTransportBufferSizes& aBufferSizes);
+	IMPORT_C void SaveImapSyncDownloadRulesL(const TImapAccount& aAccount, const CImapSyncDownloadRules& aRules);
+	IMPORT_C void SaveImapTransportBufferSizesL(const CImapTransportBufferSizes& aBufferSizes);
+	IMPORT_C void DeleteImapTransportBufferSizesL();
+	IMPORT_C void GetSmtpAccountL(TSmtpAccountId aAccountId, TSmtpAccount& aAccount);
+	IMPORT_C TSmtpMobilityAccount CreateSmtpMobilityAccountL(const TDesC& aAccountName, const RArrayIAP& aIapList, const TSmtpAccount& aSmtpAccount, const CImSmtpMobilitySettings& aSettings, TBool aReadOnly);
+	IMPORT_C TSmtpMobilityAccount CreateSmtpMobilityAccountL(const TDesC& aAccountName, const RArrayIAP& aIapList, const TSmtpAccount& aSmtpAccount, const TSmtpAccount& aLinkedSmtpAccount, TBool aReadOnly);
+	IMPORT_C void GetSmtpMobilityAccountsL(const TSmtpAccount& aSmtpAccount, RArray<TSmtpMobilityAccount>& aAccounts);
+	IMPORT_C void DeleteSmtpMobilityAccountL(const TSmtpMobilityAccount& aAccount);
+	IMPORT_C void PopulateDefaultSmtpMobilitySettingsL(CImSmtpMobilitySettings& aSettings);
+	IMPORT_C void LoadSmtpMobilitySettingsL(const TSmtpMobilityAccount& aAccount, CImSmtpMobilitySettings& aSettings);
+	IMPORT_C void SaveSmtpMobilitySettingsL(const TSmtpMobilityAccount& aAccount, const CImSmtpMobilitySettings& aSettings);
+	IMPORT_C void LoadSmtpMobilityAccountIapListL(const TSmtpMobilityAccount& aAccount, RArrayIAP& aIapList);
+	IMPORT_C void SaveSmtpMobilityAccountIapListL(const TSmtpMobilityAccount& aAccount, const RArrayIAP& aIapList);
+	IMPORT_C TBool IsAccountReadOnlyL(const TSmtpMobilityAccount& aAccount);
+	// Internal routines
+	IMPORT_C void GetSmtpMobilityAccountsL(RArray<TSmtpMobilityAccount>& aAccounts);
+	IMPORT_C TBool LoadSmtpMobilitySettingsL(TSmtpAccountId& aSmtpAccountId, TUint32 aIap, CImSmtpMobilitySettings& aSettings);
+	CEmailAccounts();
+	void HandleSessionEventL(TMsvSessionEvent , TAny* , TAny* , TAny* );
+	CMsvSession& SessionL();
+	CRepository& PopRepositoryL();
+	CRepository& ImapRepositoryL();
+	CRepository& SmtpRepositoryL();
+	TMsvId CreateEmailServiceL(CMsvEntry& aMsvEntry, const TDesC& aAccountName, TUid aMTMType, TBool aVisible);
+	void SetRelatedIdL(CMsvEntry& aMsvEntry, TMsvId aId, TMsvId aRelatedId);
+	void SetEntryDetailsL(TMsvId aId, const TDesC& aAccountName);
+	void UnSetInPreparationFlagsL(CMsvEntry& aMsvEntry, TMsvId aId, TInt aAccountId);
+	void DeleteServiceEntryL(CMsvEntry& aMsvEntry, TMsvId aId);
+	TUint GetNextEmptyAccountSlotL(CRepository& aRepository);
+	TUint32 FindEmailAccountL(TMsvId aService, CRepository& aRepository);
+	void LoadIAPPrefSettingsL(TUint32 aAccountId, CImIAPPreferences& aIAP, CRepository& aRepository);
+	void DoLoadPopSettingsL(TUint32 aAccountId, CImPop3Settings& aPopSettings);
+	void DoLoadImapSettingsL(TUint32 aAccountId, CImImap4Settings& aImapSettings);
+	void DoLoadSmtpSettingsL(TUint32 aAccountId, CImSmtpSettings& aSmtpSettings);
+	void SaveIAPPrefSettingsL(TUint32 aAccountId, const CImIAPPreferences& aIAP, CRepository& aRepository);
+	void DoSavePopSettingsL(TUint32 aAccountId, const CImPop3Settings& aPopSettings);
+	void DoSaveSmtpSettingsL(TUint32 aAccountId, const CImSmtpSettings& aSmtpSettings);
+	void DoSaveImapSettingsL(TUint32 aAccountId, const CImImap4Settings& aImapSettings);	
+	void DoSaveImapSyncDownloadRulesL(TUint32 aAccountId, const CImapSyncDownloadRules& aRules, CRepository& aRepository);
+	TImapAccount CreateImapAccountL(const TDesC& aAccountName, const CImImap4Settings& aImapSettings,
+		const CImIAPPreferences& aImapIAP, const CImapSyncDownloadRules* aSyncDownloadRules, TBool aReadOnly);
+	TUint32 DoCreatePopAccountL(const TDesC& aAccountName, const CImPop3Settings& aPopSettings, 
+		const CImIAPPreferences& aPopIAP, TMsvId aPopService, TMsvId aRelatedService, TBool aReadOnly);
+	TUint32 DoCreateImapAccountL(const TDesC& aAccountName, const CImImap4Settings& aImapSettings,
+		const CImIAPPreferences& aImapIAP, const CImapSyncDownloadRules* aSyncDownloadRules, TMsvId aImapService,
+		TMsvId aRelatedService, TBool aReadOnly);
+	TUint32 DoCreateSmtpAccountL(TPopAccount& aPopAccount, const CImSmtpSettings& aSmtpSettings, 
+		const CImIAPPreferences& aSmtpIAP, TMsvId aSmtpService, CMsvEntry& aMsvEntry, TUint32& aPopAccountId, TBool aReadOnly);
+	TUint32 DoCreateSmtpAccountL(TImapAccount& aImapAccount, const CImSmtpSettings& aSmtpSettings, 
+		const CImIAPPreferences& aSmtpIAP, TMsvId aSmtpService, CMsvEntry& aMsvEntry, TUint32& aImapAccountId, TBool aReadOnly);
+	TUint32 DoCreateSmtpAccountL(const TDesC& aAccountName, const CImSmtpSettings& aSmtpSettings, 
+		const CImIAPPreferences& aSmtpIAP, TMsvId aSmtpService, TMsvId aRelatedService, TBool aReadOnly);	
+	void DeleteIAPPrefSettingsL(TUint32 aAccountId, CRepository& aRepository);
+	void DeletePopSettings(TUint32 aAccountId, CRepository& aRepository);
+	void DeleteSmtpSettings(TUint32 aAccountId, CRepository& aRepository);
+	void DeleteImapSettings(TUint32 aAccountId, CRepository& aRepository);
+	void DeleteImapSyncDownloadRulesL(TUint32 aAccountId, CRepository& aRepository);
+	void GetEmailServicesL(CMsvEntrySelection& aServices, TUid aMTMType, CMsvEntry& aMsvEntry);
+	TBool IsAsciiPrintable(const TDesC16& aText);
+	TBool IsAsciiPrintable(const TDesC8& aText);
+	TBool IsUnicodePrintable(const TDesC16& aText);
+	TSmtpMobilityAccount DoCreateSmtpMobilityAccountL(const TDesC& aAccountName, const RArrayIAP& aIapList, const CImSmtpMobilitySettings& aSettings, const TSmtpAccount& aSmtpAccount, TSmtpAccountId aLinkedSmtpAccountId, TBool aReadOnly);
+	void AddMobilityAccountToSmtpAccountL(const TSmtpAccount& aSmtpAccount, const RArrayIAP& aIapList, TUint32 aMobAccRepId, CRepository& aRepository);
+	void AddLinkToMobilityAccountL(TSmtpAccountId aLinkedSmtpAccountId, TUint32 aMobAccRepId, CRepository& aRepository);
+	TInt FindIapListEntryInSmtpMobilityAccountListL(const RArrayIAP& aIapList, CRepository& aRepository, TUint32 aSmtpAccRepId, TInt aNumEntries, TInt aIgnorePos);
+	TInt FindAccountIdInSmtpMobilityAccountListL(TUint32 aMobAccRepId, CRepository& aRepository, TUint32 aSmtpAccRepId, TInt aNumEntries);
+	void GetSmtpAccountInfoForMobilityAccountL(TUint32 aMobAccRepId, CRepository& aRepository, TUint32& aSmtpAccRepId, TInt& aPos);
+	void DeleteAllOwnedMobilityAccountsL(TUint32 aSmtpAccRepId, CRepository& aRepository);
+	void DeleteAllLinkedMobilityAccountsL(TUint32 aLinkedSmtpAccRepId, CRepository& aRepository);
+	void DeleteSmtpMobilityAccountListEntryL(TUint32 aMobAccRepId, CRepository& aRepository, TUint32 aSmtpAccRepId);
+	void DeleteSmtpMobilityAccountFromLinkedSmtpAccountL(TUint32 aMobAccRepId, CRepository& aRepository);
+	TBool IsSmtpTypeAccountReadOnlyL(TUint32 aAccRepId);
+	TBool IsSmtpMobilityAccount(CRepository& aRepository, TUint32 aAccRepId);
+	void CreateHeaderStoreL(TUid aMTMid);
+	enum TEmailSettingTypes
+		{
+		// Partial CenRep Id for service settings
+		EServiceSettingType 			= 0x00000000,
+		// Partial CenRep Id for IAP Prefs
+		EIAPPrefSettingType				= 0x00010000,
+		// CenRep mask for email accounts
+		EAccountMask 					= 0x800FFFFF			
+		};
+	enum TPOPServiceSettingsCenRepId
+		{
+		EPOPServiceId					= 0x00000000,
+		EPOPAccountNameId				= 0x00000001,
+		EPOPRelatedSMTPServiceId		= 0x00000002,
+		EPOPSettingsVersionId			= 0x00000003, 
+		EPOPServerAddressId				= 0x00000004,
+		EPOPPortNumberId			   	= 0x00000005,     	
+		EPOPFlagsId						= 0x00000006,
+		EPOPLoginNameId					= 0x00000007,
+		EPOPPasswordId					= 0x00000008,
+		EPOPMaxEmailSizeId				= 0x00000009,
+		EPOPGetEmailOptionsId			= 0x0000000A,
+		EPOPInboxSynchronisationLimitId	= 0x0000000B,
+		EPOPPopulationLimitId			= 0x0000000C,
+		EPOPReadOnlyAccountId			= 0x0000000D,
+		EPOPTlsSslDomainId				= 0x0000000F
+		};
+	enum TIMAPServiceSettingsCenRepId
+		{
+		EIMAPServiceId					= 0x00000000,
+		EIMAPAccountNameId				= 0x00000001,
+		EIMAPRelatedSMTPServiceId		= 0x00000002,
+		EIMAPSettingsVersionId			= 0x00000003, 
+		EIMAPServerAddressId			= 0x00000004,
+		EIMAPPortNumberId			   	= 0x00000005,     	
+		EIMAPFlagsId					= 0x00000006,
+		EIMAPLoginNameId				= 0x00000007,
+		EIMAPPasswordId					= 0x00000008,
+		EIMAPFolderPathId				= 0x00000009,
+		EIMAPPathSeparatorId			= 0x0000000A,
+		EIMAPSynchronisationStrategyId	= 0x0000000B,
+		EIMAPSubscriptionStrategyId		= 0x0000000C,
+		EIMAPMaxEmailSizeId				= 0x0000000D,
+		EIMAPGetMailOptionsId			= 0x0000000E,
+		EIMAPInboxSynchronisationLimitId= 0x0000000F,
+		EIMAPMailboxSynchronisationLimitId= 0x00000010,
+		EIMAPTlsSslDomainId				= 0x00000012,		
+		EIMAPSyncRateId					= 0x00000020,
+		EIMAPFetchSizeId				= 0x00000030,
+		EIMAPIdleTimeoutId				= 0x00000040,
+		EPartialMailOptionsId			= 0x00000050,
+		EBodyTextSizeLimitId			= 0x00000060,		
+		EAttachmentSizeLimitId			= 0x00000070,
+		EIMAPSearchStringId				= 0x00000080,
+		EIMAPReadOnlyAccountId			= 0x00000090,
+		// 0x00001000 - 0x00002FFF reserved for sync download rules
+		// 0x00010000 - 0x00014FFF reserved for IAP/SNAP preferences
+		};
+	enum TIMAPSyncDownloadRulesCenRepInfo
+		{
+		EIMAPSyncDownloadRulesVersionId = 0x00001000,
+		EIMAPNumInboxSyncDownloadRulesId = 0x00001001,
+		EIMAPNumFolderSyncDownloadRulesId = 0x00001002,
+		EIMAPInboxSyncDownloadRulesBearerTypesId = 0x00001010,
+		EIMAPInboxSyncDownloadRulesMailOptionsId = 0x00001011,
+		EIMAPInboxSyncDownloadRulesTotalSizeLimitId = 0x00001012,
+		EIMAPInboxSyncDownloadRulesBodyTextSizeLimitId = 0x00001013,
+		EIMAPInboxSyncDownloadRulesAttachmentSizeLimitId = 0x00001014,
+		EIMAPInboxSyncDownloadRulesGetMailBodyPartsId = 0x00001015,
+		EIMAPInboxSyncDownloadRulesMaxEmailSizeId = 0x00001016,
+		EIMAPFolderSyncDownloadRulesBearerTypesId = 0x00001030,
+		EIMAPFolderSyncDownloadRulesMailOptionsId = 0x00001031,
+		EIMAPFolderSyncDownloadRulesTotalSizeLimitId = 0x00001032,
+		EIMAPFolderSyncDownloadRulesBodyTextSizeLimitId = 0x00001033,
+		EIMAPFolderSyncDownloadRulesAttachmentSizeLimitId = 0x00001034,
+		EIMAPFolderSyncDownloadRulesGetMailBodyPartsId = 0x00001035,
+		EIMAPFolderSyncDownloadRulesMaxEmailSizeId = 0x00001036,
+		// Offset between sets of rules
+		EIMAPSyncDownloadRulesOffset = 0x40
+		};
+	enum TIAPPreferencesCenRepId
+		{
+		// single settings		
+		EIAPPrefVersion 				= 0x00010000,
+		EIAPChoicesCount 				= 0x00010001,
+		// List of settings
+		EIAPListIDs						= 0x00011000,
+		EIAPListDialogPrefs				= 0x00012000,
+		// EIAPSnapId placed here is a deviation from Design doc. Remove comment after a decision is made
+		EIAPSnapId						= 0x00014000 // The same value is to be used in all account types
+		};
+	enum TIMAPTransportBufferSizesCenRepInfo
+		{
+		EIMAPTransportBufferSizesVersionId = 0x80000100,
+		EIMAPNumTransportBufferSizesId = 0x80000101,
+		EIMAPTransportBufferSizesBearerTypesId = 0x80000110,
+		EIMAPTransportBufferSizesFetchRequestSizeId = 0x80000111,
+		EIMAPTransportBufferSizesMaxOutstandingFetchResponsesId = 0x80000112,
+		// Offset between entries
+		EIMAPTransportBufferSizesOffset = 0x20
+		};
+	enum TSMTPServiceSettingsCenRepId
+		{
+		ESMTPServiceId					= 0x00000000,
+		ESMTPAccountNameId				= 0x00000001,		
+		ESMTPSettingsVersionId			= 0x00000002,
+		ESMTPServerAddressId			= 0x00000003, 
+		ESMTPPortNumberId				= 0x00000004, 
+		ESMTPFlagsId				   	= 0x00000005,     	
+		ESMTPEmailAliasId				= 0x00000006, 
+		ESMTPEmailAddressId				= 0x00000007,
+		ESMTPReplyToAddressId			= 0x00000008,
+		ESMTPReceiptAddressId			= 0x00000009,
+		ESMTPBodyEncodingId				= 0x0000000A,
+		ESMTPDefaultMsgCharSetId		= 0x0000000B,
+		ESMTPSendCopyToSelfId			= 0x0000000C,
+		ESMTPSendMessageOptionId		= 0x0000000D,
+		ESMTPLoginNameId				= 0x0000000E,
+		ESMTPPasswordId					= 0x0000000F,
+		ESMTPRelatedServiceId			= 0x00000010,
+		ESMTPIncludeToCcId				= 0x00000011,
+		ESMTPReadOnlyAccountId			= 0x00000012,
+		ESMTPParentAccountId			= 0x00000013,
+		ESMTPTlsSslDomainId				= 0x00000014,
+		ESMTPLinkedAccountId			= 0x00000015
+		};
+	enum TSMTPLinkedMobilityAccountListCenRepInfo
+		{
+		ESMTPLinkedMobilityAccountListVersionId = 0x00015000,
+		ESMTPLinkedMobilityAccountListNumEntriesId = 0x00015001,
+		ESMTPLinkedMobilityAccountListEntryId = 0x00015010,
+		// Maximum number of list entries
+		ESMTPLinkedMobilityAccountListMaxEntries = 2048
+		};
+	enum TSMTPMobilityAccountListCenRepInfo
+		{
+		ESMTPMobilityAccountListVersionId = 0x00016000,
+		ESMTPMobilityAccountListNumEntriesId = 0x00016001,
+		ESMTPMobilityAccountListAccountId = 0x00016010,
+		ESMTPMobilityAccountListNumIapsId = 0x00016011,
+		ESMTPMobilityAccountListIapId = 0x00016020,
+		// Offset between entries
+		ESMTPMobilityAccountListOffset = 0x40,
+		// Maximum number of list entries
+		ESMTPMobilityAccountMaxEntries = 32
+		};
+	CMsvSession* iMsvSession;
+	CRepository* iPOPRepository;
+	CRepository* iSMTPRepository;
+	CRepository* iIMAPRepository;	
+	};
+#endif // __CEMAILACCOUNTS_H__