--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/email/pop3andsmtpmtm/clientmtms/test/src/T_imcm02e.cpp Thu Dec 17 08:44:11 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,969 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Name of test harness: T_IMCM02E
+// Component: IMCM
+// Owner: KP
+// Brief description of test harness:
+// Tests CImEmailOperation - creates plaintext/HTML Receipt message
+// with/without attachments; Also tests adding VCard and signature from the
+// SMTP settings.
+// Detailed description of test harness:
+// As above
+// Input files required to run test harness:
+// \MSG\IMCMTSRC\contacts.cdb <DRIVE>:\system\data\contacts.cdb
+// \MSG\IMCMTSRC\T_IMCM02E_Entry_Structure.txt <DRIVE>:\msgtest\IMCM\T_IMCM02E_Entry_Structure.txt
+// \MSG\IMCMTSRC\rfc82201.txt <DRIVE>:\msgtest\IMCM\rfc82201.txt
+// \MSG\IMCMTSRC\rfc82202.txt <DRIVE>:\msgtest\IMCM\rfc82202.txt
+// \MSG\IMCMTSRC\rfc82203.txt <DRIVE>:\msgtest\IMCM\rfc82203.txt
+// \MSG\IMCMTSRC\rfc82204.txt <DRIVE>:\msgtest\IMCM\rfc82204.txt
+// \MSG\IMCMTSRC\rfc82205.txt <DRIVE>:\msgtest\IMCM\rfc82205.txt
+// \MSG\IMCMTSRC\rfc82206.txt <DRIVE>:\msgtest\IMCM\rfc82206.txt
+// Intermediate files produced while running test harness:
+// <DRIVE>:\msglogs\T_IMCM02E\Entry_Structure.txt
+// Output files produced by running test harness:
+// <DRIVE>:\msglogs\T_IMCM02E.<PLATFORM>.<VARIANT>.LOG.txt
+// Description of how to build test harness:
+// cd \msg\imcm\
+// bldmake bldfiles
+// abld test build
+// Description of how to run test harness:
+// The following instructions are the same for all platforms:
+// 1. Build T_DB test harness from COMMDB component:
+// cd \commdb\group
+// bldmake bldfiles
+// abld test build t_db
+// 2. Build the test utilities:
+// cd \msg\testutils\group\
+// bldmake bldfiles
+// abld build
+// WINS running instructions:
+// 1. \epoc32\release\wins\<VARIANT>\T_IMCM02E.exe can be used at the command prompt
+// or executable can be run from Windows Explorer.
+// All other platform running instructions:
+// 1. Copy \epoc32\release\<PLATFORM>\<VARIANT>\T_IMCM02E.exe onto the other platform
+// 2. Copy \epoc32\release\<PLATFORM>\<VARIANT>\MSVTESTUTILS.DLL into
+// <DRIVE>:\system\libs on the other platform
+// 3. Copy \epoc32\release\<PLATFORM>\<VARIANT>\EMAILTESTUTILS.DLL into
+// <DRIVE>:\system\libs on the other platform
+// 4. Run T_IMCM02E.exe on the other platform
+#include "emailtestutils.h"
+#include <miutmsg.h>
+#include <apfrec.h>
+#include <apgicnfl.h>
+#include <cemailaccounts.h>
+#include <cntdb.h>
+// local variables etc //
+#define KPeriod 10000 // period of timer
+_LIT(KImcm02Test, "T_IMCM02e - CImEmailOperation Tests");
+RTest test(KImcm02Test);
+LOCAL_D CTrapCleanup* theCleanup;
+LOCAL_D TMsvId pop3Service;
+LOCAL_D TMsvId smtpService;
+LOCAL_D CEmailTestUtils* testUtils;
+LOCAL_D CMsvEntrySelection* messageSelection;
+LOCAL_D TInt testNo = 1;
+LOCAL_D TBool testFailed=EFalse;
+#define KComponent _L("IMCM")
+#define KTestMessageDir _L("")
+#define KOkFileNameEntryStructure _L("T_IMCM02e_Entry_Structure.txt")
+LOCAL_C void InitL()
+ {
+ CActiveScheduler* scheduler = new (ELeave) CActiveScheduler;
+ CActiveScheduler::Install(scheduler);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(scheduler);
+ testUtils = CEmailTestUtils::NewLC(test);
+ testUtils->CreateAllTestDirectories();
+ CContactDatabase* contacts(NULL);
+ TRAPD(err, contacts = CContactDatabase::OpenL());
+ delete contacts;
+ if (err==KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ testUtils->WriteComment(_L("contacts file is missing from system data"));
+ testFailed=ETrue;
+ return;
+ }
+ testUtils->FileSession().SetSessionPath(_L("C:\\"));
+ testUtils->ClearEmailAccountsL();
+ testUtils->CleanMessageFolderL();
+ testUtils->GoServerSideL();
+ testUtils->WriteComment(_L("CImEmailOperation Tests"));
+ }
+LOCAL_C void Closedown()
+ {
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); //testUtils, scheduler
+ User::After(5000000);
+ }
+LOCAL_C void CreateReceiptL(TMsvId aMessageId, TMsvPartList aPartList, TMsvEmailTypeList aMsvEmailTypeList, TInt aTestNo)
+ {
+ testUtils->TestStart(aTestNo);
+ CTestActive* testActive = new (ELeave) CTestActive();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(testActive);
+ CImEmailOperation* emailOperation = CImEmailOperation::CreateReceiptL(testActive->iStatus, *(testUtils->iMsvSession), aMessageId, KMsvGlobalOutBoxIndexEntryId, aPartList, aMsvEmailTypeList, KUidMsgTypeSMTP);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(emailOperation);
+ testActive->StartL();
+ CActiveScheduler::Start();
+ testUtils->TestFinish(aTestNo,testActive->iStatus.Int());
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // testActive, emailOperation
+ }
+LOCAL_C void SetAddVCardToEmailL(TBool addVCard, TMsvId serviceId)
+ {
+ CImSmtpSettings* smtpSettings = new (ELeave) CImSmtpSettings;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(smtpSettings);
+ CEmailAccounts* accounts = CEmailAccounts::NewLC();
+ TSmtpAccount smtpAccount;
+ accounts->GetSmtpAccountL(serviceId, smtpAccount);
+ accounts->LoadSmtpSettingsL(smtpAccount, *smtpSettings);
+ smtpSettings->SetAddVCardToEmail(addVCard);
+ accounts->SaveSmtpSettingsL(smtpAccount, *smtpSettings);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // smtpSettings, accounts
+ }
+LOCAL_C void CreateSignatureL(TMsvId serviceId)
+ {
+ testUtils->iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(serviceId);
+ CParaFormatLayer* paraFormatLayer=CParaFormatLayer::NewL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(paraFormatLayer);
+ CCharFormatLayer* charFormatLayer=CCharFormatLayer::NewL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(charFormatLayer);
+ CRichText* signature=CRichText::NewL(paraFormatLayer, charFormatLayer, CEditableText::EFlatStorage, 256);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(signature);
+ TBuf<100> bodyContents = _L("(Signature:) Symbian Ltd.");
+ signature->InsertL(0, bodyContents);
+ CMsvStore* msvStore = testUtils->iMsvEntry->EditStoreL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(msvStore);
+ msvStore->StoreBodyTextL(*signature);
+ msvStore->Commit();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(4); // msvStore, signature, charFormatLayer, paraFormatLayer
+ }
+LOCAL_C void SetSignatureToEmailL(TBool addSignature, TMsvId serviceId)
+ {
+ CImSmtpSettings* smtpSettings = new (ELeave) CImSmtpSettings;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(smtpSettings);
+ CEmailAccounts* accounts = CEmailAccounts::NewLC();
+ TSmtpAccount smtpAccount;
+ accounts->GetSmtpAccountL(serviceId, smtpAccount);
+ accounts->LoadSmtpSettingsL(smtpAccount, *smtpSettings);
+ smtpSettings->SetAddSignatureToEmail(addSignature);
+ accounts->SaveSmtpSettingsL(smtpAccount, *smtpSettings);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // smtpSettings, accounts
+ if (addSignature)
+ testUtils->WriteComment(_L("\tAdd VCard"));
+ }
+LOCAL_C void SetDefaultServiceL(TMsvId smtpService)
+ {
+ CEmailAccounts* accounts = CEmailAccounts::NewLC();
+ TSmtpAccount smtpAccount;
+ accounts->GetSmtpAccountL(smtpService, smtpAccount);
+ accounts->SetDefaultSmtpAccountL(smtpAccount);
+ // is default service ??
+ accounts->GetSmtpAccountL(smtpService, smtpAccount);
+ if (smtpService != smtpAccount.iSmtpService)
+ User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(accounts);
+ }
+LOCAL_C void DoPlaintextCreateReceiptTestsL(TMsvId aMessageId)
+ {
+ TMsvPartList partList = 0;
+ TMsvEmailTypeList emailTypeList = 0;
+ //
+ // Plaintext messages
+ //
+ testUtils->WriteComment(_L("\tPlaintext Create Forward Message Tests"));
+ // basic new message with nothing!
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only attachment
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartAttachments;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body and attachment
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartAttachments;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // basic new message with subject
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartDescription;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body and subject
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartDescription;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only attachment and subject
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartDescription;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, attachment and subject
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartDescription;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // basic new message with originator
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartOriginator;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body and originator
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartOriginator;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only attachment and originator
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartOriginator;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, attachment and originator
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartOriginator;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // basic new message with subject and originator
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartOriginator;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, subject and originator
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartOriginator;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only attachment, subject and originator
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartOriginator;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, attachment, subject and originator
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartOriginator;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // basic new message with recipients
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body and recipients
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only attachment and recipients
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, attachment and recipients
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // basic new message with subject and recipients
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, subject and recipients
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only attachment, subject and recipients
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, attachment, subject and recipients
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // basic new message with originator and recipients
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartOriginator | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, originator and recipients
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartOriginator | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only attachment, originator and recipients
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartOriginator | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, attachment, originator and recipients
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartOriginator | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // basic new message with subject, originator and recipients
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartOriginator | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, subject, originator and recipients
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartOriginator | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only attachment, subject, originator and recipients
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartOriginator | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, attachment, subject, originator and recipients
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartOriginator | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // Create a VCard and store in the SMTP settings
+ SetAddVCardToEmailL(ETrue, smtpService);
+ testUtils->WriteComment(_L("\tPlaintext Create Forward Message with VCard Tests"));
+ // basic new message with VCard
+ partList = 0;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body and VCard
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only attachment and VCard
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartAttachments;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, attachment and VCard
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartAttachments;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // basic new message with subject and VCard
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartDescription;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, subject and VCard
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartDescription;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only attachment, subject and VCard
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartDescription;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, attachment, subject and VCard
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartDescription;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // basic new message with originator and VCard
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartOriginator;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, originator and VCard
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartOriginator;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only attachment, originator and VCard
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartOriginator;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, attachment, originator and VCard
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartOriginator;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // basic new message with subject, originator and VCard
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartOriginator;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, subject, originator and VCard
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartOriginator;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only attachment, subject, originator and VCard
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartOriginator;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, attachment, subject, originator and VCard
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartOriginator;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // basic new message with recipients and VCard
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, recipients and VCard
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only attachment, recipients and VCard
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, attachment, recipients and VCard
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // basic new message with subject, recipients and VCard
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, subject, recipients and VCard
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only attachment, subject, recipients and VCard
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, attachment, subject, recipients and VCard
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // basic new message with originator, recipients and VCard
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartOriginator | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, originator, recipients and VCard
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartOriginator | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only attachment, originator, recipients and VCard
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartOriginator | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, attachment, originator, recipients and VCard
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartOriginator | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // basic new message with subject, originator, recipients and VCard
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartOriginator | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, subject, originator, recipients and VCard
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartOriginator | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only attachment, subject, originator, recipients and VCard
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartOriginator | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, attachment, subject, originator, recipients and VCard
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartOriginator | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // Store signature in the SMTP settings
+ SetAddVCardToEmailL(EFalse, smtpService);
+ CreateSignatureL(smtpService);
+ SetSignatureToEmailL(ETrue, smtpService);
+ testUtils->WriteComment(_L("\tPlaintext Create Forward Message with signature Tests"));
+ // basic new message with signature!
+ partList = 0;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body and signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only attachment and signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartAttachments;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, attachment and signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartAttachments;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // basic new message with subject and signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartDescription;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, subject and signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartDescription;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only attachment, subject and signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartDescription;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, attachment, subject and signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartDescription;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // basic new message with originator and signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartOriginator;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, originator and signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartOriginator;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only attachment, originator and signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartOriginator;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, attachment, originator and signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartOriginator;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // basic new message with subject, originator and signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartOriginator;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, subject, originator and signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartOriginator;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only attachment, subject, originator and signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartOriginator;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, attachment, subject, originator and signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartOriginator;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // basic new message with recipients and signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, recipients and signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only attachment, recipients and signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, attachment, recipients and signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // basic new message with subject, recipients and signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, subject, recipients and signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only attachment, subject, recipients and signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, attachment, subject, recipients and signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // basic new message with originator, recipients and signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartOriginator | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, originator, recipients and signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartOriginator | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only attachment, originator, recipients and signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartOriginator | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, attachment, originator, recipients and signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartOriginator | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // basic new message with subject, originator, recipients and signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartOriginator | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, subject, originator, recipients and signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartOriginator | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only attachment, subject, originator, recipients and signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartOriginator | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, attachment, subject, originator, recipients and signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartOriginator | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // Create a VCard and store in the SMTP settings
+ SetAddVCardToEmailL(ETrue, smtpService);
+ testUtils->WriteComment(_L("\tPlaintext Create Forward Message with VCard and signature Tests"));
+ // basic new message with VCard and Signature!
+ partList = 0;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, VCard and Signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only attachment, VCard and Signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartAttachments;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, attachment, VCard and Signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartAttachments;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // basic new message with subject, VCard and Signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartDescription;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, subject, VCard and Signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartDescription;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only attachment, subject, VCard and Signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartDescription;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, attachment, subject, VCard and Signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartDescription;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // basic new message with originator, VCard and Signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartOriginator;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, originator, VCard and Signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartOriginator;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only attachment, originator, VCard and Signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartOriginator;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, attachment, originator, VCard and Signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartOriginator;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // basic new message with subject, originator, VCard and Signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartOriginator;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, subject, originator, VCard and Signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartOriginator;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only attachment, subject, originator, VCard and Signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartOriginator;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, attachment, subject, originator, VCard and Signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartOriginator;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // basic new message with recipients, VCard and Signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, recipients, VCard and Signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only attachment, recipients, VCard and Signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, attachment, recipients, VCard and Signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // basic new message with subject, recipients, VCard and Signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, subject, recipients, VCard and Signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only attachment, subject, recipients, VCard and Signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, attachment, subject, recipients, VCard and Signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // basic new message with originator, recipients, VCard and Signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartOriginator | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, originator, recipients, VCard and Signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartOriginator | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only attachment, originator, recipients, VCard and Signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartOriginator | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, attachment, originator, recipients, VCard and Signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartOriginator | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // basic new message with subject, originator, recipients, VCard and Signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartOriginator | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, subject, originator, recipients, VCard and Signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartOriginator | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only attachment, subject, originator, recipients, VCard and Signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartOriginator | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ // only body, attachment, subject, originator, recipients, VCard and Signature
+ partList = KMsvMessagePartBody | KMsvMessagePartAttachments | KMsvMessagePartDescription | KMsvMessagePartOriginator | KMsvMessagePartRecipient;
+ CreateReceiptL(aMessageId, partList, emailTypeList, testNo++);
+ }
+LOCAL_C TBool CompareLogsL()
+ {
+ TBool errorOccured = EFalse;
+ CDesCArray* correctFile = new (ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat(1);
+ CPtrCArray* resultFile = new (ELeave) CPtrCArray(1);
+ TParse parsedFileName;
+ TParse parsedResultFileName;
+ TFileName name;
+ name.Append(KOkFileNameEntryStructure);
+ testUtils->ResolveFile(KComponent, name, parsedFileName);
+ correctFile->AppendL(parsedFileName.FullName());
+ name.Zero();
+ name.Copy(KFileNameEntryStructure);
+ testUtils->ResolveLogFile(name, parsedResultFileName);
+ resultFile->AppendL(parsedResultFileName.FullName());
+ RFileReadStream file1;
+ RFileReadStream file2;
+ HBufC8* line1Buffer = HBufC8::NewLC(1024);
+ TPtr8 line1 = line1Buffer->Des();
+ TBuf8<1> aChar1;
+ HBufC8* line2Buffer = HBufC8::NewLC(1024);
+ TPtr8 line2 = line2Buffer->Des();
+ TBuf8<1> aChar2;
+ for(TInt i=0; i<correctFile->MdcaCount(); i++)
+ {
+ TFileName file1Name = correctFile->MdcaPoint(i);
+ TFileName file2Name = resultFile->MdcaPoint(i);
+ TInt error1=KErrNone;
+ TInt error2=KErrNone;
+ test.Printf(_L("\n%s"), file2Name.PtrZ());
+ error1=file1.Open(testUtils->FileSession(), file1Name, EFileShareAny);
+ if(error1!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ errorOccured = ETrue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ error2=file2.Open(testUtils->FileSession(), file2Name, EFileShareAny);
+ if(error2!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ errorOccured = ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ if((error1==KErrNone)&&(error2==KErrNone))
+ {
+ // read the file into the conversion object
+ TBool finished = EFalse;
+ do {
+ line1.FillZ();
+ line1.SetLength(0);
+ // compile the lines one char at a time
+ do {
+ TRAPD( error, file1.ReadL(aChar1, 1) );
+ if (error!=KErrEof)
+ line1.Append(aChar1);
+ else
+ {
+ finished = ETrue;
+ break;
+ }
+ // stop at the end of line or no more data
+ }
+ while((aChar1[0]!=0x0A)&&(line1.Length()<1024));
+ line2.FillZ();
+ line2.SetLength(0);
+ do {
+ TRAPD( error, file2.ReadL(aChar2, 1) );
+ if (error!=KErrEof)
+ line2.Append(aChar2);
+ else
+ {
+ finished = ETrue;
+ break;
+ }
+ // stop at the end of line or no more data
+ }
+ while((aChar2[0]!=0x0A)&&(line2.Length()<1024));
+ // get rid of white space
+ line1.TrimRight();
+ line2.TrimRight();
+ if(line1.Compare(line2) != 0)
+ {
+ // error so no point in continuing to compare!!
+ errorOccured = ETrue;
+ file1.Close();
+ file2.Close();
+ delete correctFile;
+ delete resultFile;
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); //line 1 , line 2
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ while(!finished);
+ }
+ file1.Close();
+ file2.Close();
+ }
+ delete correctFile;
+ delete resultFile;
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); //line 1 , line 2
+ return errorOccured;
+ }
+LOCAL_C void doMainL()
+ {
+ InitL();
+ if (testFailed)
+ {
+ Closedown();
+ return;
+ }
+ testUtils->GoClientSideL();
+ smtpService = testUtils->CreateSmtpServiceL();
+ pop3Service = testUtils->CreatePopServiceL();
+ testUtils->GoServerSideL();
+ testUtils->CreateMessageFilesL(pop3Service, KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryId, _L("c:\\mailtest\\IMCM\\"));
+ test.Console()->SetPos(0, 6);
+ test.Printf(_L("Performing Tests:\n"));
+ testUtils->GoClientSideL();
+ SetDefaultServiceL(smtpService);
+ // get a list of all email messages in the Inbox
+ testUtils->iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryId);
+ delete messageSelection;
+ messageSelection = testUtils->iMsvEntry->ChildrenWithTypeL(KUidMsvMessageEntry);
+ TParse parsedFileName;
+ TFileName name(KTestMessageDir);
+ testUtils->ResolveLogFile(name, parsedFileName);
+// Create Plaintext Receipt tests
+ test.Console()->SetPos(3, 7);
+ test.Printf(_L("Create Receipt Tests 1:"));
+ testUtils->WriteComment(_L("Test 1 - Create Plaintext Receipt Tests"));
+ //Create Receipt to normal plaintext message with no attachments
+ testUtils->WriteComment(_L("Create Receipt to Plaintext message with no atcmts Tests"));
+ TRAPD(ret,DoPlaintextCreateReceiptTestsL(messageSelection->At(5)));
+ if (ret)
+ {
+ testUtils->TestHarnessFailed(ret);
+ delete messageSelection;
+ Closedown();
+ return;
+ }
+ test.Console()->SetPos(3, 8);
+ test.Printf(_L("Create Receipt Tests 2:"));
+ //Create Receipt to plaintext message with attachment
+ testUtils->WriteComment(_L("Test 2 - Create Receipt to Plaintext message with atcmt Tests"));
+ TRAP(ret,DoPlaintextCreateReceiptTestsL(messageSelection->At(1)));
+ if (ret)
+ {
+ testUtils->TestHarnessFailed(ret);
+ delete messageSelection;
+ Closedown();
+ return;
+ }
+ test.Console()->SetPos(3, 9);
+ test.Printf(_L("Create Receipt Tests 3:"));
+ //Create Receipt to html message with attachment and no text alternative to the HTML
+ testUtils->WriteComment(_L("Test 3 - Create Receipt to HTML message with atcmt and no text alt. Tests"));
+ TRAP(ret,DoPlaintextCreateReceiptTestsL(messageSelection->At(3)));
+ if (ret)
+ {
+ testUtils->TestHarnessFailed(ret);
+ delete messageSelection;
+ Closedown();
+ return;
+ }
+ testUtils->FindChildrenL(KMsvGlobalOutBoxIndexEntryId, parsedFileName.FullName(), ETrue, EFalse); // writes message info (from Outbox) into files
+ testUtils->TestFinish(testNo-1);
+ testUtils->TestHarnessCompleted();
+ delete messageSelection;
+ Closedown();
+ }
+GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
+ {
+ test.Start(_L("T_IMCM02e Test CImEmailOperation class\n"));
+ theCleanup=CTrapCleanup::New();
+ TRAPD(ret,doMainL());
+ test(ret==KErrNone);
+ delete theCleanup;
+ test.End();
+ test.Close();
+ User::Heap().Check();
+ return(KErrNone);
+ }