--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/email/pop3andsmtpmtm/clientmtms/test/src/T_imcm07.cpp Thu Dec 17 08:44:11 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Name of test harness: T_IMCM07
+// Component: IMCM
+// Owner: VK
+// Brief description of test harness:
+// Tests CImEmailAutoSend class. This test code creates POP and SMTS
+// mtms and calls InvokeAsync (with command KIMAP4MTMConnect/KPOP3MTMConnect)
+// on them which creates SMTC and tries to autosend.
+// Detailed description of test harness:
+// As above.
+// updated to not use TestUtils when instantiating email accounts - TestUtils does
+// not associate an SMTP account with POP or IMAP accounts.
+// Input files required to run test harness:
+// \MSG\IMCMTSRC\RFCT_IMCM07\rfc82202.txt <DRIVE>:\msgtest\IMCM\RFCT_IMCM07\rfc82202.txt
+// \MSG\IMCMTSRC\RFCT_IMCM07\rfc82203.txt <DRIVE>:\msgtest\IMCM\RFCT_IMCM07\rfc82203.txt
+// \MSG\IMCMTSRC\RFCT_IMCM07\rfc82204.txt <DRIVE>:\msgtest\IMCM\RFCT_IMCM07\rfc82204.txt
+// \MSG\IMCMTSRC\RFCT_IMCM07\rfc82205.txt <DRIVE>:\msgtest\IMCM\RFCT_IMCM07\rfc82205.txt
+// \MSG\IMCMTSRC\RFCT_IMCM07\rfc82206.txt <DRIVE>:\msgtest\IMCM\RFCT_IMCM07\rfc82206.txt
+// Intermediate files produced while running test harness:
+// None
+// Output files produced by running test harness:
+// <DRIVE>:\msglogs\T_IMCM07.<PLATFORM>.<VARIANT>.LOG.txt
+// Description of how to build test harness:
+// cd \msg\imcm\
+// bldmake bldfiles
+// abld test build
+// Description of how to run test harness:
+// The following instructions are the same for all platforms:
+// 1. Build T_DB test harness from COMMDB component:
+// cd \commdb\group
+// bldmake bldfiles
+// abld test build t_db
+// 2. Build the test utilities:
+// cd \msg\testutils\group\
+// bldmake bldfiles
+// abld build
+// WINS running instructions:
+// 1. \epoc32\release\wins\<VARIANT>\T_IMCM07.exe can be used at the command prompt
+// or executable can be run from Windows Explorer.
+// All other platform running instructions:
+// 1. Copy \epoc32\release\<PLATFORM>\<VARIANT>\T_IMCM07.exe onto the other platform
+// 2. Copy \epoc32\release\<PLATFORM>\<VARIANT>\MSVTESTUTILS.DLL into
+// <DRIVE>:\system\libs on the other platform
+// 3. Copy \epoc32\release\<PLATFORM>\<VARIANT>\EMAILTESTUTILS.DLL into
+// <DRIVE>:\system\libs on the other platform
+// 4. Run T_IMCM07.exe on the other platform
+#include "emailtestutils.h"
+#include <commdb.h>
+#include <pop3set.h>
+#include <smtpset.h>
+#include <autosend.h>
+#include <imcmutil.h>
+#include <bacline.h>
+#include <cemailaccounts.h>
+#include <iapprefs.h>
+// For loading the serial comms device drivers
+#if defined (__WINS__)
+ #define PDD_NAME _L("ECDRV")
+ #define LDD_NAME _L("ECOMM")
+ #define PDD_NAME _L("EUART1")
+ #define LDD_NAME _L("ECOMM")
+// local variables etc //
+_LIT(KImcmTest, "T_IMCM07 - Testing AutoSend of Email Messages");
+_LIT(KDontPanic, "All unsent messages were suspended--this is the expected behaviour");
+_LIT(KServer, "lon-cn-exchng2k.msexchange2k.closedtest.intra");
+RTest test(KImcmTest);
+enum TCmdLineArgs
+ {
+ EArgProgramName,
+ EArgTestParams,
+ EArgPopServerAddress,
+ EArgPopLogin,
+ EArgPopPassword,
+ EArgImapServerAddress,
+ EArgImapLogin,
+ EArgImapPassword,
+ EArgSmtpServerAddress,
+ EArgSmtpEmail,
+ EArgEnd
+ };
+LOCAL_D CTrapCleanup* theCleanup;
+LOCAL_D CEmailTestUtils* testUtils;
+LOCAL_D CActiveScheduler* scheduler;
+LOCAL_C CMsvEntrySelection* msvSelection;
+LOCAL_D TInt globalError;
+LOCAL_D TMsvId Pop3ServiceId;
+LOCAL_D TMsvId SmtpServiceId;
+LOCAL_D TMsvId ImapServiceId;
+LOCAL_D TMsvId SmtpService2Id;
+// The CUndertaker class notifies its client of the death of a particular thread
+// or process. When this occurs it stops the active scheduler.
+// Test harness code.
+LOCAL_C void DoAutoSendL(TBool aPop)
+ {
+ TBuf8<1> aParameter;
+ msvSelection->ResizeL(0);
+ CTestActive* testActive = new (ELeave) CTestActive();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(testActive);
+ CMsvOperation* msvOperation=NULL;
+ if (!aPop)
+ {
+ testUtils->WriteComment(_L("Connecting to the Pop3 server"));
+ msvSelection->AppendL(Pop3ServiceId);
+ msvOperation = testUtils->iPopClientMtm->InvokeAsyncFunctionL(KPOP3MTMConnect, *msvSelection, aParameter, testActive->iStatus);
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PushL(msvOperation);
+ testActive->StartL(); // Start the connect active object
+ CActiveScheduler::Start();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); //testactive, msvOperation
+ aParameter.Zero();
+ msvSelection->ResizeL(0);
+ testActive = new (ELeave) CTestActive();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(testActive);
+ msvOperation=NULL;
+ if (!aPop)
+ {
+ testUtils->WriteComment(_L("Disconnecting from the Pop3 server"));
+ msvSelection->AppendL(Pop3ServiceId);
+ msvOperation = testUtils->iPopClientMtm->InvokeAsyncFunctionL(KPOP3MTMDisconnect, *msvSelection, aParameter, testActive->iStatus);
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PushL(msvOperation);
+ testActive->StartL(); // Start the connect active object
+ CActiveScheduler::Start();
+ TBuf<64> logString;
+ if (!aPop)
+ {
+ TPop3Progress temp;
+ TPckgC<TPop3Progress> paramPack(temp);
+ paramPack.Set(msvOperation->ProgressL());
+ TPop3Progress progress=paramPack();
+ logString.Format(_L(" InvokeAsyncFunctionL completed with %d"),progress.iErrorCode);
+ testUtils->WriteComment(logString);
+ globalError=progress.iErrorCode;
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); //testactive, msvOperation
+ }
+LOCAL_C void Closedown()
+ {
+ if (globalError)
+ testUtils->TestHarnessFailed(globalError);
+ else
+ testUtils->TestHarnessCompleted();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); //testUtils, scheduler,
+ }
+// updates POP account settings
+LOCAL_C void UpdatePopSettingsL(CImPop3Settings& aPopSettings)
+ {
+ aPopSettings.SetServerAddressL(KServer);
+ aPopSettings.SetLoginNameL(testUtils->MachineName());
+ aPopSettings.SetPasswordL(testUtils->MachineName());
+ aPopSettings.SetPort(110);
+ aPopSettings.SetAutoSendOnConnect(ETrue);
+ }
+// updates SMTP account settings
+LOCAL_C void UpdateSmtpSettingsL(CImSmtpSettings& aSmtpSettings)
+ {
+ aSmtpSettings.SetServerAddressL(KServer);
+ _LIT(KSmtpEmailAddress, "<T_IMCM07@msexchange2k.closedtest.intra>");
+ aSmtpSettings.SetEmailAddressL(KSmtpEmailAddress);
+ aSmtpSettings.SetReplyToAddressL(KSmtpEmailAddress);
+ aSmtpSettings.SetReceiptAddressL(KSmtpEmailAddress);
+ aSmtpSettings.SetEmailAliasL(_L("IMCM07"));
+ aSmtpSettings.SetBodyEncoding(EMsgOutboxMIME);
+ aSmtpSettings.SetPort(25);
+ }
+LOCAL_C void InitL()
+ {
+ scheduler = new (ELeave) CActiveScheduler;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(scheduler);
+ CActiveScheduler::Install( scheduler );
+ testUtils = CEmailTestUtils::NewLC(test);
+ // Load the serial comms device drivers. If this is not done,
+ // connecting via NT-RAS returns KErrNotFound (-1).
+ TInt driverErr;
+ driverErr=User::LoadPhysicalDevice(PDD_NAME);
+ if (driverErr!=KErrNone && driverErr!=KErrAlreadyExists)
+ User::Leave(driverErr);
+ driverErr=User::LoadLogicalDevice(LDD_NAME);
+ if (driverErr!=KErrNone && driverErr!=KErrAlreadyExists)
+ User::Leave(driverErr);
+ }
+LOCAL_C void InitPopL()
+ {
+ // delete all accounts, emails etc
+ testUtils->CleanMessageFolderL();
+ testUtils->ClearEmailAccountsL();
+ testUtils->GoClientSideL();
+ // Create POP account via CEmailAccounts...
+ CEmailAccounts* emailAccounts = CEmailAccounts::NewLC();
+ // Create objects requried for POP account
+ CImIAPPreferences* popIapPreferences = CImIAPPreferences::NewLC();
+ CImPop3Settings* popSettings = new (ELeave) CImPop3Settings;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(popSettings);
+ // Create objects requried for SMTP account
+ CImIAPPreferences* smtpIapPreferences = CImIAPPreferences::NewLC();
+ CImSmtpSettings *smtpSettings = new (ELeave) CImSmtpSettings;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(smtpSettings);
+ // Set the default POP and SMTP settings
+ emailAccounts->PopulateDefaultPopSettingsL(*popSettings, *popIapPreferences);
+ emailAccounts->PopulateDefaultSmtpSettingsL(*smtpSettings, *smtpIapPreferences);
+ // overwrite the IAP preferences
+ TImIAPChoice iapChoice;
+ iapChoice.iIAP = 1;
+ iapChoice.iDialogPref = ECommDbDialogPrefDoNotPrompt;
+ TInt index = 0;
+ popIapPreferences->AddIAPL(iapChoice, index);
+ smtpIapPreferences->AddIAPL(iapChoice, index);
+ // update POP, IMAP and SMTP settings
+ UpdatePopSettingsL(*popSettings);
+ UpdateSmtpSettingsL(*smtpSettings);
+ // Create the POP account
+ _LIT(KPopAccountName, "PopAccount");
+ TPopAccount popAccount = emailAccounts->CreatePopAccountL(KPopAccountName, *popSettings,*popIapPreferences,EFalse);
+ TSmtpAccount smtpAccount = emailAccounts->CreateSmtpAccountL(popAccount, *smtpSettings, *smtpIapPreferences, EFalse);
+ emailAccounts->SetDefaultSmtpAccountL(smtpAccount);
+ // set the global service ID variables
+ Pop3ServiceId = popAccount.iPopService;
+ SmtpServiceId = smtpAccount.iSmtpService;
+ // tell the test utils what the ids are.
+ testUtils->iPopServiceId = Pop3ServiceId;
+ testUtils->iSmtpServiceId = SmtpServiceId;
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(5, emailAccounts);
+ // Create test message files
+ testUtils->GoServerSideL();
+ testUtils->CreateMessageFilesL(SmtpServiceId, KMsvDraftEntryId,_L("c:\\mailtest\\rfcT_IMCM07\\"));
+ testUtils->GoClientSideL();
+ }
+LOCAL_C void EmptyDraftsFolderL()
+ {
+ CTestActive* testActive = new (ELeave) CTestActive();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(testActive);
+ testUtils->iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(KMsvDraftEntryIdValue);
+ CMsvEntrySelection* draftSel = testUtils->iMsvEntry->ChildrenL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(draftSel);
+ CMsvOperation* operation = testUtils->iMsvEntry->DeleteL(*draftSel, testActive->iStatus);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(operation);
+ testActive->StartL(); // Start the connect active object
+ CActiveScheduler::Start();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, testActive); //testActive, draftSel, operation
+ }
+LOCAL_C void SetDifferentSendingStatesOnMessagesL(CMsvEntrySelection& msgList)
+ {
+ test(msgList.Count()>=3); //otherwise following will fail!!
+ TMsvEmailEntry entry;
+ testUtils->iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(msgList.At(0));
+ entry = testUtils->iMsvEntry->Entry();
+ if (entry.SendingState() != KMsvSendStateResend)
+ entry.SetSendingState(KMsvSendStateResend);
+ testUtils->ChangeEntryL(entry);
+ testUtils->iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(msgList.At(1));
+ entry = testUtils->iMsvEntry->Entry();
+ if (entry.SendingState() != KMsvSendStateScheduled)
+ entry.SetSendingState(KMsvSendStateScheduled);
+ testUtils->ChangeEntryL(entry);
+ //This message should not be sent!
+ testUtils->iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(msgList.At(2));
+ entry = testUtils->iMsvEntry->Entry();
+ if (entry.SendingState() != KMsvSendStateSuspended)
+ entry.SetSendingState(KMsvSendStateSuspended);
+ testUtils->ChangeEntryL(entry);
+ for (TInt count = 3; count<msgList.Count(); count++)
+ {
+ // all others to waiting - these should be sent as well!!
+ testUtils->iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(msgList.At(count));
+ entry = testUtils->iMsvEntry->Entry();
+ if (entry.SendingState() != KMsvSendStateWaiting)
+ entry.SetSendingState(KMsvSendStateWaiting);
+ testUtils->ChangeEntryL(entry);
+ }
+ }
+LOCAL_C void CheckMessagesCreatedAndCopyToOutboxL()
+ {
+ testUtils->iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(KMsvDraftEntryId);
+ CMsvEntrySelection* msgList = testUtils->iMsvEntry->ChildrenL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(msgList);
+ TInt count=msgList->Count();
+ CMsvOperation* msvOperation=NULL;
+ if (count)
+ {
+ CMsvEntry* msvEntry = testUtils->iMsvSession->GetEntryL(KMsvDraftEntryId);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(msvEntry);
+ TRequestStatus status=KRequestPending;
+ msvOperation = msvEntry->CopyL(*msgList, KMsvGlobalOutBoxIndexEntryId,status);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(msvOperation);
+ TInt err=KErrNone;
+ while(status==KRequestPending)
+ {
+ CActiveScheduler::Current()->RunIfReady(err,0);
+ User::WaitForAnyRequest();
+ }
+ test(err==KErrNone);
+ test(msvOperation->iStatus.Int() == KErrNone);
+ testUtils->WriteComment(_L("Messages created sucessfully in the Outbox"));
+ testUtils->iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(KMsvGlobalOutBoxIndexEntryId);
+ CMsvEntrySelection* outboxSel = testUtils->iMsvEntry->ChildrenL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(outboxSel);
+ // set sending states on the messages
+ SetDifferentSendingStatesOnMessagesL(*outboxSel);
+ testUtils->iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(KMsvGlobalOutBoxIndexEntryId);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3); //msvOperation, msvEntry, outboxSel
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ testUtils->WriteComment(_L("Failed to create messages"));
+ Closedown();
+ return;
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(msgList);
+ }
+LOCAL_C TInt CountUnsentEmailsSuspended(CMsvEntrySelection& aUnsentEmails)
+Counts how many of the unsent emails were suspended, and hence shouldn't have been sent anyway!
+ @param aUnsentEmails a CMsvEntrySelection of the emails that were left behind in the outbox.
+ @return The number of unsent emails that were marked as suspended
+ {
+ TInt suspendedCount = 0;
+ TMsvEntry entry;
+ for (TInt count = 0; count<aUnsentEmails.Count(); count++)
+ {
+ // use testUtils' iMsvEntry member to "pick up" the current entry
+ testUtils->iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(aUnsentEmails.At(count));
+ entry = testUtils->iMsvEntry->Entry();
+ //Was it suspended?
+ if (entry.SendingState() == KMsvSendStateSuspended)
+ //if so, increment the count
+ suspendedCount++;
+ }
+ testUtils->iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(KMsvGlobalOutBoxIndexEntryId); //Remove lock so entry can be deleted
+ return suspendedCount;
+ }
+// Get a handle on the SMTP autosend process/thread and pass it to the undertaker.
+// The undertaker will handle death notifications from the process or thread and stop
+// the active scheduler accordingly.
+// Note: When running on WINS the autosend is launched in a separate thread as opposed to a
+// fully fledged process.
+LOCAL_C void WaitForAutosendToComplete()
+ {
+ // Give the process a chance to get started first...
+ User::After(3*1000*1000);
+ RProcess thread; // Process masquerading as a thread.
+ _LIT(KAutoSendProcess, "AUTOSEND*");
+ TFullName name;
+ TFindProcess findAutoSendProcess(KAutoSendProcess);
+ TInt errorInt = findAutoSendProcess.Next(name);
+ if (errorInt == KErrNone)
+ errorInt = thread.Open(findAutoSendProcess);
+ // Get undertaker to wait for Autosend to finish.
+ // KErrNone might indicate that it finished already.
+ if(errorInt == KErrNone)
+ {
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ thread.Logon(status);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ thread.Close();
+ }
+ }
+LOCAL_C void CheckMessagesSentL(TInt aTestNumber)
+ {
+ testUtils->TestStart(aTestNumber,_L("Checking all messages in Outbox have been sent"));
+ // make sure that selection on outbox is refreshed by changing context to an
+ // alternative mailbox prior to getting the outbox selection.
+ testUtils->iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(KMsvDraftEntryIdValue);
+ testUtils->iMsvEntry->SetEntryL(KMsvGlobalOutBoxIndexEntryIdValue);
+ CMsvEntrySelection* selection = testUtils->iMsvEntry->ChildrenL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(selection);
+ // Are there any messages in the outbox?
+ // if so, delete them and report an error if any remain that should have been sent.
+ if (selection->Count()!=0)
+ {
+ TInt unsent = CountUnsentEmailsSuspended(*selection);
+ CTestActive* testActive = new (ELeave) CTestActive();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(testActive);
+ testUtils->WriteComment(_L("Not all messages sent - deleting unsent messages"));
+ //only interested in the ones that *should've* been sent
+ globalError = selection->Count() - unsent;
+ CMsvOperation* operation = testUtils->iMsvEntry->DeleteL(*selection, testActive->iStatus);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(operation);
+ testActive->StartL(); // Start the connect active object
+ CActiveScheduler::Start();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, testActive); //testActive, operation
+ if (!globalError)
+ {
+ testUtils->WriteComment(KDontPanic);
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(selection);
+ testUtils->TestFinish(aTestNumber,globalError);
+ }
+LOCAL_C void TestPop3AutosendL()
+ {
+ InitPopL();
+ testUtils->InstantiatePopClientMtmL();
+ testUtils->InstantiateSmtpClientMtmL();
+ CheckMessagesCreatedAndCopyToOutboxL();
+ testUtils->TestStart(1,_L("Connect to pop and auto send messages from the outbox"));
+ DoAutoSendL(EFalse);
+ testUtils->TestFinish(1,globalError);
+ WaitForAutosendToComplete();
+ CheckMessagesSentL(2);
+ }
+LOCAL_C void doMainL()
+ {
+ InitL();
+ msvSelection = new (ELeave) CMsvEntrySelection;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(msvSelection);
+ // Test Autosend via POP3
+ TestPop3AutosendL();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(msvSelection);
+ Closedown();
+ }
+GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
+ {
+ test.Start(_L("T_IMCM07 Test CImEmailAutoSend Functionality"));
+ theCleanup=CTrapCleanup::New();
+ TRAPD(ret,doMainL());
+ test(ret==KErrNone);
+ delete theCleanup;
+ test.End();
+ test.Close();
+ User::Heap().Check();
+ return(KErrNone);
+ }