changeset 0 72b543305e3a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/email/pop3andsmtpmtm/servermtmutils/inc/IMCVRECV.H	Thu Dec 17 08:44:11 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#if !defined (__IMCVRECV_H__)
+#define __IMCVRECV_H__
+#include <s32mem.h>
+#include <badesca.h> // required for CBufSeg
+#include <msvstd.h>
+#include <msventry.h>
+#include <msvstore.h>
+#include <msvuids.h>
+#include <msvids.h>
+#include <miutatch.h>
+#include <miutlog.h>
+#include <imcvcodc.h>
+#include <imcvtext.h>
+#include <imutdll.h>
+#include <cimcaf.h>
+#include "cimconvertheader.h"
+class CMsvPlainBodyTextEntry;
+class CImHeader;
+class CRichText;
+class CMimeParser;
+class CImRecvConvert;
+class RFs;
+class TImConvert;
+class TImAttachmentFile;
+class CImcvUtils;
+class CMsvBodyText;
+const TInt KHeaderBufferLength = 100;
+// Max filename length
+const TInt MaxMimeParameterValueLength = 256;
+// Likely maximum size of an encoded parameter value decoding to a length of 
+// MaxMimeParameterValueLength. In quoted printable usually 3 encoded characters
+// per decoded character. 60 characters is given to allow for delimiters and
+// charset information.
+const TInt KMimeEncodedParameterSize = MaxMimeParameterValueLength * 3 + 60;
+const TInt KConversionRemainderLength=20;
+//boundary stuff
+const TInt KBoundaryNotFound	=0;
+const TInt KBoundaryFound		=1;
+const TInt KBoundaryError		=2;
+// Stores the details about a message nneded in the Message entry.
+struct TParentDetails
+	{
+	TInt				iSize;
+	TBool				iAttachment;
+	TBool				iMHTML;
+	TImEmailFolderType  iFolder;	// Only interested in the Related type
+	TBool				iICal;
+	TBool				iVCal;
+	};
+class CRfc822Token : public CBase
+	{
+	enum THeaderPart { EUnknown, ENotFinished, EFrom, EReplyTo, ETo, ECc, EBcc, ESubject, EDate, EReceived, EMessageId, EPriority, EImportance, EReturnReceiptTo, EEndOfHeader };
+	THeaderPart iHeaderPart;
+	TBool iLastToken;
+	TBool iFirstLine;
+	TBool i822FieldsExist;
+	IMPORT_C static CRfc822Token* NewLC();
+	IMPORT_C void Reset();
+	inline HBufC8* OutputLine();
+	IMPORT_C void ParseNextLineL( const TDesC8& aSourceLine );
+	IMPORT_C ~CRfc822Token();
+	inline TBool LastToken();
+	inline void SetImRecvConvert( CImRecvConvert* );
+	TBool MatchAndRemoveL( const TDesC8& );
+	TBool PriorityAndReceiptsMatchAndRemoveL(THeaderPart aPriority);
+	CRfc822Token();
+	void ConstructL();
+	TBuf8<KMaxIMailHeaderReadLineLength+1> iInputLine;
+	TBuf8<KMaxIMailHeaderReadLineLength+1> iBufferedInput;
+	HBufC8* iOutputLine;
+	CImRecvConvert* iImRecvConvert;
+	};
+class CImRecvConvert : public CBase
+	{
+friend class CMimeParser;
+	IMPORT_C static CImRecvConvert* NewLC( RFs& anFs, CMsvServerEntry* aServerEntry, 
+												TUid aMsgType, TMsvId aEmailServiceId);
+	IMPORT_C static CImRecvConvert* NewL( RFs& anFs, CMsvServerEntry* aServerEntry,
+												TUid aMsgType, TMsvId aEmailServiceId);
+	IMPORT_C ~CImRecvConvert();
+	IMPORT_C void Cancel();
+	IMPORT_C void ResetL();
+	IMPORT_C void ResetForHeadersL();
+	inline void SetAttachmentPathL(const TDesC& aFullPath);	// attachment path, if not set then IMCV will reject attachments
+	inline void SetMsvId(TMsvId aId);
+	IMPORT_C TInt ParseNextField(const TDesC8& aSourceLine);
+	IMPORT_C void MessageCompleteL();
+	IMPORT_C void MessageCompleteL(TMsvEmailEntry aEmailEntry);
+	IMPORT_C void MessageCompleteL(TBool aPartialDownload);
+	IMPORT_C TInt DeletedAttachmentSize();
+	IMPORT_C void WritePartialFooterL(TInt aAmountLeft);
+	IMPORT_C void SetCaf(CImCaf& aCAF);
+	IMPORT_C TMsvEmailEntry MessageEntryDetailsL();
+	enum TValidEntryType {EUnknownEntry, EMessageEntry, EFolderEntry, EAttachmentEntry, ETextEntry, EHtmlEntry, ERtfEntry};
+	enum TImEntryStreamSaveSettings
+		{
+		KStoreBodyText					= 0x00000001,
+		KStore822Header					= KStoreBodyText << 1,		//0x00000002
+		KStoreMIMEHeader				= KStore822Header << 1,	//0x00000004
+		};
+	inline const TTime Date() const;	// return RFC822 date
+	inline const TMsvPriority Priority() const;
+	inline void SaveAllAttachments(TBool aSave);
+	inline const TInt ReceiveError() const;
+	inline CMsvServerEntry& ServerEntry();
+	inline const CImHeader& Header() const;
+	inline const TBool ValidCompleteHeader() const;
+	inline const TMsvId EntryId() const;	
+	inline TBool NotFinishedRfc822Header();
+	inline CImConvertCharconv& CharacterConverter();
+	void ImCafRegisterL(const TDesC8& aMimeLine);
+	void ImAddToCafMetaDataL(const TDesC8& aMimeLine);
+	void ImAddToCafMetaDataL(const TDesC8& aField, const TDesC8& aData);
+	TBool ImCafProcessing() const;
+	TBool ImCafRegistered() const;
+	CImRecvConvert(RFs& anFs, CMsvServerEntry* aServerEntry, 
+							TUid aMsgType, TMsvId aEmailServiceId);
+	void ConstructL(RFs& anFs);
+	void ParseNextLineL(const TDesC8& aSourceLine);
+	void ParseBodyLineL(const TDesC8& aSourceLine);
+	void ParseMimeLineL(const TDesC8& aSourceLine);
+	void EndOfHeaderProcessingL();
+	void EndOfHeaderMIMEProcessingL();
+	TBool CreateNonMIMEFolderEntryL(TMsvId aCurrentId);
+	void DecodeAndStoreLineL(const TDesC8& aSourceLine);
+	void ParseRecipientListL(CDesCArray& aRecipientList);
+	void PrepareDecoder();
+	void WriteToBodyL(const TDesC8& aText, TBool aBlankLine=EFalse);
+	void WriteToBodyL(const TDesC16& aText);
+	void AddFileExtension();
+	void ExtractFilename(TLex& aLex, TDes& rFileName);
+	void ReplaceInvalidCharacters(TDes& rFileName);
+	void SetAttachmentName(TDes& aFileName);
+	TBool CheckUUEStartL(const TDesC8& aSourceLine);
+	// returns numeric value of text up to next delimiter
+	TInt Value(const TUint8*&);
+	void Whitespace(const TUint8*&);
+	TBool LineIsAllWhitespace();	
+	TBool CreateAttachmentL();
+	void WriteToAttachmentL(const TDesC8& text);
+	void CloseAttachmentFileL();
+	// Message Entry specific functions
+	void ResetForNewEntryL(TValidEntryType entryType);
+	void ResetForNonMimeEntryL();
+	void MoveUpFromFolderEntryL();
+	void MoveToParentEntryL();
+	void UpdateMultipartDataL();
+	TBool StoreEntryDataL();
+	void StoreEntryStreamsL();
+	void StoreEntryStreamsL(TInt aSettings);
+	void Store822HeaderL(CMsvStore& aStore, TBool& aCommit);
+	void StoreMIMEHeaderL(CMsvStore& aStore, TBool& aCommit);
+	void StoreBodyTextL(CMsvStore& aStore, TBool& aCommit);
+	void CreateEntryL();
+	void Logging(const TDesC8& aString1, const TDesC8& aString2);
+	void StoreMessageEntryDetailsL();
+	void WritePartialFooter8L(TInt aAmountLeft);
+	enum { KNoPart = 0, KParentPart, KMultiPart };
+	TInt iEmailPart;
+	TMsvId iCurrentMultipartFolderEntryId;
+	TBool iMessageEntryCalled;
+	TBool iReceivingHeadersOnly;
+	TInt iReceiveError; // indicates if any anomalies were observed whilst the message was received
+	TInt iLeaveError; // keeps any errors that have caused a leave (ie Out of memory, Corrupt file, Server error)
+	TMsvId iRootEntryId;
+	TMsvId iTopMessagePart;
+	TInt8 iBCPadding[1348]; // Padding to maintain BC - TImAttachmentFile used to be here before it's size was expanded to buffer more data.
+	CMsvServerEntry* iServerEntry;
+	TUid iNewMsgType;
+	CRfc822Token* iRfc822Token;
+	TValidEntryType iDefaultEntryType;
+	TValidEntryType iEntryType;
+	TMsvEmailEntry* iEmailEntry;
+	CImHeader* iOutputHeader;
+	CParaFormatLayer* iParaLayer;
+	CCharFormatLayer* iCharLayer;
+	CRichText* iOutputBody;
+	CImConvertCharconv* iCharConv;
+	CCnvCharacterSetConverter* iConverter;
+	TBool iPreparedToConvert;
+	TBool iMIMEPart_822Header;	
+	TInt iEmptyHeaderSize;
+	TImBodyConvAlgorithm iAlgorithm;
+	TBool iCommitLine;	
+	TBool iFinalLine;	
+	TBool iPrepared;
+	TBool iFinishedHeader;
+	TBool iNotFinishedRfc822Header;
+	TBool iNewNonMIMEBodyPart;
+	TBool iFirstBoundaryReached;
+	CCnvCharacterSetConverter* iCharacterConverter;
+	CImConvertHeader* iHeaderConverter;
+	TImRfc822DateField iRfc822Date;
+	RFs* iFsSession;  
+	TBool iSkipData;
+	TBool iEncounteredLineEndingInCarriageReturn;
+	TBool iCurrentPartIsRichText;	//indicates if current body part is RichText, set on every Close Attachment()
+	TImCodecQP iQPCodec;
+	TImCodecB64 iB64Codec;
+	TImCodecUU iUUCodec;
+	TPtrC8 iThisLine;
+	HBufC* iRemovedAttachmentTag;		// resource text which is put into the body in place of a removed MIME attachment
+	HBufC* iRetainedAttachmentTag;		// Not used at all - resource text which is put into the body next to a retained MIME attachment
+	HBufC* iDefaultAttachmentName;		// used when no name found	
+	HBufC* iAttachmentFullPath;			// full path to current message file
+	TBool iSavingAttachments;			// Turn on/off saving of attachments
+	TBuf8<KMaxBoundaryTextLength> iSeekBoundary;
+	TInt iGlobalIndent;
+	TInt iPreviousLineLength;
+	TInt iPreviousTrailingWhitespace;
+	TChar iLastChar;
+	TInt iLongestLine;
+	TBool iNewEntry;
+	TImAttachmentFileState iAttachmentFileState;
+	TUint32 iEntryDataSize;
+	TBool	iLogFileExists;
+	RFile	iLogFile;
+	TLex8	iLineLex;
+	TTime   iTimeDate;
+	TBool	iParsedTime;
+	//priorities   //vk
+	TInt iPriority;		//{1..5}
+	TInt iXPriority;   // {1..5} 1,2-high, 3-normal, 4,5-low
+	TBuf8<KMaxPriorityTextLength> iPrecedence;  //   {bulk-low, list-normal,first class,special delivery-0}
+	TBuf8<KMaxPriorityTextLength> iImportance;  // {high, low, normal}
+	TMsvPriority iImPriority;
+	TMsvId	iEmailServiceId;
+	TBool	iPopulateMessage;
+	CImcvUtils* iImcvUtils;
+	TBuf8<KConversionRemainderLength> iLeftOver;
+	TMsvId	iSavedEntryId;
+	CArrayFixFlat<TParentDetails>* iParent;
+	// Logging
+	CImLog*					iImcvLog;
+	TMsvId					iBodyId;
+	TFileName 				iAttachmentName;
+	CMimeParser* 			iMimeParser;
+	TBool					iRelatedAttachments;
+	CBufBase* 				iBodyBuf;
+	CMsvBodyText 			*iBodyText;
+	TInt 					iStore8BitData;
+	TImAttachmentFile 		iAttachmentFile;
+	TBool 					iParsedMimeBoundaryLast;
+	TInt 					iSizeOfAttachmentsRemoved;
+	HBufC* 					iPartialEmailFooter;
+	HBufC8* 				iPartialEmailFooter8;
+	HBufC8* 				iPartialRetrievalBody; // for storing the partial email body
+	TInt 					iTopPartialDownloadCounter; // added to support correct attachment downloading after partial download
+	TBool 					iPartialEmail;
+	RFile*					iFile;
+	// Additions for CAF;
+	CImCaf*					iCaf;
+	// Indicates whether the first line of the plaintext body part is received.
+	TBool   				iFirstLinePlainText;
+	// Indicates whether to store the mail bodytext in chunks or entire.
+	TBool    				iStorePlainBodyText;
+	// A wrapper over CMsvPlainBodyText to store body text in chunks.
+	CMsvPlainBodyTextEntry *iPlainBodyTextEntry;
+	};
+class CMimeParser : public CBase
+	{
+	IMPORT_C static CMimeParser* NewLC(CImRecvConvert& aImRecvConvert);
+	IMPORT_C static CMimeParser* NewL(CImRecvConvert& aImRecvConvert);
+	IMPORT_C ~CMimeParser();
+	void Reset();
+	void ResetForNewEntry();
+	void ParseLineL(const TDesC8& aSourceLine);
+	void SetBoundaryL(const TDesC8& aBoundaryText);
+	TBool IsBoundary(const TDesC8& aSourceLine);
+	void RemoveBoundary();
+	inline void StoreMimeHeaderL(CMsvStore& entryStore);
+	inline void StoreMimeHeaderWithoutCommitL(CMsvStore& entryStore);
+	inline void RestoreMimeHeaderL(CMsvStore& entryStore);
+	inline TImEncodingType ContentEncoding();
+	inline TMimeContentType ContentType();
+	TPtrC8 ContentSubType() const;
+	TUint CurrentCharsetL() const;
+	inline const TBool MessageIsMime() const;
+	inline const TBool IsTerminatingBoundary() const;
+	inline const TBool BoundaryExists() const;
+	inline const TBool BoundaryFound() const;
+	inline const TInt MimeHeaderSize() const;
+	inline const TInt ReceiveError() const;
+	inline const TDesC& ContentDescription() const;
+	inline const TPtrC ContentLocation() const;
+	inline const TPtrC8 ContentId() const;
+	inline const TPtrC8 ContentDisposition() const;
+	inline TBool IsMessageDigest();
+	TBool VCard() const;
+	TBool VCalendar() const;
+	TBool ICalendar() const;
+	TImEmailFolderType MessageFolderType() const;
+	void SetMessageFolderType(TImEmailFolderType aFolderType);
+	TBool StartPart() const;
+	void RestoreMimeParserL(CMsvStore& entryStore);
+	void ExtractParameterInfoL(const TDesC8& aTag, TDes16& rBuffer, HBufC8*& paramValue8);	
+	void ExtractParameterInfoL(const TDesC8& aTag, HBufC8*& rBuffer);	
+	TBool MimeFieldsExist() const;
+	void ResetMimeFieldsExist();
+	void DoMultipartTypeForNonMIMEL();
+#if defined (_DEBUG)
+	inline TLex8& Lex() {return iLex;};
+	TPtrC8 ContentTypeDescription() const;
+	CMimeParser(CImRecvConvert& aImRecvConvert);
+	void ConstructL();
+	// String scanning functions
+	TBool IsSpecialChar(const TUint8 aChar);
+	TBool MatchAndRemoveToken(const TDesC8& aToken);
+	TInt FindAttribute(const TDesC8& aTag, const TDesC8& aParameterList);
+	// MIME token recognition functions
+	void DoMimeVersion();
+	void DoContentTypeL();
+	void DoContentLocationL();
+	void DoContentBaseL();
+	void DoContentIdL();
+	void DoEncodingL();
+	void DoDescriptionL();
+	void DoDispositionL();
+	// MIME Content-Type type recognition functions
+	void DoTextTypeL();
+	void DoMultipartTypeL();
+	void DoMessageTypeL();
+	void DoAttachmentTypeL();
+	// Will be moved to MIUT, but for now ..
+	const TPtrC8 GetContentTypeValue(const TDesC8& aContentTypeParameter) const;
+	TBool ParseRfc2047ParameterInfoL( const TDesC8& aParam, TDes& rBuffer);
+	TBool ParseRfc2231ParameterInfoL( const TDesC8& aTag, TDes& rBuffer, TInt aOffset );
+	TBool DecodeRfc2231ParameterInfoL( TDes8& aInput, TDes& rBufOut, 
+											TPtrC8 aCharset/*, TPtrC8 aLanguage*/);
+	TPtrC8 ExtractParameterString(TLexMark8& rMark);
+	CImRecvConvert& iImRecvConvert;
+	CImMimeHeader* iMimeHeader;
+	TInt iEmptyMimeHeaderSize;
+	TBool isMime;
+	TBool iCorrectMimeVersion;
+	TImEncodingType iContentEncoding;
+	TMimeContentType iContentType;
+	TFileName iContentDescription;
+	TBool iVCard;
+	TBool iVCalendar;
+	TBool iICalendar;
+	TBool iStartPart;
+	TImEmailFolderType iMessageFolderType;
+	TUint iCharset;
+	TUint iDefaultCharset;
+	HBufC8* iStartId;
+	// Boundary stuff
+	CDesC8ArrayFlat* iBoundaryText;
+	TInt iBoundaryIndex;
+	TInt iBoundaryLength;
+	TBool iTerminatingBoundary;
+	TBool iBoundaryFound;
+	TInt iReceiveError; // Indicates if any anomalies were observed whilst the message was received
+						// Can be accessed via the inline ReceiveError()
+	TPtrC8 iTestLine;
+	HBufC8* iMimeHeaderLine;
+	TLexMark8 iMark;
+	TLex8 iLex;
+	TLex8 iTestLex;	
+	TBool isMessageDigest;
+	TBool iMimeFieldsExist;
+	};
+#include <imcvrecv.inl>