--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/email/pop3andsmtpmtm/servermtmutils/inc/IMSK.H Thu Dec 17 08:44:11 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,618 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// This file contains the API definition for the class CImTextServerSession.
+// This class creates sockets and is responsible for transmitting data between client and the server
+ @file
+ @publishedAll
+ @released
+#ifndef __IMSK_H__
+#define __IMSK_H__
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <es_sock.h>
+#include <in_sock.h>
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <mentact.h>
+#include <miutlog.h>
+#include <miut_err.h>
+#include <miuthdr.h>
+#include "timrfc822datefield.h"
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+// Enable Scripting in Debug Builds only
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+const TInt EActivePriorityHigh = 1;
+const TInt KCarriageLineFeedLength=2;
+/** Max numeric IP address len = "0:0:0:0:0:0:" = 45 chars
+const TInt KImskIPAddressLen=45; // Max numeric IP address len = "" = 15 chars
+/** Maximum buffer size of the received data
+typedef TBuf8<KImMailMaxBufferSize> TImMailBuffer;
+/** received buffer data line type
+enum TImLineType
+ {
+ ECRLFTerminated,
+ EBufferTooSmall,
+ EReceiveBufferFull,
+ EReceiveBufferEmpty
+ };
+class CImLog;
+class CImTextServerScript;
+class CImIAPPreferences;
+class CImConnect;
+class CSecureSocket;
+class CImSocketIdleTimer;
+Creates/opens socket and sends and receives data.
+class CImTextServerSession : public CMsgActive
+ {
+ enum TImOperationMode{
+ EImServerMode,
+ EImClientMode
+ };
+ //cat Construction
+ @fn NewL()
+ Intended Usage : Static factory constructor. Uses two phase construction and
+ leaves nothing on the CleanupStack.
+ @since 6.0
+ @leave KErrNoMemory.
+ @return A pointer to the newly created CImTextServerSession object.
+ @pre None
+ @post A fully constructed and initialised CImTextServerSession object.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static CImTextServerSession *NewL();
+ /**
+ @publishedAll
+ @released
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static CImTextServerSession* NewL(RSocketServ& aSocketServ, CImConnect& aConnect);
+ //cat Construction
+ @fn NewL(TInt aSendIdleTime, TInt aReceiveIdleTime)
+ Intended Usage : Static factory constructor. Uses two phase construction and
+ leaves nothing on the CleanupStack.
+ @since 7.0s
+ @param aSendIdleTime is the time for which the idle timer runs (for a send)
+ @param aReceiveIdleTime is the time for which the idle timer runs (for a recieve)
+ @leave KErrNoMemory.
+ @return A pointer to the newly created CImTextServerSession object.
+ @pre None
+ @post A fully constructed and initialised CImTextServerSession object.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static CImTextServerSession* NewL(TInt aSendIdleTime, TInt aReceiveIdleTime);
+ /**
+ @publishedAll
+ @released
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static CImTextServerSession* NewL(TInt aSendIdleTime, TInt aReceiveIdleTime, RSocketServ& aSocketServ, CImConnect& aConnect);
+ //cat Destruction
+ @fn ~CImTextServerSession()
+ Intended Usage : Destructor.
+ @since 6.0
+ */
+ ~CImTextServerSession();
+ @fn QueueConnectL(TRequestStatus &aStatus,const TDesC& anAddressDesc, TInt aPortNum, const CImIAPPreferences& aIAPPreferences, TBool aEnableTimeout = ETrue)
+ Intended Usage : Queue a connect assuming the socket is successfully opened.
+ Error Condition : KErrNoMemory
+ @since 6.0
+ @param aStatus Asynchronous completion status
+ @param anAddressDesc is the IP address
+ @param aIAPPreferences is the IAP connection preference to be used
+ @param aPortNum is the port number eg. 143, 25, 110.
+ @param aEnableTimeout Not used
+ @pre None
+ @post connection is ready to send and receive data.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void QueueConnectL(TRequestStatus &aStatus,const TDesC& anAddressDesc, TInt aPortNum, const CImIAPPreferences& aIAPPreferences, TBool aEnableTimeout = ETrue);
+ IMPORT_C void QueueConnectL(TRequestStatus &aStatus,const TDesC& anAddressDesc, TInt aPortNum, const CImIAPPreferences& aIAPPreferences, const TDesC8& aSSLDomainName);
+ @fn SSLQueueConnectL(TRequestStatus &aStatus,const TDesC& anAddressDesc, TInt aPortNum, const CImIAPPreferences& aIAPPreferences, TBool aEnableTimeout = ETrue)
+ Intended Usage : Queue a wrapped SSL connect on an socket assuming the socket is successfully opened.
+ Error Condition : KErrNoMemory, EImskSocketOpen
+ @since 7.0s
+ @param aStatus Asynchronous completion status
+ @param anAddressDesc is the IP address
+ @param aIAPPreferences is the IAP connection preference to be used
+ @param aPortNum is the port number eg. 993, 465, 995.
+ @param aEnableTimeout Not used
+ @pre None
+ @post connection is ready to send and receive data.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void SSLQueueConnectL(TRequestStatus &aStatus,const TDesC& anAddressDesc, TInt aPortNum, const CImIAPPreferences& aIAPPreferences, TBool aEnableTimeout = ETrue);
+ IMPORT_C void SSLQueueConnectL(TRequestStatus &aStatus,const TDesC& anAddressDesc, TInt aPortNum, const CImIAPPreferences& aIAPPreferences, const TDesC8& aSSLDomainName);
+ @fn Disconnect()
+ Intended Usage : To disconnect and close socket connection.
+ Error Condition : None
+ @since 6.0
+ @pre None
+ @post connection is closed.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void Disconnect();
+ IMPORT_C void Disconnect(TRequestStatus &aStatus);
+ void TimeOut();
+ IMPORT_C const TDesC& LocalName();
+ This method should be called before Send/SendQueueReceive()
+ TLS command is sent.
+ @fn SetSSLTLSResponseL(const TDesC8& aDesc)
+ Intended Usage : To use for secure connection.
+ Error Condition : KErrNoMemory
+ @since 6.2
+ @param aDesc is the positive response the MTM expects from the connected
+ server for TLS command. e.g. OK, +OK, 220 etc..
+ @pre aDesc cannot be zero length
+ @leave EImskNoTLSResponseString
+ @post iTLSResponse is filled with aDesc contents
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void SetSSLTLSResponseL(const TDesC8& aDesc);
+ @fn Send(TRequestStatus &aStatus, const TDesC8& aDesc)
+ Intended Usage : To send data.
+ Error Condition : None
+ @since 6.0
+ @param aStatus Asynchronous completion status
+ @param aDesc is the aData to be sent
+ @post None
+ */
+ //sends
+ IMPORT_C void Send(TRequestStatus &aStatus, const TDesC8& aDesc);
+ IMPORT_C void SendWithTimeout(TRequestStatus& aStatus, TInt aIdleTime, const TDesC8& aDesc);
+ IMPORT_C void SendQueueReceiveWithTimeout(TRequestStatus& aStatus, TInt aIdleTime, const TDesC8& aDesc);
+ IMPORT_C void Send(TRequestStatus &aStatus, TRefByValue<const TDesC8> aFmt,...);
+ @fn SendQueueReceive(TRequestStatus &aStatus, const TDesC8& aDesc)
+ Intended Usage : To send data and queue a receive.
+ Error Condition : None
+ @since 6.0
+ @param aStatus Asynchronous completion status
+ @param aDesc is the aData to be sent
+ @post Sends the data and queues a receive.
+ GetCurrentTextLine should be called after this method to read received data
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void SendQueueReceive(TRequestStatus &aStatus, const TDesC8& aDesc);
+ IMPORT_C void SendQueueReceive(TRequestStatus &aStatus, TRefByValue<const TDesC8> aFmt,...);
+ //receives
+ Returns first full line of data received from socket to user
+ @fn GetCurrentTextLine(TDes8& aDesc)
+ Intended Usage : To return received data.
+ Error Condition : None
+ @since 6.0
+ @param aDesc will be filled with received buffer
+ @post returns the received buffer in the form of aDesc
+ @return EReceiveBufferEmpty when received data is empty
+ EBufferTooSmall when aDesc length is smaller than received data
+ ECRLFTerminated when received data is complete (full line)
+ EReceiveBufferFull when received data length is more than aDesc length
+ GetCurrentTextLine should be called after Send methods
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TImLineType GetCurrentTextLine(TDes8& aDesc);
+ User queues a new request from the socket (unless there's a full line of data in buffer
+ then signal user and there's no need to make a receive request)
+ @fn QueueReceiveNextTextLine(TRequestStatus &aStatus)
+ Intended Usage : User queues a new request from the socket.
+ Error Condition : None
+ @since 6.0
+ @param aStatus for asynchronous request
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void QueueReceiveNextTextLine(TRequestStatus &aStatus);
+ @fn ReceiveBinaryData(TRequestStatus &aStatus, TDes8& aDes,TInt aLen)
+ Intended Usage : Users queue a request for received data
+ Error Condition : None
+ @since 6.0
+ @param aStatus Asynchronous completion status
+ @param aDes is the aData to be received
+ @param aLen is the length of the data the user wants to read
+ @post aDes will be filled with received data of aLen.
+ ReceiveBinaryData should be called after Send.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C void ReceiveBinaryData(TRequestStatus &aStatus, TDes8& aDes,TInt aLen);
+ IMPORT_C void LogText(const TDesC8& aString); // write string into log file
+ IMPORT_C void LogError(const TDesC8& aString,const TInt aError); // write string and integer into log file
+ @fn GetIAPValue(TUint32 &aIAP)
+ Intended Usage : Returns the IAP we are connecting/connected with in aIAP or returns an error code
+ @since 6.0
+ @param aIAP will be the current IAP
+ @post aIAP will be filled with current IAP connected.
+ @return will return genconn errors if any
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt GetIAPValue(TUint32 &aIAP);
+ @fn GetRConnectionName(TName &aName)
+ Intended Usage : Returns the name of the RConnection.
+ @since 9.1
+ @param aName Buffer in which the name is returned.
+ @post aName will be filled with current name of the RConnection.
+ @return KErrNone if successful, or another of the system-wide error codes.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt GetRConnectionName(TName &aName);
+/** Returns the bearer type we are connected to with in aBearer or returns an error code */
+ IMPORT_C TInt GetIAPBearer(TUint32 &aBearer);
+ @publishedAll
+ @fn GetLastSocketActivityTimeout(TUint32& aTimeout)
+ Intended Usage : Returns the last socket activity timeout value
+ @since 9.1
+ @param aTimeout is a return argument containing the timeout if it was found
+ @post aTimeout will be filled with the timeout value
+ @return Returns KErrNone, KErrNotFound or KErrBadHandle
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt GetLastSocketActivityTimeout(TUint32& aTimeout);
+ @fn GetSocketServ()
+ Intended Usage : Returns the Socket Server
+ @since 8.0
+ @return Socket Server
+ */
+ RSocketServ& GetSocketServ();
+ @fn GetConnectionStage()
+ Intended Usage : Gets the stage of the connection process obtained from RConnection
+ @since 7.0s
+ @return The current connection stage from RConnection or a system-wide error code.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TInt GetConnectionStage();
+ @fn SocketIdle()
+ Intended Usage : disconnects the socket and notifies the observer when the socket has been idle
+ for some time
+ @since 7.0s
+ */
+ void SocketIdle();
+ @fn SetPrimaryTextServerSession(CImTextServerSession& aPrimaryTextServerSession)
+ Intended Usage : Users set only on the secondary session
+ @since 9.2
+ @param aPrimaryTextServerSession is PrimarySession's TextServerSession
+ @pre None
+ @post Going to be use on the secondary session
+ IMPORT_C void SetPrimaryTextServerSession(CImTextServerSession* aPrimaryTextServerSession);
+ @fn GetCImConnect()
+ Intended Usage : Returns the CImConnect object
+ @since 9.2
+ @return CImConnect
+ @post Going to be use on the secondary session
+ */
+ CImConnect* GetCImConnect();
+// Depreciated functions - do not use.
+ IMPORT_C void QueueConnect(TRequestStatus &aStatus,const TDesC& anAddressDesc, TInt aPortNum, TBool aEnableTimeout = ETrue);
+ IMPORT_C void QueueConnect(TRequestStatus &aStatus,const TDesC& anAddressDesc, TInt aPortNum, const CImIAPPreferences& aIAPPreferences, TInt aType, TBool aEnableTimeout = ETrue);
+ IMPORT_C void QueueConnect(TRequestStatus& aStatus,const TDesC& anAddressDesc, TInt aPortNum, TCallBack aDisconnectFunction,const TUint32 aIntraddress,TInt aType, TBool aEnableTimeout = ETrue);
+ IMPORT_C void QueueConnect(TRequestStatus &aStatus,const TDesC& anAddressDesc, TInt aPortNum,const TUint32 aIAPaddress, TInt aType, TBool aEnableTimeout = ETrue);
+ IMPORT_C void QueueConnect(TRequestStatus& aStatus,const TDesC& anAddressDesc, TInt aPortNum, TCallBack aDisconnectFunction, TBool aEnableTimeout = ETrue);
+ IMPORT_C void QueueConnect(TRequestStatus& aStatus,const TDesC& anAddressDesc, TInt aPortNum, TCallBack aDisconnectFunction, const CImIAPPreferences& aIAPPreferences,TInt aType, TBool aEnableTimeout = ETrue);
+ IMPORT_C TInt Send(const TDesC8& aDesc);
+ IMPORT_C TInt Send(TRefByValue<const TDesC8> aFmt,...);
+ IMPORT_C TInt SendReceive(const TDesC8& aDesc);
+ IMPORT_C TInt Receive(TDes8& rDes);
+ IMPORT_C void Receive(TRequestStatus &aStatus, TDes8& rDes);
+ IMPORT_C static CImTextServerSession *NewLC (TImOperationMode aMode, RSocketServ &aServerServ);
+ IMPORT_C static CImTextServerSession *NewL(RSocketServ &aServerServ);
+ //Do not call SetSecurity. Call SetSSLTLSResponseL
+ IMPORT_C TInt SetSecurity(TBool aSecurityOn, TBool aUnattendedMode = FALSE);
+ IMPORT_C void PerformLogging(TBool aLogging);
+ //cat Construction and Destruction
+ @fn CImTextServerSession()
+ Intended Usage : Constructor. First phase of two-phase construction method. Does
+ non-allocating construction.
+ @since 6.0
+ */
+ CImTextServerSession();
+ CImTextServerSession(RSocketServ& aSocketServ, CImConnect& aConnect);
+ //cat Construction
+ @fn CImTextServerSession(TInt aSendIdleTime, TInt aReceiveIdleTime)
+ Intended Usage : Constructor. First phase of two-phase construction method. Does
+ non-allocating construction.
+ @since 7.0s
+ @param aSendIdleTime is the time for which the idle timer runs (for a send)
+ @param aReceiveIdleTime is the time for which the idle timer runs (for a receive)
+ */
+ CImTextServerSession(TInt aSendIdleTime, TInt aReceiveIdleTime);
+ CImTextServerSession(TInt aSendIdleTime, TInt aReceiveIdleTime, RSocketServ& aSocketServ, CImConnect& aConnect);
+ //cat Construction and Destruction.
+ @fn ConstructL()
+ Intended Usage : Second phase of two-phase construction method. Does any
+ allocations required to fully construct the object.
+ @since 6.0
+ @leave KErrNoMemory.
+ @pre First phase of construction is complete
+ @post The object is fully constructed and initialised.
+ */
+ void ConstructL();
+ TInt Open();
+ void Close();
+ void CreateLogFile(TInt aPortNum);
+ void OpenScriptFile(TInt aPortNum);
+ void DoRunL();
+ void DoComplete(TInt& aStatusValue); // Cleanup code
+ void DoCancel();
+ // these called from DoRunL;
+ void SocketConnect();
+ void DoConnectedToSocketL();
+ void DoQueueConnect();
+ void RealReceive(TDes8& aDesc);
+ void RealSend(const TDesC8& aDesc);
+ @fn ParseSSLTLSResponseL()
+ Intended Usage : session will compare the response(for TLS command)
+ with the MTMs response
+ @since 6.2
+ @leave KImskSSLTLSNegotiateFailed if the response doesn't match
+ @post CSecureSocket object is created
+ */
+ void ParseSSLTLSResponseL();
+ @fn CreateSecureSocketL()
+ Intended Usage : to use secure socket connection
+ @since 6.2
+ @leave None
+ @post CSecureSocket object is created and iSecurityState is set to EImSecurityStateOn;
+ */
+ void CreateSecureSocketL();
+ @fn QueueGenericConnectL(TRequestStatus &aStatus,const TDesC& anAddressDesc, TInt aPortNum, const CImIAPPreferences& aIAPPreferences, TBool aEnableTimeout = ETrue)
+ Intended Usage : Queue a standard or wrapped SSL connect on an socket assuming the socket is successfully opened. Called by SSLQueueConnectL and QueueConnectL
+ Error Condition : KErrNoMemory, EImskSocketOpen
+ @since 7.0s
+ @param aStatus Asynchronous completion status
+ @param anAddressDesc is the IP address
+ @param aIAPPreferences is the IAP connection preference to be used
+ @param aPortNum is the port number eg. 143, 993
+ @param aSSLDomainName SSL domain name to use for secure sockets
+ @pre None
+ @post connection is ready to send and receive data.
+ */
+ void QueueGenericConnectL(TRequestStatus &aStatus,const TDesC& anAddressDesc, TInt aPortNum, const CImIAPPreferences& aIAPPreferences, const TDesC8& aSSLDomainName);
+#if defined(__IMSK_SIMULATION)
+ void ReadNextPeriod();
+ TUint32 GetTokenValue(TInt aTokenLen, const TPtrC8& aBuffer);
+ TBool IsSuspended();
+ TBool SuspendPeriodSet();
+ void ResetSuspendPeriod();
+ void SetAfterTimer();
+ TInt ReadConfigNum(const TDesC& aName);
+ enum TImSocketState
+ {
+ EImClosed,
+ EImResolve,
+ EImConnect,
+ EImSendReceive,
+ EImDialUsingOverride,
+ EImTLSHandShakeStarted,
+ EImSendReceiveTimedOut
+ };
+ enum TImSendReceiveState
+ {
+ EImInactive,
+ EImSending,
+ EImReceiving,
+ EImReceivingBinaryData,
+ EImSendingQueueReceive,
+ EImSuspended, //used when we are in a simulated GPRS suspend.
+ };
+ enum TImSecurityState
+ {
+ EImSecurityStateOff,
+ EImSecurityStateOn,
+ EImSecurityStateFailed
+ };
+ /** handle to the socket */
+ RSocket iSocket;
+ /** handle to RSocketServ */
+ RSocketServ iServ;
+ /** handle to Hostresolver */
+ RHostResolver iHostResolver;
+ /** handle to secure socket for SSL/TLS connection */
+ CSecureSocket* iSecureSocket;
+ TUint32 iCurrentIAPcache;
+ /** Used to find if IAP is cached */
+ TBool iIAPCached; // true if the above value can be used.
+ /** result of the host resolver */
+ TNameEntry iHostent;
+ /** port number e.g. 25 for SMTP, 143 for IMAP and 110 for POP */
+ TInt iPortNum;
+ /** server address */
+ TPtrC iAddressDesc;
+ /** data returned by the socket */
+ TImMailBuffer iReceive;
+ TSockXfrLength iLen;
+ TImSocketState iState;
+ TImSendReceiveState iSendReceive;
+ HBufC8* iBuffer;
+ TImLineType iCurrentLineType;
+ /** to log connection data */
+ CImLog* iLog;
+ /** IP address name */
+ TBuf<KImskIPAddressLen> iLocalName;
+ /** secure state i.e to use Secure socket */
+ TImSecurityState iSecurityState;
+ const CImIAPPreferences* iIAPPreferences;
+ CImConnect* iConnect;
+ TDes8* iReceiveData; // buffer we just recieved data into
+ HBufC8* iSentData;
+ /** response for different mail protocols like 220,+OK, OK, BAD */
+ HBufC8* iTLSResponse; //response for different mail protocols like 220,+OK, OK, BAD
+ /** internal flag to read tls response */
+ TBool iReadTLSResponse;
+ TBool iPerformLogging;
+ TBool iWrappedSocket;
+ CImSocketIdleTimer* iSocketIdleTimer;
+ TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 iSendIdleTime;
+ TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 iReceiveIdleTime;
+ /** A shorter idle timeout, used when a fast response is expected */
+ TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 iSendShortIdleTime;
+ TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 iReceiveShortIdleTime;
+ CImTextServerScript* iScript;
+#if defined(__IMSK_SIMULATION)
+ RFs iFs;
+ TUint32 iScriptedIAP; // value to return for iap when scripting
+ TUint32 iBearerIAP; // value to return for bearer when scripting
+ TImSendReceiveState iSuspendedState;
+ RTimer iSuspendTimer;
+ RFile iGprsFile;
+ TBool iGprsConfigExists;
+ TInt iCfgFilePos;
+ TTime iLastSuspend; // time last suspension took place
+ // in universal time
+ TTimeIntervalSeconds iStart; // number of seconds since last delay
+ // before the following delay occurs.
+ // if 0 no suspend is required.
+ TTimeIntervalSeconds iDuration; // how long to delay. If 0 no suspend is
+ // required
+ TBool iRepeat; // repeat the above delay for an
+ // infinite period
+ HBufC8* iSendData; // suspended data
+#endif // __IMSK_SIMULATION
+ CImTextServerSession* iPrimaryTextServerSession; //Only going to be set on the secondary session
+ TBool iClientOwnsConnection;
+ /** SSL domain name for secure sockets */
+ HBufC8* iSSLDomainName;
+ TBool iSocketIdleTimeSet; // iSocketIdleTimeSet=ETrue, if smtp server did not responds within 10 seconds after sending "."
+ };