changeset 0 72b543305e3a
child 21 c6838af47512
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/messagingappbase/ncnlist/src/CNcnNotifApiObserver.cpp	Thu Dec 17 08:44:11 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1520 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:   The purpose of this class is to observe if there are messages
+*                in the Email.
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <MuiuMsvUiServiceUtilities.h>  // MsvUiServiceUtilities
+#include <msvstd.hrh>
+#include <mtclreg.h>                    // For CClientMtmRegistry
+#include <miuthdr.h>
+#include <ImumInternalApi.h>            // CImumInternalApi
+#include <ImumInSettingsKeys.h>         // TImumInSettings
+#include <ImumInSettingsData.h>         // CImumSettingsData
+#include <muiuemailtools.h>
+#include <SendUiConsts.h>   // KSenduiMtmSyncMLEmailUid 
+#include "CNcnNotifApiObserver.h"
+#include "NcnModelBase.h"
+#include "CNcnMsvSessionHandler.h"
+#include "NcnTimer.h"
+#include <NcnListInternalCRKeys.h>
+#include <muiumsvuiserviceutilitiesinternal.h> // Messaging utilites
+#include <messaginginternalcrkeys.h>
+// ================= LOCAL CONSTANTS =======================
+    {
+    // Timer iteration delay in microseconds
+    const TUint KTimerIterationDelay = 1 * 1000 * 1000;
+    // Mail technology type
+    const TUid KMailTechnologyTypeUid = { 0x10001671 };
+    }
+// ======================== INTERNAL HELPER CLASS ==============================
+    TMsvId aMailBox )
+    : iMailBox( aMailBox ),
+      iMTMType( KNullUid ),
+      iMailBoxTechnologyType( KNullUid),
+      iPublishedNewEmailCount( 0 ),
+      iHighestEMailMsvId( 0 ),
+      iHighestIMAPId(0),
+      iLatestMessageArrival(0),
+      iUnreadCheckpointMsvId( 0 ),
+      iPublishedCheckpointMsvId( 0 ),
+      iPublishedCheckpointIMAPId(0),
+      iPublishedCheckpointTimeStamp(0),
+      iNewMessageIds( 5 ),
+      iNotified( ETrue ),
+      iIcon(ETrue),
+      iTone(ETrue),
+      iNote(ETrue),
+      iShowIcon(ETrue)
+    {
+    }
+TInt CNcnNotifApiObserver::TNcnMailBoxStatus::Compare(
+    const TNcnMailBoxStatus& aFirst, 
+    const TNcnMailBoxStatus& aSecond )
+    {
+    if ( aFirst.iMailBox < aSecond.iMailBox )
+        {
+        return -1;
+        }        
+    else if ( aFirst.iMailBox > aSecond.iMailBox )
+        {
+        return 1;
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        return 0;
+        }                        
+    }
+TBool CNcnNotifApiObserver::TNcnMailBoxStatus::Match( 
+    const TNcnMailBoxStatus& aFirst, 
+    const TNcnMailBoxStatus& aSecond )
+    {
+    TBool ret = EFalse;
+    if( aFirst.iMailBox == aSecond.iMailBox )
+        {
+        ret = ETrue;
+        }
+    return ret;
+    }
+// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcnNotifApiObserver default constructor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+    CNcnModelBase& aModel )
+    : iModel( aModel ),
+      iMsvSession(NULL)
+    {    
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcnNotifApiObserver::ConstructL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcnNotifApiObserver::ConstructL()
+    {
+    NCN_RDEBUG( _L("CNcnNotifApiObserver::ConstructL - Entry") );    
+    // listen to msv session handler
+    iModel.MsvSessionHandler().AddObserverL( this );
+    NCN_RDEBUG( _L("CNcnNotifApiObserver::ConstructL - Exit") );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcnNotifApiObserver::NewL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+CNcnNotifApiObserver* CNcnNotifApiObserver::NewL( 
+    CNcnModelBase& aModel )
+    {
+    // Create the observer instance
+    CNcnNotifApiObserver* self = 
+        new (ELeave) CNcnNotifApiObserver( aModel );
+    // Call the construct safely
+    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+    self->ConstructL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop();
+    return self;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcnNotifApiObserver::~CNcnNotifApiObserver
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+    {
+    delete iTimer;
+    iMailBoxStatusArray.Close();
+    // stop listening to msv session handler
+    iModel.MsvSessionHandler().RemoveObserver( this );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleMsvSessionReadyL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleMsvSessionReadyL( CMsvSession& aMsvSession )
+    {
+    // Load all mailboxes
+    LoadMailboxesL( aMsvSession );
+    //We take a pointer to msv session. Needed only in special circumstances
+    iMsvSession = &aMsvSession;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleMsvSessionClosedL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleMsvSessionClosedL()
+    {
+    NCN_RDEBUG( _L("CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleMsvSessionClosedL") );
+    iMailBoxStatusArray.Close();
+    // Reset email counters
+    iTotalNewMailCount = 0;
+    iNotifiedNewMailCount = 0;    
+    // Inform notifier
+    iModel.NcnNotifier().SetNotification(
+        MNcnNotifier::ENcnEmailNotification,
+        iTotalNewMailCount );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleMsvEntryCreatedL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleMsvEntryCreatedL( const TMsvId& aMsvId )
+    {
+    //Get the atrrbiutes
+    TUid aMtmType = KNullUid;
+    TUid aTechnologyType = KNullUid;
+    TInt error = GetMailBoxesAttributesL(aMsvId, aMtmType, aTechnologyType);
+    // if entry is an email service entry
+    if( error == KErrNone && IsMailTechnologyType( aTechnologyType ) )
+        {
+        // add mail box
+        NCN_RDEBUG_INT2( _L("CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleMsvEntryCreatedL - Box %d created with MTM %d"), aMsvId, aMtmType.iUid );
+        AddMailBoxL( aMsvId, aMtmType, aTechnologyType );
+        }
+    // otherwise inspect the entry more carefully
+    else
+        {                
+        CMsvSession& msvSession = iModel.MsvSessionHandler().MsvSessionL();
+        // get service id and entry
+        TMsvId serviceId;
+        TMsvEntry entry;        
+        TInt err = msvSession.GetEntry( aMsvId, serviceId, entry );
+        // if entry was found
+        if( err == KErrNone )
+            {
+            // if entry is an email
+            if( IsEMailEntry( entry ) && ( entry.New() && entry.Unread() ) )
+                {
+                // handle new email
+                HandleNewEMailMsvEntryL( entry );
+                }    
+            }            
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleMsvEntryDeletedL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleMsvEntryDeletedL( const TMsvId& aMsvId )
+    {
+    // just try to remove mail box
+    // invalid ids are ignored by the method
+    RemoveMailBox( aMsvId );
+    // Also try to delete email entry
+    HandleDeletedEMailMsvEntryL( aMsvId );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleNewEMailMsvEntryL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleNewEMailMsvEntryL( const TMsvEntry& aEntry )
+    {
+    NCN_RDEBUG_INT( _L("[ncnlist] CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleNewEMailMsvEntryL - entry = %d\n"), aEntry.Id() );    
+    // find the mailbox
+    TNcnMailBoxStatus& mailboxStatus = MailBoxStatusL( aEntry.iServiceId );
+    // find entry in mailbox new email list
+    TInt index = mailboxStatus.iNewMessageIds.Find( aEntry.Id() );
+    // if there is no such entry in list yet 
+    if( index == KErrNotFound )
+        {
+        //Some messages do not require notifications when they arrive (they are old messages)
+        //In this method those messages are spotted
+        if ( IsNotificationNeededForThisMessageL( mailboxStatus, aEntry ) == FALSE )
+	        {
+	        NCN_RDEBUG_INT( _L( "[ncnlist] CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleNewEMailMsvEntryL - entry %d does not require notification!" ), aEntry.Id() );
+			return;
+	        }
+        //Notification is needed, add it to our list
+        NCN_RDEBUG_INT( _L( "[ncnlist] CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleNewEMailMsvEntryL - entry %d added to list\n" ), aEntry.Id() );
+        // append entry id to the list of new messages in box
+        mailboxStatus.iNewMessageIds.Append( aEntry.Id() );
+        //Email icon should be shown to indicate new email for this mailbox
+        mailboxStatus.iShowIcon = ETrue;
+        NCN_RDEBUG_INT2(
+            _L( "CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleNewEMailMsvEntryL - new messages in box %d: %d" ),
+            mailboxStatus.iMailBox,
+            mailboxStatus.iNewMessageIds.Count() );
+        // update highest msv entry if needed
+        if( aEntry.Id() > mailboxStatus.iHighestEMailMsvId )
+            {
+            mailboxStatus.iHighestEMailMsvId = aEntry.Id();
+            }
+        // update highest IMAP uid if needed
+        NCN_RDEBUG(_L( "CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleNewEMailMsvEntryL - Making an TMsvEmailEntry from TEntry" ) );
+        TMsvEmailEntry emailEntry(aEntry);
+		NCN_RDEBUG_INT(_L( "CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleNewEMailMsvEntryL - Messages IMAP UID %d" ), emailEntry.UID() );
+        if( emailEntry.UID() > mailboxStatus.iHighestIMAPId  )
+            {
+            NCN_RDEBUG_INT( _L( "CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleNewEMailMsvEntryL - Message has highest IMAP UID so far %d" ), emailEntry.UID() );
+            mailboxStatus.iHighestIMAPId = emailEntry.UID();            	
+            }
+        // update latest message time if needed
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+		TBuf<50> 	tempTime;
+		_LIT(KBMDebugTimeFormat, "%-B%:0%J%:1%T%:2%S%.%*C4%:3%+B");		
+		aEntry.iDate.FormatL(tempTime, KBMDebugTimeFormat);
+		NCN_RDEBUG_INT( _L("CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleNewEMailMsvEntryL messages time stamp: %S"), &tempTime);
+        if( aEntry.iDate > mailboxStatus.iLatestMessageArrival )
+            {
+            NCN_RDEBUG( _L( "CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleNewEMailMsvEntryL - Message has latest arrival time" ) );
+            mailboxStatus.iLatestMessageArrival = aEntry.iDate;
+            }
+        }
+    // entry exists in the list
+    else
+        {
+        NCN_RDEBUG_INT( _L( "[ncnlist] CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleNewEMailMsvEntryL - entry %d already in list\n" ), aEntry.Id() );
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleDeletedEMailMsvEntryL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleDeletedEMailMsvEntryL( const TMsvId& aEntryId )
+    {
+    NCN_RDEBUG( _L( "CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleDeletedEMailMsvEntryL - deleted email entry" ) );
+    TInt count( iMailBoxStatusArray.Count() );
+    // Run all boxes through
+    while( count > 0)
+        {
+        // decrease count
+        count--;
+        // get reference to mailbox
+        TNcnMailBoxStatus& mailboxStatus = iMailBoxStatusArray[count];
+        // try to find the id in boxes new message id list
+        TInt index = mailboxStatus.iNewMessageIds.Find( aEntryId );
+        // if entry was found
+        if( index != KErrNotFound )
+            {
+            // remove entry id
+            mailboxStatus.iNewMessageIds.Remove( index );
+            NCN_RDEBUG_INT2(
+                _L( "CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleDeletedEMailMsvEntryL - new messages in box %d: %d" ),
+                mailboxStatus.iMailBox,
+                mailboxStatus.iNewMessageIds.Count() );
+            // and if id is less than equal to last published it
+            // affects the amount of published new emails
+            if( aEntryId <= mailboxStatus.iPublishedCheckpointMsvId )
+                {
+                // decrease amount of published new emails
+                mailboxStatus.iPublishedNewEmailCount--;
+                NCN_RDEBUG_INT2(
+                    _L( "CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleDeletedEMailMsvEntryL - published new messages in box %d: %d" ),
+                    mailboxStatus.iMailBox,
+                    mailboxStatus.iPublishedNewEmailCount );
+                // update notification, it might not be valid anymore if
+                // published emails have been deleted
+                UpdateNotification( EFalse, mailboxStatus.iIcon, mailboxStatus.iTone, mailboxStatus.iNote );
+                }
+           // and finally we must update the boxes highest values, they might have changed			
+			NCN_RDEBUG( _L( "CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleDeletedEMailMsvEntryL - Updating new 'highest' values" ));                     
+            FindHighest_MsvId_ImapId_LatestTime(mailboxStatus.iMailBox,
+            									mailboxStatus.iHighestEMailMsvId ,
+            									mailboxStatus.iHighestIMAPId,
+            									mailboxStatus.iLatestMessageArrival);       
+            }
+        } 
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleMsvMediaChangedL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+void CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleMsvMediaChangedL( const TDriveNumber& aDriveNumber )
+void CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleMsvMediaChangedL( const TDriveNumber& /*aDriveNumber */)
+	{
+    //The entrys that we have in the iMailBoxStatusArray are no longer valid
+    //the array must be rebuild.   
+    NCN_RDEBUG_INT( _L("[ncnlist] CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleMsvMediaChangedL - Media changed to drive: %d"), aDriveNumber );
+    //Reset the mail box array
+    iMailBoxStatusArray.Reset();
+    // Reset email counters
+    iTotalNewMailCount = 0;
+    iNotifiedNewMailCount = 0;    
+    // Inform notifier
+    iModel.NcnNotifier().SetNotification( MNcnNotifier::ENcnEmailNotification, iTotalNewMailCount );
+    //Load the mail boxes. Old MsvSession is still valid after media changes
+    if( iMsvSession != NULL )
+	    {
+	    LoadMailboxesL( *iMsvSession );	
+	    }
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleMsvMediaAvailableL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+void CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleMsvMediaAvailableL( const TDriveNumber& aDriveNumber )
+void CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleMsvMediaAvailableL( const TDriveNumber& /*aDriveNumber*/ )
+	{
+	//Clean up message store from unhealthy mail boxes
+    NCN_RDEBUG_INT( _L("[ncnlist] CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleMsvMediaAvailableL - Media available in drive: %d"), aDriveNumber );
+    // Create interface object
+    CIMAEmailApi* api = CreateEmailApiLC( iMsvSession );
+    // Force message store cleanup
+    NCN_RDEBUG( _L("[ncnlist] CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleMsvMediaAvailableL - Cleanup unhealthy mailboxes") );
+    api->HealthServicesL().CleanupUnhealthyMailboxes();
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( api );
+    api = NULL;
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleMsvMediaAvailableL
+// Media Unavailable Check if current drive is Not C 
+// then set it back to Phone memory.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleMsvMediaUnavailableL( )
+	{
+		NCN_RDEBUG( _L("[ncnlist] CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleMsvMediaUnavailable - Media Unavailable") );
+		// get session
+		CMsvSession& msvSession = iModel.MsvSessionHandler().MsvSessionL(); 
+		NCN_RDEBUG( _L( "CNcnMsvSessionHandler::HandleSessionEventL - EMsvMediaUnavailable, Check Current message store drive." ));
+		TInt CurrentDrive = TInt(msvSession.CurrentDriveL());
+		RFs fs;	
+		User::LeaveIfError(fs.Connect());
+		CleanupClosePushL(fs);
+		TDriveNumber SystemDrive = fs.GetSystemDrive();	
+		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();//fs
+		if(CurrentDrive != SystemDrive)
+		   MsvUiServiceUtilitiesInternal::ChangeMessageStoreToPhoneL(*iMsvSession);
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcnNotifApiObserver::MarkUnread
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcnNotifApiObserver::MarkUnreadL( const TMsvId& aId )
+    {
+    NCN_RDEBUG_INT( _L("[ncnlist] CNcnNotifApiObserver::MarkUnreadL - box %d marked unread."), aId );
+    // find the mailbox
+    TNcnMailBoxStatus& mailboxStatus = MailBoxStatusL( aId );
+    // reset amounts    
+    mailboxStatus.iPublishedNewEmailCount = 0;
+    // clear new message ids
+    mailboxStatus.iNewMessageIds.Reset();
+    mailboxStatus.iNewMessageIds.Compress();
+    // move unread checkpoint to the highest id
+    mailboxStatus.iUnreadCheckpointMsvId = mailboxStatus.iHighestEMailMsvId;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcnNotifApiObserver::PublishNewMessages
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcnNotifApiObserver::PublishNewMessagesL( const TMsvId& aId )
+    {
+    // find the mailbox
+    TNcnMailBoxStatus& mailboxStatus = MailBoxStatusL( aId );
+    // clear notification flag
+    mailboxStatus.iNotified = EFalse;
+    mailboxStatus.iRefreshRequested = ETrue;
+    NCN_RDEBUG_INT( _L("[ncnlist] CNcnNotifApiObserver::PublishNewMessagesL Initializing counter for box %d."),
+        mailboxStatus.iMailBox );
+    // if timer is not already spawned
+    if( !iTimer )
+        {
+        iTimer = CNcnTimer::NewL( *this );
+        iTimer->After( KTimerIterationDelay );
+        }
+    else
+    	{
+    	iTimer->Cancel();
+    	iTimer->After( KTimerIterationDelay );
+    	}
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcnNotifApiObserver::SpawnTimer
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcnNotifApiObserver::NcnTimerCompleted()
+    {
+    TInt count( iMailBoxStatusArray.Count() );
+    NCN_RDEBUG( _L("[ncnlist] CNcnNotifApiObserver::NcnTimerCompleted called." ) );
+    // Run all boxes through
+    while( count-- )
+        {        
+        // get mailbox status
+        TNcnMailBoxStatus& mailboxStatus = iMailBoxStatusArray[count];
+        if ( mailboxStatus.iRefreshRequested )
+        	{
+        	NCN_RDEBUG_INT( _L("[ncnlist] CNcnNotifApiObserver::NcnTimerCompleted Refresh requested for box %d "),
+        	            mailboxStatus.iMailBox );
+        	// if published count differs from number of new emails
+	        if( mailboxStatus.iPublishedNewEmailCount != mailboxStatus.iNewMessageIds.Count() )
+	            {
+	            // all new messages are now published
+	            mailboxStatus.iPublishedNewEmailCount = mailboxStatus.iNewMessageIds.Count();                                            
+	            NCN_RDEBUG_INT( _L("[ncnlist] CNcnNotifApiObserver::NcnTimerCompleted published updated to %d."),
+	                mailboxStatus.iPublishedNewEmailCount );
+	            // move published checkpoints to new values
+	           	mailboxStatus.iPublishedCheckpointMsvId = mailboxStatus.iHighestEMailMsvId;
+	            mailboxStatus.iPublishedCheckpointIMAPId = mailboxStatus.iHighestIMAPId;
+				mailboxStatus.iPublishedCheckpointTimeStamp = mailboxStatus.iLatestMessageArrival;
+				NCN_RDEBUG_INT( _L("[ncnlist] CNcnNotifApiObserver::NcnTimerCompleted highest published iHighestEMailMsvId %d"),mailboxStatus.iHighestEMailMsvId);
+				NCN_RDEBUG_INT( _L("[ncnlist] CNcnNotifApiObserver::NcnTimerCompleted highest published iHighestIMAPId %d"),mailboxStatus.iHighestIMAPId);
+				NCN_RDEBUG_INT( _L("[ncnlist] CNcnNotifApiObserver::NcnTimerCompleted highest published iLatestMessageArrival(Int66) %d"),mailboxStatus.iLatestMessageArrival.Int64() );
+	            // if box has not yet been notified of
+	            if( !mailboxStatus.iNotified )
+	                {
+	                NCN_RDEBUG_INT2( _L( "CNcnNotifApiObserver::NcnTimerCompleted - mailbox %d contains %d published unnotified emails." ),
+	                    mailboxStatus.iMailBox,
+	                    mailboxStatus.iPublishedNewEmailCount );
+	                // we need to notify
+			        NCN_RDEBUG( _L( "CNcnNotifApiObserver::NcnTimerCompleted - notifying about new emails." ) );                
+			        UpdateNotification( EFalse, mailboxStatus.iIcon, mailboxStatus.iTone, mailboxStatus.iNote );
+	                // mailbox has been notified now
+	                mailboxStatus.iNotified = ETrue;
+	                }                
+	            }
+	        mailboxStatus.iRefreshRequested = EFalse;
+        	}
+        }
+    // release timer
+    delete iTimer;
+    iTimer = NULL;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcnNotifApiObserver::PublishAllNewMessages
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcnNotifApiObserver::PublishAllNewMessages( )
+    {
+    TInt count( iMailBoxStatusArray.Count() );
+    // Run all boxes through
+    while( count > 0)
+        {
+        // decrease count
+        count--;
+	    //S60 boxs need to have notification parameters fetched
+	   	TNcnMailBoxStatus& mailboxStatus = iMailBoxStatusArray[count];
+	   	//ignore the error, ncnlist will use existing notification parameters
+	   	TRAP_IGNORE( UpdateS60MailBoxNotificationAttributesL(mailboxStatus) );
+        // publish message count in box
+        TRAP_IGNORE( PublishNewMessagesL( mailboxStatus.iMailBox ) );
+        }      
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcnNotifApiObserver::MarkAllUnread
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcnNotifApiObserver::MarkAllUnread( )
+    {
+    TInt count( iMailBoxStatusArray.Count() );
+    // Run all boxes through
+    while( count > 0)
+        {
+        // decrease count
+        count--;
+        // mark box unread
+        TRAP_IGNORE( MarkUnreadL( iMailBoxStatusArray[count].iMailBox ) );
+        }  
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcnNotifApiObserver::FindHighest_MsvId_ImapId_LatestTime
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcnNotifApiObserver::FindHighest_MsvId_ImapId_LatestTime(
+		const TMsvId& aId,
+		TMsvId& aHighestMsvId,
+		TUint32& aHighestImapId,
+		TTime& aLatestTimeStamp )
+    {
+   // Return parameters default to 0
+    aHighestMsvId = 0;
+	aHighestImapId = 0;
+    aLatestTimeStamp = 0; 
+    // get highest values and trap leave
+    TRAP_IGNORE( FindHighest_MsvId_ImapId_LatestTimeL(	aId,
+    													aHighestMsvId,
+    													aHighestImapId,
+														aLatestTimeStamp ) );
+	NCN_RDEBUG( _L("[ncnlist] CNcnNotifApiObserver::FindHighest_MsvId_ImapId_LatestTime") );
+	NCN_RDEBUG_INT( _L("[ncnlist] Highest MsvId is: %d"), aHighestMsvId );
+	NCN_RDEBUG_INT( _L("[ncnlist] Highest ImapId is: %d"), aHighestImapId );
+	NCN_RDEBUG_INT( _L("[ncnlist] Latest time stamp(int64) is: %d"), aLatestTimeStamp.Int64()  );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcnNotifApiObserver::FindHighest_MsvId_ImapId_LatestTimeL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcnNotifApiObserver::FindHighest_MsvId_ImapId_LatestTimeL( 
+		const TMsvId& aId,
+		TMsvId& aHighestMsvId,
+		TUint32& aHighestImapId,
+		TTime& aLatestTimeStamp )
+    {
+    // get msv session handler from model
+    CMsvSession& msvSession = iModel.MsvSessionHandler().MsvSessionL();
+    // get entry pointer
+    CMsvEntry* mainEntryPtr = msvSession.GetEntryL( aId );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( mainEntryPtr );
+    // Count the items in selected entry
+    TInt items = mainEntryPtr->Count();
+    // Search through all items in folder
+    while( items > 0)
+        {
+        // decrement items
+        items--;
+        // Create entry from the item
+        const TMsvEntry& entry = (*mainEntryPtr)[items];       
+        // entry in this iteration
+        TMsvId msvId = 0;
+    	TUint32 imapId = 0;
+    	TTime latestTime = 0;
+        // determine entry type    
+        switch( entry.iType.iUid )
+            {
+            // folder
+            case KUidMsvFolderEntryValue:
+                {
+                // find highest entry recursively
+                TRAP_IGNORE( FindHighest_MsvId_ImapId_LatestTimeL(	entry.Id(),
+                													aHighestMsvId,
+                													aHighestImapId,
+                													aLatestTimeStamp ) );
+                break;
+                }
+            // message
+            case KUidMsvMessageEntryValue:
+                { 
+                //Get entry's MsvId
+                msvId = entry.Id();
+                //Get entry's imapId        
+                TMsvEmailEntry emailEntry(entry);                
+	            imapId = emailEntry.UID();
+	            //Get entry's time
+	            latestTime = entry.iDate;
+		        // Compare this entry's values and set them as highest if they are so.  
+		        if(  msvId > aHighestMsvId )
+		            {
+		            aHighestMsvId = msvId;
+		            }
+		        if(  imapId > aHighestImapId )
+		            {
+		            aHighestImapId = imapId;
+		            }
+		        if(  latestTime > aLatestTimeStamp )
+		            {
+		            aLatestTimeStamp = latestTime;
+		            }
+		        break;                  
+                }
+            // default
+            default:
+                {
+                // do nothing
+                break;
+                }                
+            }
+        }
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( mainEntryPtr );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleNewInternalMessagesL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleNewInternalMessagesL(
+    const TNcnNotifMessageType aType )
+    {    
+    // determine message type
+    switch( aType )
+        {
+        // email message
+        case EMailMessage:
+            {
+            PublishAllNewMessages();
+            break;
+            }
+        // inbox message
+        case EInboxMessage:
+            {
+            // Not supported
+            User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
+            break;
+            }
+        // IM message
+        case EIMMessage:
+            {
+            // Not supported
+            User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
+            break;
+            }
+        // default case (unknown)    
+        default:
+            {
+            User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
+            break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleNewInternalMessagesL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleNewInternalMessagesL(
+    const TNcnNotifMessageType aType,
+    const TMsvId& aMailBox,
+    const MDesCArray& /*aInfo*/ )
+    {
+    // determine message type
+    switch( aType )
+        {
+        // email message
+        case EMailMessage:
+            {
+            NCN_RDEBUG_INT( _L("[ncnlist] CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleNewInternalMessagesL Publishing box %d."),
+                aMailBox );
+           	// mailboxes need to have notification parameters fetched
+           	TNcnMailBoxStatus& mailboxStatus = MailBoxStatusL( aMailBox );
+           	//ignore the error, ncnlist will use existing notification parameters
+           	TRAP_IGNORE( UpdateS60MailBoxNotificationAttributesL(mailboxStatus) );
+            PublishNewMessagesL( aMailBox );
+            break;
+            }
+        // inbox message
+        case EInboxMessage:
+            {
+            // Not supported
+            User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
+            break;
+            }
+        // IM message
+        case EIMMessage:
+            {
+            // Not supported
+            User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
+            break;
+            }
+        // default case (unknown)    
+        default:
+            {
+            User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
+            break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleInternalMarkUnreadL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleInternalMarkUnreadL(
+    const TNcnUnreadRequestType aRequest )
+    {
+    // determine request type
+    switch( aRequest )
+        {
+            // email request
+            case EIndexMailBox:
+                {
+                MarkAllUnread();
+                UpdateNotification( ETrue ); //Force update
+                break;
+                }
+            // inbox request
+            case EIndexInbox:
+                {
+                // Not supported
+                User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
+                break;
+                }
+            // MCE request
+            case EIndexMCE:
+                {
+                // Not supported
+                User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
+                break;
+                }
+            // default case (unknown)
+            default:
+                {
+                // Not supported
+                User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
+                break;
+                }
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleInternalMarkUnreadL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleInternalMarkUnreadL(
+    const TNcnUnreadRequestType aRequest,
+    const TMsvId& aMailbox )
+    {
+    // determine request type
+    switch( aRequest )
+        {
+            // email request
+            case EIndexMailBox:
+                {
+            // find the mailbox
+            TNcnMailBoxStatus& mailboxStatus = MailBoxStatusL( aMailbox );
+            // MailBox is Opened so don't show Icon, even if user has not read any new/unread mails 
+            // Publish new email count will be zero.
+            mailboxStatus.iShowIcon = EFalse;
+            mailboxStatus.iPublishedNewEmailCount = 0;
+                MarkUnreadL( aMailbox );
+            UpdateNotification( ETrue );
+            mailboxStatus.iShowIcon = ETrue;
+				break;
+                }
+            // inbox request
+            case EIndexInbox:
+                {
+                // Not supported
+                User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
+                break;
+                }
+            // MCE request
+            case EIndexMCE:
+                {
+                // Not supported
+                User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
+                break;
+                }
+            // default case (unknown)
+            default:
+                {
+                // Not supported
+                User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
+                break;
+                }                
+        }                   
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleNewMessagesL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleNewMessagesL(
+    const TMsvId& aMailBox,
+    const MNcnNotification::TIndicationType aIndicationType,
+    const MDesCArray& /*aInfo*/ )
+    {  
+    NCN_RDEBUG_INT( _L("[ncnlist] CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleNewMessagesL Publishing box %d."),
+        aMailBox );
+    //Get the box and set the notification parameters accordingly
+    //This will leave if the system does not contain the wanted box
+    TNcnMailBoxStatus& mailboxStatus = MailBoxStatusL( aMailBox );
+	UpdateMailBoxesNotifications(mailboxStatus, aIndicationType );	  
+    PublishNewMessagesL( aMailBox );    
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleMarkUnreadL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcnNotifApiObserver::HandleMarkUnreadL( const TMsvId& aMailBox )
+    {
+    // find the mailbox
+    TNcnMailBoxStatus& mailboxStatus = MailBoxStatusL( aMailBox );
+    // MailBox is Opened so don't show Icon, even if user has not read any new/unread mails 
+    // Publish new email count will be zero.
+    mailboxStatus.iShowIcon = EFalse;
+    mailboxStatus.iPublishedNewEmailCount = 0;
+    MarkUnreadL( aMailBox );
+    UpdateNotification( ETrue );
+    mailboxStatus.iShowIcon = ETrue;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcnNotifApiObserver::LoadMailboxesL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcnNotifApiObserver::LoadMailboxesL( CMsvSession& aMsvSession )
+    {
+    // load client mtm registry
+    CClientMtmRegistry* registry = CClientMtmRegistry::NewL( aMsvSession );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( registry );
+    // get number of registered MTMs
+    TInt count = registry->NumRegisteredMtmDlls();
+    // process each MTM
+    while( count-- )
+        {
+        // get MTM type
+        TUid mtmType = registry->MtmTypeUid( count );
+        // get MTM technology type
+        TUid technologyType = registry->TechnologyTypeUid( mtmType );
+        // and if it is mail type
+        if( IsMailTechnologyType( technologyType ) )
+            {
+            NCN_RDEBUG_INT( _L("CNcnNotifApiObserver::LoadMailboxesL - Loading all boxes with MTM %d"),
+                mtmType.iUid );
+            // Add all boxes with specified MTM to array
+            AddBoxesToStatusArrayL( mtmType, technologyType, aMsvSession );                        
+            }
+        }
+    // cleanup
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( registry );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcnNotifApiObserver::AddBoxesToStatusArrayL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcnNotifApiObserver::AddBoxesToStatusArrayL(
+    const TUid& aMtmType,
+    const TUid& aTechnologyType,
+    CMsvSession& aMsvSession )
+    {
+    // Get the list of available email accounts
+    CMsvEntrySelection* sel =
+        MsvUiServiceUtilities::GetListOfAccountsWithMTML( aMsvSession,
+                                                          aMtmType );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( sel );
+    // Count accounts
+    TInt accounts = sel->Count();
+    // Go through all accounts
+    while( accounts-- )    
+        {
+        TMsvId msvId = sel->At( accounts );
+        NCN_RDEBUG_INT2( _L("CNcnNotifApiObserver::AddBoxesToStatusArrayL - Loading box %d with MTM %d"),
+                msvId, aMtmType.iUid );
+        AddMailBoxL( msvId, aMtmType, aTechnologyType );
+        }    
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( sel );  // sel
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcnNotifApiObserver::AddMailBoxL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcnNotifApiObserver::AddMailBoxL( const TMsvId& aMsvId, 
+										const TUid& aMtmType, 
+										const TUid& aTechnologyType)
+    {
+    TNcnMailBoxStatus mailbox( aMsvId );
+    // if mail box is not already in status array
+    if ( iMailBoxStatusArray.Find( mailbox, 
+            TNcnMailBoxStatus::Match ) == KErrNotFound )
+        {                        
+        // set mailbox fields        
+        mailbox.iMTMType = aMtmType;
+        mailbox.iMailBoxTechnologyType = aTechnologyType;      
+        // set the mailboxes 'highest' values
+        FindHighest_MsvId_ImapId_LatestTime(mailbox.iMailBox,
+        									mailbox.iHighestEMailMsvId ,
+        									mailbox.iHighestIMAPId,
+        									mailbox.iLatestMessageArrival);
+		// set the rest of the values
+        mailbox.iUnreadCheckpointMsvId = mailbox.iHighestEMailMsvId;
+        mailbox.iPublishedCheckpointMsvId = mailbox.iHighestEMailMsvId;
+        mailbox.iPublishedCheckpointIMAPId = mailbox.iHighestIMAPId;
+        mailbox.iPublishedCheckpointTimeStamp = mailbox.iLatestMessageArrival;
+        mailbox.iPublishedNewEmailCount = 0;
+        mailbox.iShowIcon = ETrue;
+		//In case the mailbox is IMAP/POP/SyncMl update the notifcation
+		//parameters. 3rd party box's will give these in API
+	    if(	mailbox.iMTMType.iUid == KSenduiMtmImap4UidValue ||
+	    	mailbox.iMTMType.iUid == KSenduiMtmPop3UidValue	||  
+	    	mailbox.iMTMType.iUid == KSenduiMtmSyncMLEmailUidValue )
+			{
+			//This should work, but just in case it does not
+			//use default parameters
+			TRAP_IGNORE(UpdateS60MailBoxNotificationAttributesL(mailbox));
+			}
+        // and finally append mailbox status
+        iMailBoxStatusArray.AppendL( mailbox );
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcnNotifApiObserver::RemoveMailBoxL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcnNotifApiObserver::RemoveMailBox( const TMsvId& aMsvId )
+    {    
+    TNcnMailBoxStatus mailbox( aMsvId );
+    TInt index = iMailBoxStatusArray.Find( mailbox, TNcnMailBoxStatus::Match );
+    // if mail box is in status array
+    if( index != KErrNotFound )
+        {
+        // update notification
+	    TNcnMailBoxStatus& mailboxStatus = iMailBoxStatusArray[index];
+	    mailboxStatus.iPublishedNewEmailCount = 0;
+	    UpdateNotification( EFalse, mailboxStatus.iIcon, mailboxStatus.iTone, mailboxStatus.iNote );
+        // remove entry and compress array
+        iMailBoxStatusArray.Remove( index );
+        iMailBoxStatusArray.Compress();
+        }             
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcnNotifApiObserver::UpdateTotalNewEmails
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcnNotifApiObserver::UpdateTotalNewEmails()
+    {
+    TInt count( iMailBoxStatusArray.Count() );
+    iTotalNewMailCount = 0;
+    // Run all boxes through
+    while( count > 0)
+        {
+        // decrease count
+        count--;
+        // get mailbox status
+        const TNcnMailBoxStatus& mailboxStatus = iMailBoxStatusArray[count];       
+        NCN_RDEBUG_INT2( _L( "CNcnNotifApiObserver::UpdateTotalNewEmailsL - Mail box %d has %d published new mails!"), mailboxStatus.iMailBox, mailboxStatus.iPublishedNewEmailCount);
+        // count mailboxes published new emails
+        // The published "new" emails are those that have already been notified
+        // but which have not yet been viewed by the user. They are marked
+        // as "unread" when the user goes to the MCE or to the mailbox. 
+        // This might have not yet happened. When this happens the mailbox should
+        // call MarkUnread and the iPublishedNewEmailCount will get nulled
+        // If user has opened the mailbox, IshowIcon for that mail box will be  set false
+        //User may have read all mails or may not
+        // but for that mail box, mail icon should not be set/shown.
+        if(mailboxStatus.iShowIcon)
+            iTotalNewMailCount += mailboxStatus.iPublishedNewEmailCount;
+        }
+    NCN_RDEBUG_INT( _L( "CNcnNotifApiObserver::UpdateTotalNewEmailsL - new total %d "),
+        iTotalNewMailCount );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcnNotifApiObserver::MailBoxStatusL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+CNcnNotifApiObserver::TNcnMailBoxStatus& CNcnNotifApiObserver::MailBoxStatusL( const TMsvId& aId )
+    {
+    // comparator
+    TNcnMailBoxStatus toBeFound( aId );
+    // Leaves with KErrNotFound if aId is not a mailbox id in status array!
+    TInt index = iMailBoxStatusArray.FindL( toBeFound, 
+                                            TNcnMailBoxStatus::Match );
+    // return mailbox
+    return iMailBoxStatusArray[index];
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcnNotifApiObserver::NewEmailIndicatorsSetL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CNcnNotifApiObserver::NewEmailIndicatorsSetL( const TNcnMailBoxStatus& aMailboxStatus )
+    {
+    NCN_RDEBUG( _L( "CNcnNotifApiObserver::NewEmailIndicatorsSetL") );  
+	NCN_RDEBUG_INT( _L( "Checking indicator from CIMASettingsDataExtension for MTM box %d"), aMailboxStatus.iMTMType.iUid  );
+    // Method is only valid for Imap, Pop3 and SyncMl boxes
+    if(	aMailboxStatus.iMTMType.iUid != KSenduiMtmImap4UidValue &&
+    	aMailboxStatus.iMTMType.iUid != KSenduiMtmPop3UidValue	&&   
+    	aMailboxStatus.iMTMType.iUid != KSenduiMtmSyncMLEmailUidValue )
+        {
+        NCN_RDEBUG( _L( "CNcnNotifApiObserver::NewEmailIndicatorsSetL Mail box not supported!") ); 
+        User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
+        }
+     //Get the service id    
+    const TMsvId serviceId = aMailboxStatus.iMailBox;
+    // get session
+    CMsvSession& msvSession = iModel.MsvSessionHandler().MsvSessionL();    
+    // Prepare email API for settings loading
+    CImumInternalApi* emailApi = CreateEmailApiLC( &msvSession );
+    CImumInSettingsData* settings =
+        emailApi->MailboxServicesL().LoadMailboxSettingsL( serviceId );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( settings );        
+    // Load settings for the indicator
+    TInt indicatorFlags = 0x00;
+    settings->GetAttr(
+        TImumDaSettings::EKeyEmailAlert,
+        indicatorFlags );
+    // Cleanup
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( settings );
+    settings = NULL;
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( emailApi );
+    emailApi = NULL;
+    NCN_RDEBUG_INT2( _L( "Indicator for MTM box %d is %d"), aMailboxStatus.iMTMType.iUid, indicatorFlags );
+    // return
+    return ( indicatorFlags == TImumDaSettings::EFlagAlertSoftNote );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcnNotifApiObserver::ServiceEntryL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+CMsvEntry* CNcnNotifApiObserver::ServiceEntryL( const TMsvId& aServiceId )
+    {
+    // Get the entry from id
+    CMsvEntry* service = ServiceEntryLC( aServiceId );    
+    CleanupStack::Pop( service );
+    return service;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcnNotifApiObserver::ServiceEntryLC
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+CMsvEntry* CNcnNotifApiObserver::ServiceEntryLC( const TMsvId& aServiceId )
+    {
+    // get msv session handler from model
+    CMsvSession& msvSession = iModel.MsvSessionHandler().MsvSessionL();
+    // Get the entry from id
+    CMsvEntry* service = msvSession.GetEntryL( aServiceId );        
+    CleanupStack::PushL( service );
+    // get service entry
+    const TMsvEntry& serviceEntry = service->Entry();   
+    // leave with KErrNotSupported if entry does not point to a service
+    if( serviceEntry.iType.iUid != KUidMsvServiceEntryValue )
+        {
+        User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
+        }
+    // return service
+    return service;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcnNotifApiObserver::UpdateNotification
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcnNotifApiObserver::UpdateNotification( 	TBool aForceUpdate,
+										        TBool aIcon,
+										        TBool aTone,
+										        TBool aNote )
+    {
+    // update new email count
+    UpdateTotalNewEmails();
+    NCN_RDEBUG_INT2( _L( "CNcnNotifApiObserver::UpdateNotificationL - previous total %d, new total %d" ),
+            iNotifiedNewMailCount,
+            iTotalNewMailCount );
+    // actions only needed if new count differs from last notified
+    // or the action is forced
+    if( ((iTotalNewMailCount > 0)&& (iNotifiedNewMailCount != iTotalNewMailCount)) || aForceUpdate )        
+        {                
+        // count will be notified now
+        iNotifiedNewMailCount = iTotalNewMailCount;       
+        // Inform notifier of any changes
+        iModel.NcnNotifier().SetNotification(
+            MNcnNotifier::ENcnEmailNotification,
+            iTotalNewMailCount,
+            aIcon,
+            aTone,
+            aNote );
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcnNotifApiObserver::IsEMailEntry
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CNcnNotifApiObserver::IsEMailEntry( const TMsvEntry& aEntry  )
+    {
+    TBool ret = EFalse;
+    // if it is an entry    
+    if( aEntry.iType.iUid == KUidMsvMessageEntryValue )
+        {
+        // count mailboxes
+        TInt count( iMailBoxStatusArray.Count() );
+        // check each box
+        while( count-- )
+            {        
+            // get mailbox status
+            const TNcnMailBoxStatus& mailboxStatus = iMailBoxStatusArray[count];
+            // if mailboxes message server id matches with entrys service id
+            if( mailboxStatus.iMailBox == aEntry.iServiceId )
+                {
+                ret = ETrue;
+                break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    return ret;
+    }    
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcnNotifApiObserver::GetMailBoxesAttributesL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CNcnNotifApiObserver::GetMailBoxesAttributesL( 	const TMsvId& aMsvId, 
+														TUid& aMtmType, 
+														TUid& aTechnologyType )
+    {   
+    // get msv session reference
+    CMsvSession& msvSession = iModel.MsvSessionHandler().MsvSessionL();
+    // service id and entry
+    TMsvId serviceId;
+    TMsvEntry entry;
+    TInt error = msvSession.GetEntry( aMsvId, serviceId, entry );
+    if( error == KErrNone )
+        {
+        // if entry is a service
+        if( entry.iType.iUid == KUidMsvServiceEntryValue )
+            {
+            // instantiate client mtm registry
+            CClientMtmRegistry* registry = CClientMtmRegistry::NewL( msvSession );
+            // get MTM type
+            aMtmType = entry.iMtm;
+            // get technology type
+            aTechnologyType = registry->TechnologyTypeUid( entry.iMtm );
+            // delete registry
+            delete registry;
+            }
+        }
+    return error;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcnNotifApiObserver::IsMailTechnologyType
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CNcnNotifApiObserver::IsMailTechnologyType( const TUid& aTechnologyType )
+    {
+    return ( aTechnologyType == KMailTechnologyTypeUid );
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcnNotifApiObserver::IsNotificationNeededForThisMessageL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CNcnNotifApiObserver::IsNotificationNeededForThisMessageL( const TNcnMailBoxStatus& aMailbox, 
+																const TMsvEntry& aEntry )
+	{
+	NCN_RDEBUG_INT2( _L( "CNcnNotifApiObserver::IsNotificationNeeded - Entry: %d in box: %d examined"), 
+						aEntry.Id(), aMailbox.iMailBox  );
+	//Check if this is an IMAP box. If it is we compare message id's
+	if( aMailbox.iMTMType.iUid == KSenduiMtmImap4UidValue )
+		{
+		NCN_RDEBUG( _L( "CNcnNotifApiObserver::NotificationIsNeeded - Mail box is IMAP" ) );
+		//Checking is done by using the IMAP id     
+        TMsvEmailEntry emailEntry(aEntry);   
+ 	    NCN_RDEBUG_INT2( _L( "IMAP uid in this message is %d, last notified was %d" ), 
+ 	    					emailEntry.UID(), aMailbox.iPublishedCheckpointIMAPId );
+        //Check if the IMAP uid is higher or lower
+        if( emailEntry.UID() > aMailbox.iPublishedCheckpointIMAPId )
+	        {
+	        //This message has higher uid than the last notified had. Notify this.
+	        NCN_RDEBUG( _L( "Notification is needed for this message!") );
+	        return ETrue;	
+	        }
+	    else
+	    	{
+	        NCN_RDEBUG( _L( "Notification is NOT needed for this message!") );
+	        return EFalse;		    		
+	    	}
+		}
+	else if( aMailbox.iMTMType.iUid == KSenduiMtmSmtpUidValue )
+	    {
+	    NCN_RDEBUG( _L( "SMTP Entry, no notification!") );
+	    return EFalse;
+	    }
+	//Not an IMAP box. POP, Syncml etc. Lets compare time stamps
+	else
+		{
+		NCN_RDEBUG( _L( "CNcnNotifApiObserver::NotificationIsNeeded - Mail box is POP, Sync etc." ) );
+        // Check if the message is new to the device
+		NCN_RDEBUG_INT2( _L( "UId in this message is %d, last notified was %d" ), 
+				aEntry.Id() , aMailbox.iPublishedCheckpointMsvId );
+		if ( aEntry.Id() > aMailbox.iPublishedCheckpointMsvId && !IsSyncMLEntryInSentFolderL( aEntry ))
+			{
+	        // Message is new to device. Notify this.
+	        NCN_RDEBUG( _L( "Notification is needed for this message!") );
+	        return ETrue;	
+	        }
+	    else
+	    	{
+	        NCN_RDEBUG( _L( "Notification is NOT needed for this message!!") );
+	        return EFalse;		    		
+	    	}
+		}	
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcnNotifApiObserver::IsSyncMLEntryInSentFolderL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CNcnNotifApiObserver::IsSyncMLEntryInSentFolderL( const TMsvEntry& aEntry  )
+	{
+	CMsvSession& msvSession = iModel.MsvSessionHandler().MsvSessionL();
+	// get service id and entry
+	TMsvId serviceId;
+	TMsvEntry entryParent;        
+	TInt err = msvSession.GetEntry( aEntry.Parent(), serviceId, entryParent );
+	if ( entryParent.iMtm == KSenduiMtmSyncMLEmailUid && entryParent.iRelatedId == KMsvSentEntryId )
+		{
+		return ETrue;
+		}
+	return EFalse;
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcnNotifApiObserver::UpdateS60MailBoxNotificationAttributesL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcnNotifApiObserver::UpdateS60MailBoxNotificationAttributesL( TNcnMailBoxStatus& aMailbox )
+	{
+	NCN_RDEBUG( _L( "CNcnNotifApiObserver::GetS60MailBoxNotificationAttributesL" ) );
+	//Get the "new mail indicator" setting for this box
+	TBool setting = NewEmailIndicatorsSetL(aMailbox);
+	TInt desiredNotifications = MNcnNotification::EIndicationNormal;
+	TInt status = KErrNone;
+	//Get the notifications from CR key
+	if( setting == TRUE )
+		{
+		status = iModel.GetCRInteger( KCRUidNcnList, KNcnMailNotificationIndicatorOn, desiredNotifications );	
+		}
+	else
+		{	
+		status = iModel.GetCRInteger( KCRUidNcnList, KNcnMailNotificationIndicatorOff, desiredNotifications );	
+		}
+	//Look at the value and see if it is OK
+	if( status != KErrNone ||
+		( desiredNotifications != MNcnNotification::EIndicationIcon &&
+		  desiredNotifications != MNcnNotification::EIndicationToneAndIcon &&
+		  desiredNotifications != MNcnNotification::EIndicationNormal ) ) 
+		{
+		NCN_RDEBUG_INT2(_L("Notification is erronous! Setting notifications to default! status: %d value: %d"), status, desiredNotifications );
+		desiredNotifications = MNcnNotification::EIndicationNormal;	
+		}
+	//Set the values to mailbox	
+	UpdateMailBoxesNotifications( aMailbox, desiredNotifications );		
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CNcnNotifApiObserver::UpdateMailBoxesNotifications
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CNcnNotifApiObserver::UpdateMailBoxesNotifications( 	
+		TNcnMailBoxStatus& aMailbox, 
+		const TInt& aIndicationType )
+	{
+    NCN_RDEBUG( _L("[ncnlist] CNcnNotifApiObserver UpdateMailBoxesNotifications") );
+    //Only icon is desired
+    if( aIndicationType == MNcnNotification::EIndicationIcon )
+	    {
+	    aMailbox.iIcon = ETrue;
+    	aMailbox.iTone = EFalse;
+    	aMailbox.iNote = EFalse;	    	
+	    }
+	//Icon and tone is desired
+	else if( aIndicationType == MNcnNotification::EIndicationToneAndIcon  )	 
+		{
+	    aMailbox.iIcon = ETrue;
+    	aMailbox.iTone = ETrue;
+    	aMailbox.iNote = EFalse;	 			
+		}
+	//Default is all notifications
+	else
+		{
+	    aMailbox.iIcon = ETrue;
+    	aMailbox.iTone = ETrue;
+    	aMailbox.iNote = ETrue;	 			
+		}
+    NCN_RDEBUG_INT( _L("[ncnlist] CNcnNotifApiObserver Indicators - Icon: %d"), aMailbox.iIcon);
+    NCN_RDEBUG_INT( _L("[ncnlist] CNcnNotifApiObserver Indicators - Tone: %d"), aMailbox.iTone);  
+    NCN_RDEBUG_INT( _L("[ncnlist] CNcnNotifApiObserver Indicators - Note: %d"), aMailbox.iNote);      
+	}
+//  End of File