changeset 0 72b543305e3a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mmsengine/mmsserver/inc/mmsreceivemessage.h	Thu Dec 17 08:44:11 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,461 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  
+*     State machine for message receiving
+#include <mentact.h>
+#include <mtsr.h>
+#include <s32mem.h>
+#include <es_sock.h>
+#include <etel.h>
+#include <etelmm.h>
+//#include "mmsoperation.h"
+#include    "mmsbaseoperation.h"
+enum TMmsSettingsFetchMode
+    {
+    // Modes that send acknowledgements to MMSC
+    // Fetch everything that fits criteria, discard rest
+    // (too big messages, advertisements etc.)
+    // Fetching is tried until message expires.
+    // Retry interval may be lengthened in some cases.
+    EMmsMinimumFetchingMode = 1,
+    EMmsFetchingOn = EMmsMinimumFetchingMode,
+    // Send a reject response to everything
+    EMmsFetchingOff = EMmsFetchingOn + 1,
+    // Send a deferred response to everything until the
+    // user switches fetching mode on again.
+    // At that point fetch everything that has not expired
+    EMmsFetchingDeferred = EMmsFetchingOff + 1,
+    // change this is modes added
+    EMmsMaximumFetchingMode = EMmsFetchingDeferred
+    };
+class CMmsHeaders;
+class CMmsDecode;
+class CMmsEncode;
+class CMmsPhoneClient;
+*  State machine for handling message fetching.
+*  Calls CMmsTransaction and CMmsDecode to do the dirty work
+//class CMmsReceiveMessage :public CMsgActive
+class CMmsReceiveMessage :public CMmsBaseOperation
+    {
+    public:  // Constructors and destructor
+        /**
+        * C++ default constructor is private
+        */
+        /**
+        * Two-phased constructor.
+        */
+        static CMmsReceiveMessage* NewL( RFs& aFs, CMmsSettings* aMmsSettings  );
+        /**
+        * Destructor.
+        */
+        virtual ~CMmsReceiveMessage();
+    public: // New functions
+        /**
+        * Start the state machine.
+        * @param aSelection list of notification ids referring to
+        *     messages to be fetched. <br>
+        *     If the code decides that a message will not be fetched,
+        *     it will send a "Reject" or "Deferred" response to MMSC
+        * @param aServerEntry CMsvServerEntry pointer from CMmsServer
+        * @param aSettings MMSC settings (entry points)
+        * @param aService current MMS service id
+        * @param aStatus TRequestStatus of the calling active object
+        */
+        void StartL(
+            CMsvEntrySelection& aSelection,
+            CMsvServerEntry& aServerEntry,
+            TMsvId aService,
+            TRequestStatus& aStatus );
+        /**
+        * Get list of successfully received messages.
+        * Actually this is a list of notifications corresponding to successful message
+        */
+        inline CMsvEntrySelection& Received() const;
+        /**
+        * Get list of failed messages
+        */
+        inline CMsvEntrySelection& Failed() const;
+        /**
+        * Get list of bad notifications
+        * These should be deleted. The scheduling information should
+        * be removed first. After the scheduling has been finalized,
+        * this function may disappear, if it turns out that we can
+        * just delete these entries, and the schedules disappear 
+        * automatically.
+        */
+        inline CMsvEntrySelection& BadNotifications() const;
+        // Tells if we in home network or in foreign.
+        inline TBool InForeignNetwork() const;
+    public: // Functions from base classes
+    protected:  // New functions
+    protected:  // Functions from base classes
+    private:
+        /**
+        * Default constructor
+        */
+        CMmsReceiveMessage( RFs& aFs );
+        /**
+        * By default Symbian OS constructor is private.
+        */
+        void ConstructL( CMmsSettings* aMmsSettings );
+        // By default, prohibit copy constructor
+        CMmsReceiveMessage( const CMmsReceiveMessage& );
+        // Prohibit assignment operator
+        CMmsReceiveMessage& operator= ( const CMmsReceiveMessage& );
+        /**
+        * From CMsgActive: Complete current operation.
+        * Do whatever cleanup is possible. (Delete incomplete entry etc.)
+        * @param aError Error code received by RunL
+        */
+        void DoComplete(TInt& aStatus);
+        /**
+        * Decode one message
+        */
+        void DecodeResponseL();
+        /**
+        * Connect to Internet Access Point before connecting to WAP Gateway
+        */
+        void ConnectToIAPL();
+        /**
+        * Connect to MMSC
+        */
+        void InitializeSessionL();
+        /**
+        * Receive one message from MMSC
+        */
+        void SubmitTransactionL();
+        /**
+        * Check if we connection was successful for the next transaction.
+        * @return
+        * - ETrue if successfully connected and can continue
+        * - EFalse if not connected (should terminate state machine)
+        */
+        TBool IsConnected();
+        /**
+        * Load the notification entry and clear old status if needed
+        * @param aEntry Index entry of the notification (filled with data)
+        * @return
+        * - ETrue if processing can continue with this notification
+        * - EFalse if processing should end.
+        * If processing is discontinued, caller must return.
+        * Depending on error the state machine goes to next state (if set active)
+        * or terminates (not set active)
+        */
+        TBool LoadNotificationL( TMsvEntry& aEntry );
+        /**
+        * Check if the message has expired or if it can be fetched
+        * In manual mode the fetch will continue even if the message
+        * has expired. It is up to the user if he wants to try to fetch
+        * expired messages.
+        * @return
+        * - ETrue continue operation with this notification
+        * - EFalse message has expired and no response will be sent
+        *   The function has changed state and the caller should just return.
+        */
+        TBool CheckExpirationL();
+        /**
+        * Checks notification sanity.
+        * If MMS major version number or message type is incorrect,
+        * notification status will be set to "Unrecognized"
+        * @return
+        * - ETrue notification is insane
+        * - EFalse notification is sane, and further checks can be made
+        */
+        TBool IsNotificationInsaneL();
+        /**
+        * Check is the message is not fetched
+        * Response should be sent anyway´
+        * @param aEntry notification index entry
+        * @return
+        * - ETrue if the message will be fetched
+        * - EFalse if the message is fetched, only response sent
+        *   The function will change state as needed, caller must return
+        */
+        TBool WantToFetchThisL( TMsvEntry& aEntry );
+        /**
+        * Create entry into inbox to receive the new message.
+        * Called in chunked mode.
+        * Does not complete the caller.
+        */
+        void DoCreateEntryL();
+        /**
+        * Finalize the new entry
+        */
+        void StoreResponseL();
+        /**
+        * Send notify response or acknowledge indication
+        */
+        void SendAckL();
+        /**
+        * Check if we sent the response successfully.
+        * If not successful, we may need to requeue the notification.
+        * Move entry to inbox if needed.
+        */
+        void UpdateEntryStatusL();
+        /**
+        * Encode a notify response
+        */
+        void EncodeNotifyResponseL();
+        /**
+        * Encode Acknowledge Indication
+        */
+        void EncodeAcknowledgeIndicationL();
+// start of ROAMING CHECK handling
+        /**
+        * Start the roaming check, will complete asynchronously
+        */
+        void RoamingCheck();
+        /**
+        * Check result of roaming state query
+        */
+        void GetRoamingState();
+// end of ROAMING CHECK handling
+        /**
+        * Handle messages that are type multipart alternative.
+        * If text/plain part is found, it is retained, others are deleted.
+        */
+        void HandleMultipartAlternativeL();
+        /**
+        * Check the fate of the notification.
+        * As Receive message has no PDU to send, we check the fate of the
+        * notification in this state. If the state indicates that the 
+        * entry must not be fetched, we clean up this entry and loop
+        * to the next.
+        */
+        void EncodePDUL();
+        /**
+        * Gets a folder entry id with 'aFolderName' name under a parent folder. 
+        * @param aParentFolder a folder, under where the folder is searched
+        * @param aFolderName the name of the searched folder entry
+        * @param aFolderId the entry id of the searched folder 
+        * @return  KErrNone if successful
+        */
+        TInt FolderEntryL( TMsvId aParent, const TDesC& aFolderName, TMsvId& aFolderId );
+        /**
+        * Creates a folder entry id with 'aFolderName' name under a parent folder.
+        * If the folder already exists, its folder id is returned. 
+        * @param aParentFolder a folder, under where the folder will be created
+        * @param aFolderName the name of the folder entry to be created
+        * @param aFolderId the entry id of the created folder 
+        * @return  KErrNone if successful
+        */
+        TInt CreateFolderEntryL( TMsvId aParentFolder, const TDesC& aFolderName, TMsvId& aFolderId );
+        /**
+        * Find duplicate notification
+        * @param aParent entry id, under where the duplicate is searched
+        * @param aHeaders the original mms headers, whose duplicate is searched
+        * @param aDuplicate entry id of the found duplicate
+        */
+        TInt FindDuplicateNotificationL( TMsvId aParent, 
+            CMmsHeaders& aHeaders, TMsvId& aDuplicate );
+        /**
+        * Get the message from a file in local mode
+        */
+        void LocalModeFetchL();
+        /**
+        * Dump the incoming message into a file if there has been an error.
+        * Dumping can be done only when logging is enabled.
+        */
+        void DumpIfNeededL();
+        /**
+        * Close the message file used in local mode
+        * aDeleteFile 
+        */
+        void CloseLocalFileL( TBool aDeleteFile );
+        /**
+        * If the message contains an application id which is registered, move the
+        * message to the corresponding folder. The corresponding folder is under 
+        * application folder. There may be several folders under application folder. 
+        * @param aEntry index entry of the message to be handled
+        * @return status code that tells if the message was intended
+        *     for an unregistered applicatio or successfully moved to an
+        *     application folder.
+        *     Return value 0 denotes normal message.
+        */
+        TInt MoveToApplicationFolderIfNeededL( TMsvEntry& aEntry );
+        /**
+        * Skip inaccessible notification.
+        * The notification remains in failed list.
+        * The state machine winds back to start
+        */
+        void SkipEntryL();
+        /**
+        * Entry has been handled. Loop to next entry or finalize the whole loop
+        */
+        void LoopToNextEntryL();
+        /**
+        * The state of duplicate notification is cleared in case of fatal failure.
+        *     iServerEntry must point to the notification in question.
+        * 
+        */
+        void ClearDuplicateEntryOperationL();
+        /**
+        * Marks info inton notification and clear duplicate
+        * @param aApplicationMessageStatus status that tells if the message
+        *    was addressed to an application.
+        */
+        void ClearOperationL( TInt aApplicationMessageStatus );
+        /**
+        * Copy missing info from notification to message.
+        * If we have received a message that contains only status code
+        * we copy fields like sender and subject from notification
+        * to the message to retain some relevant information.
+        */
+        void CopyDataFromNotificationToMessageL();
+        /**
+        * Copy status code and application id from message to notification.
+        * If we get a message with transient error, we copy the status data
+        * to the notification before retry (to inform user about the cause
+        * of the problem).
+        * We also copy the application id in case the notification does not
+        * already contain it. This may inform the user why the message went
+        * to some application instead of appearing in the inbox (manual mode)
+        */
+        void CopyDataFromMessageToNotificationL();
+        /**
+        * Map the error status received from MMSC into an internal error code
+        * @param aErrorStatus status from MMS headers
+        * @return ETrue if the error is permanent, EFalse if the error is transient
+        */
+        TBool MapErrorStatus( const TInt32 aErrorStatus );
+        /**
+        * Set the bits to index entry to complete a received message
+        * @param aEntry the index entry of the received message
+        */
+        void SetIndexEntryBitsForReceivedMessage( TMsvEntry& aEntry );
+        /**
+        * Try to free space by deleting older messages for the current application.
+        * If memory can be freed iError is changed from KErrNoDisk to
+        * KMmsErrorApplicationDiskFull. The operation will be rescheduled in
+        * automatic mode. In manual mode the user must restart the fetch.
+        */
+        void DeleteApplicationMessagesL();
+    public:     // Data
+    protected:  // Data
+    private:    // Data
+        RFile iFile; // local mode message
+        CMmsHeaders*        iMmsHeaders;      // Headers from incoming message
+        CMmsHeaders*        iNotification;    // Headers forming the notification
+        TBool               iAlreadyDeferred; // deferred response has already been sent
+        CMsvEntrySelection* iBad;             // bad notifications
+        TMsvId              iEntryUnderConstruction;
+        TMsvId              iNotificationParent;
+        // Buffer for the incoming message.
+        TInt                iMessageDrive; // messages are on C: drive by default,
+        TBool               iFileOpen;     // if file is not open, do not close
+        TMmsReceivingMode   iReceivingMode; // set to correct mode depending on network
+        // tells if an application id has been registered or not
+        TBool               iRegistered;
+    public:     // Friend classes
+    protected:  // Friend classes
+    private:    // Friend classes
+    };
+#include "mmsreceivemessage.inl"
+#endif      // MMSRECEIVEMESSAGE_H   
+// End of File