--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mobilemessaging/smsmtm/clientmtm/src/csmsemailfields.cpp Thu Dec 17 08:44:11 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,816 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <csmsemailfields.h>
+#include <msvstore.h>
+const TInt KSmsEmailAddressesArrayGranularity = 4;
+const TUid KUidMsvSmsEmailFieldsStream = {0x10204C9D};
+const TInt KMsvSmsEmailFieldsVersion = 1;
+const TUint8 KSmsEmailComma = ',';
+const TUint8 KSmsEmailAtSign = '@';
+const TUint8 KSmsEmailSpace = ' ';
+const TUint8 KSmsEmailOpenBracket = '(';
+const TUint8 KSmsEmailCloseBracket = ')';
+const TUint8 KSmsEmailHash = '#';
+_LIT16(KDelimiter, ";");
+_LIT16(KComma, ",");
+Factory constructor.
+An empty email fields object.
+EXPORT_C CSmsEmailFields* CSmsEmailFields::NewL()
+ {
+ CSmsEmailFields* self = new (ELeave) CSmsEmailFields();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+ return self;
+ }
+Factory copy constructor.
+@param aEmailFields
+The orginal email fields object from which a copy is made.
+A copy of aEmailFields.
+EXPORT_C CSmsEmailFields* CSmsEmailFields::NewL(const CSmsEmailFields& aEmailFields)
+ {
+ CSmsEmailFields* self = new (ELeave) CSmsEmailFields();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL(aEmailFields);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+ return self;
+ }
+EXPORT_C CSmsEmailFields::~CSmsEmailFields()
+ {
+ Reset();
+ delete iAddresses;
+ }
+Resets the contents of the email fields object.
+EXPORT_C void CSmsEmailFields::Reset()
+ {
+ delete iSubject;
+ iSubject = NULL;
+ if( iAddresses!=NULL )
+ {
+ iAddresses->Reset();
+ }
+ }
+The number of characters in the email fields.
+Calculates the number of characters that will be pre-pended to an SMS message
+when SMS is set for interworking with email. The address and subject fields are
+only valid if the their length is greater than zero.
+The address field is a comma separated list of addresses.
+It assumes that a subject will be added with the following format.
+ <address>(<subject>)<message>
+No validation of the contents of the fields is performed.
+The number of characters in the email fields.
+EXPORT_C TInt CSmsEmailFields::Length() const
+ {
+ // Get the address length and subject length
+ TInt subject = Subject().Length();
+ TInt address = 0;
+ if( HasAddress() )
+ {
+ // Go through address list - there is at least one address...
+ address = (*iAddresses)[0].Length();
+ TInt count = iAddresses->Count();
+ for( TInt i=1; i < count; ++i )
+ {
+ // Any subsequent addresses are in a comma separated list - include
+ // length of comma separator.
+ address += (1 + (*iAddresses)[i].Length());
+ }
+ }
+ if( subject > 0 )
+ {
+ // There is a subject - add the address and subject lengths plus the
+ // two delimiters; the '(' and ')' delimiters.
+ return (address + subject + 2);
+ }
+ if( address > 0 )
+ {
+ // There is no subject field, but there is an address field - add the
+ // address length and the single space delimiter for the end of the
+ // address field.
+ return (address + 1);
+ }
+ // There is neither an address nor a subject field - return zero length.
+ return 0;
+ }
+Indicates whether the address field contains at least one address
+A value of true if the address field contains at least one address, false if the
+address field is empty.
+EXPORT_C TBool CSmsEmailFields::HasAddress() const
+ {
+ return (iAddresses->Count() > 0);
+ }
+Composes the email fields.
+The email fields are formatted into a buffer. The buffer is returned and left
+on the cleanup stack.
+If there is no address fields, then the function leaves with the error code
+The address field is a comma separate list of addresses.
+If a subject field exists then the address fields is delimited by a open bracket
+'(' and the subject is delimited by a close bracket ')'.
+A buffer contain the formatted email fields. A pointer to this buffer is left
+on the cleanup stack.
+@leave KErrCorrupt
+The email fields has a zero-length address field.
+EXPORT_C HBufC* CSmsEmailFields::ComposeLC() const
+ {
+ if( !HasAddress() )
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
+ }
+ HBufC* buf = HBufC::NewLC(Length());
+ TPtr ptr(buf->Des());
+ // Append the addresses - must have at least one address...
+ ptr.Append((*iAddresses)[0]);
+ // Append remaining addresses as comma separated list
+ TInt count = iAddresses->Count();
+ for( TInt i=1; i < count; ++i )
+ {
+ ptr.Append(KSmsEmailComma);
+ ptr.Append((*iAddresses)[i]);
+ }
+ // The delimiter for the address depends on whether there is a subject.
+ if( Subject().Length() > 0 )
+ {
+ // Append open bracket '(', followed by subject and then close bracket ')'.
+ ptr.Append(KSmsEmailOpenBracket);
+ ptr.Append(*iSubject);
+ ptr.Append(KSmsEmailCloseBracket);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // No subject - address delimited by a space.
+ ptr.Append(KSmsEmailSpace);
+ }
+ return buf;
+ }
+Parses the given buffer for email fields.
+Supports the two address formats.
+ user@domain1.domain2
+ User Name <user@domain1.domain2>
+Also, supports the two subject formats.
+ <address>(<subject>)<message>
+ <address>##<subject>#<message>
+The parsed address and optional subject are set in the email fields object. Any
+existing data in the object is deleted.
+@param aBuffer
+The buffer to be parsed.
+If the email fields were successfully parsed the start position of the actual
+body text from the start of aBuffer is returned. If the email fields could not
+be parsed from aBuffer the error code KErrCorrupt is returned.
+TInt CSmsEmailFields::ParseL(const TDesC& aBuffer)
+ {
+ Reset();
+ // The to-address or the from-address can have following two formats -
+ // 1. user@domain1.domain2
+ // 2. User Name <user@domain1.domain2>
+ // In the second format the <> brackets are part of the address.
+ // The address is delimited by one of the following -
+ // 1. <space>
+ // 2. (
+ // 3. #
+ // The later two cases imply that there is a subject field. These two
+ // delimiters are also mutually exclusive.
+ //
+ // First find the @ symbol - this will be the address.
+ TPtrC buf(aBuffer);
+ TInt pos = buf.Locate(KSmsEmailAtSign);
+ if( pos <= 0 )
+ {
+ return KErrCorrupt;
+ }
+ // Found the address - search for the delimiters.
+ TInt atPos = pos;
+ buf.Set(buf.Mid(pos));
+ pos = buf.Locate(KSmsEmailSpace);
+ TInt spacePos = pos != KErrNotFound ? pos : KMaxTInt;
+ pos = buf.Locate(KSmsEmailOpenBracket);
+ TInt bracketPos = pos != KErrNotFound ? pos : KMaxTInt;
+ pos = buf.Locate(KSmsEmailHash);
+ TInt hashPos = pos != KErrNotFound ? pos : KMaxTInt;
+ TInt bodyPos = KErrNotFound;
+ if( spacePos < bracketPos && spacePos < hashPos )
+ {
+ // There is no subject as the <space> is the first delimiter.
+ pos = spacePos + atPos;
+ // Set the start of the body text - need to move past the delimiter.
+ bodyPos = pos + 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // The delimiter is either the # or ( - this implies a subject field.
+ TInt end = KErrNotFound;
+ if( bracketPos < hashPos )
+ {
+ // Address delimited by the bracket position;
+ pos = bracketPos + atPos;
+ // Set the start of the body text - need to move past the delimiter.
+ bodyPos = pos + 1;
+ // Subject has the (subject) format - find the end of the subject
+ // indicated by the closing bracket ')'. First move past delimiter.
+ buf.Set(buf.Mid(bracketPos+1));
+ end = buf.Locate(KSmsEmailCloseBracket);
+ }
+ else if( hashPos < KMaxTInt && buf[hashPos+1] == KSmsEmailHash )
+ {
+ // Address delimited by the hash position;
+ pos = hashPos + atPos;
+ // Set the start of the body text - need to move past the two #
+ // delimiters.
+ bodyPos = pos + 2;
+ // Subject has the ##subject# format - find the end of the subject
+ // indicated by a final hash '#'. First move past the delimiters.
+ buf.Set(buf.Mid(hashPos+2));
+ end = buf.Locate(KSmsEmailHash);
+ }
+ if( end == KErrNotFound )
+ {
+ // In this case the email fields are corrupt - one of the following
+ // has occured -
+ // 1. The address had no delimiter - missing <space>, # or (.
+ // 2. The subject had no delimiter - missing # or ).
+ // 3. The address has only a single delimiting #.
+ return KErrCorrupt;
+ }
+ SetSubjectL(buf.Left(end));
+ // Update the start of the body text to get passed the subject - need
+ // to move past the delimiter.
+ bodyPos += end + 1;
+ }
+ // Add the address and return the position of the start of the body text.
+ AddAddressL(aBuffer.Left(pos));
+ return bodyPos;
+ }
+Adds the address to the list of addresses.
+The address to be added must have a non-zero length. A zero-length address will
+not be added to the address list.
+@param aAddress
+The address to be added.
+EXPORT_C void CSmsEmailFields::AddAddressL(const TDesC& aAddress)
+ {
+ if( aAddress.Length() > 0 )
+ {
+ iAddresses->AppendL(aAddress);
+ }
+ }
+Removes the specified address.
+@param aIndex
+The index for the address to be remvoed.
+EXPORT_C void CSmsEmailFields::RemoveAddress(TInt aIndex)
+ {
+ iAddresses->Delete(aIndex);
+ }
+The array of email addresses.
+@see MDesCArray
+An array of email addresses.
+EXPORT_C const MDesCArray& CSmsEmailFields::Addresses() const
+ {
+ return *iAddresses;
+ }
+Sets the email subject field.
+Copies the contents of subject as the email subject field. If the copy is
+unsuccessful the current contents is left unchanged.
+@param aSubject
+The subject to be copied into the email field.
+EXPORT_C void CSmsEmailFields::SetSubjectL(const TDesC& aSubject)
+ {
+ HBufC* subject = aSubject.AllocL();
+ delete iSubject;
+ iSubject = subject;
+ }
+The subject field.
+The subject field.
+EXPORT_C const TDesC& CSmsEmailFields::Subject() const
+ {
+ return (iSubject) ? static_cast<const TDesC&>(*iSubject) : KNullDesC();
+ }
+Restores the email fields.
+If the store does not contain email fields data, the current email data is reset.
+@param aStore
+The store to be read.
+void CSmsEmailFields::RestoreL(CMsvStore& aStore)
+ {
+ if( aStore.IsPresentL(KUidMsvSmsEmailFieldsStream) )
+ {
+ // The email fields stream exists - internalise from the stream.
+ RMsvReadStream in;
+ in.OpenLC(aStore, KUidMsvSmsEmailFieldsStream);
+ InternalizeL(in);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&in);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // There is no stream - reset the email fields.
+ Reset();
+ }
+ }
+Stores the email fields.
+The email fields data will only be stored if there is at least some address or
+subject data. If there is neither address nor subject data and the store already
+contains email fields data, then this existing data is removed.
+@param aStore
+The store to be written.
+void CSmsEmailFields::StoreL(CMsvStore& aStore) const
+ {
+ if( HasAddress() || Subject().Length() > 0 )
+ {
+ // The email fields have some data - store them.
+ RMsvWriteStream out;
+ out.AssignLC(aStore, KUidMsvSmsEmailFieldsStream);
+ ExternalizeL(out);
+ out.CommitL();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&out);
+ }
+ else if( aStore.IsPresentL(KUidMsvSmsEmailFieldsStream) )
+ {
+ // Ok, the current email fields have no data, but the email fileds
+ // stream exists - remove it.
+ aStore.Remove(KUidMsvSmsEmailFieldsStream);
+ }
+ }
+Internalizes the email fields from the given stream.
+@param aStream
+The stream to be read.
+void CSmsEmailFields::InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream)
+ {
+ Reset();
+ aStream.ReadInt16L(); // read the version - to local as causes warning in EABI...
+ TCardinality cardinality;
+ aStream >> cardinality;
+ TInt count = cardinality;
+ for( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i )
+ {
+ HBufC* buf = HBufC::NewLC(aStream, KMaxTInt);
+ AddAddressL(*buf);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(buf);
+ }
+ iSubject = HBufC::NewL(aStream, KMaxTInt);
+ }
+Externalizes the email fields into the given stream.
+@param aStream
+The stream to be written.
+void CSmsEmailFields::ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const
+ {
+ aStream.WriteInt16L(KMsvSmsEmailFieldsVersion);
+ TInt count = iAddresses->Count();
+ aStream << TCardinality(count);
+ for( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i )
+ {
+ aStream << (*iAddresses)[i];
+ }
+ aStream << Subject();
+ }
+: CBase()
+ {
+ }
+void CSmsEmailFields::ConstructL()
+ {
+ iAddresses = new (ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat(KSmsEmailAddressesArrayGranularity);
+ }
+void CSmsEmailFields::ConstructL(const CSmsEmailFields& aEmailFields)
+ {
+ ConstructL();
+ const MDesCArray& addresses = aEmailFields.Addresses();
+ TInt count = addresses.MdcaCount();
+ for( TInt i=0; i < count; ++i )
+ {
+ AddAddressL(addresses.MdcaPoint(i));
+ }
+ iSubject = aEmailFields.Subject().AllocL();
+ }
+Stores the email fields in SQL DB.
+The email fields data will only be stored if there is at least some address or
+subject data. If there is neither address nor subject data and the store already
+contains email fields data, then this existing data is removed.
+@param aStore
+The store to be written.
+void CSmsEmailFields::StoreDBL(CMsvStore& aStore)
+ {
+ // This is the continuation of the header entry created
+ // in CSmsHeader::StoreDbL().
+ if( HasAddress() || Subject().Length() > 0 )
+ {
+ CHeaderFields* emailOverSmsHeaderFields = new (ELeave)CHeaderFields();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(emailOverSmsHeaderFields);
+ emailOverSmsHeaderFields->iUid = KUidMsvSmsEmailFieldsStream;
+ //----------------------EOS Info 6th Field ------------------------------
+ CFieldPair* smsdetailField = new (ELeave)CFieldPair();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(smsdetailField);
+ RBuf eosbuf;
+ CleanupClosePushL(eosbuf);
+ eosbuf.CreateL(GetBufSize());
+ // Header version
+ eosbuf.AppendNum(KMsvSmsEmailFieldsVersion);
+ eosbuf.Append(KDelimiter);
+ // AddressCount
+ eosbuf.AppendNum(iAddresses->Count());
+ eosbuf.Append(KDelimiter);
+ // Addresses
+ for (TInt i=0; i<iAddresses->Count(); i++)
+ {
+ eosbuf.Append(iAddresses->MdcaPoint(i));
+ if(i<(iAddresses->MdcaCount())-1)
+ eosbuf.Append(KComma);
+ }
+ eosbuf.Append(KDelimiter);
+ // Subject
+ eosbuf.Append(Subject());
+ eosbuf.Append(KDelimiter);
+ HBufC* newFrom1 = HBufC::NewL(eosbuf.Length());
+ newFrom1->Des().Copy(eosbuf);
+ smsdetailField->iFieldTextValue = newFrom1;
+ emailOverSmsHeaderFields->iFieldPairList.AppendL(smsdetailField);
+ eosbuf.Close();
+ CleanupStack::Pop(); // Rbuf
+ CleanupStack::Pop(smsdetailField);
+ TMsvWriteStore storeWriter(aStore);
+ storeWriter.AssignL(emailOverSmsHeaderFields);
+ storeWriter.CommitL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop(emailOverSmsHeaderFields);
+ }
+ else if( aStore.IsPresentL(KUidMsvSmsEmailFieldsStream) )
+ {
+ CHeaderFields* emailOverSmsHeaderFields = new (ELeave)CHeaderFields();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(emailOverSmsHeaderFields);
+ emailOverSmsHeaderFields->iUid = KUidMsvSmsEmailFieldsStream;
+ CFieldPair* smsdetailField = new (ELeave)CFieldPair();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(smsdetailField);
+ smsdetailField->iFieldTextValue = KNullDesC().AllocL();
+ emailOverSmsHeaderFields->iFieldPairList.AppendL(smsdetailField);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(smsdetailField);
+ TMsvWriteStore storeWriter(aStore);
+ storeWriter.AssignL(emailOverSmsHeaderFields);
+ storeWriter.CommitL();
+ // Ok, the current email fields have no data, but the email fileds
+ // stream exists - remove it.
+ aStore.Remove(KUidMsvSmsEmailFieldsStream);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(emailOverSmsHeaderFields);
+ }
+ }
+To gett he Buffer size.
+TInt CSmsEmailFields::GetBufSize()
+ {
+ TInt size = 0;
+ size += sizeof(KMsvSmsEmailFieldsVersion) + 1; // 1 is for Delimiter
+ size += Subject().Length() + 1 ;
+ size += sizeof(iAddresses->Count()) + 1 ;
+ for(TInt i=0; i<iAddresses->Count(); i++)
+ {
+ size += iAddresses->MdcaPoint(i).Length() + 1; // Extra byte for Comma
+ }
+ return size ;
+ }
+Retrives the email fields from SQL DB.
+If the store does not contain email fields data, the current email data is reset.
+@param aStore
+The store to be read.
+void CSmsEmailFields::ReStoreDBL(CMsvStore& aStore)
+ {
+ Reset();
+ CHeaderFields* rcvEmailHeaderRow = NULL;
+ TMsvReadStore storeReader(aStore, KUidMsvSmsEmailFieldsStream);
+ TRAPD(err, storeReader.ReadL(rcvEmailHeaderRow));
+ if(KErrNotFound == err)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ TInt i = 0; //SMS Email over SMS
+ HBufC* eosheaderinfo = rcvEmailHeaderRow->iFieldPairList[i++]->iFieldTextValue ;
+ TPtr16 eosheaderPtr = (eosheaderinfo->Des());
+ //Parsing the eos string
+ TInt firstSemiColonPos = eosheaderPtr.Locate(';');
+ TInt lastSemiColonPos = eosheaderPtr.LocateReverse(';');
+ RPointerArray<HBufC16> eosinfoData;
+ CleanupClosePushL(eosinfoData);
+ TInt ii = 0 ;
+ do
+ {
+ TPtrC16 str1 = eosheaderPtr.Left(firstSemiColonPos); // First data
+ HBufC16* tt = str1.AllocLC();
+ firstSemiColonPos++;
+ eosinfoData.AppendL(tt);
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ if(firstSemiColonPos != lastSemiColonPos)
+ {
+ eosheaderPtr = (eosheaderPtr.Mid(firstSemiColonPos,eosheaderPtr.Length()-(firstSemiColonPos) ));
+ firstSemiColonPos = eosheaderPtr.Locate(';');
+ lastSemiColonPos = eosheaderPtr.LocateReverse(';');
+ if(firstSemiColonPos == lastSemiColonPos)
+ {
+ TPtrC16 str1 = eosheaderPtr.Left(eosheaderPtr.Length() -1); // Last data is Subject . End with Semicolon. -1 is to remove semicolon.
+ HBufC16* tt = str1.AllocLC();
+ eosinfoData.AppendL(tt);
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //Empty field.
+ HBufC16* tt = KNullDesC().AllocLC();
+ eosinfoData.AppendL(tt);
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ }
+ ii++;
+ }while(firstSemiColonPos != lastSemiColonPos);
+ TInt16 headerversion = ConvertToTInt(*eosinfoData[0]);
+ TInt count = ConvertToTInt(*eosinfoData[1]);
+ if(count > 0)
+ {
+ _LIT16(KSemicolon, ";");
+ HBufC16* addressesList = eosinfoData[2]->Des().AllocLC();
+ addressesList = addressesList->ReAllocL(addressesList->Length()+2);
+ TPtr16 addressesListPtr = (addressesList->Des());
+ addressesListPtr.Append(KSemicolon);
+ GetRecipientListL(addressesListPtr);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ AddAddressL(KNullDesC16);
+ }
+ iSubject = eosinfoData[3]->Des().AllocL();
+ eosinfoData.ResetAndDestroy();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //RPointerArray
+ }
+ /* Convert a String to an Integer.
+ * @param aStr A string to make Integer.
+ * @return TInt A integer value
+ */
+TInt CSmsEmailFields::ConvertToTInt(TDesC16& aStr)
+ {
+ TLex str(aStr);
+ TInt32 string;
+ str.Val(string);
+ return string;
+ }
+To parse the recipient address list.
+void CSmsEmailFields::GetRecipientListL(TDesC16& aStr)
+ {
+ TPtrC16 recvstr = aStr;
+ if(KErrNotFound != recvstr.Locate(',') )
+ { // It has multipule recipient list is :- example@nokia.com, example@nokia.com,example@nokia.com;
+ TInt startPos = recvstr.Locate(',') ;
+ while(1)
+ {
+ TPtrC16 partstrx = recvstr.Left(startPos);
+ AddAddressL(partstrx);
+ startPos++;
+ recvstr.Set(recvstr.Mid(startPos, recvstr.Length()- startPos));
+ startPos = recvstr.Locate(',');
+ if(startPos == KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ TPtrC16 partstrxy;
+ partstrxy.Set(recvstr.Mid(0,recvstr.Length()-1));
+ AddAddressL(partstrxy);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else // It has one recipient list is like this-> example@nokia.com;
+ {
+ TInt lastpos = recvstr.Locate(';');
+ TPtrC16 partstrx = recvstr.Left(lastpos);
+ AddAddressL(partstrx);
+ }
+ }