changeset 0 72b543305e3a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mobilemessaging/unieditor/model/inc/UniDataModel.h	Thu Dec 17 08:44:11 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  
+*       CUniDataModel
+#include <gmxmlparser.h>
+#include <gmxmldocument.h>
+#include <msvapi.h>                     // CMsvEntry
+#include <unidatautils.h>
+#include <unismilmodel.h>
+#include <unismillist.h>
+#include <uniobject.h>
+#include <mmsvattachmentmanager.h>
+#include <mmsvattachmentmanagersync.h>
+#include <MsgMediaInfo.h>
+class CBaseMtm;
+class CUniDataUtils;
+class CUniObjectsModel;
+class CUniObjectList;
+class CUniObjectsInfo;
+class CMsgMediaResolver;
+class CMmsConformance;
+class CMsvMimeHeaders;
+class CMsvAttachment;
+* MUniDataModelObserver - Callback API for model operations.
+* @since 3.1
+class MUniDataModelObserver
+    {
+    public:
+        virtual void RestoreReady( TInt aParseResult, TInt aError ) = 0;
+    };
+* CUniDataModel - A container class that owns instances of CMsgMediaResolver,
+* CMmsConformance, CUniDataUtils, CUniObjectList, CUniSmilList and CUniSmilModel.
+* It also handles the initialization of the lists & the SMIL model.
+* @lib UniDataModel.lib
+* @since 3.1
+class CUniDataModel : public CBase,
+                      public MMDXMLParserObserver,
+                      public MMediaInfoObserver
+    {
+    public:  // Constructors and destructor
+        static IMPORT_C CUniDataModel* NewL( RFs& aFs, CBaseMtm& aMtm );
+        /**
+        * Destructor.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C ~CUniDataModel();
+    public: // New functions
+        /**
+        * RestoreL
+        * Loads attachments from message store and initializes
+        * the model.
+        * @param aObserver          IN Callback observer
+        * @param aRemoveCorrupted   IN If ETrue removes corrupted attachments
+        *                              If EFalse leaves if corrupted attachments detected
+        * @param aAllowSmil         IN If ETrue puts SMIL files to "SmilList"
+        *                              If EFalse puts SMIL files to "AttachmentList"
+        */ 
+        IMPORT_C void RestoreL(
+            MUniDataModelObserver& aObserver,
+            TBool aRemoveCorrupted = ETrue,
+            TBool aAllowSmil = ETrue );
+        /**
+        * AddObjectL
+        * Adds an object into msg store and smil slide
+        *
+        * @since    3.1
+        * @param    aObserver   IN Object save observer
+        * @param    aMedia      IN media info - ownership transferred to MsgObject
+        * @param    aSaveType   IN either "file" or "linked file"
+        * @return   Pointer to the added object
+        *           Ownership NOT transferred.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C CUniObject* AddAttachmentL(
+            MUniObjectSaveObserver& aObserver,
+            CMsgMediaInfo* aMedia,
+            CMsvAttachment::TMsvAttachmentType aSaveType = CMsvAttachment::EMsvLinkedFile );
+       /**
+        * AddStoredAttachmentL
+        * Adds an object that is already in msg store to smil slide
+        *
+        * @since    3.1
+        * @param    aAttachmentId   IN file to be added
+        * @param    aMedia      IN media info - ownership transferred to MsgObject
+        * @return   Pointer to the added object
+        *           Ownership NOT transferred.
+        */
+        IMPORT_C CUniObject* AddStoredAttachmentL(
+            TMsvAttachmentId aAttachmentId,
+            CMsgMediaInfo* aMedia );
+       /**
+        * FinalizeMediaParse
+        * This function synchronizes asynchronous media info parsing if it is still ongoing
+        * To be called from editor/viewer when the message is to be send/saved/forwarded
+        * @since    3.2
+        */
+        IMPORT_C void FinalizeMediaParse();
+    public:
+       /**
+        * MediaInfoParsed
+        * Callback for MediaInfo active object
+        * @since    3.2
+        */
+        void MediaInfoParsed();
+       /**
+        * ParseNextObject
+        * Parses the next object in a to-be-parsed list
+        * Actual parsing is dedicated to MediaInfo's asynchronous method
+        * @since    3.2
+        */
+        void ParseNextObject();
+        /**
+        * ParseFileCompleteL
+        * Call back function used to inform client of Parser when RunL function completes
+        */
+        void ParseFileCompleteL();
+    public: // inlines
+        /**
+        * Returns number of corrupted attachments encountered at load time
+        * i.e. entry is stil there but binary file is missing
+        * Includes corrupted link, presentations etc.
+        *
+        * @return attachment count
+        */
+        inline TInt CorruptedCount() const;    
+        /**
+        * Returns attachment count before any filtering for "presentation objects"
+        * or corrupted attachments. SMIL attachments are not included in the count.
+        *
+        * @return attachment count
+        */
+        inline TInt OriginalAttachmentCount() const;    
+        /**
+        * Get reference to file session
+        *
+        * @return reference to RFs
+        */
+        inline RFs& FsSession() const;
+        /**
+        * Get reference to base mtm
+        *
+        * @return reference to CBaseMtm
+        */
+        inline CBaseMtm& Mtm() const;
+        /**
+        * Returns object list owned by the model. Object list includes all
+        * attachments that are referenced from the SMIL part (or if there is no
+        * SMIL part attachments that are of supported media type).
+        *
+        * @return reference to the object list.
+        */
+        inline CUniObjectList& ObjectList() const;
+        /**
+        * Returns attachment list owned by the model. Attachment list includes all 
+        * attachments that are NOT referenced from the SMIL part.
+        *
+        * @return reference to the attachment list.
+        */
+        inline CUniObjectList& AttachmentList() const;
+        /**
+        * Returns SMIL list owned by the model. SMIL list includes all 
+        * attachments that are of type "application/smil".
+        *
+        * @return reference to the SMIL attachment list.
+        */
+        inline CUniSmilList& SmilList() const;
+        /**
+        * Returns data utils object used by the model. 
+        *
+        * @return reference to the data utils object.
+        */
+        inline CUniDataUtils& DataUtils() const;
+        /** 
+        * Returns SMIL type of the message.
+        * @return Possible return values are:
+        *         -ENoSmil
+        *         -EMmsSmil
+        *         -EOtherSmil
+        *         -EMultipleSmil
+        *         -ETemplateSmil
+        */ 
+        inline TUniSmilType SmilType();
+        /** 
+        * Returns SMIL type of the message.
+        * @param aSmilType:
+        *         -ENoSmil
+        *         -EMmsSmil
+        *         -EOtherSmil
+        *         -EMultipleSmil
+        *         -ETemplateSmil
+        */ 
+        inline void SetSmilType( TUniSmilType aSmilType );
+        /**
+        * Get reference to SmilModel
+        *
+        * @return reference to SmilModel
+        */
+        inline CUniSmilModel& SmilModel() const;
+        /**
+        * Get reference to MediaResolver
+        *
+        * @return reference to MediaResolver
+        */
+        inline CMsgMediaResolver& MediaResolver() const;
+        /**
+        * Get reference to MmsConformance
+        *
+        * @return reference to MmsConformance
+        */
+        inline CMmsConformance& MmsConformance() const;
+        /**
+        * Return SMIL DOM
+        *
+        * @return Pointer to SMIL DOM
+        */
+        inline CMDXMLDocument* Dom();
+        /**
+        * Set SMIL DOM
+        *
+        * @param Pointer to SMIL DOM, takes ownership
+        */
+        inline void SetDom( CMDXMLDocument* aDom );
+        /*
+        * Accessor
+        *
+        * @return parse result from CUniSmilModel::ParseL()
+        */
+        inline TInt ParseResult() const;
+    private:  // New functions
+        /**
+        * CUniDataModel
+        * Constructor.
+        */
+        CUniDataModel( RFs& aFs, CBaseMtm& aMtm );
+        /**
+        * ConstructL
+        * 2nd phase constructor.
+        */
+        void ConstructL();
+    private: // New Functions
+        /**
+        * DoParseFileCompleteL
+        */ 
+        void DoParseFileCompleteL();
+        /**
+        * FinalizeRestoreL
+        */ 
+        void FinalizeRestoreL( TInt aError );
+        /** 
+        * Handles corrupted attachments. 
+        *
+        * @param aRemoveCorrupted   IN
+        *   - If ETrue tries to recover by removing corrupted attachments.
+        *
+        *     Note: This means that SMIL parsing will fail with ESmil_Missing_Objects. 
+        *           and object order is not maintained. But better to do it this
+        *           way so that message can be opened.
+        *
+        *   - If EFalse leaves with KErrCorrupt if corrupted attachments detected.
+        *     Model not made caller should exit!
+        */
+        void FindAndHandleCorruptL( TBool aRemoveCorrupted );
+        /**
+        * Finds corrupted attachments from context message.
+        */
+        CMsvEntrySelection* FindCorruptLC();
+        /**
+        * FindAttachmentsL
+        * Browses through SMIL and separates objects that are 
+        * referenced from attachments.
+        */
+        void FindAttachmentsL();
+        /**
+        * Creates an object from msg store attachment
+        * @param aMimeType - mime type of new object.
+        * @param aAttachmentId - ID to be used for searching 
+        *                        attachment from store
+        */
+        CUniObject* CreateObjectFromAttachmentLC(
+            const TPtrC8& aMimeType,
+            RFile& aFile,
+            MMsvAttachmentManager& aManager,
+            CMsvAttachment& aAttachment );
+        /**
+        * Browses through (non-MMS) SMIL and searches reference counts for objects and separates
+        * objects and attachments in different lists.
+        */
+        void FindDomObjectRefCountsL();
+    protected:  // data
+        RFs&                iFs;
+        CBaseMtm&           iMtm;
+        CMsgMediaResolver*  iMediaResolver;
+        CMmsConformance*    iMmsConformance;
+        CUniDataUtils*      iDataUtils;
+        CUniObjectList*     iObjectList;
+        CUniObjectList*     iAttachmentList;
+        CUniSmilList*       iSmilList;
+        CUniSmilModel*      iSmilModel;
+        TUniSmilType        iSmilType;
+        TInt                iOrigAttachmentCount;
+        TInt                iCorruptedCount; // Number of attas detected to be corrupted when loading
+        CMDXMLParser*       iParser;
+        CMDXMLDocument*     iDom;
+        MUniDataModelObserver* iObserver;
+        TInt                iParseResult;
+        CActiveSchedulerWait     iObjWait;
+        CUniObject*         iObjectToParse;
+#include <unidatamodel.inl>
+#endif   // __UNIDATAMODEL_H
+// End of file