changeset 60 7fdbb852d323
parent 0 72b543305e3a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mobilemessaging/smilui/mediasrc/SmilImageRenderer.cpp	Wed Sep 01 12:31:54 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1338 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: SmilImageRenderer implementation
+#include <coemain.h>
+#include <smilregioninterface.h>
+#include <smilpresentation.h>
+#include <smilmediainterface.h>
+#include <IHLImageFactory.h>
+#include <IHLViewerFactory.h>
+#include <MIHLFileImage.h>
+#include <MIHLBitmap.h>
+#include <MIHLImageViewer.h>
+#include <AknUtils.h>
+#include <aknlayoutscalable_apps.cdl.h>
+#include "SmilImageRenderer.h" 
+    #include "SmilMediaLogging.h"
+// Scrolling is done in 1/4 steps
+const TInt KScrollStepFraction = 4;
+const TInt KScrollValue = 1;
+// Minimum frame delay
+const TInt KMinimumFrameDelay = 100; // 100 ms
+const TInt KProcessingDelayOffset = 100; // 100 ms
+// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =========================================
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSmilImageRenderer::CSmilImageRenderer
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CSmilImageRenderer::CSmilImageRenderer( MSmilMedia* aMedia,
+                                        DRMCommon& aDrmCommon,
+                                        CDRMHelper& aDrmHelper ) :
+    CSmilMediaRendererBase( EMsgMediaImage, aMedia, aDrmCommon, aDrmHelper ),
+    iTotalLength( 0 ),
+    iPrevState( ENotReady ),
+    iCurrState( ENotReady ),
+    iProcessingDelay( TInt64( 0 ) )
+    , iNotYetDrawn( ETrue )
+    {
+    iSmilObject = NULL;
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSmilImageRenderer::ConstructL
+// Checks neccessary parameters and initializes heap member variables. 
+// Converts first (and in most cases only) frame of the source image and
+// calculates renderer duration.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSmilImageRenderer::ConstructL( RFile& aFileHandle )
+    {
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITE_TIMESTAMP( " --------------------------------" )
+    SMILUILOGGER_ENTERFN( "[SMILUI] Image: ConstructL" )
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITEF( _L("[SMILUI] Image: iCurrState=%d"), iCurrState );
+    BaseConstructL( aFileHandle );
+    User::LeaveIfError( CheckDRMRights() );
+    iSourceImage = IHLImageFactory::OpenFileImageL( aFileHandle );
+    iSourceSize = iSourceImage->Size();
+    iAnimation = iSourceImage->IsAnimation();
+    iDestinationBitmap = IHLBitmap::CreateL();
+    InitializeViewerL();
+    SetupScrollingL();
+    if ( iSourceImage->IsAnimation() )
+        {              
+        for( TInt frame = 0; frame < iSourceImage->AnimationFrameCount(); frame++ )
+            {
+            // iTotalLength is on millisecond and delay on microseconds.
+            TInt frameDelay = iSourceImage->AnimationFrameDelay( frame ).Int() / 1000;
+            if ( frameDelay < KMinimumFrameDelay )
+                {
+                frameDelay = KMinimumFrameDelay;
+                }
+            // iProvessingDelay is calculated at InitializeViewerL
+            frameDelay = Max( I64INT( iProcessingDelay.Int64() ), frameDelay );
+            iTotalLength = iTotalLength + frameDelay;
+            }
+        iMedia->RendererDurationChangedL();
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        if ( !iIsScrollable )
+            {
+            // Memory optimization. This is not needed
+            // if image is not scrollable or animation.
+            // Releases 1x bitmap size memory + possible mask
+            delete iEngine;
+            iEngine = NULL;
+            delete iSourceImage;
+            iSourceImage = NULL;
+            }        
+        }
+#ifdef RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2    
+    CCoeControl* parentControl = iMedia->Presentation()->GetPlayer()->GetControl( iMedia->Presentation() );
+    SetContainerWindowL( *parentControl );
+    TRect controlRect = iMedia->GetRegion()->GetRectangle();
+    controlRect.Move( parentControl->Position() );
+    SetRect( controlRect );
+#ifdef IMAGE_DEBUG  
+    SMILUILOGGER_LEAVEFN( "[SMILUI] Image: ConstructL" )
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITEF( _L("[SMILUI] Image: iCurrState=%d"), iCurrState );
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSmilImageRenderer::NewL
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CSmilImageRenderer* CSmilImageRenderer::NewL( RFile& aFileHandle,
+                                              MSmilMedia* aMedia,
+                                              DRMCommon& aDrmCommon,
+                                              CDRMHelper& aDrmHelper )
+    {
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITE_TIMESTAMP( " --------------------------------" )
+    CSmilImageRenderer* self = new (ELeave) CSmilImageRenderer( aMedia,
+                                                                aDrmCommon,
+                                                                aDrmHelper );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+    self->ConstructL( aFileHandle );
+    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+    return self;
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSmilImageRenderer::~CSmilImageRenderer
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    {
+    SMILUILOGGER_ENTERFN( "[SMILUI] Image: ~CSmilImageRenderer" )
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITEF( _L("[SMILUI] Image: iCurrState=%d"), iCurrState );
+    delete iEngine;
+    delete iDestinationBitmap;
+    delete iSourceImage;
+    iMedia = NULL; // For LINT
+#ifdef RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2    
+    delete iSBFrame;
+    SMILUILOGGER_LEAVEFN( "[SMILUI] Image: ~CSmilImageRenderer" )
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSmilImageRenderer::IsVisual
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CSmilImageRenderer::IsVisual() const
+    {
+    return ETrue;
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSmilImageRenderer::IsOpaque
+// Renderer is determined to be opaque (non-transparent) if
+// mask is not present.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CSmilImageRenderer::IsOpaque() const
+    {
+    return !iDestinationBitmap->HasMask();
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSmilImageRenderer::IsScrollable
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CSmilImageRenderer::IsScrollable() const
+    {
+    return iIsScrollable;
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSmilImageRenderer::IsControl
+// All renderer are specified to be control on the base class.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CSmilImageRenderer::IsControl() const
+    {
+    return ETrue;
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSmilImageRenderer::IntrinsicWidth
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSmilImageRenderer::IntrinsicWidth() const
+    {
+    return iSourceSize.iWidth;
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSmilImageRenderer::IntrinsicHeight
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSmilImageRenderer::IntrinsicHeight() const
+    {
+    return iSourceSize.iHeight;
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSmilImageRenderer::IntrinsicDuration
+// Returns zero if still image otherwise returns sum of animation delays.
+// Duration is specified on milliseconds.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TSmilTime CSmilImageRenderer::IntrinsicDuration() const
+    {
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITE_TIMESTAMP( " --------------------------------" )
+    SMILUILOGGER_ENTERFN( "[SMILUI] Image: IntrinsicDuration" )
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITEF( _L("[SMILUI] Image: iCurrState=%d"), iCurrState );
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITEF( _L("[SMILUI] Image: iTotalLength=%d"), iTotalLength );
+    TSmilTime result( 0 );
+    if ( iAnimation )
+        {
+        result = iTotalLength;
+        }
+    SMILUILOGGER_LEAVEFN( "[SMILUI] Image: IntrinsicDuration" )
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITEF( _L("[SMILUI] Image: iCurrState=%d"), iCurrState );
+    return result;
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSmilImageRenderer::Draw
+// Performs drawing only if renderer is visible. Transition filter
+// performs its own drawings. Scroll bar and focus drawing is performed
+// on functions inherited from base class.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSmilImageRenderer::Draw( CGraphicsContext& aGc, 
+                               const TRect& aRect, 
+                               CSmilTransitionFilter* aTransitionFilter, 
+                               const MSmilFocus* aFocus)
+    {
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITE_TIMESTAMP( " --------------------------------" )
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITEF( _L("[SMILUI] Image: iCurrState=%d"), iCurrState );
+    if ( iAnimation )
+        {
+        SMILUILOGGER_WRITEF( _L("[SMILUI] Image: currentFrame=%d"), iEngine->AnimationFrame() );       
+        }
+    if ( iCurrState == EPlaying || iCurrState == EPaused )
+        {
+        aGc.Reset();
+        if ( aTransitionFilter )
+            {
+            const CFbsBitmap* bitmap = NULL;
+            const CFbsBitmap* mask = NULL;
+            bitmap = &iDestinationBitmap->Bitmap();
+            if ( iDestinationBitmap->HasMask() )
+                {
+                mask = &iDestinationBitmap->Mask();
+                }
+            aTransitionFilter->Draw( aGc, 
+                                     aRect, 
+                                     bitmap, 
+                                     iMedia->GetRectangle().iTl, 
+                                     mask );
+            }
+        else        
+            {
+            TRect destinationRect( aRect );
+            destinationRect.Intersection( iMedia->GetRectangle() );
+            // Rectangle that indicates what part of the bitmap should be drawn. 
+            TRect sourceRect( destinationRect );
+            // We have to correct the origin as sourceRect is calculated relative
+            // to the bitmap top left corner coordinates and not the graphical context
+            // top left coordinates into which destinationRect is related.
+            sourceRect.Move( -iMedia->GetRectangle().iTl );
+            // Cast graphics context to CFbsBitGc
+            CBitmapContext* tmpBitmapContext = static_cast<CBitmapContext*>( &aGc );
+            if ( iDestinationBitmap->HasMask() )
+                {
+                tmpBitmapContext->SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ENullBrush );
+                }
+            iDestinationBitmap->Draw( *tmpBitmapContext, 
+                                      destinationRect.iTl,
+                                      sourceRect );
+            }
+        if ( iIsScrollable )
+            {
+#ifdef RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2            
+            TRAP_IGNORE( DrawScrollBarL() );
+            DrawScrollBars( aGc, iMedia->GetRectangle(), iImageScrollRect );
+            }
+        DrawFocus( aGc, aFocus );
+        }
+#ifdef IMAGE_DEBUG  
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CSmilImageRenderer::DrawScrollBarL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CSmilImageRenderer::DrawScrollBarL()
+    {
+#ifdef RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2    
+    if ( iNotYetDrawn )
+        {
+        TInt regionHeight = iMedia->GetRectangle().Height();
+        TInt regionWidth = iMedia->GetRectangle().Width();
+        TInt imageHeight = iImageScrollRect.Height();
+        TInt imageWidth = iImageScrollRect.Width();
+        if ( !iSBFrame )
+            {
+            iSBFrame = new (ELeave) CEikScrollBarFrame( this, this, ETrue );
+            iSBFrame->CreateDoubleSpanScrollBarsL(ETrue, EFalse, ETrue, ETrue ); // window owning scrollbar            
+         // using this does not draw sbars correctly
+         // most likely it has something to do with drawing mechanism
+         //   iSBFrame->DrawBackground( EFalse, EFalse );
+                 //calculating the correct scrollspans   
+            TInt initialScrollSpan = imageWidth/regionWidth;
+            initialScrollSpan *= KScrollStepFraction;
+            initialScrollSpan += (imageWidth % regionWidth)/(regionWidth/KScrollStepFraction);
+            if ( (initialScrollSpan * regionWidth) < (KScrollStepFraction*imageWidth))        
+                initialScrollSpan += 1;
+            iScrollSpanX = initialScrollSpan;
+            initialScrollSpan = imageHeight/regionHeight;
+            initialScrollSpan *= KScrollStepFraction;
+            //how many times the remainder fits into the 1/KScrollStepFraction th of a page
+          //  TInt muschi = (imageHeight % regionHeight)/(regionHeight/KScrollStepFraction);
+            initialScrollSpan += (imageHeight % regionHeight)/(regionHeight/KScrollStepFraction);
+            // if it still does not match, add one to round up the result
+            if ( (initialScrollSpan * regionHeight) < (KScrollStepFraction*imageHeight))        
+                initialScrollSpan += 1;
+            iScrollSpanY = initialScrollSpan;
+            }
+        iSBFrame->SetScrollBarVisibilityL( CEikScrollBarFrame::EOn,CEikScrollBarFrame::EOn );    
+        TEikScrollBarModel vSbarModel;
+        vSbarModel.iThumbPosition = iThumbPosY; 
+        vSbarModel.iScrollSpan = iScrollSpanY; 
+        TInt indicatorHeight = regionHeight * regionHeight / iImageScrollRect.Height();
+        indicatorHeight = Min( indicatorHeight, regionHeight );
+        vSbarModel.iThumbSpan = KScrollStepFraction;//indicatorHeight / KSpanDivider;
+        TEikScrollBarModel hSbarModel;
+        hSbarModel.iThumbPosition = iThumbPosX; 
+        hSbarModel.iScrollSpan = iScrollSpanX; 
+        TInt indicatorWidth = regionWidth * regionWidth / iImageScrollRect.Width();
+        indicatorWidth = Min( indicatorWidth, regionWidth );
+        hSbarModel.iThumbSpan =  KScrollStepFraction;//indicatorWidth / KSpanDivider;
+        // For EDoubleSpan type scrollbar
+        TAknDoubleSpanScrollBarModel hDsSbarModel( hSbarModel );
+        TAknDoubleSpanScrollBarModel vDsSbarModel( vSbarModel );
+        TEikScrollBarFrameLayout layout;
+        layout.iTilingMode = TEikScrollBarFrameLayout::EClientRectConstant;
+ //not functional iSBFrame->TileL( &hDsSbarModel, &vDsSbarModel, rect, rect, layout );
+        iSBFrame->Tile( &hDsSbarModel, &vDsSbarModel);
+        TRect controlRect = iMedia->GetRegion()->GetRectangle();
+        controlRect.Move( (iMedia->Presentation()->GetPlayer()->
+                        GetControl( iMedia->Presentation()))->Position() );
+        TAknWindowLineLayout hLayout( AknLayoutScalable_Apps::scroll_pane_cp018( 2 ) ); // laf value
+		AknLayoutUtils::LayoutHorizontalScrollBar( iSBFrame, controlRect, hLayout );
+		TAknWindowLineLayout vLayout( AknLayoutScalable_Apps::scroll_pane_cp016( 2 ) ); // laf value
+		AknLayoutUtils::LayoutVerticalScrollBar( iSBFrame, controlRect, vLayout );
+		iSBFrame->SetVFocusPosToThumbPos( vDsSbarModel.FocusPosition() );
+		iSBFrame->MoveHorizThumbTo( hDsSbarModel.FocusPosition() );
+        iNotYetDrawn = EFalse;
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CSmilImageRenderer::Scroll
+// Determines if scrolling is possible to specified direction.
+// If it is calculates how many pixels can be scrolled to
+// that direction (scrolling is performed on 1/4 of the original
+// image size steps but can be smaller if available space limits it).
+// Moving of souce rectangle and scrolling rectangle is done
+// on mirror image due to they opposite coordinates. Active wait
+// is used on scrolling. Active scheduler is started to 
+// wait until asynchronous operation triggered by source rectangle
+// moving is completed.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CSmilImageRenderer::Scroll( TInt aDirX, TInt aDirY )
+    {
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITE_TIMESTAMP( " --------------------------------" )
+    ScrollWithOutThumbUpdate( aDirX, aDirY );
+    //first moving in y-direction
+    if ( iThumbPosY > 0 && aDirY < 0 ||
+        iThumbPosY < iScrollSpanY-KScrollStepFraction && aDirY > 0 )
+        {
+        iThumbPosY += aDirY;
+        iSBFrame->MoveVertThumbTo( iThumbPosY );
+        }
+      //then in x-direction
+    if ( iThumbPosX > 0 && aDirX < 0 ||
+        iThumbPosX < iScrollSpanY-KScrollStepFraction && aDirX > 0 )
+        {
+        iThumbPosX += aDirX;
+        iSBFrame->MoveHorizThumbTo( iThumbPosX );
+        }
+#ifdef IMAGE_DEBUG  
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSmilImageRenderer::PrepareMediaL
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSmilImageRenderer::PrepareMediaL()
+    {
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITE_TIMESTAMP( " --------------------------------" )
+    SMILUILOGGER_ENTERFN( "[SMILUI] Image: PrepareMediaL" )
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITEF( _L("[SMILUI] Image: iCurrState=%d"), iCurrState );
+    if ( iCurrState == EReady )
+        {
+        SetState( EHidden );
+        }
+#ifdef IMAGE_DEBUG  
+    SMILUILOGGER_LEAVEFN( "[SMILUI] Image: PrepareMediaL" )
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITEF( _L("[SMILUI] Image: iCurrState=%d"), iCurrState );
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSmilImageRenderer::SeekMediaL
+// Seeking affects only animations. If animation is currently stopped
+// to last frame and animation is wanted to start playback from the beginnning
+// then only starting the engine again is neccessary. Otherwise speficied frame
+// is converted.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSmilImageRenderer::SeekMediaL(const TSmilTime& aTime)
+    {
+#ifdef IMAGE_DEBUG  
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITE_TIMESTAMP( " --------------------------------" )
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITEF( _L("[SMILUI] Image: iCurrState=%d"), iCurrState );
+    if ( iAnimation )
+        {
+        // aTime is in milliseconds
+        TInt time( aTime.Value() );
+        TInt frame( 0 );
+        if ( time > 0 && iSourceImage->IsAnimation() )
+            {
+            TInt cumTime( 0 );
+            while ( cumTime <= time && frame < iSourceImage->AnimationFrameCount() )
+                {
+                // cumTime is on millisecond and delay on microseconds.
+                cumTime += iSourceImage->AnimationFrameDelay( frame ).Int() / 1000 + 
+                           I64INT( iProcessingDelay.Int64() );
+                frame++;
+                }
+            frame--;
+            }
+        ConvertFrameL( frame );
+        if( aTime == 0 && iCurrState == EPlaying )
+            {
+#ifdef IMAGE_DEBUG          
+            SMILUILOGGER_WRITE( "[SMILUI] Image: iEngine->Play() in SeekMediaL()" )
+            iEngine->Play();
+            }
+        }
+#ifdef IMAGE_DEBUG  
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITEF( _L("[SMILUI] Image: iCurrState=%d"), iCurrState );
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSmilImageRenderer::ShowMediaL
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSmilImageRenderer::ShowMediaL()
+    {
+#ifdef IMAGE_DEBUG      
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITE_TIMESTAMP( " --------------------------------" )
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITEF( _L("[SMILUI] Image: iCurrState=%d"), iCurrState );
+    if ( iCurrState == EHidden )
+        {
+        if ( iAnimation )
+            {
+#ifdef IMAGE_DEBUG          
+            SMILUILOGGER_WRITE( "[SMILUI] Image: iEngine->Play() in ShowMedia" );
+            iEngine->Play();
+            }
+        SetState( EPlaying );
+        iMedia->Redraw();
+        }
+#ifdef IMAGE_DEBUG          
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITEF( _L("[SMILUI] Image: iCurrState=%d"), iCurrState );
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSmilImageRenderer::HideMedia
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSmilImageRenderer::HideMedia()
+    {
+#ifdef IMAGE_DEBUG      
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITE_TIMESTAMP( " --------------------------------" )
+    SMILUILOGGER_ENTERFN( "[SMILUI] Image: HideMedia" )
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITEF( _L("[SMILUI] Image: iCurrState=%d"), iCurrState );
+    if ( iCurrState == EPlaying ||
+         iCurrState == EPaused )
+        {
+        if ( iAnimation )
+            {
+#ifdef IMAGE_DEBUG          
+            SMILUILOGGER_WRITE( "[SMILUI] Image: iEngine->Stop()" )
+            iEngine->Stop();    
+            }
+        SetState( EHidden );
+        }
+    iMedia->Redraw();
+#ifdef RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2    
+    iNotYetDrawn = ETrue;
+    if ( iSBFrame )
+        {
+        TRAP_IGNORE( iSBFrame->SetScrollBarVisibilityL( CEikScrollBarFrame::EOff, 
+                                                        CEikScrollBarFrame::EOff ) );
+        }
+#ifdef IMAGE_DEBUG  
+    SMILUILOGGER_ENTERFN( "[SMILUI] Image: HideMedia" )
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITEF( _L("[SMILUI] Image: iCurrState=%d"), iCurrState );
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSmilImageRenderer::FreezeMedia
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSmilImageRenderer::FreezeMedia()
+    {
+#ifdef IMAGE_DEBUG      
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITE_TIMESTAMP( " --------------------------------" )
+    SMILUILOGGER_ENTERFN( "[SMILUI] Image: FreezeMedia" )
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITEF( _L("[SMILUI] Image: iCurrState=%d"), iCurrState );
+    if ( iCurrState == EPlaying )
+        {
+        SetState( EPaused );
+        if ( iAnimation )
+            {
+            iEngine->Stop();
+            }
+        }
+#ifdef IMAGE_DEBUG  
+    SMILUILOGGER_LEAVEFN( "[SMILUI] Image: FreezeMedia" )
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITEF( _L("[SMILUI] Image: iCurrState=%d"), iCurrState );
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSmilImageRenderer::ResumeMedia
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSmilImageRenderer::ResumeMedia()
+    {
+#ifdef IMAGE_DEBUG      
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITE_TIMESTAMP( " --------------------------------" )
+    SMILUILOGGER_ENTERFN( "[SMILUI] Image: ResumeMedia" )
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITEF( _L("[SMILUI] Image: iCurrState=%d"), iCurrState );
+    if ( iCurrState == EPaused )
+        {        
+        if ( iAnimation )
+            {
+#ifdef IMAGE_DEBUG          
+            SMILUILOGGER_WRITE( "[SMILUI] Image: iEngine->Play() in ResumeMedia" )
+            iEngine->Play();
+            }
+        SetState( EPlaying );
+        iMedia->Redraw();
+        }
+#ifdef IMAGE_DEBUG  
+    SMILUILOGGER_LEAVEFN( "[SMILUI] Image: ResumeMedia" )
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITEF( _L("[SMILUI] Image: iCurrState=%d"), iCurrState );
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSmilImageRenderer::Close
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSmilImageRenderer::Close()
+    {
+#ifdef IMAGE_DEBUG      
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITE_TIMESTAMP( " --------------------------------" )
+    SMILUILOGGER_ENTERFN( "[SMILUI] Image: Close()" )
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITEF( _L("[SMILUI] Image: iCurrState=%d"), iCurrState );
+    delete this;
+#ifdef IMAGE_DEBUG  
+    SMILUILOGGER_LEAVEFN( "[SMILUI] Image: Close()" )
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITEF( _L("[SMILUI] Image: iCurrState=%d"), iCurrState );
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSmilImageRenderer::InitializeViewerL
+// Specific option is needed to trigger scaling without maintaining
+// aspect ratio. On this case also zoom ration cannot be set.Source rectangle
+// position is always set to top left corner. 
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSmilImageRenderer::InitializeViewerL()
+    {
+#ifdef IMAGE_DEBUG      
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITE_TIMESTAMP( " --------------------------------" )
+    SMILUILOGGER_ENTERFN( "[SMILUI] Image: InitializeViewerL" )
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITEF( _L("[SMILUI] Image: iCurrState=%d"), iCurrState );
+    TSize imageSize( iSourceImage->Size() );
+    TSize viewerSize( iSourceImage->Size() );
+    TReal zoomRatio( 1.0 );
+    TUint32 options( 0 );
+    if ( iMedia->GetRegion() )
+        {
+        TSize regionSize( iMedia->GetRegion()->GetRectangle().Size() );
+        switch ( iMedia->GetRegion()->GetFit() )
+            {
+            // FILL: Scale image to fit region exactly.
+            case MSmilRegion::EFill:
+                {
+                viewerSize = regionSize;
+                options = MIHLImageViewer::EOptionIgnoreAspectRatio;
+                break;
+                }
+            // MEET: Image fits in region. Aspect ration maintained.
+            case MSmilRegion::EMeet:
+                {
+                zoomRatio = CalculateMeetRatio( regionSize, imageSize );
+                viewerSize = regionSize;
+                break;
+                }
+            // SLICE: Image fills region. Aspect ration maintained.
+            case MSmilRegion::ESlice:
+                {
+                zoomRatio = CalculateSliceRatio( regionSize, imageSize );
+                viewerSize = regionSize;
+                break;
+                }
+            case MSmilRegion::EScroll:
+            case MSmilRegion::EHidden:
+            default:
+                {
+                // Hidden changed to support scrolling.
+                viewerSize = regionSize;
+                break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    iEngine = IHLViewerFactory::CreateImageViewerL( viewerSize, 
+                                                    *iSourceImage, 
+                                                    *iDestinationBitmap, 
+                                                    *this, 
+                                                    options );
+    if( options == 0 ) // == keep aspect ration
+        {
+        User::LeaveIfError( iEngine->SetZoomRatio( zoomRatio ) );
+        }
+    User::LeaveIfError( iEngine->SetSourceRectPosition( TPoint( 0, 0 ) ) );
+    TTime startTime;
+    startTime.HomeTime();
+    ConvertFrameL( 0 );
+    TTime stopTime;
+    stopTime.HomeTime();
+    iProcessingDelay = stopTime.MicroSecondsFrom( startTime ).Int64() / 1000 + KProcessingDelayOffset ;
+#ifdef IMAGE_DEBUG  
+    SMILUILOGGER_LEAVEFN( "[SMILUI] Image: InitializeViewerL" )
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITEF( _L("[SMILUI] Image: iCurrState=%d"), iCurrState );
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSmilImageRenderer::ConvertFrameL
+// Triggers active wait (i.e. active scheduler is started to wait
+// until frame conver has been finished) if current state is set to not ready.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSmilImageRenderer::ConvertFrameL( TInt aFrame )
+    {
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITE_TIMESTAMP( " --------------------------------" )
+    SMILUILOGGER_ENTERFN( "[SMILUI] Image: ConvertFrameL" )
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITEF( _L("[SMILUI] Image: iCurrState=%d"), iCurrState );
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITEF( _L("[SMILUI] Image: currentFrame=%d"), 
+                            iEngine->AnimationFrame() );
+    if ( iSourceImage->IsAnimation() &&
+         aFrame <= iSourceImage->AnimationFrameCount())
+        {
+        SMILUILOGGER_WRITE( "[SMILUI] Image: iEngine->SetAnimationFrame()" )
+        iError = iEngine->SetAnimationFrame( aFrame );            
+        }
+    if ( iCurrState == ENotReady )
+        {
+        SMILUILOGGER_WRITE( "[SMILUI] Image: BeginActiveWait() starts" )
+        BeginActiveWait(); // Stopped at ViewerBitmapChangedL function
+        SMILUILOGGER_WRITE( "[SMILUI] Image: BeginActiveWait() ends" )
+        SMILUILOGGER_WRITEF( _L("[SMILUI] Image: iError=%d"), iError );
+        User::LeaveIfError( iError );
+        }
+    SMILUILOGGER_LEAVEFN( "[SMILUI] Image: ConvertFrameL" )
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITEF( _L("[SMILUI] Image: iCurrState=%d"), iCurrState );
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITEF( _L("[SMILUI] Image: currentFrame=%d"), 
+                            iEngine->AnimationFrame() );
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSmilImageRenderer::SetupScrolling
+// Initializes the scroll rectangle and determines if scrolling is allowed.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSmilImageRenderer::SetupScrollingL()
+    {
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITE_TIMESTAMP( " --------------------------------" )
+    SMILUILOGGER_ENTERFN( "[SMILUI] Image: SetupScrollingL" )
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITEF( _L("[SMILUI] Image: iCurrState=%d"), iCurrState );
+    iImageScrollRect.SetRect( iMedia->GetRectangle().iTl, TSize( iSourceSize.iWidth * iEngine->ZoomRatio(),
+                                                                 iSourceSize.iHeight * iEngine->ZoomRatio() ) );
+    if ( iMedia->GetRegion() )
+        {
+        if ( IsScrollingPossible( EScrollDown ) || 
+             IsScrollingPossible( EScrollRight ) )
+            {
+            iIsScrollable = ETrue;
+            User::LeaveIfError( iEngine->SetSourceRectPosition( TPoint( 0,0 ) ) );
+            }
+        }
+    SMILUILOGGER_LEAVEFN( "[SMILUI] Image: SetupScrollingL" )
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITEF( _L("[SMILUI] Image: iCurrState=%d"), iCurrState );
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSmilImageRenderer::ActivateL
+// Removes activation and notifies renderer that animation loop has ended.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSmilImageRenderer::ActivateL( const TSmilTime& /*aTime*/ )
+    {
+    iMedia->CancelActive( this );
+    iMedia->RendererAtEndL();
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSmilImageRenderer::ViewerBitmapChangedL
+// Stops the engine and sets timer to notify the SMIL engine about the end 
+// if this was the last frame of animation.
+// State is changed to previous one. Changed bitmap is drawing is
+// called if renderer is visible and active wait is ended if neccessary.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSmilImageRenderer::ViewerBitmapChangedL()
+    {
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITE_TIMESTAMP( " --------------------------------" )
+    SMILUILOGGER_ENTERFN( "[SMILUI] Image: ViewerBitmapChangedL" )
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITEF( _L("[SMILUI] Image: iCurrState=%d"), iCurrState );
+    if ( iSourceImage->IsAnimation() ) 
+        {
+        SMILUILOGGER_WRITE( "[SMILUI] Image: AnimationFrameChanged " )
+        if ( iEngine->AnimationFrame() == iSourceImage->AnimationFrameCount() - 1 )
+            {
+            SMILUILOGGER_WRITE( "[SMILUI] Image: iMedia->RendererAtEndL()" )
+            // Last frame's delay should be counted to the animation duration or
+            // else first frame is shown too quickly when looping.
+            TSmilTime delay( iSourceImage->AnimationFrameDelay( iEngine->AnimationFrame() ).Int() / 1000 );
+            // Calls SMIL engine to call ActivateL function after delay time.
+            iMedia->AfterL( this, 
+                            delay, 
+                            EFalse ); 
+            SMILUILOGGER_WRITE( "[SMILUI] Image: iEngine->Stop()" )
+            iEngine->Stop();
+            }
+        }
+    if ( iCurrState == ENotReady )
+        {
+        SetState( ( iPrevState == ENotReady ) ? EReady : iPrevState );
+        }
+    if ( iCurrState == EPlaying || iCurrState == EPaused )
+        {
+        iMedia->Redraw();
+        }
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITE( "[SMILUI] Image: EndActiveWait()" )
+    // Does nothing if there is no waiter.
+    EndActiveWait();
+    SMILUILOGGER_LEAVEFN( "[SMILUI] Image: ViewerBitmapChangedL" )
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITEF( _L("[SMILUI] Image: iCurrState=%d"), iCurrState );
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSmilImageRenderer::ViewerError
+// Stores the error and ends active wait if neccessary.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSmilImageRenderer::ViewerError( TInt aError )
+    {
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITE_TIMESTAMP( " --------------------------------" )
+    SMILUILOGGER_ENTERFN( "[SMILUI] Image: ViewerError" )
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITEF( _L("[SMILUI] Image: iCurrState=%d"), iCurrState );
+    SMILUILOGGER_WRITEF( _L("[SMILUI] Image: aError=%d"), aError );
+    iError = aError;
+    // Does nothing if there is no waiter.
+    EndActiveWait();
+    SMILUILOGGER_LEAVEFN( "[SMILUI] Image: ViewerError" )
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSmilImageRenderer::CalculateMeetRatio
+// Calculates correct zoom ratio for meet fit attribute (i.e. bitmap should preserve
+// aspect ratio and be shown fully on region as large as possible). Correct
+// zoom ratio is smaller of the width and height original image size and 
+// region image size ratios.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TReal CSmilImageRenderer::CalculateMeetRatio( const TSize& aRegion,
+                                              const TSize& aImage ) const
+    {
+    TReal widthRatio = static_cast<TReal>( aRegion.iWidth ) / 
+                       static_cast<TReal>( aImage.iWidth );
+	TReal heightRatio = static_cast<TReal>( aRegion.iHeight ) / 
+	                    static_cast<TReal>( aImage.iHeight );
+	return ( widthRatio < heightRatio ) ? widthRatio : heightRatio;
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSmilImageRenderer::CalculateSliceRatio( const TSize& aRegion, 
+//                                          const TSize& aImage ) const
+// Calculates correct zoom ratio for slice fit attribute (i.e. bitmap should preserve
+// aspect ratio and be shown as big as possible so that atleast either height
+// or width is shown fully). Correct zoom ratio is larger of the width and 
+// height original image size and region image size ratios.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TReal CSmilImageRenderer::CalculateSliceRatio( const TSize& aRegion,
+                                               const TSize& aImage ) const
+    {
+    TReal widthRatio = static_cast<TReal>( aRegion.iWidth ) / 
+                       static_cast<TReal>( aImage.iWidth );
+	TReal heightRatio = static_cast<TReal>( aRegion.iHeight ) / 
+	                    static_cast<TReal>( aImage.iHeight );
+	return ( widthRatio > heightRatio ) ? widthRatio : heightRatio;
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSmilImageRenderer::SetState
+// Old state is saved so that it can be "reloaded" when neccessary.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSmilImageRenderer::SetState( TInt aNewState )
+    {
+    iPrevState = iCurrState;
+    iCurrState = aNewState;
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSmilImageRenderer::IsScrollingPossible
+// Scrolling determined to be possible if there is atleast one pixel to move
+// on specified direction.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+TBool CSmilImageRenderer::IsScrollingPossible( TDirection aDirection ) const
+    {
+    TRect sourceRect( iEngine->SourceRect() );
+    TSize sourceSize( iEngine->SourceSize() );
+    switch ( aDirection )
+        {
+        case EScrollUp:
+            {
+            return ( sourceRect.iTl.iY > 0 );
+            }
+        case EScrollDown:
+            {
+            return ( sourceRect.iBr.iY < sourceSize.iHeight );
+            }
+        case EScrollRight:
+            {
+            return ( sourceRect.iBr.iX < sourceSize.iWidth );
+            }
+        case EScrollLeft:
+            {
+            return ( sourceRect.iTl.iX > 0 );
+            }
+        default:
+           {
+           break;
+           }
+        }
+    return EFalse;
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSmilImageRenderer::CalculateScrollStepSize
+// Scrolling step (i.e. the amount of pixels to scroll on given direction) is
+// calculated to be maximum 1/4 of original image size but no larger than
+// available space.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+void CSmilImageRenderer::CalculateScrollStepSize( TDirection aDirection , 
+                                                  TSize& aScrollingStep, TInt aStepSize
+                                                   ) const
+    {    
+    TRect sourceRect( iEngine->SourceRect() );
+    TSize sourceSize( iEngine->SourceSize() );
+	switch ( aDirection )
+		{
+		case EScrollLeft:
+	        {
+	        aScrollingStep.iWidth = aStepSize*sourceRect.Size().iWidth  / KScrollStepFraction;
+	        if ( sourceRect.iTl.iX - aScrollingStep.iWidth <= 0 )
+	            {
+	            aScrollingStep.iWidth = sourceRect.iTl.iX;
+	            }
+	        aScrollingStep.iWidth = -aScrollingStep.iWidth;
+			break;
+			}
+		case EScrollRight:
+			{
+			aScrollingStep.iWidth = aStepSize*sourceRect.Size().iWidth  / KScrollStepFraction;
+			if ( sourceRect.iBr.iX + aScrollingStep.iWidth >= sourceSize.iWidth )
+	            {
+	            aScrollingStep.iWidth = sourceSize.iWidth - sourceRect.iBr.iX;
+	            }
+			break;
+			}
+		case EScrollUp:
+			{
+			aScrollingStep.iHeight = aStepSize*sourceRect.Size().iHeight  / KScrollStepFraction;
+			if ( sourceRect.iTl.iY - aScrollingStep.iHeight <= 0 )
+			    {
+			    aScrollingStep.iHeight = sourceRect.iTl.iY;
+			    }
+			aScrollingStep.iHeight = -aScrollingStep.iHeight;
+			break;
+			}
+		default:
+		case EScrollDown:
+			{
+			aScrollingStep.iHeight = aStepSize*sourceRect.Size().iHeight  / KScrollStepFraction;
+			if ( sourceRect.iBr.iY + aScrollingStep.iHeight >= sourceSize.iHeight )
+			    {
+			    aScrollingStep.iHeight = sourceSize.iHeight - sourceRect.iBr.iY;
+			    }
+			break;
+			}
+		}
+    }
+#ifdef RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2    
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSmilImageRenderer::HandleScrollEventL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSmilImageRenderer::HandleScrollEventL( 
+                    CEikScrollBar* aScrollBar, TEikScrollEvent aEventType )
+    {
+    //get thumb pos for x and y
+    TInt oldThumbPos = 0;
+        //active wait check here??
+    //check which scrollbar is being used        
+    if ( aScrollBar == iSBFrame->GetScrollBarHandle(CEikScrollBar::EVertical) )
+        {
+        oldThumbPos = iThumbPosY;
+        iThumbPosY = aScrollBar->ThumbPosition();
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        oldThumbPos = iThumbPosX;
+        iThumbPosX = aScrollBar->ThumbPosition();
+        }
+    if ( AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled() )
+        {
+    	switch ( aEventType )
+    		{
+       		case EEikScrollUp:
+       		    ScrollWithOutThumbUpdate( 0, -KScrollValue );
+       		    break;
+       		case EEikScrollDown:
+   			    ScrollWithOutThumbUpdate( 0, KScrollValue );
+       		    break;
+   		    case EEikScrollPageUp:
+   		        {
+   		        ScrollWithOutThumbUpdate( 0, -KScrollStepFraction*KScrollValue );
+   		        break;
+   		        }
+   		    case EEikScrollPageDown:
+   		        {
+   		        ScrollWithOutThumbUpdate( 0, KScrollStepFraction*KScrollValue );   		     
+   		        break;
+   		        }
+        	case EEikScrollThumbDragVert:
+        	    {
+                if ( !iWait.IsStarted() )// -ignoring events if busy
+                    {
+   		            ScrollWithOutThumbUpdate( 0, iThumbPosY - oldThumbPos );
+                    }
+                else //restoring old thumb value
+                    {// in theory the new iThumbPosY might not correspond the the
+                    //actual position, but in tests this does not seem to cause problems
+                    iThumbPosY = oldThumbPos;
+                    }
+   	    	    break;
+        	    }
+      	    case EEikScrollThumbDragHoriz:
+      	        {
+      	        if ( !iWait.IsStarted() )// -ignoring events if busy
+      	            {
+   		            ScrollWithOutThumbUpdate( iThumbPosX-oldThumbPos, 0 ); 
+      	            }
+      	        else //restoring old thumb value
+      	            {
+                    iThumbPosX = oldThumbPos;
+      	            }
+   		        break;
+      	        }            	    
+       		case EEikScrollLeft:
+       		   	{
+    	        ScrollWithOutThumbUpdate( -KScrollValue, 0 );   		     
+   		        break;
+   		        }
+    		case EEikScrollRight:
+    		   	{
+    	        ScrollWithOutThumbUpdate( KScrollValue, 0 );   		     
+   		        break;
+   		        }
+        	case EEikScrollPageLeft:
+        	   	{
+    	        ScrollWithOutThumbUpdate( -KScrollStepFraction*KScrollValue, 0 );   		     
+   		        break;
+   		        }
+        	case EEikScrollPageRight:
+        	   	{
+    	        ScrollWithOutThumbUpdate( KScrollStepFraction*KScrollValue, 0 );   		     
+   		        break;
+   		        }
+        	case EEikScrollThumbReleaseHoriz:
+        	case EEikScrollThumbReleaseVert:	
+            case EEikScrollHome:
+        	case EEikScrollTop:
+        	case EEikScrollEnd:
+        	case EEikScrollBottom:
+       		default:
+       		    // Do nothing
+       			break;
+       			}
+        }
+    }     
+void CSmilImageRenderer::HandleScrollEventL( 
+                    CEikScrollBar* /*aScrollBar*/, TEikScrollEvent /*aEventType*/ )
+    {  }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSmilImageRenderer::ScrollWithOutThumbUpdate
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSmilImageRenderer::ScrollWithOutThumbUpdate( TInt aDirX, TInt aDirY )
+    {
+    TSize scrollingStep;
+    if ( ( aDirX < 0 ) && IsScrollingPossible( EScrollLeft ) )
+        {
+        SetState( ENotReady );
+#ifdef RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2        
+        CalculateScrollStepSize( EScrollLeft, scrollingStep, -aDirX );
+        CalculateScrollStepSize( EScrollLeft, scrollingStep );
+        }
+    else if ( ( aDirX > 0 ) && IsScrollingPossible( EScrollRight ) )
+        {
+        SetState( ENotReady );
+#ifdef RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2          
+        CalculateScrollStepSize( EScrollRight, scrollingStep, aDirX );
+        CalculateScrollStepSize( EScrollRight, scrollingStep );
+        }
+    if ( ( aDirY < 0 ) && IsScrollingPossible( EScrollUp ) )
+        {
+        SetState( ENotReady );
+#ifdef RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2          
+        CalculateScrollStepSize( EScrollUp, scrollingStep, -aDirY );
+        CalculateScrollStepSize( EScrollUp, scrollingStep );
+        }
+    else if ( ( aDirY > 0 ) && IsScrollingPossible( EScrollDown ) )
+        {
+        SetState( ENotReady );
+#ifdef RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2          
+        CalculateScrollStepSize( EScrollDown, scrollingStep, aDirY );
+        CalculateScrollStepSize( EScrollDown, scrollingStep );
+        }
+    if ( iCurrState == ENotReady && iEngine )
+        {
+        TInt result = iEngine->MoveSourceRect( scrollingStep.iWidth, 
+                                               scrollingStep.iHeight );
+        if ( result == KErrNone )
+            {
+            iImageScrollRect.Move( -scrollingStep.iWidth, 
+                                   -scrollingStep.iHeight );
+            BeginActiveWait();
+            iMedia->Redraw();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+//  End of File  