changeset 34 84197e66a4bd
parent 31 ebfee66fde93
child 36 844a5921f85b
child 43 35b64624a9e7
--- a/messagingapp/msgui/unifiededitor/src/msgunifiededitorlineedit.cpp	Fri Jun 04 10:25:39 2010 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,596 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
- * All rights reserved.
- * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
- * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
- * at the URL "".
- *
- * Initial Contributors:
- * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
- *
- * Contributors:
- *
- * Description:
- *
- */
-#include <QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent>
-#include "msgunifiededitorlineedit.h"
-const QRegExp expr("[,;\n]$");
-const QRegExp sepAtEnd("; $");
-const QRegExp sepAtMiddle("; ");
-const QString replacementStr("; ");
-const QString labelSeperator(": ");
-const int fadedAlpha(125);
-const int solidAlpha(255);
-const int SNAP_DELAY = 350;
-MsgUnifiedEditorLineEdit::MsgUnifiedEditorLineEdit(const QString& label,QGraphicsItem *parent):
-    QString labelStr = label.trimmed();
-    QTextCursor cursor(this->textCursor());
-    QTextCharFormat colorFormat(cursor.charFormat());
-    QColor fgColor = this->palette().color(QPalette::Text);     
-    fgColor.setAlpha(fadedAlpha);
-    colorFormat.setForeground(fgColor);
-    cursor.insertText(labelStr , colorFormat);
-    fgColor.setAlpha(solidAlpha);
-    colorFormat.setForeground(fgColor);
-    cursor.insertText(" ",colorFormat);    
-    mLabelExpr.setPattern(QString("^"+labelStr+" $"));
-    mLabel = labelStr+" ";
-    connect(this,SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QTextCursor,QTextCursor)),
-            this,SLOT(selectionChanged(QTextCursor,QTextCursor)));
-    connect(this, SIGNAL(contentsChanged()), this, SLOT(onContentsChanged()));
-void MsgUnifiedEditorLineEdit::inputMethodEvent(QInputMethodEvent *event)
-    //let it go in default way.
-    if(mDefaultBehaviour)
-    {
-        HbAbstractEdit::inputMethodEvent(event);
-        event->accept();
-        return;
-    }
-    if (!event->commitString().isEmpty() || event->replacementLength())
-    {
-        if (event->commitString().contains(expr))
-        {
-            if(this->text().isEmpty() || this->text().contains(sepAtEnd) || this->text().contains(mLabelExpr))
-            {
-                event->accept();
-                return;
-            }
-            this->setCursorPosition(this->text().length());
-            QString str = event->commitString();
-            str.replace(expr, replacementStr);            
-            event->setCommitString(str, event->replacementStart(), event->replacementLength());            
-        }
-        else if(this->hasSelectedText())
-        {// all user inputs get appended at the end
-            this->setCursorPosition(this->text().length());
-        }
-        HbAbstractEdit::inputMethodEvent(event);
-        event->accept();
-    }
-void MsgUnifiedEditorLineEdit::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event)
-    QString str = event->text();
-    if(event->key()== Qt::Key_Enter || event->key()== Qt::Key_Return)
-    {
-        if(mDefaultBehaviour)
-        {
-            HbAbstractEdit::keyReleaseEvent(event);
-            event->accept();
-            return;
-        }
-        if(this->text().isEmpty() || this->text().contains(sepAtEnd) || this->text().contains(mLabelExpr))
-        {
-            event->accept();
-            return;
-        }
-        this->setCursorPosition(this->text().length());
-        str = replacementStr;
-        QKeyEvent eve(event->type(), Qt::Key_Any, event->modifiers(), str);
-        HbAbstractEdit::keyPressEvent(&eve);
-        event->accept();
-        return;
-    }
-    if(event->key() == Qt::Key_Backspace || event->key() == Qt::Key_Delete )
-    {
-        int pos = this->cursorPosition();
-        bool pbkContact = true;
-        if(!this->hasSelectedText())
-        {
-            this->setCursorPosition(pos-2);
-            pbkContact = this->textCursor().charFormat().fontUnderline();
-            this->setCursorPosition(pos);
-        }
-        QString text = this->text();
-        text = text.left(pos);
-        if(text.contains(mLabelExpr))
-        {
-            event->accept();
-            return;
-        }
-        if(pbkContact)
-        {
-            //if already selected delete it.
-            if(this->hasSelectedText())
-            {
-                // deleting phbkContact is an atomic operation
-                // ensure that the signal is emitted only once
-                disconnect(this, SIGNAL(contentsChanged()), 
-                        this, SLOT(onContentsChanged()));
-                HbLineEdit::keyPressEvent(event);
-                event->accept();
-                //delete seperator (i.e."; ").
-                QKeyEvent eve(event->type(), Qt::Key_Delete, Qt::NoModifier);
-                HbLineEdit::keyPressEvent(&eve);
-                HbLineEdit::keyPressEvent(&eve);
-                connect(this, SIGNAL(contentsChanged()), 
-                        this, SLOT(onContentsChanged()));
-                onContentsChanged();
-            }
-            else //make it selected
-            {                
-                this->setCursorPosition(pos-3);
-                setHighlight(pos-3);
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            QString str = text.right(2);
-            if(str == replacementStr)
-            {
-                // deleting contact is an atomic operation
-                // ensure that the signal is emitted only once
-                disconnect(this, SIGNAL(contentsChanged()), 
-                        this, SLOT(onContentsChanged()));
-                //delete seperator (i.e."; ").
-                QKeyEvent eve(event->type(), Qt::Key_Backspace, Qt::NoModifier);
-                HbLineEdit::keyPressEvent(&eve);
-                HbLineEdit::keyPressEvent(&eve);
-                connect(this, SIGNAL(contentsChanged()), 
-                        this, SLOT(onContentsChanged()));
-                onContentsChanged();
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                HbLineEdit::keyPressEvent(event);
-            }
-            event->accept();
-        }
-        event->accept();
-        return;
-    }
-    if (event->key() == Qt::Key_Left )
-    {
-        bool selectedText = this->hasSelectedText();
-        //look ahead left.
-        int pos = this->cursorPosition();
-        QString text = this->text();
-        text = text.left(pos);
-        //no text other than label;
-        if(text.contains(mLabelExpr))
-        {
-            event->accept();
-            return;
-        }
-        //look for next seperator while going left.
-        int newPos = text.lastIndexOf(sepAtMiddle);
-        if(newPos < 0 && selectedText)
-        {
-            event->accept();
-            return;
-        }
-        bool pbkContact = true;
-        if(!selectedText)
-        {
-            this->setCursorPosition(pos-2);
-            pbkContact = this->textCursor().charFormat().fontUnderline();
-            this->setCursorPosition(pos);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            this->setCursorPosition(newPos);
-            pbkContact = this->textCursor().charFormat().fontUnderline();
-            this->setCursorPosition(pos);
-        }
-        if(pbkContact && newPos >0)
-        {
-            setHighlight(newPos-1);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            //move left, char by char. if seperator met jump over it.
-            if( (newPos > 0 && selectedText) || (pos-2  == newPos))
-            {
-                this->setCursorPosition(newPos+1);
-            }
-            HbLineEdit::keyPressEvent(event);
-        }
-        event->accept();
-        return;
-    }
-    if (event->key() == Qt::Key_Right)
-    {
-        bool selectedText = this->hasSelectedText();
-        //look ahead.
-        int pos = this->cursorPosition();
-        this->setCursorPosition(pos+3);
-        bool pbkContact = this->textCursor().charFormat().fontUnderline();
-        this->setCursorPosition(pos);
-        //look for next seperator.
-        QString text = this->text();
-        int newPos = text.indexOf(sepAtMiddle,pos+2);
-        if(pbkContact && newPos >0)
-        {
-            this->setCursorPosition(newPos-1);
-            setHighlight(newPos-1);
-        }
-        else
-        {            
-            int seperatorPos = text.indexOf(sepAtMiddle,pos);
-            if(selectedText || seperatorPos == pos)
-            {
-                this->setCursorPosition(pos+1);
-                this->deselect();
-            }
-            HbAbstractEdit::keyPressEvent(event);
-        }
-        event->accept();
-        return;
-    }
-    if(!str.isEmpty())
-    {
-        if(mDefaultBehaviour)
-        {
-            HbAbstractEdit::keyPressEvent(event);
-            event->accept();
-            return;
-        }
-        if (str.contains(expr))
-        {
-            if(this->text().isEmpty() || this->text().contains(sepAtEnd) || this->text().contains(mLabelExpr))
-            {
-                event->accept();
-                return;
-            }
-            // auto-complete the last incomplete word
-            int contentLength = this->text().length();
-            int pos = this->cursorPosition();
-            QString incompleteWord(this->text().right(contentLength-(pos-1)));
-            if(!incompleteWord.contains(sepAtMiddle))
-            {
-                this->setCursorPosition(this->text().length());
-            }
-            str.replace(expr, replacementStr);
-            QKeyEvent eve(event->type(), event->key(), event->modifiers(), str);
-            HbAbstractEdit::keyPressEvent(&eve);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            HbAbstractEdit::keyPressEvent(event);
-            event->accept();
-            return;
-        }
-    }
-void MsgUnifiedEditorLineEdit::mouseReleaseEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent* event)
-    HbAbstractEdit::mouseReleaseEvent(event);
-    int currentPos = this->cursorPosition();
-    QString txt = this->text();
-    QString tempTxt = txt.left(currentPos+2);
-    int seperatorPos = tempTxt.lastIndexOf(sepAtMiddle,currentPos);
-    txt = txt.right(txt.length() - currentPos);
-    int labelPos = txt.indexOf(labelSeperator);
-    if(labelPos >= 0 )//pressed on label.
-    {
-        this->setCursorPosition(currentPos + labelPos + 2);
-    }
-    else if(seperatorPos == currentPos-1 || seperatorPos == currentPos)//pressed just on seperator.
-    {
-        this->setCursorPosition(seperatorPos+2);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        this->setCursorPosition(currentPos+1);
-        bool pbkContact = this->textCursor().charFormat().fontUnderline();
-        if(pbkContact)
-        {
-            setHighlight(currentPos);
-        }
-    }
-    this->update();
-    event->accept();
-void MsgUnifiedEditorLineEdit::setText(const QString& text, bool underlined)
-    if(!mDefaultBehaviour)
-    {
-        // atomic operation, ensure one signal only at the end
-        disconnect(this, SIGNAL(contentsChanged()), this, SLOT(onContentsChanged()));
-        //make sure previous text is complete.
-        if(this->content().length() > 0)
-        {
-            QInputMethodEvent e;
-            e.setCommitString(";");
-            this->inputMethodEvent(&e);
-        }
-        this->setCursorPosition(this->text().length());
-        QTextCursor cursor(this->textCursor());
-        QTextCharFormat colorFormat(cursor.charFormat());
-        if(underlined)
-        {
-            QColor fgColor = colorFormat.foreground().color();
-            fgColor.setAlpha(fadedAlpha);
-            colorFormat.setUnderlineColor(fgColor);
-            colorFormat.setFontUnderline(true);        
-        }
-        cursor.insertText(text , colorFormat);
-        colorFormat.setFontUnderline(false);
-        cursor.insertText(replacementStr,colorFormat);
-        connect(this, SIGNAL(contentsChanged()), this, SLOT(onContentsChanged()));
-        onContentsChanged();
-    }
-    else
-    {
-       this->setCursorPosition(this->text().length());
-       QTextCursor cursor(this->textCursor());
-       cursor.insertText(text);
-    }
-QStringList MsgUnifiedEditorLineEdit::addresses()
-    QString text = this->content();
-    QStringList list = text.split(replacementStr,QString::SkipEmptyParts);
-    return list;
-void MsgUnifiedEditorLineEdit::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent* event)
-    HbLineEdit::focusInEvent(event);
-    this->setCursorVisibility(Hb::TextCursorVisible);
-void MsgUnifiedEditorLineEdit::focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent* event)
-    HbLineEdit::focusOutEvent(event);
-    this->setCursorVisibility(Hb::TextCursorHidden);
-void MsgUnifiedEditorLineEdit::setHighlight(int currentPos)
-    QString txt = this->text();    
-    int endPos = qMax(txt.indexOf(sepAtMiddle,currentPos),
-                      txt.indexOf(labelSeperator,currentPos));
-    int startPos = qMax(txt.lastIndexOf(sepAtMiddle,currentPos),
-                        txt.lastIndexOf(labelSeperator,currentPos));
-    disconnect(this,SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QTextCursor,QTextCursor)),
-               this,SLOT(selectionChanged(QTextCursor,QTextCursor)));
-    //highlight if pbk contact.
-    if(startPos > 0 && endPos > 0 && startPos != endPos)
-    {
-        this->setSelection(startPos + 2, endPos - startPos - 2);
-        this->update();
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        this->deselect();
-    }
-    this->update();
-    connect(this,SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QTextCursor,QTextCursor)),
-            this,SLOT(selectionChanged(QTextCursor,QTextCursor)));
-void MsgUnifiedEditorLineEdit::cut()
-    HbLineEdit::cut();
-    //after cut delete seperator (i.e."; ").
-    QKeyEvent eve(QEvent::KeyPress, Qt::Key_Delete, Qt::NoModifier);
-    HbLineEdit::keyPressEvent(&eve);
-    HbLineEdit::keyPressEvent(&eve);
-void MsgUnifiedEditorLineEdit::selectAll()
-    //don't allow user to select every thing.
-    //do nothing.
-void MsgUnifiedEditorLineEdit::selectionChanged(const QTextCursor &oldCursor, const QTextCursor& newCursor)
-    if(mSelectionSnapTimer.isActive())
-    {
-        mSelectionSnapTimer.stop();
-    }
-    if(newCursor.selectionStart() < mLabel.length())
-    {
-        this->setTextCursor(oldCursor);
-        return;
-    }
-    if(!mDefaultBehaviour)
-        {
-        mSelectionStart  = newCursor.selectionStart();
-        mSelectionEnd    = newCursor.selectionEnd();
-        if(mSelectionStart == mSelectionEnd )
-            {
-            return;
-            }
-        mSelectionSnapTimer.start(SNAP_DELAY,this);
-        }
-void MsgUnifiedEditorLineEdit::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event)
-    //passing event to base class.
-    HbLineEdit::timerEvent(event);
-    if (event->timerId() == mSelectionSnapTimer.timerId())
-    {
-        mSelectionSnapTimer.stop();
-        disconnect(this,SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QTextCursor,QTextCursor)),
-                   this,SLOT(selectionChanged(QTextCursor,QTextCursor)));
-        QString txt = this->text();
-        int startPos = qMax(txt.lastIndexOf(sepAtMiddle,mSelectionStart),
-                            txt.lastIndexOf(labelSeperator,mSelectionStart));
-        int endPos = qMax(txt.indexOf(sepAtMiddle,mSelectionEnd),
-                          txt.indexOf(labelSeperator,mSelectionEnd));
-        if(endPos < 0 )
-        {
-            endPos = mSelectionEnd;
-        }
-        this->setSelection(startPos + 2, endPos - startPos - 2);
-        connect(this,SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QTextCursor,QTextCursor)),
-                this,SLOT(selectionChanged(QTextCursor,QTextCursor)));
-        event->accept();
-    }
-void MsgUnifiedEditorLineEdit::setDefaultBehaviour(bool defaultBehaviour)
-    mDefaultBehaviour = defaultBehaviour;
-QString MsgUnifiedEditorLineEdit::text() const
-    return HbLineEdit::text();
-QString MsgUnifiedEditorLineEdit::content() const
-    QString text = this->text();
-    text.remove(mLabel);
-    return text;
-void MsgUnifiedEditorLineEdit::clearContent()
-    // avoid getting updates during local editing
-    disconnect(this, SIGNAL(contentsChanged()), this, SLOT(onContentsChanged()));
-    int startPos = mLabel.length();
-    this->setSelection(startPos, content().length());
-    QKeyEvent eve(QEvent::KeyPress, Qt::Key_Backspace, Qt::NoModifier);
-    this->keyPressEvent(&eve);
-    this->deselect();
-    // re-connect signal to start getting updates
-    connect(this, SIGNAL(contentsChanged()), this, SLOT(onContentsChanged()));
-void MsgUnifiedEditorLineEdit::onContentsChanged()
-    emit contentsChanged(content());
-void MsgUnifiedEditorLineEdit::highlightInvalidString(QString invalidStr)
-    // for only address editor
-    if(!mDefaultBehaviour)
-    {
-        QString txtContent = this->text();
-        int searchStartPos = mLabel.length();
-        int startPos = txtContent.indexOf(invalidStr, searchStartPos);
-        disconnect(this,SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QTextCursor,QTextCursor)),
-                   this,SLOT(selectionChanged(QTextCursor,QTextCursor)));
-        // if invalidStr found
-        if(startPos > 0)
-        {
-            this->setSelection(startPos, invalidStr.length());
-        }
-        connect(this,SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QTextCursor,QTextCursor)),
-                this,SLOT(selectionChanged(QTextCursor,QTextCursor)));
-    }
-// eof