changeset 57 ebe688cedc25
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/messagingapp/msgui/msgapp/src/msglistview.cpp	Tue Aug 31 15:11:31 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+ * All rights reserved.
+ * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+ * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+ * at the URL "".
+ *
+ * Initial Contributors:
+ * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ *
+ * Description:Message List View for the messaging application.
+ *
+ */
+#include "msglistview.h"
+#include <hbmenu.h>
+#include <hbaction.h>
+#include <hbtoolbar.h>
+#include <hbtoolbarextension.h>
+#include <hblistview.h>
+#include <hblistwidget.h>
+#include <hblistwidgetitem.h>
+#include <hbgroupbox.h>
+#include <hbmessagebox.h>
+#include <hbframebackground.h>
+#include <QSortFilterProxyModel>
+#include <QGraphicsLinearLayout>
+#include <hblistviewitem.h>
+#include <HbStyleLoader>
+#include <HbMainWindow>
+#include <xqaiwrequest.h>
+#include <xqappmgr.h>
+#include <qtcontacts.h>
+#include "msgconversationviewinterface.h"
+#include "debugtraces.h"
+#include "conversationsengine.h"
+#include "conversationsenginedefines.h"
+#include "convergedmessage.h"
+#include "msglistviewitem.h"
+const QString POPUP_LIST_FRAME("qtg_fr_popup_list_normal");
+const QString NEW_MESSAGE_ICON("qtg_mono_create_message");
+const QString SORT_ICON("qtg_mono_sort");
+//Localized constants
+#define LOC_DIALOG_DELETE_CONVERSATION hbTrId("txt_messaging_dialog_delete_conversation")
+//itemspecific menu
+#define LOC_OPEN hbTrId("txt_common_menu_open")
+#define LOC_SAVETO_CONTACTS hbTrId("txt_messaging_menu_save_to_contacts")
+#define LOC_DELETE_CONVERSATION hbTrId("txt_messaging_menu_delete_conversation")
+#define LOC_OPEN_CONTACT_INFO hbTrId("txt_messaging_menu_contact_info")
+//main menu
+#define LOC_SETTINGS    hbTrId("txt_messaging_opt_settings")
+#define LOC_TB_VIEW_EXTN hbTrId("txt_messaging_button_view")
+#define LOC_TB_EXTN_DRAFTS hbTrId("txt_messaging_button_drafts")
+#define LOC_TB_EXTN_CONVERSATIONS hbTrId("txt_messaging_button_conversations")
+#define LOC_VIEW_HEADING hbTrId("txt_messaging_title_conversations")
+// MsgListView::MsgListView
+// @see header
+MsgListView::MsgListView(QGraphicsItem *parent) :
+    MsgBaseView(parent)
+    {
+    //These changes are needed for splash implementation to avoid flicker
+    setupToolBar();
+    setupMenu();
+    // Create parent layout.
+    mMainLayout = new QGraphicsLinearLayout(Qt::Vertical);
+    mMainLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
+    mMainLayout->setSpacing(0);
+    // Create view heading.
+    HbGroupBox *viewHeading = new HbGroupBox();
+    viewHeading->setHeading(LOC_VIEW_HEADING);
+    // Add view heading widget to main layout.
+    mMainLayout->addItem(viewHeading);
+    this->setLayout(mMainLayout);
+    connect(this->mainWindow(), SIGNAL(viewReady()), this,
+            SLOT(doDelayedConstruction()));
+    }
+// MsgListView::~MsgListView
+// @see header
+// MsgListView::longPressed
+// @see header
+void MsgListView::longPressed(HbAbstractViewItem* viewItem, const QPointF& point)
+    if (this->isVisible()) {
+        // Set the current index as the present Item's index.
+        // By default it will not be set.
+        mMsgList->setCurrentIndex(viewItem->modelIndex(), QItemSelectionModel::Select);
+        // Create new menu
+        HbMenu *contextMenu = new HbMenu();
+        contextMenu->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
+        //open menu option
+        contextMenu->addAction(LOC_OPEN,this,SLOT(openConversation()));
+        //save to contacts for unresolved.
+        int msgType = viewItem->modelIndex().data(MessageType).toInt();
+        if(msgType == ConvergedMessage::Sms || 
+           msgType == ConvergedMessage::Mms || 
+           msgType == ConvergedMessage::BioMsg)
+            {
+            qint64 contactId = mMsgList->currentIndex().data(ContactId).toLongLong();
+            if(contactId < 0)
+                {
+                contextMenu->addAction(LOC_SAVETO_CONTACTS,this,SLOT(saveToContacts()));
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                contextMenu->addAction(LOC_OPEN_CONTACT_INFO,this,SLOT(contactInfo()));
+                }
+            }
+        //delete conversation
+        contextMenu->addAction(LOC_DELETE_CONVERSATION,this,SLOT(deleteItem()));
+        contextMenu->setPreferredPos(point);    
+        contextMenu->show();
+    }
+// MsgListView::openConversation
+// @see header
+void MsgListView::openConversation(const QModelIndex& index)
+    //TODO: model populating possibilities.
+    if (index.isValid()) {
+        QVariant conversationId =;
+        // Launch conversation view
+        QVariantList param;
+        param << MsgBaseView::CV; // target view
+        param << MsgBaseView::CLV; // source view
+        param << conversationId;
+        emit switchView(param);
+    }
+// MsgListView::sendNewMessage
+// @see header
+void MsgListView::sendNewMessage()
+    QVariantList param;
+    param << MsgBaseView::UNIEDITOR; // target view
+    param << MsgBaseView::CLV; // source view
+    emit switchView(param);
+// MsgListView::settings
+// @see header
+void MsgListView::settings()
+    // Launch message settings
+    QVariantList param;
+    param << MsgBaseView::MSGSETTINGS;
+    param << MsgBaseView::CLV;
+    emit switchView(param);
+// MsgListView::openConversation
+// @see header
+void MsgListView::openConversation()
+    QModelIndex modelIndex = mMsgList->currentIndex();
+    openConversation(modelIndex);
+// MsgListView::showContact
+// @see header
+void MsgListView::showContact()
+// MsgListView::deleteItem
+// @see header
+void MsgListView::deleteItem()
+#ifdef _DEBUG_TRACES_
+    qDebug() << "Inside MsgListView::deleteItem";
+    //confirmation dialog.
+                           this,SLOT(onDialogDeleteMsg(HbAction*)),
+                           HbMessageBox::Delete | HbMessageBox::Cancel);    
+#ifdef _DEBUG_TRACES_	
+    qDebug() << " Leaving MsgConversationView::deleteItem";
+// MsgListView::setupView
+// @see header
+void MsgListView::setupListView()
+    {
+    // Register the custorm css path.
+    HbStyleLoader::registerFilePath(":/clv");
+    mMsgList = new HbListView(this);
+    mMsgList->setScrollingStyle(HbScrollArea::PanOrFlick);
+    mMsgList->setClampingStyle(HbScrollArea::BounceBackClamping);
+    mMsgList->setLayoutName("custom");
+    mMsgList->setItemRecycling(true);
+    mMsgList->setUniformItemSizes(true);
+    MsgListViewItem *prototype = new MsgListViewItem(this);
+    mMsgList->setItemPrototype(prototype);
+    mMsgList->setModel(ConversationsEngine::instance()->getConversationsSummaryModel());
+    // Single tap list item
+    connect(mMsgList, SIGNAL(activated(const QModelIndex&)), this,
+            SLOT(openConversation(const QModelIndex&)));
+    // Long tap list item
+    connect(mMsgList,
+            SIGNAL(longPressed(HbAbstractViewItem*, const QPointF&)), this,
+            SLOT(longPressed(HbAbstractViewItem*, const QPointF&)));
+    // enable tap after delete is completed
+    connect(ConversationsEngine::instance(),
+            SIGNAL(conversationListEntryDeleted( int )), this,
+            SLOT(enableListitem( int )));
+    // Add list view to main layout.
+    mMainLayout->addItem(mMsgList);
+    }
+// MsgListView::addMenu
+// @see header
+void MsgListView::setupMenu()
+    // Main menu
+    HbMenu* mainMenu = this->menu();
+    mainMenu->addAction(LOC_SETTINGS,this,SLOT(settings()));
+// MsgListView::setupToolBar
+// @see header
+void MsgListView::setupToolBar()
+    // ToolBar
+    HbToolBar *toolBar = this->toolBar();
+    toolBar->setOrientation(Qt::Horizontal);
+    // Create & setup ToolBar Extension
+    HbToolBarExtension *viewExtn = new HbToolBarExtension();
+    HbAction *viewAction = toolBar->addExtension(viewExtn);
+    viewAction->setIcon(HbIcon(SORT_ICON));
+    mViewExtnList = new HbListWidget();
+    mViewExtnList->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Preferred,QSizePolicy::Fixed);
+    mViewExtnList->addItem(LOC_TB_EXTN_DRAFTS);
+    mViewExtnList->addItem(LOC_TB_EXTN_CONVERSATIONS);
+    HbListViewItem *prototype = mViewExtnList->listItemPrototype();
+    HbFrameBackground frame(POPUP_LIST_FRAME, HbFrameDrawer::NinePieces);
+    prototype->setDefaultFrame(frame);
+    connect(mViewExtnList, SIGNAL(activated(HbListWidgetItem*)),
+            this,SLOT(handleViewExtnActivated(HbListWidgetItem*)));
+    connect(mViewExtnList, SIGNAL(released(HbListWidgetItem*)), viewExtn, SLOT(close()));
+    viewExtn->setContentWidget(mViewExtnList);
+    // Create & setup 2nd ToolBar button.
+    toolBar->addAction(HbIcon(NEW_MESSAGE_ICON),"",this,SLOT(sendNewMessage()));
+// MsgListView::handleViewExtnActivated
+// @see header
+void MsgListView::handleViewExtnActivated(HbListWidgetItem *item)
+    int row = mViewExtnList->row(item);
+    if (DRAFTS_EXTN == row) {
+        QVariantList param;
+        param << MsgBaseView::DLV; // target view
+        param << MsgBaseView::CLV; // source view
+        emit switchView(param);
+    }
+// MsgListView::doDelayedConstruction
+// @see header
+void MsgListView::doDelayedConstruction()
+    {    
+    setupListView();
+    disconnect(this->mainWindow(),SIGNAL(viewReady()),this,SLOT(doDelayedConstruction()));
+    }
+// MsgListView::saveToContacts
+// @see header
+void MsgListView::saveToContacts()
+    {
+    //save to contacts with phone number field prefilled.
+    QList<QVariant> args;  
+    QString data = mMsgList->currentIndex().data(DisplayName).toString();
+    QString type = QContactPhoneNumber::DefinitionName;
+    args << type;
+    args << data;
+    //service stuff.
+    QString serviceName("");
+    QString operation("editCreateNew(QString,QString)");
+    XQAiwRequest* request;
+    XQApplicationManager appManager;
+    request = appManager.create(serviceName, "Fetch", operation, true); // embedded
+    if ( request == NULL )
+        {
+        return;       
+        }
+    request->setArguments(args);
+    request->send();
+    delete request;
+    }
+// MsgListView::contactInfo
+// @see header
+void MsgListView::contactInfo()
+    {
+    //open contact info.
+    QList<QVariant> args;  
+    int contactId = mMsgList->currentIndex().data(ContactId).toInt();
+    args << contactId;
+    //service stuff.
+    QString serviceName("");
+    QString operation("open(int)");
+    XQAiwRequest* request;
+    XQApplicationManager appManager;
+    request = appManager.create(serviceName, "Fetch", operation, true); // embedded
+    if ( request == NULL )
+        {
+        return;       
+        }
+    request->setArguments(args);
+    request->send();
+    delete request;
+    }
+// MsgListView::onDialogDeleteMsg
+// @see header
+void MsgListView::onDialogDeleteMsg(HbAction* action)
+    {
+    HbMessageBox *dlg = qobject_cast<HbMessageBox*> (sender());
+    if (action == dlg->actions().at(0))
+        {
+        QModelIndex index = mMsgList->currentIndex();
+        if (index.isValid())
+            {
+            HbAbstractViewItem *item = mMsgList->currentViewItem();
+            item->ungrabGesture(Qt::TapGesture);
+            qint64 conversationId =;
+            ConversationsEngine::instance()->deleteConversations(
+                    conversationId);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// MsgListView::enableListitem
+// @see header
+void MsgListView::enableListitem(int conversationId)
+    {
+    QAbstractItemModel* proxyModel = mMsgList->model();
+    QModelIndexList indexList = proxyModel->match(proxyModel->index(0, 0),
+            ConversationId, conversationId, 1, Qt::MatchExactly);
+    HbAbstractViewItem* item = NULL;
+    int count = indexList.count();
+	// only item is expected to be the result of the above match function
+    if (1 == count)
+        {
+        item = mMsgList->itemByIndex(indexList[0]);
+        if (item)
+            {
+            item->grabGesture(Qt::TapGesture);
+            }
+        }
+    }