changeset 31 ebfee66fde93
parent 0 72b543305e3a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/email/pop3andsmtpmtm/clientmtms/src/cimencodedheader.cpp	Fri Jun 04 10:25:39 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,712 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// cimencodeheader.cpp
+#include "cimencodedheader.h"
+#include "MIUT_ERR.H"
+#include "miut_errconsts.h"
+#include "timrfc822datefield.h"
+#include <msvstd.h>
+_LIT16(KComma, ",");
+_LIT16(KDelimiter, ";");
+const TInt KArrayGranularity = 16;
+// Identifies which version of CImEncodedHeader has been stored in stream
+const TUint16 KImEncodedHeaderVersion = 1; 
+extern TPtrC8 LimitStringSize(const TPtrC8& aString, TInt aMaxSize);
+extern TPtrC16 LimitStringSize(const TPtrC16& aString, TInt aMaxSize);
+extern void ExternalizeL(const CDesC8Array& anArray,RWriteStream& aStream);
+extern void InternalizeL(CDesC8Array& anArray,RReadStream& aStream);
+extern void ExternalizeL(const CDesC16Array& anArray,RWriteStream& aStream);
+extern void InternalizeL(CDesC16Array& anArray,RReadStream& aStream);
+//              Class  CImEncodedHeader  Functions
+CImEncodedHeader::CImEncodedHeader() : iDecodeCharset(0)
+	{
+	}
+CImEncodedHeader* CImEncodedHeader::NewLC()
+/** Allocates and creates a new CImHeader object, leaving the object on the cleanup 
+@return New CImEncodedHeader object */
+	{
+	CImEncodedHeader* self = new(ELeave) CImEncodedHeader;
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL();
+	return self;
+	}
+CImEncodedHeader* CImEncodedHeader::NewL()
+/** Allocates and creates a new CImHeader object, leaving the object on the cleanup 
+@return New CImEncodedHeader object */
+	{
+	CImEncodedHeader* self = CImEncodedHeader::NewLC();
+	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+	return self;
+	}
+void CImEncodedHeader::ConstructL()
+	{
+	iTo  = new (ELeave)CDesCArrayFlat(KArrayGranularity);
+	iCc  = new (ELeave)CDesCArrayFlat(KArrayGranularity);	
+	iBcc = new (ELeave)CDesCArrayFlat(KArrayGranularity);
+	}
+	{
+	Reset();
+	delete iTo;
+	delete iCc;
+	delete iBcc;
+	}
+void CImEncodedHeader::Reset()
+	{
+	iVersion = KImEncodedHeaderVersion;
+	delete iFrom;    iFrom    = NULL;
+	delete iSubject; iSubject = NULL;
+	delete iReplyTo; iReplyTo = NULL;
+	if (iTo)
+		iTo->Reset();
+	if (iCc)
+		iCc->Reset();
+	if (iBcc)
+		iBcc->Reset();
+	iDecodeCharset = 0;
+	}
+const TPtrC8 CImEncodedHeader::Subject() const
+/** Gets the "Subject" header field.
+@return Field value */
+	{
+	return iSubject ? TPtrC8(*iSubject) : TPtrC8();
+	}
+const TPtrC8 CImEncodedHeader::From() const
+/** Gets the "From" header field. 
+This consists of an address and (possibly) an alias.
+@return Field value */
+	{
+	return iFrom ? TPtrC8(*iFrom) : TPtrC8();
+	}
+const TPtrC8 CImEncodedHeader::ReplyTo() const
+/** Gets the "ReplyTo" header field. 
+@return Field value */
+	{
+	return iReplyTo ? TPtrC8(*iReplyTo) : TPtrC8();
+	}
+void CImEncodedHeader::SetSubjectL( const TDesC8& aSubject )
+/** Sets the "Subject" header field. 
+@param aSubject Field value */
+	{
+	HBufC8* newSubject = aSubject.AllocL();
+	delete iSubject;
+	iSubject = newSubject;
+	}
+void CImEncodedHeader::SetFromL( const TDesC8& aFrom )
+/** Sets the "From" header field. 
+@param aFrom Field value */
+	{
+	HBufC8* newFrom = aFrom.AllocL();
+	delete iFrom;
+	iFrom = newFrom;
+	}
+void CImEncodedHeader::SetReplyToL( const TDesC8& aReplyTo )
+/** Sets the "ReplyTo" header field. 
+@param aReplyTo Field value */
+	{
+	HBufC8* newReplyTo = aReplyTo.AllocL();
+	delete iReplyTo;
+	iReplyTo = newReplyTo;
+	}
+CDesCArray& CImEncodedHeader::ToRecipients ()
+	{
+	return *iTo;
+	}
+CDesCArray& CImEncodedHeader::CcRecipients ()
+/** Gets a list of "Cc" recipients.
+@return Recipient list */
+	{
+	return *iCc;
+	}
+CDesCArray& CImEncodedHeader::BccRecipients()
+/** Gets a list of "Bcc" recipients.
+@return Recipient list */
+	{
+	return *iBcc;
+	}
+const CDesCArray& CImEncodedHeader::ToRecipients () const 
+/** Gets a const list of "To" recipients.
+@return Recipient list */
+	{
+	return *iTo;
+	}
+const CDesCArray& CImEncodedHeader::CcRecipients () const
+/** Gets a const list of "Cc" recipients.
+@return Recipient list */
+	{
+	return *iCc;
+	}
+const CDesCArray& CImEncodedHeader::BccRecipients() const
+/** Gets a const list of "Bcc" recipients.
+@return Recipient list */
+	{
+	return *iBcc;
+	}
+void CImEncodedHeader::ExternalizeL( RMsvWriteStream& aWriteStream ) const
+/** Externalises the settings to a specified stream.
+@param aWriteStream Stream to write to */
+	{
+	aWriteStream.WriteUint16L(Version());	// This MUST be the 1st item written into the stream
+	aWriteStream << LimitStringSize(From(), KMaxImHeaderStringLength);
+	aWriteStream << LimitStringSize(ReplyTo(), KMaxImHeaderStringLength);
+	aWriteStream << LimitStringSize(Subject(), KMaxImHeaderStringLength);
+	aWriteStream << ToRecipients();
+	aWriteStream << CcRecipients();
+	aWriteStream << BccRecipients();
+	aWriteStream.WriteUint32L(iDecodeCharset);
+	}
+void CImEncodedHeader::InternalizeL( RMsvReadStream& aReadStream )
+/** Internalises the settings from a specified stream.
+@param aReadStream Stream to read from */
+	{
+	Reset();
+	iVersion = aReadStream.ReadUint16L();
+	iFrom    = HBufC8::NewL(aReadStream, KMaxImHeaderStringLength);
+	iReplyTo = HBufC8::NewL(aReadStream, KMaxImHeaderStringLength);
+	iSubject = HBufC8::NewL(aReadStream, KMaxImHeaderStringLength);
+	aReadStream >> ToRecipients();
+	aReadStream >> CcRecipients();
+	aReadStream >> BccRecipients();
+	iDecodeCharset = aReadStream.ReadUint32L();
+	}
+void CImEncodedHeader::StoreL(CMsvStore& aMessageStore) const
+	/** Stores settings to a specified message store.
+	@param aMessageStore Message store to write to */
+	{
+	//------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	RMsvWriteStream out;
+	out.AssignLC(aMessageStore, KUidMsgFileIMailEncodedHeader);
+	ExternalizeL(out);
+	out.CommitL();
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&out);
+	}
+void CImEncodedHeader::RestoreL(CMsvStore& aMessageStore)
+	/** Restores settings from a specified message store.
+	@param aMessageStore Message store to read from */
+	{
+	RMsvReadStream in;
+	in.OpenLC( aMessageStore, KUidMsgFileIMailEncodedHeader );
+	InternalizeL(in);
+	in.Close();
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&in);
+	}
+TUint16 CImEncodedHeader::Version() const
+	{
+	return iVersion;
+	}
+void CImEncodedHeader::SetVersion( TUint16 aVersion )
+	{
+	iVersion = aVersion;
+	}
+TUint CImEncodedHeader::DecodeCharset() const
+	{
+	return iDecodeCharset;
+	}
+void CImEncodedHeader::SetDecodeCharset(TUint aCharset)
+	{
+	iDecodeCharset = aCharset;
+	}
+void CImEncodedHeader::CopyFromHeaderL(
+	const CImHeader& aFromHeader, TBool aDeleteExistingData)
+	{
+	// From field
+	const TPtrC& fromDes = aFromHeader.From();
+	if (fromDes.Length() && (!iFrom || aDeleteExistingData))
+		{
+		HBufC8* buffer = HBufC8::NewL(fromDes.Length());
+		buffer->Des().Copy(fromDes);
+		delete iFrom;
+		iFrom = buffer;
+		}
+	// Subject field
+	const TPtrC& subjectDes = aFromHeader.Subject();
+	if (subjectDes.Length() && (!iSubject || aDeleteExistingData))
+		{
+		HBufC8* buffer = HBufC8::NewL(subjectDes.Length());
+		buffer->Des().Copy(subjectDes);
+		delete iSubject;
+		iSubject = buffer;
+		}
+	// ReplyTo field
+	const TPtrC& replyToDes = aFromHeader.ReplyTo();
+	if (replyToDes.Length() && (!iReplyTo || aDeleteExistingData))
+		{
+		HBufC8* buffer = HBufC8::NewL(replyToDes.Length());
+		buffer->Des().Copy(replyToDes);
+		delete iReplyTo;
+		iReplyTo = buffer;
+		}
+	// Copy iTo, iCc, iBcc
+	const CDesCArray& srcToArray = aFromHeader.ToRecipients();
+	if (srcToArray.Count() && ((iTo->Count() == 0) || aDeleteExistingData))
+		::CopyArrayL(srcToArray, *iTo);
+	const CDesCArray& srcCcArray = aFromHeader.CcRecipients();
+	if (srcCcArray.Count() && ((iCc->Count() == 0) || aDeleteExistingData))
+		::CopyArrayL(srcCcArray, *iCc);
+	const CDesCArray& srcBccArray = aFromHeader.BccRecipients();
+	if (srcBccArray.Count() && ((iBcc->Count() == 0) || aDeleteExistingData))
+		::CopyArrayL(srcBccArray, *iBcc);
+	}
+void CImEncodedHeader::CopyToHeaderL(CImHeader& aToHeader) const
+	{
+	//
+	aToHeader.SetFromL(From());
+	aToHeader.SetSubjectL(Subject());
+	aToHeader.SetReplyToL(ReplyTo());
+	// Copy iTo, iCc, iBcc
+	::CopyArrayL(*iTo, aToHeader.ToRecipients());
+	::CopyArrayL(*iCc, aToHeader.CcRecipients());
+	::CopyArrayL(*iBcc, aToHeader.BccRecipients());
+	}
+TInt CImEncodedHeader::DataSize() const
+/** Gets the combined length of all the field values stored. 
+@return Combined length */
+	{
+	TInt headerSize = 2; // CRLF at end of header
+	const CImEncodedHeader* self = this;
+	headerSize += self->From().Length();
+	headerSize += self->ReplyTo().Length();
+	headerSize += self->Subject().Length();
+	headerSize += sizeof(TUint);				// size of Charset
+	TInt count;
+	CDesCArray& toArray = *self->iTo;
+	for (count = 0; count < toArray.Count(); count++)
+		{
+		headerSize += toArray[count].Length();
+		}
+	CDesCArray& ccArray = *self->iCc;
+	for (count = 0; count < ccArray.Count(); count++)
+		{
+		headerSize += ccArray[count].Length(); 
+		}
+	CDesCArray& bccArray = *self->iBcc;
+	for (count = 0; count < bccArray.Count(); count++)
+		{
+		headerSize += bccArray[count].Length();
+		}
+	return headerSize;
+	}
+/**Stores encoded header to a specified message store.
+ * @param aMessageStore Message store to write to
+ * @return None.
+ */
+void CImEncodedHeader::StoreEncodedDBL(CMsvStore& aMessageStore) const
+	{
+	CHeaderFields* emailHeaderFields = new (ELeave)CHeaderFields();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(emailHeaderFields);
+	emailHeaderFields->iUid = KUidMsgFileIMailEncodedHeader;
+	//----------------------Encoded Info  19th Field ------------------------------	// 19
+	CFieldPair* emaildetailField = new (ELeave)CFieldPair();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(emaildetailField);
+	//Make a string from  encoded header info.
+	RBuf8 encodedheader;
+	CleanupClosePushL(encodedheader);
+	encodedheader.CreateL(EncodedBufSize()); //
+	encodedheader.AppendNum(Version());	
+	encodedheader.Append(KDelimiter);
+	encodedheader.Append(LimitStringSize(From(), KMaxImHeaderStringLength));
+	encodedheader.Append(KDelimiter);
+	encodedheader.Append(LimitStringSize(ReplyTo(), KMaxImHeaderStringLength));
+	encodedheader.Append(KDelimiter);
+	encodedheader.Append(LimitStringSize(Subject(), KMaxImHeaderStringLength));
+	encodedheader.Append(KDelimiter);
+	//ToRecipients 
+	for(TInt i=0 ; i<iTo->MdcaCount() ; i++)
+		{
+		encodedheader.Append(iTo->MdcaPoint(i));
+		if(i< iTo->MdcaCount()-1)
+			encodedheader.Append(KComma);
+		}
+	encodedheader.Append(KDelimiter);
+	//CcRecipients
+	for(TInt i=0 ; i<iCc->MdcaCount() ; i++)
+		{
+		encodedheader.Append(iCc->MdcaPoint(i));
+		if(i< iCc->MdcaCount()-1)
+			encodedheader.Append(KComma);
+		}
+	encodedheader.Append(KDelimiter);
+	//BCcRecipients
+	for(TInt i=0 ; i<iBcc->MdcaCount() ; i++)
+		{
+		encodedheader.Append(iBcc->MdcaPoint(i));
+		if(i< iBcc->MdcaCount()-1)
+			encodedheader.Append(KComma);
+		}
+	encodedheader.Append(KDelimiter);
+	encodedheader.AppendNum(iDecodeCharset);	
+	encodedheader.Append(KDelimiter);
+	//8 bit to 16 bit
+	HBufC* newFrom = HBufC::NewL(encodedheader.Length());
+	newFrom->Des().Copy(encodedheader);
+	emaildetailField->iFieldTextValue = newFrom;
+	emailHeaderFields->iFieldPairList.AppendL(emaildetailField);
+	CleanupStack::Pop();  //RBuf8 
+	CleanupStack::Pop(emaildetailField);
+	//---------------------------Encoded info end-------------------------------
+	TMsvWriteStore storeWriter(aMessageStore);
+	storeWriter.AssignL(emailHeaderFields);
+	encodedheader.Close();
+	CleanupStack::Pop(emailHeaderFields);
+	}
+ * Restores encoded header to a specified message store.
+ * @param aMessageStore Message store to read from.
+ * @return NOne.
+ */
+void CImEncodedHeader::ReStoreEncodedDBL(CMsvStore& aMessageStore)
+	{
+	Reset();
+	CHeaderFields* aEncodedHeader = NULL;
+	TMsvReadStore storeReader(aMessageStore, KUidMsgFileIMailEncodedHeader);
+	storeReader.ReadL(aEncodedHeader);
+	TInt i = 0; // EncodedHeader field is on 19th coloum  of header table.
+	HBufC* 	encodedheaderinfo = aEncodedHeader->iFieldPairList[i++]->iFieldTextValue ;
+	TPtr16 encodedheaderPtr = (encodedheaderinfo->Des());	
+	//Parsing the encodedheader string 
+	TInt firstSemiColonPos = encodedheaderPtr.Locate(';');
+	TInt lastSemiColonPos = encodedheaderPtr.LocateReverse(';');
+	RPointerArray<HBufC16> encodedheaderinfoData;
+	CleanupClosePushL(encodedheaderinfoData);
+	TInt ii = 0 ;
+	do
+		{
+		TPtrC16 str1 = encodedheaderPtr.Left(firstSemiColonPos); // First data
+		HBufC16* tt = str1.AllocL();
+		firstSemiColonPos++;
+		encodedheaderinfoData.AppendL(tt); 
+		if(firstSemiColonPos != lastSemiColonPos)
+			{
+			encodedheaderPtr = (encodedheaderPtr.Mid(firstSemiColonPos,encodedheaderPtr.Length()-(firstSemiColonPos) ));
+			firstSemiColonPos = encodedheaderPtr.Locate(';');
+			lastSemiColonPos = encodedheaderPtr.LocateReverse(';');
+			if(firstSemiColonPos == lastSemiColonPos)
+				{
+				TPtrC16 str1 = encodedheaderPtr.Left(firstSemiColonPos); // Last data
+				HBufC16* tt = str1.AllocL();
+				encodedheaderinfoData.AppendL(tt); 
+				}
+			}
+		ii++;	
+		}while(firstSemiColonPos != lastSemiColonPos);
+		iVersion= ConvertToTInt(*encodedheaderinfoData[0]);
+		HBufC8* form = HBufC8::NewL((encodedheaderinfoData[1])->Length());
+		form->Des().Copy(encodedheaderinfoData[1]->Des());
+		iFrom = form;
+		HBufC8* replyTo = HBufC8::NewL((encodedheaderinfoData[2])->Length());
+		replyTo->Des().Copy(encodedheaderinfoData[2]->Des());
+		iReplyTo = replyTo ;
+		HBufC8* subject = HBufC8::NewL((encodedheaderinfoData[3])->Length());
+		subject->Des().Copy(encodedheaderinfoData[3]->Des());
+		iSubject = subject ;
+		//iTo
+		HBufC16* tmpBuf = encodedheaderinfoData[4]->Des().AllocL();		
+		if ((encodedheaderinfoData[4]->Des().Locate(',')) > -1 )
+			{
+			CreateEncodedArrayListL(tmpBuf->Des(),0); //To
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			if(encodedheaderinfoData[4]->Length()>0)
+				iTo->AppendL(tmpBuf->Des());
+			}
+		delete tmpBuf;
+		//iCc
+		tmpBuf = encodedheaderinfoData[5]->Des().AllocL();
+		if ((encodedheaderinfoData[5]->Des().Locate(',')) > -1 )
+			{
+			CreateEncodedArrayListL(tmpBuf->Des(),1); //CC
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			if(encodedheaderinfoData[5]->Length()>0)
+				iCc->AppendL(tmpBuf->Des());
+			}
+		delete tmpBuf;
+		//iBcc
+		tmpBuf = encodedheaderinfoData[6]->Des().AllocL();
+		if ((encodedheaderinfoData[6]->Des().Locate(',')) > -1 )
+			{
+			CreateEncodedArrayListL(tmpBuf->Des(),2); //Bcc
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			if(encodedheaderinfoData[6]->Length()>0)
+				iBcc->AppendL(tmpBuf->Des());
+				}
+		delete tmpBuf;
+		iDecodeCharset= ConvertToTInt(*encodedheaderinfoData[7]);
+		encodedheaderinfoData.ResetAndDestroy();
+		encodedheaderinfoData.Close();
+		CleanupStack::Pop();   //RpointerArray	
+	}
+ * Create Encoded Array List.
+ * @param aEncodedStr : A string.
+ * @param aI :A Integer value.
+ * @return None.
+ */	
+void CImEncodedHeader::CreateEncodedArrayListL(TPtrC16 aEncodedStr ,TInt aI)
+	{
+	TInt startPos = aEncodedStr.Locate(',') ;
+	while(startPos >= -1 )
+		{
+		TPtrC16 str2 = aEncodedStr.Left(startPos);
+		//ainto.AppendL(str2);
+		if(aI == 0)
+			{
+			//iTo
+			iTo->AppendL(str2);	
+			}
+		if(aI == 1)
+			{
+			//iCc
+			iCc->AppendL(str2);
+			}
+		if( aI == 2)
+			{
+			//iBcc
+			iBcc->AppendL(str2);
+			}
+		startPos++;
+		aEncodedStr.Set(aEncodedStr.Mid(startPos, aEncodedStr.Length()- startPos));
+		startPos = aEncodedStr.Locate(',');
+		if(startPos == -1)
+			{
+			TInt ll = aEncodedStr.Length();
+			TPtrC16 str3;
+			str3.Set(aEncodedStr.Mid(0,aEncodedStr.Length()));
+			if(aI == 0)
+				{
+				//iTo
+				iTo->AppendL(str3);	
+				}
+			if(aI == 1)
+				{
+				//iCc
+				iCc->AppendL(str3);
+				}
+			if( aI == 2)
+				{
+				//iBcc
+				iBcc->AppendL(str3);
+				}
+			break;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+TInt CImEncodedHeader::EncodedBufSize() const
+/** Gets the combined length of all the field values stored. 
+@return Combined length */
+	{
+	TInt headerSize = 4; // Version
+	const CImEncodedHeader* self = this;
+	headerSize += Align4(self->From().Size());
+	headerSize += Align4(self->ReplyTo().Size());
+	headerSize += Align4(self->Subject().Size());
+	headerSize += sizeof(TUint);				// size of Charset
+	TInt count;
+	for (count=0; count<iTo->MdcaCount(); count++)
+		{
+		headerSize += Align4(iTo->MdcaPoint(count).Size()) + 1; //1 for Comma
+		}
+	for (count=0; count<iCc->MdcaCount(); count++)
+		{
+		headerSize += Align4(iCc->MdcaPoint(count).Size()) + 1; //1 for Comma
+		}
+	for (count=0; count<iBcc->MdcaCount(); count++)
+		{
+		headerSize += Align4(iBcc->MdcaPoint(count).Size()) + 1;//1 for Comma
+		}
+	return headerSize + 8; //8 delimiters ";".
+	}