changeset 31 ebfee66fde93
child 34 84197e66a4bd
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/messagingapp/msgui/unifiedviewer/src/unifiedviewer.cpp	Fri Jun 04 10:25:39 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+ * All rights reserved.
+ * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+ * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+ * at the URL "".
+ *
+ * Initial Contributors:
+ * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ *
+ * Description: Main view of unified viewer
+ *
+ */
+#include "unifiedviewer.h"
+#include <QGraphicsLinearLayout>
+#include <HbAction>
+#include <HbToolBar>
+#include <hbmessagebox.h>
+#include <hbnotificationdialog.h>
+#include <HbStyleLoader>
+#include <centralrepository.h>
+#include <MmsEngineDomainCRKeys.h>
+#include "uniscrollarea.h"
+#include "unicontentswidget.h"
+#include "univiewerfeeder.h"
+#include "convergedmessageid.h"
+#include "convergedmessage.h"
+#include "convergedmessageaddress.h"
+#include "conversationsenginedefines.h"
+#include "conversationsengine.h"
+#include "debugtraces.h"
+#include "nativemessageconsts.h"
+#include "mmsconformancecheck.h"
+#include "UniEditorGenUtils.h" // This is needed for KDefaultMaxSize
+const QString REPLY_ICON("qtg_mono_reply");
+const QString REPLY_ALL_ICON("qtg_mono_reply_all");
+const QString FORWARD_ICON("qtg_mono_forward_msg");
+const QString SEND_ICON("qtg_mono_send");
+const QString DELETE_ICON("qtg_mono_delete");
+#define LOC_DELETE_MESSAGE hbTrId("txt_messaging_dialog_delete_message")
+#define LOC_BUTTON_DELETE hbTrId("txt_common_button_delete")
+#define LOC_BUTTON_CANCEL hbTrId("txt_common_button_cancel")
+// UnifiedViewer::UnifiedViewer
+// constructor
+UnifiedViewer::UnifiedViewer(const qint32 messageId, QGraphicsItem *parent) :
+    MsgBaseView(parent)
+    QDEBUG_WRITE("UnifiedViewer contruction start");
+    if (!HbStyleLoader::registerFilePath(":/layouts"))
+    {
+        QDEBUG_WRITE("ERROR: UnifiedViewer -> HbStyleLoader::registerFilePath");
+    }
+    mMessageId = messageId;
+    mViewFeeder = new UniViewerFeeder(mMessageId, this);
+    mScrollArea = new UniScrollArea(this);
+    this->setWidget(mScrollArea);
+    mContentsWidget = new UniContentsWidget(mViewFeeder,this);
+    connect(mContentsWidget,SIGNAL(sendMessage(const QString&,const QString&)),
+            this, SLOT(sendMessage(const QString&,const QString&)));
+    connect(mScrollArea, SIGNAL(scrolledToNextSlide()),
+    mContentsWidget, SLOT(populateNextSlide()));
+    mScrollArea->setContentWidget(mContentsWidget);
+    mScrollArea->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(HbScrollArea::ScrollBarAlwaysOff);
+    mScrollArea->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(HbScrollArea::ScrollBarAutoHide);
+    QDEBUG_WRITE("UnifiedViewer contruction End");
+// UnifiedViewer::UnifiedViewer
+// Destructor
+    HbStyleLoader::unregisterFilePath(":/layouts");
+// UnifiedViewer::createToolBar
+// Creates tool bar actions
+void UnifiedViewer::createToolBar()
+    HbToolBar* toolbar = this->toolBar();
+    toolbar->setOrientation(Qt::Horizontal);
+    int sendingState = mViewFeeder->sendingState();
+    if (mViewFeeder->sendingState() == ConvergedMessage::Failed)
+    {
+        toolbar->addAction(HbIcon(SEND_ICON), "");
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        toolbar->addAction(HbIcon(REPLY_ICON), "");
+        toolbar->addAction(HbIcon(REPLY_ALL_ICON), "");
+    }
+    if (validateMsgForForward())
+    {
+        toolbar->addAction(HbIcon(FORWARD_ICON), "", this, SLOT(handleFwdAction()));
+    }
+    toolbar->addAction(HbIcon(DELETE_ICON), "", this, SLOT(handleDeleteAction()));
+// UnifiedViewer::clearContent
+// @see header file
+void UnifiedViewer::clearContent()
+    QDEBUG_WRITE("UnifiedViewer clearContent start");
+    mContentsWidget->clearContent();
+    mContentsWidget->resize(mContentsWidget->rect().width(), -1);
+    mScrollArea->setPosToStart();
+    mViewFeeder->clearContent();
+    QDEBUG_WRITE("UnifiedViewer clearContent End");
+// UnifiedViewer::populateContent
+// @see header file
+void UnifiedViewer::populateContent(const qint32 messageId, bool update, int msgCount)
+    QDEBUG_WRITE("UnifiedViewer populateContent Start");
+    mMsgCount = msgCount;
+    mMessageId = messageId;
+    QDEBUG_WRITE("UnifiedViewer feeder->updateContent START");
+    if (update)
+    {
+        mViewFeeder->updateContent(messageId);
+    }
+    QDEBUG_WRITE("UnifiedViewer feeder->updateContent END");
+    // Dont show the scroll bar.
+    mScrollArea->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(HbScrollArea::ScrollBarAlwaysOff);
+    if ( (mViewFeeder->msgType() == KSenduiMtmMmsUidValue) &&
+         (mViewFeeder->slideCount() > 0) )
+    {
+        mScrollArea->setTotalSlides(mViewFeeder->slideCount());
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        mScrollArea->setTotalSlides(1);
+    }
+    mScrollArea->resetCurrentSlide();
+    mContentsWidget->populateContent();
+    //Creation of toolbar now depends on content
+    createToolBar();
+    QDEBUG_WRITE("UnifiedViewer populateContent END");
+// UnifiedViewer::handleFwdAction
+// @see header file
+void UnifiedViewer::handleFwdAction()
+    ConvergedMessage message;
+    ConvergedMessageId id(mMessageId);
+    message.setMessageId(id);
+    if(mViewFeeder->msgType() == KSenduiMtmMmsUidValue)
+    {
+        message.setMessageType(ConvergedMessage::Mms);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        message.setMessageType(ConvergedMessage::Sms);    
+    }
+    QByteArray dataArray;
+    QDataStream messageStream
+    (&dataArray, QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Append);
+    message.serialize(messageStream);
+    QVariantList params;
+    params << MsgBaseView::UNIEDITOR; // target view
+    params << MsgBaseView::UNIVIEWER; // source view
+    params << dataArray;
+    params << MsgBaseView::FORWARD_MSG;
+    emit switchView(params);
+// UnifiedViewer::resizeEvent
+// @see header file
+void UnifiedViewer::resizeEvent(QGraphicsSceneResizeEvent * event)
+    Q_UNUSED(event)
+    mContentsWidget->resize(this->rect().width(), this->rect().height()+1);
+// UnifiedViewer::handleDeleteAction
+// @see header file
+void UnifiedViewer::handleDeleteAction()
+    HbMessageBox::question(LOC_DELETE_MESSAGE,this,SLOT(onDialogDeleteMsg(HbAction*)),
+                                         LOC_BUTTON_DELETE, 
+                                         LOC_BUTTON_CANCEL);
+// UnifiedViewer::sendMessage
+// @see header file
+void UnifiedViewer::sendMessage(const QString& phoneNumber,const QString& alias)
+    {
+    ConvergedMessage message;
+    message.setBodyText(QString());
+    ConvergedMessageAddress address;
+    address.setAlias(alias);
+    address.setAddress(phoneNumber);
+    message.addToRecipient(address);
+    QByteArray dataArray;
+    QDataStream messageStream
+    (&dataArray, QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Append);
+    message.serialize(messageStream);
+    QVariantList params;
+    params << MsgBaseView::UNIEDITOR;
+    params << MsgBaseView::UNIVIEWER;
+    params << dataArray;
+    emit switchView(params);
+    }
+// UnifiedViewer::validateMsgForForward
+// @see header file
+bool UnifiedViewer::validateMsgForForward()
+    if (mViewFeeder->msgType() == KSenduiMtmMmsUidValue)
+    {
+        bool retValue = false;
+        //Validate if the mms msg can be forwarded or not
+        MmsConformanceCheck* mmsConformanceCheck = new MmsConformanceCheck;        
+        retValue = mmsConformanceCheck->validateMsgForForward(mMessageId);
+        delete mmsConformanceCheck;        
+        return retValue;
+    }
+    return true;
+// UnifiedViewer::onDialogDeleteMsg
+// @see header file
+void UnifiedViewer::onDialogDeleteMsg(HbAction* action)
+    HbMessageBox *dlg = qobject_cast<HbMessageBox*> (sender());
+    if (action == dlg->actions().at(0)) {
+        QList<int> msgIdList;
+        msgIdList << mMessageId;
+        ConversationsEngine::instance()->deleteMessages(msgIdList);
+        QVariantList param;
+        if (mMsgCount > 1) {
+            param << MsgBaseView::CV;
+            param << MsgBaseView::UNIVIEWER;
+        }
+        else {
+            param << MsgBaseView::CLV;
+            param << MsgBaseView::UNIVIEWER;
+        }
+        QVariant dummy(QVariant::Invalid);
+        param << dummy;
+        emit switchView(param);
+    }
+// EOF