* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* CMmsViewerAppUi class definition.
#include <finditemengine.h>
#include <akntoolbarobserver.h>
#include <MuiuMessageIterator.h>
#include <MsgEditorAppUi.h> // CMsgEditorAppUi
#include <cenrepnotifyhandler.h>
#include <DRMCommon.h>
#include <msgasynccontrolobserver.h> //MMsgMediaControlObserver
#include <uniobject.h>
#include <unidrminfo.h> // CUniDrmInfo
#include <AknNaviDecoratorObserver.h>
#include <aknlongtapdetector.h> // for long tap
#include "MmsViewer.hrh" // enumerations
#include "MmsViewerOperation.h"
#include "UniMmsSvkEvents.h" // MMmsSvkEventsObserver
GLREF_C void Panic( TMmsViewerExceptions aPanic );
class CAknNavigationDecorator;
class CAknNavigationControlContainer;
class CAknTitlePane;
class CAknWaitDialog;
class CMdaAudioPlayerUtility;
class MVideoControlStateObserver;
class CFindItemMenu;
class CFindItemEngine;
class CDocumentHandler;
class CDRMRights;
class CAknLocalScreenClearer;
class CMmsViewerLaunchOperation;
class CMmsViewerChangeSlideOperation;
class CMmsViewerHeader;
class CMmsViewerSendReadReportOperation;
class CMsgMediaInfo;
class CMsgMediaControl;
class CMsgAudioControl;
class CMsgVideoControl;
class CMsgImageControl;
class CMsgSvgControl;
class CMmsConformance;
class CUniSlideLoader;
class CUniSmilModel;
class CUniObjectList;
class CRepository;
class CSendingServiceInfo;
class CMsgVoIPExtension;
class CAknInputBlock;
class CPeriodic;
class CAknVolumeControl;
class CAknInputBlock;
class CAknToolbar;
class CAknStylusPopUpMenu;
* CMmsViewerAppUi
* Inherited from CMsgEditorAppUi
class CMmsViewerAppUi :
public CMsgEditorAppUi,
public MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback,
public MMsgAsyncControlObserver,
public MMmsViewerOperationObserver, // ViewerOperationEvent
public MMmsSvkEventsObserver, // MmsSvkChangeVolumeL
public MAknServerAppExitObserver, // for image viewer
public MAknNaviDecoratorObserver, //for navidecorator
public MAknToolbarObserver, //toolbar
public MCoeControlObserver, // of CAknVolumeControl
public MUniObjectObserver,
public MAknLongTapDetectorCallBack
public: // Constructors and destructor
* C++ default constructor.
* Destructor.
virtual ~CMmsViewerAppUi();
* Prepare to exit.
* from CEikAppUi
void PrepareToExit();
private: // New functions
* Calls InitNavipaneL, PrepareHeaderL and PrepareBodyL
* and does some validity checks.
void DrawSlideL();
* Set waiting note.
void SetPendingNote( TInt aResourceId,
CUniObject* aObject = NULL,
TInt aError = KErrNone );
* Shows notes related to message opening,
* which could not shown until loading was complete
void ShowPendingNoteL();
* Changes slide. Calls ResetViewL and DrawSlideL. Creates
* a screen blanker to hide the view operations from the user.
* @param aSlideNumber The number of the slide to be shown next.
* @param aScreenClearer Screen clearer is run
void ChangeSlideL( TInt aSlideNumber, TBool aScreenClearer );
* Initializes navipane according to message content
void InitNavipaneL();
* Sub function for InitNavipaneL();
* @param aText string in the right hand side of navipane
void CreateTabGroupL( const TDesC& aText );
* Resets the message view. This function is called
* when moving from slide to slide.
* @param TBool ETrue -> only body reseted
* EFalse -> body and header reseted
void ResetViewL();
// Command functions
* Implements reply commands.
* Launches MMS Editor for replying/forwarding.
* @param aCase either EReplyToSender or EReplyToAll
void DoReplyL( TInt aCase );
* Implements forward command.
* Launches MMS Editor for replying/forwarding.
void DoForwardL();
TBool CanForwardL( TInt& aResourceId );
TBool CanForwardObjectsL( TInt& aResourceId );
void CanForwardObjectsInListL(
CUniObjectList* aObjectList,
TInt& aSdCount,
TInt& aFlCount,
TInt& aNonConfCount,
TInt& aNormalCount,
TInt& aResourceId ) const;
* Implements reply via SMS/Audio message command.
* Launches SMS/Audio message/Email Editor by utilising SendUI.
* @param aCase EMmsViewerReplyViaAudio or EMmsViewerReplyViaMail
void DoReplyViaL( TInt aCase);
* Implements the view image command.
* Launches PhotoAlbum's ImageViewer.
void DoViewImageL();
* Implements the objects command.
* Opens the Objects view where the user can access
* individual media elements in a list format.
void DoObjectsL();
* Implements the move command.
* Shows a folder selection dialog
* (CMsgFolderSelectionDialog), moves the message
* entry into selected folder and exits the viewer.
void DoMoveMessageL();
* Implements the "Send" key functionality.
* Uses MsvUiServiceUtilities::CallServiceL to create a call.
void DoHandleSendKeyL();
* Implements the message info command.
* Opens message info dialog provided by MMS ui mtm.
void DoMessageInfoL();
* Start SMIL presentation
void DoShowPresentationL();
* Implements the delete command.
* Shows a confirmation query, deletes the message
* entry and exits the viewer.
void DoDeleteAndExitL();
* Sets qtn_drm_preview_msg into waiting queue ( SetPendingNote() ),
* if needed.
void ResolveDrmWaitingNotes();
//Audio related functions:
* Cancels the automatic play of an audio (or a video)
* file.
void CancelAutoplay();
* State of an control on the UI has changed
* @param aControl control
* @param aState new state
* @param aState previous state
void MsgAsyncControlStateChanged(
CMsgBaseControl& aControl,
TMsgAsyncControlState aNewState,
TMsgAsyncControlState aOldState );
void DoMsgMediaControlStateChangedL(
CMsgMediaControl& aControl,
TMsgAsyncControlState aNewState,
TMsgAsyncControlState aOldState );
* Asynchronous control on the UI has received resource change event.
* @param aControl control
* @param aType event type
void MsgAsyncControlResourceChanged( CMsgBaseControl& aControl, TInt aType );
void DoVideoStateChangeL( TInt aState );
void DoAudioStateChangeL( TInt aState );
* Handles the actual navipane and softkey updating according
* to the state of audio playback. This function does not set
* volume control visible, it is done using ShowVolumeL( ).
* When playing starts empties the navi pane.
* Hides the volume control when playing stops.
void UpdatePanesL( TBool aAudioPlaying, TBool aVideoPlaying );
* From MCenRepNotifyHandlerCallback
void HandleNotifyInt(TUint32 aId, TInt aNewValue);
void HandleNotifyError(TUint32 aId, TInt error, CCenRepNotifyHandler* aHandler);
void HandleNotifyGeneric(TUint32 aId);
* From MMessageIteratorObserver.
* @param See documentation of MMessateIteratorObserver
void HandleIteratorEventL(TMessageIteratorEvent aEvent);
* Returns ETrue if the message is self composed and
* EFalse otherwise (a received message).
* @return ETrue if message is self composed,
* EFalse otherwise (received)
TBool IsOwnMessage() const;
* Returns ETrue if the message has a sender, EFalse
* otherwise (either self composed message or received
* from a secret number).
* @return ETrue if message has sender
* EFalse otherwise
TBool HasSender() const;
* Checks whether Reply->To all should be shown.
* For received messages checks that there is more
* than one recipient. For sent messages checks that
* there is at least one recipient.
* @return ETrue if Reply->To all should be shown
* EFalse otherwise
TBool ShowReplyToAll() const;
* Checks whether Reply menu should be shown at all.
* @return ETrue if Reply menu should be shown
* EFalse otherwise
TBool ShowReplyMenu() const;
// Notes:
* Show an information note
* @param aResourceId The resource if of the note to be shown
void ShowInformationNoteL( TInt aResourceId );
* Show an information note
* @param aResourceId The resource if of the note to be shown
void ShowErrorNoteL( TInt aResourceId );
* Show a confirmation query
* @param aResourceId The resource if of the query to be shown
TInt ShowConfirmationQueryL( TInt aResourceId ) const;
TInt ShowConfirmationQueryL( TInt aResourceId,
const TDesC& aString) const;
* Auxiliary function. Shows a confirmation query if it is not shown before.
* @param aResourceID
* @return the return value returned by CAknQueryDialog::ExecuteLD
TInt ShowGuidedModeConfirmationQueryL( TInt aResourceID );
* Shows "Out of disk" error note if disk space would
* go below critical level when allocating aSize
* @param aSize Bytes wanted to allocate
* @return ETrue if below critical after allocation
* EFalse if allocation OK
TBool ShowOutOfDiskNoteIfBelowCriticalLevelL( TInt aSize );
* Return a pointer to document-object
* @return CMmsViewerDocument*
CMmsViewerDocument* Document() const;
* Shows any DRM related notes that are related to
* message opening:
* - "No rights" query
* - "Expired rights" query
* - "Preview rights" note
void ResolveDRMNotesL();
* Returns the control id of the currently focused control.
* @return Control id of the focused control or
* EMsgComponentIdNull if no control focused
TInt FocusedControlId();
* Sets automatic highlighting on/off.
* @param aEnable if ETrue sets automatic highlighting on,
* if EFalse sets automatic highlighting off
void SetFindModeL( TBool aEnable );
* Starts to play/display media including image.
* @param aControl control to be played
void MediaPlayL(CMsgMediaControl* aControl);
* Handle selection key for media object ( excluding 3gpp presentation )
* This function is entered when Options menu->Play is selected.
* Resulting action is one of the following: play, embedded play, activate or get rights.
* @param aMedia control to be be handled
void MediaOpenL( CMsgMediaControl* aMedia );
* Stops playing media. Does not stop animations.
void MediaStop();
* Stops playing single media.
* @param aControl control to be played
void MediaStop(CMsgMediaControl* aControl);
* Closes every media control. Closing means freeing file
* specific resources that other application can use the file.
void MediaClose();
* Closes single media.
* @param aControl control to be played
void MediaClose(CMsgMediaControl* aControl);
* Reloads slide
void ReloadSlideL();
* Resets every control. Frees all resources
void MediaReset();
* Resets single control. Frees all resources
void MediaReset(CMsgMediaControl* aControl);
* Checks whether media is initialised and media control can be
* selected.
* This function returns ETrue, if media is DRM protected and
* no rights exist.
TBool MediaInitializedL( CMsgMediaControl* aMedia );
* Checks whether media can be played or tried to be played.
* This function returns EFalse, if media is DRM protected and
* no rights exist.
TBool CMmsViewerAppUi::MediaCanPlay(const CMsgMediaControl* aMedia,
const CUniObject* aMmsObject ) const;
* Checks whether media can be stopped or tried to be played
TBool MediaCanStop(CMsgMediaControl* aMedia);
* Checks whether media can be paused.
* This means also that media is really playing.
TBool MediaIsRunning(CMsgMediaControl* aMedia);
* Returns UI control id
* @param aControl TMmsContolIds only
CMsgMediaControl* MediaControlById(TInt aControl);
* Starts animation
void StartAnimationL();
* Stops animation
void StopAnimation();
* Implements saving text or media object into file system from
* mms viewer. Saves pure text files directly and otherwise
* for multimedia and xHTML files calls DoSaveObjectL()
void SaveObjectL();
* Implements multimedia objects and xhtml into file system from
* mms viewer.
void DoSaveObjectL(CUniObject& aObject );
* Shows "Upload" list query and if an item is selected, send the message
* as upload.
void UploadL();
* From CEikAppUi
void HandleResourceChangeL(TInt aType);
* Opens image into (embedded) image viewer
void ViewImageL( CMsgMediaControl& aMediaCtrl );
* Consumes DRM rights, if DRM protected media. If no DRM rights left
* or other error occurs during consuming rights, updates icon
* @return ETrue: media was not DRM protected or DRM rights were
* consumed successfully
* EFalse: media was DRM protected and no rights were left
* or other error occurred
TBool HandleConsumeRightsL( CMsgMediaControl& aMedia );
* If image has not rights, error note must be shown.
* This function handles the situation.
void HandleImageNoRightsInLaunch( );
// From MAknLongTapDetectorCallBack
* @see MAknLongTapDetectorCallBack
void HandleLongTapEventL(
const TPoint& aPenEventLocation,
const TPoint& aPenEventScreenLocation );
* For Handling iMskId for an embedded object
void HandleSelectionKeyL( );
private: // Functions from base classes
* From MsgEditorAppUi
void DoMsgSaveExitL();
* From MMsgEditorLauncher.
* Part of the function is implemented in the DoFinaliseLaunchViewL()
void LaunchViewL();
* The actual implementation of LaunchViewL
void DoLaunchViewL();
* From MMsgEditorObserver
* @param See documentation of MMsgEditorObserver
CMsgBaseControl* CreateCustomControlL( TInt aControlType );
* From MMsgEditorObserver
* @param See documentation of MMsgEditorObserver
void EditorObserver(TMsgEditorObserverFunc aFunc, TAny* aArg1, TAny* aArg2, TAny* aArg3);
void DoEditorObserverL(TMsgEditorObserverFunc aFunc, TAny* aArg1, TAny* aArg2, TAny* aArg3);
* From CCoeAppUi
* @param See documentation of CCoeAppUi
* @return TKeyResponse
TKeyResponse HandleKeyEventL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent, TEventCode aType );
* From CCoeAppUi
* @param See documentation of CCoeAppUi
void HandleWsEventL(const TWsEvent& aEvent,CCoeControl* aDestination);
* From CEikAppUi
* @param See documentation of CEikAppUi
void HandleCommandL( TInt aCommand );
* From CAknAppUi
* @param See documentation of CAknAppUi
void ProcessCommandL( TInt aCommand );
* From MEikMenuObserver
* @param See documentation of MEikMenuObserver
void DynInitMenuPaneL( TInt aMenuId, CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane );
* From MAknServerAppExitObserver. Must not leave.
* DoHandleServerAppExitL
void HandleServerAppExit(TInt aReason);
* From MAknNaviDecoratorObserver
* Handles the events coming from arrow presses
* related to next/previous message
void HandleNaviDecoratorEventL( TInt aEventID );
* From CCoeControl
* Handles volume changes from volume of navi pane.
* When Pen enabled volume can change many steps at one tap.
void HandleControlEventL(CCoeControl* aControl, TCoeEvent aEventType);
* From MAknToolbarObserver
* Should be used to set the properties of some toolbar components
* before it is drawn.
* @param aResourceId The resource ID for particular toolbar
* @param aToolbar The toolbar object pointer
virtual void DynInitToolbarL( TInt aResourceId,
CAknToolbar* aToolbar );
* From MAknToolbarObserver
* Handles toolbar events for a certain toolbar item.
* @param aCommand The command ID of some toolbar item.
virtual void OfferToolbarEventL( TInt aCommand );
* By default Symbian OS constructor is private.
void ConstructL();
* Launches help application
void LaunchHelpL();
* Gets help context
CArrayFix<TCoeHelpContext>* HelpContextL() const;
void ViewerOperationEvent( TMmsViewerOperationType aOperation,
TMmsViewerOperationEvent aEvent,
TInt aError );
void DoViewerOperationEventL( TMmsViewerOperationType aOperation,
TMmsViewerOperationEvent aEvent );
/// loading slide has completed
void DoViewerOperationEventSlideL();
/// loading launch has completed
void DoViewerOperationEventLaunchL( );
TUint32 ObjectsAvailable();
void BeginActiveWait( CMmsViewerOperation* aOperation );
void EndActiveWait();
* Launches wait dialog.
* @param aParam if slide change operation, this is index of new slide
void LaunchWaitDialogL( TInt aParam = 0 );
* Executes part of the launching. See LaunchViewL()
void DoFinaliseLaunchViewL();
* Gets focused CUniObject.
* Object is returned only,if is EMsgImageControlId, EMsgVideoControlId, or EMsgAudioControlId.
* iFocusedObjectType is applicable always.
* @since 3.0
CUniObject* GetFocusedMmsObject();
* Checks whether silent ringing type is selected.
* @ret ETrue, silence set
* EFalse, silence not set
TBool IsSilenceL();
* Calls mms mtm ui to launch delivery status dialog after user has choosed EMmsViewerDeliveryStatus from the options menu.
* @since 3.0
void OpenDeliveryPopupL( );
void PrintNeededControls( );
* @return ETrue, editor is properly initialised to receive commands
* EFalse, editor is not yet properly initialised to receive commands
TBool IsLaunched() const;
CUniObject* ObjectByMediaControl( CMsgMediaControl& aControl);
CUniObject* ObjectByBaseControl( CMsgBaseControl& aControl );
* Checks whether description exists in the stored message.
* If it doesn't exist, description is saved into message store
* from first found. Uses SetAndSaveDescriptionL()
void CheckAndSetDescriptionL();
* Saves description into received message from
* given text object. Existence of description is no more
* checked.
* aText text object from which description is saved
void SetAndSaveDescriptionL(const CPlainText& aText);
* Update icon or text of MSK CBA button
void UpdateMskL( );
void WaitReleaseOfImageL( CUniObject& aObject );
* Check whether media object is lacking rights.
* If media has no rights
* @param aMedia media to check
* @return KErrNone, valid drm rights exits or media is not drm protected
* other value, no drm rights
* @since 3.2
TInt MediaHasNoDrmRights( CMsgMediaControl* aMedia );
* Implements HandleCommandL()
* @param See documentation of CEikAppUi
void DoHandleCommandL( TInt aCommand );
* Sends read report if permitted and asked
void SendReadReportL( TMmsViewerOperationType aOperation,
TMmsViewerOperationEvent aEvent );
* The function must be called when the volume is changed.
* Any checks are not needed from caller of this function.
* This function changes the volume even, if volume control is not visible
* in the navi pane.
* If changing volume level makes sense this function
* - changes the volume level into cenrep
* - show the new volume on the volume control of the navi pane.
* ( To check exact conditions when volume control is visible in the navi pane,
* see .cpp file)
* *
* This function resolves itself only whether the audio or video is playing.
* Then DoChangeVolumeL() is called, if applicable.
* After that to show the new volume level in the navi pane ShowVolumeL() is called.
* @param aVolume: indicates either absolute value, if aChange is EFalse
* or change of volume, if aChange is ETrue.
* @param aChange: indicates whether aVolume is absolute value or change of
* the current volume.
void ChangeVolumeL( TInt aVolume, TBool aChange );
* Otherwise like ChangeVolumeL but either audio or video must be playing.
* This function saves the new volume level into CenRep, if applicable.
* Sets the new level into audio or video player.
* ( To check exact conditions when volume control is visible in the navi pane,
* see .cpp file)
* If volume set is set before playback this function can be called as follows
* DoChangeVolumeL( 0 , ETrue, * )
* @param aVolume: indicates either absolute value, if aChange is Efalse
* or change of volume, if aChange is Etrue.
* @param aChange: indicates whether aVolume is absolute value or change of
* the current volume.
* @param aAudioPlaying ETrue audio is playing
* EFalse video is playing
* @return TInt new absolute volume level
* KErrNotFound, if volume level is not known.
* In this case ShowVolumeL should not be called
TInt DoChangeVolumeL( TInt aVolume, TBool aChange, TBool aAudioPlaying );
* Set volume control visible into navi pane, if applicable.
* Either audio or video must be playing.
* ( To check exact conditions when volume control is visible in the navi pane,
* see .cpp file)
* @param aNewVolume: new volume level
* @param aAudioPlaying ETrue audio is playing
* EFalse video is playing
void ShowVolumeL( TInt aNewVolume,
TBool aAudioPlaying );
* Enables receiving events changes in foreground application status.
* Resolves those Window groups id, which do no stop animation, audio or
* video playback. The workgroup ids are assigned to member variables */
void GetNonStoppingWgIds( );
* After receiving event in change of foreground application status,
* checks whether new foreground application causes stopping animation,
* playback of audio or video.
* Result is set to iIsStopPlaybackWgId.
void ResolveCurrentWgIdL( );
* Activates input blocker properly.
* @param aActiveObjectToCancel Pointer to an active object that is called when
* input blocker is cancelled. Can be NULL.
void ActivateInputBlockerL( CActive* aActiveObjectToCancel );
* Deactivates input blocker properly.
void DeactivateInputBlocker();
* Resets flags to enter normal operation state e.g. accept commands
void ResetOperationState();
* Handles delayed (external) exit
* @param aDelayTime in microsecods
void DoDelayedExit( TInt aDelayTime );
* To check whether asyncronous controls are ready and wait note dismissed
* @return TBool
TBool AreControlsReadyAndWaitNoteDismissedL( );
* Sets tool bar item visibilities
* @return TBool
void SetToolBarItemVisibilities();
* Checks whether DRM rights have been consumed
* @return TBool
TBool IsRightsConsumed( CUniObject& aObject ) const;
* Checks whether objects has drm rights left just now
* @return TBool
TBool IsRightsNow( CUniObject& aObject ) const;
* Checks whether object has drm rights when downloaded to the current slide
* @return TBool
TBool IsDrmRightsWhenLoaded( CUniObject& aObject ) const;
/// MUniObjectObserver
void HandleUniObjectEvent( CUniObject& aUniObject,
TUniObjectEvent aUniEvent );
void SimulateUniObjectEventL( );
* Reloads one control without need to reload whole slide.
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aMediaControl Control which needs to be reloaded.
* @param aObject Object related to the control
void ReloadControlL( CMsgMediaControl* aControl, CUniObject& aObject );
* Resolve CUniObject related to media control.
* @since S60 5.0
* @param aControl control for which CUniObjects is needed
* @return CUniObject related to the given control
CMsgMediaControl* MediaControlByObject( CUniObject& aUniObject );
* Sets title of the mms viewer app into status pane
void SetTitleIconL();
* Check whether video call is active or not
TBool IsVideoCall();
private: // From MMmsSvkEventsObserver
* Called when volume level should be changed.
* Set volume control visible into navi pane.
* This function calls ChangeVolumeL
* @param aVolumeChange: +1 change volume up
* -1 change volume down
void MmsSvkChangeVolumeL( TInt aVolumeChange );
* Callback for CPeriodic
static TInt DelayedExitL( TAny* aThis );
private: // Data
enum TMmsViewerFlags
ELaunchSuccessful = 0x0010,
EPresentationHasAudio = 0x0020,
// Two more videos in the same message with smil is now supported
// ENoPresentationPlaying = 0x0040,
ESuspiciousSmil = 0x0080,
EShowGuidedConf = 0x0100,
EAutohighLightEnabled = 0x0200,
EProhibitNonDrmMusic = 0x0400,
EVideoHasAudio = 0x0800,
EUploadInitialized = 0x1000,
// Character key events are sent to application first, which sets the volume into volume control.
// When touch enabled volume control of navi pane is supported, touch events are sent to volume control first.
// And sets its new volume itself. The latter case is indicated by following flag
EVolumeControlTriggered = 0x2000,
EViewerExiting = 0x4000,
EInObjectsView = 0x8000,
EInitialFlags = EVideoHasAudio
enum TViewerState
ENormal = 0,
enum TReplyForwardCase
// determines which errors are shown during/after phase completion
enum TOpeningPhase
EOpeningNone = 0,
//Reference pointers:
CUniSmilModel* iSmilModel;
CMmsClientMtm* iMtm;
CAknNavigationControlContainer* iNaviPane;
CEikButtonGroupContainer* iButtonGroup;
//Owned pointers:
CAknNavigationDecorator* iNaviDecorator; // Overrides the variable in base class
CAknNavigationDecorator* iVolumeDecorator;
CUniSlideLoader* iSlideLoader;
CMmsViewerHeader* iHeader;
CMmsViewerLaunchOperation* iLaunchOperation;
CMmsViewerChangeSlideOperation* iChangeSlideOperation;
CAknLocalScreenClearer* iScreenClearer;
CAknWaitDialog* iWaitDialog;
CUniObject* iPendingNoteObject;
TInt iPendingNoteError;
TInt iPendingNoteResource;
TInt iPendingNotePriority;
CFindItemMenu* iFindItemMenu;
CDocumentHandler* iDocHandler;
CCenRepNotifyHandler* iNotifyHandler;
CRepository* iCUiRepository;
CRepository* iMmsRepository;
TInt iViewerFlags;
TUint32 iReleasedObjects;
TViewerState iViewerState;
TInt iSupportedFeatures;
CActiveSchedulerWait iWait;
CMsgImageControl* iImage;
/// if 3gpp presentation, this is not set
CMsgAudioControl* iAudio;
CMsgVideoControl* iVideo;
CMsgSvgControl* iSvgt;
TInt iNewSlide;
/// enum TOpeningPhase
TInt iOpeningState;
RPointerArray<CSendingServiceInfo> iUploadServices;
// Own: Contains information of the VoIP profiles.
CMsgVoIPExtension* iMmsVoIPExtension;
// Events from SVK keys
CMmsSvkEvents* iSvkEvents;
CAknInputBlock* iInputBlocker;
CMmsConformance* iMmsConformance;
/// save focused control for restoring the focus later
TInt iFocusedControlId;
/// current resource of MSK CBA button
TInt iMskId;
CMmsViewerOperation* iActiveOperation;
CPeriodic* iIdle;
// Pen Support: Target of last pointer event
CMsgBaseControl* iPointerTarget;
* When Objects view is entered, iNoTitlePaneUpdate is set to ETrue.
* If layout change takes place during objects view, title must not
* be set into title pane.
TBool iNoTitlePaneUpdate;
CGulIcon* iTitleIcon;
// Contains prohibit mime types.
HBufC* iProhibitMimeTypeBuffer;
/// Sends read report
CMmsViewerSendReadReportOperation* iSendReadReportOperation;
/** applications, which should not stop playback of animation, audio or video
* Wg=Window Group
TInt iFastSwapWgId;
TInt iSysWgId;
TInt iAknNotifyServerWgId;
TInt iMmsViewerWgId;
TInt iScreenSaverWgId;
// Whether playback needs to be stopped
TBool iIsStopPlaybackWgId;
CAknToolbar* iToolbar;
TInt iMaxForwardSlideCount;
CAknTitlePane* iTitlePane;
CGulIcon* iAppIcon;
// Own: For long tap detecting
CAknLongTapDetector* iLongTapDetector;
// For long tap handling
TBool iTapConsumed;
* Contact image selection stylus popup menu
* Own.
CAknStylusPopUpMenu* iEmbeddedObjectStylusPopup;
// End of File