* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* CPostcardOperationSave
// ========== INCLUDE FILES ================================
#include <badesca.h>
#include <AknsConstants.h>
#include <data_caging_path_literals.hrh>
#include <apmstd.h> // TDataType
#include <mmsvattachmentmanager.h> // AttachmentManager
#include <mmsvattachmentmanagersync.h> // AttachmentManager
#include <cmsvmimeheaders.h> // MimeHeaders
#include <StringLoader.h> // For StringLoader
#include <mmsclient.h>
#include <mmsconst.h>
#include <mmsmsventry.h>
#include <MsgMimeTypes.h>
#include <vprop.h> // VCardPropertyValue
#include <cntitem.h>
#include <vcard.h>
#include <cntfldst.h> // CContactTextField
#include <Postcard.rsg>
#include "PostcardOperationSave.h"
#include "PostcardUtils.h"
#include "Postcard.hrh"
#include "PostcardAddressForm.h"
#include "PostcardPrivateCRKeys.h" // cenrep keys
#include "PostcardCenRep.h"
// ========== EXTERNAL DATA STRUCTURES =====================
// ========== EXTERNAL FUNCTION PROTOTYPES =================
// ========== CONSTANTS ====================================
// ========== MACROS =======================================
// ========== LOCAL CONSTANTS AND MACROS ===================
_LIT8( KReplaceChar8, "_" );
_LIT8( KPostcardVCardName, "N"); // This was "FN" in 3.0-3.1 but OMA says it should be "N"
_LIT8( KPostcardVCardAddr, "ADR");
_LIT8( KPostcardGreetingXParameter, "X-MMS-GREETING-TEXT" );
// ========== MODULE DATA STRUCTURES =======================
// ========== LOCAL FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ====================
// ========== LOCAL FUNCTIONS ==============================
// ========== MEMBER FUNCTIONS =============================
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// NewL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
CPostcardOperationSave* CPostcardOperationSave::NewL(
MPostcardOperationObserver& aObserver,
CPostcardDocument& aDocument,
CPostcardAppUi& aAppUi,
RFs& aFs,
CContactCard& aContact,
CPlainText& aPlainText )
CPostcardOperationSave* self =
new ( ELeave ) CPostcardOperationSave( aObserver, aDocument, aAppUi, aFs, aContact, aPlainText );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPostcardOperationSave
// ---------------------------------------------------------
MPostcardOperationObserver& aObserver,
CPostcardDocument& aDocument,
CPostcardAppUi& aAppUi,
RFs& aFs,
CContactCard& aContact,
CPlainText& aPlainText ) :
CPostcardOperation( aObserver, aDocument, aAppUi, aFs ),
iContact( aContact ),
iPlainText( aPlainText )
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPostcardOperationSave
// ---------------------------------------------------------
CPostcardOperationSave::~CPostcardOperationSave( )
Cancel( );
if( iTempFile )
iTempFile->Close( );
delete iTempFile;
delete iSendOperation;
delete iCharConv;
delete iRecipientName;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Start
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPostcardOperationSave::Start( TInt aArgument )
if( aArgument )
iFlags |= EPostcardSaveSend;
if( iAppUi.CenRep().GetString( KPocaKeyServiceSpecialFormat ).Length() > 0 &&
( iFlags & EPostcardSaveSend ) )
{ // if special send format is defined and we are sending -> take it into use
iFlags |= EPostcardSaveSpecialFormat;
iLaunchState = EPostcardSaveInitializing;
CompleteSelf( KErrNone );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// DoLaunchStepL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPostcardOperationSave::DoLaunchStepL( )
iFlags &= ~EPostcardSaveRequestActive;
switch ( iLaunchState )
case EPostcardSaveInitializing:
InitL( );
iLaunchState = EPostcardSaveCheckAttas;
CompleteSelf( KErrNone );
case EPostcardSaveCheckAttas:
if( !CheckAttasL( ) )
{ // If there was an error, this has been completed already
iLaunchState = EPostcardSaveRemoveOldAttas;
CompleteSelf( KErrNone );
case EPostcardSaveRemoveOldAttas:
RemoveOldAttasL( );
// Let's see the next phase..
if( iPlainText.DocumentLength( ) > 0 && iDocument.Changed( EPostcardText ) )
{ // We have text and it has changed -> so save it..
iLaunchState = EPostcardSaveCreateTextAtta;
else if ( ( iFlags & EPostcardSaveSend ) &&
( iFlags & EPostcardSaveSpecialFormat ) )
{ // Text has not changed, but we have special format on -> so create text atta anyway
iLaunchState = EPostcardSaveCreateTextAtta;
else if ( iDocument.Changed( EPostcardRecipient ) )
{ // We are not sending special format, but the recipient has changed
iLaunchState = EPostcardSaveCreateRecipientAtta;
else if( !iSmil &&
( iFlags & EPostcardSaveSend ) &&
!( iFlags & EPostcardSaveSpecialFormat ) )
{ // Text and recipient have not changed, but we are sending OMA Postcard and there's no SMIL yet
iLaunchState = EPostcardSaveCreateSmilAtta;
iLaunchState = EPostcardSaveUninit;
CompleteSelf( KErrNone );
case EPostcardSaveCreateTextAtta:
CreateNewTextAttaL( );
iLaunchState = EPostcardSaveSaveTextAtta;
case EPostcardSaveSaveTextAtta:
HandleTextL( );
iLaunchState = EPostcardSaveFinalizeTextAtta;
CompleteSelf( KErrNone );
case EPostcardSaveFinalizeTextAtta:
FinalizeTextL( );
if ( iDocument.Changed( EPostcardRecipient ) &&
( iFlags & EPostcardSaveHasContact ) )
{ // We are not sending special format, but the recipient has changed
iLaunchState = EPostcardSaveCreateRecipientAtta;
else if( !iSmil &&
( iFlags & EPostcardSaveSend ) &&
!( iFlags & EPostcardSaveSpecialFormat ) )
{ // Recipient has not changed, but we are sending OMA Postcard and there's no SMIL yet
iLaunchState = EPostcardSaveCreateSmilAtta;
iLaunchState = EPostcardSaveUninit;
CompleteSelf( KErrNone );
case EPostcardSaveCreateRecipientAtta:
CreateNewRecipientAttaL( );
iLaunchState = EPostcardSaveSaveRecipientAtta;
SetActive( );
case EPostcardSaveSaveRecipientAtta:
HandleRecipientL( );
iLaunchState = EPostcardSaveFinalizeRecipientAtta;
CompleteSelf( KErrNone );
case EPostcardSaveFinalizeRecipientAtta:
FinalizeRecipientL( );
if( !iSmil &&
( iFlags & EPostcardSaveSend ) &&
!( iFlags & EPostcardSaveSpecialFormat ) )
{ // Smil is created only to confront OMA Postcard spec
iLaunchState = EPostcardSaveCreateSmilAtta;
// Smil seems to exists already or we are not sending
iLaunchState = EPostcardSaveUninit;
CompleteSelf( KErrNone );
case EPostcardSaveCreateSmilAtta:
CreateNewSmilAttaL( );
iLaunchState = EPostcardSaveSaveSmilAtta;
SetActive( );
case EPostcardSaveSaveSmilAtta:
HandleSmilL( );
iLaunchState = EPostcardFinalizeSmilAtta;
CompleteSelf( KErrNone );
case EPostcardFinalizeSmilAtta:
FinalizeSmilL( );
iLaunchState = EPostcardSaveUninit;
CompleteSelf( KErrNone );
case EPostcardSaveUninit:
UnInitL( );
iLaunchState = EPostcardSaveFinalizeMessage;
CompleteSelf( KErrNone );
case EPostcardSaveFinalizeMessage:
FinalizeMessageL( );
if( iFlags & EPostcardSaveSend )
iLaunchState = EPostcardSaveStartSend;
iLaunchState = EPostcardSaveFinished;
CompleteSelf( KErrNone );
case EPostcardSaveStartSend:
StartSendingL( );
iLaunchState = EPostcardSaveFinished;
case EPostcardSaveFinished:
EPostcardOperationComplete );
EPostcardOperationError );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// RemoveOldAttasL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPostcardOperationSave::RemoveOldAttasL( )
if( iDocument.Changed( EPostcardText ) ||
( ( iFlags & EPostcardSaveSend ) && ( iFlags & EPostcardSaveSpecialFormat ) ) )
if( iText )
{ // Remove old
TInt old = TMsvIdToIndexL( iText );
if( old != KErrNotFound )
// If there is an old text atta and a no new text atta, we need to
// ask commit here, otherwise old atta would be left with the message.
iCommit = ETrue;
iStore->AttachmentManagerExtensionsL( ).RemoveAttachmentL( old );
if( iDocument.Changed( EPostcardRecipient ) ||
( ( iFlags & EPostcardSaveSend ) && ( iFlags & EPostcardSaveSpecialFormat ) ) )
if( iRecipient )
{ // Remove old
TInt old = TMsvIdToIndexL( iRecipient );
if( old != KErrNotFound )
iStore->AttachmentManagerExtensionsL( ).RemoveAttachmentL( old );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CreateNewTextAttaL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPostcardOperationSave::CreateNewTextAttaL( )
// Now lets create a new attachment
TFileName file( _L("greeting.txt") );
StartCreatingEmptyAttachmentL( file );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// HandleTextL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPostcardOperationSave::HandleTextL( )
if( !iCharConv )
iCharConv = CCnvCharacterSetConverter::NewL( );
if ( iCharConv->PrepareToConvertToOrFromL( KCharacterSetIdentifierUtf8, iFs )
!= CCnvCharacterSetConverter::EAvailable )
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
// Delete possible old headers
delete iHeaders;
iHeaders = NULL;
iHeaders = CMsvMimeHeaders::NewL( );
if( ( iFlags & EPostcardSaveSend ) && !( iFlags & EPostcardSaveSpecialFormat ) )
iHeaders->XTypeParams().AppendL( KPostcardGreetingXParameter );
iHeaders->XTypeParams().AppendL( TPtrC8() );
_LIT(KFileName, "text.txt");
iHeaders->SetContentLocationL( KFileName );
iHeaders->SetMimeCharset( KMmsUtf8 );
TInt slash = KMsgMimeTextPlain().Locate( '/' );
iHeaders->SetContentTypeL( KMsgMimeTextPlain().Left( slash ) );
iHeaders->SetContentSubTypeL( KMsgMimeTextPlain().Mid( slash + 1 ) );
iTempAtta->SetMimeTypeL( KMsgMimeTextPlain );
iText = iTempAtta->Id( );
RFileWriteStream writer( *iTempFile );
writer.PushL( );
delete iTempFile; // not close as write does it..
iTempFile = NULL;
TPtrC16 remainderOfUnicodeText;
TInt numCleanupItems = 0;
if( (iFlags & EPostcardSaveSend) && (iFlags & EPostcardSaveSpecialFormat ) )
// If we are here -> we are sending so we must have iContact OK
HBufC* wholeText = MakeSpecialFormatTextL();
CleanupStack::PushL( wholeText );
remainderOfUnicodeText.Set( wholeText->Des( ) );
// Now we remove the HasContact flag so that the recipient is not stored separately
iFlags &= ~EPostcardSaveHasContact;
iPlainText.Read( 0, iPlainText.DocumentLength() ) );
// Now remainOfUnicodeText has the stuff needed to store into the greeting text
TBuf8<128> outputBuffer;
TInt returnValue;
returnValue = iCharConv->ConvertFromUnicode(
outputBuffer, remainderOfUnicodeText );
if ( returnValue < 0 )
returnValue == CCnvCharacterSetConverter::EErrorIllFormedInput ?
KErrCorrupt:KErrGeneral );
writer.WriteL( outputBuffer );
remainderOfUnicodeText.Set( remainderOfUnicodeText.Right(
returnValue ) );
while( returnValue );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( numCleanupItems );
writer.Pop( );
writer.Close( );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// MakeSpecialFormatTextL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
HBufC* CPostcardOperationSave::MakeSpecialFormatTextL()
CContactItemFieldSet& set = iContact.CardFields( );
// Organise the address into an array
CDesCArrayFlat* desarr = AddressArrayLC( set );
const TDesC& replacement =
iAppUi.CenRep().GetString( KPocaKeyServiceReplaceString );
const TDesC& separator =
iAppUi.CenRep().GetString( KPocaKeyServiceSeparator );
// Add the greeting text.
TInt len = iPlainText.DocumentLength();
HBufC* buf = HBufC::NewLC( len );
*buf = iPlainText.Read( 0, len );
// Replace illegal chars
TPtr des = buf->Des();
ReplaceWith( des, separator, replacement );
// And add this to the desarr
desarr->InsertL( 0, *buf );
// Read the format string from cenrep
const TDesC& specialFormat =
iAppUi.CenRep().GetString( KPocaKeyServiceSpecialFormat );
// Construct the text to be sent. Room for each tag, strings between
// tags and prefix and postfix.
const TInt KMaxItems = TPostcardUtils::ENumSpecFormatTags * 2 + 1;
TPtrC textItems[KMaxItems];
TPtrC format(specialFormat);
TInt position = 0;
TInt numItems = 0;
while(numItems < KMaxItems - 1 && position != KErrNotFound)
TInt tag;
position = TPostcardUtils::NextTag(format, tag);
if ( position != KErrNotFound )
textItems[numItems++].Set( format.Left( position ) );
textItems[numItems++].Set( desarr->MdcaPoint( tag ) );
format.Set( format.Right( format.Length() - position - 3 ) );
textItems[numItems++].Set( format );
// Calculate buffer length needed to fit the whole text
TInt buffSize = 0;
for( TInt i = 0; i < numItems; i++ )
buffSize += textItems[i].Length();
// Copy text into buffer
HBufC* dstBuf = HBufC::NewL( buffSize );
TPtr dst = dstBuf->Des();
for( TInt i = 0; i < numItems; i++ )
dst.Append( textItems[i] );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 ); // buff, desarr
return dstBuf;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// FinalizeTextL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPostcardOperationSave::FinalizeTextL( )
iHeaders->StoreL( *iTempAtta );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CreateNewRecipientAttaL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPostcardOperationSave::CreateNewRecipientAttaL( )
// Now lets create a new attachment
TFileName file( _L("recipient.vcf") );
StartCreatingEmptyAttachmentL( file );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// HandleRecipientL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPostcardOperationSave::HandleRecipientL( )
if( !iCharConv )
iCharConv = CCnvCharacterSetConverter::NewL( );
if ( iCharConv->PrepareToConvertToOrFromL( KCharacterSetIdentifierAscii, iFs ) !=
CCnvCharacterSetConverter::EAvailable )
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
// Delete possible old headers
delete iHeaders;
iHeaders = NULL;
iHeaders = CMsvMimeHeaders::NewL( );
iHeaders->SetContentLocationL( _L("recipient.vcf") );
TInt slash = KMsgMimeVCard().Locate( '/' );
iHeaders->SetContentTypeL( KMsgMimeVCard().Left( slash ) );
iHeaders->SetContentSubTypeL( KMsgMimeVCard().Mid( slash + 1 ) );
iTempAtta->SetMimeTypeL( KMsgMimeVCard );
iRecipient = iTempAtta->Id( );
CParserVCard* parser = CParserVCard::NewL();
RFileWriteStream vCardStream( *iTempFile );
vCardStream.PushL( );
delete iTempFile; // not close as VCardStream does it..
iTempFile = NULL;
iCharConv->SetReplacementForUnconvertibleUnicodeCharactersL( KReplaceChar8 );
CContactItemFieldSet& set = iContact.CardFields( );
const CContactItemField* field = TPostcardUtils::FieldOrNull( set,
TPostcardUtils::ContactItemNameFromId( EPostcardAddressName ) );
if( field )
CParserPropertyValueHBufC* val =
CParserPropertyValueHBufC::NewL( field->TextStorage()->Text() );
CleanupStack::PushL( val );
CArrayPtrFlat<CParserParam>* array = new(ELeave)CArrayPtrFlat<CParserParam>(1);
CleanupStack::PushL( array );
CParserProperty* property = CParserProperty::NewL( *val, KPostcardVCardName, array);
CleanupStack::PushL( property );
parser->AddPropertyL( property );
CleanupStack::Pop( 3, val );
CDesCArrayFlat* desarr = VCardAddressArrayL( set ); // Organise the address into an array
CleanupStack::PushL( desarr );
// AddressArrayL does not add empty "PO Box" descriptor into the desarr
desarr->InsertL( 0, KNullDesC );
CParserPropertyValue* val = new (ELeave)CParserPropertyValueCDesCArray(desarr);
CleanupStack::PushL( val );
CArrayPtrFlat<CParserParam>* array = new(ELeave)CArrayPtrFlat<CParserParam>(1);
CleanupStack::PushL( array );
CParserProperty* property = CParserProperty::NewL( *val, KPostcardVCardAddr, array);
CleanupStack::PushL( property );
parser->AddPropertyL( property );
CleanupStack::Pop( 3, val );
vCardStream.Pop( );
vCardStream.Close( );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// FinalizeRecipientL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPostcardOperationSave::FinalizeRecipientL( )
iHeaders->StoreL( *iTempAtta );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CreateNewSmilAttaL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPostcardOperationSave::CreateNewSmilAttaL( )
// Now lets create a new attachment
TFileName file( _L("postcard.smil") );
StartCreatingEmptyAttachmentL( file );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// HandleSmilL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPostcardOperationSave::HandleSmilL( )
// Delete possible old headers
delete iHeaders;
iHeaders = NULL;
iHeaders = CMsvMimeHeaders::NewL( );
iHeaders->SetContentLocationL( _L("pres.smil") );
TInt slash = KMsgMimeSmil().Locate( '/' );
iHeaders->SetContentTypeL( KMsgMimeSmil().Left( slash ) );
iHeaders->SetContentSubTypeL( KMsgMimeSmil().Mid( slash + 1 ) );
iTempAtta->SetMimeTypeL( KMsgMimeSmil );
iSmil = iTempAtta->Id( );
// Get the name of the image file to be inserted into the SMIL file
HBufC* fileName = GetImageFileNameL( );
CleanupStack::PushL( fileName );
HBufC* smil = StringLoader::LoadL( resId, *fileName );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( fileName );
CleanupStack::PushL( smil );
// convert the smil to 8-bit
HBufC8* smil8 = HBufC8::NewLC( smil->Des( ).Length( ) );
smil8->Des().Copy( smil->Des( ) );
RFileWriteStream smilStream( *iTempFile );
smilStream.PushL( );
delete iTempFile; // not close as smilStream does it
iTempFile = NULL;
smilStream.WriteL( *smil8 );
smilStream.Close( );
smilStream.Pop( );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, smil ); // smil, smil8
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// FinalizeSmilL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPostcardOperationSave::FinalizeSmilL( )
iHeaders->StoreL( *iTempAtta );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// FinalizeMessageL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPostcardOperationSave::FinalizeMessageL( )
const CMsvRecipientList& addresses = iDocument.Mtm( ).AddresseeList();
if( addresses.Count( ) < 1 )
iAppUi.CenRep().GetString( KPocaKeyServiceProvider ) );
// Disable delivery reports for postcards
iDocument.Mtm().SetDeliveryReport( EMmsNo );
TMmsMsvEntry tEntry = static_cast<TMmsMsvEntry>( iDocument.Entry() );
// Update timestamp
if ( !tEntry.Visible() )
// Save from close or exit save.
// Message should be visible after save
tEntry.SetVisible( ETrue );
tEntry.SetInPreparation( EFalse );
if ( !tEntry.EditorOriented() )
tEntry.SetEditorOriented( ETrue );
tEntry.iDetails.Set( iRecipientName->Des( ) ) ;
iPlainText.Read( 0, Min( iPlainText.DocumentLength(), 20 ) ) );
tEntry.iBioType = KUidMsgSubTypeMmsPostcard.iUid;
iDocument.CurrentEntry().ChangeL( tEntry );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPostcardOperationSave::StartSendingL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPostcardOperationSave::StartSendingL( )
iSendOperation = iDocument.Mtm().SendL( iStatus );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPostcardOperationSave::ConstructL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPostcardOperationSave::ConstructL( )
if( HasContact() )
iFlags |= EPostcardSaveHasContact;
CContactItemFieldSet& fieldSet = iContact.CardFields();
const CContactItemField* field = TPostcardUtils::FieldOrNull( fieldSet,
TPostcardUtils::ContactItemNameFromId( EPostcardAddressName ) );
if( field )
iRecipientName = field->TextStorage()->Text().AllocL();
if( !iRecipientName )
iRecipientName = HBufC::NewL( 0 );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CPostcardOperationSave::DoCancel
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPostcardOperationSave::DoCancel( )
if( iManager )
if( iFlags & EPostcardSaveRequestActive )
{ // Attachment Manager request going on -> cancel
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// RunL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPostcardOperationSave::RunL( )
DoLaunchStepL( );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// RunError
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CPostcardOperationSave::RunError( TInt aError )
iLaunchState = -1;
SetError( aError );
EPostcardOperationError );
return KErrNone;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// StartCreatingEmptyAttachmentL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPostcardOperationSave::StartCreatingEmptyAttachmentL( const TFileName& aFileName )
CMsvAttachment* attachment = CMsvAttachment::NewL( CMsvAttachment::EMsvFile );
CleanupStack::PushL( attachment );
iTempFile = new ( ELeave ) RFile;
iManager->CreateAttachmentL( aFileName, *iTempFile, attachment, iStatus );
iFlags |= EPostcardSaveRequestActive;
CleanupStack::Pop( attachment );
iTempAtta = attachment;
iCommit = ETrue;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// HasContact
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CPostcardOperationSave::HasContact( )
CContactItemFieldSet& set = iContact.CardFields( );
for( TInt i = 0; i<set.Count( ); i++ )
CContactItemField& field = set[i];
if( field.TextStorage( )->Text( ).Length( ) > 0 )
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// AddressArrayLC
// ---------------------------------------------------------
CDesCArrayFlat* CPostcardOperationSave::AddressArrayLC( CContactItemFieldSet& aSet )
// Get contact fields into an array. No ownership.
const CContactItemField* fields[ CPostcardAddressForm::ENumAddrFields ];
const TInt first = EPostcardAddressName;
const TInt last = EPostcardAddressCountry;
for( TInt i = first; i <= last; i++)
fields[i - first] = TPostcardUtils::FieldOrNull(
aSet, TPostcardUtils::ContactItemNameFromId( i ) );
CDesCArrayFlat* desarr =
new( ELeave ) CDesCArrayFlat( CPostcardAddressForm::ENumAddrFields );
for( TInt i = 0; i < CPostcardAddressForm::ENumAddrFields; i++ )
if( fields[i] )
if( ( iFlags & EPostcardSaveSend) &&
(iFlags & EPostcardSaveSpecialFormat ) )
{ // We are sending & have the special format on
// so lets replace possible user added separator strings
TPtr string = fields[i]->TextStorage()->Text().AllocLC()->Des();
// Trim leading and trailing white space so it doesn't affect
// parsing of special format string when opened from sent
// folder.
ReplaceWith( string,
iAppUi.CenRep().GetString( KPocaKeyServiceSeparator ),
iAppUi.CenRep().GetString( KPocaKeyServiceReplaceString )
desarr->AppendL( string );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // string
{ // Otherwise just add the data field
desarr->AppendL( fields[i]->TextStorage()->Text() );
desarr->AppendL( KNullDesC );
return desarr;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// VCardAddressArrayL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
CDesCArrayFlat* CPostcardOperationSave::VCardAddressArrayL( CContactItemFieldSet& aSet )
// Exclude name
const TInt KPocaVCardAddrFields = CPostcardAddressForm::ENumAddrFields - 1;
// Get contact fields into an array. No ownership.
const CContactItemField* fields[ KPocaVCardAddrFields ];
// Order of contact fields in array
static const TInt ids[KPocaVCardAddrFields] =
EPostcardAddressInfo, EPostcardAddressStreet, EPostcardAddressCity,
EPostcardAddressState, EPostcardAddressZip, EPostcardAddressCountry
for( TInt i = 0; i < KPocaVCardAddrFields; i++)
fields[i] = TPostcardUtils::FieldOrNull(
aSet, TPostcardUtils::ContactItemNameFromId( ids[i] ) );
CDesCArrayFlat* desarr = new(ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat( KPocaVCardAddrFields );
CleanupStack::PushL( desarr );
for( TInt i = 0; i < KPocaVCardAddrFields; i++ )
fields[i] ? fields[i]->TextStorage()->Text() : KNullDesC() );
CleanupStack::Pop( desarr );
return desarr;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// ReplaceWith
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CPostcardOperationSave::ReplaceWith( TDes& aOrig, const TDesC& aWhat,
const TDesC& aWith )
TInt pos = 0;
TInt foundPos = 0;
TBool found = ETrue;
while( found )
found = EFalse;
if( pos >= aOrig.Length( ) )
continue; // as found is false -> while is not true anymore
foundPos = aOrig.Mid( pos, aOrig.Length()-pos ).Find( aWhat );
if( foundPos == KErrNotFound )
{ // Not found anymore, so the rest is ok
continue; // as found is false -> while is not true anymore
found = ETrue;
// As foundPos is related to previous sepa char, we need to add the beginning, too
foundPos += pos;
aOrig.Replace( foundPos, aWhat.Length( ), aWith );
pos = foundPos + aWhat.Length( ) + ( aWith.Length( ) - aWhat.Length( ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// GetImageFileName
// ---------------------------------------------------------
HBufC* CPostcardOperationSave::GetImageFileNameL( )
// Goes thru the attas and check how many images, text and recipients there are
TInt count = iManager->AttachmentCount( );
CMsvAttachment* atta = NULL;
HBufC* nameString = NULL;
for(TInt a = 0; a<count && !nameString; a++)
atta = iManager->GetAttachmentInfoL( a );
CleanupStack::PushL( atta );
switch( RecogniseFileType( atta->MimeType( ) ) )
case EPostcardFileImage:
CMsvMimeHeaders* msvMime = CMsvMimeHeaders::NewLC();
msvMime->RestoreL( *atta );
nameString = msvMime->ContentLocation().AllocL();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( msvMime ); // msvMime, atta
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( atta );
return nameString ? nameString : HBufC::NewL( 0 );
// EOF