author hgs
Sun, 25 Jul 2010 18:59:19 +0530
changeset 48 4f501b74aeb1
parent 41 25fe1fe642e3
child 51 3507212d340e
permissions -rw-r--r--

 * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
 * All rights reserved.
 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
 * at the URL "".
 * Initial Contributors:
 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
 * Contributors:
 * Description:uni editor view class.



#include "msgbaseview.h"
#include "convergedmessage.h"
#include "convergedmessageid.h"

class HbWidget;
class HbAction;
class HbGroupBox;
class QGraphicsLinearLayout;
class MsgUnifiedEditorSubject;
class MsgUnifiedEditorAddress;
class MsgUnifiedEditorBody;
class MsgUnifiedEditorMonitor;
class MsgAttachmentContainer;
class UniEditorPluginLoader;
class HbListWidgetItem;
class HbAbstractVkbHost;
class MsgUnifiedEditorBaseWidget;
class HbListWidget;

class UNIFIEDEDITOR_EXPORT MsgUnifiedEditorView : public MsgBaseView


     * Constructor
    MsgUnifiedEditorView(QGraphicsItem *parent = 0);

     * Destructor

     * Populate editor with passed information
     * @param editorData data for editor's usage
    void populateContent(const QVariantList& editorData);
     * Opens the drafts message into editor
     * @param editorData data for editor's usage
    void openDraftsMessage(const QVariantList& editorData);

     * Saves the content inside editor to save
    int saveContentToDrafts();
     * reimplemented from base class to provide proper geometry for scrolling.
    void resizeEvent( QGraphicsSceneResizeEvent * event );


     * helper method to add menu.
    void addMenu();

     * helper method to add tool bar.
    void addToolBar();

     * Packs the content inside editor into converged message
     * @param [OUT]msg, converged message to hold editor data
     * @param isSave, flag to indicate that msg needs to be packed
     * for saving to draft or not
    void packMessage(ConvergedMessage &msg, bool isSave=false);

     * Populate editor with prepopulated msg content
     * @param messageDetails message details
     * @param draftMessage boolean for specifying draft message
    void populateContentIntoEditor(
        const ConvergedMessage& messageDetails, bool draftMessage = false);
     * Populate the editor with the message's content
     * for various cases like forward, reply, replyAll
     * @param messageId, unique id of message in store
     * @param messageType, sms or mms
     * @param editorOperation, forward or reply or replyAll etc
    void fetchMessageFromStore(ConvergedMessageId& messageId,
        ConvergedMessage::MessageType messageType,
        int editorOperation);
     * Create VCards for all the contacts available in the list
     * @param value list of fetched contacts
     * @param [OUT]filelist list of newly added vcard files
     * @return errId KErrNone if no error
    int createVCards(const QVariant& value, QStringList& filelist);
     * Resolve name conflict when adding attachments to editor
     * @param suggestedName suggested file name to use
     * @return fully qualified path of the file in unieditor's temp folder
    QString generateFileName(QString& suggestedName);
     * Fetch images 
    void fetchImages();

     * Fetch contacts
    void fetchContacts();

     * Fetch audio
    void fetchAudio();

     * To hide/show chrome.
    void hideChrome(bool hide);
     * To initialize view.
    void initView();
     * Creates temp folder for editor.
    bool createTempFolder();
     * Removes editors temp folder.
    void removeTempFolder();

     * Attachment options in TBE
     * Row number of the TBE actions
    enum TBE_AttachOption
        TBE_PHOTO = 0x00, TBE_SOUND = 0x01, TBE_VCARD = 0x02

     * Enable/Disable attachment options for slide-conformance
     * @param opt, row number of action in TBE
     * @param isEnabled, true/false
    void setAttachOptionEnabled(MsgUnifiedEditorView::TBE_AttachOption opt,
            bool enable);

     * Addresses are all ok. Now parse not allowed chars away 
	 * before giving it to MTM
	 * @param addresses, list of ConvergedMessageAddress
    void formatAddresses(ConvergedMessageAddressList& addresses);
private slots:

     * slot to add subject field.
    void addSubject();

     * slot to add Cc,Bcc field.
    void addCcBcc();

     * slot to handle Cc, Bcc group-box's toggle action
    void updateOtherRecipientCount(bool state);

     * slot to change priority.
    void changePriority();

     * slot to current delete message.
    void deleteMessage();

     * slot to images fetched.
    void imagesFetched(const QVariant& result );

     * slot to receive fetched contacts
    void contactsFetched(const QVariant& value);

     * slot to send message.
    void send();
     * slot to tell view to remove the attachment's container
    void removeAttachmentContainer();

     * add attachments to the editor
     * @param files list of file paths
    void addAttachments(QStringList files);

     * add an attachment to the editor
     * @return addition operation status
    int addAttachment(const QString& filepath);

     * called when extention item is clicked.
    void handleViewExtnActivated(HbListWidgetItem* item);
     * Signal emitted when an error is generated.
     * @param errorCode Error code.
     * @param errorMessage Error description.
    void serviceRequestError(int errorCode, const QString& errorMessage);
     * Activate Input Blocker
    void activateInputBlocker();

     * Deactivate Input Blocker
    void deactivateInputBlocker();
     * Resizes the view when VKB is opened.
     * This slot is triggered when vkb is opened.
    void vkbOpened();

     * Resizes the view when VKB is closed.
     * This slot is triggered when VKB focus is lost.
    void vkbClosed();
     * Slot to do delayed construction.
    void doDelayedConstruction();
     * Sets focus to item.
    void setFocus(MsgUnifiedEditorBaseWidget* item);
     * Listens to contentChanged signal of various fields.
    void onContentChanged();

     * This slot is called when delete message dialog is launched.
     * @param action selected action (yes or no).
    void onDialogDeleteMsg(HbAction* action);

     * This slot is called when define sms settings dialog is launched.
     * @param action selected action (yes or no).
    void onDialogSmsSettings(HbAction* action);
     * This slot is called when define mms settings dialog is launched.
     * @param action selected action (yes or no).
    void onDialogMmsSettings(HbAction* action);    
     * Enable/Disable send tool button.
     * @param true/false to enable/disable.
     void enableSendButton(bool enable);
    HbAction* mSubjectAction;
    HbAction* mCcBccAction;
    HbAction* mSendAction;
    QGraphicsLinearLayout* mMainLayout;
    MsgUnifiedEditorSubject* mSubjectField;
    MsgUnifiedEditorAddress* mToField;
    MsgUnifiedEditorAddress* mCcField;
    MsgUnifiedEditorAddress* mBccField;
    MsgUnifiedEditorBody*   mBody;

    HbWidget* mContentWidget;

    MsgUnifiedEditorMonitor* mMsgMonitor;
    MsgAttachmentContainer* mAttachmentContainer;
    UniEditorPluginLoader* mPluginLoader;
    ConvergedMessageId mOpenedMessageId;
    ConvergedMessage::MessageType mmOpenedMessageType;
	bool mCanSaveToDrafts;

	 * TBE's content widget
	HbListWidget* mTBExtnContentWidget;
     * Instance of VKB host
	HbAbstractVkbHost* mVkbHost;
	friend class MsgUnifiedEditorMonitor;