* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:This class provides API m/w for msg settings plugin
#include <qobject.h>
class SmsSettingsPrivate;
class MmsSettingsPrivate;
* This class defines interfaces wrapper b/w MsgSettings UI
* and m/w.
class MsgSettingEngine : public QObject
* Enum defining Character Encoding
enum CharacterEncoding
ReducedSupport, FullSupport
* Enum defining MmsRetrieval mode
enum MmsRetrieval
AlwaysAutomatic, AutomInHomeNetwork, Manual, Off, No
* Constructor
* Destructor
* for basic message settings
* set the status of service messages
* @param serviceMessages bool true or false
void setReceiveSerivceMessages(bool serviceMessages);
* set the character encoding
* @param encoding specifying encoding type
void setCharacterEncoding(MsgSettingEngine::CharacterEncoding encoding);
* returns settings delivery report status
* and character encoding
* @param receiveServiceMessages for getting status service messages
* @param encoding for char encoding
void settingsServiceMessagesAndCharEncoding(
bool& receiveServiceMessages,
MsgSettingEngine::CharacterEncoding& encoding);
* set the mms retrieval mode
* @param retrieval specifying mode
void setMMSRetrieval(MsgSettingEngine::MmsRetrieval);
* set the anonymous message
* @param status true or false
void setAnonymousMessages(bool status);
* set for receiving MMS Adverts
* @param status for true or false
void setReceiveMMSAdverts(bool status);
* for view 2 mms advance settings\
* get all the fields of mms advance setting
* @param retrieval return for mms retrieval
* @param anonymous return status true or false
* @param mmsadverts return status true or false
void advanceMmsSettings(MsgSettingEngine::MmsRetrieval& retrieval,
bool& anonymousStatus, bool& mmsAdvertsStatus);
* get all the MMs access points
* @param returns all the access point names
* @attention to be displayed as per the index o to total count
* @param defaultIndex returns default selected
void allMMsAcessPoints(QStringList& nameList, int& defaultIndex);
* set the default access point
* @param index specifying the index
void setMMSAccesspoint(int index);
* get the list of all SMS Message Centres
* @param list of all names QString
* @param defaultIndex returns default selected
void allSMSMessageCenter(QStringList& nameList, int& defaultIndex);
* set the default SMS message centre
* @param index specifying default index
void setSMSMessageCenter(int index);
* for editing the SMS messafe Centre
* @param name specifying center name
* @param number specifying center number
* @param index specying index of message list
void editSmsMessageCenter(QString& centreName, QString& centreNumber,
int index);
* for add new sms message centre
* @param name specifying center name
* @param number specifying center number
void addSmsMessageCenter(QString& centreName, QString& centreNumber);
* for delete new sms message centre
* @param deleteIndex specifying index to delete
void deleteSmsMessageCenter(int deleteIndex);
* get the sms message centre namd and number
* @index for which center needs
* @param return name specifying center name
* @param return number specifying center number
void smsCenterNameAndNumber(int index, QString& centreName,
QString& centreNumber);
SmsSettingsPrivate* dptr_smsSettings;
MmsSettingsPrivate* dptr_mmsSettings;